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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.cts.verifier.camera.its;
     19 import android.app.Service;
     20 import android.content.Context;
     21 import android.content.Intent;
     22 import android.graphics.ImageFormat;
     23 import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession;
     24 import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException;
     25 import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics;
     26 import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice;
     27 import android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager;
     28 import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureFailure;
     29 import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
     30 import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult;
     31 import android.hardware.camera2.DngCreator;
     32 import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult;
     33 import android.hardware.camera2.params.InputConfiguration;
     34 import android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle;
     35 import android.hardware.Sensor;
     36 import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
     37 import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
     38 import android.hardware.SensorManager;
     39 import android.media.Image;
     40 import android.media.ImageReader;
     41 import android.media.ImageWriter;
     42 import android.media.Image.Plane;
     43 import android.net.Uri;
     44 import android.os.ConditionVariable;
     45 import android.os.Handler;
     46 import android.os.HandlerThread;
     47 import android.os.IBinder;
     48 import android.os.Message;
     49 import android.os.SystemClock;
     50 import android.os.Vibrator;
     51 import android.util.Log;
     52 import android.util.Rational;
     53 import android.util.Size;
     54 import android.view.Surface;
     56 import com.android.ex.camera2.blocking.BlockingCameraManager;
     57 import com.android.ex.camera2.blocking.BlockingCameraManager.BlockingOpenException;
     58 import com.android.ex.camera2.blocking.BlockingStateCallback;
     59 import com.android.ex.camera2.blocking.BlockingSessionCallback;
     61 import com.android.cts.verifier.camera.its.StatsImage;
     63 import org.json.JSONArray;
     64 import org.json.JSONObject;
     66 import java.io.BufferedReader;
     67 import java.io.BufferedWriter;
     68 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
     69 import java.io.IOException;
     70 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
     71 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
     72 import java.io.PrintWriter;
     73 import java.math.BigInteger;
     74 import java.net.ServerSocket;
     75 import java.net.Socket;
     76 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
     77 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
     78 import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
     79 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
     80 import java.security.MessageDigest;
     81 import java.util.ArrayList;
     82 import java.util.Arrays;
     83 import java.util.LinkedList;
     84 import java.util.List;
     85 import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
     86 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
     87 import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
     88 import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
     89 import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
     90 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
     91 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
     93 public class ItsService extends Service implements SensorEventListener {
     94     public static final String TAG = ItsService.class.getSimpleName();
     96     // Timeouts, in seconds.
     97     private static final int TIMEOUT_CALLBACK = 20;
     98     private static final int TIMEOUT_3A = 10;
    100     // Time given for background requests to warm up pipeline
    101     private static final long PIPELINE_WARMUP_TIME_MS = 2000;
    103     // State transition timeouts, in ms.
    104     private static final long TIMEOUT_IDLE_MS = 2000;
    105     private static final long TIMEOUT_STATE_MS = 500;
    106     private static final long TIMEOUT_SESSION_CLOSE = 3000;
    108     // Timeout to wait for a capture result after the capture buffer has arrived, in ms.
    109     private static final long TIMEOUT_CAP_RES = 2000;
    111     private static final int MAX_CONCURRENT_READER_BUFFERS = 10;
    113     // Supports at most RAW+YUV+JPEG, one surface each, plus optional background stream
    114     private static final int MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_SURFACES = 4;
    116     public static final int SERVERPORT = 6000;
    118     public static final String REGION_KEY = "regions";
    119     public static final String REGION_AE_KEY = "ae";
    120     public static final String REGION_AWB_KEY = "awb";
    121     public static final String REGION_AF_KEY = "af";
    122     public static final String LOCK_AE_KEY = "aeLock";
    123     public static final String LOCK_AWB_KEY = "awbLock";
    124     public static final String TRIGGER_KEY = "triggers";
    125     public static final String TRIGGER_AE_KEY = "ae";
    126     public static final String TRIGGER_AF_KEY = "af";
    127     public static final String VIB_PATTERN_KEY = "pattern";
    128     public static final String EVCOMP_KEY = "evComp";
    130     private CameraManager mCameraManager = null;
    131     private HandlerThread mCameraThread = null;
    132     private Handler mCameraHandler = null;
    133     private BlockingCameraManager mBlockingCameraManager = null;
    134     private BlockingStateCallback mCameraListener = null;
    135     private CameraDevice mCamera = null;
    136     private CameraCaptureSession mSession = null;
    137     private ImageReader[] mOutputImageReaders = null;
    138     private ImageReader mInputImageReader = null;
    139     private CameraCharacteristics mCameraCharacteristics = null;
    141     private Vibrator mVibrator = null;
    143     private HandlerThread mSaveThreads[] = new HandlerThread[MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_SURFACES];
    144     private Handler mSaveHandlers[] = new Handler[MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_SURFACES];
    145     private HandlerThread mResultThread = null;
    146     private Handler mResultHandler = null;
    148     private volatile boolean mThreadExitFlag = false;
    150     private volatile ServerSocket mSocket = null;
    151     private volatile SocketRunnable mSocketRunnableObj = null;
    152     private Semaphore mSocketQueueQuota = null;
    153     private LinkedList<Integer> mInflightImageSizes = new LinkedList<>();
    154     private volatile BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> mSocketWriteQueue =
    155             new LinkedBlockingDeque<ByteBuffer>();
    156     private final Object mSocketWriteEnqueueLock = new Object();
    157     private final Object mSocketWriteDrainLock = new Object();
    159     private volatile BlockingQueue<Object[]> mSerializerQueue =
    160             new LinkedBlockingDeque<Object[]>();
    162     private AtomicInteger mCountCallbacksRemaining = new AtomicInteger();
    163     private AtomicInteger mCountRawOrDng = new AtomicInteger();
    164     private AtomicInteger mCountRaw10 = new AtomicInteger();
    165     private AtomicInteger mCountRaw12 = new AtomicInteger();
    166     private AtomicInteger mCountJpg = new AtomicInteger();
    167     private AtomicInteger mCountYuv = new AtomicInteger();
    168     private AtomicInteger mCountCapRes = new AtomicInteger();
    169     private boolean mCaptureRawIsDng;
    170     private boolean mCaptureRawIsStats;
    171     private int mCaptureStatsGridWidth;
    172     private int mCaptureStatsGridHeight;
    173     private CaptureResult mCaptureResults[] = null;
    175     private volatile ConditionVariable mInterlock3A = new ConditionVariable(true);
    176     private volatile boolean mIssuedRequest3A = false;
    177     private volatile boolean mConvergedAE = false;
    178     private volatile boolean mConvergedAF = false;
    179     private volatile boolean mConvergedAWB = false;
    180     private volatile boolean mLockedAE = false;
    181     private volatile boolean mLockedAWB = false;
    182     private volatile boolean mNeedsLockedAE = false;
    183     private volatile boolean mNeedsLockedAWB = false;
    185     class MySensorEvent {
    186         public Sensor sensor;
    187         public int accuracy;
    188         public long timestamp;
    189         public float values[];
    190     }
    192     // For capturing motion sensor traces.
    193     private SensorManager mSensorManager = null;
    194     private Sensor mAccelSensor = null;
    195     private Sensor mMagSensor = null;
    196     private Sensor mGyroSensor = null;
    197     private volatile LinkedList<MySensorEvent> mEvents = null;
    198     private volatile Object mEventLock = new Object();
    199     private volatile boolean mEventsEnabled = false;
    200     private HandlerThread mSensorThread = null;
    201     private Handler mSensorHandler = null;
    203     public interface CaptureCallback {
    204         void onCaptureAvailable(Image capture);
    205     }
    207     public abstract class CaptureResultListener extends CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback {}
    209     @Override
    210     public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    211         return null;
    212     }
    214     @Override
    215     public void onCreate() {
    216         try {
    217             mThreadExitFlag = false;
    219             // Get handle to camera manager.
    220             mCameraManager = (CameraManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
    221             if (mCameraManager == null) {
    222                 throw new ItsException("Failed to connect to camera manager");
    223             }
    224             mBlockingCameraManager = new BlockingCameraManager(mCameraManager);
    225             mCameraListener = new BlockingStateCallback();
    227             // Register for motion events.
    228             mEvents = new LinkedList<MySensorEvent>();
    229             mSensorManager = (SensorManager)getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
    230             mAccelSensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
    231             mMagSensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);
    232             mGyroSensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE);
    233             mSensorThread = new HandlerThread("SensorThread");
    234             mSensorThread.start();
    235             mSensorHandler = new Handler(mSensorThread.getLooper());
    236             mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mAccelSensor,
    237                     SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, mSensorHandler);
    238             mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mMagSensor,
    239                     SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, mSensorHandler);
    240             mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mGyroSensor,
    241                     /*200hz*/5000, mSensorHandler);
    243             // Get a handle to the system vibrator.
    244             mVibrator = (Vibrator)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
    246             // Create threads to receive images and save them.
    247             for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_SURFACES; i++) {
    248                 mSaveThreads[i] = new HandlerThread("SaveThread" + i);
    249                 mSaveThreads[i].start();
    250                 mSaveHandlers[i] = new Handler(mSaveThreads[i].getLooper());
    251             }
    253             // Create a thread to handle object serialization.
    254             (new Thread(new SerializerRunnable())).start();;
    256             // Create a thread to receive capture results and process them.
    257             mResultThread = new HandlerThread("ResultThread");
    258             mResultThread.start();
    259             mResultHandler = new Handler(mResultThread.getLooper());
    261             // Create a thread for the camera device.
    262             mCameraThread = new HandlerThread("ItsCameraThread");
    263             mCameraThread.start();
    264             mCameraHandler = new Handler(mCameraThread.getLooper());
    266             // Create a thread to process commands, listening on a TCP socket.
    267             mSocketRunnableObj = new SocketRunnable();
    268             (new Thread(mSocketRunnableObj)).start();
    269         } catch (ItsException e) {
    270             Logt.e(TAG, "Service failed to start: ", e);
    271         }
    272     }
    274     @Override
    275     public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    276         try {
    277             // Just log a message indicating that the service is running and is able to accept
    278             // socket connections.
    279             while (!mThreadExitFlag && mSocket==null) {
    280                 Thread.sleep(1);
    281             }
    282             if (!mThreadExitFlag){
    283                 Logt.i(TAG, "ItsService ready");
    284             } else {
    285                 Logt.e(TAG, "Starting ItsService in bad state");
    286             }
    287         } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
    288             Logt.e(TAG, "Error starting ItsService (interrupted)", e);
    289         }
    290         return START_STICKY;
    291     }
    293     @Override
    294     public void onDestroy() {
    295         mThreadExitFlag = true;
    296         for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_SURFACES; i++) {
    297             if (mSaveThreads[i] != null) {
    298                 mSaveThreads[i].quit();
    299                 mSaveThreads[i] = null;
    300             }
    301         }
    302         if (mSensorThread != null) {
    303             mSensorThread.quitSafely();
    304             mSensorThread = null;
    305         }
    306         if (mResultThread != null) {
    307             mResultThread.quitSafely();
    308             mResultThread = null;
    309         }
    310         if (mCameraThread != null) {
    311             mCameraThread.quitSafely();
    312             mCameraThread = null;
    313         }
    314     }
    316     public void openCameraDevice(int cameraId) throws ItsException {
    317         Logt.i(TAG, String.format("Opening camera %d", cameraId));
    319         String[] devices;
    320         try {
    321             devices = mCameraManager.getCameraIdList();
    322             if (devices == null || devices.length == 0) {
    323                 throw new ItsException("No camera devices");
    324             }
    325         } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
    326             throw new ItsException("Failed to get device ID list", e);
    327         }
    329         try {
    330             mCamera = mBlockingCameraManager.openCamera(devices[cameraId],
    331                     mCameraListener, mCameraHandler);
    332             mCameraCharacteristics = mCameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(
    333                     devices[cameraId]);
    334             Size maxYuvSize = ItsUtils.getYuvOutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics)[0];
    335             // 2 bytes per pixel for RGBA Bitmap and at least 3 Bitmaps per CDD
    336             int quota = maxYuvSize.getWidth() * maxYuvSize.getHeight() * 2 * 3;
    337             mSocketQueueQuota = new Semaphore(quota, true);
    338         } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
    339             throw new ItsException("Failed to open camera", e);
    340         } catch (BlockingOpenException e) {
    341             throw new ItsException("Failed to open camera (after blocking)", e);
    342         }
    343         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("cameraOpened", "");
    344     }
    346     public void closeCameraDevice() throws ItsException {
    347         try {
    348             if (mCamera != null) {
    349                 Logt.i(TAG, "Closing camera");
    350                 mCamera.close();
    351                 mCamera = null;
    352             }
    353         } catch (Exception e) {
    354             throw new ItsException("Failed to close device");
    355         }
    356         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("cameraClosed", "");
    357     }
    359     class SerializerRunnable implements Runnable {
    360         // Use a separate thread to perform JSON serialization (since this can be slow due to
    361         // the reflection).
    362         @Override
    363         public void run() {
    364             Logt.i(TAG, "Serializer thread starting");
    365             while (! mThreadExitFlag) {
    366                 try {
    367                     Object objs[] = mSerializerQueue.take();
    368                     JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
    369                     String tag = null;
    370                     for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
    371                         Object obj = objs[i];
    372                         if (obj instanceof String) {
    373                             if (tag != null) {
    374                                 throw new ItsException("Multiple tags for socket response");
    375                             }
    376                             tag = (String)obj;
    377                         } else if (obj instanceof CameraCharacteristics) {
    378                             jsonObj.put("cameraProperties", ItsSerializer.serialize(
    379                                     (CameraCharacteristics)obj));
    380                         } else if (obj instanceof CaptureRequest) {
    381                             jsonObj.put("captureRequest", ItsSerializer.serialize(
    382                                     (CaptureRequest)obj));
    383                         } else if (obj instanceof CaptureResult) {
    384                             jsonObj.put("captureResult", ItsSerializer.serialize(
    385                                     (CaptureResult)obj));
    386                         } else if (obj instanceof JSONArray) {
    387                             jsonObj.put("outputs", (JSONArray)obj);
    388                         } else {
    389                             throw new ItsException("Invalid object received for serialiation");
    390                         }
    391                     }
    392                     if (tag == null) {
    393                         throw new ItsException("No tag provided for socket response");
    394                     }
    395                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse(tag, null, jsonObj, null);
    396                     Logt.i(TAG, String.format("Serialized %s", tag));
    397                 } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
    398                     Logt.e(TAG, "Error serializing object", e);
    399                     break;
    400                 } catch (ItsException e) {
    401                     Logt.e(TAG, "Error serializing object", e);
    402                     break;
    403                 } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
    404                     Logt.e(TAG, "Error serializing object (interrupted)", e);
    405                     break;
    406                 }
    407             }
    408             Logt.i(TAG, "Serializer thread terminated");
    409         }
    410     }
    412     class SocketWriteRunnable implements Runnable {
    414         // Use a separate thread to service a queue of objects to be written to the socket,
    415         // writing each sequentially in order. This is needed since different handler functions
    416         // (called on different threads) will need to send data back to the host script.
    418         public Socket mOpenSocket = null;
    419         private Thread mThread = null;
    421         public SocketWriteRunnable(Socket openSocket) {
    422             mOpenSocket = openSocket;
    423         }
    425         public void setOpenSocket(Socket openSocket) {
    426             mOpenSocket = openSocket;
    427         }
    429         @Override
    430         public void run() {
    431             Logt.i(TAG, "Socket writer thread starting");
    432             while (true) {
    433                 try {
    434                     ByteBuffer b = mSocketWriteQueue.take();
    435                     synchronized(mSocketWriteDrainLock) {
    436                         if (mOpenSocket == null) {
    437                             Logt.e(TAG, "No open socket connection!");
    438                             continue;
    439                         }
    440                         if (b.hasArray()) {
    441                             mOpenSocket.getOutputStream().write(b.array(), 0, b.capacity());
    442                         } else {
    443                             byte[] barray = new byte[b.capacity()];
    444                             b.get(barray);
    445                             mOpenSocket.getOutputStream().write(barray);
    446                         }
    447                         mOpenSocket.getOutputStream().flush();
    448                         Logt.i(TAG, String.format("Wrote to socket: %d bytes", b.capacity()));
    449                         Integer imgBufSize = mInflightImageSizes.peek();
    450                         if (imgBufSize != null && imgBufSize == b.capacity()) {
    451                             mInflightImageSizes.removeFirst();
    452                             if (mSocketQueueQuota != null) {
    453                                 mSocketQueueQuota.release(imgBufSize);
    454                             }
    455                         }
    456                     }
    457                 } catch (IOException e) {
    458                     Logt.e(TAG, "Error writing to socket", e);
    459                     mOpenSocket = null;
    460                     break;
    461                 } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
    462                     Logt.e(TAG, "Error writing to socket (interrupted)", e);
    463                     mOpenSocket = null;
    464                     break;
    465                 }
    466             }
    467             Logt.i(TAG, "Socket writer thread terminated");
    468         }
    470         public synchronized void checkAndStartThread() {
    471             if (mThread == null || mThread.getState() == Thread.State.TERMINATED) {
    472                 mThread = new Thread(this);
    473             }
    474             if (mThread.getState() == Thread.State.NEW) {
    475                 mThread.start();
    476             }
    477         }
    479     }
    481     class SocketRunnable implements Runnable {
    483         // Format of sent messages (over the socket):
    484         // * Serialized JSON object on a single line (newline-terminated)
    485         // * For byte buffers, the binary data then follows
    486         //
    487         // Format of received messages (from the socket):
    488         // * Serialized JSON object on a single line (newline-terminated)
    490         private Socket mOpenSocket = null;
    491         private SocketWriteRunnable mSocketWriteRunnable = null;
    493         @Override
    494         public void run() {
    495             Logt.i(TAG, "Socket thread starting");
    496             try {
    497                 mSocket = new ServerSocket(SERVERPORT);
    498             } catch (IOException e) {
    499                 Logt.e(TAG, "Failed to create socket", e);
    500             }
    502             // Create a new thread to handle writes to this socket.
    503             mSocketWriteRunnable = new SocketWriteRunnable(null);
    505             while (!mThreadExitFlag) {
    506                 // Receive the socket-open request from the host.
    507                 try {
    508                     Logt.i(TAG, "Waiting for client to connect to socket");
    509                     mOpenSocket = mSocket.accept();
    510                     if (mOpenSocket == null) {
    511                         Logt.e(TAG, "Socket connection error");
    512                         break;
    513                     }
    514                     mSocketWriteQueue.clear();
    515                     mInflightImageSizes.clear();
    516                     mSocketWriteRunnable.setOpenSocket(mOpenSocket);
    517                     mSocketWriteRunnable.checkAndStartThread();
    518                     Logt.i(TAG, "Socket connected");
    519                 } catch (IOException e) {
    520                     Logt.e(TAG, "Socket open error: ", e);
    521                     break;
    522                 }
    524                 // Process commands over the open socket.
    525                 while (!mThreadExitFlag) {
    526                     try {
    527                         BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
    528                                 new InputStreamReader(mOpenSocket.getInputStream()));
    529                         if (input == null) {
    530                             Logt.e(TAG, "Failed to get socket input stream");
    531                             break;
    532                         }
    533                         String line = input.readLine();
    534                         if (line == null) {
    535                             Logt.i(TAG, "Socket readline retuned null (host disconnected)");
    536                             break;
    537                         }
    538                         processSocketCommand(line);
    539                     } catch (IOException e) {
    540                         Logt.e(TAG, "Socket read error: ", e);
    541                         break;
    542                     } catch (ItsException e) {
    543                         Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: ", e);
    544                         break;
    545                     }
    546                 }
    548                 // Close socket and go back to waiting for a new connection.
    549                 try {
    550                     synchronized(mSocketWriteDrainLock) {
    551                         mSocketWriteQueue.clear();
    552                         mInflightImageSizes.clear();
    553                         mOpenSocket.close();
    554                         mOpenSocket = null;
    555                         mSocketWriteRunnable.setOpenSocket(null);
    556                         Logt.i(TAG, "Socket disconnected");
    557                     }
    558                 } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
    559                     Logt.e(TAG, "Exception closing socket");
    560                 }
    561             }
    563             // It's an overall error state if the code gets here; no recevery.
    564             // Try to do some cleanup, but the service probably needs to be restarted.
    565             Logt.i(TAG, "Socket server loop exited");
    566             mThreadExitFlag = true;
    567             try {
    568                 synchronized(mSocketWriteDrainLock) {
    569                     if (mOpenSocket != null) {
    570                         mOpenSocket.close();
    571                         mOpenSocket = null;
    572                         mSocketWriteRunnable.setOpenSocket(null);
    573                     }
    574                 }
    575             } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
    576                 Logt.w(TAG, "Exception closing socket");
    577             }
    578             try {
    579                 if (mSocket != null) {
    580                     mSocket.close();
    581                     mSocket = null;
    582                 }
    583             } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
    584                 Logt.w(TAG, "Exception closing socket");
    585             }
    586         }
    588         public void processSocketCommand(String cmd)
    589                 throws ItsException {
    590             // Each command is a serialized JSON object.
    591             try {
    592                 JSONObject cmdObj = new JSONObject(cmd);
    593                 Logt.i(TAG, "Start processing command" + cmdObj.getString("cmdName"));
    594                 if ("open".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    595                     int cameraId = cmdObj.getInt("cameraId");
    596                     openCameraDevice(cameraId);
    597                 } else if ("close".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    598                     closeCameraDevice();
    599                 } else if ("getCameraProperties".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    600                     doGetProps();
    601                 } else if ("startSensorEvents".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    602                     doStartSensorEvents();
    603                 } else if ("getSensorEvents".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    604                     doGetSensorEvents();
    605                 } else if ("do3A".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    606                     do3A(cmdObj);
    607                 } else if ("doCapture".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    608                     doCapture(cmdObj);
    609                 } else if ("doVibrate".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    610                     doVibrate(cmdObj);
    611                 } else if ("getCameraIds".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    612                     doGetCameraIds();
    613                 } else if ("doReprocessCapture".equals(cmdObj.getString("cmdName"))) {
    614                     doReprocessCapture(cmdObj);
    615                 } else {
    616                     throw new ItsException("Unknown command: " + cmd);
    617                 }
    618                 Logt.i(TAG, "Finish processing command" + cmdObj.getString("cmdName"));
    619             } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
    620                 Logt.e(TAG, "Invalid command: ", e);
    621             }
    622         }
    624         public void sendResponse(String tag, String str, JSONObject obj, ByteBuffer bbuf)
    625                 throws ItsException {
    626             try {
    627                 JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
    628                 jsonObj.put("tag", tag);
    629                 if (str != null) {
    630                     jsonObj.put("strValue", str);
    631                 }
    632                 if (obj != null) {
    633                     jsonObj.put("objValue", obj);
    634                 }
    635                 if (bbuf != null) {
    636                     jsonObj.put("bufValueSize", bbuf.capacity());
    637                 }
    638                 ByteBuffer bstr = ByteBuffer.wrap(
    639                         (jsonObj.toString()+"\n").getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()));
    640                 synchronized(mSocketWriteEnqueueLock) {
    641                     if (bstr != null) {
    642                         mSocketWriteQueue.put(bstr);
    643                     }
    644                     if (bbuf != null) {
    645                         mInflightImageSizes.add(bbuf.capacity());
    646                         mSocketWriteQueue.put(bbuf);
    647                     }
    648                 }
    649             } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
    650                 throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);
    651             } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
    652                 throw new ItsException("Socket error: ", e);
    653             }
    654         }
    656         public void sendResponse(String tag, String str)
    657                 throws ItsException {
    658             sendResponse(tag, str, null, null);
    659         }
    661         public void sendResponse(String tag, JSONObject obj)
    662                 throws ItsException {
    663             sendResponse(tag, null, obj, null);
    664         }
    666         public void sendResponseCaptureBuffer(String tag, ByteBuffer bbuf)
    667                 throws ItsException {
    668             sendResponse(tag, null, null, bbuf);
    669         }
    671         public void sendResponse(LinkedList<MySensorEvent> events)
    672                 throws ItsException {
    673             Logt.i(TAG, "Sending " + events.size() + " sensor events");
    674             try {
    675                 JSONArray accels = new JSONArray();
    676                 JSONArray mags = new JSONArray();
    677                 JSONArray gyros = new JSONArray();
    678                 for (MySensorEvent event : events) {
    679                     JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    680                     obj.put("time", event.timestamp);
    681                     obj.put("x", event.values[0]);
    682                     obj.put("y", event.values[1]);
    683                     obj.put("z", event.values[2]);
    684                     if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) {
    685                         accels.put(obj);
    686                     } else if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) {
    687                         mags.put(obj);
    688                     } else if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE) {
    689                         gyros.put(obj);
    690                     }
    691                 }
    692                 JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    693                 obj.put("accel", accels);
    694                 obj.put("mag", mags);
    695                 obj.put("gyro", gyros);
    696                 sendResponse("sensorEvents", null, obj, null);
    697             } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
    698                 throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);
    699             }
    700             Logt.i(TAG, "Sent sensor events");
    701         }
    703         public void sendResponse(CameraCharacteristics props)
    704                 throws ItsException {
    705             try {
    706                 Object objs[] = new Object[2];
    707                 objs[0] = "cameraProperties";
    708                 objs[1] = props;
    709                 mSerializerQueue.put(objs);
    710             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    711                 throw new ItsException("Interrupted: ", e);
    712             }
    713         }
    715         public void sendResponseCaptureResult(CameraCharacteristics props,
    716                                               CaptureRequest request,
    717                                               CaptureResult result,
    718                                               ImageReader[] readers)
    719                 throws ItsException {
    720             try {
    721                 JSONArray jsonSurfaces = new JSONArray();
    722                 for (int i = 0; i < readers.length; i++) {
    723                     JSONObject jsonSurface = new JSONObject();
    724                     jsonSurface.put("width", readers[i].getWidth());
    725                     jsonSurface.put("height", readers[i].getHeight());
    726                     int format = readers[i].getImageFormat();
    727                     if (format == ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR) {
    728                         if (mCaptureRawIsStats) {
    729                             int aaw = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics)
    730                                               .width();
    731                             int aah = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics)
    732                                               .height();
    733                             jsonSurface.put("format", "rawStats");
    734                             jsonSurface.put("width", aaw/mCaptureStatsGridWidth);
    735                             jsonSurface.put("height", aah/mCaptureStatsGridHeight);
    736                         } else if (mCaptureRawIsDng) {
    737                             jsonSurface.put("format", "dng");
    738                         } else {
    739                             jsonSurface.put("format", "raw");
    740                         }
    741                     } else if (format == ImageFormat.RAW10) {
    742                         jsonSurface.put("format", "raw10");
    743                     } else if (format == ImageFormat.RAW12) {
    744                         jsonSurface.put("format", "raw12");
    745                     } else if (format == ImageFormat.JPEG) {
    746                         jsonSurface.put("format", "jpeg");
    747                     } else if (format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
    748                         jsonSurface.put("format", "yuv");
    749                     } else {
    750                         throw new ItsException("Invalid format");
    751                     }
    752                     jsonSurfaces.put(jsonSurface);
    753                 }
    755                 Object objs[] = new Object[5];
    756                 objs[0] = "captureResults";
    757                 objs[1] = props;
    758                 objs[2] = request;
    759                 objs[3] = result;
    760                 objs[4] = jsonSurfaces;
    761                 mSerializerQueue.put(objs);
    762             } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
    763                 throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);
    764             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    765                 throw new ItsException("Interrupted: ", e);
    766             }
    767         }
    768     }
    770     public ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener
    771             createAvailableListener(final CaptureCallback listener) {
    772         return new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
    773             @Override
    774             public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
    775                 Image i = null;
    776                 try {
    777                     i = reader.acquireNextImage();
    778                     listener.onCaptureAvailable(i);
    779                 } finally {
    780                     if (i != null) {
    781                         i.close();
    782                     }
    783                 }
    784             }
    785         };
    786     }
    788     private ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener
    789             createAvailableListenerDropper() {
    790         return new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
    791             @Override
    792             public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
    793                 Image i = reader.acquireNextImage();
    794                 i.close();
    795             }
    796         };
    797     }
    799     private void doStartSensorEvents() throws ItsException {
    800         synchronized(mEventLock) {
    801             mEventsEnabled = true;
    802         }
    803         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("sensorEventsStarted", "");
    804     }
    806     private void doGetSensorEvents() throws ItsException {
    807         synchronized(mEventLock) {
    808             mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse(mEvents);
    809             mEvents.clear();
    810             mEventsEnabled = false;
    811         }
    812     }
    814     private void doGetProps() throws ItsException {
    815         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse(mCameraCharacteristics);
    816     }
    818     private void doGetCameraIds() throws ItsException {
    819         String[] devices;
    820         try {
    821             devices = mCameraManager.getCameraIdList();
    822             if (devices == null || devices.length == 0) {
    823                 throw new ItsException("No camera devices");
    824             }
    825         } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
    826             throw new ItsException("Failed to get device ID list", e);
    827         }
    829         try {
    830             JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    831             JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
    832             for (String id : devices) {
    833                 CameraCharacteristics characteristics = mCameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(id);
    834                 // Only supply camera Id for non-legacy cameras since legacy camera does not
    835                 // support ITS
    836                 if (characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL) !=
    837                         CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LEGACY) {
    838                     array.put(id);
    839                 }
    840             }
    841             obj.put("cameraIdArray", array);
    842             mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("cameraIds", obj);
    843         } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
    844             throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);
    845         } catch (android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException e) {
    846             throw new ItsException("Access error: ", e);
    847         }
    848     }
    850     private void prepareImageReaders(Size[] outputSizes, int[] outputFormats, Size inputSize,
    851             int inputFormat, int maxInputBuffers) {
    852         closeImageReaders();
    853         mOutputImageReaders = new ImageReader[outputSizes.length];
    854         for (int i = 0; i < outputSizes.length; i++) {
    855             // Check if the output image reader can be shared with the input image reader.
    856             if (outputSizes[i].equals(inputSize) && outputFormats[i] == inputFormat) {
    857                 mOutputImageReaders[i] = ImageReader.newInstance(outputSizes[i].getWidth(),
    858                         outputSizes[i].getHeight(), outputFormats[i],
    859                         MAX_CONCURRENT_READER_BUFFERS + maxInputBuffers);
    860                 mInputImageReader = mOutputImageReaders[i];
    861             } else {
    862                 mOutputImageReaders[i] = ImageReader.newInstance(outputSizes[i].getWidth(),
    863                         outputSizes[i].getHeight(), outputFormats[i],
    864                         MAX_CONCURRENT_READER_BUFFERS);
    865             }
    866         }
    868         if (inputSize != null && mInputImageReader == null) {
    869             mInputImageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(inputSize.getWidth(), inputSize.getHeight(),
    870                     inputFormat, maxInputBuffers);
    871         }
    872     }
    874     private void closeImageReaders() {
    875         if (mOutputImageReaders != null) {
    876             for (int i = 0; i < mOutputImageReaders.length; i++) {
    877                 if (mOutputImageReaders[i] != null) {
    878                     mOutputImageReaders[i].close();
    879                     mOutputImageReaders[i] = null;
    880                 }
    881             }
    882         }
    883         if (mInputImageReader != null) {
    884             mInputImageReader.close();
    885             mInputImageReader = null;
    886         }
    887     }
    889     private void do3A(JSONObject params) throws ItsException {
    890         try {
    891             // Start a 3A action, and wait for it to converge.
    892             // Get the converged values for each "A", and package into JSON result for caller.
    894             // 3A happens on full-res frames.
    895             Size sizes[] = ItsUtils.getYuvOutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
    896             int outputFormats[] = new int[1];
    897             outputFormats[0] = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
    898             Size[] outputSizes = new Size[1];
    899             outputSizes[0] = sizes[0];
    900             int width = outputSizes[0].getWidth();
    901             int height = outputSizes[0].getHeight();
    903             prepareImageReaders(outputSizes, outputFormats, /*inputSize*/null, /*inputFormat*/0,
    904                     /*maxInputBuffers*/0);
    905             List<Surface> outputSurfaces = new ArrayList<Surface>(1);
    906             outputSurfaces.add(mOutputImageReaders[0].getSurface());
    907             BlockingSessionCallback sessionListener = new BlockingSessionCallback();
    908             mCamera.createCaptureSession(outputSurfaces, sessionListener, mCameraHandler);
    909             mSession = sessionListener.waitAndGetSession(TIMEOUT_IDLE_MS);
    911             // Add a listener that just recycles buffers; they aren't saved anywhere.
    912             ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener readerListener =
    913                     createAvailableListenerDropper();
    914             mOutputImageReaders[0].setOnImageAvailableListener(readerListener, mSaveHandlers[0]);
    916             // Get the user-specified regions for AE, AWB, AF.
    917             // Note that the user specifies normalized [x,y,w,h], which is converted below
    918             // to an [x0,y0,x1,y1] region in sensor coords. The capture request region
    919             // also has a fifth "weight" element: [x0,y0,x1,y1,w].
    920             MeteringRectangle[] regionAE = new MeteringRectangle[]{
    921                     new MeteringRectangle(0,0,width,height,1)};
    922             MeteringRectangle[] regionAF = new MeteringRectangle[]{
    923                     new MeteringRectangle(0,0,width,height,1)};
    924             MeteringRectangle[] regionAWB = new MeteringRectangle[]{
    925                     new MeteringRectangle(0,0,width,height,1)};
    926             if (params.has(REGION_KEY)) {
    927                 JSONObject regions = params.getJSONObject(REGION_KEY);
    928                 if (regions.has(REGION_AE_KEY)) {
    929                     regionAE = ItsUtils.getJsonWeightedRectsFromArray(
    930                             regions.getJSONArray(REGION_AE_KEY), true, width, height);
    931                 }
    932                 if (regions.has(REGION_AF_KEY)) {
    933                     regionAF = ItsUtils.getJsonWeightedRectsFromArray(
    934                             regions.getJSONArray(REGION_AF_KEY), true, width, height);
    935                 }
    936                 if (regions.has(REGION_AWB_KEY)) {
    937                     regionAWB = ItsUtils.getJsonWeightedRectsFromArray(
    938                             regions.getJSONArray(REGION_AWB_KEY), true, width, height);
    939                 }
    940             }
    942             // If AE or AWB lock is specified, then the 3A will converge first and then lock these
    943             // values, waiting until the HAL has reported that the lock was successful.
    944             mNeedsLockedAE = params.optBoolean(LOCK_AE_KEY, false);
    945             mNeedsLockedAWB = params.optBoolean(LOCK_AWB_KEY, false);
    947             // An EV compensation can be specified as part of AE convergence.
    948             int evComp = params.optInt(EVCOMP_KEY, 0);
    949             if (evComp != 0) {
    950                 Logt.i(TAG, String.format("Running 3A with AE exposure compensation value: %d", evComp));
    951             }
    953             // By default, AE and AF both get triggered, but the user can optionally override this.
    954             // Also, AF won't get triggered if the lens is fixed-focus.
    955             boolean doAE = true;
    956             boolean doAF = true;
    957             if (params.has(TRIGGER_KEY)) {
    958                 JSONObject triggers = params.getJSONObject(TRIGGER_KEY);
    959                 if (triggers.has(TRIGGER_AE_KEY)) {
    960                     doAE = triggers.getBoolean(TRIGGER_AE_KEY);
    961                 }
    962                 if (triggers.has(TRIGGER_AF_KEY)) {
    963                     doAF = triggers.getBoolean(TRIGGER_AF_KEY);
    964                 }
    965             }
    966             Float minFocusDistance = mCameraCharacteristics.get(
    967                     CameraCharacteristics.LENS_INFO_MINIMUM_FOCUS_DISTANCE);
    968             boolean isFixedFocusLens = minFocusDistance != null && minFocusDistance == 0.0;
    969             if (doAF && isFixedFocusLens) {
    970                 // Send a dummy result back for the code that is waiting for this message to see
    971                 // that AF has converged.
    972                 Logt.i(TAG, "Ignoring request for AF on fixed-focus camera");
    973                 mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("afResult", "0.0");
    974                 doAF = false;
    975             }
    977             mInterlock3A.open();
    978             mIssuedRequest3A = false;
    979             mConvergedAE = false;
    980             mConvergedAWB = false;
    981             mConvergedAF = false;
    982             mLockedAE = false;
    983             mLockedAWB = false;
    984             long tstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    985             boolean triggeredAE = false;
    986             boolean triggeredAF = false;
    988             Logt.i(TAG, String.format("Initiating 3A: AE:%d, AF:%d, AWB:1, AELOCK:%d, AWBLOCK:%d",
    989                     doAE?1:0, doAF?1:0, mNeedsLockedAE?1:0, mNeedsLockedAWB?1:0));
    991             // Keep issuing capture requests until 3A has converged.
    992             while (true) {
    994                 // Block until can take the next 3A frame. Only want one outstanding frame
    995                 // at a time, to simplify the logic here.
    996                 if (!mInterlock3A.block(TIMEOUT_3A * 1000) ||
    997                         System.currentTimeMillis() - tstart > TIMEOUT_3A * 1000) {
    998                     throw new ItsException(
    999                             "3A failed to converge after " + TIMEOUT_3A + " seconds.\n" +
   1000                             "AE converge state: " + mConvergedAE + ", \n" +
   1001                             "AF convergence state: " + mConvergedAF + ", \n" +
   1002                             "AWB convergence state: " + mConvergedAWB + ".");
   1003                 }
   1004                 mInterlock3A.close();
   1006                 // If not converged yet, issue another capture request.
   1007                 if (       (doAE && (!triggeredAE || !mConvergedAE))
   1008                         || !mConvergedAWB
   1009                         || (doAF && (!triggeredAF || !mConvergedAF))
   1010                         || (doAE && mNeedsLockedAE && !mLockedAE)
   1011                         || (mNeedsLockedAWB && !mLockedAWB)) {
   1013                     // Baseline capture request for 3A.
   1014                     CaptureRequest.Builder req = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(
   1015                             CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW);
   1016                     req.set(CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE, CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE_OFF);
   1017                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_MODE_AUTO);
   1018                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT,
   1019                             CaptureRequest.CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_PREVIEW);
   1020                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE,
   1021                             CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON);
   1022                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, 0);
   1023                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_LOCK, false);
   1024                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS, regionAE);
   1025                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE,
   1026                             CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO);
   1027                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_REGIONS, regionAF);
   1028                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_MODE,
   1029                             CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_MODE_AUTO);
   1030                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_LOCK, false);
   1031                     req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS, regionAWB);
   1032                     // ITS only turns OIS on when it's explicitly requested
   1033                     req.set(CaptureRequest.LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE,
   1034                             CaptureRequest.LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF);
   1036                     if (evComp != 0) {
   1037                         req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, evComp);
   1038                     }
   1040                     if (mConvergedAE && mNeedsLockedAE) {
   1041                         req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_LOCK, true);
   1042                     }
   1043                     if (mConvergedAWB && mNeedsLockedAWB) {
   1044                         req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_LOCK, true);
   1045                     }
   1047                     // Trigger AE first.
   1048                     if (doAE && !triggeredAE) {
   1049                         Logt.i(TAG, "Triggering AE");
   1050                         req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER,
   1051                                 CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_START);
   1052                         triggeredAE = true;
   1053                     }
   1055                     // After AE has converged, trigger AF.
   1056                     if (doAF && !triggeredAF && (!doAE || (triggeredAE && mConvergedAE))) {
   1057                         Logt.i(TAG, "Triggering AF");
   1058                         req.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER,
   1059                                 CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START);
   1060                         triggeredAF = true;
   1061                     }
   1063                     req.addTarget(mOutputImageReaders[0].getSurface());
   1065                     mIssuedRequest3A = true;
   1066                     mSession.capture(req.build(), mCaptureResultListener, mResultHandler);
   1067                 } else {
   1068                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("3aConverged", "");
   1069                     Logt.i(TAG, "3A converged");
   1070                     break;
   1071                 }
   1072             }
   1073         } catch (android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException e) {
   1074             throw new ItsException("Access error: ", e);
   1075         } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
   1076             throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);
   1077         } finally {
   1078             mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("3aDone", "");
   1079         }
   1080     }
   1082     private void doVibrate(JSONObject params) throws ItsException {
   1083         try {
   1084             if (mVibrator == null) {
   1085                 throw new ItsException("Unable to start vibrator");
   1086             }
   1087             JSONArray patternArray = params.getJSONArray(VIB_PATTERN_KEY);
   1088             int len = patternArray.length();
   1089             long pattern[] = new long[len];
   1090             for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   1091                 pattern[i] = patternArray.getLong(i);
   1092             }
   1093             Logt.i(TAG, String.format("Starting vibrator, pattern length %d",len));
   1094             mVibrator.vibrate(pattern, -1);
   1095             mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("vibrationStarted", "");
   1096         } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
   1097             throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);
   1098         }
   1099     }
   1101     /**
   1102      * Parse jsonOutputSpecs to get output surface sizes and formats. Create input and output
   1103      * image readers for the parsed output surface sizes, output formats, and the given input
   1104      * size and format.
   1105      */
   1106     private void prepareImageReadersWithOutputSpecs(JSONArray jsonOutputSpecs, Size inputSize,
   1107             int inputFormat, int maxInputBuffers, boolean backgroundRequest) throws ItsException {
   1108         Size outputSizes[];
   1109         int outputFormats[];
   1110         int numSurfaces = 0;
   1112         if (jsonOutputSpecs != null) {
   1113             try {
   1114                 numSurfaces = jsonOutputSpecs.length();
   1115                 if (backgroundRequest) {
   1116                     numSurfaces += 1;
   1117                 }
   1118                 if (numSurfaces > MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_SURFACES) {
   1119                     throw new ItsException("Too many output surfaces");
   1120                 }
   1122                 outputSizes = new Size[numSurfaces];
   1123                 outputFormats = new int[numSurfaces];
   1124                 for (int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++) {
   1125                     // Append optional background stream at the end
   1126                     if (backgroundRequest && i == numSurfaces - 1) {
   1127                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
   1128                         outputSizes[i] = new Size(640, 480);
   1129                         continue;
   1130                     }
   1131                     // Get the specified surface.
   1132                     JSONObject surfaceObj = jsonOutputSpecs.getJSONObject(i);
   1133                     String sformat = surfaceObj.optString("format");
   1134                     Size sizes[];
   1135                     if ("yuv".equals(sformat) || "".equals(sformat)) {
   1136                         // Default to YUV if no format is specified.
   1137                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
   1138                         sizes = ItsUtils.getYuvOutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1139                     } else if ("jpg".equals(sformat) || "jpeg".equals(sformat)) {
   1140                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.JPEG;
   1141                         sizes = ItsUtils.getJpegOutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1142                     } else if ("raw".equals(sformat)) {
   1143                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR;
   1144                         sizes = ItsUtils.getRaw16OutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1145                     } else if ("raw10".equals(sformat)) {
   1146                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.RAW10;
   1147                         sizes = ItsUtils.getRaw10OutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1148                     } else if ("raw12".equals(sformat)) {
   1149                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.RAW12;
   1150                         sizes = ItsUtils.getRaw12OutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1151                     } else if ("dng".equals(sformat)) {
   1152                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR;
   1153                         sizes = ItsUtils.getRaw16OutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1154                         mCaptureRawIsDng = true;
   1155                     } else if ("rawStats".equals(sformat)) {
   1156                         outputFormats[i] = ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR;
   1157                         sizes = ItsUtils.getRaw16OutputSizes(mCameraCharacteristics);
   1158                         mCaptureRawIsStats = true;
   1159                         mCaptureStatsGridWidth = surfaceObj.optInt("gridWidth");
   1160                         mCaptureStatsGridHeight = surfaceObj.optInt("gridHeight");
   1161                     } else {
   1162                         throw new ItsException("Unsupported format: " + sformat);
   1163                     }
   1164                     // If the size is omitted, then default to the largest allowed size for the
   1165                     // format.
   1166                     int width = surfaceObj.optInt("width");
   1167                     int height = surfaceObj.optInt("height");
   1168                     if (width <= 0) {
   1169                         if (sizes == null || sizes.length == 0) {
   1170                             throw new ItsException(String.format(
   1171                                     "Zero stream configs available for requested format: %s",
   1172                                     sformat));
   1173                         }
   1174                         width = ItsUtils.getMaxSize(sizes).getWidth();
   1175                     }
   1176                     if (height <= 0) {
   1177                         height = ItsUtils.getMaxSize(sizes).getHeight();
   1178                     }
   1180                     // The stats computation only applies to the active array region.
   1181                     int aaw = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics).width();
   1182                     int aah = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics).height();
   1183                     if (mCaptureStatsGridWidth <= 0 || mCaptureStatsGridWidth > aaw) {
   1184                         mCaptureStatsGridWidth = aaw;
   1185                     }
   1186                     if (mCaptureStatsGridHeight <= 0 || mCaptureStatsGridHeight > aah) {
   1187                         mCaptureStatsGridHeight = aah;
   1188                     }
   1190                     outputSizes[i] = new Size(width, height);
   1191                 }
   1192             } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
   1193                 throw new ItsException("JSON error", e);
   1194             }
   1195         } else {
   1196             // No surface(s) specified at all.
   1197             // Default: a single output surface which is full-res YUV.
   1198             Size maxYuvSize = ItsUtils.getMaxOutputSize(
   1199                     mCameraCharacteristics, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888);
   1200             numSurfaces = backgroundRequest ? 2 : 1;
   1202             outputSizes = new Size[numSurfaces];
   1203             outputFormats = new int[numSurfaces];
   1204             outputSizes[0] = maxYuvSize;
   1205             outputFormats[0] = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
   1206             if (backgroundRequest) {
   1207                 outputSizes[1] = new Size(640, 480);
   1208                 outputFormats[1] = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
   1209             }
   1210         }
   1212         prepareImageReaders(outputSizes, outputFormats, inputSize, inputFormat, maxInputBuffers);
   1213     }
   1215     /**
   1216      * Wait until mCountCallbacksRemaining is 0 or a specified amount of time has elapsed between
   1217      * each callback.
   1218      */
   1219     private void waitForCallbacks(long timeoutMs) throws ItsException {
   1220         synchronized(mCountCallbacksRemaining) {
   1221             int currentCount = mCountCallbacksRemaining.get();
   1222             while (currentCount > 0) {
   1223                 try {
   1224                     mCountCallbacksRemaining.wait(timeoutMs);
   1225                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1226                     throw new ItsException("Waiting for callbacks was interrupted.", e);
   1227                 }
   1229                 int newCount = mCountCallbacksRemaining.get();
   1230                 if (newCount == currentCount) {
   1231                     throw new ItsException("No callback received within timeout");
   1232                 }
   1233                 currentCount = newCount;
   1234             }
   1235         }
   1236     }
   1238     private void doCapture(JSONObject params) throws ItsException {
   1239         try {
   1240             // Parse the JSON to get the list of capture requests.
   1241             List<CaptureRequest.Builder> requests = ItsSerializer.deserializeRequestList(
   1242                     mCamera, params, "captureRequests");
   1244             // optional background preview requests
   1245             List<CaptureRequest.Builder> backgroundRequests = ItsSerializer.deserializeRequestList(
   1246                     mCamera, params, "repeatRequests");
   1247             boolean backgroundRequest = backgroundRequests.size() > 0;
   1249             int numSurfaces = 0;
   1250             int numCaptureSurfaces = 0;
   1251             BlockingSessionCallback sessionListener = new BlockingSessionCallback();
   1252             try {
   1253                 mCountRawOrDng.set(0);
   1254                 mCountJpg.set(0);
   1255                 mCountYuv.set(0);
   1256                 mCountRaw10.set(0);
   1257                 mCountRaw12.set(0);
   1258                 mCountCapRes.set(0);
   1259                 mCaptureRawIsDng = false;
   1260                 mCaptureRawIsStats = false;
   1261                 mCaptureResults = new CaptureResult[requests.size()];
   1263                 JSONArray jsonOutputSpecs = ItsUtils.getOutputSpecs(params);
   1265                 prepareImageReadersWithOutputSpecs(jsonOutputSpecs, /*inputSize*/null,
   1266                         /*inputFormat*/0, /*maxInputBuffers*/0, backgroundRequest);
   1267                 numSurfaces = mOutputImageReaders.length;
   1268                 numCaptureSurfaces = numSurfaces - (backgroundRequest ? 1 : 0);
   1270                 List<Surface> outputSurfaces = new ArrayList<Surface>(numSurfaces);
   1271                 for (int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++) {
   1272                     outputSurfaces.add(mOutputImageReaders[i].getSurface());
   1273                 }
   1274                 mCamera.createCaptureSession(outputSurfaces, sessionListener, mCameraHandler);
   1275                 mSession = sessionListener.waitAndGetSession(TIMEOUT_IDLE_MS);
   1277                 for (int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++) {
   1278                     ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener readerListener;
   1279                     if (backgroundRequest && i == numSurfaces - 1) {
   1280                         readerListener = createAvailableListenerDropper();
   1281                     } else {
   1282                         readerListener = createAvailableListener(mCaptureCallback);
   1283                     }
   1284                     mOutputImageReaders[i].setOnImageAvailableListener(readerListener,
   1285                             mSaveHandlers[i]);
   1286                 }
   1288                 // Plan for how many callbacks need to be received throughout the duration of this
   1289                 // sequence of capture requests. There is one callback per image surface, and one
   1290                 // callback for the CaptureResult, for each capture.
   1291                 int numCaptures = requests.size();
   1292                 mCountCallbacksRemaining.set(numCaptures * (numCaptureSurfaces + 1));
   1294             } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
   1295                 throw new ItsException("Error configuring outputs", e);
   1296             }
   1298             // Start background requests and let it warm up pipeline
   1299             if (backgroundRequest) {
   1300                 List<CaptureRequest> bgRequestList =
   1301                         new ArrayList<CaptureRequest>(backgroundRequests.size());
   1302                 for (int i = 0; i < backgroundRequests.size(); i++) {
   1303                     CaptureRequest.Builder req = backgroundRequests.get(i);
   1304                     req.addTarget(mOutputImageReaders[numCaptureSurfaces].getSurface());
   1305                     bgRequestList.add(req.build());
   1306                 }
   1307                 mSession.setRepeatingBurst(bgRequestList, null, null);
   1308                 // warm up the pipeline
   1309                 Thread.sleep(PIPELINE_WARMUP_TIME_MS);
   1310             }
   1312             // Initiate the captures.
   1313             long maxExpTimeNs = -1;
   1314             List<CaptureRequest> requestList =
   1315                     new ArrayList<>(requests.size());
   1316             for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
   1317                 CaptureRequest.Builder req = requests.get(i);
   1318                 // For DNG captures, need the LSC map to be available.
   1319                 if (mCaptureRawIsDng) {
   1320                     req.set(CaptureRequest.STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE, 1);
   1321                 }
   1322                 Long expTimeNs = req.get(CaptureRequest.SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME);
   1323                 if (expTimeNs != null && expTimeNs > maxExpTimeNs) {
   1324                     maxExpTimeNs = expTimeNs;
   1325                 }
   1327                 for (int j = 0; j < numCaptureSurfaces; j++) {
   1328                     req.addTarget(mOutputImageReaders[j].getSurface());
   1329                 }
   1330                 requestList.add(req.build());
   1331             }
   1332             mSession.captureBurst(requestList, mCaptureResultListener, mResultHandler);
   1334             long timeout = TIMEOUT_CALLBACK * 1000;
   1335             if (maxExpTimeNs > 0) {
   1336                 timeout += maxExpTimeNs / 1000000; // ns to ms
   1337             }
   1338             // Make sure all callbacks have been hit (wait until captures are done).
   1339             // If no timeouts are received after a timeout, then fail.
   1340             waitForCallbacks(timeout);
   1342             // Close session and wait until session is fully closed
   1343             mSession.close();
   1344             sessionListener.getStateWaiter().waitForState(
   1345                     BlockingSessionCallback.SESSION_CLOSED, TIMEOUT_SESSION_CLOSE);
   1347         } catch (android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException e) {
   1348             throw new ItsException("Access error: ", e);
   1349         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1350             throw new ItsException("Unexpected InterruptedException: ", e);
   1351         }
   1352     }
   1354     /**
   1355      * Perform reprocess captures.
   1356      *
   1357      * It takes captureRequests in a JSON object and perform capture requests in two steps:
   1358      * regular capture request to get reprocess input and reprocess capture request to get
   1359      * reprocess outputs.
   1360      *
   1361      * Regular capture requests:
   1362      *   1. For each capture request in the JSON object, create a full-size capture request with
   1363      *      the settings in the JSON object.
   1364      *   2. Remember and clear noise reduction, edge enhancement, and effective exposure factor
   1365      *      from the regular capture requests. (Those settings will be used for reprocess requests.)
   1366      *   3. Submit the regular capture requests.
   1367      *
   1368      * Reprocess capture requests:
   1369      *   4. Wait for the regular capture results and use them to create reprocess capture requests.
   1370      *   5. Wait for the regular capture output images and queue them to the image writer.
   1371      *   6. Set the noise reduction, edge enhancement, and effective exposure factor from #2.
   1372      *   7. Submit the reprocess capture requests.
   1373      *
   1374      * The output images and results for the regular capture requests won't be written to socket.
   1375      * The output images and results for the reprocess capture requests will be written to socket.
   1376      */
   1377     private void doReprocessCapture(JSONObject params) throws ItsException {
   1378         ImageWriter imageWriter = null;
   1379         ArrayList<Integer> noiseReductionModes = new ArrayList<>();
   1380         ArrayList<Integer> edgeModes = new ArrayList<>();
   1381         ArrayList<Float> effectiveExposureFactors = new ArrayList<>();
   1383         mCountRawOrDng.set(0);
   1384         mCountJpg.set(0);
   1385         mCountYuv.set(0);
   1386         mCountRaw10.set(0);
   1387         mCountRaw12.set(0);
   1388         mCountCapRes.set(0);
   1389         mCaptureRawIsDng = false;
   1390         mCaptureRawIsStats = false;
   1392         try {
   1393             // Parse the JSON to get the list of capture requests.
   1394             List<CaptureRequest.Builder> inputRequests =
   1395                     ItsSerializer.deserializeRequestList(mCamera, params, "captureRequests");
   1397             // Prepare the image readers for reprocess input and reprocess outputs.
   1398             int inputFormat = getReprocessInputFormat(params);
   1399             Size inputSize = ItsUtils.getMaxOutputSize(mCameraCharacteristics, inputFormat);
   1400             JSONArray jsonOutputSpecs = ItsUtils.getOutputSpecs(params);
   1401             prepareImageReadersWithOutputSpecs(jsonOutputSpecs, inputSize, inputFormat,
   1402                     inputRequests.size(), /*backgroundRequest*/false);
   1404             // Prepare a reprocessable session.
   1405             int numOutputSurfaces = mOutputImageReaders.length;
   1406             InputConfiguration inputConfig = new InputConfiguration(inputSize.getWidth(),
   1407                     inputSize.getHeight(), inputFormat);
   1408             List<Surface> outputSurfaces = new ArrayList<Surface>();
   1409             boolean addSurfaceForInput = true;
   1410             for (int i = 0; i < numOutputSurfaces; i++) {
   1411                 outputSurfaces.add(mOutputImageReaders[i].getSurface());
   1412                 if (mOutputImageReaders[i] == mInputImageReader) {
   1413                     // If input and one of the outputs share the same image reader, avoid
   1414                     // adding the same surfaces twice.
   1415                     addSurfaceForInput = false;
   1416                 }
   1417             }
   1419             if (addSurfaceForInput) {
   1420                 // Besides the output surfaces specified in JSON object, add an additional one
   1421                 // for reprocess input.
   1422                 outputSurfaces.add(mInputImageReader.getSurface());
   1423             }
   1425             BlockingSessionCallback sessionListener = new BlockingSessionCallback();
   1426             mCamera.createReprocessableCaptureSession(inputConfig, outputSurfaces, sessionListener,
   1427                     mCameraHandler);
   1428             mSession = sessionListener.waitAndGetSession(TIMEOUT_IDLE_MS);
   1430             // Create an image writer for reprocess input.
   1431             Surface inputSurface = mSession.getInputSurface();
   1432             imageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(inputSurface, inputRequests.size());
   1434             // Set up input reader listener and capture callback listener to get
   1435             // reprocess input buffers and the results in order to create reprocess capture
   1436             // requests.
   1437             ImageReaderListenerWaiter inputReaderListener = new ImageReaderListenerWaiter();
   1438             mInputImageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(inputReaderListener, mSaveHandlers[0]);
   1440             CaptureCallbackWaiter captureCallbackWaiter = new CaptureCallbackWaiter();
   1441             // Prepare the reprocess input request
   1442             for (CaptureRequest.Builder inputReqest : inputRequests) {
   1443                 // Remember and clear noise reduction, edge enhancement, and effective exposure
   1444                 // factors.
   1445                 noiseReductionModes.add(inputReqest.get(CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE));
   1446                 edgeModes.add(inputReqest.get(CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE));
   1447                 effectiveExposureFactors.add(inputReqest.get(
   1448                         CaptureRequest.REPROCESS_EFFECTIVE_EXPOSURE_FACTOR));
   1450                 inputReqest.set(CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE,
   1451                         CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG);
   1452                 inputReqest.set(CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE, CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG);
   1453                 inputReqest.set(CaptureRequest.REPROCESS_EFFECTIVE_EXPOSURE_FACTOR, null);
   1454                 inputReqest.addTarget(mInputImageReader.getSurface());
   1455                 mSession.capture(inputReqest.build(), captureCallbackWaiter, mResultHandler);
   1456             }
   1458             // Wait for reprocess input images
   1459             ArrayList<CaptureRequest.Builder> reprocessOutputRequests = new ArrayList<>();
   1460             for (int i = 0; i < inputRequests.size(); i++) {
   1461                 TotalCaptureResult result =
   1462                         captureCallbackWaiter.getResult(TIMEOUT_CALLBACK * 1000);
   1463                 reprocessOutputRequests.add(mCamera.createReprocessCaptureRequest(result));
   1464                 imageWriter.queueInputImage(inputReaderListener.getImage(TIMEOUT_CALLBACK * 1000));
   1465             }
   1467             // Start performing reprocess captures.
   1469             mCaptureResults = new CaptureResult[inputRequests.size()];
   1471             // Prepare reprocess capture requests.
   1472             for (int i = 0; i < numOutputSurfaces; i++) {
   1473                 ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener outputReaderListener =
   1474                         createAvailableListener(mCaptureCallback);
   1475                 mOutputImageReaders[i].setOnImageAvailableListener(outputReaderListener,
   1476                         mSaveHandlers[i]);
   1477             }
   1479             // Plan for how many callbacks need to be received throughout the duration of this
   1480             // sequence of capture requests. There is one callback per image surface, and one
   1481             // callback for the CaptureResult, for each capture.
   1482             int numCaptures = reprocessOutputRequests.size();
   1483             mCountCallbacksRemaining.set(numCaptures * (numOutputSurfaces + 1));
   1485             // Initiate the captures.
   1486             for (int i = 0; i < reprocessOutputRequests.size(); i++) {
   1487                 CaptureRequest.Builder req = reprocessOutputRequests.get(i);
   1488                 for (ImageReader outputImageReader : mOutputImageReaders) {
   1489                     req.addTarget(outputImageReader.getSurface());
   1490                 }
   1492                 req.set(CaptureRequest.NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE, noiseReductionModes.get(i));
   1493                 req.set(CaptureRequest.EDGE_MODE, edgeModes.get(i));
   1494                 req.set(CaptureRequest.REPROCESS_EFFECTIVE_EXPOSURE_FACTOR,
   1495                         effectiveExposureFactors.get(i));
   1497                 mSession.capture(req.build(), mCaptureResultListener, mResultHandler);
   1498             }
   1500             // Make sure all callbacks have been hit (wait until captures are done).
   1501             // If no timeouts are received after a timeout, then fail.
   1502             waitForCallbacks(TIMEOUT_CALLBACK * 1000);
   1503         } catch (android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException e) {
   1504             throw new ItsException("Access error: ", e);
   1505         } finally {
   1506             closeImageReaders();
   1507             if (mSession != null) {
   1508                 mSession.close();
   1509                 mSession = null;
   1510             }
   1511             if (imageWriter != null) {
   1512                 imageWriter.close();
   1513             }
   1514         }
   1515     }
   1517     @Override
   1518     public final void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
   1519         Logt.i(TAG, "Sensor " + sensor.getName() + " accuracy changed to " + accuracy);
   1520     }
   1522     @Override
   1523     public final void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
   1524         synchronized(mEventLock) {
   1525             if (mEventsEnabled) {
   1526                 MySensorEvent ev2 = new MySensorEvent();
   1527                 ev2.sensor = event.sensor;
   1528                 ev2.accuracy = event.accuracy;
   1529                 ev2.timestamp = event.timestamp;
   1530                 ev2.values = new float[event.values.length];
   1531                 System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, ev2.values, 0, event.values.length);
   1532                 mEvents.add(ev2);
   1533             }
   1534         }
   1535     }
   1537     private final CaptureCallback mCaptureCallback = new CaptureCallback() {
   1538         @Override
   1539         public void onCaptureAvailable(Image capture) {
   1540             try {
   1541                 int format = capture.getFormat();
   1542                 if (format == ImageFormat.JPEG) {
   1543                     Logt.i(TAG, "Received JPEG capture");
   1544                     byte[] img = ItsUtils.getDataFromImage(capture, mSocketQueueQuota);
   1545                     ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(img);
   1546                     int count = mCountJpg.getAndIncrement();
   1547                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("jpegImage", buf);
   1548                 } else if (format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
   1549                     Logt.i(TAG, "Received YUV capture");
   1550                     byte[] img = ItsUtils.getDataFromImage(capture, mSocketQueueQuota);
   1551                     ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(img);
   1552                     int count = mCountYuv.getAndIncrement();
   1553                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("yuvImage", buf);
   1554                 } else if (format == ImageFormat.RAW10) {
   1555                     Logt.i(TAG, "Received RAW10 capture");
   1556                     byte[] img = ItsUtils.getDataFromImage(capture, mSocketQueueQuota);
   1557                     ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(img);
   1558                     int count = mCountRaw10.getAndIncrement();
   1559                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("raw10Image", buf);
   1560                 } else if (format == ImageFormat.RAW12) {
   1561                     Logt.i(TAG, "Received RAW12 capture");
   1562                     byte[] img = ItsUtils.getDataFromImage(capture, mSocketQueueQuota);
   1563                     ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(img);
   1564                     int count = mCountRaw12.getAndIncrement();
   1565                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("raw12Image", buf);
   1566                 } else if (format == ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR) {
   1567                     Logt.i(TAG, "Received RAW16 capture");
   1568                     int count = mCountRawOrDng.getAndIncrement();
   1569                     if (! mCaptureRawIsDng) {
   1570                         byte[] img = ItsUtils.getDataFromImage(capture, mSocketQueueQuota);
   1571                         if (! mCaptureRawIsStats) {
   1572                             ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(img);
   1573                             mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("rawImage", buf);
   1574                         } else {
   1575                             // Compute the requested stats on the raw frame, and return the results
   1576                             // in a new "stats image".
   1577                             long startTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
   1578                             int w = capture.getWidth();
   1579                             int h = capture.getHeight();
   1580                             int aaw = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics)
   1581                                               .width();
   1582                             int aah = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics)
   1583                                               .height();
   1584                             int aax = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics)
   1585                                               .left;
   1586                             int aay = ItsUtils.getActiveArrayCropRegion(mCameraCharacteristics)
   1587                                               .top;
   1588                             int gw = mCaptureStatsGridWidth;
   1589                             int gh = mCaptureStatsGridHeight;
   1590                             float[] stats = StatsImage.computeStatsImage(
   1591                                                              img, w, h, aax, aay, aaw, aah, gw, gh);
   1592                             long endTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
   1593                             Log.e(TAG, "Raw stats computation takes " + (endTimeMs - startTimeMs) + " ms");
   1594                             int statsImgSize = stats.length * 4;
   1595                             if (mSocketQueueQuota != null) {
   1596                                 mSocketQueueQuota.release(img.length);
   1597                                 mSocketQueueQuota.acquire(statsImgSize);
   1598                             }
   1599                             ByteBuffer bBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(statsImgSize);
   1600                             bBuf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
   1601                             FloatBuffer fBuf = bBuf.asFloatBuffer();
   1602                             fBuf.put(stats);
   1603                             fBuf.position(0);
   1604                             mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("rawStatsImage", bBuf);
   1605                         }
   1606                     } else {
   1607                         // Wait until the corresponding capture result is ready, up to a timeout.
   1608                         long t0 = android.os.SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
   1609                         while (! mThreadExitFlag
   1610                                 && android.os.SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-t0 < TIMEOUT_CAP_RES) {
   1611                             if (mCaptureResults[count] != null) {
   1612                                 Logt.i(TAG, "Writing capture as DNG");
   1613                                 DngCreator dngCreator = new DngCreator(
   1614                                         mCameraCharacteristics, mCaptureResults[count]);
   1615                                 ByteArrayOutputStream dngStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   1616                                 dngCreator.writeImage(dngStream, capture);
   1617                                 byte[] dngArray = dngStream.toByteArray();
   1618                                 if (mSocketQueueQuota != null) {
   1619                                     // Ideally we should acquire before allocating memory, but
   1620                                     // here the DNG size is unknown before toByteArray call, so
   1621                                     // we have to register the size afterward. This should still
   1622                                     // works most of the time since all DNG images are handled by
   1623                                     // the same handler thread, so we are at most one buffer over
   1624                                     // the quota.
   1625                                     mSocketQueueQuota.acquire(dngArray.length);
   1626                                 }
   1627                                 ByteBuffer dngBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(dngArray);
   1628                                 mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureBuffer("dngImage", dngBuf);
   1629                                 break;
   1630                             } else {
   1631                                 Thread.sleep(1);
   1632                             }
   1633                         }
   1634                     }
   1635                 } else {
   1636                     throw new ItsException("Unsupported image format: " + format);
   1637                 }
   1639                 synchronized(mCountCallbacksRemaining) {
   1640                     mCountCallbacksRemaining.decrementAndGet();
   1641                     mCountCallbacksRemaining.notify();
   1642                 }
   1643             } catch (IOException e) {
   1644                 Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: ", e);
   1645             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1646                 Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: ", e);
   1647             } catch (ItsException e) {
   1648                 Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: ", e);
   1649             }
   1650         }
   1651     };
   1653     private static float r2f(Rational r) {
   1654         return (float)r.getNumerator() / (float)r.getDenominator();
   1655     }
   1657     private final CaptureResultListener mCaptureResultListener = new CaptureResultListener() {
   1658         @Override
   1659         public void onCaptureStarted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
   1660                 long timestamp, long frameNumber) {
   1661         }
   1663         @Override
   1664         public void onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
   1665                 TotalCaptureResult result) {
   1666             try {
   1667                 // Currently result has all 0 values.
   1668                 if (request == null || result == null) {
   1669                     throw new ItsException("Request/result is invalid");
   1670                 }
   1672                 StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();
   1673                 logMsg.append(String.format(
   1674                         "Capt result: AE=%d, AF=%d, AWB=%d, ",
   1675                         result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE),
   1676                         result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE),
   1677                         result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE)));
   1678                 int[] capabilities = mCameraCharacteristics.get(
   1679                         CameraCharacteristics.REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES);
   1680                 if (capabilities == null) {
   1681                     throw new ItsException("Failed to get capabilities");
   1682                 }
   1683                 boolean readSensorSettings = false;
   1684                 for (int capability : capabilities) {
   1685                     if (capability ==
   1686                             CameraCharacteristics.
   1687                                     REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_READ_SENSOR_SETTINGS) {
   1688                         readSensorSettings = true;
   1689                         break;
   1690                     }
   1691                 }
   1692                 if (readSensorSettings) {
   1693                     logMsg.append(String.format(
   1694                             "sens=%d, exp=%.1fms, dur=%.1fms, ",
   1695                             result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_SENSITIVITY),
   1696                             result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME).intValue() / 1000000.0f,
   1697                             result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION).intValue() /
   1698                                         1000000.0f));
   1699                 }
   1700                 if (result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS) != null) {
   1701                     logMsg.append(String.format(
   1702                             "gains=[%.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f], ",
   1703                             result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getRed(),
   1704                             result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getGreenEven(),
   1705                             result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getGreenOdd(),
   1706                             result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getBlue()));
   1707                 } else {
   1708                     logMsg.append("gains=[], ");
   1709                 }
   1710                 if (result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM) != null) {
   1711                     logMsg.append(String.format(
   1712                             "xform=[%.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f], ",
   1713                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(0,0)),
   1714                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(1,0)),
   1715                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(2,0)),
   1716                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(0,1)),
   1717                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(1,1)),
   1718                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(2,1)),
   1719                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(0,2)),
   1720                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(1,2)),
   1721                             r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(2,2))));
   1722                 } else {
   1723                     logMsg.append("xform=[], ");
   1724                 }
   1725                 logMsg.append(String.format(
   1726                         "foc=%.1f",
   1727                         result.get(CaptureResult.LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE)));
   1728                 Logt.i(TAG, logMsg.toString());
   1730                 if (result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE) != null) {
   1731                     mConvergedAE = result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE) ==
   1732                                               CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE_CONVERGED ||
   1733                                    result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE) ==
   1734                                               CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE_FLASH_REQUIRED ||
   1735                                    result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE) ==
   1736                                               CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE_LOCKED;
   1737                     mLockedAE = result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE) ==
   1738                                            CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_STATE_LOCKED;
   1739                 }
   1740                 if (result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE) != null) {
   1741                     mConvergedAF = result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE) ==
   1742                                               CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE_FOCUSED_LOCKED;
   1743                 }
   1744                 if (result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE) != null) {
   1745                     mConvergedAWB = result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE) ==
   1746                                                CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE_CONVERGED ||
   1747                                     result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE) ==
   1748                                                CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE_LOCKED;
   1749                     mLockedAWB = result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE) ==
   1750                                             CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE_LOCKED;
   1751                 }
   1753                 if (mConvergedAE && (!mNeedsLockedAE || mLockedAE)) {
   1754                     if (result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_SENSITIVITY) != null
   1755                             && result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME) != null) {
   1756                         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("aeResult", String.format("%d %d",
   1757                                 result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_SENSITIVITY).intValue(),
   1758                                 result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME).intValue()
   1759                                 ));
   1760                     } else {
   1761                         Logt.i(TAG, String.format(
   1762                                 "AE converged but NULL exposure values, sensitivity:%b, expTime:%b",
   1763                                 result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_SENSITIVITY) == null,
   1764                                 result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME) == null));
   1765                     }
   1766                 }
   1768                 if (mConvergedAF) {
   1769                     if (result.get(CaptureResult.LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE) != null) {
   1770                         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("afResult", String.format("%f",
   1771                                 result.get(CaptureResult.LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE)
   1772                                 ));
   1773                     } else {
   1774                         Logt.i(TAG, "AF converged but NULL focus distance values");
   1775                     }
   1776                 }
   1778                 if (mConvergedAWB && (!mNeedsLockedAWB || mLockedAWB)) {
   1779                     if (result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS) != null
   1780                             && result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM) != null) {
   1781                         mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponse("awbResult", String.format(
   1782                                 "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f",
   1783                                 result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getRed(),
   1784                                 result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getGreenEven(),
   1785                                 result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getGreenOdd(),
   1786                                 result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS).getBlue(),
   1787                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(0,0)),
   1788                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(1,0)),
   1789                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(2,0)),
   1790                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(0,1)),
   1791                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(1,1)),
   1792                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(2,1)),
   1793                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(0,2)),
   1794                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(1,2)),
   1795                                 r2f(result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM).getElement(2,2))
   1796                                 ));
   1797                     } else {
   1798                         Logt.i(TAG, String.format(
   1799                                 "AWB converged but NULL color correction values, gains:%b, ccm:%b",
   1800                                 result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS) == null,
   1801                                 result.get(CaptureResult.COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM) == null));
   1802                     }
   1803                 }
   1805                 if (mIssuedRequest3A) {
   1806                     mIssuedRequest3A = false;
   1807                     mInterlock3A.open();
   1808                 } else {
   1809                     int count = mCountCapRes.getAndIncrement();
   1810                     mCaptureResults[count] = result;
   1811                     mSocketRunnableObj.sendResponseCaptureResult(mCameraCharacteristics,
   1812                             request, result, mOutputImageReaders);
   1813                     synchronized(mCountCallbacksRemaining) {
   1814                         mCountCallbacksRemaining.decrementAndGet();
   1815                         mCountCallbacksRemaining.notify();
   1816                     }
   1817                 }
   1818             } catch (ItsException e) {
   1819                 Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: ", e);
   1820             } catch (Exception e) {
   1821                 Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: ", e);
   1822             }
   1823         }
   1825         @Override
   1826         public void onCaptureFailed(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
   1827                 CaptureFailure failure) {
   1828             Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: capture failed");
   1829         }
   1830     };
   1832     private class CaptureCallbackWaiter extends CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback {
   1833         private final LinkedBlockingQueue<TotalCaptureResult> mResultQueue =
   1834                 new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
   1836         @Override
   1837         public void onCaptureStarted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
   1838                 long timestamp, long frameNumber) {
   1839         }
   1841         @Override
   1842         public void onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
   1843                 TotalCaptureResult result) {
   1844             try {
   1845                 mResultQueue.put(result);
   1846             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1847                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
   1848                         "Can't handle InterruptedException in onImageAvailable");
   1849             }
   1850         }
   1852         @Override
   1853         public void onCaptureFailed(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
   1854                 CaptureFailure failure) {
   1855             Logt.e(TAG, "Script error: capture failed");
   1856         }
   1858         public TotalCaptureResult getResult(long timeoutMs) throws ItsException {
   1859             TotalCaptureResult result;
   1860             try {
   1861                 result = mResultQueue.poll(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
   1862             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1863                 throw new ItsException(e);
   1864             }
   1866             if (result == null) {
   1867                 throw new ItsException("Getting an image timed out after " + timeoutMs +
   1868                         "ms");
   1869             }
   1871             return result;
   1872         }
   1873     }
   1875     private static class ImageReaderListenerWaiter implements ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener {
   1876         private final LinkedBlockingQueue<Image> mImageQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
   1878         @Override
   1879         public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
   1880             try {
   1881                 mImageQueue.put(reader.acquireNextImage());
   1882             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1883                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
   1884                         "Can't handle InterruptedException in onImageAvailable");
   1885             }
   1886         }
   1888         public Image getImage(long timeoutMs) throws ItsException {
   1889             Image image;
   1890             try {
   1891                 image = mImageQueue.poll(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
   1892             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   1893                 throw new ItsException(e);
   1894             }
   1896             if (image == null) {
   1897                 throw new ItsException("Getting an image timed out after " + timeoutMs +
   1898                         "ms");
   1899             }
   1900             return image;
   1901         }
   1902     }
   1904     private int getReprocessInputFormat(JSONObject params) throws ItsException {
   1905         String reprocessFormat;
   1906         try {
   1907             reprocessFormat = params.getString("reprocessFormat");
   1908         } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
   1909             throw new ItsException("Error parsing reprocess format: " + e);
   1910         }
   1912         if (reprocessFormat.equals("yuv")) {
   1913             return ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
   1914         } else if (reprocessFormat.equals("private")) {
   1915             return ImageFormat.PRIVATE;
   1916         }
   1918         throw new ItsException("Uknown reprocess format: " + reprocessFormat);
   1919     }
   1920 }