1 <!-- 2 ~ Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project 3 ~ 4 ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 ~ 8 ~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 ~ 10 ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 ~ limitations under the License 15 --> 16 17 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 18 <string name="permlab_testGranted">Test Granted</string> 19 <string name="permdesc_testGranted">Used for running CTS tests, for testing operations 20 where we have the permission.</string> 21 <string name="permlab_testDynamic">Test Dynamic</string> 22 <string name="permdesc_testDynamic">Used for running CTS tests, for testing adding 23 dynamic permissions.</string> 24 <string name="permlab_testDenied">Test Denied</string> 25 <string name="permdesc_testDenied">Used for running CTS tests, for testing operations 26 where we do not have the permission.</string> 27 <string name="explain">1. click start. \n2. if above image shaked, then press pass button, 28 else press failed button.</string> 29 <string name="text_view_hello">Hello! Text view!</string> 30 <string name="text_view_hello_two_lines">Hello! \nText view!</string> 31 <string name="text_view_simple_hint">This is a hint.</string> 32 <string name="text_view_hint">This is a string for testing hint of textview.</string> 33 <string name="activity_forwarding">App/Forwarding</string> 34 <string name="forwarding">$$$</string> 35 <string name="go">Go</string> 36 <string name="back">Back</string> 37 <string name="forward_target"> 38 Press back button and notice we don\'t see the previous activity. 39 </string> 40 <string name="edit_text">testing</string> 41 <string name="text">DialogTest</string> 42 <string name="text_country">Country</string> 43 <string name="text_name">Name</string> 44 <string name="hello_world">Hello, World!</string> 45 <string name="hello_android">Hello, Android!</string> 46 <string name="alert_dialog_username">Name:</string> 47 <string name="alert_dialog_password">Password:</string> 48 <string name="alert_dialog_positive">Positive</string> 49 <string name="alert_dialog_negative">Negative</string> 50 <string name="alert_dialog_neutral">Neutral</string> 51 <string name="notify">Notify </string> 52 <string name="tabs_1">testing</string> 53 <string name="table_layout_first">first</string> 54 <string name="table_layout_second">second</string> 55 <string name="table_layout_third">third</string> 56 <string name="table_layout_long">Very long to make the string out of the screen</string> 57 <string name="chronometer_text">Test Chronometer</string> 58 <string name="am">AM</string> 59 <string name="pm">PM</string> 60 <string name="viewgroup_test">ViewGroup test</string> 61 <string name="viewanimator_test">ViewAnimator test</string> 62 <string name="id_ok">OK</string> 63 <string name="id_cancel">Cancel</string> 64 <string name="context_test_string1">This is %s string.</string> 65 <string name="context_test_string2">This is test string.</string> 66 <string name="animationutils_test_instructions">Choose different animations</string> 67 <string name="animationutils_test_alpha">Alpha animation</string> 68 <string name="animationutils_test_scale">Scale animation</string> 69 <string name="animationutils_test_rotate">Rotate animation</string> 70 <string name="animationutils_test_translate">Translate animation</string> 71 <string name="animationutils_test_set">Animation set</string> 72 <string name="animationutils_test_layout">Layout animation</string> 73 <string name="animationutils_test_gridlayout">Grid layout animation</string> 74 <string name="twolinelistitem_test_text1">text1</string> 75 <string name="twolinelistitem_test_text2">text2</string> 76 <string name="metadata_text">metadata text</string> 77 <string name="horizontal_text_1">horizontal 1</string> 78 <string name="horizontal_text_2">horizontal 2</string> 79 <string name="horizontal_text_3">horizontal 3</string> 80 <string name="vertical_text_1">vertical 1</string> 81 <string name="vertical_text_2">vertical 2</string> 82 <string name="vertical_text_3">vertical 3</string> 83 <string name="reference">here</string> 84 <string name="coerceIntegerToString">100</string> 85 <string name="coerceBooleanToString">true</string> 86 <string name="coerceColorToString">#fff</string> 87 <string name="coerceFloatToString">100.0</string> 88 <string name="coerceDimensionToString">100px</string> 89 <string name="coerceFractionToString">100<xliff:g id="percent">%</xliff:g></string> 90 <string name="formattedStringNone">Format[]</string> 91 <string name="formattedStringOne">Format[<xliff:g id="format">%d</xliff:g>]</string> 92 <string name="formattedStringTwo">Format[<xliff:g id="format">%3$d,%2$s</xliff:g>]</string> 93 <string name="checkboxpref_key">checkboxpref_key</string> 94 <string name="checkboxpref_title">title of preference</string> 95 <string name="checkboxpref_summary">summary of preference</string> 96 <string name="checkboxpref_summary_on">summary on of preference</string> 97 <string name="checkboxpref_summary_off">summary off of preference</string> 98 <string name="checkboxpref_depend">checkboxpref_depend</string> 99 <string name="checkboxpref_depend_title"> depend title of preference</string> 100 <string name="checkboxpref_depend_summary"> depend summary of preference</string> 101 <string name="edittextpref_key">edittextpref_key</string> 102 <string name="edittextpref_default_value">default value of preference</string> 103 <string name="edittextpref_title">title of edit text preference</string> 104 <string name="edittextpref_summary">summary of edit text preference</string> 105 <string name="edittextpref_dialog_title">dialog title of edit text preference</string> 106 <string name="edittextpref_text">text of edit text preference</string> 107 <string name="listpref_key">listpref_key</string> 108 <string name="listpref_title">title of list preference</string> 109 <string name="listpref_summary">summary of list preference</string> 110 <string name="listpref_dialogtitle">dialog title of list preference</string> 111 <string name="easy">Easy</string> 112 <string name="medium">Medium</string> 113 <string name="hard">Hard</string> 114 <string name="footer_view">Footer view</string> 115 <string name="header_view">Header view</string> 116 <string name="dialogpref_title">title of dialog preference </string> 117 <string name="dialogpref_dialog_title">dialog title of dialog preference </string> 118 <string name="dialogpref_key">dialogpref_key</string> 119 <string name="dialogpref_default_value">default value of dialog preference</string> 120 <string name="dialogpref_summary">summary of dialog preference</string> 121 <string name="dialogpref_message">message of dialog preference</string> 122 <string name="dialogpref_sure">Sure</string> 123 <string name="dialogpref_cancel">Cancel</string> 124 <string name="pref_key">pref_key</string> 125 <string name="pref_title">title of preference</string> 126 <string name="pref_summary">summary of preference</string> 127 <string name="pref_depend_key">pref_depend_key</string> 128 <string name="pref_depend_title"> depend title of preference</string> 129 <string name="pref_depend_summary"> depend summary of preference</string> 130 <string name="android_intent_action_preference">android.intent.action.PREFERENCE</string> 131 <string name="def_pref_key">def_pref_key</string> 132 <string name="def_pref_title">default preference</string> 133 <string name="def_pref_summary">This is default preference of cts</string> 134 <string name="relative_view1">view 1</string> 135 <string name="relative_view2">view 2</string> 136 <string name="relative_view3">view 3</string> 137 <string name="relative_view4">view 4</string> 138 <string name="relative_view5">view 5</string> 139 <string name="relative_view6">view 6</string> 140 <string name="relative_view7">view 7</string> 141 <string name="relative_view8">view 8</string> 142 <string name="relative_view9">view 9</string> 143 <string name="relative_view10">view 10</string> 144 <string name="relative_view11">view 11</string> 145 <string name="relative_view12">view 12</string> 146 <string name="relative_view13">view 13</string> 147 <string name="country">Country:</string> 148 <string name="symbol">Symbol:</string> 149 <string name="country_warning">No such country registered</string> 150 <string name="version_cur">base</string> 151 <string name="version_old">base</string> 152 <string name="version_v3">base</string> 153 <string name="authenticator_label">Android CTS</string> 154 <string name="search_label">Android CTS</string> 155 <string name="tag1">tag 1</string> 156 <string name="tag2">tag 2</string> 157 158 <string name="button">Button</string> 159 <string name="holo_test">Holo Test</string> 160 <string name="holo_generator">Holo Generator</string> 161 <string name="holo_light_test">Holo Light Test</string> 162 <string name="holo_light_generator">Holo Light Generator</string> 163 <string name="reference_image">Reference Image: </string> 164 <string name="generated_image">Generated Image: </string> 165 <string name="themes_prompt">Select a Theme:</string> 166 <string name="sample_text">Sample text goes here. I wanted something creative and whimsical 167 but then I just got bored...</string> 168 <string name="long_text">This is a really long string which exceeds the width of the view. 169 New devices have a much larger screen which actually enables long strings to be displayed 170 with no fading. I have made this string longer to fix this case. If you are correcting this 171 text, I would love to see the kind of devices you guys now use! Guys, maybe some devices need longer string! 172 I think so, so how about double this string, like copy and paste! 173 This is a really long string which exceeds the width of the view. 174 New devices have a much larger screen which actually enables long strings to be displayed 175 with no fading. I have made this string longer to fix this case. If you are correcting this 176 text, I would love to see the kind of devices you guys now use! Guys, maybe some devices need longer string! 177 I think so, so how about double this string, like copy and paste! </string> 178 <string name="rectangle200">"M 0,0 l 200,0 l 0, 200 l -200, 0 z"</string> 179 180 <!-- Label for this package --> 181 <string name="label">Contacts provider</string> 182 </resources> 183