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      1 //===--- Replacement.cpp - Framework for clang refactoring tools ----------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 //  Implements classes to support/store refactorings.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
     16 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
     17 #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h"
     18 #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
     19 #include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
     20 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
     21 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
     22 #include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Support/raw_os_ostream.h"
     27 namespace clang {
     28 namespace tooling {
     30 static const char * const InvalidLocation = "";
     32 Replacement::Replacement()
     33   : FilePath(InvalidLocation) {}
     35 Replacement::Replacement(StringRef FilePath, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
     36                          StringRef ReplacementText)
     37     : FilePath(FilePath), ReplacementRange(Offset, Length),
     38       ReplacementText(ReplacementText) {}
     40 Replacement::Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources, SourceLocation Start,
     41                          unsigned Length, StringRef ReplacementText) {
     42   setFromSourceLocation(Sources, Start, Length, ReplacementText);
     43 }
     45 Replacement::Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources,
     46                          const CharSourceRange &Range,
     47                          StringRef ReplacementText,
     48                          const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
     49   setFromSourceRange(Sources, Range, ReplacementText, LangOpts);
     50 }
     52 bool Replacement::isApplicable() const {
     53   return FilePath != InvalidLocation;
     54 }
     56 bool Replacement::apply(Rewriter &Rewrite) const {
     57   SourceManager &SM = Rewrite.getSourceMgr();
     58   const FileEntry *Entry = SM.getFileManager().getFile(FilePath);
     59   if (!Entry)
     60     return false;
     62   FileID ID = SM.getOrCreateFileID(Entry, SrcMgr::C_User);
     63   const SourceLocation Start =
     64     SM.getLocForStartOfFile(ID).
     65     getLocWithOffset(ReplacementRange.getOffset());
     66   // ReplaceText returns false on success.
     67   // ReplaceText only fails if the source location is not a file location, in
     68   // which case we already returned false earlier.
     69   bool RewriteSucceeded = !Rewrite.ReplaceText(
     70       Start, ReplacementRange.getLength(), ReplacementText);
     71   assert(RewriteSucceeded);
     72   return RewriteSucceeded;
     73 }
     75 std::string Replacement::toString() const {
     76   std::string Result;
     77   llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(Result);
     78   Stream << FilePath << ": " << ReplacementRange.getOffset() << ":+"
     79          << ReplacementRange.getLength() << ":\"" << ReplacementText << "\"";
     80   return Stream.str();
     81 }
     83 bool operator<(const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS) {
     84   if (LHS.getOffset() != RHS.getOffset())
     85     return LHS.getOffset() < RHS.getOffset();
     87   // Apply longer replacements first, specifically so that deletions are
     88   // executed before insertions. It is (hopefully) never the intention to
     89   // delete parts of newly inserted code.
     90   if (LHS.getLength() != RHS.getLength())
     91     return LHS.getLength() > RHS.getLength();
     93   if (LHS.getFilePath() != RHS.getFilePath())
     94     return LHS.getFilePath() < RHS.getFilePath();
     95   return LHS.getReplacementText() < RHS.getReplacementText();
     96 }
     98 bool operator==(const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS) {
     99   return LHS.getOffset() == RHS.getOffset() &&
    100          LHS.getLength() == RHS.getLength() &&
    101          LHS.getFilePath() == RHS.getFilePath() &&
    102          LHS.getReplacementText() == RHS.getReplacementText();
    103 }
    105 void Replacement::setFromSourceLocation(const SourceManager &Sources,
    106                                         SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length,
    107                                         StringRef ReplacementText) {
    108   const std::pair<FileID, unsigned> DecomposedLocation =
    109       Sources.getDecomposedLoc(Start);
    110   const FileEntry *Entry = Sources.getFileEntryForID(DecomposedLocation.first);
    111   this->FilePath = Entry ? Entry->getName() : InvalidLocation;
    112   this->ReplacementRange = Range(DecomposedLocation.second, Length);
    113   this->ReplacementText = ReplacementText;
    114 }
    116 // FIXME: This should go into the Lexer, but we need to figure out how
    117 // to handle ranges for refactoring in general first - there is no obvious
    118 // good way how to integrate this into the Lexer yet.
    119 static int getRangeSize(const SourceManager &Sources,
    120                         const CharSourceRange &Range,
    121                         const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
    122   SourceLocation SpellingBegin = Sources.getSpellingLoc(Range.getBegin());
    123   SourceLocation SpellingEnd = Sources.getSpellingLoc(Range.getEnd());
    124   std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Start = Sources.getDecomposedLoc(SpellingBegin);
    125   std::pair<FileID, unsigned> End = Sources.getDecomposedLoc(SpellingEnd);
    126   if (Start.first != End.first) return -1;
    127   if (Range.isTokenRange())
    128     End.second += Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(SpellingEnd, Sources, LangOpts);
    129   return End.second - Start.second;
    130 }
    132 void Replacement::setFromSourceRange(const SourceManager &Sources,
    133                                      const CharSourceRange &Range,
    134                                      StringRef ReplacementText,
    135                                      const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
    136   setFromSourceLocation(Sources, Sources.getSpellingLoc(Range.getBegin()),
    137                         getRangeSize(Sources, Range, LangOpts),
    138                         ReplacementText);
    139 }
    141 template <typename T>
    142 unsigned shiftedCodePositionInternal(const T &Replaces, unsigned Position) {
    143   unsigned Offset = 0;
    144   for (const auto& R : Replaces) {
    145     if (R.getOffset() + R.getLength() <= Position) {
    146       Offset += R.getReplacementText().size() - R.getLength();
    147       continue;
    148     }
    149     if (R.getOffset() < Position &&
    150         R.getOffset() + R.getReplacementText().size() <= Position) {
    151       Position = R.getOffset() + R.getReplacementText().size() - 1;
    152     }
    153     break;
    154   }
    155   return Position + Offset;
    156 }
    158 unsigned shiftedCodePosition(const Replacements &Replaces, unsigned Position) {
    159   return shiftedCodePositionInternal(Replaces, Position);
    160 }
    162 // FIXME: Remove this function when Replacements is implemented as std::vector
    163 // instead of std::set.
    164 unsigned shiftedCodePosition(const std::vector<Replacement> &Replaces,
    165                              unsigned Position) {
    166   return shiftedCodePositionInternal(Replaces, Position);
    167 }
    169 void deduplicate(std::vector<Replacement> &Replaces,
    170                  std::vector<Range> &Conflicts) {
    171   if (Replaces.empty())
    172     return;
    174   auto LessNoPath = [](const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS) {
    175     if (LHS.getOffset() != RHS.getOffset())
    176       return LHS.getOffset() < RHS.getOffset();
    177     if (LHS.getLength() != RHS.getLength())
    178       return LHS.getLength() < RHS.getLength();
    179     return LHS.getReplacementText() < RHS.getReplacementText();
    180   };
    182   auto EqualNoPath = [](const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS) {
    183     return LHS.getOffset() == RHS.getOffset() &&
    184            LHS.getLength() == RHS.getLength() &&
    185            LHS.getReplacementText() == RHS.getReplacementText();
    186   };
    188   // Deduplicate. We don't want to deduplicate based on the path as we assume
    189   // that all replacements refer to the same file (or are symlinks).
    190   std::sort(Replaces.begin(), Replaces.end(), LessNoPath);
    191   Replaces.erase(std::unique(Replaces.begin(), Replaces.end(), EqualNoPath),
    192                  Replaces.end());
    194   // Detect conflicts
    195   Range ConflictRange(Replaces.front().getOffset(),
    196                       Replaces.front().getLength());
    197   unsigned ConflictStart = 0;
    198   unsigned ConflictLength = 1;
    199   for (unsigned i = 1; i < Replaces.size(); ++i) {
    200     Range Current(Replaces[i].getOffset(), Replaces[i].getLength());
    201     if (ConflictRange.overlapsWith(Current)) {
    202       // Extend conflicted range
    203       ConflictRange = Range(ConflictRange.getOffset(),
    204                             std::max(ConflictRange.getLength(),
    205                                      Current.getOffset() + Current.getLength() -
    206                                          ConflictRange.getOffset()));
    207       ++ConflictLength;
    208     } else {
    209       if (ConflictLength > 1)
    210         Conflicts.push_back(Range(ConflictStart, ConflictLength));
    211       ConflictRange = Current;
    212       ConflictStart = i;
    213       ConflictLength = 1;
    214     }
    215   }
    217   if (ConflictLength > 1)
    218     Conflicts.push_back(Range(ConflictStart, ConflictLength));
    219 }
    221 bool applyAllReplacements(const Replacements &Replaces, Rewriter &Rewrite) {
    222   bool Result = true;
    223   for (Replacements::const_iterator I = Replaces.begin(),
    224                                     E = Replaces.end();
    225        I != E; ++I) {
    226     if (I->isApplicable()) {
    227       Result = I->apply(Rewrite) && Result;
    228     } else {
    229       Result = false;
    230     }
    231   }
    232   return Result;
    233 }
    235 // FIXME: Remove this function when Replacements is implemented as std::vector
    236 // instead of std::set.
    237 bool applyAllReplacements(const std::vector<Replacement> &Replaces,
    238                           Rewriter &Rewrite) {
    239   bool Result = true;
    240   for (std::vector<Replacement>::const_iterator I = Replaces.begin(),
    241                                                 E = Replaces.end();
    242        I != E; ++I) {
    243     if (I->isApplicable()) {
    244       Result = I->apply(Rewrite) && Result;
    245     } else {
    246       Result = false;
    247     }
    248   }
    249   return Result;
    250 }
    252 llvm::Expected<std::string> applyAllReplacements(StringRef Code,
    253                                                 const Replacements &Replaces) {
    254   if (Replaces.empty())
    255     return Code.str();
    257   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> InMemoryFileSystem(
    258       new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
    259   FileManager Files(FileSystemOptions(), InMemoryFileSystem);
    260   DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
    261       IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs),
    262       new DiagnosticOptions);
    263   SourceManager SourceMgr(Diagnostics, Files);
    264   Rewriter Rewrite(SourceMgr, LangOptions());
    265   InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(
    266       "<stdin>", 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Code, "<stdin>"));
    267   FileID ID = SourceMgr.createFileID(Files.getFile("<stdin>"), SourceLocation(),
    268                                      clang::SrcMgr::C_User);
    269   for (Replacements::const_iterator I = Replaces.begin(), E = Replaces.end();
    270        I != E; ++I) {
    271     Replacement Replace("<stdin>", I->getOffset(), I->getLength(),
    272                         I->getReplacementText());
    273     if (!Replace.apply(Rewrite))
    274       return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
    275           "Failed to apply replacement: " + Replace.toString(),
    276           llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
    277   }
    278   std::string Result;
    279   llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
    280   Rewrite.getEditBuffer(ID).write(OS);
    281   OS.flush();
    282   return Result;
    283 }
    285 // Merge and sort overlapping ranges in \p Ranges.
    286 static std::vector<Range> mergeAndSortRanges(std::vector<Range> Ranges) {
    287   std::sort(Ranges.begin(), Ranges.end(),
    288             [](const Range &LHS, const Range &RHS) {
    289               if (LHS.getOffset() != RHS.getOffset())
    290                 return LHS.getOffset() < RHS.getOffset();
    291               return LHS.getLength() < RHS.getLength();
    292             });
    293   std::vector<Range> Result;
    294   for (const auto &R : Ranges) {
    295     if (Result.empty() ||
    296         Result.back().getOffset() + Result.back().getLength() < R.getOffset()) {
    297       Result.push_back(R);
    298     } else {
    299       unsigned NewEnd =
    300           std::max(Result.back().getOffset() + Result.back().getLength(),
    301                    R.getOffset() + R.getLength());
    302       Result[Result.size() - 1] =
    303           Range(Result.back().getOffset(), NewEnd - Result.back().getOffset());
    304     }
    305   }
    306   return Result;
    307 }
    309 std::vector<Range> calculateChangedRanges(const Replacements &Replaces) {
    310   std::vector<Range> ChangedRanges;
    311   int Shift = 0;
    312   for (const Replacement &R : Replaces) {
    313     unsigned Offset = R.getOffset() + Shift;
    314     unsigned Length = R.getReplacementText().size();
    315     Shift += Length - R.getLength();
    316     ChangedRanges.push_back(Range(Offset, Length));
    317   }
    318   return mergeAndSortRanges(ChangedRanges);
    319 }
    321 std::vector<Range>
    322 calculateRangesAfterReplacements(const Replacements &Replaces,
    323                                  const std::vector<Range> &Ranges) {
    324   auto MergedRanges = mergeAndSortRanges(Ranges);
    325   tooling::Replacements FakeReplaces;
    326   for (const auto &R : MergedRanges)
    327     FakeReplaces.insert(Replacement(Replaces.begin()->getFilePath(),
    328                                     R.getOffset(), R.getLength(),
    329                                     std::string(R.getLength(), ' ')));
    330   tooling::Replacements NewReplaces = mergeReplacements(FakeReplaces, Replaces);
    331   return calculateChangedRanges(NewReplaces);
    332 }
    334 namespace {
    335 // Represents a merged replacement, i.e. a replacement consisting of multiple
    336 // overlapping replacements from 'First' and 'Second' in mergeReplacements.
    337 //
    338 // Position projection:
    339 // Offsets and lengths of the replacements can generally refer to two different
    340 // coordinate spaces. Replacements from 'First' refer to the original text
    341 // whereas replacements from 'Second' refer to the text after applying 'First'.
    342 //
    343 // MergedReplacement always operates in the coordinate space of the original
    344 // text, i.e. transforms elements from 'Second' to take into account what was
    345 // changed based on the elements from 'First'.
    346 //
    347 // We can correctly calculate this projection as we look at the replacements in
    348 // order of strictly increasing offsets.
    349 //
    350 // Invariants:
    351 // * We always merge elements from 'First' into elements from 'Second' and vice
    352 //   versa. Within each set, the replacements are non-overlapping.
    353 // * We only extend to the right, i.e. merge elements with strictly increasing
    354 //   offsets.
    355 class MergedReplacement {
    356 public:
    357   MergedReplacement(const Replacement &R, bool MergeSecond, int D)
    358       : MergeSecond(MergeSecond), Delta(D), FilePath(R.getFilePath()),
    359         Offset(R.getOffset() + (MergeSecond ? 0 : Delta)), Length(R.getLength()),
    360         Text(R.getReplacementText()) {
    361     Delta += MergeSecond ? 0 : Text.size() - Length;
    362     DeltaFirst = MergeSecond ? Text.size() - Length : 0;
    363   }
    365   // Merges the next element 'R' into this merged element. As we always merge
    366   // from 'First' into 'Second' or vice versa, the MergedReplacement knows what
    367   // set the next element is coming from.
    368   void merge(const Replacement &R) {
    369     if (MergeSecond) {
    370       unsigned REnd = R.getOffset() + Delta + R.getLength();
    371       unsigned End = Offset + Text.size();
    372       if (REnd > End) {
    373         Length += REnd - End;
    374         MergeSecond = false;
    375       }
    376       StringRef TextRef = Text;
    377       StringRef Head = TextRef.substr(0, R.getOffset() + Delta - Offset);
    378       StringRef Tail = TextRef.substr(REnd - Offset);
    379       Text = (Head + R.getReplacementText() + Tail).str();
    380       Delta += R.getReplacementText().size() - R.getLength();
    381     } else {
    382       unsigned End = Offset + Length;
    383       StringRef RText = R.getReplacementText();
    384       StringRef Tail = RText.substr(End - R.getOffset());
    385       Text = (Text + Tail).str();
    386       if (R.getOffset() + RText.size() > End) {
    387         Length = R.getOffset() + R.getLength() - Offset;
    388         MergeSecond = true;
    389       } else {
    390         Length += R.getLength() - RText.size();
    391       }
    392       DeltaFirst += RText.size() - R.getLength();
    393     }
    394   }
    396   // Returns 'true' if 'R' starts strictly after the MergedReplacement and thus
    397   // doesn't need to be merged.
    398   bool endsBefore(const Replacement &R) const {
    399     if (MergeSecond)
    400       return Offset + Text.size() < R.getOffset() + Delta;
    401     return Offset + Length < R.getOffset();
    402   }
    404   // Returns 'true' if an element from the second set should be merged next.
    405   bool mergeSecond() const { return MergeSecond; }
    406   int deltaFirst() const { return DeltaFirst; }
    407   Replacement asReplacement() const { return {FilePath, Offset, Length, Text}; }
    409 private:
    410   bool MergeSecond;
    412   // Amount of characters that elements from 'Second' need to be shifted by in
    413   // order to refer to the original text.
    414   int Delta;
    416   // Sum of all deltas (text-length - length) of elements from 'First' merged
    417   // into this element. This is used to update 'Delta' once the
    418   // MergedReplacement is completed.
    419   int DeltaFirst;
    421   // Data of the actually merged replacement. FilePath and Offset aren't changed
    422   // as the element is only extended to the right.
    423   const StringRef FilePath;
    424   const unsigned Offset;
    425   unsigned Length;
    426   std::string Text;
    427 };
    428 } // namespace
    430 std::map<std::string, Replacements>
    431 groupReplacementsByFile(const Replacements &Replaces) {
    432   std::map<std::string, Replacements> FileToReplaces;
    433   for (const auto &Replace : Replaces) {
    434     FileToReplaces[Replace.getFilePath()].insert(Replace);
    435   }
    436   return FileToReplaces;
    437 }
    439 Replacements mergeReplacements(const Replacements &First,
    440                                const Replacements &Second) {
    441   if (First.empty() || Second.empty())
    442     return First.empty() ? Second : First;
    444   // Delta is the amount of characters that replacements from 'Second' need to
    445   // be shifted so that their offsets refer to the original text.
    446   int Delta = 0;
    447   Replacements Result;
    449   // Iterate over both sets and always add the next element (smallest total
    450   // Offset) from either 'First' or 'Second'. Merge that element with
    451   // subsequent replacements as long as they overlap. See more details in the
    452   // comment on MergedReplacement.
    453   for (auto FirstI = First.begin(), SecondI = Second.begin();
    454        FirstI != First.end() || SecondI != Second.end();) {
    455     bool NextIsFirst = SecondI == Second.end() ||
    456                        (FirstI != First.end() &&
    457                         FirstI->getOffset() < SecondI->getOffset() + Delta);
    458     MergedReplacement Merged(NextIsFirst ? *FirstI : *SecondI, NextIsFirst,
    459                              Delta);
    460     ++(NextIsFirst ? FirstI : SecondI);
    462     while ((Merged.mergeSecond() && SecondI != Second.end()) ||
    463            (!Merged.mergeSecond() && FirstI != First.end())) {
    464       auto &I = Merged.mergeSecond() ? SecondI : FirstI;
    465       if (Merged.endsBefore(*I))
    466         break;
    467       Merged.merge(*I);
    468       ++I;
    469     }
    470     Delta -= Merged.deltaFirst();
    471     Result.insert(Merged.asReplacement());
    472   }
    473   return Result;
    474 }
    476 } // end namespace tooling
    477 } // end namespace clang