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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <arpa/inet.h>
     18 #include <assert.h>
     19 #include <ctype.h>
     20 #include <dirent.h>
     21 #include <errno.h>
     22 #include <fcntl.h>
     23 #include <math.h>
     24 #include <pthread.h>
     25 #include <sched.h>
     26 #include <stdarg.h>
     27 #include <stdio.h>
     28 #include <stdlib.h>
     29 #include <string.h>
     30 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
     31 #include <sys/resource.h>
     32 #include <sys/socket.h>
     33 #include <sys/stat.h>
     34 #include <sys/types.h>
     35 #include <time.h>
     36 #include <unistd.h>
     38 #include <atomic>
     39 #include <memory>
     40 #include <string>
     41 #include <vector>
     43 #include <android-base/file.h>
     44 #include <android-base/properties.h>
     45 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
     46 #include <android-base/strings.h>
     47 #include <cutils/sched_policy.h>
     48 #include <cutils/sockets.h>
     49 #include <log/event_tag_map.h>
     50 #include <log/getopt.h>
     51 #include <log/logcat.h>
     52 #include <log/logprint.h>
     53 #include <private/android_logger.h>
     54 #include <system/thread_defs.h>
     56 #include <pcrecpp.h>
     58 #define DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATED_LOGS 4
     60 struct log_device_t {
     61     const char* device;
     62     bool binary;
     63     struct logger* logger;
     64     struct logger_list* logger_list;
     65     bool printed;
     67     log_device_t* next;
     69     log_device_t(const char* d, bool b) {
     70         device = d;
     71         binary = b;
     72         next = nullptr;
     73         printed = false;
     74         logger = nullptr;
     75         logger_list = nullptr;
     76     }
     77 };
     79 struct android_logcat_context_internal {
     80     // status
     81     volatile std::atomic_int retval;  // valid if thread_stopped set
     82     // Arguments passed in, or copies and storage thereof if a thread.
     83     int argc;
     84     char* const* argv;
     85     char* const* envp;
     86     std::vector<std::string> args;
     87     std::vector<const char*> argv_hold;
     88     std::vector<std::string> envs;
     89     std::vector<const char*> envp_hold;
     90     int output_fd;  // duplication of fileno(output) (below)
     91     int error_fd;   // duplication of fileno(error) (below)
     93     // library
     94     int fds[2];    // From popen call
     95     FILE* output;  // everything writes to fileno(output), buffer unused
     96     FILE* error;   // unless error == output.
     97     pthread_t thr;
     98     volatile std::atomic_bool stop;  // quick exit flag
     99     volatile std::atomic_bool thread_stopped;
    100     bool stderr_null;    // shell "2>/dev/null"
    101     bool stderr_stdout;  // shell "2>&1"
    103     // global variables
    104     AndroidLogFormat* logformat;
    105     const char* outputFileName;
    106     // 0 means "no log rotation"
    107     size_t logRotateSizeKBytes;
    108     // 0 means "unbounded"
    109     size_t maxRotatedLogs;
    110     size_t outByteCount;
    111     int printBinary;
    112     int devCount;  // >1 means multiple
    113     pcrecpp::RE* regex;
    114     log_device_t* devices;
    115     EventTagMap* eventTagMap;
    116     // 0 means "infinite"
    117     size_t maxCount;
    118     size_t printCount;
    120     bool printItAnyways;
    121     bool debug;
    122     bool hasOpenedEventTagMap;
    123 };
    125 // Creates a context associated with this logcat instance
    126 android_logcat_context create_android_logcat() {
    127     android_logcat_context_internal* context;
    129     context = (android_logcat_context_internal*)calloc(
    130         1, sizeof(android_logcat_context_internal));
    131     if (!context) return nullptr;
    133     context->fds[0] = -1;
    134     context->fds[1] = -1;
    135     context->output_fd = -1;
    136     context->error_fd = -1;
    137     context->maxRotatedLogs = DEFAULT_MAX_ROTATED_LOGS;
    139     context->argv_hold.clear();
    140     context->args.clear();
    141     context->envp_hold.clear();
    142     context->envs.clear();
    144     return (android_logcat_context)context;
    145 }
    147 // logd prefixes records with a length field
    148 #define RECORD_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE_BYTES sizeof(uint32_t)
    150 namespace android {
    152 enum helpType { HELP_FALSE, HELP_TRUE, HELP_FORMAT };
    154 // if showHelp is set, newline required in fmt statement to transition to usage
    155 static void logcat_panic(android_logcat_context_internal* context,
    156                          enum helpType showHelp, const char* fmt, ...)
    157     __printflike(3, 4);
    159 static int openLogFile(const char* pathname) {
    160     return open(pathname, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    161 }
    163 static void close_output(android_logcat_context_internal* context) {
    164     // split output_from_error
    165     if (context->error == context->output) {
    166         context->output = nullptr;
    167         context->output_fd = -1;
    168     }
    169     if (context->error && (context->output_fd == fileno(context->error))) {
    170         context->output_fd = -1;
    171     }
    172     if (context->output_fd == context->error_fd) {
    173         context->output_fd = -1;
    174     }
    175     // close output channel
    176     if (context->output) {
    177         if (context->output != stdout) {
    178             if (context->output_fd == fileno(context->output)) {
    179                 context->output_fd = -1;
    180             }
    181             if (context->fds[1] == fileno(context->output)) {
    182                 context->fds[1] = -1;
    183             }
    184             fclose(context->output);
    185         }
    186         context->output = nullptr;
    187     }
    188     if (context->output_fd >= 0) {
    189         if (context->output_fd != fileno(stdout)) {
    190             if (context->fds[1] == context->output_fd) {
    191                 context->fds[1] = -1;
    192             }
    193             close(context->output_fd);
    194         }
    195         context->output_fd = -1;
    196     }
    197 }
    199 static void close_error(android_logcat_context_internal* context) {
    200     // split error_from_output
    201     if (context->output == context->error) {
    202         context->error = nullptr;
    203         context->error_fd = -1;
    204     }
    205     if (context->output && (context->error_fd == fileno(context->output))) {
    206         context->error_fd = -1;
    207     }
    208     if (context->error_fd == context->output_fd) {
    209         context->error_fd = -1;
    210     }
    211     // close error channel
    212     if (context->error) {
    213         if ((context->error != stderr) && (context->error != stdout)) {
    214             if (context->error_fd == fileno(context->error)) {
    215                 context->error_fd = -1;
    216             }
    217             if (context->fds[1] == fileno(context->error)) {
    218                 context->fds[1] = -1;
    219             }
    220             fclose(context->error);
    221         }
    222         context->error = nullptr;
    223     }
    224     if (context->error_fd >= 0) {
    225         if ((context->error_fd != fileno(stdout)) &&
    226             (context->error_fd != fileno(stderr))) {
    227             if (context->fds[1] == context->error_fd) context->fds[1] = -1;
    228             close(context->error_fd);
    229         }
    230         context->error_fd = -1;
    231     }
    232 }
    234 static void rotateLogs(android_logcat_context_internal* context) {
    235     int err;
    237     // Can't rotate logs if we're not outputting to a file
    238     if (!context->outputFileName) return;
    240     close_output(context);
    242     // Compute the maximum number of digits needed to count up to
    243     // maxRotatedLogs in decimal.  eg:
    244     // maxRotatedLogs == 30
    245     //   -> log10(30) == 1.477
    246     //   -> maxRotationCountDigits == 2
    247     int maxRotationCountDigits =
    248         (context->maxRotatedLogs > 0)
    249             ? (int)(floor(log10(context->maxRotatedLogs) + 1))
    250             : 0;
    252     for (int i = context->maxRotatedLogs; i > 0; i--) {
    253         std::string file1 = android::base::StringPrintf(
    254             "%s.%.*d", context->outputFileName, maxRotationCountDigits, i);
    256         std::string file0;
    257         if (!(i - 1)) {
    258             file0 = android::base::StringPrintf("%s", context->outputFileName);
    259         } else {
    260             file0 =
    261                 android::base::StringPrintf("%s.%.*d", context->outputFileName,
    262                                             maxRotationCountDigits, i - 1);
    263         }
    265         if (!file0.length() || !file1.length()) {
    266             perror("while rotating log files");
    267             break;
    268         }
    270         err = rename(file0.c_str(), file1.c_str());
    272         if (err < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
    273             perror("while rotating log files");
    274         }
    275     }
    277     context->output_fd = openLogFile(context->outputFileName);
    279     if (context->output_fd < 0) {
    280         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "couldn't open output file");
    281         return;
    282     }
    283     context->output = fdopen(context->output_fd, "web");
    284     if (!context->output) {
    285         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "couldn't fdopen output file");
    286         return;
    287     }
    288     if (context->stderr_stdout) {
    289         close_error(context);
    290         context->error = context->output;
    291         context->error_fd = context->output_fd;
    292     }
    294     context->outByteCount = 0;
    295 }
    297 void printBinary(android_logcat_context_internal* context, struct log_msg* buf) {
    298     size_t size = buf->len();
    300     TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(context->output_fd, buf, size));
    301 }
    303 static bool regexOk(android_logcat_context_internal* context,
    304                     const AndroidLogEntry& entry) {
    305     if (!context->regex) return true;
    307     std::string messageString(entry.message, entry.messageLen);
    309     return context->regex->PartialMatch(messageString);
    310 }
    312 static void processBuffer(android_logcat_context_internal* context,
    313                           log_device_t* dev, struct log_msg* buf) {
    314     int bytesWritten = 0;
    315     int err;
    316     AndroidLogEntry entry;
    317     char binaryMsgBuf[1024];
    319     if (dev->binary) {
    320         if (!context->eventTagMap && !context->hasOpenedEventTagMap) {
    321             context->eventTagMap = android_openEventTagMap(nullptr);
    322             context->hasOpenedEventTagMap = true;
    323         }
    324         err = android_log_processBinaryLogBuffer(
    325             &buf->entry_v1, &entry, context->eventTagMap, binaryMsgBuf,
    326             sizeof(binaryMsgBuf));
    327         // printf(">>> pri=%d len=%d msg='%s'\n",
    328         //    entry.priority, entry.messageLen, entry.message);
    329     } else {
    330         err = android_log_processLogBuffer(&buf->entry_v1, &entry);
    331     }
    332     if ((err < 0) && !context->debug) return;
    334     if (android_log_shouldPrintLine(
    335             context->logformat, std::string(entry.tag, entry.tagLen).c_str(),
    336             entry.priority)) {
    337         bool match = regexOk(context, entry);
    339         context->printCount += match;
    340         if (match || context->printItAnyways) {
    341             bytesWritten = android_log_printLogLine(context->logformat,
    342                                                     context->output_fd, &entry);
    344             if (bytesWritten < 0) {
    345                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "output error");
    346                 return;
    347             }
    348         }
    349     }
    351     context->outByteCount += bytesWritten;
    353     if (context->logRotateSizeKBytes > 0 &&
    354         (context->outByteCount / 1024) >= context->logRotateSizeKBytes) {
    355         rotateLogs(context);
    356     }
    357 }
    359 static void maybePrintStart(android_logcat_context_internal* context,
    360                             log_device_t* dev, bool printDividers) {
    361     if (!dev->printed || printDividers) {
    362         if (context->devCount > 1 && !context->printBinary) {
    363             char buf[1024];
    364             snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "--------- %s %s\n",
    365                      dev->printed ? "switch to" : "beginning of", dev->device);
    366             if (write(context->output_fd, buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) {
    367                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "output error");
    368                 return;
    369             }
    370         }
    371         dev->printed = true;
    372     }
    373 }
    375 static void setupOutputAndSchedulingPolicy(
    376     android_logcat_context_internal* context, bool blocking) {
    377     if (!context->outputFileName) return;
    379     if (blocking) {
    380         // Lower priority and set to batch scheduling if we are saving
    381         // the logs into files and taking continuous content.
    382         if ((set_sched_policy(0, SP_BACKGROUND) < 0) && context->error) {
    383             fprintf(context->error,
    384                     "failed to set background scheduling policy\n");
    385         }
    387         struct sched_param param;
    388         memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
    389         if (sched_setscheduler((pid_t)0, SCHED_BATCH, &param) < 0) {
    390             fprintf(stderr, "failed to set to batch scheduler\n");
    391         }
    393         if ((setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) < 0) &&
    394             context->error) {
    395             fprintf(context->error, "failed set to priority\n");
    396         }
    397     }
    399     close_output(context);
    401     context->output_fd = openLogFile(context->outputFileName);
    403     if (context->output_fd < 0) {
    404         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "couldn't open output file");
    405         return;
    406     }
    408     struct stat statbuf;
    409     if (fstat(context->output_fd, &statbuf) == -1) {
    410         close_output(context);
    411         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "couldn't get output file stat\n");
    412         return;
    413     }
    415     if ((size_t)statbuf.st_size > SIZE_MAX || statbuf.st_size < 0) {
    416         close_output(context);
    417         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "invalid output file stat\n");
    418         return;
    419     }
    421     context->output = fdopen(context->output_fd, "web");
    423     context->outByteCount = statbuf.st_size;
    424 }
    426 // clang-format off
    427 static void show_help(android_logcat_context_internal* context) {
    428     if (!context->error) return;
    430     const char* cmd = strrchr(context->argv[0], '/');
    431     cmd = cmd ? cmd + 1 : context->argv[0];
    433     fprintf(context->error, "Usage: %s [options] [filterspecs]\n", cmd);
    435     fprintf(context->error, "options include:\n"
    436                     "  -s              Set default filter to silent. Equivalent to filterspec '*:S'\n"
    437                     "  -f <file>, --file=<file>               Log to file. Default is stdout\n"
    438                     "  -r <kbytes>, --rotate-kbytes=<kbytes>\n"
    439                     "                  Rotate log every kbytes. Requires -f option\n"
    440                     "  -n <count>, --rotate-count=<count>\n"
    441                     "                  Sets max number of rotated logs to <count>, default 4\n"
    442                     "  --id=<id>       If the signature id for logging to file changes, then clear\n"
    443                     "                  the fileset and continue\n"
    444                     "  -v <format>, --format=<format>\n"
    445                     "                  Sets log print format verb and adverbs, where <format> is:\n"
    446                     "                    brief help long process raw tag thread threadtime time\n"
    447                     "                  and individually flagged modifying adverbs can be added:\n"
    448                     "                    color descriptive epoch monotonic printable uid\n"
    449                     "                    usec UTC year zone\n"
    450                     "                  Multiple -v parameters or comma separated list of format and\n"
    451                     "                  format modifiers are allowed.\n"
    452                     // private and undocumented nsec, no signal, too much noise
    453                     // useful for -T or -t <timestamp> accurate testing though.
    454                     "  -D, --dividers  Print dividers between each log buffer\n"
    455                     "  -c, --clear     Clear (flush) the entire log and exit\n"
    456                     "                  if Log to File specified, clear fileset instead\n"
    457                     "  -d              Dump the log and then exit (don't block)\n"
    458                     "  -e <expr>, --regex=<expr>\n"
    459                     "                  Only print lines where the log message matches <expr>\n"
    460                     "                  where <expr> is a regular expression\n"
    461                     // Leave --head undocumented as alias for -m
    462                     "  -m <count>, --max-count=<count>\n"
    463                     "                  Quit after printing <count> lines. This is meant to be\n"
    464                     "                  paired with --regex, but will work on its own.\n"
    465                     "  --print         Paired with --regex and --max-count to let content bypass\n"
    466                     "                  regex filter but still stop at number of matches.\n"
    467                     // Leave --tail undocumented as alias for -t
    468                     "  -t <count>      Print only the most recent <count> lines (implies -d)\n"
    469                     "  -t '<time>'     Print most recent lines since specified time (implies -d)\n"
    470                     "  -T <count>      Print only the most recent <count> lines (does not imply -d)\n"
    471                     "  -T '<time>'     Print most recent lines since specified time (not imply -d)\n"
    472                     "                  count is pure numerical, time is 'MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm...'\n"
    473                     "                  'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm...' or 'sssss.mmm...' format\n"
    474                     "  -g, --buffer-size                      Get the size of the ring buffer.\n"
    475                     "  -G <size>, --buffer-size=<size>\n"
    476                     "                  Set size of log ring buffer, may suffix with K or M.\n"
    477                     "  -L, --last      Dump logs from prior to last reboot\n"
    478                     // Leave security (Device Owner only installations) and
    479                     // kernel (userdebug and eng) buffers undocumented.
    480                     "  -b <buffer>, --buffer=<buffer>         Request alternate ring buffer, 'main',\n"
    481                     "                  'system', 'radio', 'events', 'crash', 'default' or 'all'.\n"
    482                     "                  Multiple -b parameters or comma separated list of buffers are\n"
    483                     "                  allowed. Buffers interleaved. Default -b main,system,crash.\n"
    484                     "  -B, --binary    Output the log in binary.\n"
    485                     "  -S, --statistics                       Output statistics.\n"
    486                     "  -p, --prune     Print prune white and ~black list. Service is specified as\n"
    487                     "                  UID, UID/PID or /PID. Weighed for quicker pruning if prefix\n"
    488                     "                  with ~, otherwise weighed for longevity if unadorned. All\n"
    489                     "                  other pruning activity is oldest first. Special case ~!\n"
    490                     "                  represents an automatic quicker pruning for the noisiest\n"
    491                     "                  UID as determined by the current statistics.\n"
    492                     "  -P '<list> ...', --prune='<list> ...'\n"
    493                     "                  Set prune white and ~black list, using same format as\n"
    494                     "                  listed above. Must be quoted.\n"
    495                     "  --pid=<pid>     Only prints logs from the given pid.\n"
    496                     // Check ANDROID_LOG_WRAP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT value for match to 2 hours
    497                     "  --wrap          Sleep for 2 hours or when buffer about to wrap whichever\n"
    498                     "                  comes first. Improves efficiency of polling by providing\n"
    499                     "                  an about-to-wrap wakeup.\n");
    501     fprintf(context->error, "\nfilterspecs are a series of \n"
    502                    "  <tag>[:priority]\n\n"
    503                    "where <tag> is a log component tag (or * for all) and priority is:\n"
    504                    "  V    Verbose (default for <tag>)\n"
    505                    "  D    Debug (default for '*')\n"
    506                    "  I    Info\n"
    507                    "  W    Warn\n"
    508                    "  E    Error\n"
    509                    "  F    Fatal\n"
    510                    "  S    Silent (suppress all output)\n"
    511                    "\n'*' by itself means '*:D' and <tag> by itself means <tag>:V.\n"
    512                    "If no '*' filterspec or -s on command line, all filter defaults to '*:V'.\n"
    513                    "eg: '*:S <tag>' prints only <tag>, '<tag>:S' suppresses all <tag> log messages.\n"
    514                    "\nIf not specified on the command line, filterspec is set from ANDROID_LOG_TAGS.\n"
    515                    "\nIf not specified with -v on command line, format is set from ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG\n"
    516                    "or defaults to \"threadtime\"\n\n");
    517 }
    519 static void show_format_help(android_logcat_context_internal* context) {
    520     if (!context->error) return;
    521     fprintf(context->error,
    522         "-v <format>, --format=<format> options:\n"
    523         "  Sets log print format verb and adverbs, where <format> is:\n"
    524         "    brief long process raw tag thread threadtime time\n"
    525         "  and individually flagged modifying adverbs can be added:\n"
    526         "    color descriptive epoch monotonic printable uid usec UTC year zone\n"
    527         "\nSingle format verbs:\n"
    528         "  brief       Display priority/tag and PID of the process issuing the message.\n"
    529         "  long        Display all metadata fields, separate messages with blank lines.\n"
    530         "  process     Display PID only.\n"
    531         "  raw         Display the raw log message, with no other metadata fields.\n"
    532         "  tag         Display the priority/tag only.\n"
    533         "  threadtime  Display the date, invocation time, priority, tag, and the PID\n"
    534         "               and TID of the thread issuing the message. (the default format).\n"
    535         "  time        Display the date, invocation time, priority/tag, and PID of the\n"
    536         "             process issuing the message.\n"
    537         "\nAdverb modifiers can be used in combination:\n"
    538         "  color        Display in highlighted color to match priority. i.e. \x1B[38;5;231mVERBOSE\n"
    539         "                \x1B[38;5;75mDEBUG \x1B[38;5;40mINFO \x1B[38;5;166mWARNING \x1B[38;5;196mERROR FATAL\x1B[0m\n"
    540         "  descriptive  events logs only, descriptions from event-log-tags database.\n"
    541         "  epoch        Display time as seconds since Jan 1 1970.\n"
    542         "  monotonic    Display time as cpu seconds since last boot.\n"
    543         "  printable    Ensure that any binary logging content is escaped.\n"
    544         "  uid          If permitted, display the UID or Android ID of logged process.\n"
    545         "  usec         Display time down the microsecond precision.\n"
    546         "  UTC          Display time as UTC.\n"
    547         "  year         Add the year to the displayed time.\n"
    548         "  zone         Add the local timezone to the displayed time.\n"
    549         "  \"<zone>\"     Print using this public named timezone (experimental).\n\n"
    550     );
    551 }
    552 // clang-format on
    554 static int setLogFormat(android_logcat_context_internal* context,
    555                         const char* formatString) {
    556     AndroidLogPrintFormat format;
    558     format = android_log_formatFromString(formatString);
    560     // invalid string?
    561     if (format == FORMAT_OFF) return -1;
    563     return android_log_setPrintFormat(context->logformat, format);
    564 }
    566 static const char multipliers[][2] = { { "" }, { "K" }, { "M" }, { "G" } };
    568 static unsigned long value_of_size(unsigned long value) {
    569     for (unsigned i = 0;
    570          (i < sizeof(multipliers) / sizeof(multipliers[0])) && (value >= 1024);
    571          value /= 1024, ++i)
    572         ;
    573     return value;
    574 }
    576 static const char* multiplier_of_size(unsigned long value) {
    577     unsigned i;
    578     for (i = 0;
    579          (i < sizeof(multipliers) / sizeof(multipliers[0])) && (value >= 1024);
    580          value /= 1024, ++i)
    581         ;
    582     return multipliers[i];
    583 }
    585 // String to unsigned int, returns -1 if it fails
    586 static bool getSizeTArg(const char* ptr, size_t* val, size_t min = 0,
    587                         size_t max = SIZE_MAX) {
    588     if (!ptr) return false;
    590     char* endp;
    591     errno = 0;
    592     size_t ret = (size_t)strtoll(ptr, &endp, 0);
    594     if (endp[0] || errno) return false;
    596     if ((ret > max) || (ret < min)) return false;
    598     *val = ret;
    599     return true;
    600 }
    602 static void logcat_panic(android_logcat_context_internal* context,
    603                          enum helpType showHelp, const char* fmt, ...) {
    604     context->retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    605     if (!context->error) {
    606         context->stop = true;
    607         return;
    608     }
    610     va_list args;
    611     va_start(args, fmt);
    612     vfprintf(context->error, fmt, args);
    613     va_end(args);
    615     switch (showHelp) {
    616         case HELP_TRUE:
    617             show_help(context);
    618             break;
    619         case HELP_FORMAT:
    620             show_format_help(context);
    621             break;
    622         case HELP_FALSE:
    623         default:
    624             break;
    625     }
    627     context->stop = true;
    628 }
    630 static char* parseTime(log_time& t, const char* cp) {
    631     char* ep = t.strptime(cp, "%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%q");
    632     if (ep) return ep;
    633     ep = t.strptime(cp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%q");
    634     if (ep) return ep;
    635     return t.strptime(cp, "%s.%q");
    636 }
    638 // Find last logged line in <outputFileName>, or <outputFileName>.1
    639 static log_time lastLogTime(const char* outputFileName) {
    640     log_time retval(log_time::EPOCH);
    641     if (!outputFileName) return retval;
    643     std::string directory;
    644     const char* file = strrchr(outputFileName, '/');
    645     if (!file) {
    646         directory = ".";
    647         file = outputFileName;
    648     } else {
    649         directory = std::string(outputFileName, file - outputFileName);
    650         ++file;
    651     }
    653     std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> dir(opendir(directory.c_str()),
    654                                             closedir);
    655     if (!dir.get()) return retval;
    657     log_time now(android_log_clockid());
    659     size_t len = strlen(file);
    660     log_time modulo(0, NS_PER_SEC);
    661     struct dirent* dp;
    663     while (!!(dp = readdir(dir.get()))) {
    664         if ((dp->d_type != DT_REG) || !!strncmp(dp->d_name, file, len) ||
    665             (dp->d_name[len] && ((dp->d_name[len] != '.') ||
    666                                  (strtoll(dp->d_name + 1, nullptr, 10) != 1)))) {
    667             continue;
    668         }
    670         std::string file_name = directory;
    671         file_name += "/";
    672         file_name += dp->d_name;
    673         std::string file;
    674         if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(file_name, &file)) continue;
    676         bool found = false;
    677         for (const auto& line : android::base::Split(file, "\n")) {
    678             log_time t(log_time::EPOCH);
    679             char* ep = parseTime(t, line.c_str());
    680             if (!ep || (*ep != ' ')) continue;
    681             // determine the time precision of the logs (eg: msec or usec)
    682             for (unsigned long mod = 1UL; mod < modulo.tv_nsec; mod *= 10) {
    683                 if (t.tv_nsec % (mod * 10)) {
    684                     modulo.tv_nsec = mod;
    685                     break;
    686                 }
    687             }
    688             // We filter any times later than current as we may not have the
    689             // year stored with each log entry. Also, since it is possible for
    690             // entries to be recorded out of order (very rare) we select the
    691             // maximum we find just in case.
    692             if ((t < now) && (t > retval)) {
    693                 retval = t;
    694                 found = true;
    695             }
    696         }
    697         // We count on the basename file to be the definitive end, so stop here.
    698         if (!dp->d_name[len] && found) break;
    699     }
    700     if (retval == log_time::EPOCH) return retval;
    701     // tail_time prints matching or higher, round up by the modulo to prevent
    702     // a replay of the last entry we have just checked.
    703     retval += modulo;
    704     return retval;
    705 }
    707 const char* getenv(android_logcat_context_internal* context, const char* name) {
    708     if (!context->envp || !name || !*name) return nullptr;
    710     for (size_t len = strlen(name), i = 0; context->envp[i]; ++i) {
    711         if (strncmp(context->envp[i], name, len)) continue;
    712         if (context->envp[i][len] == '=') return &context->envp[i][len + 1];
    713     }
    714     return nullptr;
    715 }
    717 }  // namespace android
    719 void reportErrorName(const char** current, const char* name,
    720                      bool blockSecurity) {
    721     if (*current) return;
    722     if (!blockSecurity || (android_name_to_log_id(name) != LOG_ID_SECURITY)) {
    723         *current = name;
    724     }
    725 }
    727 static int __logcat(android_logcat_context_internal* context) {
    728     using namespace android;
    729     int err;
    730     bool hasSetLogFormat = false;
    731     bool clearLog = false;
    732     bool allSelected = false;
    733     bool getLogSize = false;
    734     bool getPruneList = false;
    735     bool printStatistics = false;
    736     bool printDividers = false;
    737     unsigned long setLogSize = 0;
    738     const char* setPruneList = nullptr;
    739     const char* setId = nullptr;
    740     int mode = ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY;
    741     std::string forceFilters;
    742     log_device_t* dev;
    743     struct logger_list* logger_list;
    744     size_t tail_lines = 0;
    745     log_time tail_time(log_time::EPOCH);
    746     size_t pid = 0;
    747     bool got_t = false;
    749     // object instantiations before goto's can happen
    750     log_device_t unexpected("unexpected", false);
    751     const char* openDeviceFail = nullptr;
    752     const char* clearFail = nullptr;
    753     const char* setSizeFail = nullptr;
    754     const char* getSizeFail = nullptr;
    755     int argc = context->argc;
    756     char* const* argv = context->argv;
    758     context->output = stdout;
    759     context->error = stderr;
    761     for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
    762         // Simulate shell stderr redirect parsing
    763         if ((argv[i][0] != '2') || (argv[i][1] != '>')) continue;
    765         // Append to file not implemented, just open file
    766         size_t skip = (argv[i][2] == '>') + 2;
    767         if (!strcmp(&argv[i][skip], "/dev/null")) {
    768             context->stderr_null = true;
    769         } else if (!strcmp(&argv[i][skip], "&1")) {
    770             context->stderr_stdout = true;
    771         } else {
    772             // stderr file redirections are not supported
    773             fprintf(context->stderr_stdout ? stdout : stderr,
    774                     "stderr redirection to file %s unsupported, skipping\n",
    775                     &argv[i][skip]);
    776         }
    777         // Only the first one
    778         break;
    779     }
    781     const char* filename = nullptr;
    782     for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
    783         // Simulate shell stdout redirect parsing
    784         if (argv[i][0] != '>') continue;
    786         // Append to file not implemented, just open file
    787         filename = &argv[i][(argv[i][1] == '>') + 1];
    788         // Only the first one
    789         break;
    790     }
    792     // Deal with setting up file descriptors and FILE pointers
    793     if (context->error_fd >= 0) {  // Is an error file descriptor supplied?
    794         if (context->error_fd == context->output_fd) {
    795             context->stderr_stdout = true;
    796         } else if (context->stderr_null) {  // redirection told us to close it
    797             close(context->error_fd);
    798             context->error_fd = -1;
    799         } else {  // All Ok, convert error to a FILE pointer
    800             context->error = fdopen(context->error_fd, "web");
    801             if (!context->error) {
    802                 context->retval = -errno;
    803                 fprintf(context->stderr_stdout ? stdout : stderr,
    804                         "Failed to fdopen(error_fd=%d) %s\n", context->error_fd,
    805                         strerror(errno));
    806                 goto exit;
    807             }
    808         }
    809     }
    810     if (context->output_fd >= 0) {  // Is an output file descriptor supplied?
    811         if (filename) {  // redirect to file, close supplied file descriptor.
    812             close(context->output_fd);
    813             context->output_fd = -1;
    814         } else {  // All Ok, convert output to a FILE pointer
    815             context->output = fdopen(context->output_fd, "web");
    816             if (!context->output) {
    817                 context->retval = -errno;
    818                 fprintf(context->stderr_stdout ? stdout : context->error,
    819                         "Failed to fdopen(output_fd=%d) %s\n",
    820                         context->output_fd, strerror(errno));
    821                 goto exit;
    822             }
    823         }
    824     }
    825     if (filename) {  // We supplied an output file redirected in command line
    826         context->output = fopen(filename, "web");
    827     }
    828     // Deal with 2>&1
    829     if (context->stderr_stdout) context->error = context->output;
    830     // Deal with 2>/dev/null
    831     if (context->stderr_null) {
    832         context->error_fd = -1;
    833         context->error = nullptr;
    834     }
    835     // Only happens if output=stdout or output=filename
    836     if ((context->output_fd < 0) && context->output) {
    837         context->output_fd = fileno(context->output);
    838     }
    839     // Only happens if error=stdout || error=stderr
    840     if ((context->error_fd < 0) && context->error) {
    841         context->error_fd = fileno(context->error);
    842     }
    844     context->logformat = android_log_format_new();
    846     if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) {
    847         show_help(context);
    848         context->retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    849         goto exit;
    850     }
    852     // meant to catch comma-delimited values, but cast a wider
    853     // net for stability dealing with possible mistaken inputs.
    854     static const char delimiters[] = ",:; \t\n\r\f";
    856     struct getopt_context optctx;
    857     INIT_GETOPT_CONTEXT(optctx);
    858     optctx.opterr = !!context->error;
    859     optctx.optstderr = context->error;
    861     for (;;) {
    862         int ret;
    864         int option_index = 0;
    865         // list of long-argument only strings for later comparison
    866         static const char pid_str[] = "pid";
    867         static const char debug_str[] = "debug";
    868         static const char id_str[] = "id";
    869         static const char wrap_str[] = "wrap";
    870         static const char print_str[] = "print";
    871         // clang-format off
    872         static const struct option long_options[] = {
    873           { "binary",        no_argument,       nullptr, 'B' },
    874           { "buffer",        required_argument, nullptr, 'b' },
    875           { "buffer-size",   optional_argument, nullptr, 'g' },
    876           { "clear",         no_argument,       nullptr, 'c' },
    877           { debug_str,       no_argument,       nullptr, 0 },
    878           { "dividers",      no_argument,       nullptr, 'D' },
    879           { "file",          required_argument, nullptr, 'f' },
    880           { "format",        required_argument, nullptr, 'v' },
    881           // hidden and undocumented reserved alias for --regex
    882           { "grep",          required_argument, nullptr, 'e' },
    883           // hidden and undocumented reserved alias for --max-count
    884           { "head",          required_argument, nullptr, 'm' },
    885           { "help",          no_argument,       nullptr, 'h' },
    886           { id_str,          required_argument, nullptr, 0 },
    887           { "last",          no_argument,       nullptr, 'L' },
    888           { "max-count",     required_argument, nullptr, 'm' },
    889           { pid_str,         required_argument, nullptr, 0 },
    890           { print_str,       no_argument,       nullptr, 0 },
    891           { "prune",         optional_argument, nullptr, 'p' },
    892           { "regex",         required_argument, nullptr, 'e' },
    893           { "rotate-count",  required_argument, nullptr, 'n' },
    894           { "rotate-kbytes", required_argument, nullptr, 'r' },
    895           { "statistics",    no_argument,       nullptr, 'S' },
    896           // hidden and undocumented reserved alias for -t
    897           { "tail",          required_argument, nullptr, 't' },
    898           // support, but ignore and do not document, the optional argument
    899           { wrap_str,        optional_argument, nullptr, 0 },
    900           { nullptr,         0,                 nullptr, 0 }
    901         };
    902         // clang-format on
    904         ret = getopt_long_r(argc, argv, ":cdDhLt:T:gG:sQf:r:n:v:b:BSpP:m:e:",
    905                             long_options, &option_index, &optctx);
    906         if (ret < 0) break;
    908         switch (ret) {
    909             case 0:
    910                 // only long options
    911                 if (long_options[option_index].name == pid_str) {
    912                     // ToDo: determine runtime PID_MAX?
    913                     if (!getSizeTArg(optctx.optarg, &pid, 1)) {
    914                         logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE, "%s %s out of range\n",
    915                                      long_options[option_index].name,
    916                                      optctx.optarg);
    917                         goto exit;
    918                     }
    919                     break;
    920                 }
    921                 if (long_options[option_index].name == wrap_str) {
    922                     mode |= ANDROID_LOG_WRAP | ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY |
    923                             ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK;
    924                     // ToDo: implement API that supports setting a wrap timeout
    925                     size_t dummy = ANDROID_LOG_WRAP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
    926                     if (optctx.optarg &&
    927                         !getSizeTArg(optctx.optarg, &dummy, 1)) {
    928                         logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE, "%s %s out of range\n",
    929                                      long_options[option_index].name,
    930                                      optctx.optarg);
    931                         goto exit;
    932                     }
    933                     if ((dummy != ANDROID_LOG_WRAP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) &&
    934                         context->error) {
    935                         fprintf(context->error,
    936                                 "WARNING: %s %u seconds, ignoring %zu\n",
    937                                 long_options[option_index].name,
    938                                 ANDROID_LOG_WRAP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, dummy);
    939                     }
    940                     break;
    941                 }
    942                 if (long_options[option_index].name == print_str) {
    943                     context->printItAnyways = true;
    944                     break;
    945                 }
    946                 if (long_options[option_index].name == debug_str) {
    947                     context->debug = true;
    948                     break;
    949                 }
    950                 if (long_options[option_index].name == id_str) {
    951                     setId = (optctx.optarg && optctx.optarg[0]) ? optctx.optarg
    952                                                                 : nullptr;
    953                 }
    954                 break;
    956             case 's':
    957                 // default to all silent
    958                 android_log_addFilterRule(context->logformat, "*:s");
    959                 break;
    961             case 'c':
    962                 clearLog = true;
    963                 mode |= ANDROID_LOG_WRONLY;
    964                 break;
    966             case 'L':
    967                 mode |= ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_PSTORE |
    968                         ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK;
    969                 break;
    971             case 'd':
    972                 mode |= ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK;
    973                 break;
    975             case 't':
    976                 got_t = true;
    977                 mode |= ANDROID_LOG_RDONLY | ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK;
    978             // FALLTHRU
    979             case 'T':
    980                 if (strspn(optctx.optarg, "0123456789") !=
    981                     strlen(optctx.optarg)) {
    982                     char* cp = parseTime(tail_time, optctx.optarg);
    983                     if (!cp) {
    984                         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
    985                                      "-%c \"%s\" not in time format\n", ret,
    986                                      optctx.optarg);
    987                         goto exit;
    988                     }
    989                     if (*cp) {
    990                         char c = *cp;
    991                         *cp = '\0';
    992                         if (context->error) {
    993                             fprintf(
    994                                 context->error,
    995                                 "WARNING: -%c \"%s\"\"%c%s\" time truncated\n",
    996                                 ret, optctx.optarg, c, cp + 1);
    997                         }
    998                         *cp = c;
    999                     }
   1000                 } else {
   1001                     if (!getSizeTArg(optctx.optarg, &tail_lines, 1)) {
   1002                         if (context->error) {
   1003                             fprintf(context->error,
   1004                                     "WARNING: -%c %s invalid, setting to 1\n",
   1005                                     ret, optctx.optarg);
   1006                         }
   1007                         tail_lines = 1;
   1008                     }
   1009                 }
   1010                 break;
   1012             case 'D':
   1013                 printDividers = true;
   1014                 break;
   1016             case 'e':
   1017                 context->regex = new pcrecpp::RE(optctx.optarg);
   1018                 break;
   1020             case 'm': {
   1021                 char* end = nullptr;
   1022                 if (!getSizeTArg(optctx.optarg, &context->maxCount)) {
   1023                     logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1024                                  "-%c \"%s\" isn't an "
   1025                                  "integer greater than zero\n",
   1026                                  ret, optctx.optarg);
   1027                     goto exit;
   1028                 }
   1029             } break;
   1031             case 'g':
   1032                 if (!optctx.optarg) {
   1033                     getLogSize = true;
   1034                     break;
   1035                 }
   1036             // FALLTHRU
   1038             case 'G': {
   1039                 char* cp;
   1040                 if (strtoll(optctx.optarg, &cp, 0) > 0) {
   1041                     setLogSize = strtoll(optctx.optarg, &cp, 0);
   1042                 } else {
   1043                     setLogSize = 0;
   1044                 }
   1046                 switch (*cp) {
   1047                     case 'g':
   1048                     case 'G':
   1049                         setLogSize *= 1024;
   1050                     // FALLTHRU
   1051                     case 'm':
   1052                     case 'M':
   1053                         setLogSize *= 1024;
   1054                     // FALLTHRU
   1055                     case 'k':
   1056                     case 'K':
   1057                         setLogSize *= 1024;
   1058                     // FALLTHRU
   1059                     case '\0':
   1060                         break;
   1062                     default:
   1063                         setLogSize = 0;
   1064                 }
   1066                 if (!setLogSize) {
   1067                     logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1068                                  "ERROR: -G <num><multiplier>\n");
   1069                     goto exit;
   1070                 }
   1071             } break;
   1073             case 'p':
   1074                 if (!optctx.optarg) {
   1075                     getPruneList = true;
   1076                     break;
   1077                 }
   1078             // FALLTHRU
   1080             case 'P':
   1081                 setPruneList = optctx.optarg;
   1082                 break;
   1084             case 'b': {
   1085                 std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void*)> buffers(
   1086                     strdup(optctx.optarg), free);
   1087                 char* arg = buffers.get();
   1088                 unsigned idMask = 0;
   1089                 char* sv = nullptr;  // protect against -ENOMEM above
   1090                 while (!!(arg = strtok_r(arg, delimiters, &sv))) {
   1091                     if (!strcmp(arg, "default")) {
   1092                         idMask |= (1 << LOG_ID_MAIN) | (1 << LOG_ID_SYSTEM) |
   1093                                   (1 << LOG_ID_CRASH);
   1094                     } else if (!strcmp(arg, "all")) {
   1095                         allSelected = true;
   1096                         idMask = (unsigned)-1;
   1097                     } else {
   1098                         log_id_t log_id = android_name_to_log_id(arg);
   1099                         const char* name = android_log_id_to_name(log_id);
   1101                         if (!!strcmp(name, arg)) {
   1102                             logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1103                                          "unknown buffer %s\n", arg);
   1104                             goto exit;
   1105                         }
   1106                         if (log_id == LOG_ID_SECURITY) allSelected = false;
   1107                         idMask |= (1 << log_id);
   1108                     }
   1109                     arg = nullptr;
   1110                 }
   1112                 for (int i = LOG_ID_MIN; i < LOG_ID_MAX; ++i) {
   1113                     const char* name = android_log_id_to_name((log_id_t)i);
   1114                     log_id_t log_id = android_name_to_log_id(name);
   1116                     if (log_id != (log_id_t)i) continue;
   1117                     if (!(idMask & (1 << i))) continue;
   1119                     bool found = false;
   1120                     for (dev = context->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) {
   1121                         if (!strcmp(name, dev->device)) {
   1122                             found = true;
   1123                             break;
   1124                         }
   1125                         if (!dev->next) break;
   1126                     }
   1127                     if (found) continue;
   1129                     bool binary =
   1130                         !strcmp(name, "events") || !strcmp(name, "security");
   1131                     log_device_t* d = new log_device_t(name, binary);
   1133                     if (dev) {
   1134                         dev->next = d;
   1135                         dev = d;
   1136                     } else {
   1137                         context->devices = dev = d;
   1138                     }
   1139                     context->devCount++;
   1140                 }
   1141             } break;
   1143             case 'B':
   1144                 context->printBinary = 1;
   1145                 break;
   1147             case 'f':
   1148                 if ((tail_time == log_time::EPOCH) && !tail_lines) {
   1149                     tail_time = lastLogTime(optctx.optarg);
   1150                 }
   1151                 // redirect output to a file
   1152                 context->outputFileName = optctx.optarg;
   1153                 break;
   1155             case 'r':
   1156                 if (!getSizeTArg(optctx.optarg, &context->logRotateSizeKBytes,
   1157                                  1)) {
   1158                     logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1159                                  "Invalid parameter \"%s\" to -r\n",
   1160                                  optctx.optarg);
   1161                     goto exit;
   1162                 }
   1163                 break;
   1165             case 'n':
   1166                 if (!getSizeTArg(optctx.optarg, &context->maxRotatedLogs, 1)) {
   1167                     logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1168                                  "Invalid parameter \"%s\" to -n\n",
   1169                                  optctx.optarg);
   1170                     goto exit;
   1171                 }
   1172                 break;
   1174             case 'v': {
   1175                 if (!strcmp(optctx.optarg, "help") ||
   1176                     !strcmp(optctx.optarg, "--help")) {
   1177                     show_format_help(context);
   1178                     context->retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   1179                     goto exit;
   1180                 }
   1181                 std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void*)> formats(
   1182                     strdup(optctx.optarg), free);
   1183                 char* arg = formats.get();
   1184                 unsigned idMask = 0;
   1185                 char* sv = nullptr;  // protect against -ENOMEM above
   1186                 while (!!(arg = strtok_r(arg, delimiters, &sv))) {
   1187                     err = setLogFormat(context, arg);
   1188                     if (err < 0) {
   1189                         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FORMAT,
   1190                                      "Invalid parameter \"%s\" to -v\n", arg);
   1191                         goto exit;
   1192                     }
   1193                     arg = nullptr;
   1194                     if (err) hasSetLogFormat = true;
   1195                 }
   1196             } break;
   1198             case 'Q':
   1199 #define LOGCAT_FILTER "androidboot.logcat="
   1200 #define CONSOLE_PIPE_OPTION "androidboot.consolepipe="
   1201 #define CONSOLE_OPTION "androidboot.console="
   1202 #define QEMU_PROPERTY "ro.kernel.qemu"
   1203 #define QEMU_CMDLINE "qemu.cmdline"
   1204                 // This is a *hidden* option used to start a version of logcat
   1205                 // in an emulated device only.  It basically looks for
   1206                 // androidboot.logcat= on the kernel command line.  If
   1207                 // something is found, it extracts a log filter and uses it to
   1208                 // run the program. The logcat output will go to consolepipe if
   1209                 // androiboot.consolepipe (e.g. qemu_pipe) is given, otherwise,
   1210                 // it goes to androidboot.console (e.g. tty)
   1211                 {
   1212                     // if not in emulator, exit quietly
   1213                     if (false == android::base::GetBoolProperty(QEMU_PROPERTY, false)) {
   1214                         context->retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   1215                         goto exit;
   1216                     }
   1218                     std::string cmdline = android::base::GetProperty(QEMU_CMDLINE, "");
   1219                     if (cmdline.empty()) {
   1220                         android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/cmdline", &cmdline);
   1221                     }
   1223                     const char* logcatFilter = strstr(cmdline.c_str(), LOGCAT_FILTER);
   1224                     // if nothing found or invalid filters, exit quietly
   1225                     if (!logcatFilter) {
   1226                         context->retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   1227                         goto exit;
   1228                     }
   1230                     const char* p = logcatFilter + strlen(LOGCAT_FILTER);
   1231                     const char* q = strpbrk(p, " \t\n\r");
   1232                     if (!q) q = p + strlen(p);
   1233                     forceFilters = std::string(p, q);
   1235                     // redirect our output to the emulator console pipe or console
   1236                     const char* consolePipe =
   1237                         strstr(cmdline.c_str(), CONSOLE_PIPE_OPTION);
   1238                     const char* console =
   1239                         strstr(cmdline.c_str(), CONSOLE_OPTION);
   1241                     if (consolePipe) {
   1242                         p = consolePipe + strlen(CONSOLE_PIPE_OPTION);
   1243                     } else if (console) {
   1244                         p = console + strlen(CONSOLE_OPTION);
   1245                     } else {
   1246                         context->retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
   1247                         goto exit;
   1248                     }
   1250                     q = strpbrk(p, " \t\n\r");
   1251                     int len = q ? q - p : strlen(p);
   1252                     std::string devname = "/dev/" + std::string(p, len);
   1253                     std::string pipePurpose("pipe:logcat");
   1254                     if (consolePipe) {
   1255                         // example: "qemu_pipe,pipe:logcat"
   1256                         // upon opening of /dev/qemu_pipe, the "pipe:logcat"
   1257                         // string with trailing '\0' should be written to the fd
   1258                         size_t pos = devname.find(",");
   1259                         if (pos != std::string::npos) {
   1260                             pipePurpose = devname.substr(pos + 1);
   1261                             devname = devname.substr(0, pos);
   1262                         }
   1263                     }
   1264                     cmdline.erase();
   1266                     if (context->error) {
   1267                         fprintf(context->error, "logcat using %s\n",
   1268                                 devname.c_str());
   1269                     }
   1271                     FILE* fp = fopen(devname.c_str(), "web");
   1272                     devname.erase();
   1273                     if (!fp) break;
   1275                     if (consolePipe) {
   1276                         // need the trailing '\0'
   1277                         if(!android::base::WriteFully(fileno(fp), pipePurpose.c_str(),
   1278                                     pipePurpose.size() + 1)) {
   1279                             fclose(fp);
   1280                             context->retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
   1281                             goto exit;
   1282                         }
   1283                     }
   1285                     // close output and error channels, replace with console
   1286                     android::close_output(context);
   1287                     android::close_error(context);
   1288                     context->stderr_stdout = true;
   1289                     context->output = fp;
   1290                     context->output_fd = fileno(fp);
   1291                     if (context->stderr_null) break;
   1292                     context->stderr_stdout = true;
   1293                     context->error = fp;
   1294                     context->error_fd = fileno(fp);
   1295                 }
   1296                 break;
   1298             case 'S':
   1299                 printStatistics = true;
   1300                 break;
   1302             case ':':
   1303                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1304                              "Option -%c needs an argument\n", optctx.optopt);
   1305                 goto exit;
   1307             case 'h':
   1308                 show_help(context);
   1309                 show_format_help(context);
   1310                 goto exit;
   1312             default:
   1313                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE, "Unrecognized Option %c\n",
   1314                              optctx.optopt);
   1315                 goto exit;
   1316         }
   1317     }
   1319     if (context->maxCount && got_t) {
   1320         logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1321                      "Cannot use -m (--max-count) and -t together\n");
   1322         goto exit;
   1323     }
   1324     if (context->printItAnyways && (!context->regex || !context->maxCount)) {
   1325         // One day it would be nice if --print -v color and --regex <expr>
   1326         // could play with each other and show regex highlighted content.
   1327         // clang-format off
   1328         if (context->error) {
   1329             fprintf(context->error, "WARNING: "
   1330                             "--print ignored, to be used in combination with\n"
   1331                                 "         "
   1332                             "--regex <expr> and --max-count <N>\n");
   1333         }
   1334         context->printItAnyways = false;
   1335     }
   1337     if (!context->devices) {
   1338         dev = context->devices = new log_device_t("main", false);
   1339         context->devCount = 1;
   1340         if (android_name_to_log_id("system") == LOG_ID_SYSTEM) {
   1341             dev = dev->next = new log_device_t("system", false);
   1342             context->devCount++;
   1343         }
   1344         if (android_name_to_log_id("crash") == LOG_ID_CRASH) {
   1345             dev = dev->next = new log_device_t("crash", false);
   1346             context->devCount++;
   1347         }
   1348     }
   1350     if (!!context->logRotateSizeKBytes && !context->outputFileName) {
   1351         logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE, "-r requires -f as well\n");
   1352         goto exit;
   1353     }
   1355     if (!!setId) {
   1356         if (!context->outputFileName) {
   1357             logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1358                          "--id='%s' requires -f as well\n", setId);
   1359             goto exit;
   1360         }
   1362         std::string file_name = android::base::StringPrintf(
   1363                                         "%s.id", context->outputFileName);
   1364         std::string file;
   1365         bool file_ok = android::base::ReadFileToString(file_name, &file);
   1366         android::base::WriteStringToFile(setId, file_name, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
   1367                                          getuid(), getgid());
   1368         if (!file_ok || !file.compare(setId)) setId = nullptr;
   1369     }
   1371     if (!hasSetLogFormat) {
   1372         const char* logFormat = android::getenv(context, "ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG");
   1374         if (!!logFormat) {
   1375             std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void*)> formats(strdup(logFormat),
   1376                                                            free);
   1377             char* sv = nullptr;  // protect against -ENOMEM above
   1378             char* arg = formats.get();
   1379             while (!!(arg = strtok_r(arg, delimiters, &sv))) {
   1380                 err = setLogFormat(context, arg);
   1381                 // environment should not cause crash of logcat
   1382                 if ((err < 0) && context->error) {
   1383                     fprintf(context->error,
   1384                             "invalid format in ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG '%s'\n", arg);
   1385                 }
   1386                 arg = nullptr;
   1387                 if (err > 0) hasSetLogFormat = true;
   1388             }
   1389         }
   1390         if (!hasSetLogFormat) {
   1391             setLogFormat(context, "threadtime");
   1392         }
   1393     }
   1395     if (forceFilters.size()) {
   1396         err = android_log_addFilterString(context->logformat,
   1397                                           forceFilters.c_str());
   1398         if (err < 0) {
   1399             logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1400                          "Invalid filter expression in logcat args\n");
   1401             goto exit;
   1402         }
   1403     } else if (argc == optctx.optind) {
   1404         // Add from environment variable
   1405         const char* env_tags_orig = android::getenv(context, "ANDROID_LOG_TAGS");
   1407         if (!!env_tags_orig) {
   1408             err = android_log_addFilterString(context->logformat,
   1409                                               env_tags_orig);
   1411             if (err < 0) {
   1412                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1413                             "Invalid filter expression in ANDROID_LOG_TAGS\n");
   1414                 goto exit;
   1415             }
   1416         }
   1417     } else {
   1418         // Add from commandline
   1419         for (int i = optctx.optind ; i < argc ; i++) {
   1420             // skip stderr redirections of _all_ kinds
   1421             if ((argv[i][0] == '2') && (argv[i][1] == '>')) continue;
   1422             // skip stdout redirections of _all_ kinds
   1423             if (argv[i][0] == '>') continue;
   1425             err = android_log_addFilterString(context->logformat, argv[i]);
   1426             if (err < 0) {
   1427                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_TRUE,
   1428                              "Invalid filter expression '%s'\n", argv[i]);
   1429                 goto exit;
   1430             }
   1431         }
   1432     }
   1434     dev = context->devices;
   1435     if (tail_time != log_time::EPOCH) {
   1436         logger_list = android_logger_list_alloc_time(mode, tail_time, pid);
   1437     } else {
   1438         logger_list = android_logger_list_alloc(mode, tail_lines, pid);
   1439     }
   1440     // We have three orthogonal actions below to clear, set log size and
   1441     // get log size. All sharing the same iteration loop.
   1442     while (dev) {
   1443         dev->logger_list = logger_list;
   1444         dev->logger = android_logger_open(logger_list,
   1445                                           android_name_to_log_id(dev->device));
   1446         if (!dev->logger) {
   1447             reportErrorName(&openDeviceFail, dev->device, allSelected);
   1448             dev = dev->next;
   1449             continue;
   1450         }
   1452         if (clearLog || setId) {
   1453             if (context->outputFileName) {
   1454                 int maxRotationCountDigits =
   1455                     (context->maxRotatedLogs > 0) ?
   1456                         (int)(floor(log10(context->maxRotatedLogs) + 1)) :
   1457                         0;
   1459                 for (int i = context->maxRotatedLogs ; i >= 0 ; --i) {
   1460                     std::string file;
   1462                     if (!i) {
   1463                         file = android::base::StringPrintf(
   1464                             "%s", context->outputFileName);
   1465                     } else {
   1466                         file = android::base::StringPrintf("%s.%.*d",
   1467                             context->outputFileName, maxRotationCountDigits, i);
   1468                     }
   1470                     if (!file.length()) {
   1471                         perror("while clearing log files");
   1472                         reportErrorName(&clearFail, dev->device, allSelected);
   1473                         break;
   1474                     }
   1476                     err = unlink(file.c_str());
   1478                     if (err < 0 && errno != ENOENT && !clearFail) {
   1479                         perror("while clearing log files");
   1480                         reportErrorName(&clearFail, dev->device, allSelected);
   1481                     }
   1482                 }
   1483             } else if (android_logger_clear(dev->logger)) {
   1484                 reportErrorName(&clearFail, dev->device, allSelected);
   1485             }
   1486         }
   1488         if (setLogSize) {
   1489             if (android_logger_set_log_size(dev->logger, setLogSize)) {
   1490                 reportErrorName(&setSizeFail, dev->device, allSelected);
   1491             }
   1492         }
   1494         if (getLogSize) {
   1495             long size = android_logger_get_log_size(dev->logger);
   1496             long readable = android_logger_get_log_readable_size(dev->logger);
   1498             if ((size < 0) || (readable < 0)) {
   1499                 reportErrorName(&getSizeFail, dev->device, allSelected);
   1500             } else {
   1501                 std::string str = android::base::StringPrintf(
   1502                        "%s: ring buffer is %ld%sb (%ld%sb consumed),"
   1503                          " max entry is %db, max payload is %db\n",
   1504                        dev->device,
   1505                        value_of_size(size), multiplier_of_size(size),
   1506                        value_of_size(readable), multiplier_of_size(readable),
   1507                        (int)LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_LEN,
   1508                        (int)LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD);
   1509                 TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(context->output_fd,
   1510                                          str.data(), str.length()));
   1511             }
   1512         }
   1514         dev = dev->next;
   1515     }
   1517     context->retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   1519     // report any errors in the above loop and exit
   1520     if (openDeviceFail) {
   1521         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1522                      "Unable to open log device '%s'\n", openDeviceFail);
   1523         goto close;
   1524     }
   1525     if (clearFail) {
   1526         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1527                      "failed to clear the '%s' log\n", clearFail);
   1528         goto close;
   1529     }
   1530     if (setSizeFail) {
   1531         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1532                      "failed to set the '%s' log size\n", setSizeFail);
   1533         goto close;
   1534     }
   1535     if (getSizeFail) {
   1536         logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1537                      "failed to get the readable '%s' log size", getSizeFail);
   1538         goto close;
   1539     }
   1541     if (setPruneList) {
   1542         size_t len = strlen(setPruneList);
   1543         // extra 32 bytes are needed by android_logger_set_prune_list
   1544         size_t bLen = len + 32;
   1545         char* buf = nullptr;
   1546         if (asprintf(&buf, "%-*s", (int)(bLen - 1), setPruneList) > 0) {
   1547             buf[len] = '\0';
   1548             if (android_logger_set_prune_list(logger_list, buf, bLen)) {
   1549                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1550                              "failed to set the prune list");
   1551             }
   1552             free(buf);
   1553         } else {
   1554             logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE,
   1555                          "failed to set the prune list (alloc)");
   1556         }
   1557         goto close;
   1558     }
   1560     if (printStatistics || getPruneList) {
   1561         size_t len = 8192;
   1562         char* buf;
   1564         for (int retry = 32; (retry >= 0) && ((buf = new char[len]));
   1565              delete[] buf, buf = nullptr, --retry) {
   1566             if (getPruneList) {
   1567                 android_logger_get_prune_list(logger_list, buf, len);
   1568             } else {
   1569                 android_logger_get_statistics(logger_list, buf, len);
   1570             }
   1571             buf[len - 1] = '\0';
   1572             if (atol(buf) < 3) {
   1573                 delete[] buf;
   1574                 buf = nullptr;
   1575                 break;
   1576             }
   1577             size_t ret = atol(buf) + 1;
   1578             if (ret <= len) {
   1579                 len = ret;
   1580                 break;
   1581             }
   1582             len = ret;
   1583         }
   1585         if (!buf) {
   1586             logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "failed to read data");
   1587             goto close;
   1588         }
   1590         // remove trailing FF
   1591         char* cp = buf + len - 1;
   1592         *cp = '\0';
   1593         bool truncated = *--cp != '\f';
   1594         if (!truncated) *cp = '\0';
   1596         // squash out the byte count
   1597         cp = buf;
   1598         if (!truncated) {
   1599             while (isdigit(*cp)) ++cp;
   1600             if (*cp == '\n') ++cp;
   1601         }
   1603         len = strlen(cp);
   1604         TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(context->output_fd, cp, len));
   1605         delete[] buf;
   1606         goto close;
   1607     }
   1609     if (getLogSize || setLogSize || clearLog) goto close;
   1611     setupOutputAndSchedulingPolicy(context, !(mode & ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK));
   1612     if (context->stop) goto close;
   1614     // LOG_EVENT_INT(10, 12345);
   1615     // LOG_EVENT_LONG(11, 0x1122334455667788LL);
   1616     // LOG_EVENT_STRING(0, "whassup, doc?");
   1618     dev = nullptr;
   1620     while (!context->stop &&
   1621            (!context->maxCount || (context->printCount < context->maxCount))) {
   1622         struct log_msg log_msg;
   1623         int ret = android_logger_list_read(logger_list, &log_msg);
   1624         if (!ret) {
   1625             logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "read: unexpected EOF!\n");
   1626             break;
   1627         }
   1629         if (ret < 0) {
   1630             if (ret == -EAGAIN) break;
   1632             if (ret == -EIO) {
   1633                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "read: unexpected EOF!\n");
   1634                 break;
   1635             }
   1636             if (ret == -EINVAL) {
   1637                 logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "read: unexpected length.\n");
   1638                 break;
   1639             }
   1640             logcat_panic(context, HELP_FALSE, "logcat read failure");
   1641             break;
   1642         }
   1644         log_device_t* d;
   1645         for (d = context->devices; d; d = d->next) {
   1646             if (android_name_to_log_id(d->device) == log_msg.id()) break;
   1647         }
   1648         if (!d) {
   1649             context->devCount = 2; // set to Multiple
   1650             d = &unexpected;
   1651             d->binary = log_msg.id() == LOG_ID_EVENTS;
   1652         }
   1654         if (dev != d) {
   1655             dev = d;
   1656             maybePrintStart(context, dev, printDividers);
   1657             if (context->stop) break;
   1658         }
   1659         if (context->printBinary) {
   1660             printBinary(context, &log_msg);
   1661         } else {
   1662             processBuffer(context, dev, &log_msg);
   1663         }
   1664     }
   1666 close:
   1667     // Short and sweet. Implemented generic version in android_logcat_destroy.
   1668     while (!!(dev = context->devices)) {
   1669         context->devices = dev->next;
   1670         delete dev;
   1671     }
   1672     android_logger_list_free(logger_list);
   1674 exit:
   1675     // close write end of pipe to help things along
   1676     if (context->output_fd == context->fds[1]) {
   1677         android::close_output(context);
   1678     }
   1679     if (context->error_fd == context->fds[1]) {
   1680         android::close_error(context);
   1681     }
   1682     if (context->fds[1] >= 0) {
   1683         // NB: should be closed by the above
   1684         int save_errno = errno;
   1685         close(context->fds[1]);
   1686         errno = save_errno;
   1687         context->fds[1] = -1;
   1688     }
   1689     context->thread_stopped = true;
   1690     return context->retval;
   1691 }
   1693 // Can block
   1694 int android_logcat_run_command(android_logcat_context ctx,
   1695                                int output, int error,
   1696                                int argc, char* const* argv,
   1697                                char* const* envp) {
   1698     android_logcat_context_internal* context = ctx;
   1700     context->output_fd = output;
   1701     context->error_fd = error;
   1702     context->argc = argc;
   1703     context->argv = argv;
   1704     context->envp = envp;
   1705     context->stop = false;
   1706     context->thread_stopped = false;
   1707     return __logcat(context);
   1708 }
   1710 // starts a thread, opens a pipe, returns reading end.
   1711 int android_logcat_run_command_thread(android_logcat_context ctx,
   1712                                       int argc, char* const* argv,
   1713                                       char* const* envp) {
   1714     android_logcat_context_internal* context = ctx;
   1716     int save_errno = EBUSY;
   1717     if ((context->fds[0] >= 0) || (context->fds[1] >= 0)) goto exit;
   1719     if (pipe(context->fds) < 0) {
   1720         save_errno = errno;
   1721         goto exit;
   1722     }
   1724     pthread_attr_t attr;
   1725     if (pthread_attr_init(&attr)) {
   1726         save_errno = errno;
   1727         goto close_exit;
   1728     }
   1730     struct sched_param param;
   1731     memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
   1732     pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &param);
   1733     pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_BATCH);
   1734     if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) {
   1735         int save_errno = errno;
   1736         goto pthread_attr_exit;
   1737     }
   1739     context->stop = false;
   1740     context->thread_stopped = false;
   1741     context->output_fd = context->fds[1];
   1742     // save off arguments so they remain while thread is active.
   1743     for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
   1744         context->args.push_back(std::string(argv[i]));
   1745     }
   1746     // save off environment so they remain while thread is active.
   1747     if (envp) for (size_t i = 0; envp[i]; ++i) {
   1748         context->envs.push_back(std::string(envp[i]));
   1749     }
   1751     for (auto& str : context->args) {
   1752         context->argv_hold.push_back(str.c_str());
   1753     }
   1754     context->argv_hold.push_back(nullptr);
   1755     for (auto& str : context->envs) {
   1756         context->envp_hold.push_back(str.c_str());
   1757     }
   1758     context->envp_hold.push_back(nullptr);
   1760     context->argc = context->argv_hold.size() - 1;
   1761     context->argv = (char* const*)&context->argv_hold[0];
   1762     context->envp = (char* const*)&context->envp_hold[0];
   1764 #ifdef DEBUG
   1765     fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = {", context->argc);
   1766     for (auto str : context->argv_hold) {
   1767         fprintf(stderr, " \"%s\"", str ?: "nullptr");
   1768     }
   1769     fprintf(stderr, " }\n");
   1770     fflush(stderr);
   1771 #endif
   1772     context->retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   1773     if (pthread_create(&context->thr, &attr,
   1774                        (void*(*)(void*))__logcat, context)) {
   1775         int save_errno = errno;
   1776         goto argv_exit;
   1777     }
   1778     pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
   1780     return context->fds[0];
   1782 argv_exit:
   1783     context->argv_hold.clear();
   1784     context->args.clear();
   1785     context->envp_hold.clear();
   1786     context->envs.clear();
   1787 pthread_attr_exit:
   1788     pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
   1789 close_exit:
   1790     close(context->fds[0]);
   1791     context->fds[0] = -1;
   1792     close(context->fds[1]);
   1793     context->fds[1] = -1;
   1794 exit:
   1795     errno = save_errno;
   1796     context->stop = true;
   1797     context->thread_stopped = true;
   1798     context->retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
   1799     return -1;
   1800 }
   1802 // test if the thread is still doing 'stuff'
   1803 int android_logcat_run_command_thread_running(android_logcat_context ctx) {
   1804     android_logcat_context_internal* context = ctx;
   1806     return context->thread_stopped == false;
   1807 }
   1809 // Finished with context
   1810 int android_logcat_destroy(android_logcat_context* ctx) {
   1811     android_logcat_context_internal* context = *ctx;
   1813     if (!context) return -EBADF;
   1815     *ctx = nullptr;
   1817     context->stop = true;
   1819     while (context->thread_stopped == false) {
   1820         // Makes me sad, replace thread_stopped with semaphore.  Short lived.
   1821         sched_yield();
   1822     }
   1824     delete context->regex;
   1825     context->argv_hold.clear();
   1826     context->args.clear();
   1827     context->envp_hold.clear();
   1828     context->envs.clear();
   1829     if (context->fds[0] >= 0) {
   1830         close(context->fds[0]);
   1831         context->fds[0] = -1;
   1832     }
   1833     android::close_output(context);
   1834     android::close_error(context);
   1835     if (context->fds[1] >= 0) {
   1836         // NB: could be closed by the above fclose(s), ignore error.
   1837         int save_errno = errno;
   1838         close(context->fds[1]);
   1839         errno = save_errno;
   1840         context->fds[1] = -1;
   1841     }
   1843     android_closeEventTagMap(context->eventTagMap);
   1845     // generic cleanup of devices list to handle all possible dirty cases
   1846     log_device_t* dev;
   1847     while (!!(dev = context->devices)) {
   1848         struct logger_list* logger_list = dev->logger_list;
   1849         if (logger_list) {
   1850             for (log_device_t* d = dev; d; d = d->next) {
   1851                 if (d->logger_list == logger_list) d->logger_list = nullptr;
   1852             }
   1853             android_logger_list_free(logger_list);
   1854         }
   1855         context->devices = dev->next;
   1856         delete dev;
   1857     }
   1859     int retval = context->retval;
   1861     free(context);
   1863     return retval;
   1864 }