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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     19 #include "art_method-inl.h"
     20 #include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
     21 #include "common_runtime_test.h"
     22 #include "exec_utils.h"
     23 #include "jit/profile_compilation_info.h"
     24 #include "linear_alloc.h"
     25 #include "mirror/class-inl.h"
     26 #include "obj_ptr-inl.h"
     27 #include "profile_assistant.h"
     28 #include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h"
     29 #include "utils.h"
     31 namespace art {
     33 class ProfileAssistantTest : public CommonRuntimeTest {
     34  public:
     35   void PostRuntimeCreate() OVERRIDE {
     36     arena_.reset(new ArenaAllocator(Runtime::Current()->GetArenaPool()));
     37   }
     39  protected:
     40   void SetupProfile(const std::string& id,
     41                     uint32_t checksum,
     42                     uint16_t number_of_methods,
     43                     uint16_t number_of_classes,
     44                     const ScratchFile& profile,
     45                     ProfileCompilationInfo* info,
     46                     uint16_t start_method_index = 0,
     47                     bool reverse_dex_write_order = false) {
     48     std::string dex_location1 = "location1" + id;
     49     uint32_t dex_location_checksum1 = checksum;
     50     std::string dex_location2 = "location2" + id;
     51     uint32_t dex_location_checksum2 = 10 * checksum;
     52     for (uint16_t i = start_method_index; i < start_method_index + number_of_methods; i++) {
     53       // reverse_dex_write_order controls the order in which the dex files will be added to
     54       // the profile and thus written to disk.
     55       ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi =
     56           GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo(dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1,
     57                                       dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2);
     58       if (reverse_dex_write_order) {
     59         ASSERT_TRUE(info->AddMethod(dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2, i, pmi));
     60         ASSERT_TRUE(info->AddMethod(dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, i, pmi));
     61       } else {
     62         ASSERT_TRUE(info->AddMethod(dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, i, pmi));
     63         ASSERT_TRUE(info->AddMethod(dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2, i, pmi));
     64       }
     65     }
     66     for (uint16_t i = 0; i < number_of_classes; i++) {
     67       ASSERT_TRUE(info->AddClassIndex(dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
     68     }
     70     ASSERT_TRUE(info->Save(GetFd(profile)));
     71     ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
     72     ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
     73   }
     75   // Creates an inline cache which will be destructed at the end of the test.
     76   ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap* CreateInlineCacheMap() {
     77     used_inline_caches.emplace_back(new ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap(
     78         std::less<uint16_t>(), arena_->Adapter(kArenaAllocProfile)));
     79     return used_inline_caches.back().get();
     80   }
     82   ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo(
     83         const std::string& dex_location1, uint32_t dex_checksum1,
     84         const std::string& dex_location2, uint32_t dex_checksum2) {
     85     ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap* ic_map = CreateInlineCacheMap();
     86     ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi(ic_map);
     87     pmi.dex_references.emplace_back(dex_location1, dex_checksum1);
     88     pmi.dex_references.emplace_back(dex_location2, dex_checksum2);
     90     // Monomorphic
     91     for (uint16_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < 11; dex_pc++) {
     92       ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(arena_.get());
     93       dex_pc_data.AddClass(0, dex::TypeIndex(0));
     94       ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
     95     }
     96     // Polymorphic
     97     for (uint16_t dex_pc = 11; dex_pc < 22; dex_pc++) {
     98       ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(arena_.get());
     99       dex_pc_data.AddClass(0, dex::TypeIndex(0));
    100       dex_pc_data.AddClass(1, dex::TypeIndex(1));
    102       ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
    103     }
    104     // Megamorphic
    105     for (uint16_t dex_pc = 22; dex_pc < 33; dex_pc++) {
    106       ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(arena_.get());
    107       dex_pc_data.SetIsMegamorphic();
    108       ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
    109     }
    110     // Missing types
    111     for (uint16_t dex_pc = 33; dex_pc < 44; dex_pc++) {
    112       ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(arena_.get());
    113       dex_pc_data.SetIsMissingTypes();
    114       ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
    115     }
    117     return pmi;
    118   }
    120   int GetFd(const ScratchFile& file) const {
    121     return static_cast<int>(file.GetFd());
    122   }
    124   void CheckProfileInfo(ScratchFile& file, const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
    125     ProfileCompilationInfo file_info;
    126     ASSERT_TRUE(file.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    127     ASSERT_TRUE(file_info.Load(GetFd(file)));
    128     ASSERT_TRUE(file_info.Equals(info));
    129   }
    131   std::string GetProfmanCmd() {
    132     std::string file_path = GetTestAndroidRoot();
    133     file_path += "/bin/profman";
    134     if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    135       file_path += "d";
    136     }
    137     EXPECT_TRUE(OS::FileExists(file_path.c_str()))
    138         << file_path << " should be a valid file path";
    139     return file_path;
    140   }
    141   // Runs test with given arguments.
    142   int ProcessProfiles(const std::vector<int>& profiles_fd, int reference_profile_fd) {
    143     std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
    144     std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
    145     argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
    146     for (size_t k = 0; k < profiles_fd.size(); k++) {
    147       argv_str.push_back("--profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(profiles_fd[k]));
    148     }
    149     argv_str.push_back("--reference-profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(reference_profile_fd));
    151     std::string error;
    152     return ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error);
    153   }
    155   bool GenerateTestProfile(const std::string& filename) {
    156     std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
    157     std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
    158     argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
    159     argv_str.push_back("--generate-test-profile=" + filename);
    160     std::string error;
    161     return ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error);
    162   }
    164   bool GenerateTestProfileWithInputDex(const std::string& filename) {
    165     std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
    166     std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
    167     argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
    168     argv_str.push_back("--generate-test-profile=" + filename);
    169     argv_str.push_back("--generate-test-profile-seed=0");
    170     argv_str.push_back("--apk=" + GetLibCoreDexFileNames()[0]);
    171     argv_str.push_back("--dex-location=" + GetLibCoreDexFileNames()[0]);
    172     std::string error;
    173     return ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error);
    174   }
    176   bool CreateProfile(std::string profile_file_contents,
    177                      const std::string& filename,
    178                      const std::string& dex_location) {
    179     ScratchFile class_names_file;
    180     File* file = class_names_file.GetFile();
    181     EXPECT_TRUE(file->WriteFully(profile_file_contents.c_str(), profile_file_contents.length()));
    182     EXPECT_EQ(0, file->Flush());
    183     EXPECT_TRUE(file->ResetOffset());
    184     std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
    185     std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
    186     argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
    187     argv_str.push_back("--create-profile-from=" + class_names_file.GetFilename());
    188     argv_str.push_back("--reference-profile-file=" + filename);
    189     argv_str.push_back("--apk=" + dex_location);
    190     argv_str.push_back("--dex-location=" + dex_location);
    191     std::string error;
    192     EXPECT_EQ(ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error), 0);
    193     return true;
    194   }
    196   bool DumpClassesAndMethods(const std::string& filename, std::string* file_contents) {
    197     ScratchFile class_names_file;
    198     std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
    199     std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
    200     argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
    201     argv_str.push_back("--dump-classes-and-methods");
    202     argv_str.push_back("--profile-file=" + filename);
    203     argv_str.push_back("--apk=" + GetLibCoreDexFileNames()[0]);
    204     argv_str.push_back("--dex-location=" + GetLibCoreDexFileNames()[0]);
    205     argv_str.push_back("--dump-output-to-fd=" + std::to_string(GetFd(class_names_file)));
    206     std::string error;
    207     EXPECT_EQ(ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error), 0);
    208     File* file = class_names_file.GetFile();
    209     EXPECT_EQ(0, file->Flush());
    210     EXPECT_TRUE(file->ResetOffset());
    211     int64_t length = file->GetLength();
    212     std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[length]);
    213     EXPECT_EQ(file->Read(buf.get(), length, 0), length);
    214     *file_contents = std::string(buf.get(), length);
    215     return true;
    216   }
    218   bool CreateAndDump(const std::string& input_file_contents,
    219                      std::string* output_file_contents) {
    220     ScratchFile profile_file;
    221     EXPECT_TRUE(CreateProfile(input_file_contents,
    222                               profile_file.GetFilename(),
    223                               GetLibCoreDexFileNames()[0]));
    224     profile_file.GetFile()->ResetOffset();
    225     EXPECT_TRUE(DumpClassesAndMethods(profile_file.GetFilename(), output_file_contents));
    226     return true;
    227   }
    229   mirror::Class* GetClass(jobject class_loader, const std::string& clazz) {
    230     ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    231     Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    232     ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
    233     StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    234     Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> h_loader(
    235         hs.NewHandle(ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader>::DownCast(self->DecodeJObject(class_loader))));
    236     return class_linker->FindClass(self, clazz.c_str(), h_loader);
    237   }
    239   ArtMethod* GetVirtualMethod(jobject class_loader,
    240                               const std::string& clazz,
    241                               const std::string& name) {
    242     mirror::Class* klass = GetClass(class_loader, clazz);
    243     ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    244     const auto pointer_size = class_linker->GetImagePointerSize();
    245     ArtMethod* method = nullptr;
    246     Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    247     ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
    248     for (auto& m : klass->GetVirtualMethods(pointer_size)) {
    249       if (name == m.GetName()) {
    250         EXPECT_TRUE(method == nullptr);
    251         method = &m;
    252       }
    253     }
    254     return method;
    255   }
    257   // Verify that given method has the expected inline caches and nothing else.
    258   void AssertInlineCaches(ArtMethod* method,
    259                           const std::set<mirror::Class*>& expected_clases,
    260                           const ProfileCompilationInfo& info,
    261                           bool is_megamorphic,
    262                           bool is_missing_types)
    263       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    264     std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> pmi =
    265         info.GetMethod(method->GetDexFile()->GetLocation(),
    266                        method->GetDexFile()->GetLocationChecksum(),
    267                        method->GetDexMethodIndex());
    268     ASSERT_TRUE(pmi != nullptr);
    269     ASSERT_EQ(pmi->inline_caches->size(), 1u);
    270     const ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData& dex_pc_data = pmi->inline_caches->begin()->second;
    272     ASSERT_EQ(dex_pc_data.is_megamorphic, is_megamorphic);
    273     ASSERT_EQ(dex_pc_data.is_missing_types, is_missing_types);
    274     ASSERT_EQ(expected_clases.size(), dex_pc_data.classes.size());
    275     size_t found = 0;
    276     for (mirror::Class* it : expected_clases) {
    277       for (const auto& class_ref : dex_pc_data.classes) {
    278         ProfileCompilationInfo::DexReference dex_ref =
    279             pmi->dex_references[class_ref.dex_profile_index];
    280         if (dex_ref.MatchesDex(&(it->GetDexFile())) &&
    281             class_ref.type_index == it->GetDexTypeIndex()) {
    282           found++;
    283         }
    284       }
    285     }
    287     ASSERT_EQ(expected_clases.size(), found);
    288   }
    290   std::unique_ptr<ArenaAllocator> arena_;
    292   // Cache of inline caches generated during tests.
    293   // This makes it easier to pass data between different utilities and ensure that
    294   // caches are destructed at the end of the test.
    295   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap>> used_inline_caches;
    296 };
    298 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, AdviseCompilationEmptyReferences) {
    299   ScratchFile profile1;
    300   ScratchFile profile2;
    301   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    303   std::vector<int> profile_fds({
    304       GetFd(profile1),
    305       GetFd(profile2)});
    306   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    308   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation = 100;
    309   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    310   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1);
    311   ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
    312   SetupProfile("p2", 2, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile2, &info2);
    314   // We should advise compilation.
    315   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kCompile,
    316             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    317   // The resulting compilation info must be equal to the merge of the inputs.
    318   ProfileCompilationInfo result;
    319   ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    320   ASSERT_TRUE(result.Load(reference_profile_fd));
    322   ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
    323   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1));
    324   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info2));
    325   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Equals(result));
    327   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    328   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    329   CheckProfileInfo(profile2, info2);
    330 }
    332 // TODO(calin): Add more tests for classes.
    333 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, AdviseCompilationEmptyReferencesBecauseOfClasses) {
    334   ScratchFile profile1;
    335   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    337   std::vector<int> profile_fds({
    338       GetFd(profile1)});
    339   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    341   const uint16_t kNumberOfClassesToEnableCompilation = 100;
    342   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    343   SetupProfile("p1", 1, 0, kNumberOfClassesToEnableCompilation, profile1, &info1);
    345   // We should advise compilation.
    346   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kCompile,
    347             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    348   // The resulting compilation info must be equal to the merge of the inputs.
    349   ProfileCompilationInfo result;
    350   ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    351   ASSERT_TRUE(result.Load(reference_profile_fd));
    353   ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
    354   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1));
    355   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Equals(result));
    357   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    358   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    359 }
    361 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, AdviseCompilationNonEmptyReferences) {
    362   ScratchFile profile1;
    363   ScratchFile profile2;
    364   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    366   std::vector<int> profile_fds({
    367       GetFd(profile1),
    368       GetFd(profile2)});
    369   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    371   // The new profile info will contain the methods with indices 0-100.
    372   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation = 100;
    373   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    374   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1);
    375   ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
    376   SetupProfile("p2", 2, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile2, &info2);
    379   // The reference profile info will contain the methods with indices 50-150.
    380   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsAlreadyCompiled = 100;
    381   ProfileCompilationInfo reference_info;
    382   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsAlreadyCompiled, 0, reference_profile,
    383       &reference_info, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation / 2);
    385   // We should advise compilation.
    386   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kCompile,
    387             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    389   // The resulting compilation info must be equal to the merge of the inputs
    390   ProfileCompilationInfo result;
    391   ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    392   ASSERT_TRUE(result.Load(reference_profile_fd));
    394   ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
    395   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1));
    396   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info2));
    397   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(reference_info));
    398   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Equals(result));
    400   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    401   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    402   CheckProfileInfo(profile2, info2);
    403 }
    405 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, DoNotAdviseCompilation) {
    406   ScratchFile profile1;
    407   ScratchFile profile2;
    408   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    410   std::vector<int> profile_fds({
    411       GetFd(profile1),
    412       GetFd(profile2)});
    413   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    415   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToSkipCompilation = 1;
    416   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    417   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsToSkipCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1);
    418   ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
    419   SetupProfile("p2", 2, kNumberOfMethodsToSkipCompilation, 0, profile2, &info2);
    421   // We should not advise compilation.
    422   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kSkipCompilation,
    423             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    425   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    426   ProfileCompilationInfo file_info1;
    427   ASSERT_TRUE(profile1.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    428   ASSERT_TRUE(file_info1.Load(GetFd(profile1)));
    429   ASSERT_TRUE(file_info1.Equals(info1));
    431   ProfileCompilationInfo file_info2;
    432   ASSERT_TRUE(profile2.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    433   ASSERT_TRUE(file_info2.Load(GetFd(profile2)));
    434   ASSERT_TRUE(file_info2.Equals(info2));
    436   // Reference profile files must remain empty.
    437   ASSERT_EQ(0, reference_profile.GetFile()->GetLength());
    439   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    440   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    441   CheckProfileInfo(profile2, info2);
    442 }
    444 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, FailProcessingBecauseOfProfiles) {
    445   ScratchFile profile1;
    446   ScratchFile profile2;
    447   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    449   std::vector<int> profile_fds({
    450       GetFd(profile1),
    451       GetFd(profile2)});
    452   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    454   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation = 100;
    455   // Assign different hashes for the same dex file. This will make merging of information to fail.
    456   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    457   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1);
    458   ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
    459   SetupProfile("p1", 2, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile2, &info2);
    461   // We should fail processing.
    462   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kErrorBadProfiles,
    463             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    465   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    466   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    467   CheckProfileInfo(profile2, info2);
    469   // Reference profile files must still remain empty.
    470   ASSERT_EQ(0, reference_profile.GetFile()->GetLength());
    471 }
    473 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, FailProcessingBecauseOfReferenceProfiles) {
    474   ScratchFile profile1;
    475   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    477   std::vector<int> profile_fds({
    478       GetFd(profile1)});
    479   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    481   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation = 100;
    482   // Assign different hashes for the same dex file. This will make merging of information to fail.
    483   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    484   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1);
    485   ProfileCompilationInfo reference_info;
    486   SetupProfile("p1", 2, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, reference_profile, &reference_info);
    488   // We should not advise compilation.
    489   ASSERT_TRUE(profile1.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    490   ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    491   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kErrorBadProfiles,
    492             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    494   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
    495   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    496 }
    498 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileGeneration) {
    499   ScratchFile profile;
    500   // Generate a test profile.
    501   GenerateTestProfile(profile.GetFilename());
    503   // Verify that the generated profile is valid and can be loaded.
    504   ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    505   ProfileCompilationInfo info;
    506   ASSERT_TRUE(info.Load(GetFd(profile)));
    507 }
    509 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileGenerationWithIndexDex) {
    510   ScratchFile profile;
    511   // Generate a test profile passing in a dex file as reference.
    512   GenerateTestProfileWithInputDex(profile.GetFilename());
    514   // Verify that the generated profile is valid and can be loaded.
    515   ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    516   ProfileCompilationInfo info;
    517   ASSERT_TRUE(info.Load(GetFd(profile)));
    518 }
    520 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileCreationAllMatch) {
    521   // Class names put here need to be in sorted order.
    522   std::vector<std::string> class_names = {
    523     "Ljava/lang/Comparable;",
    524     "Ljava/lang/Math;",
    525     "Ljava/lang/Object;",
    526     "Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V"
    527   };
    528   std::string file_contents;
    529   for (std::string& class_name : class_names) {
    530     file_contents += class_name + std::string("\n");
    531   }
    532   std::string output_file_contents;
    533   ASSERT_TRUE(CreateAndDump(file_contents, &output_file_contents));
    534   ASSERT_EQ(output_file_contents, file_contents);
    535 }
    537 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileCreationGenerateMethods) {
    538   // Class names put here need to be in sorted order.
    539   std::vector<std::string> class_names = {
    540     "Ljava/lang/Math;->*",
    541   };
    542   std::string input_file_contents;
    543   std::string expected_contents;
    544   for (std::string& class_name : class_names) {
    545     input_file_contents += class_name + std::string("\n");
    546     expected_contents += DescriptorToDot(class_name.c_str()) +
    547         std::string("\n");
    548   }
    549   std::string output_file_contents;
    550   ScratchFile profile_file;
    551   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateProfile(input_file_contents,
    552                             profile_file.GetFilename(),
    553                             GetLibCoreDexFileNames()[0]));
    554   ProfileCompilationInfo info;
    555   profile_file.GetFile()->ResetOffset();
    556   ASSERT_TRUE(info.Load(GetFd(profile_file)));
    557   // Verify that the profile has matching methods.
    558   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
    559   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = GetClass(nullptr, "Ljava/lang/Math;");
    560   ASSERT_TRUE(klass != nullptr);
    561   size_t method_count = 0;
    562   for (ArtMethod& method : klass->GetMethods(kRuntimePointerSize)) {
    563     if (!method.IsCopied() && method.GetCodeItem() != nullptr) {
    564       ++method_count;
    565       std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> pmi =
    566           info.GetMethod(method.GetDexFile()->GetLocation(),
    567                          method.GetDexFile()->GetLocationChecksum(),
    568                          method.GetDexMethodIndex());
    569       ASSERT_TRUE(pmi != nullptr);
    570     }
    571   }
    572   EXPECT_GT(method_count, 0u);
    573 }
    575 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileCreationOneNotMatched) {
    576   // Class names put here need to be in sorted order.
    577   std::vector<std::string> class_names = {
    578     "Ldoesnt/match/this/one;",
    579     "Ljava/lang/Comparable;",
    580     "Ljava/lang/Object;"
    581   };
    582   std::string input_file_contents;
    583   for (std::string& class_name : class_names) {
    584     input_file_contents += class_name + std::string("\n");
    585   }
    586   std::string output_file_contents;
    587   ASSERT_TRUE(CreateAndDump(input_file_contents, &output_file_contents));
    588   std::string expected_contents =
    589       class_names[1] + std::string("\n") +
    590       class_names[2] + std::string("\n");
    591   ASSERT_EQ(output_file_contents, expected_contents);
    592 }
    594 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileCreationNoneMatched) {
    595   // Class names put here need to be in sorted order.
    596   std::vector<std::string> class_names = {
    597     "Ldoesnt/match/this/one;",
    598     "Ldoesnt/match/this/one/either;",
    599     "Lnor/this/one;"
    600   };
    601   std::string input_file_contents;
    602   for (std::string& class_name : class_names) {
    603     input_file_contents += class_name + std::string("\n");
    604   }
    605   std::string output_file_contents;
    606   ASSERT_TRUE(CreateAndDump(input_file_contents, &output_file_contents));
    607   std::string expected_contents("");
    608   ASSERT_EQ(output_file_contents, expected_contents);
    609 }
    611 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileCreateInlineCache) {
    612   // Create the profile content.
    613   std::vector<std::string> methods = {
    614     "LTestInline;->inlineMonomorphic(LSuper;)I+LSubA;",
    615     "LTestInline;->inlinePolymorphic(LSuper;)I+LSubA;,LSubB;,LSubC;",
    616     "LTestInline;->inlineMegamorphic(LSuper;)I+LSubA;,LSubB;,LSubC;,LSubD;,LSubE;",
    617     "LTestInline;->inlineMissingTypes(LSuper;)I+missing_types",
    618     "LTestInline;->noInlineCache(LSuper;)I"
    619   };
    620   std::string input_file_contents;
    621   for (std::string& m : methods) {
    622     input_file_contents += m + std::string("\n");
    623   }
    625   // Create the profile and save it to disk.
    626   ScratchFile profile_file;
    627   ASSERT_TRUE(CreateProfile(input_file_contents,
    628                             profile_file.GetFilename(),
    629                             GetTestDexFileName("ProfileTestMultiDex")));
    631   // Load the profile from disk.
    632   ProfileCompilationInfo info;
    633   profile_file.GetFile()->ResetOffset();
    634   ASSERT_TRUE(info.Load(GetFd(profile_file)));
    636   // Load the dex files and verify that the profile contains the expected methods info.
    637   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
    638   jobject class_loader = LoadDex("ProfileTestMultiDex");
    639   ASSERT_NE(class_loader, nullptr);
    641   mirror::Class* sub_a = GetClass(class_loader, "LSubA;");
    642   mirror::Class* sub_b = GetClass(class_loader, "LSubB;");
    643   mirror::Class* sub_c = GetClass(class_loader, "LSubC;");
    645   ASSERT_TRUE(sub_a != nullptr);
    646   ASSERT_TRUE(sub_b != nullptr);
    647   ASSERT_TRUE(sub_c != nullptr);
    649   {
    650     // Verify that method inlineMonomorphic has the expected inline caches and nothing else.
    651     ArtMethod* inline_monomorphic = GetVirtualMethod(class_loader,
    652                                                      "LTestInline;",
    653                                                      "inlineMonomorphic");
    654     ASSERT_TRUE(inline_monomorphic != nullptr);
    655     std::set<mirror::Class*> expected_monomorphic;
    656     expected_monomorphic.insert(sub_a);
    657     AssertInlineCaches(inline_monomorphic,
    658                        expected_monomorphic,
    659                        info,
    660                        /*megamorphic*/false,
    661                        /*missing_types*/false);
    662   }
    664   {
    665     // Verify that method inlinePolymorphic has the expected inline caches and nothing else.
    666     ArtMethod* inline_polymorhic = GetVirtualMethod(class_loader,
    667                                                     "LTestInline;",
    668                                                     "inlinePolymorphic");
    669     ASSERT_TRUE(inline_polymorhic != nullptr);
    670     std::set<mirror::Class*> expected_polymorphic;
    671     expected_polymorphic.insert(sub_a);
    672     expected_polymorphic.insert(sub_b);
    673     expected_polymorphic.insert(sub_c);
    674     AssertInlineCaches(inline_polymorhic,
    675                        expected_polymorphic,
    676                        info,
    677                        /*megamorphic*/false,
    678                        /*missing_types*/false);
    679   }
    681   {
    682     // Verify that method inlineMegamorphic has the expected inline caches and nothing else.
    683     ArtMethod* inline_megamorphic = GetVirtualMethod(class_loader,
    684                                                      "LTestInline;",
    685                                                      "inlineMegamorphic");
    686     ASSERT_TRUE(inline_megamorphic != nullptr);
    687     std::set<mirror::Class*> expected_megamorphic;
    688     AssertInlineCaches(inline_megamorphic,
    689                        expected_megamorphic,
    690                        info,
    691                        /*megamorphic*/true,
    692                        /*missing_types*/false);
    693   }
    695   {
    696     // Verify that method inlineMegamorphic has the expected inline caches and nothing else.
    697     ArtMethod* inline_missing_types = GetVirtualMethod(class_loader,
    698                                                        "LTestInline;",
    699                                                        "inlineMissingTypes");
    700     ASSERT_TRUE(inline_missing_types != nullptr);
    701     std::set<mirror::Class*> expected_missing_Types;
    702     AssertInlineCaches(inline_missing_types,
    703                        expected_missing_Types,
    704                        info,
    705                        /*megamorphic*/false,
    706                        /*missing_types*/true);
    707   }
    709   {
    710     // Verify that method noInlineCache has no inline caches in the profile.
    711     ArtMethod* no_inline_cache = GetVirtualMethod(class_loader, "LTestInline;", "noInlineCache");
    712     ASSERT_TRUE(no_inline_cache != nullptr);
    713     std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> pmi_no_inline_cache =
    714         info.GetMethod(no_inline_cache->GetDexFile()->GetLocation(),
    715                        no_inline_cache->GetDexFile()->GetLocationChecksum(),
    716                        no_inline_cache->GetDexMethodIndex());
    717     ASSERT_TRUE(pmi_no_inline_cache != nullptr);
    718     ASSERT_TRUE(pmi_no_inline_cache->inline_caches->empty());
    719   }
    720 }
    722 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, MergeProfilesWithDifferentDexOrder) {
    723   ScratchFile profile1;
    724   ScratchFile reference_profile;
    726   std::vector<int> profile_fds({GetFd(profile1)});
    727   int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
    729   // The new profile info will contain the methods with indices 0-100.
    730   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation = 100;
    731   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
    732   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1,
    733       /*start_method_index*/0, /*reverse_dex_write_order*/false);
    735   // The reference profile info will contain the methods with indices 50-150.
    736   // When setting up the profile reverse the order in which the dex files
    737   // are added to the profile. This will verify that profman merges profiles
    738   // with a different dex order correctly.
    739   const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsAlreadyCompiled = 100;
    740   ProfileCompilationInfo reference_info;
    741   SetupProfile("p1", 1, kNumberOfMethodsAlreadyCompiled, 0, reference_profile,
    742       &reference_info, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation / 2, /*reverse_dex_write_order*/true);
    744   // We should advise compilation.
    745   ASSERT_EQ(ProfileAssistant::kCompile,
    746             ProcessProfiles(profile_fds, reference_profile_fd));
    748   // The resulting compilation info must be equal to the merge of the inputs.
    749   ProfileCompilationInfo result;
    750   ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
    751   ASSERT_TRUE(result.Load(reference_profile_fd));
    753   ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
    754   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(reference_info));
    755   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1));
    756   ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Equals(result));
    758   // The information from profile must remain the same.
    759   CheckProfileInfo(profile1, info1);
    760 }
    762 TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, TestProfileCreateWithInvalidData) {
    763   // Create the profile content.
    764   std::vector<std::string> profile_methods = {
    765     "LTestInline;->inlineMonomorphic(LSuper;)I+invalid_class",
    766     "LTestInline;->invalid_method",
    767     "invalid_class"
    768   };
    769   std::string input_file_contents;
    770   for (std::string& m : profile_methods) {
    771     input_file_contents += m + std::string("\n");
    772   }
    774   // Create the profile and save it to disk.
    775   ScratchFile profile_file;
    776   std::string dex_filename = GetTestDexFileName("ProfileTestMultiDex");
    777   ASSERT_TRUE(CreateProfile(input_file_contents,
    778                             profile_file.GetFilename(),
    779                             dex_filename));
    781   // Load the profile from disk.
    782   ProfileCompilationInfo info;
    783   profile_file.GetFile()->ResetOffset();
    784   ASSERT_TRUE(info.Load(GetFd(profile_file)));
    786   // Load the dex files and verify that the profile contains the expected methods info.
    787   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
    788   jobject class_loader = LoadDex("ProfileTestMultiDex");
    789   ASSERT_NE(class_loader, nullptr);
    791   ArtMethod* inline_monomorphic = GetVirtualMethod(class_loader,
    792                                                    "LTestInline;",
    793                                                    "inlineMonomorphic");
    794   const DexFile* dex_file = inline_monomorphic->GetDexFile();
    796   // Verify that the inline cache contains the invalid type.
    797   std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> pmi =
    798       info.GetMethod(dex_file->GetLocation(),
    799                      dex_file->GetLocationChecksum(),
    800                      inline_monomorphic->GetDexMethodIndex());
    801   ASSERT_TRUE(pmi != nullptr);
    802   ASSERT_EQ(pmi->inline_caches->size(), 1u);
    803   const ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData& dex_pc_data = pmi->inline_caches->begin()->second;
    804   dex::TypeIndex invalid_class_index(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1);
    805   ASSERT_EQ(1u, dex_pc_data.classes.size());
    806   ASSERT_EQ(invalid_class_index, dex_pc_data.classes.begin()->type_index);
    808   // Verify that the start-up classes contain the invalid class.
    809   std::set<dex::TypeIndex> classes;
    810   std::set<uint16_t> methods;
    811   ASSERT_TRUE(info.GetClassesAndMethods(*dex_file, &classes, &methods));
    812   ASSERT_EQ(1u, classes.size());
    813   ASSERT_TRUE(classes.find(invalid_class_index) != classes.end());
    815   // Verify that the invalid method is in the profile.
    816   ASSERT_EQ(2u, methods.size());
    817   uint16_t invalid_method_index = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1;
    818   ASSERT_TRUE(methods.find(invalid_method_index) != methods.end());
    819 }
    821 }  // namespace art