1 <?cs include:"doctype.cs" ?> 2 <?cs include:"macros.cs" ?> 3 <html<?cs if:devsite ?> devsite<?cs /if ?>> 4 <?cs include:"head_tag.cs" ?> 5 <body class="gc-documentation develop samples" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article"> 6 <?cs include:"header.cs" ?> 7 8 <div <?cs if:fullpage 9 ?>class="fullpage"<?cs elif:design||tools||about||sdk||distribute 10 ?>class="col-13" id="doc-col"<?cs else 11 ?>class="col-12" id="doc-col"<?cs /if ?> > 12 13 <!-- start breadcrumb block --> 14 <div id="api-info-block"> 15 <div class="sum-details-links"> 16 17 <!-- related links --> 18 <?cs if:projectStructure ?> 19 <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>samples/<?cs var:projectDir ?>/index.html">Overview</a> 20 | Project<?cs else ?>Overview 21 | <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>samples/<?cs var:projectDir ?>/project.html">Project</a> 22 <?cs /if ?> 23 | <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>downloads/samples/<?cs var:projectDir ?>.zip" 24 onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Samples', 'Download', <?cs var:projectDir ?>);" 25 >Download</a> 26 27 </div><!-- end sum-details-links --> 28 29 </div><!-- end breadcurmb block --> 30 31 <h1 itemprop="name"><?cs var:projectDir ?></h1> 32 33 <div id="jd-content"> 34 <?cs def:display_files(files) ?> 35 36 <?cs each:file = files ?> 37 <?cs if:file.Type != "dir" ?> 38 <div class="structure-<?cs var:file.Type ?>"> 39 <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?><?cs var:file.Href ?>"><?cs var:file.Name ?></a> 40 </div> 41 <?cs else ?> 42 <div class="toggle-content opened structure-dir"> 43 <a href="#" onclick="return toggleContent(this)"> 44 <img src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/triangle-opened.png" 45 class="toggle-content-img structure-toggle-img" height="9px" width="9px" /> 46 <?cs var:file.Name ?></a><?cs 47 if:file.SummaryFlag == "true" ?><span class="dirInfo" 48 >[ <a href="file.SummaryHref">Info</a> ]</a></span><?cs 49 /if ?> 50 <div class="toggle-content-toggleme structure-toggleme"> 51 <?cs if:file.Sub.0.Name ?> 52 <?cs call:display_files(file.Sub) ?> 53 <?cs /if ?> 54 </div> <?cs # /toggleme ?> 55 </div> <?cs # /toggle-content ?> 56 <?cs /if ?> 57 <?cs /each ?> 58 <?cs /def ?> 59 60 <?cs if:android.whichdoc == "online" ?> 61 <?cs # If this is the online docs, build the src code navigation links ?> 62 63 <?cs if:projectStructure ?> 64 65 <?cs call:display_files(Files) ?> 66 67 <?cs else ?> <?cs # else not project structure doc ?> 68 69 <?cs var:summary ?> 70 71 <?cs # Remove project structure from landing pages for now 72 # <h2>Project Structure</h2> 73 # <p>Decide what to do with this ...</p> 74 # <?cs call:display_files(Files) ?> 75 76 <?cs /if ?> <?cs # end if projectStructure ?> 77 78 <?cs else ?><?cs 79 # else, this means it's offline docs, 80 so don't show src links (we dont have the pages!) ?> 81 82 <?cs /if ?><?cs # end if/else online docs ?> 83 <div class="content-footer <?cs 84 if:fullpage ?>wrap<?cs 85 else ?>layout-content-row<?cs /if ?>" 86 itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement"> 87 <div class="layout-content-col <?cs 88 if:fullpage ?>col-16<?cs 89 elif:training||guide ?>col-8<?cs 90 else ?>col-9<?cs /if ?>" style="padding-top:4px"> 91 <?cs if:!page.noplus ?><?cs if:fullpage ?><style>#___plusone_0 {float:right !important;}</style><?cs /if ?> 92 <div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium"></div> 93 <?cs /if ?> 94 </div> 95 <?cs if:!fullscreen ?> 96 <div class="paging-links layout-content-col col-4"> 97 <?cs if:(design||training||walkthru) && !page.landing && !page.trainingcourse && !footer.hide ?> 98 <a href="#" class="prev-page-link hide" 99 zh-tw-lang="" 100 zh-cn-lang="" 101 ru-lang="" 102 ko-lang="" 103 ja-lang="" 104 es-lang="Anterior" 105 >Previous</a> 106 <a href="#" class="next-page-link hide" 107 zh-tw-lang="" 108 zh-cn-lang="" 109 ru-lang="" 110 ko-lang="" 111 ja-lang="" 112 es-lang="Siguiente" 113 >Next</a> 114 <?cs /if ?> 115 </div> 116 <?cs /if ?> 117 </div> 118 119 <?cs # for training classes, provide a different kind of link when the next page is a different class ?> 120 <?cs if:training && !page.article ?> 121 <div class="layout-content-row content-footer next-class" style="display:none" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement"> 122 <a href="#" class="next-class-link hide">Next class: </a> 123 </div> 124 <?cs /if ?> 125 126 </div> <!-- end jd-content --> 127 128 <?cs include:"footer.cs" ?> 129 </div><!-- end doc-content --> 130 131 <?cs include:"trailer.cs" ?> 132 133 </body> 134 </html> 135 136 137