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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <unistd.h>
     18 #include <stdio.h>
     19 #include <stdlib.h>
     20 #include <fcntl.h>
     21 #include <string.h>
     22 #include <sys/mman.h>
     23 #include <sys/stat.h>
     24 #include <errno.h>
     25 #include <inttypes.h>
     26 #include <time.h>
     27 #include <math.h>
     28 #include <audio_utils/primitives.h>
     29 #include <audio_utils/sndfile.h>
     30 #include <utils/Vector.h>
     31 #include <media/AudioBufferProvider.h>
     32 #include <media/AudioResampler.h>
     34 using namespace android;
     36 static bool gVerbose = false;
     38 static int usage(const char* name) {
     39     fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-p] [-f] [-F] [-v] [-c channels]"
     40                    " [-q {dq|lq|mq|hq|vhq|dlq|dmq|dhq}]"
     41                    " [-i input-sample-rate] [-o output-sample-rate]"
     42                    " [-O csv] [-P csv] [<input-file>]"
     43                    " <output-file>\n", name);
     44     fprintf(stderr,"    -p    enable profiling\n");
     45     fprintf(stderr,"    -f    enable filter profiling\n");
     46     fprintf(stderr,"    -F    enable floating point -q {dlq|dmq|dhq} only");
     47     fprintf(stderr,"    -v    verbose : log buffer provider calls\n");
     48     fprintf(stderr,"    -c    # channels (1-2 for lq|mq|hq; 1-8 for dlq|dmq|dhq)\n");
     49     fprintf(stderr,"    -q    resampler quality\n");
     50     fprintf(stderr,"              dq  : default quality\n");
     51     fprintf(stderr,"              lq  : low quality\n");
     52     fprintf(stderr,"              mq  : medium quality\n");
     53     fprintf(stderr,"              hq  : high quality\n");
     54     fprintf(stderr,"              vhq : very high quality\n");
     55     fprintf(stderr,"              dlq : dynamic low quality\n");
     56     fprintf(stderr,"              dmq : dynamic medium quality\n");
     57     fprintf(stderr,"              dhq : dynamic high quality\n");
     58     fprintf(stderr,"    -i    input file sample rate (ignored if input file is specified)\n");
     59     fprintf(stderr,"    -o    output file sample rate\n");
     60     fprintf(stderr,"    -O    # frames output per call to resample() in CSV format\n");
     61     fprintf(stderr,"    -P    # frames provided per call to resample() in CSV format\n");
     62     return -1;
     63 }
     65 // Convert a list of integers in CSV format to a Vector of those values.
     66 // Returns the number of elements in the list, or -1 on error.
     67 int parseCSV(const char *string, Vector<int>& values)
     68 {
     69     // pass 1: count the number of values and do syntax check
     70     size_t numValues = 0;
     71     bool hadDigit = false;
     72     for (const char *p = string; ; ) {
     73         switch (*p++) {
     74         case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
     75         case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
     76             hadDigit = true;
     77             break;
     78         case '\0':
     79             if (hadDigit) {
     80                 // pass 2: allocate and initialize vector of values
     81                 values.resize(++numValues);
     82                 values.editItemAt(0) = atoi(p = optarg);
     83                 for (size_t i = 1; i < numValues; ) {
     84                     if (*p++ == ',') {
     85                         values.editItemAt(i++) = atoi(p);
     86                     }
     87                 }
     88                 return numValues;
     89             }
     90             // fall through
     91         case ',':
     92             if (hadDigit) {
     93                 hadDigit = false;
     94                 numValues++;
     95                 break;
     96             }
     97             // fall through
     98         default:
     99             return -1;
    100         }
    101     }
    102 }
    104 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    105     const char* const progname = argv[0];
    106     bool profileResample = false;
    107     bool profileFilter = false;
    108     bool useFloat = false;
    109     int channels = 1;
    110     int input_freq = 0;
    111     int output_freq = 0;
    112     AudioResampler::src_quality quality = AudioResampler::DEFAULT_QUALITY;
    113     Vector<int> Ovalues;
    114     Vector<int> Pvalues;
    116     int ch;
    117     while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "pfFvc:q:i:o:O:P:")) != -1) {
    118         switch (ch) {
    119         case 'p':
    120             profileResample = true;
    121             break;
    122         case 'f':
    123             profileFilter = true;
    124             break;
    125         case 'F':
    126             useFloat = true;
    127             break;
    128         case 'v':
    129             gVerbose = true;
    130             break;
    131         case 'c':
    132             channels = atoi(optarg);
    133             break;
    134         case 'q':
    135             if (!strcmp(optarg, "dq"))
    136                 quality = AudioResampler::DEFAULT_QUALITY;
    137             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "lq"))
    138                 quality = AudioResampler::LOW_QUALITY;
    139             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "mq"))
    140                 quality = AudioResampler::MED_QUALITY;
    141             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "hq"))
    142                 quality = AudioResampler::HIGH_QUALITY;
    143             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "vhq"))
    144                 quality = AudioResampler::VERY_HIGH_QUALITY;
    145             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "dlq"))
    146                 quality = AudioResampler::DYN_LOW_QUALITY;
    147             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "dmq"))
    148                 quality = AudioResampler::DYN_MED_QUALITY;
    149             else if (!strcmp(optarg, "dhq"))
    150                 quality = AudioResampler::DYN_HIGH_QUALITY;
    151             else {
    152                 usage(progname);
    153                 return -1;
    154             }
    155             break;
    156         case 'i':
    157             input_freq = atoi(optarg);
    158             break;
    159         case 'o':
    160             output_freq = atoi(optarg);
    161             break;
    162         case 'O':
    163             if (parseCSV(optarg, Ovalues) < 0) {
    164                 fprintf(stderr, "incorrect syntax for -O option\n");
    165                 return -1;
    166             }
    167             break;
    168         case 'P':
    169             if (parseCSV(optarg, Pvalues) < 0) {
    170                 fprintf(stderr, "incorrect syntax for -P option\n");
    171                 return -1;
    172             }
    173             break;
    174         case '?':
    175         default:
    176             usage(progname);
    177             return -1;
    178         }
    179     }
    181     if (channels < 1
    182             || channels > (quality < AudioResampler::DYN_LOW_QUALITY ? 2 : 8)) {
    183         fprintf(stderr, "invalid number of audio channels %d\n", channels);
    184         return -1;
    185     }
    186     if (useFloat && quality < AudioResampler::DYN_LOW_QUALITY) {
    187         fprintf(stderr, "float processing is only possible for dynamic resamplers\n");
    188         return -1;
    189     }
    191     argc -= optind;
    192     argv += optind;
    194     const char* file_in = NULL;
    195     const char* file_out = NULL;
    196     if (argc == 1) {
    197         file_out = argv[0];
    198     } else if (argc == 2) {
    199         file_in = argv[0];
    200         file_out = argv[1];
    201     } else {
    202         usage(progname);
    203         return -1;
    204     }
    206     // ----------------------------------------------------------
    208     size_t input_size;
    209     void* input_vaddr;
    210     if (argc == 2) {
    211         SF_INFO info;
    212         info.format = 0;
    213         SNDFILE *sf = sf_open(file_in, SFM_READ, &info);
    214         if (sf == NULL) {
    215             perror(file_in);
    216             return EXIT_FAILURE;
    217         }
    218         input_size = info.frames * info.channels * sizeof(short);
    219         input_vaddr = malloc(input_size);
    220         (void) sf_readf_short(sf, (short *) input_vaddr, info.frames);
    221         sf_close(sf);
    222         channels = info.channels;
    223         input_freq = info.samplerate;
    224     } else {
    225         // data for testing is exactly (input sampling rate/1000)/2 seconds
    226         // so 44.1khz input is 22.05 seconds
    227         double k = 1000; // Hz / s
    228         double time = (input_freq / 2) / k;
    229         size_t input_frames = size_t(input_freq * time);
    230         input_size = channels * sizeof(int16_t) * input_frames;
    231         input_vaddr = malloc(input_size);
    232         int16_t* in = (int16_t*)input_vaddr;
    233         for (size_t i=0 ; i<input_frames ; i++) {
    234             double t = double(i) / input_freq;
    235             double y = sin(M_PI * k * t * t);
    236             int16_t yi = floor(y * 32767.0 + 0.5);
    237             for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
    238                 in[i*channels + j] = yi / (1 + j);
    239             }
    240         }
    241     }
    242     size_t input_framesize = channels * sizeof(int16_t);
    243     size_t input_frames = input_size / input_framesize;
    245     // For float processing, convert input int16_t to float array
    246     if (useFloat) {
    247         void *new_vaddr;
    249         input_framesize = channels * sizeof(float);
    250         input_size = input_frames * input_framesize;
    251         new_vaddr = malloc(input_size);
    252         memcpy_to_float_from_i16(reinterpret_cast<float*>(new_vaddr),
    253                 reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(input_vaddr), input_frames * channels);
    254         free(input_vaddr);
    255         input_vaddr = new_vaddr;
    256     }
    258     // ----------------------------------------------------------
    260     class Provider: public AudioBufferProvider {
    261         const void*     mAddr;      // base address
    262         const size_t    mNumFrames; // total frames
    263         const size_t    mFrameSize; // size of each frame in bytes
    264         size_t          mNextFrame; // index of next frame to provide
    265         size_t          mUnrel;     // number of frames not yet released
    266         const Vector<int> mPvalues; // number of frames provided per call
    267         size_t          mNextPidx;  // index of next entry in mPvalues to use
    268     public:
    269         Provider(const void* addr, size_t frames, size_t frameSize, const Vector<int>& Pvalues)
    270           : mAddr(addr),
    271             mNumFrames(frames),
    272             mFrameSize(frameSize),
    273             mNextFrame(0), mUnrel(0), mPvalues(Pvalues), mNextPidx(0) {
    274         }
    275         virtual status_t getNextBuffer(Buffer* buffer) {
    276             size_t requestedFrames = buffer->frameCount;
    277             if (requestedFrames > mNumFrames - mNextFrame) {
    278                 buffer->frameCount = mNumFrames - mNextFrame;
    279             }
    280             if (!mPvalues.isEmpty()) {
    281                 size_t provided = mPvalues[mNextPidx++];
    282                 printf("mPvalue[%zu]=%zu not %zu\n", mNextPidx-1, provided, buffer->frameCount);
    283                 if (provided < buffer->frameCount) {
    284                     buffer->frameCount = provided;
    285                 }
    286                 if (mNextPidx >= mPvalues.size()) {
    287                     mNextPidx = 0;
    288                 }
    289             }
    290             if (gVerbose) {
    291                 printf("getNextBuffer() requested %zu frames out of %zu frames available,"
    292                         " and returned %zu frames\n",
    293                         requestedFrames, (size_t) (mNumFrames - mNextFrame), buffer->frameCount);
    294             }
    295             mUnrel = buffer->frameCount;
    296             if (buffer->frameCount > 0) {
    297                 buffer->raw = (char *)mAddr + mFrameSize * mNextFrame;
    298                 return NO_ERROR;
    299             } else {
    300                 buffer->raw = NULL;
    301                 return NOT_ENOUGH_DATA;
    302             }
    303         }
    304         virtual void releaseBuffer(Buffer* buffer) {
    305             if (buffer->frameCount > mUnrel) {
    306                 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR releaseBuffer() released %zu frames but only %zu available "
    307                         "to release\n", buffer->frameCount, mUnrel);
    308                 mNextFrame += mUnrel;
    309                 mUnrel = 0;
    310             } else {
    311                 if (gVerbose) {
    312                     printf("releaseBuffer() released %zu frames out of %zu frames available "
    313                             "to release\n", buffer->frameCount, mUnrel);
    314                 }
    315                 mNextFrame += buffer->frameCount;
    316                 mUnrel -= buffer->frameCount;
    317             }
    318             buffer->frameCount = 0;
    319             buffer->raw = NULL;
    320         }
    321         void reset() {
    322             mNextFrame = 0;
    323         }
    324     } provider(input_vaddr, input_frames, input_framesize, Pvalues);
    326     if (gVerbose) {
    327         printf("%zu input frames\n", input_frames);
    328     }
    330     audio_format_t format = useFloat ? AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT : AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
    331     int output_channels = channels > 2 ? channels : 2; // output is at least stereo samples
    332     size_t output_framesize = output_channels * (useFloat ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(int32_t));
    333     size_t output_frames = ((int64_t) input_frames * output_freq) / input_freq;
    334     size_t output_size = output_frames * output_framesize;
    336     if (profileFilter) {
    337         // Check how fast sample rate changes are that require filter changes.
    338         // The delta sample rate changes must indicate a downsampling ratio,
    339         // and must be larger than 10% changes.
    340         //
    341         // On fast devices, filters should be generated between 0.1ms - 1ms.
    342         // (single threaded).
    343         AudioResampler* resampler = AudioResampler::create(format, channels,
    344                 8000, quality);
    345         int looplimit = 100;
    346         timespec start, end;
    347         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
    348         for (int i = 0; i < looplimit; ++i) {
    349             resampler->setSampleRate(9000);
    350             resampler->setSampleRate(12000);
    351             resampler->setSampleRate(20000);
    352             resampler->setSampleRate(30000);
    353         }
    354         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
    355         int64_t start_ns = start.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + start.tv_nsec;
    356         int64_t end_ns = end.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + end.tv_nsec;
    357         int64_t time = end_ns - start_ns;
    358         printf("%.2f sample rate changes with filter calculation/sec\n",
    359                 looplimit * 4 / (time / 1e9));
    361         // Check how fast sample rate changes are without filter changes.
    362         // This should be very fast, probably 0.1us - 1us per sample rate
    363         // change.
    364         resampler->setSampleRate(1000);
    365         looplimit = 1000;
    366         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
    367         for (int i = 0; i < looplimit; ++i) {
    368             resampler->setSampleRate(1000+i);
    369         }
    370         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
    371         start_ns = start.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + start.tv_nsec;
    372         end_ns = end.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + end.tv_nsec;
    373         time = end_ns - start_ns;
    374         printf("%.2f sample rate changes without filter calculation/sec\n",
    375                 looplimit / (time / 1e9));
    376         resampler->reset();
    377         delete resampler;
    378     }
    380     void* output_vaddr = malloc(output_size);
    381     AudioResampler* resampler = AudioResampler::create(format, channels,
    382             output_freq, quality);
    384     resampler->setSampleRate(input_freq);
    385     resampler->setVolume(AudioResampler::UNITY_GAIN_FLOAT, AudioResampler::UNITY_GAIN_FLOAT);
    387     if (profileResample) {
    388         /*
    389          * For profiling on mobile devices, upon experimentation
    390          * it is better to run a few trials with a shorter loop limit,
    391          * and take the minimum time.
    392          *
    393          * Long tests can cause CPU temperature to build up and thermal throttling
    394          * to reduce CPU frequency.
    395          *
    396          * For frequency checks (index=0, or 1, etc.):
    397          * "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${index}/cpufreq/scaling_*_freq"
    398          *
    399          * For temperature checks (index=0, or 1, etc.):
    400          * "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone${index}/temp"
    401          *
    402          * Another way to avoid thermal throttling is to fix the CPU frequency
    403          * at a lower level which prevents excessive temperatures.
    404          */
    405         const int trials = 4;
    406         const int looplimit = 4;
    407         timespec start, end;
    408         int64_t time = 0;
    410         for (int n = 0; n < trials; ++n) {
    411             clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
    412             for (int i = 0; i < looplimit; ++i) {
    413                 resampler->resample((int*) output_vaddr, output_frames, &provider);
    414                 provider.reset(); //  during benchmarking reset only the provider
    415             }
    416             clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
    417             int64_t start_ns = start.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + start.tv_nsec;
    418             int64_t end_ns = end.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + end.tv_nsec;
    419             int64_t diff_ns = end_ns - start_ns;
    420             if (n == 0 || diff_ns < time) {
    421                 time = diff_ns;   // save the best out of our trials.
    422             }
    423         }
    424         // Mfrms/s is "Millions of output frames per second".
    425         printf("quality: %d  channels: %d  msec: %" PRId64 "  Mfrms/s: %.2lf\n",
    426                 quality, channels, time/1000000, output_frames * looplimit / (time / 1e9) / 1e6);
    427         resampler->reset();
    429         // TODO fix legacy bug: reset does not clear buffers.
    430         // delete and recreate resampler here.
    431         delete resampler;
    432         resampler = AudioResampler::create(format, channels,
    433                     output_freq, quality);
    434         resampler->setSampleRate(input_freq);
    435         resampler->setVolume(AudioResampler::UNITY_GAIN_FLOAT, AudioResampler::UNITY_GAIN_FLOAT);
    436     }
    438     memset(output_vaddr, 0, output_size);
    439     if (gVerbose) {
    440         printf("resample() %zu output frames\n", output_frames);
    441     }
    442     if (Ovalues.isEmpty()) {
    443         Ovalues.push(output_frames);
    444     }
    445     for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < output_frames; ) {
    446         size_t thisFrames = Ovalues[j++];
    447         if (j >= Ovalues.size()) {
    448             j = 0;
    449         }
    450         if (thisFrames == 0 || thisFrames > output_frames - i) {
    451             thisFrames = output_frames - i;
    452         }
    453         resampler->resample((int*) output_vaddr + output_channels*i, thisFrames, &provider);
    454         i += thisFrames;
    455     }
    456     if (gVerbose) {
    457         printf("resample() complete\n");
    458     }
    459     resampler->reset();
    460     if (gVerbose) {
    461         printf("reset() complete\n");
    462     }
    463     delete resampler;
    464     resampler = NULL;
    466     // For float processing, convert output format from float to Q4.27,
    467     // which is then converted to int16_t for final storage.
    468     if (useFloat) {
    469         memcpy_to_q4_27_from_float(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(output_vaddr),
    470                 reinterpret_cast<float*>(output_vaddr), output_frames * output_channels);
    471     }
    473     // mono takes left channel only (out of stereo output pair)
    474     // stereo and multichannel preserve all channels.
    475     int32_t* out = (int32_t*) output_vaddr;
    476     int16_t* convert = (int16_t*) malloc(output_frames * channels * sizeof(int16_t));
    478     const int volumeShift = 12; // shift requirement for Q4.27 to Q.15
    479     // round to half towards zero and saturate at int16 (non-dithered)
    480     const int roundVal = (1<<(volumeShift-1)) - 1; // volumePrecision > 0
    482     for (size_t i = 0; i < output_frames; i++) {
    483         for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
    484             int32_t s = out[i * output_channels + j] + roundVal; // add offset here
    485             if (s < 0) {
    486                 s = (s + 1) >> volumeShift; // round to 0
    487                 if (s < -32768) {
    488                     s = -32768;
    489                 }
    490             } else {
    491                 s = s >> volumeShift;
    492                 if (s > 32767) {
    493                     s = 32767;
    494                 }
    495             }
    496             convert[i * channels + j] = int16_t(s);
    497         }
    498     }
    500     // write output to disk
    501     SF_INFO info;
    502     info.frames = 0;
    503     info.samplerate = output_freq;
    504     info.channels = channels;
    505     info.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;
    506     SNDFILE *sf = sf_open(file_out, SFM_WRITE, &info);
    507     if (sf == NULL) {
    508         perror(file_out);
    509         return EXIT_FAILURE;
    510     }
    511     (void) sf_writef_short(sf, convert, output_frames);
    512     sf_close(sf);
    514     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    515 }