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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 package com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.result;
     18 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.build.CompatibilityBuildHelper;
     19 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.testtype.CompatibilityTest;
     20 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.util.RetryType;
     21 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ChecksumReporter;
     22 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ICaseResult;
     23 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.IInvocationResult;
     24 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.IModuleResult;
     25 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ITestResult;
     26 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.InvocationResult;
     27 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.MetricsStore;
     28 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ReportLog;
     29 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultHandler;
     30 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultUploader;
     31 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.TestStatus;
     32 import com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel;
     33 import com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier;
     34 import com.android.tradefed.build.IBuildInfo;
     35 import com.android.tradefed.config.Option;
     36 import com.android.tradefed.config.Option.Importance;
     37 import com.android.tradefed.config.OptionClass;
     38 import com.android.tradefed.config.OptionCopier;
     39 import com.android.tradefed.invoker.IInvocationContext;
     40 import com.android.tradefed.log.LogUtil.CLog;
     41 import com.android.tradefed.result.ILogSaver;
     42 import com.android.tradefed.result.ILogSaverListener;
     43 import com.android.tradefed.result.IShardableListener;
     44 import com.android.tradefed.result.ITestInvocationListener;
     45 import com.android.tradefed.result.ITestSummaryListener;
     46 import com.android.tradefed.result.InputStreamSource;
     47 import com.android.tradefed.result.LogDataType;
     48 import com.android.tradefed.result.LogFile;
     49 import com.android.tradefed.result.LogFileSaver;
     50 import com.android.tradefed.result.TestSummary;
     51 import com.android.tradefed.util.FileUtil;
     52 import com.android.tradefed.util.StreamUtil;
     53 import com.android.tradefed.util.TimeUtil;
     54 import com.android.tradefed.util.ZipUtil;
     56 import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
     58 import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
     60 import java.io.File;
     61 import java.io.FileInputStream;
     62 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
     63 import java.io.IOException;
     64 import java.io.InputStream;
     65 import java.util.Arrays;
     66 import java.util.Collections;
     67 import java.util.HashSet;
     68 import java.util.List;
     69 import java.util.Map;
     70 import java.util.Set;
     71 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
     72 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
     74 /**
     75  * Collect test results for an entire invocation and output test results to disk.
     76  */
     77 @OptionClass(alias="result-reporter")
     78 public class ResultReporter implements ILogSaverListener, ITestInvocationListener,
     79        ITestSummaryListener, IShardableListener {
     81     private static final String UNKNOWN_DEVICE = "unknown_device";
     82     private static final String RESULT_KEY = "COMPATIBILITY_TEST_RESULT";
     83     private static final String CTS_PREFIX = "cts:";
     84     private static final String BUILD_INFO = CTS_PREFIX + "build_";
     86     private static final List<String> NOT_RETRY_FILES = Arrays.asList(
     87             ChecksumReporter.NAME,
     88             ChecksumReporter.PREV_NAME,
     89             ResultHandler.FAILURE_REPORT_NAME);
     91     @Option(name = CompatibilityTest.RETRY_OPTION,
     92             shortName = 'r',
     93             description = "retry a previous session.",
     94             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
     95     private Integer mRetrySessionId = null;
     97     @Option(name = CompatibilityTest.RETRY_TYPE_OPTION,
     98             description = "used with " + CompatibilityTest.RETRY_OPTION
     99             + ", retry tests of a certain status. Possible values include \"failed\", "
    100             + "\"not_executed\", and \"custom\".",
    101             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
    102     private RetryType mRetryType = null;
    104     @Option(name = "result-server", description = "Server to publish test results.")
    105     private String mResultServer;
    107     @Option(name = "disable-result-posting", description = "Disable result posting into report server.")
    108     private boolean mDisableResultPosting = false;
    110     @Option(name = "include-test-log-tags", description = "Include test log tags in report.")
    111     private boolean mIncludeTestLogTags = false;
    113     @Option(name = "use-log-saver", description = "Also saves generated result with log saver")
    114     private boolean mUseLogSaver = false;
    116     @Option(name = "compress-logs", description = "Whether logs will be saved with compression")
    117     private boolean mCompressLogs = true;
    119     private CompatibilityBuildHelper mBuildHelper;
    120     private File mResultDir = null;
    121     private File mLogDir = null;
    122     private ResultUploader mUploader;
    123     private String mReferenceUrl;
    124     private ILogSaver mLogSaver;
    125     private int invocationEndedCount = 0;
    126     private CountDownLatch mFinalized = null;
    128     private IInvocationResult mResult = new InvocationResult();
    129     private IModuleResult mCurrentModuleResult;
    130     private ICaseResult mCurrentCaseResult;
    131     private ITestResult mCurrentResult;
    132     private String mDeviceSerial = UNKNOWN_DEVICE;
    133     private Set<String> mMasterDeviceSerials = new HashSet<>();
    134     private Set<IBuildInfo> mMasterBuildInfos = new HashSet<>();
    136     // mCurrentTestNum and mTotalTestsInModule track the progress within the module
    137     // Note that this count is not necessarily equal to the count of tests contained
    138     // in mCurrentModuleResult because of how special cases like ignored tests are reported.
    139     private int mCurrentTestNum;
    140     private int mTotalTestsInModule;
    143     // Whether modules can be marked done for this invocation. Initialized in invocationStarted()
    144     // Visible for unit testing
    145     protected boolean mCanMarkDone;
    146     // Whether the current module has previously been marked done
    147     private boolean mModuleWasDone;
    149     // Nullable. If null, "this" is considered the master and must handle
    150     // result aggregation and reporting. When not null, it should forward events
    151     // to the master.
    152     private final ResultReporter mMasterResultReporter;
    154     private LogFileSaver mTestLogSaver;
    156     /**
    157      * Default constructor.
    158      */
    159     public ResultReporter() {
    160         this(null);
    161         mFinalized = new CountDownLatch(1);
    162     }
    164     /**
    165      * Construct a shard ResultReporter that forwards module results to the
    166      * masterResultReporter.
    167      */
    168     public ResultReporter(ResultReporter masterResultReporter) {
    169         mMasterResultReporter = masterResultReporter;
    170     }
    172     /**
    173      * {@inheritDoc}
    174      */
    175     @Override
    176     public void invocationStarted(IInvocationContext context) {
    177         IBuildInfo primaryBuild = context.getBuildInfos().get(0);
    178         synchronized(this) {
    179             if (mBuildHelper == null) {
    180                 mBuildHelper = new CompatibilityBuildHelper(primaryBuild);
    181             }
    182             if (mDeviceSerial == null && primaryBuild.getDeviceSerial() != null) {
    183                 mDeviceSerial = primaryBuild.getDeviceSerial();
    184             }
    185             mCanMarkDone = canMarkDone(mBuildHelper.getRecentCommandLineArgs());
    186         }
    188         if (isShardResultReporter()) {
    189             // Shard ResultReporters forward invocationStarted to the mMasterResultReporter
    190             mMasterResultReporter.invocationStarted(context);
    191             return;
    192         }
    194         // NOTE: Everything after this line only applies to the master ResultReporter.
    196         synchronized(this) {
    197             if (primaryBuild.getDeviceSerial() != null) {
    198                 // The master ResultReporter collects all device serials being used
    199                 // for the current implementation.
    200                 mMasterDeviceSerials.add(primaryBuild.getDeviceSerial());
    201             }
    203             // The master ResultReporter collects all buildInfos.
    204             mMasterBuildInfos.add(primaryBuild);
    206             if (mResultDir == null) {
    207                 // For the non-sharding case, invocationStarted is only called once,
    208                 // but for the sharding case, this might be called multiple times.
    209                 // Logic used to initialize the result directory should not be
    210                 // invoked twice during the same invocation.
    211                 initializeResultDirectories();
    212             }
    213         }
    214     }
    216     /**
    217      * Create directory structure where results and logs will be written.
    218      */
    219     private void initializeResultDirectories() {
    220         debug("Initializing result directory");
    222         try {
    223             // Initialize the result directory. Either a new directory or reusing
    224             // an existing session.
    225             if (mRetrySessionId != null) {
    226                 // Overwrite the mResult with the test results of the previous session
    227                 mResult = ResultHandler.findResult(mBuildHelper.getResultsDir(), mRetrySessionId);
    228             }
    229             mResult.setStartTime(mBuildHelper.getStartTime());
    230             mResultDir = mBuildHelper.getResultDir();
    231             if (mResultDir != null) {
    232                 mResultDir.mkdirs();
    233             }
    234         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    235             throw new RuntimeException(e);
    236         }
    238         if (mResultDir == null) {
    239             throw new RuntimeException("Result Directory was not created");
    240         }
    241         if (!mResultDir.exists()) {
    242             throw new RuntimeException("Result Directory was not created: " +
    243                     mResultDir.getAbsolutePath());
    244         }
    246         debug("Results Directory: " + mResultDir.getAbsolutePath());
    248         mUploader = new ResultUploader(mResultServer, mBuildHelper.getSuiteName());
    249         try {
    250             mLogDir = new File(mBuildHelper.getLogsDir(),
    251                     CompatibilityBuildHelper.getDirSuffix(mBuildHelper.getStartTime()));
    252         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    253             CLog.e(e);
    254         }
    255         if (mLogDir != null && mLogDir.mkdirs()) {
    256             debug("Created log dir %s", mLogDir.getAbsolutePath());
    257         }
    258         if (mLogDir == null || !mLogDir.exists()) {
    259             throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not create log dir %s",
    260                     mLogDir.getAbsolutePath()));
    261         }
    262         if (mTestLogSaver == null) {
    263             mTestLogSaver = new LogFileSaver(mLogDir);
    264         }
    265     }
    267     /**
    268      * {@inheritDoc}
    269      */
    270     @Override
    271     public void testRunStarted(String id, int numTests) {
    272         if (mCurrentModuleResult != null && mCurrentModuleResult.getId().equals(id)
    273                 && mCurrentModuleResult.isDone()) {
    274             // Modules run with JarHostTest treat each test class as a separate module,
    275             // resulting in additional unexpected test runs.
    276             // This case exists only for N
    277             mTotalTestsInModule += numTests;
    278         } else {
    279             // Handle non-JarHostTest case
    280             mCurrentModuleResult = mResult.getOrCreateModule(id);
    281             mModuleWasDone = mCurrentModuleResult.isDone();
    282             if (!mModuleWasDone) {
    283                 // we only want to update testRun variables if the IModuleResult is not yet done
    284                 // otherwise leave testRun variables alone so isDone evaluates to true.
    285                 if (mCurrentModuleResult.getExpectedTestRuns() == 0) {
    286                     mCurrentModuleResult.setExpectedTestRuns(TestRunHandler.getTestRuns(
    287                             mBuildHelper, mCurrentModuleResult.getId()));
    288                 }
    289                 mCurrentModuleResult.addTestRun();
    290             }
    291             // Reset counters
    292             mTotalTestsInModule = numTests;
    293             mCurrentTestNum = 0;
    294         }
    295         mCurrentModuleResult.inProgress(true);
    296     }
    298     /**
    299      * {@inheritDoc}
    300      */
    301     @Override
    302     public void testStarted(TestIdentifier test) {
    303         mCurrentCaseResult = mCurrentModuleResult.getOrCreateResult(test.getClassName());
    304         mCurrentResult = mCurrentCaseResult.getOrCreateResult(test.getTestName().trim());
    305         if (mCurrentResult.isRetry()) {
    306             mCurrentResult.reset(); // clear result status for this invocation
    307         }
    308         mCurrentTestNum++;
    309     }
    311     /**
    312      * {@inheritDoc}
    313      */
    314     @Override
    315     public void testEnded(TestIdentifier test, Map<String, String> metrics) {
    316         if (mCurrentResult.getResultStatus() == TestStatus.FAIL) {
    317             // Test has previously failed.
    318             return;
    319         }
    320         // device test can have performance results in test metrics
    321         String perfResult = metrics.get(RESULT_KEY);
    322         ReportLog report = null;
    323         if (perfResult != null) {
    324             try {
    325                 report = ReportLog.parse(perfResult);
    326             } catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException e) {
    327                 e.printStackTrace();
    328             }
    329         } else {
    330             // host test should be checked into MetricsStore.
    331             report = MetricsStore.removeResult(mBuildHelper.getBuildInfo(),
    332                     mCurrentModuleResult.getAbi(), test.toString());
    333         }
    334         if (mCurrentResult.getResultStatus() == null) {
    335             // Only claim that we passed when we're certain our result was
    336             // not any other state.
    337             mCurrentResult.passed(report);
    338         }
    339     }
    341     /**
    342      * {@inheritDoc}
    343      */
    344     @Override
    345     public void testIgnored(TestIdentifier test) {
    346         mCurrentResult.skipped();
    347     }
    349     /**
    350      * {@inheritDoc}
    351      */
    352     @Override
    353     public void testFailed(TestIdentifier test, String trace) {
    354         mCurrentResult.failed(trace);
    355     }
    357     /**
    358      * {@inheritDoc}
    359      */
    360     @Override
    361     public void testAssumptionFailure(TestIdentifier test, String trace) {
    362         mCurrentResult.skipped();
    363     }
    365     /**
    366      * {@inheritDoc}
    367      */
    368     @Override
    369     public void testRunStopped(long elapsedTime) {
    370         // ignore
    371     }
    373     /**
    374      * {@inheritDoc}
    375      */
    376     @Override
    377     public void testRunEnded(long elapsedTime, Map<String, String> metrics) {
    378         mCurrentModuleResult.inProgress(false);
    379         mCurrentModuleResult.addRuntime(elapsedTime);
    380         if (!mModuleWasDone && mCanMarkDone) {
    381             // Only mark module done if status of the invocation allows it (mCanMarkDone) and
    382             // if module has not already been marked done.
    383             mCurrentModuleResult.setDone(mCurrentTestNum >= mTotalTestsInModule);
    384         }
    385         if (isShardResultReporter()) {
    386             // Forward module results to the master.
    387             mMasterResultReporter.mergeModuleResult(mCurrentModuleResult);
    388             mCurrentModuleResult.resetTestRuns();
    389             mCurrentModuleResult.resetRuntime();
    390         }
    391     }
    393     /**
    394      * Directly add a module result. Note: this method is meant to be used by
    395      * a shard ResultReporter.
    396      */
    397     private void mergeModuleResult(IModuleResult moduleResult) {
    398         // This merges the results in moduleResult to any existing results already
    399         // contained in mResult. This is useful for retries and allows the final
    400         // report from a retry to contain all test results.
    401         synchronized(this) {
    402             mResult.mergeModuleResult(moduleResult);
    403         }
    404     }
    406     /**
    407      * {@inheritDoc}
    408      */
    409     @Override
    410     public void testRunFailed(String errorMessage) {
    411         // ignore
    412     }
    414     /**
    415      * {@inheritDoc}
    416      */
    417     @Override
    418     public TestSummary getSummary() {
    419         // ignore
    420         return null;
    421     }
    423     /**
    424      * {@inheritDoc}
    425      */
    426     @Override
    427     public void putSummary(List<TestSummary> summaries) {
    428         // This is safe to be invoked on either the master or a shard ResultReporter,
    429         // but the value added to the report will be that of the master ResultReporter.
    430         if (summaries.size() > 0) {
    431             mReferenceUrl = summaries.get(0).getSummary().getString();
    432         }
    433     }
    435     /**
    436      * {@inheritDoc}
    437      */
    438     @Override
    439     public void invocationEnded(long elapsedTime) {
    440         if (isShardResultReporter()) {
    441             // Shard ResultReporters report
    442             mMasterResultReporter.invocationEnded(elapsedTime);
    443             return;
    444         }
    446         // NOTE: Everything after this line only applies to the master ResultReporter.
    448         synchronized(this) {
    449             // The master ResultReporter tracks the progress of all invocations across
    450             // shard ResultReporters. Writing results should not proceed until all
    451             // ResultReporters have completed.
    452             if (++invocationEndedCount < mMasterBuildInfos.size()) {
    453                 return;
    454             }
    455             finalizeResults(elapsedTime);
    456             mFinalized.countDown();
    457         }
    458     }
    460     private void finalizeResults(long elapsedTime) {
    461         // Add all device serials into the result to be serialized
    462         for (String deviceSerial : mMasterDeviceSerials) {
    463             mResult.addDeviceSerial(deviceSerial);
    464         }
    466         Set<String> allExpectedModules = new HashSet<>();
    467         // Add all build info to the result to be serialized
    468         for (IBuildInfo buildInfo : mMasterBuildInfos) {
    469             for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : buildInfo.getBuildAttributes().entrySet()) {
    470                 String key = entry.getKey();
    471                 String value = entry.getValue();
    472                 if (key.startsWith(BUILD_INFO)) {
    473                     mResult.addInvocationInfo(key.substring(CTS_PREFIX.length()), value);
    474                 }
    476                 if (key.equals(CompatibilityBuildHelper.MODULE_IDS) && value.length() > 0) {
    477                     Collections.addAll(allExpectedModules, value.split(","));
    478                 }
    479             }
    480         }
    482         // Include a record in the report of all expected modules ids, even if they weren't
    483         // executed.
    484         for (String moduleId : allExpectedModules) {
    485             mResult.getOrCreateModule(moduleId);
    486         }
    488         String moduleProgress = String.format("%d of %d",
    489                 mResult.getModuleCompleteCount(), mResult.getModules().size());
    491         long startTime = mResult.getStartTime();
    492         try {
    493             // Zip the full test results directory.
    494             copyDynamicConfigFiles(mBuildHelper.getDynamicConfigFiles(), mResultDir);
    495             copyFormattingFiles(mResultDir, mBuildHelper.getSuiteName());
    497             File resultFile = ResultHandler.writeResults(mBuildHelper.getSuiteName(),
    498                     mBuildHelper.getSuiteVersion(), mBuildHelper.getSuitePlan(),
    499                     mBuildHelper.getSuiteBuild(), mResult, mResultDir, startTime,
    500                     elapsedTime + startTime, mReferenceUrl, getLogUrl(),
    501                     mBuildHelper.getCommandLineArgs());
    502             if (mRetrySessionId != null) {
    503                 copyRetryFiles(ResultHandler.getResultDirectory(
    504                         mBuildHelper.getResultsDir(), mRetrySessionId), mResultDir);
    505             }
    506             File zippedResults = zipResults(mResultDir);
    507             // Create failure report after zip file so extra data is not uploaded
    508             File failureReport = ResultHandler.createFailureReport(resultFile);
    509             if (failureReport.exists()) {
    510                 info("Test Result: %s", failureReport.getCanonicalPath());
    511             } else {
    512                 info("Test Result: %s", resultFile.getCanonicalPath());
    513             }
    514             info("Test Logs: %s", mLogDir.getCanonicalPath());
    515             debug("Full Result: %s", zippedResults.getCanonicalPath());
    517             saveLog(resultFile, zippedResults);
    519             uploadResult(resultFile);
    521         } catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException e) {
    522             CLog.e("[%s] Exception while saving result XML.", mDeviceSerial);
    523             CLog.e(e);
    524         }
    525         // print the run results last.
    526         info("Invocation finished in %s. PASSED: %d, FAILED: %d, MODULES: %s",
    527                 TimeUtil.formatElapsedTime(elapsedTime),
    528                 mResult.countResults(TestStatus.PASS),
    529                 mResult.countResults(TestStatus.FAIL),
    530                 moduleProgress);
    531     }
    533     /**
    534      * {@inheritDoc}
    535      */
    536     @Override
    537     public void invocationFailed(Throwable cause) {
    538         warn("Invocation failed: %s", cause);
    539         InvocationFailureHandler.setFailed(mBuildHelper, cause);
    540     }
    542     /**
    543      * {@inheritDoc}
    544      */
    545     @Override
    546     public void testLog(String name, LogDataType type, InputStreamSource stream) {
    547         // This is safe to be invoked on either the master or a shard ResultReporter
    548         if (isShardResultReporter()) {
    549             // Shard ResultReporters forward testLog to the mMasterResultReporter
    550             mMasterResultReporter.testLog(name, type, stream);
    551             return;
    552         }
    553         try {
    554             File logFile = null;
    555             if (mCompressLogs) {
    556                 logFile = mTestLogSaver.saveAndGZipLogData(name, type, stream.createInputStream());
    557             } else {
    558                 logFile = mTestLogSaver.saveLogData(name, type, stream.createInputStream());
    559             }
    560             debug("Saved logs for %s in %s", name, logFile.getAbsolutePath());
    561         } catch (IOException e) {
    562             warn("Failed to write log for %s", name);
    563             CLog.e(e);
    564         }
    565     }
    567     /**
    568      * {@inheritDoc}
    569      */
    570     @Override
    571     public void testLogSaved(String dataName, LogDataType dataType, InputStreamSource dataStream,
    572             LogFile logFile) {
    573         // This is safe to be invoked on either the master or a shard ResultReporter
    574         if (mIncludeTestLogTags && mCurrentResult != null
    575                 && dataName.startsWith(mCurrentResult.getFullName())) {
    577             if (dataType == LogDataType.BUGREPORT) {
    578                 mCurrentResult.setBugReport(logFile.getUrl());
    579             } else if (dataType == LogDataType.LOGCAT) {
    580                 mCurrentResult.setLog(logFile.getUrl());
    581             } else if (dataType == LogDataType.PNG) {
    582                 mCurrentResult.setScreenshot(logFile.getUrl());
    583             }
    584         }
    585     }
    587     /**
    588      * {@inheritDoc}
    589      */
    590     @Override
    591     public void setLogSaver(ILogSaver saver) {
    592         // This is safe to be invoked on either the master or a shard ResultReporter
    593         mLogSaver = saver;
    594     }
    596     /**
    597      * When enabled, save log data using log saver
    598      */
    599     private void saveLog(File resultFile, File zippedResults) throws IOException {
    600         if (!mUseLogSaver) {
    601             return;
    602         }
    604         FileInputStream fis = null;
    605         LogFile logFile = null;
    606         try {
    607             fis = new FileInputStream(resultFile);
    608             logFile = mLogSaver.saveLogData("log-result", LogDataType.XML, fis);
    609             debug("Result XML URL: %s", logFile.getUrl());
    610         } catch (IOException ioe) {
    611             CLog.e("[%s] error saving XML with log saver", mDeviceSerial);
    612             CLog.e(ioe);
    613         } finally {
    614             StreamUtil.close(fis);
    615         }
    616         // Save the full results folder.
    617         if (zippedResults != null) {
    618             FileInputStream zipResultStream = null;
    619             try {
    620                 zipResultStream = new FileInputStream(zippedResults);
    621                 logFile = mLogSaver.saveLogData("results", LogDataType.ZIP, zipResultStream);
    622                 debug("Result zip URL: %s", logFile.getUrl());
    623             } finally {
    624                 StreamUtil.close(zipResultStream);
    625             }
    626         }
    627     }
    629     /**
    630      * Return the path in which log saver persists log files or null if
    631      * logSaver is not enabled.
    632      */
    633     private String getLogUrl() {
    634         if (!mUseLogSaver || mLogSaver == null) {
    635             return null;
    636         }
    638         return mLogSaver.getLogReportDir().getUrl();
    639     }
    641     @Override
    642     public IShardableListener clone() {
    643         ResultReporter clone = new ResultReporter(this);
    644         OptionCopier.copyOptionsNoThrow(this, clone);
    645         return clone;
    646     }
    648     /**
    649      * Return true if this instance is a shard ResultReporter and should propagate
    650      * certain events to the master.
    651      */
    652     private boolean isShardResultReporter() {
    653         return mMasterResultReporter != null;
    654     }
    656     /**
    657      * When enabled, upload the result to a server.
    658      */
    659     private void uploadResult(File resultFile) {
    660         if (mResultServer != null && !mResultServer.trim().isEmpty() && !mDisableResultPosting) {
    661             try {
    662                 debug("Result Server: %d", mUploader.uploadResult(resultFile, mReferenceUrl));
    663             } catch (IOException ioe) {
    664                 CLog.e("[%s] IOException while uploading result.", mDeviceSerial);
    665                 CLog.e(ioe);
    666             }
    667         }
    668     }
    670     /**
    671      * Returns whether it is safe to mark modules as "done", given the invocation command-line
    672      * arguments. Returns true unless this is a retry and specific filtering techniques are applied
    673      * on the command-line, such as:
    674      *   --retry-type failed
    675      *   --include-filter
    676      *   --exclude-filter
    677      *   -t/--test
    678      *   --subplan
    679      */
    680     private boolean canMarkDone(String args) {
    681         if (mRetrySessionId == null) {
    682             return true; // always allow modules to be marked done if not retry
    683         }
    684         return !(RetryType.FAILED.equals(mRetryType)
    685                 || RetryType.CUSTOM.equals(mRetryType)
    686                 || args.contains(CompatibilityTest.INCLUDE_FILTER_OPTION)
    687                 || args.contains(CompatibilityTest.EXCLUDE_FILTER_OPTION)
    688                 || args.contains(CompatibilityTest.SUBPLAN_OPTION)
    689                 || args.matches(String.format(".* (-%s|--%s) .*",
    690                 CompatibilityTest.TEST_OPTION_SHORT_NAME, CompatibilityTest.TEST_OPTION)));
    691     }
    693     /**
    694      * Copy the xml formatting files stored in this jar to the results directory
    695      *
    696      * @param resultsDir
    697      */
    698     static void copyFormattingFiles(File resultsDir, String suiteName) {
    699         for (String resultFileName : ResultHandler.RESULT_RESOURCES) {
    700             InputStream configStream = ResultHandler.class.getResourceAsStream(
    701                     String.format("/report/%s-%s", suiteName, resultFileName));
    702             if (configStream == null) {
    703                 // If suite specific files are not available, fallback to common.
    704                 configStream = ResultHandler.class.getResourceAsStream(
    705                     String.format("/report/%s", resultFileName));
    706             }
    707             if (configStream != null) {
    708                 File resultFile = new File(resultsDir, resultFileName);
    709                 try {
    710                     FileUtil.writeToFile(configStream, resultFile);
    711                 } catch (IOException e) {
    712                     warn("Failed to write %s to file", resultFileName);
    713                 }
    714             } else {
    715                 warn("Failed to load %s from jar", resultFileName);
    716             }
    717         }
    718     }
    720     /**
    721      * move the dynamic config files to the results directory
    722      *
    723      * @param configFiles
    724      * @param resultsDir
    725      */
    726     static void copyDynamicConfigFiles(Map<String, File> configFiles, File resultsDir) {
    727         if (configFiles.size() == 0) return;
    729         File folder = new File(resultsDir, "config");
    730         folder.mkdir();
    731         for (String moduleName : configFiles.keySet()) {
    732             File resultFile = new File(folder, moduleName+".dynamic");
    733             try {
    734                 FileUtil.copyFile(configFiles.get(moduleName), resultFile);
    735                 FileUtil.deleteFile(configFiles.get(moduleName));
    736             } catch (IOException e) {
    737                 warn("Failed to copy config file for %s to file", moduleName);
    738             }
    739         }
    740     }
    742     /**
    743      * Recursively copy any other files found in the previous session's result directory to the
    744      * new result directory, so long as they don't already exist. For example, a "screenshots"
    745      * directory generated in a previous session by a passing test will not be generated on retry
    746      * unless copied from the old result directory.
    747      *
    748      * @param oldDir
    749      * @param newDir
    750      */
    751     static void copyRetryFiles(File oldDir, File newDir) {
    752         File[] oldChildren = oldDir.listFiles();
    753         for (File oldChild : oldChildren) {
    754             if (NOT_RETRY_FILES.contains(oldChild.getName())) {
    755                 continue; // do not copy this file/directory or its children
    756             }
    757             File newChild = new File(newDir, oldChild.getName());
    758             if (!newChild.exists()) {
    759                 // If this old file or directory doesn't exist in new dir, simply copy it
    760                 try {
    761                     if (oldChild.isDirectory()) {
    762                         FileUtil.recursiveCopy(oldChild, newChild);
    763                     } else {
    764                         FileUtil.copyFile(oldChild, newChild);
    765                     }
    766                 } catch (IOException e) {
    767                     warn("Failed to copy file \"%s\" from previous session", oldChild.getName());
    768                 }
    769             } else if (oldChild.isDirectory() && newChild.isDirectory()) {
    770                 // If both children exist as directories, make sure the children of the old child
    771                 // directory exist in the new child directory.
    772                 copyRetryFiles(oldChild, newChild);
    773             }
    774         }
    775     }
    777     /**
    778      * Zip the contents of the given results directory.
    779      *
    780      * @param resultsDir
    781      */
    782     private static File zipResults(File resultsDir) {
    783         File zipResultFile = null;
    784         try {
    785             // create a file in parent directory, with same name as resultsDir
    786             zipResultFile = new File(resultsDir.getParent(), String.format("%s.zip",
    787                     resultsDir.getName()));
    788             ZipUtil.createZip(resultsDir, zipResultFile);
    789         } catch (IOException e) {
    790             warn("Failed to create zip for %s", resultsDir.getName());
    791         }
    792         return zipResultFile;
    793     }
    795     /**
    796      *  Log info to the console.
    797      */
    798     private static void info(String format, Object... args) {
    799         log(LogLevel.INFO, format, args);
    800     }
    802     /**
    803      *  Log debug to the console.
    804      */
    805     private static void debug(String format, Object... args) {
    806         log(LogLevel.DEBUG, format, args);
    807     }
    809     /**
    810      *  Log a warning to the console.
    811      */
    812     private static void warn(String format, Object... args) {
    813         log(LogLevel.WARN, format, args);
    814     }
    816     /**
    817      * Log a message to the console
    818      */
    819     private static void log(LogLevel level, String format, Object... args) {
    820         CLog.logAndDisplay(level, format, args);
    821     }
    823     /**
    824      * For testing purpose.
    825      */
    826     @VisibleForTesting
    827     public IInvocationResult getResult() {
    828         return mResult;
    829     }
    831     /**
    832      * Returns true if the reporter is finalized before the end of the timeout. False otherwise.
    833      */
    834     @VisibleForTesting
    835     public boolean waitForFinalized(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
    836         return mFinalized.await(timeout, unit);
    837     }
    838 }