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      1 //===--- CGCleanup.cpp - Bookkeeping and code emission for cleanups -------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file contains code dealing with the IR generation for cleanups
     11 // and related information.
     12 //
     13 // A "cleanup" is a piece of code which needs to be executed whenever
     14 // control transfers out of a particular scope.  This can be
     15 // conditionalized to occur only on exceptional control flow, only on
     16 // normal control flow, or both.
     17 //
     18 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     20 #include "CGCleanup.h"
     21 #include "CodeGenFunction.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
     24 using namespace clang;
     25 using namespace CodeGen;
     27 bool DominatingValue<RValue>::saved_type::needsSaving(RValue rv) {
     28   if (rv.isScalar())
     29     return DominatingLLVMValue::needsSaving(rv.getScalarVal());
     30   if (rv.isAggregate())
     31     return DominatingLLVMValue::needsSaving(rv.getAggregatePointer());
     32   return true;
     33 }
     35 DominatingValue<RValue>::saved_type
     36 DominatingValue<RValue>::saved_type::save(CodeGenFunction &CGF, RValue rv) {
     37   if (rv.isScalar()) {
     38     llvm::Value *V = rv.getScalarVal();
     40     // These automatically dominate and don't need to be saved.
     41     if (!DominatingLLVMValue::needsSaving(V))
     42       return saved_type(V, ScalarLiteral);
     44     // Everything else needs an alloca.
     45     Address addr =
     46       CGF.CreateDefaultAlignTempAlloca(V->getType(), "saved-rvalue");
     47     CGF.Builder.CreateStore(V, addr);
     48     return saved_type(addr.getPointer(), ScalarAddress);
     49   }
     51   if (rv.isComplex()) {
     52     CodeGenFunction::ComplexPairTy V = rv.getComplexVal();
     53     llvm::Type *ComplexTy =
     54       llvm::StructType::get(V.first->getType(), V.second->getType(),
     55                             (void*) nullptr);
     56     Address addr = CGF.CreateDefaultAlignTempAlloca(ComplexTy, "saved-complex");
     57     CGF.Builder.CreateStore(V.first,
     58                             CGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(addr, 0, CharUnits()));
     59     CharUnits offset = CharUnits::fromQuantity(
     60                CGF.CGM.getDataLayout().getTypeAllocSize(V.first->getType()));
     61     CGF.Builder.CreateStore(V.second,
     62                             CGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(addr, 1, offset));
     63     return saved_type(addr.getPointer(), ComplexAddress);
     64   }
     66   assert(rv.isAggregate());
     67   Address V = rv.getAggregateAddress(); // TODO: volatile?
     68   if (!DominatingLLVMValue::needsSaving(V.getPointer()))
     69     return saved_type(V.getPointer(), AggregateLiteral,
     70                       V.getAlignment().getQuantity());
     72   Address addr =
     73     CGF.CreateTempAlloca(V.getType(), CGF.getPointerAlign(), "saved-rvalue");
     74   CGF.Builder.CreateStore(V.getPointer(), addr);
     75   return saved_type(addr.getPointer(), AggregateAddress,
     76                     V.getAlignment().getQuantity());
     77 }
     79 /// Given a saved r-value produced by SaveRValue, perform the code
     80 /// necessary to restore it to usability at the current insertion
     81 /// point.
     82 RValue DominatingValue<RValue>::saved_type::restore(CodeGenFunction &CGF) {
     83   auto getSavingAddress = [&](llvm::Value *value) {
     84     auto alignment = cast<llvm::AllocaInst>(value)->getAlignment();
     85     return Address(value, CharUnits::fromQuantity(alignment));
     86   };
     87   switch (K) {
     88   case ScalarLiteral:
     89     return RValue::get(Value);
     90   case ScalarAddress:
     91     return RValue::get(CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(getSavingAddress(Value)));
     92   case AggregateLiteral:
     93     return RValue::getAggregate(Address(Value, CharUnits::fromQuantity(Align)));
     94   case AggregateAddress: {
     95     auto addr = CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(getSavingAddress(Value));
     96     return RValue::getAggregate(Address(addr, CharUnits::fromQuantity(Align)));
     97   }
     98   case ComplexAddress: {
     99     Address address = getSavingAddress(Value);
    100     llvm::Value *real = CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(
    101                  CGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, 0, CharUnits()));
    102     CharUnits offset = CharUnits::fromQuantity(
    103                  CGF.CGM.getDataLayout().getTypeAllocSize(real->getType()));
    104     llvm::Value *imag = CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(
    105                  CGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, 1, offset));
    106     return RValue::getComplex(real, imag);
    107   }
    108   }
    110   llvm_unreachable("bad saved r-value kind");
    111 }
    113 /// Push an entry of the given size onto this protected-scope stack.
    114 char *EHScopeStack::allocate(size_t Size) {
    115   Size = llvm::alignTo(Size, ScopeStackAlignment);
    116   if (!StartOfBuffer) {
    117     unsigned Capacity = 1024;
    118     while (Capacity < Size) Capacity *= 2;
    119     StartOfBuffer = new char[Capacity];
    120     StartOfData = EndOfBuffer = StartOfBuffer + Capacity;
    121   } else if (static_cast<size_t>(StartOfData - StartOfBuffer) < Size) {
    122     unsigned CurrentCapacity = EndOfBuffer - StartOfBuffer;
    123     unsigned UsedCapacity = CurrentCapacity - (StartOfData - StartOfBuffer);
    125     unsigned NewCapacity = CurrentCapacity;
    126     do {
    127       NewCapacity *= 2;
    128     } while (NewCapacity < UsedCapacity + Size);
    130     char *NewStartOfBuffer = new char[NewCapacity];
    131     char *NewEndOfBuffer = NewStartOfBuffer + NewCapacity;
    132     char *NewStartOfData = NewEndOfBuffer - UsedCapacity;
    133     memcpy(NewStartOfData, StartOfData, UsedCapacity);
    134     delete [] StartOfBuffer;
    135     StartOfBuffer = NewStartOfBuffer;
    136     EndOfBuffer = NewEndOfBuffer;
    137     StartOfData = NewStartOfData;
    138   }
    140   assert(StartOfBuffer + Size <= StartOfData);
    141   StartOfData -= Size;
    142   return StartOfData;
    143 }
    145 void EHScopeStack::deallocate(size_t Size) {
    146   StartOfData += llvm::alignTo(Size, ScopeStackAlignment);
    147 }
    149 bool EHScopeStack::containsOnlyLifetimeMarkers(
    150     EHScopeStack::stable_iterator Old) const {
    151   for (EHScopeStack::iterator it = begin(); stabilize(it) != Old; it++) {
    152     EHCleanupScope *cleanup = dyn_cast<EHCleanupScope>(&*it);
    153     if (!cleanup || !cleanup->isLifetimeMarker())
    154       return false;
    155   }
    157   return true;
    158 }
    160 bool EHScopeStack::requiresLandingPad() const {
    161   for (stable_iterator si = getInnermostEHScope(); si != stable_end(); ) {
    162     // Skip lifetime markers.
    163     if (auto *cleanup = dyn_cast<EHCleanupScope>(&*find(si)))
    164       if (cleanup->isLifetimeMarker()) {
    165         si = cleanup->getEnclosingEHScope();
    166         continue;
    167       }
    168     return true;
    169   }
    171   return false;
    172 }
    174 EHScopeStack::stable_iterator
    175 EHScopeStack::getInnermostActiveNormalCleanup() const {
    176   for (stable_iterator si = getInnermostNormalCleanup(), se = stable_end();
    177          si != se; ) {
    178     EHCleanupScope &cleanup = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*find(si));
    179     if (cleanup.isActive()) return si;
    180     si = cleanup.getEnclosingNormalCleanup();
    181   }
    182   return stable_end();
    183 }
    186 void *EHScopeStack::pushCleanup(CleanupKind Kind, size_t Size) {
    187   char *Buffer = allocate(EHCleanupScope::getSizeForCleanupSize(Size));
    188   bool IsNormalCleanup = Kind & NormalCleanup;
    189   bool IsEHCleanup = Kind & EHCleanup;
    190   bool IsActive = !(Kind & InactiveCleanup);
    191   bool IsLifetimeMarker = Kind & LifetimeMarker;
    192   EHCleanupScope *Scope =
    193     new (Buffer) EHCleanupScope(IsNormalCleanup,
    194                                 IsEHCleanup,
    195                                 IsActive,
    196                                 Size,
    197                                 BranchFixups.size(),
    198                                 InnermostNormalCleanup,
    199                                 InnermostEHScope);
    200   if (IsNormalCleanup)
    201     InnermostNormalCleanup = stable_begin();
    202   if (IsEHCleanup)
    203     InnermostEHScope = stable_begin();
    204   if (IsLifetimeMarker)
    205     Scope->setLifetimeMarker();
    207   return Scope->getCleanupBuffer();
    208 }
    210 void EHScopeStack::popCleanup() {
    211   assert(!empty() && "popping exception stack when not empty");
    213   assert(isa<EHCleanupScope>(*begin()));
    214   EHCleanupScope &Cleanup = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*begin());
    215   InnermostNormalCleanup = Cleanup.getEnclosingNormalCleanup();
    216   InnermostEHScope = Cleanup.getEnclosingEHScope();
    217   deallocate(Cleanup.getAllocatedSize());
    219   // Destroy the cleanup.
    220   Cleanup.Destroy();
    222   // Check whether we can shrink the branch-fixups stack.
    223   if (!BranchFixups.empty()) {
    224     // If we no longer have any normal cleanups, all the fixups are
    225     // complete.
    226     if (!hasNormalCleanups())
    227       BranchFixups.clear();
    229     // Otherwise we can still trim out unnecessary nulls.
    230     else
    231       popNullFixups();
    232   }
    233 }
    235 EHFilterScope *EHScopeStack::pushFilter(unsigned numFilters) {
    236   assert(getInnermostEHScope() == stable_end());
    237   char *buffer = allocate(EHFilterScope::getSizeForNumFilters(numFilters));
    238   EHFilterScope *filter = new (buffer) EHFilterScope(numFilters);
    239   InnermostEHScope = stable_begin();
    240   return filter;
    241 }
    243 void EHScopeStack::popFilter() {
    244   assert(!empty() && "popping exception stack when not empty");
    246   EHFilterScope &filter = cast<EHFilterScope>(*begin());
    247   deallocate(EHFilterScope::getSizeForNumFilters(filter.getNumFilters()));
    249   InnermostEHScope = filter.getEnclosingEHScope();
    250 }
    252 EHCatchScope *EHScopeStack::pushCatch(unsigned numHandlers) {
    253   char *buffer = allocate(EHCatchScope::getSizeForNumHandlers(numHandlers));
    254   EHCatchScope *scope =
    255     new (buffer) EHCatchScope(numHandlers, InnermostEHScope);
    256   InnermostEHScope = stable_begin();
    257   return scope;
    258 }
    260 void EHScopeStack::pushTerminate() {
    261   char *Buffer = allocate(EHTerminateScope::getSize());
    262   new (Buffer) EHTerminateScope(InnermostEHScope);
    263   InnermostEHScope = stable_begin();
    264 }
    266 /// Remove any 'null' fixups on the stack.  However, we can't pop more
    267 /// fixups than the fixup depth on the innermost normal cleanup, or
    268 /// else fixups that we try to add to that cleanup will end up in the
    269 /// wrong place.  We *could* try to shrink fixup depths, but that's
    270 /// actually a lot of work for little benefit.
    271 void EHScopeStack::popNullFixups() {
    272   // We expect this to only be called when there's still an innermost
    273   // normal cleanup;  otherwise there really shouldn't be any fixups.
    274   assert(hasNormalCleanups());
    276   EHScopeStack::iterator it = find(InnermostNormalCleanup);
    277   unsigned MinSize = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*it).getFixupDepth();
    278   assert(BranchFixups.size() >= MinSize && "fixup stack out of order");
    280   while (BranchFixups.size() > MinSize &&
    281          BranchFixups.back().Destination == nullptr)
    282     BranchFixups.pop_back();
    283 }
    285 void CodeGenFunction::initFullExprCleanup() {
    286   // Create a variable to decide whether the cleanup needs to be run.
    287   Address active = CreateTempAlloca(Builder.getInt1Ty(), CharUnits::One(),
    288                                     "cleanup.cond");
    290   // Initialize it to false at a site that's guaranteed to be run
    291   // before each evaluation.
    292   setBeforeOutermostConditional(Builder.getFalse(), active);
    294   // Initialize it to true at the current location.
    295   Builder.CreateStore(Builder.getTrue(), active);
    297   // Set that as the active flag in the cleanup.
    298   EHCleanupScope &cleanup = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.begin());
    299   assert(!cleanup.hasActiveFlag() && "cleanup already has active flag?");
    300   cleanup.setActiveFlag(active);
    302   if (cleanup.isNormalCleanup()) cleanup.setTestFlagInNormalCleanup();
    303   if (cleanup.isEHCleanup()) cleanup.setTestFlagInEHCleanup();
    304 }
    306 void EHScopeStack::Cleanup::anchor() {}
    308 static void createStoreInstBefore(llvm::Value *value, Address addr,
    309                                   llvm::Instruction *beforeInst) {
    310   auto store = new llvm::StoreInst(value, addr.getPointer(), beforeInst);
    311   store->setAlignment(addr.getAlignment().getQuantity());
    312 }
    314 static llvm::LoadInst *createLoadInstBefore(Address addr, const Twine &name,
    315                                             llvm::Instruction *beforeInst) {
    316   auto load = new llvm::LoadInst(addr.getPointer(), name, beforeInst);
    317   load->setAlignment(addr.getAlignment().getQuantity());
    318   return load;
    319 }
    321 /// All the branch fixups on the EH stack have propagated out past the
    322 /// outermost normal cleanup; resolve them all by adding cases to the
    323 /// given switch instruction.
    324 static void ResolveAllBranchFixups(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
    325                                    llvm::SwitchInst *Switch,
    326                                    llvm::BasicBlock *CleanupEntry) {
    327   llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::BasicBlock*, 4> CasesAdded;
    329   for (unsigned I = 0, E = CGF.EHStack.getNumBranchFixups(); I != E; ++I) {
    330     // Skip this fixup if its destination isn't set.
    331     BranchFixup &Fixup = CGF.EHStack.getBranchFixup(I);
    332     if (Fixup.Destination == nullptr) continue;
    334     // If there isn't an OptimisticBranchBlock, then InitialBranch is
    335     // still pointing directly to its destination; forward it to the
    336     // appropriate cleanup entry.  This is required in the specific
    337     // case of
    338     //   { std::string s; goto lbl; }
    339     //   lbl:
    340     // i.e. where there's an unresolved fixup inside a single cleanup
    341     // entry which we're currently popping.
    342     if (Fixup.OptimisticBranchBlock == nullptr) {
    343       createStoreInstBefore(CGF.Builder.getInt32(Fixup.DestinationIndex),
    344                             CGF.getNormalCleanupDestSlot(),
    345                             Fixup.InitialBranch);
    346       Fixup.InitialBranch->setSuccessor(0, CleanupEntry);
    347     }
    349     // Don't add this case to the switch statement twice.
    350     if (!CasesAdded.insert(Fixup.Destination).second)
    351       continue;
    353     Switch->addCase(CGF.Builder.getInt32(Fixup.DestinationIndex),
    354                     Fixup.Destination);
    355   }
    357   CGF.EHStack.clearFixups();
    358 }
    360 /// Transitions the terminator of the given exit-block of a cleanup to
    361 /// be a cleanup switch.
    362 static llvm::SwitchInst *TransitionToCleanupSwitch(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
    363                                                    llvm::BasicBlock *Block) {
    364   // If it's a branch, turn it into a switch whose default
    365   // destination is its original target.
    366   llvm::TerminatorInst *Term = Block->getTerminator();
    367   assert(Term && "can't transition block without terminator");
    369   if (llvm::BranchInst *Br = dyn_cast<llvm::BranchInst>(Term)) {
    370     assert(Br->isUnconditional());
    371     auto Load = createLoadInstBefore(CGF.getNormalCleanupDestSlot(),
    372                                      "cleanup.dest", Term);
    373     llvm::SwitchInst *Switch =
    374       llvm::SwitchInst::Create(Load, Br->getSuccessor(0), 4, Block);
    375     Br->eraseFromParent();
    376     return Switch;
    377   } else {
    378     return cast<llvm::SwitchInst>(Term);
    379   }
    380 }
    382 void CodeGenFunction::ResolveBranchFixups(llvm::BasicBlock *Block) {
    383   assert(Block && "resolving a null target block");
    384   if (!EHStack.getNumBranchFixups()) return;
    386   assert(EHStack.hasNormalCleanups() &&
    387          "branch fixups exist with no normal cleanups on stack");
    389   llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::BasicBlock*, 4> ModifiedOptimisticBlocks;
    390   bool ResolvedAny = false;
    392   for (unsigned I = 0, E = EHStack.getNumBranchFixups(); I != E; ++I) {
    393     // Skip this fixup if its destination doesn't match.
    394     BranchFixup &Fixup = EHStack.getBranchFixup(I);
    395     if (Fixup.Destination != Block) continue;
    397     Fixup.Destination = nullptr;
    398     ResolvedAny = true;
    400     // If it doesn't have an optimistic branch block, LatestBranch is
    401     // already pointing to the right place.
    402     llvm::BasicBlock *BranchBB = Fixup.OptimisticBranchBlock;
    403     if (!BranchBB)
    404       continue;
    406     // Don't process the same optimistic branch block twice.
    407     if (!ModifiedOptimisticBlocks.insert(BranchBB).second)
    408       continue;
    410     llvm::SwitchInst *Switch = TransitionToCleanupSwitch(*this, BranchBB);
    412     // Add a case to the switch.
    413     Switch->addCase(Builder.getInt32(Fixup.DestinationIndex), Block);
    414   }
    416   if (ResolvedAny)
    417     EHStack.popNullFixups();
    418 }
    420 /// Pops cleanup blocks until the given savepoint is reached.
    421 void CodeGenFunction::PopCleanupBlocks(EHScopeStack::stable_iterator Old) {
    422   assert(Old.isValid());
    424   while (EHStack.stable_begin() != Old) {
    425     EHCleanupScope &Scope = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.begin());
    427     // As long as Old strictly encloses the scope's enclosing normal
    428     // cleanup, we're going to emit another normal cleanup which
    429     // fallthrough can propagate through.
    430     bool FallThroughIsBranchThrough =
    431       Old.strictlyEncloses(Scope.getEnclosingNormalCleanup());
    433     PopCleanupBlock(FallThroughIsBranchThrough);
    434   }
    435 }
    437 /// Pops cleanup blocks until the given savepoint is reached, then add the
    438 /// cleanups from the given savepoint in the lifetime-extended cleanups stack.
    439 void
    440 CodeGenFunction::PopCleanupBlocks(EHScopeStack::stable_iterator Old,
    441                                   size_t OldLifetimeExtendedSize) {
    442   PopCleanupBlocks(Old);
    444   // Move our deferred cleanups onto the EH stack.
    445   for (size_t I = OldLifetimeExtendedSize,
    446               E = LifetimeExtendedCleanupStack.size(); I != E; /**/) {
    447     // Alignment should be guaranteed by the vptrs in the individual cleanups.
    448     assert((I % llvm::alignOf<LifetimeExtendedCleanupHeader>() == 0) &&
    449            "misaligned cleanup stack entry");
    451     LifetimeExtendedCleanupHeader &Header =
    452         reinterpret_cast<LifetimeExtendedCleanupHeader&>(
    453             LifetimeExtendedCleanupStack[I]);
    454     I += sizeof(Header);
    456     EHStack.pushCopyOfCleanup(Header.getKind(),
    457                               &LifetimeExtendedCleanupStack[I],
    458                               Header.getSize());
    459     I += Header.getSize();
    460   }
    461   LifetimeExtendedCleanupStack.resize(OldLifetimeExtendedSize);
    462 }
    464 static llvm::BasicBlock *CreateNormalEntry(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
    465                                            EHCleanupScope &Scope) {
    466   assert(Scope.isNormalCleanup());
    467   llvm::BasicBlock *Entry = Scope.getNormalBlock();
    468   if (!Entry) {
    469     Entry = CGF.createBasicBlock("cleanup");
    470     Scope.setNormalBlock(Entry);
    471   }
    472   return Entry;
    473 }
    475 /// Attempts to reduce a cleanup's entry block to a fallthrough.  This
    476 /// is basically llvm::MergeBlockIntoPredecessor, except
    477 /// simplified/optimized for the tighter constraints on cleanup blocks.
    478 ///
    479 /// Returns the new block, whatever it is.
    480 static llvm::BasicBlock *SimplifyCleanupEntry(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
    481                                               llvm::BasicBlock *Entry) {
    482   llvm::BasicBlock *Pred = Entry->getSinglePredecessor();
    483   if (!Pred) return Entry;
    485   llvm::BranchInst *Br = dyn_cast<llvm::BranchInst>(Pred->getTerminator());
    486   if (!Br || Br->isConditional()) return Entry;
    487   assert(Br->getSuccessor(0) == Entry);
    489   // If we were previously inserting at the end of the cleanup entry
    490   // block, we'll need to continue inserting at the end of the
    491   // predecessor.
    492   bool WasInsertBlock = CGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock() == Entry;
    493   assert(!WasInsertBlock || CGF.Builder.GetInsertPoint() == Entry->end());
    495   // Kill the branch.
    496   Br->eraseFromParent();
    498   // Replace all uses of the entry with the predecessor, in case there
    499   // are phis in the cleanup.
    500   Entry->replaceAllUsesWith(Pred);
    502   // Merge the blocks.
    503   Pred->getInstList().splice(Pred->end(), Entry->getInstList());
    505   // Kill the entry block.
    506   Entry->eraseFromParent();
    508   if (WasInsertBlock)
    509     CGF.Builder.SetInsertPoint(Pred);
    511   return Pred;
    512 }
    514 static void EmitCleanup(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
    515                         EHScopeStack::Cleanup *Fn,
    516                         EHScopeStack::Cleanup::Flags flags,
    517                         Address ActiveFlag) {
    518   // If there's an active flag, load it and skip the cleanup if it's
    519   // false.
    520   llvm::BasicBlock *ContBB = nullptr;
    521   if (ActiveFlag.isValid()) {
    522     ContBB = CGF.createBasicBlock("cleanup.done");
    523     llvm::BasicBlock *CleanupBB = CGF.createBasicBlock("cleanup.action");
    524     llvm::Value *IsActive
    525       = CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(ActiveFlag, "cleanup.is_active");
    526     CGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(IsActive, CleanupBB, ContBB);
    527     CGF.EmitBlock(CleanupBB);
    528   }
    530   // Ask the cleanup to emit itself.
    531   Fn->Emit(CGF, flags);
    532   assert(CGF.HaveInsertPoint() && "cleanup ended with no insertion point?");
    534   // Emit the continuation block if there was an active flag.
    535   if (ActiveFlag.isValid())
    536     CGF.EmitBlock(ContBB);
    537 }
    539 static void ForwardPrebranchedFallthrough(llvm::BasicBlock *Exit,
    540                                           llvm::BasicBlock *From,
    541                                           llvm::BasicBlock *To) {
    542   // Exit is the exit block of a cleanup, so it always terminates in
    543   // an unconditional branch or a switch.
    544   llvm::TerminatorInst *Term = Exit->getTerminator();
    546   if (llvm::BranchInst *Br = dyn_cast<llvm::BranchInst>(Term)) {
    547     assert(Br->isUnconditional() && Br->getSuccessor(0) == From);
    548     Br->setSuccessor(0, To);
    549   } else {
    550     llvm::SwitchInst *Switch = cast<llvm::SwitchInst>(Term);
    551     for (unsigned I = 0, E = Switch->getNumSuccessors(); I != E; ++I)
    552       if (Switch->getSuccessor(I) == From)
    553         Switch->setSuccessor(I, To);
    554   }
    555 }
    557 /// We don't need a normal entry block for the given cleanup.
    558 /// Optimistic fixup branches can cause these blocks to come into
    559 /// existence anyway;  if so, destroy it.
    560 ///
    561 /// The validity of this transformation is very much specific to the
    562 /// exact ways in which we form branches to cleanup entries.
    563 static void destroyOptimisticNormalEntry(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
    564                                          EHCleanupScope &scope) {
    565   llvm::BasicBlock *entry = scope.getNormalBlock();
    566   if (!entry) return;
    568   // Replace all the uses with unreachable.
    569   llvm::BasicBlock *unreachableBB = CGF.getUnreachableBlock();
    570   for (llvm::BasicBlock::use_iterator
    571          i = entry->use_begin(), e = entry->use_end(); i != e; ) {
    572     llvm::Use &use = *i;
    573     ++i;
    575     use.set(unreachableBB);
    577     // The only uses should be fixup switches.
    578     llvm::SwitchInst *si = cast<llvm::SwitchInst>(use.getUser());
    579     if (si->getNumCases() == 1 && si->getDefaultDest() == unreachableBB) {
    580       // Replace the switch with a branch.
    581       llvm::BranchInst::Create(si->case_begin().getCaseSuccessor(), si);
    583       // The switch operand is a load from the cleanup-dest alloca.
    584       llvm::LoadInst *condition = cast<llvm::LoadInst>(si->getCondition());
    586       // Destroy the switch.
    587       si->eraseFromParent();
    589       // Destroy the load.
    590       assert(condition->getOperand(0) == CGF.NormalCleanupDest);
    591       assert(condition->use_empty());
    592       condition->eraseFromParent();
    593     }
    594   }
    596   assert(entry->use_empty());
    597   delete entry;
    598 }
    600 /// Pops a cleanup block.  If the block includes a normal cleanup, the
    601 /// current insertion point is threaded through the cleanup, as are
    602 /// any branch fixups on the cleanup.
    603 void CodeGenFunction::PopCleanupBlock(bool FallthroughIsBranchThrough) {
    604   assert(!EHStack.empty() && "cleanup stack is empty!");
    605   assert(isa<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.begin()) && "top not a cleanup!");
    606   EHCleanupScope &Scope = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.begin());
    607   assert(Scope.getFixupDepth() <= EHStack.getNumBranchFixups());
    609   // Remember activation information.
    610   bool IsActive = Scope.isActive();
    611   Address NormalActiveFlag =
    612     Scope.shouldTestFlagInNormalCleanup() ? Scope.getActiveFlag()
    613                                           : Address::invalid();
    614   Address EHActiveFlag =
    615     Scope.shouldTestFlagInEHCleanup() ? Scope.getActiveFlag()
    616                                       : Address::invalid();
    618   // Check whether we need an EH cleanup.  This is only true if we've
    619   // generated a lazy EH cleanup block.
    620   llvm::BasicBlock *EHEntry = Scope.getCachedEHDispatchBlock();
    621   assert(Scope.hasEHBranches() == (EHEntry != nullptr));
    622   bool RequiresEHCleanup = (EHEntry != nullptr);
    623   EHScopeStack::stable_iterator EHParent = Scope.getEnclosingEHScope();
    625   // Check the three conditions which might require a normal cleanup:
    627   // - whether there are branch fix-ups through this cleanup
    628   unsigned FixupDepth = Scope.getFixupDepth();
    629   bool HasFixups = EHStack.getNumBranchFixups() != FixupDepth;
    631   // - whether there are branch-throughs or branch-afters
    632   bool HasExistingBranches = Scope.hasBranches();
    634   // - whether there's a fallthrough
    635   llvm::BasicBlock *FallthroughSource = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
    636   bool HasFallthrough = (FallthroughSource != nullptr && IsActive);
    638   // Branch-through fall-throughs leave the insertion point set to the
    639   // end of the last cleanup, which points to the current scope.  The
    640   // rest of IR gen doesn't need to worry about this; it only happens
    641   // during the execution of PopCleanupBlocks().
    642   bool HasPrebranchedFallthrough =
    643     (FallthroughSource && FallthroughSource->getTerminator());
    645   // If this is a normal cleanup, then having a prebranched
    646   // fallthrough implies that the fallthrough source unconditionally
    647   // jumps here.
    648   assert(!Scope.isNormalCleanup() || !HasPrebranchedFallthrough ||
    649          (Scope.getNormalBlock() &&
    650           FallthroughSource->getTerminator()->getSuccessor(0)
    651             == Scope.getNormalBlock()));
    653   bool RequiresNormalCleanup = false;
    654   if (Scope.isNormalCleanup() &&
    655       (HasFixups || HasExistingBranches || HasFallthrough)) {
    656     RequiresNormalCleanup = true;
    657   }
    659   // If we have a prebranched fallthrough into an inactive normal
    660   // cleanup, rewrite it so that it leads to the appropriate place.
    661   if (Scope.isNormalCleanup() && HasPrebranchedFallthrough && !IsActive) {
    662     llvm::BasicBlock *prebranchDest;
    664     // If the prebranch is semantically branching through the next
    665     // cleanup, just forward it to the next block, leaving the
    666     // insertion point in the prebranched block.
    667     if (FallthroughIsBranchThrough) {
    668       EHScope &enclosing = *EHStack.find(Scope.getEnclosingNormalCleanup());
    669       prebranchDest = CreateNormalEntry(*this, cast<EHCleanupScope>(enclosing));
    671     // Otherwise, we need to make a new block.  If the normal cleanup
    672     // isn't being used at all, we could actually reuse the normal
    673     // entry block, but this is simpler, and it avoids conflicts with
    674     // dead optimistic fixup branches.
    675     } else {
    676       prebranchDest = createBasicBlock("forwarded-prebranch");
    677       EmitBlock(prebranchDest);
    678     }
    680     llvm::BasicBlock *normalEntry = Scope.getNormalBlock();
    681     assert(normalEntry && !normalEntry->use_empty());
    683     ForwardPrebranchedFallthrough(FallthroughSource,
    684                                   normalEntry, prebranchDest);
    685   }
    687   // If we don't need the cleanup at all, we're done.
    688   if (!RequiresNormalCleanup && !RequiresEHCleanup) {
    689     destroyOptimisticNormalEntry(*this, Scope);
    690     EHStack.popCleanup(); // safe because there are no fixups
    691     assert(EHStack.getNumBranchFixups() == 0 ||
    692            EHStack.hasNormalCleanups());
    693     return;
    694   }
    696   // Copy the cleanup emission data out.  This uses either a stack
    697   // array or malloc'd memory, depending on the size, which is
    698   // behavior that SmallVector would provide, if we could use it
    699   // here. Unfortunately, if you ask for a SmallVector<char>, the
    700   // alignment isn't sufficient.
    701   auto *CleanupSource = reinterpret_cast<char *>(Scope.getCleanupBuffer());
    702   llvm::AlignedCharArray<EHScopeStack::ScopeStackAlignment, 8 * sizeof(void *)> CleanupBufferStack;
    703   std::unique_ptr<char[]> CleanupBufferHeap;
    704   size_t CleanupSize = Scope.getCleanupSize();
    705   EHScopeStack::Cleanup *Fn;
    707   if (CleanupSize <= sizeof(CleanupBufferStack)) {
    708     memcpy(CleanupBufferStack.buffer, CleanupSource, CleanupSize);
    709     Fn = reinterpret_cast<EHScopeStack::Cleanup *>(CleanupBufferStack.buffer);
    710   } else {
    711     CleanupBufferHeap.reset(new char[CleanupSize]);
    712     memcpy(CleanupBufferHeap.get(), CleanupSource, CleanupSize);
    713     Fn = reinterpret_cast<EHScopeStack::Cleanup *>(CleanupBufferHeap.get());
    714   }
    716   EHScopeStack::Cleanup::Flags cleanupFlags;
    717   if (Scope.isNormalCleanup())
    718     cleanupFlags.setIsNormalCleanupKind();
    719   if (Scope.isEHCleanup())
    720     cleanupFlags.setIsEHCleanupKind();
    722   if (!RequiresNormalCleanup) {
    723     destroyOptimisticNormalEntry(*this, Scope);
    724     EHStack.popCleanup();
    725   } else {
    726     // If we have a fallthrough and no other need for the cleanup,
    727     // emit it directly.
    728     if (HasFallthrough && !HasPrebranchedFallthrough &&
    729         !HasFixups && !HasExistingBranches) {
    731       destroyOptimisticNormalEntry(*this, Scope);
    732       EHStack.popCleanup();
    734       EmitCleanup(*this, Fn, cleanupFlags, NormalActiveFlag);
    736     // Otherwise, the best approach is to thread everything through
    737     // the cleanup block and then try to clean up after ourselves.
    738     } else {
    739       // Force the entry block to exist.
    740       llvm::BasicBlock *NormalEntry = CreateNormalEntry(*this, Scope);
    742       // I.  Set up the fallthrough edge in.
    744       CGBuilderTy::InsertPoint savedInactiveFallthroughIP;
    746       // If there's a fallthrough, we need to store the cleanup
    747       // destination index.  For fall-throughs this is always zero.
    748       if (HasFallthrough) {
    749         if (!HasPrebranchedFallthrough)
    750           Builder.CreateStore(Builder.getInt32(0), getNormalCleanupDestSlot());
    752       // Otherwise, save and clear the IP if we don't have fallthrough
    753       // because the cleanup is inactive.
    754       } else if (FallthroughSource) {
    755         assert(!IsActive && "source without fallthrough for active cleanup");
    756         savedInactiveFallthroughIP = Builder.saveAndClearIP();
    757       }
    759       // II.  Emit the entry block.  This implicitly branches to it if
    760       // we have fallthrough.  All the fixups and existing branches
    761       // should already be branched to it.
    762       EmitBlock(NormalEntry);
    764       // III.  Figure out where we're going and build the cleanup
    765       // epilogue.
    767       bool HasEnclosingCleanups =
    768         (Scope.getEnclosingNormalCleanup() != EHStack.stable_end());
    770       // Compute the branch-through dest if we need it:
    771       //   - if there are branch-throughs threaded through the scope
    772       //   - if fall-through is a branch-through
    773       //   - if there are fixups that will be optimistically forwarded
    774       //     to the enclosing cleanup
    775       llvm::BasicBlock *BranchThroughDest = nullptr;
    776       if (Scope.hasBranchThroughs() ||
    777           (FallthroughSource && FallthroughIsBranchThrough) ||
    778           (HasFixups && HasEnclosingCleanups)) {
    779         assert(HasEnclosingCleanups);
    780         EHScope &S = *EHStack.find(Scope.getEnclosingNormalCleanup());
    781         BranchThroughDest = CreateNormalEntry(*this, cast<EHCleanupScope>(S));
    782       }
    784       llvm::BasicBlock *FallthroughDest = nullptr;
    785       SmallVector<llvm::Instruction*, 2> InstsToAppend;
    787       // If there's exactly one branch-after and no other threads,
    788       // we can route it without a switch.
    789       if (!Scope.hasBranchThroughs() && !HasFixups && !HasFallthrough &&
    790           Scope.getNumBranchAfters() == 1) {
    791         assert(!BranchThroughDest || !IsActive);
    793         // Clean up the possibly dead store to the cleanup dest slot.
    794         llvm::Instruction *NormalCleanupDestSlot =
    795             cast<llvm::Instruction>(getNormalCleanupDestSlot().getPointer());
    796         if (NormalCleanupDestSlot->hasOneUse()) {
    797           NormalCleanupDestSlot->user_back()->eraseFromParent();
    798           NormalCleanupDestSlot->eraseFromParent();
    799           NormalCleanupDest = nullptr;
    800         }
    802         llvm::BasicBlock *BranchAfter = Scope.getBranchAfterBlock(0);
    803         InstsToAppend.push_back(llvm::BranchInst::Create(BranchAfter));
    805       // Build a switch-out if we need it:
    806       //   - if there are branch-afters threaded through the scope
    807       //   - if fall-through is a branch-after
    808       //   - if there are fixups that have nowhere left to go and
    809       //     so must be immediately resolved
    810       } else if (Scope.getNumBranchAfters() ||
    811                  (HasFallthrough && !FallthroughIsBranchThrough) ||
    812                  (HasFixups && !HasEnclosingCleanups)) {
    814         llvm::BasicBlock *Default =
    815           (BranchThroughDest ? BranchThroughDest : getUnreachableBlock());
    817         // TODO: base this on the number of branch-afters and fixups
    818         const unsigned SwitchCapacity = 10;
    820         llvm::LoadInst *Load =
    821           createLoadInstBefore(getNormalCleanupDestSlot(), "cleanup.dest",
    822                                nullptr);
    823         llvm::SwitchInst *Switch =
    824           llvm::SwitchInst::Create(Load, Default, SwitchCapacity);
    826         InstsToAppend.push_back(Load);
    827         InstsToAppend.push_back(Switch);
    829         // Branch-after fallthrough.
    830         if (FallthroughSource && !FallthroughIsBranchThrough) {
    831           FallthroughDest = createBasicBlock("cleanup.cont");
    832           if (HasFallthrough)
    833             Switch->addCase(Builder.getInt32(0), FallthroughDest);
    834         }
    836         for (unsigned I = 0, E = Scope.getNumBranchAfters(); I != E; ++I) {
    837           Switch->addCase(Scope.getBranchAfterIndex(I),
    838                           Scope.getBranchAfterBlock(I));
    839         }
    841         // If there aren't any enclosing cleanups, we can resolve all
    842         // the fixups now.
    843         if (HasFixups && !HasEnclosingCleanups)
    844           ResolveAllBranchFixups(*this, Switch, NormalEntry);
    845       } else {
    846         // We should always have a branch-through destination in this case.
    847         assert(BranchThroughDest);
    848         InstsToAppend.push_back(llvm::BranchInst::Create(BranchThroughDest));
    849       }
    851       // IV.  Pop the cleanup and emit it.
    852       EHStack.popCleanup();
    853       assert(EHStack.hasNormalCleanups() == HasEnclosingCleanups);
    855       EmitCleanup(*this, Fn, cleanupFlags, NormalActiveFlag);
    857       // Append the prepared cleanup prologue from above.
    858       llvm::BasicBlock *NormalExit = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
    859       for (unsigned I = 0, E = InstsToAppend.size(); I != E; ++I)
    860         NormalExit->getInstList().push_back(InstsToAppend[I]);
    862       // Optimistically hope that any fixups will continue falling through.
    863       for (unsigned I = FixupDepth, E = EHStack.getNumBranchFixups();
    864            I < E; ++I) {
    865         BranchFixup &Fixup = EHStack.getBranchFixup(I);
    866         if (!Fixup.Destination) continue;
    867         if (!Fixup.OptimisticBranchBlock) {
    868           createStoreInstBefore(Builder.getInt32(Fixup.DestinationIndex),
    869                                 getNormalCleanupDestSlot(),
    870                                 Fixup.InitialBranch);
    871           Fixup.InitialBranch->setSuccessor(0, NormalEntry);
    872         }
    873         Fixup.OptimisticBranchBlock = NormalExit;
    874       }
    876       // V.  Set up the fallthrough edge out.
    878       // Case 1: a fallthrough source exists but doesn't branch to the
    879       // cleanup because the cleanup is inactive.
    880       if (!HasFallthrough && FallthroughSource) {
    881         // Prebranched fallthrough was forwarded earlier.
    882         // Non-prebranched fallthrough doesn't need to be forwarded.
    883         // Either way, all we need to do is restore the IP we cleared before.
    884         assert(!IsActive);
    885         Builder.restoreIP(savedInactiveFallthroughIP);
    887       // Case 2: a fallthrough source exists and should branch to the
    888       // cleanup, but we're not supposed to branch through to the next
    889       // cleanup.
    890       } else if (HasFallthrough && FallthroughDest) {
    891         assert(!FallthroughIsBranchThrough);
    892         EmitBlock(FallthroughDest);
    894       // Case 3: a fallthrough source exists and should branch to the
    895       // cleanup and then through to the next.
    896       } else if (HasFallthrough) {
    897         // Everything is already set up for this.
    899       // Case 4: no fallthrough source exists.
    900       } else {
    901         Builder.ClearInsertionPoint();
    902       }
    904       // VI.  Assorted cleaning.
    906       // Check whether we can merge NormalEntry into a single predecessor.
    907       // This might invalidate (non-IR) pointers to NormalEntry.
    908       llvm::BasicBlock *NewNormalEntry =
    909         SimplifyCleanupEntry(*this, NormalEntry);
    911       // If it did invalidate those pointers, and NormalEntry was the same
    912       // as NormalExit, go back and patch up the fixups.
    913       if (NewNormalEntry != NormalEntry && NormalEntry == NormalExit)
    914         for (unsigned I = FixupDepth, E = EHStack.getNumBranchFixups();
    915                I < E; ++I)
    916           EHStack.getBranchFixup(I).OptimisticBranchBlock = NewNormalEntry;
    917     }
    918   }
    920   assert(EHStack.hasNormalCleanups() || EHStack.getNumBranchFixups() == 0);
    922   // Emit the EH cleanup if required.
    923   if (RequiresEHCleanup) {
    924     CGBuilderTy::InsertPoint SavedIP = Builder.saveAndClearIP();
    926     EmitBlock(EHEntry);
    928     llvm::BasicBlock *NextAction = getEHDispatchBlock(EHParent);
    930     // Push a terminate scope or cleanupendpad scope around the potentially
    931     // throwing cleanups. For funclet EH personalities, the cleanupendpad models
    932     // program termination when cleanups throw.
    933     bool PushedTerminate = false;
    934     SaveAndRestore<llvm::Instruction *> RestoreCurrentFuncletPad(
    935         CurrentFuncletPad);
    936     llvm::CleanupPadInst *CPI = nullptr;
    937     if (!EHPersonality::get(*this).usesFuncletPads()) {
    938       EHStack.pushTerminate();
    939       PushedTerminate = true;
    940     } else {
    941       llvm::Value *ParentPad = CurrentFuncletPad;
    942       if (!ParentPad)
    943         ParentPad = llvm::ConstantTokenNone::get(CGM.getLLVMContext());
    944       CurrentFuncletPad = CPI = Builder.CreateCleanupPad(ParentPad);
    945     }
    947     // We only actually emit the cleanup code if the cleanup is either
    948     // active or was used before it was deactivated.
    949     if (EHActiveFlag.isValid() || IsActive) {
    950       cleanupFlags.setIsForEHCleanup();
    951       EmitCleanup(*this, Fn, cleanupFlags, EHActiveFlag);
    952     }
    954     if (CPI)
    955       Builder.CreateCleanupRet(CPI, NextAction);
    956     else
    957       Builder.CreateBr(NextAction);
    959     // Leave the terminate scope.
    960     if (PushedTerminate)
    961       EHStack.popTerminate();
    963     Builder.restoreIP(SavedIP);
    965     SimplifyCleanupEntry(*this, EHEntry);
    966   }
    967 }
    969 /// isObviouslyBranchWithoutCleanups - Return true if a branch to the
    970 /// specified destination obviously has no cleanups to run.  'false' is always
    971 /// a conservatively correct answer for this method.
    972 bool CodeGenFunction::isObviouslyBranchWithoutCleanups(JumpDest Dest) const {
    973   assert(Dest.getScopeDepth().encloses(EHStack.stable_begin())
    974          && "stale jump destination");
    976   // Calculate the innermost active normal cleanup.
    977   EHScopeStack::stable_iterator TopCleanup =
    978     EHStack.getInnermostActiveNormalCleanup();
    980   // If we're not in an active normal cleanup scope, or if the
    981   // destination scope is within the innermost active normal cleanup
    982   // scope, we don't need to worry about fixups.
    983   if (TopCleanup == EHStack.stable_end() ||
    984       TopCleanup.encloses(Dest.getScopeDepth())) // works for invalid
    985     return true;
    987   // Otherwise, we might need some cleanups.
    988   return false;
    989 }
    992 /// Terminate the current block by emitting a branch which might leave
    993 /// the current cleanup-protected scope.  The target scope may not yet
    994 /// be known, in which case this will require a fixup.
    995 ///
    996 /// As a side-effect, this method clears the insertion point.
    997 void CodeGenFunction::EmitBranchThroughCleanup(JumpDest Dest) {
    998   assert(Dest.getScopeDepth().encloses(EHStack.stable_begin())
    999          && "stale jump destination");
   1001   if (!HaveInsertPoint())
   1002     return;
   1004   // Create the branch.
   1005   llvm::BranchInst *BI = Builder.CreateBr(Dest.getBlock());
   1007   // Calculate the innermost active normal cleanup.
   1008   EHScopeStack::stable_iterator
   1009     TopCleanup = EHStack.getInnermostActiveNormalCleanup();
   1011   // If we're not in an active normal cleanup scope, or if the
   1012   // destination scope is within the innermost active normal cleanup
   1013   // scope, we don't need to worry about fixups.
   1014   if (TopCleanup == EHStack.stable_end() ||
   1015       TopCleanup.encloses(Dest.getScopeDepth())) { // works for invalid
   1016     Builder.ClearInsertionPoint();
   1017     return;
   1018   }
   1020   // If we can't resolve the destination cleanup scope, just add this
   1021   // to the current cleanup scope as a branch fixup.
   1022   if (!Dest.getScopeDepth().isValid()) {
   1023     BranchFixup &Fixup = EHStack.addBranchFixup();
   1024     Fixup.Destination = Dest.getBlock();
   1025     Fixup.DestinationIndex = Dest.getDestIndex();
   1026     Fixup.InitialBranch = BI;
   1027     Fixup.OptimisticBranchBlock = nullptr;
   1029     Builder.ClearInsertionPoint();
   1030     return;
   1031   }
   1033   // Otherwise, thread through all the normal cleanups in scope.
   1035   // Store the index at the start.
   1036   llvm::ConstantInt *Index = Builder.getInt32(Dest.getDestIndex());
   1037   createStoreInstBefore(Index, getNormalCleanupDestSlot(), BI);
   1039   // Adjust BI to point to the first cleanup block.
   1040   {
   1041     EHCleanupScope &Scope =
   1042       cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.find(TopCleanup));
   1043     BI->setSuccessor(0, CreateNormalEntry(*this, Scope));
   1044   }
   1046   // Add this destination to all the scopes involved.
   1047   EHScopeStack::stable_iterator I = TopCleanup;
   1048   EHScopeStack::stable_iterator E = Dest.getScopeDepth();
   1049   if (E.strictlyEncloses(I)) {
   1050     while (true) {
   1051       EHCleanupScope &Scope = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.find(I));
   1052       assert(Scope.isNormalCleanup());
   1053       I = Scope.getEnclosingNormalCleanup();
   1055       // If this is the last cleanup we're propagating through, tell it
   1056       // that there's a resolved jump moving through it.
   1057       if (!E.strictlyEncloses(I)) {
   1058         Scope.addBranchAfter(Index, Dest.getBlock());
   1059         break;
   1060       }
   1062       // Otherwise, tell the scope that there's a jump propoagating
   1063       // through it.  If this isn't new information, all the rest of
   1064       // the work has been done before.
   1065       if (!Scope.addBranchThrough(Dest.getBlock()))
   1066         break;
   1067     }
   1068   }
   1070   Builder.ClearInsertionPoint();
   1071 }
   1073 static bool IsUsedAsNormalCleanup(EHScopeStack &EHStack,
   1074                                   EHScopeStack::stable_iterator C) {
   1075   // If we needed a normal block for any reason, that counts.
   1076   if (cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.find(C)).getNormalBlock())
   1077     return true;
   1079   // Check whether any enclosed cleanups were needed.
   1080   for (EHScopeStack::stable_iterator
   1081          I = EHStack.getInnermostNormalCleanup();
   1082          I != C; ) {
   1083     assert(C.strictlyEncloses(I));
   1084     EHCleanupScope &S = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.find(I));
   1085     if (S.getNormalBlock()) return true;
   1086     I = S.getEnclosingNormalCleanup();
   1087   }
   1089   return false;
   1090 }
   1092 static bool IsUsedAsEHCleanup(EHScopeStack &EHStack,
   1093                               EHScopeStack::stable_iterator cleanup) {
   1094   // If we needed an EH block for any reason, that counts.
   1095   if (EHStack.find(cleanup)->hasEHBranches())
   1096     return true;
   1098   // Check whether any enclosed cleanups were needed.
   1099   for (EHScopeStack::stable_iterator
   1100          i = EHStack.getInnermostEHScope(); i != cleanup; ) {
   1101     assert(cleanup.strictlyEncloses(i));
   1103     EHScope &scope = *EHStack.find(i);
   1104     if (scope.hasEHBranches())
   1105       return true;
   1107     i = scope.getEnclosingEHScope();
   1108   }
   1110   return false;
   1111 }
   1113 enum ForActivation_t {
   1114   ForActivation,
   1115   ForDeactivation
   1116 };
   1118 /// The given cleanup block is changing activation state.  Configure a
   1119 /// cleanup variable if necessary.
   1120 ///
   1121 /// It would be good if we had some way of determining if there were
   1122 /// extra uses *after* the change-over point.
   1123 static void SetupCleanupBlockActivation(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
   1124                                         EHScopeStack::stable_iterator C,
   1125                                         ForActivation_t kind,
   1126                                         llvm::Instruction *dominatingIP) {
   1127   EHCleanupScope &Scope = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*CGF.EHStack.find(C));
   1129   // We always need the flag if we're activating the cleanup in a
   1130   // conditional context, because we have to assume that the current
   1131   // location doesn't necessarily dominate the cleanup's code.
   1132   bool isActivatedInConditional =
   1133     (kind == ForActivation && CGF.isInConditionalBranch());
   1135   bool needFlag = false;
   1137   // Calculate whether the cleanup was used:
   1139   //   - as a normal cleanup
   1140   if (Scope.isNormalCleanup() &&
   1141       (isActivatedInConditional || IsUsedAsNormalCleanup(CGF.EHStack, C))) {
   1142     Scope.setTestFlagInNormalCleanup();
   1143     needFlag = true;
   1144   }
   1146   //  - as an EH cleanup
   1147   if (Scope.isEHCleanup() &&
   1148       (isActivatedInConditional || IsUsedAsEHCleanup(CGF.EHStack, C))) {
   1149     Scope.setTestFlagInEHCleanup();
   1150     needFlag = true;
   1151   }
   1153   // If it hasn't yet been used as either, we're done.
   1154   if (!needFlag) return;
   1156   Address var = Scope.getActiveFlag();
   1157   if (!var.isValid()) {
   1158     var = CGF.CreateTempAlloca(CGF.Builder.getInt1Ty(), CharUnits::One(),
   1159                                "cleanup.isactive");
   1160     Scope.setActiveFlag(var);
   1162     assert(dominatingIP && "no existing variable and no dominating IP!");
   1164     // Initialize to true or false depending on whether it was
   1165     // active up to this point.
   1166     llvm::Constant *value = CGF.Builder.getInt1(kind == ForDeactivation);
   1168     // If we're in a conditional block, ignore the dominating IP and
   1169     // use the outermost conditional branch.
   1170     if (CGF.isInConditionalBranch()) {
   1171       CGF.setBeforeOutermostConditional(value, var);
   1172     } else {
   1173       createStoreInstBefore(value, var, dominatingIP);
   1174     }
   1175   }
   1177   CGF.Builder.CreateStore(CGF.Builder.getInt1(kind == ForActivation), var);
   1178 }
   1180 /// Activate a cleanup that was created in an inactivated state.
   1181 void CodeGenFunction::ActivateCleanupBlock(EHScopeStack::stable_iterator C,
   1182                                            llvm::Instruction *dominatingIP) {
   1183   assert(C != EHStack.stable_end() && "activating bottom of stack?");
   1184   EHCleanupScope &Scope = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.find(C));
   1185   assert(!Scope.isActive() && "double activation");
   1187   SetupCleanupBlockActivation(*this, C, ForActivation, dominatingIP);
   1189   Scope.setActive(true);
   1190 }
   1192 /// Deactive a cleanup that was created in an active state.
   1193 void CodeGenFunction::DeactivateCleanupBlock(EHScopeStack::stable_iterator C,
   1194                                              llvm::Instruction *dominatingIP) {
   1195   assert(C != EHStack.stable_end() && "deactivating bottom of stack?");
   1196   EHCleanupScope &Scope = cast<EHCleanupScope>(*EHStack.find(C));
   1197   assert(Scope.isActive() && "double deactivation");
   1199   // If it's the top of the stack, just pop it.
   1200   if (C == EHStack.stable_begin()) {
   1201     // If it's a normal cleanup, we need to pretend that the
   1202     // fallthrough is unreachable.
   1203     CGBuilderTy::InsertPoint SavedIP = Builder.saveAndClearIP();
   1204     PopCleanupBlock();
   1205     Builder.restoreIP(SavedIP);
   1206     return;
   1207   }
   1209   // Otherwise, follow the general case.
   1210   SetupCleanupBlockActivation(*this, C, ForDeactivation, dominatingIP);
   1212   Scope.setActive(false);
   1213 }
   1215 Address CodeGenFunction::getNormalCleanupDestSlot() {
   1216   if (!NormalCleanupDest)
   1217     NormalCleanupDest =
   1218       CreateTempAlloca(Builder.getInt32Ty(), "cleanup.dest.slot");
   1219   return Address(NormalCleanupDest, CharUnits::fromQuantity(4));
   1220 }
   1222 /// Emits all the code to cause the given temporary to be cleaned up.
   1223 void CodeGenFunction::EmitCXXTemporary(const CXXTemporary *Temporary,
   1224                                        QualType TempType,
   1225                                        Address Ptr) {
   1226   pushDestroy(NormalAndEHCleanup, Ptr, TempType, destroyCXXObject,
   1227               /*useEHCleanup*/ true);
   1228 }