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      1 // Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package kati
     17 import (
     18 	"fmt"
     19 	"path/filepath"
     20 	"sort"
     21 	"strings"
     23 	"github.com/golang/glog"
     24 )
     26 // DepNode represents a makefile rule for an output.
     27 type DepNode struct {
     28 	Output             string
     29 	Cmds               []string
     30 	Deps               []*DepNode
     31 	OrderOnlys         []*DepNode
     32 	Parents            []*DepNode
     33 	HasRule            bool
     34 	IsPhony            bool
     35 	ActualInputs       []string
     36 	TargetSpecificVars Vars
     37 	Filename           string
     38 	Lineno             int
     39 }
     41 func (n *DepNode) String() string {
     42 	return fmt.Sprintf("Dep{output=%s cmds=%d deps=%d orders=%d hasRule=%t phony=%t filename=%s lineno=%d}",
     43 		n.Output, len(n.Cmds), len(n.Deps), len(n.OrderOnlys), n.HasRule, n.IsPhony, n.Filename, n.Lineno)
     44 }
     46 type depBuilder struct {
     47 	rules    map[string]*rule
     48 	ruleVars map[string]Vars
     50 	implicitRules *ruleTrie
     52 	suffixRules map[string][]*rule
     53 	firstRule   *rule
     54 	vars        Vars
     55 	ev          *Evaluator
     56 	vpaths      searchPaths
     57 	done        map[string]*DepNode
     58 	phony       map[string]bool
     60 	trace                         []string
     61 	nodeCnt                       int
     62 	pickExplicitRuleCnt           int
     63 	pickImplicitRuleCnt           int
     64 	pickSuffixRuleCnt             int
     65 	pickExplicitRuleWithoutCmdCnt int
     66 }
     68 type ruleTrieEntry struct {
     69 	rule   *rule
     70 	suffix string
     71 }
     73 type ruleTrie struct {
     74 	rules    []ruleTrieEntry
     75 	children map[byte]*ruleTrie
     76 }
     78 func newRuleTrie() *ruleTrie {
     79 	return &ruleTrie{
     80 		children: make(map[byte]*ruleTrie),
     81 	}
     82 }
     84 func (rt *ruleTrie) add(name string, r *rule) {
     85 	glog.V(1).Infof("rule trie: add %q %v %s", name, r.outputPatterns[0], r)
     86 	if name == "" || name[0] == '%' {
     87 		glog.V(1).Infof("rule trie: add entry %q %v %s", name, r.outputPatterns[0], r)
     88 		rt.rules = append(rt.rules, ruleTrieEntry{
     89 			rule:   r,
     90 			suffix: name,
     91 		})
     92 		return
     93 	}
     94 	c, found := rt.children[name[0]]
     95 	if !found {
     96 		c = newRuleTrie()
     97 		rt.children[name[0]] = c
     98 	}
     99 	c.add(name[1:], r)
    100 }
    102 func (rt *ruleTrie) lookup(name string) []*rule {
    103 	glog.V(1).Infof("rule trie: lookup %q", name)
    104 	if rt == nil {
    105 		return nil
    106 	}
    107 	var rules []*rule
    108 	for _, entry := range rt.rules {
    109 		if (entry.suffix == "" && name == "") || strings.HasSuffix(name, entry.suffix[1:]) {
    110 			rules = append(rules, entry.rule)
    111 		}
    112 	}
    113 	if name == "" {
    114 		return rules
    115 	}
    116 	rules = append(rules, rt.children[name[0]].lookup(name[1:])...)
    117 	glog.V(1).Infof("rule trie: lookup %q => %v", name, rules)
    118 	return rules
    119 }
    121 func (rt *ruleTrie) size() int {
    122 	if rt == nil {
    123 		return 0
    124 	}
    125 	size := len(rt.rules)
    126 	for _, c := range rt.children {
    127 		size += c.size()
    128 	}
    129 	return size
    130 }
    132 func replaceSuffix(s string, newsuf string) string {
    133 	// TODO: Factor out the logic around suffix rules and use
    134 	// it from substitution references.
    135 	// http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Substitution-Refs
    136 	return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", stripExt(s), newsuf)
    137 }
    139 func (db *depBuilder) exists(target string) bool {
    140 	_, present := db.rules[target]
    141 	if present {
    142 		return true
    143 	}
    144 	if db.phony[target] {
    145 		return true
    146 	}
    147 	_, ok := db.vpaths.exists(target)
    148 	return ok
    149 }
    151 func (db *depBuilder) canPickImplicitRule(r *rule, output string) bool {
    152 	outputPattern := r.outputPatterns[0]
    153 	if !outputPattern.match(output) {
    154 		return false
    155 	}
    156 	for _, input := range r.inputs {
    157 		input = outputPattern.subst(input, output)
    158 		if !db.exists(input) {
    159 			return false
    160 		}
    161 	}
    162 	return true
    163 }
    165 func (db *depBuilder) mergeImplicitRuleVars(outputs []string, vars Vars) Vars {
    166 	if len(outputs) != 1 {
    167 		// TODO(ukai): should return error?
    168 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("FIXME: Implicit rule should have only one output but %q", outputs))
    169 	}
    170 	glog.V(1).Infof("merge? %q", db.ruleVars)
    171 	glog.V(1).Infof("merge? %q", outputs[0])
    172 	ivars, present := db.ruleVars[outputs[0]]
    173 	if !present {
    174 		return vars
    175 	}
    176 	if vars == nil {
    177 		return ivars
    178 	}
    179 	glog.V(1).Info("merge!")
    180 	v := make(Vars)
    181 	v.Merge(ivars)
    182 	v.Merge(vars)
    183 	return v
    184 }
    186 func (db *depBuilder) pickRule(output string) (*rule, Vars, bool) {
    187 	r, present := db.rules[output]
    188 	vars := db.ruleVars[output]
    189 	if present {
    190 		db.pickExplicitRuleCnt++
    191 		if len(r.cmds) > 0 {
    192 			return r, vars, true
    193 		}
    194 		// If none of the explicit rules for a target has commands,
    195 		// then `make' searches for an applicable implicit rule to
    196 		// find some commands.
    197 		db.pickExplicitRuleWithoutCmdCnt++
    198 	}
    200 	irules := db.implicitRules.lookup(output)
    201 	for i := len(irules) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    202 		irule := irules[i]
    203 		if !db.canPickImplicitRule(irule, output) {
    204 			glog.Infof("ignore implicit rule %q %s", output, irule)
    205 			continue
    206 		}
    207 		glog.Infof("pick implicit rule %q => %q %s", output, irule.outputPatterns, irule)
    208 		db.pickImplicitRuleCnt++
    209 		if r != nil {
    210 			ir := &rule{}
    211 			*ir = *r
    212 			ir.outputPatterns = irule.outputPatterns
    213 			// implicit rule's prerequisites will be used for $<
    214 			ir.inputs = append(irule.inputs, ir.inputs...)
    215 			ir.cmds = irule.cmds
    216 			// TODO(ukai): filename, lineno?
    217 			ir.cmdLineno = irule.cmdLineno
    218 			return ir, vars, true
    219 		}
    220 		if vars != nil {
    221 			var outputs []string
    222 			for _, op := range irule.outputPatterns {
    223 				outputs = append(outputs, op.String())
    224 			}
    225 			vars = db.mergeImplicitRuleVars(outputs, vars)
    226 		}
    227 		// TODO(ukai): check len(irule.cmd) ?
    228 		return irule, vars, true
    229 	}
    231 	outputSuffix := filepath.Ext(output)
    232 	if !strings.HasPrefix(outputSuffix, ".") {
    233 		return r, vars, r != nil
    234 	}
    235 	rules, present := db.suffixRules[outputSuffix[1:]]
    236 	if !present {
    237 		return r, vars, r != nil
    238 	}
    239 	for _, irule := range rules {
    240 		if len(irule.inputs) != 1 {
    241 			// TODO(ukai): should return error?
    242 			panic(fmt.Sprintf("FIXME: unexpected number of input for a suffix rule (%d)", len(irule.inputs)))
    243 		}
    244 		if !db.exists(replaceSuffix(output, irule.inputs[0])) {
    245 			continue
    246 		}
    247 		db.pickSuffixRuleCnt++
    248 		if r != nil {
    249 			sr := &rule{}
    250 			*sr = *r
    251 			// TODO(ukai): input order is correct?
    252 			sr.inputs = append([]string{replaceSuffix(output, irule.inputs[0])}, r.inputs...)
    253 			sr.cmds = irule.cmds
    254 			// TODO(ukai): filename, lineno?
    255 			sr.cmdLineno = irule.cmdLineno
    256 			return sr, vars, true
    257 		}
    258 		if vars != nil {
    259 			vars = db.mergeImplicitRuleVars(irule.outputs, vars)
    260 		}
    261 		// TODO(ukai): check len(irule.cmd) ?
    262 		return irule, vars, true
    263 	}
    264 	return r, vars, r != nil
    265 }
    267 func expandInputs(rule *rule, output string) []string {
    268 	var inputs []string
    269 	for _, input := range rule.inputs {
    270 		if len(rule.outputPatterns) > 0 {
    271 			if len(rule.outputPatterns) != 1 {
    272 				panic(fmt.Sprintf("FIXME: multiple output pattern is not supported yet"))
    273 			}
    274 			input = intern(rule.outputPatterns[0].subst(input, output))
    275 		} else if rule.isSuffixRule {
    276 			input = intern(replaceSuffix(output, input))
    277 		}
    278 		inputs = append(inputs, input)
    279 	}
    280 	return inputs
    281 }
    283 func (db *depBuilder) buildPlan(output string, neededBy string, tsvs Vars) (*DepNode, error) {
    284 	glog.V(1).Infof("Evaluating command: %s", output)
    285 	db.nodeCnt++
    286 	if db.nodeCnt%100 == 0 {
    287 		db.reportStats()
    288 	}
    290 	if n, present := db.done[output]; present {
    291 		return n, nil
    292 	}
    294 	n := &DepNode{Output: output, IsPhony: db.phony[output]}
    295 	db.done[output] = n
    297 	// create depnode for phony targets?
    298 	rule, vars, present := db.pickRule(output)
    299 	if !present {
    300 		return n, nil
    301 	}
    303 	var restores []func()
    304 	if vars != nil {
    305 		for name, v := range vars {
    306 			// TODO: Consider not updating db.vars.
    307 			tsv := v.(*targetSpecificVar)
    308 			restores = append(restores, db.vars.save(name))
    309 			restores = append(restores, tsvs.save(name))
    310 			switch tsv.op {
    311 			case ":=", "=":
    312 				db.vars[name] = tsv
    313 				tsvs[name] = v
    314 			case "+=":
    315 				oldVar, present := db.vars[name]
    316 				if !present || oldVar.String() == "" {
    317 					db.vars[name] = tsv
    318 				} else {
    319 					var err error
    320 					v, err = oldVar.AppendVar(db.ev, tsv)
    321 					if err != nil {
    322 						return nil, err
    323 					}
    324 					db.vars[name] = v
    325 				}
    326 				tsvs[name] = v
    327 			case "?=":
    328 				if _, present := db.vars[name]; !present {
    329 					db.vars[name] = tsv
    330 					tsvs[name] = v
    331 				}
    332 			}
    333 		}
    334 		defer func() {
    335 			for _, restore := range restores {
    336 				restore()
    337 			}
    338 		}()
    339 	}
    341 	inputs := expandInputs(rule, output)
    342 	glog.Infof("Evaluating command: %s inputs:%q => %q", output, rule.inputs, inputs)
    343 	for _, input := range inputs {
    344 		db.trace = append(db.trace, input)
    345 		ni, err := db.buildPlan(input, output, tsvs)
    346 		db.trace = db.trace[0 : len(db.trace)-1]
    347 		if err != nil {
    348 			return nil, err
    349 		}
    350 		if ni != nil {
    351 			n.Deps = append(n.Deps, ni)
    352 			ni.Parents = append(ni.Parents, n)
    353 		}
    354 	}
    356 	for _, input := range rule.orderOnlyInputs {
    357 		db.trace = append(db.trace, input)
    358 		ni, err := db.buildPlan(input, output, tsvs)
    359 		db.trace = db.trace[0 : len(db.trace)-1]
    360 		if err != nil {
    361 			return nil, err
    362 		}
    363 		if n != nil {
    364 			n.OrderOnlys = append(n.OrderOnlys, ni)
    365 			ni.Parents = append(ni.Parents, n)
    366 		}
    367 	}
    369 	n.HasRule = true
    370 	n.Cmds = rule.cmds
    371 	n.ActualInputs = inputs
    372 	n.TargetSpecificVars = make(Vars)
    373 	for k, v := range tsvs {
    374 		if glog.V(1) {
    375 			glog.Infof("output=%s tsv %s=%s", output, k, v)
    376 		}
    377 		n.TargetSpecificVars[k] = v
    378 	}
    379 	n.Filename = rule.filename
    380 	if len(rule.cmds) > 0 {
    381 		if rule.cmdLineno > 0 {
    382 			n.Lineno = rule.cmdLineno
    383 		} else {
    384 			n.Lineno = rule.lineno
    385 		}
    386 	}
    387 	return n, nil
    388 }
    390 func (db *depBuilder) populateSuffixRule(r *rule, output string) bool {
    391 	if len(output) == 0 || output[0] != '.' {
    392 		return false
    393 	}
    394 	rest := output[1:]
    395 	dotIndex := strings.IndexByte(rest, '.')
    396 	// If there is only a single dot or the third dot, this is not a
    397 	// suffix rule.
    398 	if dotIndex < 0 || strings.IndexByte(rest[dotIndex+1:], '.') >= 0 {
    399 		return false
    400 	}
    402 	// This is a suffix rule.
    403 	inputSuffix := rest[:dotIndex]
    404 	outputSuffix := rest[dotIndex+1:]
    405 	sr := &rule{}
    406 	*sr = *r
    407 	sr.inputs = []string{inputSuffix}
    408 	sr.isSuffixRule = true
    409 	db.suffixRules[outputSuffix] = append([]*rule{sr}, db.suffixRules[outputSuffix]...)
    410 	return true
    411 }
    413 func mergeRules(oldRule, r *rule, output string, isSuffixRule bool) (*rule, error) {
    414 	if oldRule.isDoubleColon != r.isDoubleColon {
    415 		return nil, r.errorf("*** target file %q has both : and :: entries.", output)
    416 	}
    417 	if len(oldRule.cmds) > 0 && len(r.cmds) > 0 && !isSuffixRule && !r.isDoubleColon {
    418 		warn(r.cmdpos(), "overriding commands for target %q", output)
    419 		warn(oldRule.cmdpos(), "ignoring old commands for target %q", output)
    420 	}
    422 	mr := &rule{}
    423 	*mr = *r
    424 	if r.isDoubleColon {
    425 		mr.cmds = append(oldRule.cmds, mr.cmds...)
    426 	} else if len(oldRule.cmds) > 0 && len(r.cmds) == 0 {
    427 		mr.cmds = oldRule.cmds
    428 	}
    429 	// If the latter rule has a command (regardless of the
    430 	// commands in oldRule), inputs in the latter rule has a
    431 	// priority.
    432 	if len(r.cmds) > 0 {
    433 		mr.inputs = append(mr.inputs, oldRule.inputs...)
    434 		mr.orderOnlyInputs = append(mr.orderOnlyInputs, oldRule.orderOnlyInputs...)
    435 	} else {
    436 		mr.inputs = append(oldRule.inputs, mr.inputs...)
    437 		mr.orderOnlyInputs = append(oldRule.orderOnlyInputs, mr.orderOnlyInputs...)
    438 	}
    439 	mr.outputPatterns = append(mr.outputPatterns, oldRule.outputPatterns...)
    440 	return mr, nil
    441 }
    443 // expandPattern expands static pattern (target: target-pattern: prereq-pattern).
    445 func expandPattern(r *rule) []*rule {
    446 	if len(r.outputs) == 0 {
    447 		return []*rule{r}
    448 	}
    449 	if len(r.outputPatterns) != 1 {
    450 		return []*rule{r}
    451 	}
    452 	var rules []*rule
    453 	pat := r.outputPatterns[0]
    454 	for _, output := range r.outputs {
    455 		nr := new(rule)
    456 		*nr = *r
    457 		nr.outputs = []string{output}
    458 		nr.outputPatterns = nil
    459 		nr.inputs = nil
    460 		for _, input := range r.inputs {
    461 			nr.inputs = append(nr.inputs, intern(pat.subst(input, output)))
    462 		}
    463 		rules = append(rules, nr)
    464 	}
    465 	glog.V(1).Infof("expand static pattern: outputs=%q inputs=%q -> %q", r.outputs, r.inputs, rules)
    466 	return rules
    467 }
    469 func (db *depBuilder) populateExplicitRule(r *rule) error {
    470 	// It seems rules with no outputs are siliently ignored.
    471 	if len(r.outputs) == 0 {
    472 		return nil
    473 	}
    474 	for _, output := range r.outputs {
    475 		output = trimLeadingCurdir(output)
    477 		isSuffixRule := db.populateSuffixRule(r, output)
    479 		if oldRule, present := db.rules[output]; present {
    480 			mr, err := mergeRules(oldRule, r, output, isSuffixRule)
    481 			if err != nil {
    482 				return err
    483 			}
    484 			db.rules[output] = mr
    485 		} else {
    486 			db.rules[output] = r
    487 			if db.firstRule == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(output, ".") {
    488 				db.firstRule = r
    489 			}
    490 		}
    491 	}
    492 	return nil
    493 }
    495 func (db *depBuilder) populateImplicitRule(r *rule) {
    496 	for _, outputPattern := range r.outputPatterns {
    497 		ir := &rule{}
    498 		*ir = *r
    499 		ir.outputPatterns = []pattern{outputPattern}
    500 		db.implicitRules.add(outputPattern.String(), ir)
    501 	}
    502 }
    504 func (db *depBuilder) populateRules(er *evalResult) error {
    505 	for _, r := range er.rules {
    506 		for i, input := range r.inputs {
    507 			r.inputs[i] = trimLeadingCurdir(input)
    508 		}
    509 		for i, orderOnlyInput := range r.orderOnlyInputs {
    510 			r.orderOnlyInputs[i] = trimLeadingCurdir(orderOnlyInput)
    511 		}
    512 		for _, r := range expandPattern(r) {
    513 			err := db.populateExplicitRule(r)
    514 			if err != nil {
    515 				return err
    516 			}
    517 			if len(r.outputs) == 0 {
    518 				db.populateImplicitRule(r)
    519 			}
    520 		}
    521 	}
    522 	return nil
    523 }
    525 func (db *depBuilder) reportStats() {
    526 	if !PeriodicStatsFlag {
    527 		return
    528 	}
    530 	logStats("node=%d explicit=%d implicit=%d suffix=%d explicitWOCmd=%d",
    531 		db.nodeCnt, db.pickExplicitRuleCnt, db.pickImplicitRuleCnt, db.pickSuffixRuleCnt, db.pickExplicitRuleWithoutCmdCnt)
    532 	if len(db.trace) > 1 {
    533 		logStats("trace=%q", db.trace)
    534 	}
    535 }
    537 func newDepBuilder(er *evalResult, vars Vars) (*depBuilder, error) {
    538 	db := &depBuilder{
    539 		rules:         make(map[string]*rule),
    540 		ruleVars:      er.ruleVars,
    541 		implicitRules: newRuleTrie(),
    542 		suffixRules:   make(map[string][]*rule),
    543 		vars:          vars,
    544 		ev:            NewEvaluator(vars),
    545 		vpaths:        er.vpaths,
    546 		done:          make(map[string]*DepNode),
    547 		phony:         make(map[string]bool),
    548 	}
    550 	err := db.populateRules(er)
    551 	if err != nil {
    552 		return nil, err
    553 	}
    554 	rule, present := db.rules[".PHONY"]
    555 	if present {
    556 		for _, input := range rule.inputs {
    557 			db.phony[input] = true
    558 		}
    559 	}
    560 	return db, nil
    561 }
    563 func (db *depBuilder) Eval(targets []string) ([]*DepNode, error) {
    564 	if len(targets) == 0 {
    565 		if db.firstRule == nil {
    566 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("*** No targets.")
    567 		}
    568 		targets = append(targets, db.firstRule.outputs[0])
    569 		var phonys []string
    570 		for t := range db.phony {
    571 			phonys = append(phonys, t)
    572 		}
    573 		sort.Strings(phonys)
    574 		targets = append(targets, phonys...)
    575 	}
    577 	if StatsFlag {
    578 		logStats("%d variables", len(db.vars))
    579 		logStats("%d explicit rules", len(db.rules))
    580 		logStats("%d implicit rules", db.implicitRules.size())
    581 		logStats("%d suffix rules", len(db.suffixRules))
    582 		logStats("%d dirs %d files", fsCache.dirs(), fsCache.files())
    583 	}
    585 	var nodes []*DepNode
    586 	for _, target := range targets {
    587 		db.trace = []string{target}
    588 		n, err := db.buildPlan(target, "", make(Vars))
    589 		if err != nil {
    590 			return nil, err
    591 		}
    592 		nodes = append(nodes, n)
    593 	}
    594 	db.reportStats()
    595 	return nodes, nil
    596 }