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      1 #!/bin/bash
      3 # This script serves two purposes.  First, it can bootstrap the standalone
      4 # Blueprint to generate the minibp binary.  To do this simply run the script
      5 # with no arguments from the desired build directory.
      6 #
      7 # It can also be invoked from another script to bootstrap a custom Blueprint-
      8 # based build system.  To do this, the invoking script must first set some or
      9 # all of the following environment variables, which are documented below where
     10 # their default values are set:
     11 #
     12 #   BOOTSTRAP
     13 #   WRAPPER
     14 #   SRCDIR
     15 #   BUILDDIR
     17 #   GOROOT
     18 #   GOOS
     19 #   GOARCH
     20 #   GOCHAR
     21 #
     22 # The invoking script should then run this script, passing along all of its
     23 # command line arguments.
     25 set -e
     27 EXTRA_ARGS=""
     29 # BOOTSTRAP should be set to the path of the bootstrap script.  It can be
     30 # either an absolute path or one relative to the build directory (which of
     31 # these is used should probably match what's used for SRCDIR).
     32 if [ -z "$BOOTSTRAP" ]; then
     33     BOOTSTRAP="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
     35     # WRAPPER should only be set if you want a ninja wrapper script to be
     36     # installed into the builddir. It is set to blueprint's blueprint.bash
     37     # only if BOOTSTRAP and WRAPPER are unset.
     38     [ -z "$WRAPPER" ] && WRAPPER="`dirname "${BOOTSTRAP}"`/blueprint.bash"
     39 fi
     41 # SRCDIR should be set to the path of the root source directory.  It can be
     42 # either an absolute path or a path relative to the build directory.  Whether
     43 # its an absolute or relative path determines whether the build directory can
     44 # be moved relative to or along with the source directory without re-running
     45 # the bootstrap script.
     46 [ -z "$SRCDIR" ] && SRCDIR=`dirname "${BOOTSTRAP}"`
     48 # BUILDDIR should be set to the path to store build results. By default, this
     49 # is the current directory, but it may be set to an absolute or relative path.
     50 [ -z "$BUILDDIR" ] && BUILDDIR=.
     52 # TOPNAME should be set to the name of the top-level Blueprints file
     53 [ -z "$TOPNAME" ] && TOPNAME="Blueprints"
     55 # BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST is the path to the bootstrap Ninja file that is part of
     56 # the source tree.  It is used to bootstrap a build output directory from when
     57 # the script is run manually by a user.
     58 [ -z "$BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST" ] && BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST="${SRCDIR}/build.ninja.in"
     60 # These variables should be set by auto-detecting or knowing a priori the host
     61 # Go toolchain properties.
     62 [ -z "$GOROOT" ] && GOROOT=`go env GOROOT`
     63 [ -z "$GOOS" ]   && GOOS=`go env GOHOSTOS`
     64 [ -z "$GOARCH" ] && GOARCH=`go env GOHOSTARCH`
     65 [ -z "$GOCHAR" ] && GOCHAR=`go env GOCHAR`
     67 # If RUN_TESTS is set, behave like -t was passed in as an option.
     68 [ ! -z "$RUN_TESTS" ] && EXTRA_ARGS="$EXTRA_ARGS -t"
     70 GOTOOLDIR="$GOROOT/pkg/tool/${GOOS}_$GOARCH"
     74 if [ ! -f $GOCOMPILE ]; then
     75   GOCOMPILE="$GOTOOLDIR/compile"
     76 fi
     77 if [ ! -f $GOLINK ]; then
     78   GOLINK="$GOTOOLDIR/link"
     79 fi
     80 if [[ ! -f $GOCOMPILE || ! -f $GOLINK ]]; then
     81   echo "Cannot find go tools under $GOROOT"
     82   exit 1
     83 fi
     85 usage() {
     86     echo "Usage of ${BOOTSTRAP}:"
     87     echo "  -h: print a help message and exit"
     88     echo "  -r: regenerate ${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}"
     89     echo "  -t: include tests when regenerating manifest"
     90 }
     92 # Parse the command line flags.
     95 while getopts ":b:hi:rt" opt; do
     96     case $opt in
     97         b) BUILDDIR="$OPTARG";;
     98         h)
     99             usage
    100             exit 1
    101             ;;
    102         i) IN="$OPTARG";;
    103         r) REGEN_BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST=true;;
    104         t) EXTRA_ARGS="$EXTRA_ARGS -t";;
    105         \?)
    106             echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
    107             usage
    108             exit 1
    109             ;;
    110         :)
    111             echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
    112             exit 1
    113             ;;
    114     esac
    115 done
    117 if [ $REGEN_BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST = true ]; then
    118     # This assumes that the script is being run from a build output directory
    119     # that has been built in the past.
    120     if [ -x $BUILDDIR/.bootstrap/bin/minibp ]; then
    121         echo "Regenerating $BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST"
    122         $BUILDDIR/.bootstrap/bin/minibp $EXTRA_ARGS -o $BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST $SRCDIR/$TOPNAME
    123     else
    124         echo "Executable minibp not found at $BUILDDIR/.bootstrap/bin/minibp" >&2
    125         exit 1
    126     fi
    127 fi
    129 mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/.minibootstrap
    131 sed -e "s|@@SrcDir@@|$SRCDIR|g"                        \
    132     -e "s|@@BuildDir@@|$BUILDDIR|g"                    \
    133     -e "s|@@GoRoot@@|$GOROOT|g"                        \
    134     -e "s|@@GoCompile@@|$GOCOMPILE|g"                  \
    135     -e "s|@@GoLink@@|$GOLINK|g"                        \
    136     -e "s|@@Bootstrap@@|$BOOTSTRAP|g"                  \
    137     -e "s|@@BootstrapManifest@@|$BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST|g" \
    138     $IN > $BUILDDIR/.minibootstrap/build.ninja
    140 echo "BOOTSTRAP=\"${BOOTSTRAP}\"" > $BUILDDIR/.blueprint.bootstrap
    141 echo "BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST=\"${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}\"" >> $BUILDDIR/.blueprint.bootstrap
    143 if [ ! -z "$WRAPPER" ]; then
    144     cp $WRAPPER $BUILDDIR/
    145 fi