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      1 #include <errno.h>
      2 #include <string.h>
      3 #include <stdio.h>
      4 #include <gpxe/errortab.h>
      6 /** @file
      7  *
      8  * Error descriptions.
      9  *
     10  * The error numbers used by Etherboot are a superset of those defined
     11  * by the PXE specification version 2.1.  See errno.h for a listing of
     12  * the error values.
     13  *
     14  * To save space in ROM images, error string tables are optional.  Use
     15  * the ERRORMSG_XXX options in config.h to select which error string
     16  * tables you want to include.  If an error string table is omitted,
     17  * strerror() will simply return the text "Error 0x<errno>".
     18  *
     19  */
     23 /**
     24  * Find error description
     25  *
     26  * @v errno		Error number
     27  * @ret errortab	Error description, or NULL
     28  */
     29 static struct errortab * find_error ( int errno ) {
     30 	struct errortab *errortab;
     32 	for_each_table_entry ( errortab, ERRORTAB ) {
     33 		if ( errortab->errno == errno )
     34 			return errortab;
     35 	}
     37 	return NULL;
     38 }
     40 /**
     41  * Find closest error description
     42  *
     43  * @v errno		Error number
     44  * @ret errortab	Error description, or NULL
     45  *
     46  *
     47  */
     48 static struct errortab * find_closest_error ( int errno ) {
     49 	struct errortab *errortab;
     51 	/* First, look for an exact match */
     52 	if ( ( errortab = find_error ( errno ) ) != NULL )
     53 		return errortab;
     55 	/* Second, try masking off the gPXE-specific bit and seeing if
     56 	 * we have an entry for the generic POSIX error message.
     57 	 */
     58 	if ( ( errortab = find_error ( errno & 0x7f0000ff ) ) != NULL )
     59 		return errortab;
     61 	return NULL;
     62 }
     64 /**
     65  * Retrieve string representation of error number.
     66  *
     67  * @v errno/rc		Error number or return status code
     68  * @ret strerror	Pointer to error text
     69  *
     70  * If the error is not found in the linked-in error tables, generates
     71  * a generic "Error 0x<errno>" message.
     72  *
     73  * The pointer returned by strerror() is valid only until the next
     74  * call to strerror().
     75  *
     76  */
     77 const char * strerror ( int errno ) {
     78 	static char errbuf[64];
     79 	struct errortab *errortab;
     81 	/* Allow for strerror(rc) as well as strerror(errno) */
     82 	if ( errno < 0 )
     83 		errno = -errno;
     85 	/* Find the error description, if one exists */
     86 	errortab = find_closest_error ( errno );
     88 	/* Construct the error message */
     89 	if ( errortab ) {
     90 		snprintf ( errbuf, sizeof ( errbuf ), "%s (%#08x)",
     91 			   errortab->text, errno );
     92 	} else {
     93 		snprintf ( errbuf, sizeof ( errbuf ), "Error %#08x", errno );
     94 	}
     96 	return errbuf;
     97 }
     99 /* Do not include ERRFILE portion in the numbers in the error table */
    100 #undef ERRFILE
    101 #define ERRFILE 0
    103 /** The most common errors */
    104 struct errortab common_errors[] __errortab = {
    105 	{ 0, "No error" },
    106 	{ EACCES, "Permission denied" },
    107 	{ ECANCELED, "Operation cancelled" },
    108 	{ ECONNRESET, "Connection reset" },
    109 	{ EINVAL, "Invalid argument" },
    110 	{ EIO, "Input/output error" },
    111 	{ ENETUNREACH, "Network unreachable" },
    112 	{ ENODEV, "No such device" },
    113 	{ ENOENT, "File not found" },
    114 	{ ENOEXEC, "Not an executable image" },
    115 	{ ENOMEM, "Out of memory" },
    116 	{ ENOSPC, "No space left on device" },
    117 	{ ENOTCONN, "Not connected" },
    118 	{ ENOTSUP, "Not supported" },
    119 	{ EPERM, "Operation not permitted" },
    120 	{ ERANGE, "Out of range" },
    121 	{ ETIMEDOUT, "Connection timed out" },
    122 };