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      1 // Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 // +build ignore
     17 #include "dep.h"
     19 #include <algorithm>
     20 #include <iterator>
     21 #include <map>
     22 #include <memory>
     23 #include <unordered_map>
     24 #include <unordered_set>
     26 #include "eval.h"
     27 #include "fileutil.h"
     28 #include "flags.h"
     29 #include "log.h"
     30 #include "rule.h"
     31 #include "stats.h"
     32 #include "strutil.h"
     33 #include "symtab.h"
     34 #include "timeutil.h"
     35 #include "var.h"
     37 namespace {
     39 static vector<DepNode*>* g_dep_node_pool;
     41 static Symbol ReplaceSuffix(Symbol s, Symbol newsuf) {
     42   string r;
     43   AppendString(StripExt(s.str()), &r);
     44   r += '.';
     45   AppendString(newsuf.str(), &r);
     46   return Intern(r);
     47 }
     49 void ApplyOutputPattern(const Rule& r,
     50                         Symbol output,
     51                         const vector<Symbol>& inputs,
     52                         vector<Symbol>* out_inputs) {
     53   if (inputs.empty())
     54     return;
     55   if (r.is_suffix_rule) {
     56     for (Symbol input : inputs) {
     57       out_inputs->push_back(ReplaceSuffix(output, input));
     58     }
     59     return;
     60   }
     61   if (r.output_patterns.empty()) {
     62     copy(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), back_inserter(*out_inputs));
     63     return;
     64   }
     65   CHECK(r.output_patterns.size() == 1);
     66   Pattern pat(r.output_patterns[0].str());
     67   for (Symbol input : inputs) {
     68     string buf;
     69     pat.AppendSubst(output.str(), input.str(), &buf);
     70     out_inputs->push_back(Intern(buf));
     71   }
     72 }
     74 class RuleTrie {
     75   struct Entry {
     76     Entry(const Rule* r, StringPiece s)
     77         : rule(r), suffix(s) {
     78     }
     79     const Rule* rule;
     80     StringPiece suffix;
     81   };
     83  public:
     84   RuleTrie() {}
     85   ~RuleTrie() {
     86     for (auto& p : children_)
     87       delete p.second;
     88   }
     90   void Add(StringPiece name, const Rule* rule) {
     91     if (name.empty() || name[0] == '%') {
     92       rules_.push_back(Entry(rule, name));
     93       return;
     94     }
     95     const char c = name[0];
     96     auto p = children_.emplace(c, nullptr);
     97     if (p.second) {
     98       p.first->second = new RuleTrie();
     99     }
    100     p.first->second->Add(name.substr(1), rule);
    101   }
    103   void Get(StringPiece name, vector<const Rule*>* rules) const {
    104     for (const Entry& ent : rules_) {
    105       if ((ent.suffix.empty() && name.empty()) ||
    106           HasSuffix(name, ent.suffix.substr(1))) {
    107         rules->push_back(ent.rule);
    108       }
    109     }
    110     if (name.empty())
    111       return;
    112     auto found = children_.find(name[0]);
    113     if (found != children_.end()) {
    114       found->second->Get(name.substr(1), rules);
    115     }
    116   }
    118   size_t size() const {
    119     size_t r = rules_.size();
    120     for (const auto& c : children_)
    121       r += c.second->size();
    122     return r;
    123   }
    125  private:
    126   vector<Entry> rules_;
    127   unordered_map<char, RuleTrie*> children_;
    128 };
    131 bool IsSuffixRule(Symbol output) {
    132   if (output.empty() || output.str()[0] != '.')
    133     return false;
    134   const StringPiece rest = StringPiece(output.str()).substr(1);
    135   size_t dot_index = rest.find('.');
    136   // If there is only a single dot or the third dot, this is not a
    137   // suffix rule.
    138   if (dot_index == string::npos ||
    139       rest.substr(dot_index+1).find('.') != string::npos) {
    140     return false;
    141   }
    142   return true;
    143 }
    145 struct RuleMerger {
    146   vector<const Rule*> rules;
    147   const Rule* primary_rule;
    148   bool is_double_colon;
    150   RuleMerger()
    151       : primary_rule(nullptr),
    152         is_double_colon(false) {
    153   }
    155   void AddRule(Symbol output, const Rule* r) {
    156     if (rules.empty()) {
    157       is_double_colon = r->is_double_colon;
    158     } else if (is_double_colon != r->is_double_colon) {
    159       ERROR_LOC(r->loc, "*** target file `%s' has both : and :: entries.",
    160                 output.c_str());
    161     }
    163     if (primary_rule && !r->cmds.empty() &&
    164         !IsSuffixRule(output) && !r->is_double_colon) {
    165       WARN_LOC(r->cmd_loc(),
    166                "warning: overriding commands for target `%s'",
    167                output.c_str());
    168       WARN_LOC(primary_rule->cmd_loc(),
    169                "warning: ignoring old commands for target `%s'",
    170                output.c_str());
    171       primary_rule = r;
    172     }
    173     if (!primary_rule && !r->cmds.empty()) {
    174       primary_rule = r;
    175     }
    177     rules.push_back(r);
    178   }
    180   void FillDepNodeFromRule(Symbol output,
    181                            const Rule* r,
    182                            DepNode* n) const {
    183     if (is_double_colon)
    184       copy(r->cmds.begin(), r->cmds.end(), back_inserter(n->cmds));
    186     ApplyOutputPattern(*r, output, r->inputs, &n->actual_inputs);
    187     ApplyOutputPattern(*r, output, r->order_only_inputs,
    188                        &n->actual_order_only_inputs);
    190     if (r->output_patterns.size() >= 1) {
    191       CHECK(r->output_patterns.size() == 1);
    192       n->output_pattern = r->output_patterns[0];
    193     }
    194   }
    196   void FillDepNodeLoc(const Rule* r, DepNode* n) const {
    197     n->loc = r->loc;
    198     if (!r->cmds.empty() && r->cmd_lineno)
    199       n->loc.lineno = r->cmd_lineno;
    200   }
    202   void FillDepNode(Symbol output,
    203                    const Rule* pattern_rule,
    204                    DepNode* n) const {
    205     if (primary_rule) {
    206       CHECK(!pattern_rule);
    207       FillDepNodeFromRule(output, primary_rule, n);
    208       FillDepNodeLoc(primary_rule, n);
    209       n->cmds = primary_rule->cmds;
    210     } else if (pattern_rule) {
    211       FillDepNodeFromRule(output, pattern_rule, n);
    212       FillDepNodeLoc(pattern_rule, n);
    213       n->cmds = pattern_rule->cmds;
    214     }
    216     for (const Rule* r : rules) {
    217       if (r == primary_rule)
    218         continue;
    219       FillDepNodeFromRule(output, r, n);
    220       if (n->loc.filename == NULL)
    221         n->loc = r->loc;
    222     }
    223   }
    224 };
    226 }  // namespace
    228 DepNode::DepNode(Symbol o, bool p, bool r)
    229     : output(o),
    230       has_rule(false),
    231       is_default_target(false),
    232       is_phony(p),
    233       is_restat(r),
    234       rule_vars(NULL),
    235       depfile_var(NULL),
    236       ninja_pool_var(NULL),
    237       output_pattern(Symbol::IsUninitialized()) {
    238   g_dep_node_pool->push_back(this);
    239 }
    241 class DepBuilder {
    242  public:
    243   DepBuilder(Evaluator* ev,
    244              const vector<const Rule*>& rules,
    245              const unordered_map<Symbol, Vars*>& rule_vars)
    246       : ev_(ev),
    247         rule_vars_(rule_vars),
    248         implicit_rules_(new RuleTrie()),
    249         first_rule_(Symbol::IsUninitialized{}),
    250         depfile_var_name_(Intern(".KATI_DEPFILE")),
    251         ninja_pool_var_name_(Intern(".KATI_NINJA_POOL")) {
    252     ScopedTimeReporter tr("make dep (populate)");
    253     PopulateRules(rules);
    254     // TODO?
    255     //LOG_STAT("%zu variables", ev->mutable_vars()->size());
    256     LOG_STAT("%zu explicit rules", rules_.size());
    257     LOG_STAT("%zu implicit rules", implicit_rules_->size());
    258     LOG_STAT("%zu suffix rules", suffix_rules_.size());
    260     HandleSpecialTargets();
    261   }
    263   void HandleSpecialTargets() {
    264     Loc loc;
    265     vector<Symbol> targets;
    267     if (GetRuleInputs(Intern(".PHONY"), &targets, &loc)) {
    268       for (Symbol t : targets)
    269         phony_.insert(t);
    270     }
    271     if (GetRuleInputs(Intern(".KATI_RESTAT"), &targets, &loc)) {
    272       for (Symbol t : targets)
    273         restat_.insert(t);
    274     }
    275     if (GetRuleInputs(Intern(".SUFFIXES"), &targets, &loc)) {
    276       if (targets.empty()) {
    277         suffix_rules_.clear();
    278       } else {
    279         WARN_LOC(loc, "kati doesn't support .SUFFIXES with prerequisites");
    280       }
    281     }
    283     // Note we can safely ignore .DELETE_ON_ERROR for --ninja mode.
    284     static const char* kUnsupportedBuiltinTargets[] = {
    285       ".DEFAULT",
    286       ".PRECIOUS",
    287       ".INTERMEDIATE",
    288       ".SECONDARY",
    289       ".SECONDEXPANSION",
    290       ".IGNORE",
    291       ".LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME",
    292       ".SILENT",
    293       ".EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES",
    294       ".NOTPARALLEL",
    295       ".ONESHELL",
    296       NULL
    297     };
    298     for (const char** p = kUnsupportedBuiltinTargets; *p; p++) {
    299       if (GetRuleInputs(Intern(*p), &targets, &loc)) {
    300         WARN_LOC(loc, "kati doesn't support %s", *p);
    301       }
    302     }
    303   }
    305   ~DepBuilder() {
    306   }
    308   void Build(vector<Symbol> targets, vector<DepNode*>* nodes) {
    309     if (!first_rule_.IsValid()) {
    310       ERROR("*** No targets.");
    311     }
    313     if (!g_flags.gen_all_targets && targets.empty()) {
    314       targets.push_back(first_rule_);
    315     }
    316     if (g_flags.gen_all_targets) {
    317       unordered_set<Symbol> non_root_targets;
    318       for (const auto& p : rules_) {
    319         for (const Rule* r : p.second.rules) {
    320           for (Symbol t : r->inputs)
    321             non_root_targets.insert(t);
    322           for (Symbol t : r->order_only_inputs)
    323             non_root_targets.insert(t);
    324         }
    325       }
    327       for (const auto& p : rules_) {
    328         Symbol t = p.first;
    329         if (!non_root_targets.count(t)) {
    330           targets.push_back(p.first);
    331         }
    332       }
    333     }
    335     // TODO: LogStats?
    337     for (Symbol target : targets) {
    338       cur_rule_vars_.reset(new Vars);
    339       ev_->set_current_scope(cur_rule_vars_.get());
    340       DepNode* n = BuildPlan(target, Intern(""));
    341       nodes->push_back(n);
    342       ev_->set_current_scope(NULL);
    343       cur_rule_vars_.reset(NULL);
    344     }
    345   }
    347  private:
    348   bool Exists(Symbol target) {
    349     auto found = rules_.find(target);
    350     if (found != rules_.end())
    351       return true;
    352     if (phony_.count(target))
    353       return true;
    354     return ::Exists(target.str());
    355   }
    357   bool GetRuleInputs(Symbol s, vector<Symbol>* o, Loc* l) {
    358     auto found = rules_.find(s);
    359     if (found == rules_.end())
    360       return false;
    362     o->clear();
    363     CHECK(!found->second.rules.empty());
    364     *l = found->second.rules.front()->loc;
    365     for (const Rule* r : found->second.rules) {
    366       for (Symbol i : r->inputs)
    367         o->push_back(i);
    368     }
    369     return true;
    370   }
    372   void PopulateRules(const vector<const Rule*>& rules) {
    373     for (const Rule* rule : rules) {
    374       if (rule->outputs.empty()) {
    375         PopulateImplicitRule(rule);
    376       } else {
    377         PopulateExplicitRule(rule);
    378       }
    379     }
    380     for (auto& p : suffix_rules_) {
    381       reverse(p.second.begin(), p.second.end());
    382     }
    383   }
    385   bool PopulateSuffixRule(const Rule* rule, Symbol output) {
    386     if (!IsSuffixRule(output))
    387       return false;
    389     const StringPiece rest = StringPiece(output.str()).substr(1);
    390     size_t dot_index = rest.find('.');
    392     StringPiece input_suffix = rest.substr(0, dot_index);
    393     StringPiece output_suffix = rest.substr(dot_index+1);
    394     shared_ptr<Rule> r = make_shared<Rule>(*rule);
    395     r->inputs.clear();
    396     r->inputs.push_back(Intern(input_suffix));
    397     r->is_suffix_rule = true;
    398     suffix_rules_[output_suffix].push_back(r);
    399     return true;
    400   }
    402   void PopulateExplicitRule(const Rule* rule) {
    403     for (Symbol output : rule->outputs) {
    404       if (!first_rule_.IsValid() && output.get(0) != '.') {
    405         first_rule_ = output;
    406       }
    407       rules_[output].AddRule(output, rule);
    408       PopulateSuffixRule(rule, output);
    409     }
    410   }
    412   static bool IsIgnorableImplicitRule(const Rule* rule) {
    413     // As kati doesn't have RCS/SCCS related default rules, we can
    414     // safely ignore suppression for them.
    415     if (rule->inputs.size() != 1)
    416       return false;
    417     if (!rule->order_only_inputs.empty())
    418       return false;
    419     if (!rule->cmds.empty())
    420       return false;
    421     const string& i = rule->inputs[0].str();
    422     return (i == "RCS/%,v" || i == "RCS/%" || i == "%,v" ||
    423             i == "s.%" || i == "SCCS/s.%");
    424   }
    426   void PopulateImplicitRule(const Rule* rule) {
    427     for (Symbol output_pattern : rule->output_patterns) {
    428       if (output_pattern.str() != "%" || !IsIgnorableImplicitRule(rule))
    429         implicit_rules_->Add(output_pattern.str(), rule);
    430     }
    431   }
    433   const RuleMerger* LookupRuleMerger(Symbol o) {
    434     auto found = rules_.find(o);
    435     if (found != rules_.end()) {
    436       return &found->second;
    437     }
    438     return nullptr;
    439   }
    441   Vars* LookupRuleVars(Symbol o) {
    442     auto found = rule_vars_.find(o);
    443     if (found != rule_vars_.end())
    444       return found->second;
    445     return nullptr;
    446   }
    448   bool CanPickImplicitRule(const Rule* rule, Symbol output, DepNode* n,
    449                            shared_ptr<Rule>* out_rule) {
    450     Symbol matched(Symbol::IsUninitialized{});
    451     for (Symbol output_pattern : rule->output_patterns) {
    452       Pattern pat(output_pattern.str());
    453       if (pat.Match(output.str())) {
    454         bool ok = true;
    455         for (Symbol input : rule->inputs) {
    456           string buf;
    457           pat.AppendSubst(output.str(), input.str(), &buf);
    458           if (!Exists(Intern(buf))) {
    459             ok = false;
    460             break;
    461           }
    462         }
    464         if (ok) {
    465           matched = output_pattern;
    466           break;
    467         }
    468       }
    469     }
    470     if (!matched.IsValid())
    471       return false;
    473     *out_rule = make_shared<Rule>(*rule);
    474     if ((*out_rule)->output_patterns.size() > 1) {
    475       // We should mark all other output patterns as used.
    476       Pattern pat(matched.str());
    477       for (Symbol output_pattern : rule->output_patterns) {
    478         if (output_pattern == matched)
    479           continue;
    480         string buf;
    481         pat.AppendSubst(output.str(), output_pattern.str(), &buf);
    482         done_[Intern(buf)] = n;
    483       }
    484       (*out_rule)->output_patterns.clear();
    485       (*out_rule)->output_patterns.push_back(matched);
    486     }
    488     return true;
    489   }
    491   Vars* MergeImplicitRuleVars(Symbol output, Vars* vars) {
    492     auto found = rule_vars_.find(output);
    493     if (found == rule_vars_.end())
    494       return vars;
    495     if (vars == NULL)
    496       return found->second;
    497     // TODO: leak.
    498     Vars* r = new Vars(*found->second);
    499     for (auto p : *vars) {
    500       (*r)[p.first] = p.second;
    501     }
    502     return r;
    503   }
    505   bool PickRule(Symbol output,
    506                 DepNode* n,
    507                 const RuleMerger** out_rule_merger,
    508                 shared_ptr<Rule>* pattern_rule,
    509                 Vars** out_var) {
    510     const RuleMerger* rule_merger = LookupRuleMerger(output);
    511     Vars* vars = LookupRuleVars(output);
    512     *out_rule_merger = rule_merger;
    513     *out_var = vars;
    514     if (rule_merger && rule_merger->primary_rule)
    515       return true;
    517     vector<const Rule*> irules;
    518     implicit_rules_->Get(output.str(), &irules);
    519     for (auto iter = irules.rbegin(); iter != irules.rend(); ++iter) {
    520       if (!CanPickImplicitRule(*iter, output, n, pattern_rule))
    521         continue;
    522       if (rule_merger) {
    523         return true;
    524       }
    525       CHECK((*pattern_rule)->output_patterns.size() == 1);
    526       vars = MergeImplicitRuleVars((*pattern_rule)->output_patterns[0], vars);
    527       *out_var = vars;
    528       return true;
    529     }
    531     StringPiece output_suffix = GetExt(output.str());
    532     if (output_suffix.get(0) != '.')
    533       return rule_merger;
    534     output_suffix = output_suffix.substr(1);
    536     SuffixRuleMap::const_iterator found = suffix_rules_.find(output_suffix);
    537     if (found == suffix_rules_.end())
    538       return rule_merger;
    540     for (const shared_ptr<Rule> &irule : found->second) {
    541       CHECK(irule->inputs.size() == 1);
    542       Symbol input = ReplaceSuffix(output, irule->inputs[0]);
    543       if (!Exists(input))
    544         continue;
    546       *pattern_rule = irule;
    547       if (rule_merger)
    548         return true;
    549       if (vars) {
    550         CHECK(irule->outputs.size() == 1);
    551         vars = MergeImplicitRuleVars(irule->outputs[0], vars);
    552         *out_var = vars;
    553       }
    554       return true;
    555     }
    557     return rule_merger;
    558   }
    560   DepNode* BuildPlan(Symbol output, Symbol needed_by UNUSED) {
    561     LOG("BuildPlan: %s for %s",
    562         output.c_str(),
    563         needed_by.c_str());
    565     auto found = done_.find(output);
    566     if (found != done_.end()) {
    567       return found->second;
    568     }
    570     DepNode* n = new DepNode(output,
    571                              phony_.count(output),
    572                              restat_.count(output));
    573     done_[output] = n;
    575     const RuleMerger* rule_merger = nullptr;
    576     shared_ptr<Rule> pattern_rule;
    577     Vars* vars;
    578     if (!PickRule(output, n, &rule_merger, &pattern_rule, &vars)) {
    579       return n;
    580     }
    581     if (rule_merger)
    582       rule_merger->FillDepNode(output, pattern_rule.get(), n);
    583     else
    584       RuleMerger().FillDepNode(output, pattern_rule.get(), n);
    586     vector<unique_ptr<ScopedVar>> sv;
    587     if (vars) {
    588       for (const auto& p : *vars) {
    589         Symbol name = p.first;
    590         RuleVar* var = reinterpret_cast<RuleVar*>(p.second);
    591         CHECK(var);
    592         Var* new_var = var->v();
    593         if (var->op() == AssignOp::PLUS_EQ) {
    594           Var* old_var = ev_->LookupVar(name);
    595           if (old_var->IsDefined()) {
    596             // TODO: This would be incorrect and has a leak.
    597             shared_ptr<string> s = make_shared<string>();
    598             old_var->Eval(ev_, s.get());
    599             if (!s->empty())
    600               *s += ' ';
    601             new_var->Eval(ev_, s.get());
    602             new_var = new SimpleVar(*s, old_var->Origin());
    603           }
    604         } else if (var->op() == AssignOp::QUESTION_EQ) {
    605           Var* old_var = ev_->LookupVar(name);
    606           if (old_var->IsDefined()) {
    607             continue;
    608           }
    609         }
    611         if (name == depfile_var_name_) {
    612           n->depfile_var = new_var;
    613         } else if (name == ninja_pool_var_name_) {
    614           n->ninja_pool_var = new_var;
    615         } else {
    616           sv.emplace_back(new ScopedVar(cur_rule_vars_.get(), name, new_var));
    617         }
    618       }
    619     }
    621     for (Symbol input : n->actual_inputs) {
    622       DepNode* c = BuildPlan(input, output);
    623       n->deps.push_back(c);
    624     }
    626     for (Symbol input : n->actual_order_only_inputs) {
    627       DepNode* c = BuildPlan(input, output);
    628       n->order_onlys.push_back(c);
    629     }
    631     n->has_rule = true;
    632     n->is_default_target = first_rule_ == output;
    633     if (cur_rule_vars_->empty()) {
    634       n->rule_vars = NULL;
    635     } else {
    636       n->rule_vars = new Vars;
    637       for (auto p : *cur_rule_vars_) {
    638         n->rule_vars->insert(p);
    639       }
    640     }
    642     return n;
    643   }
    645   Evaluator* ev_;
    646   map<Symbol, RuleMerger> rules_;
    647   const unordered_map<Symbol, Vars*>& rule_vars_;
    648   unique_ptr<Vars> cur_rule_vars_;
    650   unique_ptr<RuleTrie> implicit_rules_;
    651   typedef unordered_map<StringPiece, vector<shared_ptr<Rule>>> SuffixRuleMap;
    652   SuffixRuleMap suffix_rules_;
    654   Symbol first_rule_;
    655   unordered_map<Symbol, DepNode*> done_;
    656   unordered_set<Symbol> phony_;
    657   unordered_set<Symbol> restat_;
    658   Symbol depfile_var_name_;
    659   Symbol ninja_pool_var_name_;
    660 };
    662 void MakeDep(Evaluator* ev,
    663              const vector<const Rule*>& rules,
    664              const unordered_map<Symbol, Vars*>& rule_vars,
    665              const vector<Symbol>& targets,
    666              vector<DepNode*>* nodes) {
    667   DepBuilder db(ev, rules, rule_vars);
    668   ScopedTimeReporter tr("make dep (build)");
    669   db.Build(targets, nodes);
    670 }
    672 void InitDepNodePool() {
    673   g_dep_node_pool = new vector<DepNode*>;
    674 }
    676 void QuitDepNodePool() {
    677   for (DepNode* n : *g_dep_node_pool)
    678     delete n;
    679   delete g_dep_node_pool;
    680 }