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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.media.cts;
     19 import android.media.cts.R;
     21 import android.content.Context;
     22 import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
     23 import android.content.res.Resources;
     24 import android.media.MediaCodec;
     25 import android.media.MediaCodecInfo.VideoCapabilities;
     26 import android.media.MediaExtractor;
     27 import android.media.MediaFormat;
     28 import android.util.Log;
     29 import android.util.Pair;
     30 import android.view.Surface;
     32 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.DeviceReportLog;
     33 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.MediaPerfUtils;
     34 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.MediaUtils;
     35 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultType;
     36 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultUnit;
     38 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
     39 import java.util.Arrays;
     40 import java.util.LinkedList;
     42 public class VideoDecoderPerfTest extends MediaPlayerTestBase {
     43     private static final String TAG = "VideoDecoderPerfTest";
     44     private static final String REPORT_LOG_NAME = "CtsMediaTestCases";
     45     private static final int TOTAL_FRAMES = 30000;
     46     private static final int MIN_FRAMES = 3000;
     47     private static final int MAX_TIME_MS = 120000;  // 2 minutes
     48     private static final int MAX_TEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 300000;  // 5 minutes
     49     private static final int MIN_TEST_MS = 10000;  // 10 seconds
     50     private static final int NUMBER_OF_REPEATS = 2;
     52     private static final String AVC = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC;
     53     private static final String H263 = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263;
     54     private static final String HEVC = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC;
     55     private static final String MPEG2 = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG2;
     56     private static final String MPEG4 = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4;
     57     private static final String VP8 = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8;
     58     private static final String VP9 = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9;
     60     private static final boolean GOOG = true;
     61     private static final boolean OTHER = false;
     63     private static final int MAX_SIZE_SAMPLES_IN_MEMORY_BYTES = 12 << 20;  // 12MB
     64     // each sample contains the buffer and the PTS offset from the frame index
     65     LinkedList<Pair<ByteBuffer, Double>> mSamplesInMemory = new LinkedList<Pair<ByteBuffer, Double>>();
     66     private MediaFormat mDecInputFormat;
     67     private MediaFormat mDecOutputFormat;
     68     private int mBitrate;
     70     private Resources mResources;
     72     @Override
     73     protected void setUp() throws Exception {
     74         super.setUp();
     75         mResources = mContext.getResources();
     76     }
     78     @Override
     79     protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
     80         super.tearDown();
     81     }
     83     private void decode(String name, int resourceId, MediaFormat format) throws Exception {
     84         int width = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
     85         int height = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
     86         String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
     88         // Ensure we can finish this test within the test timeout. Allow 25% slack (4/5).
     89         long maxTimeMs = Math.min(
     90                 MAX_TEST_TIMEOUT_MS * 4 / 5 / NUMBER_OF_REPEATS, MAX_TIME_MS);
     91         double measuredFps[] = new double[NUMBER_OF_REPEATS];
     93         for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_REPEATS; ++i) {
     94             // Decode to Surface.
     95             Log.d(TAG, "round #" + i + ": " + name + " for " + maxTimeMs + " msecs to surface");
     96             Surface s = getActivity().getSurfaceHolder().getSurface();
     97             // only verify the result for decode to surface case.
     98             measuredFps[i] = doDecode(name, resourceId, width, height, s, i, maxTimeMs);
    100             // We don't test decoding to buffer.
    101             // Log.d(TAG, "round #" + i + " decode to buffer");
    102             // doDecode(name, video, width, height, null, i, maxTimeMs);
    103         }
    105         String error =
    106             MediaPerfUtils.verifyAchievableFrameRates(name, mime, width, height, measuredFps);
    107         assertNull(error, error);
    108         mSamplesInMemory.clear();
    109     }
    111     private double doDecode(
    112             String name, int video, int w, int h, Surface surface, int round, long maxTimeMs)
    113             throws Exception {
    114         AssetFileDescriptor testFd = mResources.openRawResourceFd(video);
    115         MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor();
    116         extractor.setDataSource(testFd.getFileDescriptor(), testFd.getStartOffset(),
    117                 testFd.getLength());
    118         extractor.selectTrack(0);
    119         int trackIndex = extractor.getSampleTrackIndex();
    120         MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(trackIndex);
    121         String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
    123         // use frame rate to calculate PTS offset used for PTS scaling
    124         double frameRate = 0.; // default - 0 is used for using zero PTS offset
    125         if (format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE)) {
    126             frameRate = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE);
    127         } else if (!mime.equals(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8)
    128                 && !mime.equals(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9)) {
    129             fail("need framerate info for video file");
    130         }
    132         ByteBuffer[] codecInputBuffers;
    133         ByteBuffer[] codecOutputBuffers;
    135         if (mSamplesInMemory.size() == 0) {
    136             int totalMemory = 0;
    137             ByteBuffer tmpBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(w * h * 3 / 2);
    138             int sampleSize = 0;
    139             int index = 0;
    140             long firstPTS = 0;
    141             double presentationOffset = 0.;
    142             while ((sampleSize = extractor.readSampleData(tmpBuf, 0 /* offset */)) > 0) {
    143                 if (totalMemory + sampleSize > MAX_SIZE_SAMPLES_IN_MEMORY_BYTES) {
    144                     break;
    145                 }
    146                 if (mSamplesInMemory.size() == 0) {
    147                     firstPTS = extractor.getSampleTime();
    148                 }
    149                 ByteBuffer copied = ByteBuffer.allocate(sampleSize);
    150                 copied.put(tmpBuf);
    151                 if (frameRate > 0.) {
    152                     // presentation offset is an offset from the frame index
    153                     presentationOffset =
    154                         (extractor.getSampleTime() - firstPTS) * frameRate / 1e6 - index;
    155                 }
    156                 mSamplesInMemory.addLast(Pair.create(copied, presentationOffset));
    157                 totalMemory += sampleSize;
    158                 ++index;
    159                 extractor.advance();
    160             }
    161             Log.d(TAG, mSamplesInMemory.size() + " samples in memory for " +
    162                     (totalMemory / 1024) + " KB.");
    163             // bitrate normalized to 30fps
    164             mBitrate = (int)Math.round(totalMemory * 30. * 8. / mSamplesInMemory.size());
    165         }
    166         format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, mBitrate);
    168         int sampleIndex = 0;
    170         extractor.release();
    171         testFd.close();
    173         MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(name);
    174         VideoCapabilities cap = codec.getCodecInfo().getCapabilitiesForType(mime).getVideoCapabilities();
    175         frameRate = cap.getSupportedFrameRatesFor(w, h).getUpper();
    176         codec.configure(format, surface, null /* crypto */, 0 /* flags */);
    177         codec.start();
    178         codecInputBuffers = codec.getInputBuffers();
    179         codecOutputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
    180         mDecInputFormat = codec.getInputFormat();
    182         // start decode loop
    183         MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
    185         final long kTimeOutUs = 1000; // 1ms timeout
    186         double[] frameTimeUsDiff = new double[TOTAL_FRAMES - 1];
    187         long lastOutputTimeUs = 0;
    188         boolean sawInputEOS = false;
    189         boolean sawOutputEOS = false;
    190         int inputNum = 0;
    191         int outputNum = 0;
    192         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    193         while (!sawOutputEOS) {
    194             // handle input
    195             if (!sawInputEOS) {
    196                 int inputBufIndex = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(kTimeOutUs);
    198                 if (inputBufIndex >= 0) {
    199                     ByteBuffer dstBuf = codecInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
    200                     // sample contains the buffer and the PTS offset normalized to frame index
    201                     Pair<ByteBuffer, Double> sample =
    202                             mSamplesInMemory.get(sampleIndex++ % mSamplesInMemory.size());
    203                     sample.first.rewind();
    204                     int sampleSize = sample.first.remaining();
    205                     dstBuf.put(sample.first);
    206                     // use max supported framerate to compute pts
    207                     long presentationTimeUs = (long)((inputNum + sample.second) * 1e6 / frameRate);
    209                     long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    210                     sawInputEOS = ((++inputNum == TOTAL_FRAMES)
    211                                    || (elapsed > maxTimeMs)
    212                                    || (elapsed > MIN_TEST_MS && outputNum > MIN_FRAMES));
    213                     if (sawInputEOS) {
    214                         Log.d(TAG, "saw input EOS (stop at sample).");
    215                     }
    216                     codec.queueInputBuffer(
    217                             inputBufIndex,
    218                             0 /* offset */,
    219                             sampleSize,
    220                             presentationTimeUs,
    221                             sawInputEOS ? MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM : 0);
    222                 } else {
    223                     assertEquals(
    224                             "codec.dequeueInputBuffer() unrecognized return value: " + inputBufIndex,
    225                             MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER, inputBufIndex);
    226                 }
    227             }
    229             // handle output
    230             int outputBufIndex = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, kTimeOutUs);
    232             if (outputBufIndex >= 0) {
    233                 if (info.size > 0) { // Disregard 0-sized buffers at the end.
    234                     long nowUs = (System.nanoTime() + 500) / 1000;
    235                     if (outputNum > 1) {
    236                         frameTimeUsDiff[outputNum - 1] = nowUs - lastOutputTimeUs;
    237                     }
    238                     lastOutputTimeUs = nowUs;
    239                     outputNum++;
    240                 }
    241                 codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufIndex, false /* render */);
    242                 if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
    243                     Log.d(TAG, "saw output EOS.");
    244                     sawOutputEOS = true;
    245                 }
    246             } else if (outputBufIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
    247                 codecOutputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
    248                 Log.d(TAG, "output buffers have changed.");
    249             } else if (outputBufIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
    250                 mDecOutputFormat = codec.getOutputFormat();
    251                 int width = mDecOutputFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
    252                 int height = mDecOutputFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
    253                 Log.d(TAG, "output resolution " + width + "x" + height);
    254             } else {
    255                 assertEquals(
    256                         "codec.dequeueOutputBuffer() unrecognized return index: "
    257                                 + outputBufIndex,
    258                         MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER, outputBufIndex);
    259             }
    260         }
    261         long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
    262         int validDataNum = outputNum - 1;
    263         frameTimeUsDiff = Arrays.copyOf(frameTimeUsDiff, validDataNum);
    264         codec.stop();
    265         codec.release();
    267         Log.d(TAG, "input num " + inputNum + " vs output num " + outputNum);
    269         DeviceReportLog log = new DeviceReportLog(REPORT_LOG_NAME, "video_decoder_performance");
    270         String message = MediaPerfUtils.addPerformanceHeadersToLog(
    271                 log, "decoder stats: decodeTo=" + ((surface == null) ? "buffer" : "surface"),
    272                 round, name, format, mDecInputFormat, mDecOutputFormat);
    273         log.addValue("video_res", video, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
    274         log.addValue("decode_to", surface == null ? "buffer" : "surface",
    275                 ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
    277         double fps = outputNum / ((finish - start) / 1000.0);
    278         log.addValue("average_fps", fps, ResultType.HIGHER_BETTER, ResultUnit.FPS);
    280         MediaUtils.Stats stats = new MediaUtils.Stats(frameTimeUsDiff);
    281         fps = MediaPerfUtils.addPerformanceStatsToLog(log, stats, message);
    282         log.submit(getInstrumentation());
    283         return fps;
    284     }
    286     private MediaFormat[] getVideoTrackFormats(int... resources) throws Exception {
    287         MediaFormat[] formats = new MediaFormat[resources.length];
    288         for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
    289             formats[i] = MediaUtils.getTrackFormatForResource(mContext, resources[i], "video/");
    290         }
    291         return formats;
    292     }
    294     private void count(int[] resources, int numGoog, int numOther) throws Exception {
    295         MediaFormat[] formats = getVideoTrackFormats(resources);
    296         MediaUtils.verifyNumCodecs(numGoog,  false /* isEncoder */, true /* isGoog */,  formats);
    297         MediaUtils.verifyNumCodecs(numOther, false /* isEncoder */, false /* isGoog */, formats);
    298     }
    300     private void perf(int[] resources, boolean isGoog, int ix)  throws Exception {
    301         MediaFormat[] formats = getVideoTrackFormats(resources);
    302         String[] decoders = MediaUtils.getDecoderNames(isGoog, formats);
    303         String kind = isGoog ? "Google" : "non-Google";
    304         if (decoders.length == 0) {
    305             MediaUtils.skipTest("No " + kind + " decoders for " + Arrays.toString(formats));
    306             return;
    307         } else if (ix >= decoders.length) {
    308             Log.i(TAG, "No more " + kind + " decoders for " + Arrays.toString(formats));
    309             return;
    310         }
    312         String decoderName = decoders[ix];
    314         // Decode/measure the first supported video resource
    315         for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
    316             if (MediaUtils.supports(decoderName, formats[i])) {
    317                 decode(decoderName, resources[i], formats[i]);
    318                 break;
    319             }
    320         }
    321     }
    323     // Poor man's Parametrized test as this test must still run on CTSv1 runner.
    325     // The count tests are to ensure this Cts test covers all decoders. Add further
    326     // tests and change the count if there can be more decoders.
    328     // AVC tests
    330     private static final int[] sAvcMedia0320x0240 = {
    331         R.raw.bbb_s1_320x240_mp4_h264_mp2_800kbps_30fps_aac_lc_5ch_240kbps_44100hz,
    332     };
    334     public void testAvcCount0320x0240() throws Exception { count(sAvcMedia0320x0240, 1, 4); }
    335     public void testAvcGoog0Perf0320x0240() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0320x0240, GOOG, 0); }
    336     public void testAvcOther0Perf0320x0240() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0320x0240, OTHER, 0); }
    337     public void testAvcOther1Perf0320x0240() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0320x0240, OTHER, 1); }
    338     public void testAvcOther2Perf0320x0240() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0320x0240, OTHER, 2); }
    339     public void testAvcOther3Perf0320x0240() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0320x0240, OTHER, 3); }
    341     private static final int[] sAvcMedia0720x0480 = {
    342         R.raw.bbb_s1_720x480_mp4_h264_mp3_2mbps_30fps_aac_lc_5ch_320kbps_48000hz,
    343     };
    345     public void testAvcCount0720x0480() throws Exception { count(sAvcMedia0720x0480, 1, 4); }
    346     public void testAvcGoog0Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0720x0480, GOOG, 0); }
    347     public void testAvcOther0Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 0); }
    348     public void testAvcOther1Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 1); }
    349     public void testAvcOther2Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 2); }
    350     public void testAvcOther3Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 3); }
    352     // prefer highest effective bitrate, then high profile
    353     private static final int[] sAvcMedia1280x0720 = {
    354         R.raw.bbb_s4_1280x720_mp4_h264_mp31_8mbps_30fps_aac_he_mono_40kbps_44100hz,
    355         R.raw.bbb_s3_1280x720_mp4_h264_hp32_8mbps_60fps_aac_he_v2_stereo_48kbps_48000hz,
    356         R.raw.bbb_s3_1280x720_mp4_h264_mp32_8mbps_60fps_aac_he_v2_6ch_144kbps_44100hz,
    357     };
    359     public void testAvcCount1280x0720() throws Exception { count(sAvcMedia1280x0720, 1, 4); }
    360     public void testAvcGoog0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1280x0720, GOOG, 0); }
    361     public void testAvcOther0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 0); }
    362     public void testAvcOther1Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 1); }
    363     public void testAvcOther2Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 2); }
    364     public void testAvcOther3Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 3); }
    366     // prefer highest effective bitrate, then high profile
    367     private static final int[] sAvcMedia1920x1080 = {
    368         R.raw.bbb_s4_1920x1080_wide_mp4_h264_hp4_20mbps_30fps_aac_lc_6ch_384kbps_44100hz,
    369         R.raw.bbb_s4_1920x1080_wide_mp4_h264_mp4_20mbps_30fps_aac_he_5ch_200kbps_44100hz,
    370         R.raw.bbb_s2_1920x1080_mp4_h264_hp42_20mbps_60fps_aac_lc_6ch_384kbps_48000hz,
    371         R.raw.bbb_s2_1920x1080_mp4_h264_mp42_20mbps_60fps_aac_he_v2_5ch_160kbps_48000hz,
    372     };
    374     public void testAvcCount1920x1080() throws Exception { count(sAvcMedia1920x1080, 1, 4); }
    375     public void testAvcGoog0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1920x1080, GOOG, 0); }
    376     public void testAvcOther0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 0); }
    377     public void testAvcOther1Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 1); }
    378     public void testAvcOther2Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 2); }
    379     public void testAvcOther3Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sAvcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 3); }
    381     // H263 tests
    383     private static final int[] sH263Media0176x0144 = {
    384         R.raw.video_176x144_3gp_h263_300kbps_12fps_aac_stereo_128kbps_22050hz,
    385     };
    387     public void testH263Count0176x0144() throws Exception { count(sH263Media0176x0144, 1, 2); }
    388     public void testH263Goog0Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sH263Media0176x0144, GOOG, 0); }
    389     public void testH263Other0Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sH263Media0176x0144, OTHER, 0); }
    390     public void testH263Other1Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sH263Media0176x0144, OTHER, 1); }
    392     private static final int[] sH263Media0352x0288 = {
    393         R.raw.video_352x288_3gp_h263_300kbps_12fps_aac_stereo_128kbps_22050hz,
    394     };
    396     public void testH263Count0352x0288() throws Exception { count(sH263Media0352x0288, 1, 2); }
    397     public void testH263Goog0Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sH263Media0352x0288, GOOG, 0); }
    398     public void testH263Other0Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sH263Media0352x0288, OTHER, 0); }
    399     public void testH263Other1Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sH263Media0352x0288, OTHER, 1); }
    401     // No media for H263 704x576
    403     // No media for H263 1408x1152
    405     // HEVC tests
    407     private static final int[] sHevcMedia0352x0288 = {
    408         R.raw.bbb_s1_352x288_mp4_hevc_mp2_600kbps_30fps_aac_he_stereo_96kbps_48000hz,
    409     };
    411     public void testHevcCount0352x0288() throws Exception { count(sHevcMedia0352x0288, 1, 4); }
    412     public void testHevcGoog0Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0352x0288, GOOG, 0); }
    413     public void testHevcOther0Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0352x0288, OTHER, 0); }
    414     public void testHevcOther1Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0352x0288, OTHER, 1); }
    415     public void testHevcOther2Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0352x0288, OTHER, 2); }
    416     public void testHevcOther3Perf0352x0288() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0352x0288, OTHER, 3); }
    418     private static final int[] sHevcMedia0640x0360 = {
    419         R.raw.bbb_s1_640x360_mp4_hevc_mp21_1600kbps_30fps_aac_he_6ch_288kbps_44100hz,
    420     };
    422     public void testHevcCount0640x0360() throws Exception { count(sHevcMedia0640x0360, 1, 4); }
    423     public void testHevcGoog0Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0640x0360, GOOG, 0); }
    424     public void testHevcOther0Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0640x0360, OTHER, 0); }
    425     public void testHevcOther1Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0640x0360, OTHER, 1); }
    426     public void testHevcOther2Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0640x0360, OTHER, 2); }
    427     public void testHevcOther3Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0640x0360, OTHER, 3); }
    429     private static final int[] sHevcMedia0720x0480 = {
    430         R.raw.bbb_s1_720x480_mp4_hevc_mp3_1600kbps_30fps_aac_he_6ch_240kbps_48000hz,
    431     };
    433     public void testHevcCount0720x0480() throws Exception { count(sHevcMedia0720x0480, 1, 4); }
    434     public void testHevcGoog0Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0720x0480, GOOG, 0); }
    435     public void testHevcOther0Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 0); }
    436     public void testHevcOther1Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 1); }
    437     public void testHevcOther2Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 2); }
    438     public void testHevcOther3Perf0720x0480() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia0720x0480, OTHER, 3); }
    440     private static final int[] sHevcMedia1280x0720 = {
    441         R.raw.bbb_s4_1280x720_mp4_hevc_mp31_4mbps_30fps_aac_he_stereo_80kbps_32000hz,
    442     };
    444     public void testHevcCount1280x0720() throws Exception { count(sHevcMedia1280x0720, 1, 4); }
    445     public void testHevcGoog0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1280x0720, GOOG, 0); }
    446     public void testHevcOther0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 0); }
    447     public void testHevcOther1Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 1); }
    448     public void testHevcOther2Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 2); }
    449     public void testHevcOther3Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1280x0720, OTHER, 3); }
    451     private static final int[] sHevcMedia1920x1080 = {
    452         R.raw.bbb_s2_1920x1080_mp4_hevc_mp41_10mbps_60fps_aac_lc_6ch_384kbps_22050hz,
    453     };
    455     public void testHevcCount1920x1080() throws Exception { count(sHevcMedia1920x1080, 1, 4); }
    456     public void testHevcGoog0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1920x1080, GOOG, 0); }
    457     public void testHevcOther0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 0); }
    458     public void testHevcOther1Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 1); }
    459     public void testHevcOther2Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 2); }
    460     public void testHevcOther3Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia1920x1080, OTHER, 3); }
    462     // prefer highest effective bitrate
    463     private static final int[] sHevcMedia3840x2160 = {
    464         R.raw.bbb_s4_3840x2160_mp4_hevc_mp5_20mbps_30fps_aac_lc_6ch_384kbps_24000hz,
    465         R.raw.bbb_s2_3840x2160_mp4_hevc_mp51_20mbps_60fps_aac_lc_6ch_384kbps_32000hz,
    466     };
    468     public void testHevcCount3840x2160() throws Exception { count(sHevcMedia3840x2160, 1, 4); }
    469     public void testHevcGoog0Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia3840x2160, GOOG, 0); }
    470     public void testHevcOther0Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia3840x2160, OTHER, 0); }
    471     public void testHevcOther1Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia3840x2160, OTHER, 1); }
    472     public void testHevcOther2Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia3840x2160, OTHER, 2); }
    473     public void testHevcOther3Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sHevcMedia3840x2160, OTHER, 3); }
    475     // MPEG2 tests
    477     // No media for MPEG2 176x144
    479     // No media for MPEG2 352x288
    481     // No media for MPEG2 640x480
    483     // No media for MPEG2 1280x720
    485     // No media for MPEG2 1920x1080
    487     // MPEG4 tests
    489     private static final int[] sMpeg4Media0176x0144 = {
    490         R.raw.video_176x144_mp4_mpeg4_300kbps_25fps_aac_stereo_128kbps_44100hz,
    491     };
    493     public void testMpeg4Count0176x0144() throws Exception { count(sMpeg4Media0176x0144, 1, 4); }
    494     public void testMpeg4Goog0Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0176x0144, GOOG, 0); }
    495     public void testMpeg4Other0Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0176x0144, OTHER, 0); }
    496     public void testMpeg4Other1Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0176x0144, OTHER, 1); }
    497     public void testMpeg4Other2Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0176x0144, OTHER, 2); }
    498     public void testMpeg4Other3Perf0176x0144() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0176x0144, OTHER, 3); }
    500     private static final int[] sMpeg4Media0480x0360 = {
    501         R.raw.video_480x360_mp4_mpeg4_860kbps_25fps_aac_stereo_128kbps_44100hz,
    502     };
    504     public void testMpeg4Count0480x0360() throws Exception { count(sMpeg4Media0480x0360, 1, 4); }
    505     public void testMpeg4Goog0Perf0480x0360() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0480x0360, GOOG, 0); }
    506     public void testMpeg4Other0Perf0480x0360() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0480x0360, OTHER, 0); }
    507     public void testMpeg4Other1Perf0480x0360() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0480x0360, OTHER, 1); }
    508     public void testMpeg4Other2Perf0480x0360() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0480x0360, OTHER, 2); }
    509     public void testMpeg4Other3Perf0480x0360() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media0480x0360, OTHER, 3); }
    511    // No media for MPEG4 640x480
    513     private static final int[] sMpeg4Media1280x0720 = {
    514         R.raw.video_1280x720_mp4_mpeg4_1000kbps_25fps_aac_stereo_128kbps_44100hz,
    515     };
    517     public void testMpeg4Count1280x0720() throws Exception { count(sMpeg4Media1280x0720, 1, 4); }
    518     public void testMpeg4Goog0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media1280x0720, GOOG, 0); }
    519     public void testMpeg4Other0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media1280x0720, OTHER, 0); }
    520     public void testMpeg4Other1Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media1280x0720, OTHER, 1); }
    521     public void testMpeg4Other2Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media1280x0720, OTHER, 2); }
    522     public void testMpeg4Other3Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sMpeg4Media1280x0720, OTHER, 3); }
    524     // VP8 tests
    526     private static final int[] sVp8Media0320x0180 = {
    527         R.raw.bbb_s1_320x180_webm_vp8_800kbps_30fps_opus_5ch_320kbps_48000hz,
    528     };
    530     public void testVp8Count0320x0180() throws Exception { count(sVp8Media0320x0180, 1, 2); }
    531     public void testVp8Goog0Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media0320x0180, GOOG, 0); }
    532     public void testVp8Other0Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media0320x0180, OTHER, 0); }
    533     public void testVp8Other1Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media0320x0180, OTHER, 1); }
    535     private static final int[] sVp8Media0640x0360 = {
    536         R.raw.bbb_s1_640x360_webm_vp8_2mbps_30fps_vorbis_5ch_320kbps_48000hz,
    537     };
    539     public void testVp8Count0640x0360() throws Exception { count(sVp8Media0640x0360, 1, 2); }
    540     public void testVp8Goog0Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media0640x0360, GOOG, 0); }
    541     public void testVp8Other0Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media0640x0360, OTHER, 0); }
    542     public void testVp8Other1Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media0640x0360, OTHER, 1); }
    544     // prefer highest effective bitrate
    545     private static final int[] sVp8Media1280x0720 = {
    546         R.raw.bbb_s4_1280x720_webm_vp8_8mbps_30fps_opus_mono_64kbps_48000hz,
    547         R.raw.bbb_s3_1280x720_webm_vp8_8mbps_60fps_opus_6ch_384kbps_48000hz,
    548     };
    550     public void testVp8Count1280x0720() throws Exception { count(sVp8Media1280x0720, 1, 2); }
    551     public void testVp8Goog0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media1280x0720, GOOG, 0); }
    552     public void testVp8Other0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media1280x0720, OTHER, 0); }
    553     public void testVp8Other1Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media1280x0720, OTHER, 1); }
    555     // prefer highest effective bitrate
    556     private static final int[] sVp8Media1920x1080 = {
    557         R.raw.bbb_s4_1920x1080_wide_webm_vp8_20mbps_30fps_vorbis_6ch_384kbps_44100hz,
    558         R.raw.bbb_s2_1920x1080_webm_vp8_20mbps_60fps_vorbis_6ch_384kbps_48000hz,
    559     };
    561     public void testVp8Count1920x1080() throws Exception { count(sVp8Media1920x1080, 1, 2); }
    562     public void testVp8Goog0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media1920x1080, GOOG, 0); }
    563     public void testVp8Other0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media1920x1080, OTHER, 0); }
    564     public void testVp8Other1Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp8Media1920x1080, OTHER, 1); }
    566     // VP9 tests
    568     private static final int[] sVp9Media0320x0180 = {
    569         R.raw.bbb_s1_320x180_webm_vp9_0p11_600kbps_30fps_vorbis_mono_64kbps_48000hz,
    570     };
    572     public void testVp9Count0320x0180() throws Exception { count(sVp9Media0320x0180, 1, 4); }
    573     public void testVp9Goog0Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0320x0180, GOOG, 0); }
    574     public void testVp9Other0Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0320x0180, OTHER, 0); }
    575     public void testVp9Other1Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0320x0180, OTHER, 1); }
    576     public void testVp9Other2Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0320x0180, OTHER, 2); }
    577     public void testVp9Other3Perf0320x0180() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0320x0180, OTHER, 3); }
    579     private static final int[] sVp9Media0640x0360 = {
    580         R.raw.bbb_s1_640x360_webm_vp9_0p21_1600kbps_30fps_vorbis_stereo_128kbps_48000hz,
    581     };
    583     public void testVp9Count0640x0360() throws Exception { count(sVp9Media0640x0360, 1, 4); }
    584     public void testVp9Goog0Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0640x0360, GOOG, 0); }
    585     public void testVp9Other0Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0640x0360, OTHER, 0); }
    586     public void testVp9Other1Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0640x0360, OTHER, 1); }
    587     public void testVp9Other2Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0640x0360, OTHER, 2); }
    588     public void testVp9Other3Perf0640x0360() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media0640x0360, OTHER, 3); }
    590     private static final int[] sVp9Media1280x0720 = {
    591         R.raw.bbb_s4_1280x720_webm_vp9_0p31_4mbps_30fps_opus_stereo_128kbps_48000hz,
    592     };
    594     public void testVp9Count1280x0720() throws Exception { count(sVp9Media1280x0720, 1, 4); }
    595     public void testVp9Goog0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1280x0720, GOOG, 0); }
    596     public void testVp9Other0Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1280x0720, OTHER, 0); }
    597     public void testVp9Other1Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1280x0720, OTHER, 1); }
    598     public void testVp9Other2Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1280x0720, OTHER, 2); }
    599     public void testVp9Other3Perf1280x0720() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1280x0720, OTHER, 3); }
    601     private static final int[] sVp9Media1920x1080 = {
    602         R.raw.bbb_s2_1920x1080_webm_vp9_0p41_10mbps_60fps_vorbis_6ch_384kbps_22050hz,
    603     };
    605     public void testVp9Count1920x1080() throws Exception { count(sVp9Media1920x1080, 1, 4); }
    606     public void testVp9Goog0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1920x1080, GOOG, 0); }
    607     public void testVp9Other0Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1920x1080, OTHER, 0); }
    608     public void testVp9Other1Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1920x1080, OTHER, 1); }
    609     public void testVp9Other2Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1920x1080, OTHER, 2); }
    610     public void testVp9Other3Perf1920x1080() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media1920x1080, OTHER, 3); }
    612     // prefer highest effective bitrate
    613     private static final int[] sVp9Media3840x2160 = {
    614         R.raw.bbb_s4_3840x2160_webm_vp9_0p5_20mbps_30fps_vorbis_6ch_384kbps_24000hz,
    615         R.raw.bbb_s2_3840x2160_webm_vp9_0p51_20mbps_60fps_vorbis_6ch_384kbps_32000hz,
    616     };
    618     public void testVp9Count3840x2160() throws Exception { count(sVp9Media3840x2160, 1, 4); }
    619     public void testVp9Goog0Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media3840x2160, GOOG, 0); }
    620     public void testVp9Other0Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media3840x2160, OTHER, 0); }
    621     public void testVp9Other1Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media3840x2160, OTHER, 1); }
    622     public void testVp9Other2Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media3840x2160, OTHER, 2); }
    623     public void testVp9Other3Perf3840x2160() throws Exception { perf(sVp9Media3840x2160, OTHER, 3); }
    624 }