1 $(call inherit-product, device/google/marlin/common/base.mk) 2 # For PRODUCT_COPY_FILES, the first instance takes precedence. 3 # Since we want use QC specific files, we should inherit 4 # device-vendor.mk first to make sure QC specific files gets installed. 5 $(call inherit-product-if-exists, $(QCPATH)/common/config/device-vendor.mk) 6 # already included in aosp/non-aosp mk files 7 #$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/core_64_bit.mk) 8 #$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk) 9 10 #ifndef PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER 11 #PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := QUALCOMM 12 #endif 13 # 14 PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ 15 ro.vendor.extension_library=libqti-perfd-client.so \ 16 persist.radio.apm_sim_not_pwdn=1 \ 17 persist.radio.sib16_support=1 \ 18 persist.radio.custom_ecc=1 19 20 #$(call inherit-product, frameworks/native/build/phone-xhdpi-1024-dalvik-heap.mk) 21 #$(call inherit-product, frameworks/base/data/fonts/fonts.mk) 22 #$(call inherit-product, frameworks/base/data/keyboards/keyboards.mk) 23