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      1 /** @file
      2   Header file for IDE Bus Driver, containing the helper functions'
      3   prototype.
      5   Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      6   This program and the accompanying materials
      7   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      8   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      9   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     14   @par Revision Reference:
     15   2002-6: Add Atapi6 enhancement, support >120GB hard disk, including
     16   Add - IDEBlkIoReadBlocksExt() func definition
     17   Add - IDEBlkIoWriteBlocksExt() func definition
     19 **/
     21 #ifndef _IDE_H_
     22 #define _IDE_H_
     24 //
     25 // Helper functions Prototype
     26 //
     27 /**
     28   read a one-byte data from a IDE port.
     30   @param  PciIo  The PCI IO protocol instance
     31   @param  Port   the IDE Port number
     33   return  the one-byte data read from IDE port
     34 **/
     35 UINT8
     36 IDEReadPortB (
     37   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
     38   IN  UINT16                Port
     39   );
     41 /**
     42   Reads multiple words of data from the IDE data port.
     43   Call the IO abstraction once to do the complete read,
     44   not one word at a time.
     46   @param  PciIo Pointer to the EFI_PCI_IO instance
     47   @param  Port IO port to read
     48   @param  Count No. of UINT16's to read
     49   @param  Buffer Pointer to the data buffer for read
     51 **/
     52 VOID
     53 IDEReadPortWMultiple (
     54   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
     55   IN  UINT16                Port,
     56   IN  UINTN                 Count,
     57   OUT  VOID                 *Buffer
     58   );
     60 /**
     61   write a 1-byte data to a specific IDE port.
     63   @param  PciIo  PCI IO protocol instance
     64   @param  Port   The IDE port to be writen
     65   @param  Data   The data to write to the port
     66 **/
     67 VOID
     68 IDEWritePortB (
     69   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
     70   IN  UINT16                Port,
     71   IN  UINT8                 Data
     72   );
     74 /**
     75   write a 1-word data to a specific IDE port.
     77   @param  PciIo  PCI IO protocol instance
     78   @param  Port   The IDE port to be writen
     79   @param  Data   The data to write to the port
     80 **/
     81 VOID
     82 IDEWritePortW (
     83   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
     84   IN  UINT16                Port,
     85   IN  UINT16                Data
     86   );
     88 /**
     89   Write multiple words of data to the IDE data port.
     90   Call the IO abstraction once to do the complete read,
     91   not one word at a time.
     93   @param  PciIo Pointer to the EFI_PCI_IO instance
     94   @param  Port IO port to read
     95   @param  Count No. of UINT16's to read
     96   @param  Buffer Pointer to the data buffer for read
     98 **/
     99 VOID
    100 IDEWritePortWMultiple (
    101   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
    102   IN  UINT16                Port,
    103   IN  UINTN                 Count,
    104   IN  VOID                  *Buffer
    105   );
    107 /**
    108   Get IDE IO port registers' base addresses by mode. In 'Compatibility' mode,
    109   use fixed addresses. In Native-PCI mode, get base addresses from BARs in
    110   the PCI IDE controller's Configuration Space.
    112   The steps to get IDE IO port registers' base addresses for each channel
    113   as follows:
    115   1. Examine the Programming Interface byte of the Class Code fields in PCI IDE
    116   controller's Configuration Space to determine the operating mode.
    118   2. a) In 'Compatibility' mode, use fixed addresses shown in the Table 1 below.
    119   <pre>
    120   ___________________________________________
    121   |           | Command Block | Control Block |
    122   |  Channel  |   Registers   |   Registers   |
    123   |___________|_______________|_______________|
    124   |  Primary  |  1F0h - 1F7h  |  3F6h - 3F7h  |
    125   |___________|_______________|_______________|
    126   | Secondary |  170h - 177h  |  376h - 377h  |
    127   |___________|_______________|_______________|
    129   Table 1. Compatibility resource mappings
    130   </pre>
    132   b) In Native-PCI mode, IDE registers are mapped into IO space using the BARs
    133   in IDE controller's PCI Configuration Space, shown in the Table 2 below.
    134   <pre>
    135   ___________________________________________________
    136   |           |   Command Block   |   Control Block   |
    137   |  Channel  |     Registers     |     Registers     |
    138   |___________|___________________|___________________|
    139   |  Primary  | BAR at offset 0x10| BAR at offset 0x14|
    140   |___________|___________________|___________________|
    141   | Secondary | BAR at offset 0x18| BAR at offset 0x1C|
    142   |___________|___________________|___________________|
    144   Table 2. BARs for Register Mapping
    145   </pre>
    146   @note Refer to Intel ICH4 datasheet, Control Block Offset: 03F4h for
    147   primary, 0374h for secondary. So 2 bytes extra offset should be
    148   added to the base addresses read from BARs.
    150   For more details, please refer to PCI IDE Controller Specification and Intel
    151   ICH4 Datasheet.
    153   @param  PciIo Pointer to the EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL instance
    154   @param  IdeRegsBaseAddr Pointer to IDE_REGISTERS_BASE_ADDR to
    155           receive IDE IO port registers' base addresses
    157   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED return this value when the BARs is not IO type
    158   @retval EFI_SUCCESS     Get the Base address successfully
    159   @retval other           read the pci configureation data error
    161 **/
    162 EFI_STATUS
    163 GetIdeRegistersBaseAddr (
    164   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL         *PciIo,
    165   OUT IDE_REGISTERS_BASE_ADDR     *IdeRegsBaseAddr
    166   );
    168 /**
    169   This function is used to requery IDE resources. The IDE controller will
    170   probably switch between native and legacy modes during the EFI->CSM->OS
    171   transfer. We do this everytime before an BlkIo operation to ensure its
    172   succeess.
    174   @param  IdeDev The BLK_IO private data which specifies the IDE device
    176   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER return this value when the channel is invalid
    177   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           reassign the IDE IO resource successfully
    178   @retval other                 get the IDE current base address effor
    180 **/
    181 EFI_STATUS
    182 ReassignIdeResources (
    183   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    184   );
    186 /**
    187   Detect if there is disk attached to this port.
    189   @param  IdeDev The BLK_IO private data which specifies the IDE device.
    191   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND   The device or channel is not found
    192   @retval EFI_SUCCESS     The device is found
    194 **/
    195 EFI_STATUS
    196 DiscoverIdeDevice (
    197   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV *IdeDev
    198   );
    200 /**
    201   This interface is used to initialize all state data related to the
    202   detection of one channel.
    204 **/
    205 VOID
    206 InitializeIDEChannelData (
    207   VOID
    208   );
    210 /**
    211   This function is used to poll for the DRQ bit clear in the Status
    212   Register. DRQ is cleared when the device is finished transferring data.
    213   So this function is called after data transfer is finished.
    215   @param IdeDev                 pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    216                                 to record all the information of the IDE device.
    217   @param TimeoutInMilliSeconds  used to designate the timeout for the DRQ clear.
    219   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           DRQ bit clear within the time out.
    221   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           DRQ bit not clear within the time out.
    223   @note
    224   Read Status Register will clear interrupt status.
    226 **/
    227 EFI_STATUS
    228 DRQClear (
    229   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    230   IN  UINTN           TimeoutInMilliSeconds
    231   );
    233 /**
    234   This function is used to poll for the DRQ bit clear in the Alternate
    235   Status Register. DRQ is cleared when the device is finished
    236   transferring data. So this function is called after data transfer
    237   is finished.
    239   @param IdeDev                pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    240                                to record all the information of the IDE device.
    242   @param TimeoutInMilliSeconds used to designate the timeout for the DRQ clear.
    244   @retval EFI_SUCCESS          DRQ bit clear within the time out.
    246   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT          DRQ bit not clear within the time out.
    247   @note
    248   Read Alternate Status Register will not clear interrupt status.
    250 **/
    251 EFI_STATUS
    252 DRQClear2 (
    253   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    254   IN  UINTN           TimeoutInMilliSeconds
    255   );
    257 /**
    258   This function is used to poll for the DRQ bit set in the
    259   Status Register.
    260   DRQ is set when the device is ready to transfer data. So this function
    261   is called after the command is sent to the device and before required
    262   data is transferred.
    264   @param IdeDev                pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure,used to
    265                                record all the information of the IDE device.
    266   @param TimeoutInMilliSeconds used to designate the timeout for the DRQ ready.
    268   @retval EFI_SUCCESS          DRQ bit set within the time out.
    269   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT          DRQ bit not set within the time out.
    270   @retval EFI_ABORTED          DRQ bit not set caused by the command abort.
    272   @note  Read Status Register will clear interrupt status.
    274 **/
    275 EFI_STATUS
    276 DRQReady (
    277   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    278   IN  UINTN           TimeoutInMilliSeconds
    279   );
    281 /**
    282   This function is used to poll for the DRQ bit set in the Alternate Status Register.
    283   DRQ is set when the device is ready to transfer data. So this function is called after
    284   the command is sent to the device and before required data is transferred.
    286   @param IdeDev                pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used to
    287                                record all the information of the IDE device.
    289   @param TimeoutInMilliSeconds used to designate the timeout for the DRQ ready.
    291   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           DRQ bit set within the time out.
    292   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           DRQ bit not set within the time out.
    293   @retval EFI_ABORTED           DRQ bit not set caused by the command abort.
    294   @note  Read Alternate Status Register will not clear interrupt status.
    296 **/
    297 EFI_STATUS
    298 DRQReady2 (
    299   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    300   IN  UINTN           TimeoutInMilliSeconds
    301   );
    303 /**
    304   This function is used to poll for the BSY bit clear in the Status Register. BSY
    305   is clear when the device is not busy. Every command must be sent after device is not busy.
    307   @param IdeDev                pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    308                                to record all the information of the IDE device.
    309   @param TimeoutInMilliSeconds used to designate the timeout for the DRQ ready.
    311   @retval EFI_SUCCESS          BSY bit clear within the time out.
    312   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT          BSY bit not clear within the time out.
    314   @note Read Status Register will clear interrupt status.
    315 **/
    316 EFI_STATUS
    317 WaitForBSYClear (
    318   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    319   IN  UINTN           TimeoutInMilliSeconds
    320   );
    322 /**
    323   This function is used to poll for the BSY bit clear in the Alternate Status Register.
    324   BSY is clear when the device is not busy. Every command must be sent after device is
    325   not busy.
    327   @param IdeDev               pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used to record
    328                               all the information of the IDE device.
    329   @param TimeoutInMilliSeconds used to designate the timeout for the DRQ ready.
    331   @retval EFI_SUCCESS         BSY bit clear within the time out.
    332   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT         BSY bit not clear within the time out.
    333   @note   Read Alternate Status Register will not clear interrupt status.
    335 **/
    336 EFI_STATUS
    337 WaitForBSYClear2 (
    338   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    339   IN  UINTN           TimeoutInMilliSeconds
    340   );
    342 /**
    343   This function is used to poll for the DRDY bit set in the Status Register. DRDY
    344   bit is set when the device is ready to accept command. Most ATA commands must be
    345   sent after DRDY set except the ATAPI Packet Command.
    347   @param IdeDev               pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    348                               to record all the information of the IDE device.
    349   @param DelayInMilliSeconds  used to designate the timeout for the DRQ ready.
    351   @retval EFI_SUCCESS         DRDY bit set within the time out.
    352   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT         DRDY bit not set within the time out.
    354   @note  Read Status Register will clear interrupt status.
    355 **/
    356 EFI_STATUS
    357 DRDYReady (
    358   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    359   IN  UINTN           DelayInMilliSeconds
    360   );
    362 /**
    363   This function is used to poll for the DRDY bit set in the Alternate Status Register.
    364   DRDY bit is set when the device is ready to accept command. Most ATA commands must
    365   be sent after DRDY set except the ATAPI Packet Command.
    367   @param IdeDev              pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    368                              to record all the information of the IDE device.
    369   @param DelayInMilliSeconds used to designate the timeout for the DRQ ready.
    371   @retval EFI_SUCCESS      DRDY bit set within the time out.
    372   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT      DRDY bit not set within the time out.
    374   @note  Read Alternate Status Register will clear interrupt status.
    376 **/
    377 EFI_STATUS
    378 DRDYReady2 (
    379   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    380   IN  UINTN           DelayInMilliSeconds
    381   );
    383 //
    384 //  ATA device functions' prototype
    385 //
    386 /**
    387   Sends out an ATA Identify Command to the specified device.
    389   This function is called by DiscoverIdeDevice() during its device
    390   identification. It sends out the ATA Identify Command to the
    391   specified device. Only ATA device responses to this command. If
    392   the command succeeds, it returns the Identify data structure which
    393   contains information about the device. This function extracts the
    394   information it needs to fill the IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure,
    395   including device type, media block size, media capacity, and etc.
    397   @param IdeDev  pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure,used to record
    398                  all the information of the IDE device.
    400   @retval EFI_SUCCESS      Identify ATA device successfully.
    401   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR ATA Identify Device Command failed or device is not ATA device.
    402   @note  parameter IdeDev will be updated in this function.
    404 **/
    405 EFI_STATUS
    406 ATAIdentify (
    407   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    408   );
    410 /**
    411   This function is called by ATAIdentify() or ATAPIIdentify() to print device's module name.
    413   @param  IdeDev   pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used to record
    414                    all the information of the IDE device.
    415 **/
    416 VOID
    417 PrintAtaModuleName (
    418   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    419   );
    420 /**
    421   This function is used to send out ATA commands conforms to the PIO Data In Protocol.
    423   @param IdeDev       pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used to record
    424                       all the information of the IDE device.
    425   @param Buffer       buffer contained data transferred from device to host.
    426   @param ByteCount    data size in byte unit of the buffer.
    427   @param AtaCommand   value of the Command Register
    428   @param Head         value of the Head/Device Register
    429   @param SectorCount  value of the Sector Count Register
    430   @param SectorNumber value of the Sector Number Register
    431   @param CylinderLsb  value of the low byte of the Cylinder Register
    432   @param CylinderMsb  value of the high byte of the Cylinder Register
    434   @retval EFI_SUCCESS      send out the ATA command and device send required data successfully.
    435   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR command sent failed.
    437 **/
    438 EFI_STATUS
    439 AtaPioDataIn (
    440   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    441   IN  VOID            *Buffer,
    442   IN  UINT32          ByteCount,
    443   IN  UINT8           AtaCommand,
    444   IN  UINT8           Head,
    445   IN  UINT8           SectorCount,
    446   IN  UINT8           SectorNumber,
    447   IN  UINT8           CylinderLsb,
    448   IN  UINT8           CylinderMsb
    449   );
    451 /**
    452   This function is used to send out ATA commands conforms to the
    453   PIO Data Out Protocol.
    455   @param IdeDev       pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    456                       to record all the information of the IDE device.
    457   @param *Buffer      buffer contained data transferred from host to device.
    458   @param ByteCount    data size in byte unit of the buffer.
    459   @param AtaCommand   value of the Command Register
    460   @param Head         value of the Head/Device Register
    461   @param SectorCount  value of the Sector Count Register
    462   @param SectorNumber value of the Sector Number Register
    463   @param CylinderLsb  value of the low byte of the Cylinder Register
    464   @param CylinderMsb  value of the high byte of the Cylinder Register
    466   @retval EFI_SUCCESS      send out the ATA command and device received required
    467                            data successfully.
    468   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR command sent failed.
    470 **/
    471 EFI_STATUS
    472 AtaPioDataOut (
    473   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    474   IN  VOID            *Buffer,
    475   IN  UINT32          ByteCount,
    476   IN  UINT8           AtaCommand,
    477   IN  UINT8           Head,
    478   IN  UINT8           SectorCount,
    479   IN  UINT8           SectorNumber,
    480   IN  UINT8           CylinderLsb,
    481   IN  UINT8           CylinderMsb
    482   );
    484 /**
    485   This function is used to analyze the Status Register and print out
    486   some debug information and if there is ERR bit set in the Status
    487   Register, the Error Register's value is also be parsed and print out.
    489   @param IdeDev  pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used to
    490                  record all the information of the IDE device.
    492   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       No err information in the Status Register.
    493   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR  Any err information in the Status Register.
    495 **/
    496 EFI_STATUS
    497 CheckErrorStatus (
    498   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    499   );
    501 /**
    502   This function is used to implement the Soft Reset on the specified device. But,
    503   the ATA Soft Reset mechanism is so strong a reset method that it will force
    504   resetting on both devices connected to the same cable.
    506   It is called by IdeBlkIoReset(), a interface function of Block
    507   I/O protocol.
    509   This function can also be used by the ATAPI device to perform reset when
    510   ATAPI Reset command is failed.
    512   @param IdeDev  pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used to record
    513                  all the information of the IDE device.
    514   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       Soft reset completes successfully.
    515   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR  Any step during the reset process is failed.
    517   @note  The registers initial values after ATA soft reset are different
    518          to the ATA device and ATAPI device.
    519 **/
    520 EFI_STATUS
    521 AtaSoftReset (
    522   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    523   );
    525 /**
    526   This function is the ATA implementation for ReadBlocks in the
    527   Block I/O Protocol interface.
    529   @param IdeBlkIoDevice Indicates the calling context.
    530   @param MediaId        The media id that the read request is for.
    531   @param Lba            The starting logical block address to read from on the device.
    532   @param BufferSize     The size of the Buffer in bytes. This must be a  multiple
    533                         of the intrinsic block size of the device.
    535   @param Buffer         A pointer to the destination buffer for the data. The caller
    536                         is responsible for either having implicit or explicit ownership
    537                         of the memory that data is read into.
    539   @retval EFI_SUCCESS          Read Blocks successfully.
    540   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR     Read Blocks failed.
    541   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA         There is no media in the device.
    542   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGE     The MediaId is not for the current media.
    543   @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE  The BufferSize parameter is not a multiple of the
    544                                intrinsic block size of the device.
    545   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The read request contains LBAs that are not valid,
    546                                  or the data buffer is not valid.
    548   @note If Read Block error because of device error, this function will call
    549         AtaSoftReset() function to reset device.
    551 **/
    552 EFI_STATUS
    553 AtaBlkIoReadBlocks (
    554   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV   *IdeBlkIoDevice,
    555   IN UINT32           MediaId,
    556   IN EFI_LBA          Lba,
    557   IN UINTN            BufferSize,
    558   OUT VOID            *Buffer
    559   );
    561 /**
    562   This function is the ATA implementation for WriteBlocks in the
    563   Block I/O Protocol interface.
    565   @param IdeBlkIoDevice  Indicates the calling context.
    566   @param MediaId         The media id that the write request is for.
    567   @param Lba             The starting logical block address to write onto the device.
    568   @param BufferSize      The size of the Buffer in bytes. This must be a multiple
    569                          of the intrinsic block size of the device.
    570   @param Buffer          A pointer to the source buffer for the data.The caller
    571                          is responsible for either having implicit or explicit
    572                          ownership of the memory that data is written from.
    574   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       Write Blocks successfully.
    575   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR  Write Blocks failed.
    576   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA      There is no media in the device.
    577   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGE  The MediaId is not for the current media.
    579   @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   The BufferSize parameter is not a multiple of the
    580                                 intrinsic block size of the device.
    581   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The write request contains LBAs that are not valid,
    582                                 or the data buffer is not valid.
    584   @note If Write Block error because of device error, this function will call
    585         AtaSoftReset() function to reset device.
    586 **/
    587 EFI_STATUS
    588 AtaBlkIoWriteBlocks (
    589   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV   *IdeBlkIoDevice,
    590   IN UINT32           MediaId,
    591   IN EFI_LBA          Lba,
    592   IN UINTN            BufferSize,
    593   OUT VOID            *Buffer
    594   );
    596 /**
    597   This function is called by DiscoverIdeDevice() during its device
    598   identification.
    599   Its main purpose is to get enough information for the device media
    600   to fill in the Media data structure of the Block I/O Protocol interface.
    602   There are 5 steps to reach such objective:
    603   1. Sends out the ATAPI Identify Command to the specified device.
    604   Only ATAPI device responses to this command. If the command succeeds,
    605   it returns the Identify data structure which filled with information
    606   about the device. Since the ATAPI device contains removable media,
    607   the only meaningful information is the device module name.
    608   2. Sends out ATAPI Inquiry Packet Command to the specified device.
    609   This command will return inquiry data of the device, which contains
    610   the device type information.
    611   3. Allocate sense data space for future use. We don't detect the media
    612   presence here to improvement boot performance, especially when CD
    613   media is present. The media detection will be performed just before
    614   each BLK_IO read/write
    616   @param IdeDev pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    617                  to record all the information of the IDE device.
    619   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       Identify ATAPI device successfully.
    620   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR  ATAPI Identify Device Command failed or device type
    621                             is not supported by this IDE driver.
    622   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Allocate memory for sense data failed
    624   @note   Parameter "IdeDev" will be updated in this function.
    625 **/
    626 EFI_STATUS
    627 ATAPIIdentify (
    628   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    629   );
    631 /**
    632   This function is used to implement the Soft Reset on the specified
    633   ATAPI device. Different from the AtaSoftReset(), here reset is a ATA
    634   Soft Reset Command special for ATAPI device, and it only take effects
    635   on the specified ATAPI device, not on the whole IDE bus.
    636   Since the ATAPI soft reset is needed when device is in exceptional
    637   condition (such as BSY bit is always set ), I think the Soft Reset
    638   command should be sent without waiting for the BSY clear and DRDY
    639   set.
    640   This function is called by IdeBlkIoReset(),
    641   a interface function of Block I/O protocol.
    643   @param IdeDev    pointer pointing to IDE_BLK_IO_DEV data structure, used
    644                    to record all the information of the IDE device.
    646   @retval EFI_SUCCESS      Soft reset completes successfully.
    647   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Any step during the reset process is failed.
    649 **/
    650 EFI_STATUS
    651 AtapiSoftReset (
    652   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    653   );
    655 /**
    656   This function is the ATAPI implementation for ReadBlocks in the
    657   Block I/O Protocol interface.
    659   @param IdeBlkIoDevice Indicates the calling context.
    660   @param MediaId        The media id that the read request is for.
    661   @param Lba            The starting logical block address to read from on the device.
    662   @param BufferSize     The size of the Buffer in bytes. This must be a multiple
    663                         of the intrinsic block size of the device.
    664   @param Buffer         A pointer to the destination buffer for the data. The caller
    665                         is responsible for either having implicit or explicit
    666                         ownership of the memory that data is read into.
    668   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Read Blocks successfully.
    669   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Read Blocks failed.
    670   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA          There is no media in the device.
    671   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED     The MediaId is not for the current media.
    672   @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   The BufferSize parameter is not a multiple of the
    673                                 intrinsic block size of the device.
    674   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The read request contains LBAs that are not valid,
    675                                 or the data buffer is not valid.
    676 **/
    677 EFI_STATUS
    678 AtapiBlkIoReadBlocks (
    679   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV   *IdeBlkIoDevice,
    680   IN UINT32           MediaId,
    681   IN EFI_LBA          Lba,
    682   IN UINTN            BufferSize,
    683   OUT VOID            *Buffer
    684   );
    686 /**
    687   This function is the ATAPI implementation for WriteBlocks in the
    688   Block I/O Protocol interface.
    690   @param IdeBlkIoDevice  Indicates the calling context.
    691   @param MediaId         The media id that the write request is for.
    692   @param Lba             The starting logical block address to write onto the device.
    693   @param BufferSize      The size of the Buffer in bytes. This must be a multiple
    694                          of the intrinsic block size of the device.
    695   @param Buffer          A pointer to the source buffer for the data. The caller
    696                          is responsible for either having implicit or explicit ownership
    697                          of the memory that data is written from.
    699   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Write Blocks successfully.
    700   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       Write Blocks failed.
    701   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA           There is no media in the device.
    702   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGE       The MediaId is not for the current media.
    703   @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE    The BufferSize parameter is not a multiple of the
    704                                  intrinsic block size of the device.
    705   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The write request contains LBAs that are not valid,
    706                                  or the data buffer is not valid.
    708   @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED    The write protected is enabled or the media does not support write
    709 **/
    710 EFI_STATUS
    711 AtapiBlkIoWriteBlocks (
    712   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV   *IdeBlkIoDevice,
    713   IN UINT32           MediaId,
    714   IN EFI_LBA          Lba,
    715   IN UINTN            BufferSize,
    716   OUT VOID            *Buffer
    717   );
    719 /**
    720   Release resources of an IDE device before stopping it.
    722   @param IdeBlkIoDevice  Standard IDE device private data structure
    724 **/
    725 VOID
    726 ReleaseIdeResources (
    727   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeBlkIoDevice
    728   );
    730 /**
    731   Set the calculated Best transfer mode to a detected device
    733   @param IdeDev       Standard IDE device private data structure
    734   @param TransferMode The device transfer mode to be set
    735   @return Set transfer mode Command execute status.
    736 **/
    737 EFI_STATUS
    738 SetDeviceTransferMode (
    739   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV       *IdeDev,
    740   IN ATA_TRANSFER_MODE    *TransferMode
    741   );
    742 /**
    743   Send ATA command into device with NON_DATA protocol.
    745   @param  IdeDev Standard IDE device private data structure
    746   @param  AtaCommand The ATA command to be sent
    747   @param  Device The value in Device register
    748   @param  Feature The value in Feature register
    749   @param  SectorCount The value in SectorCount register
    750   @param  LbaLow The value in LBA_LOW register
    751   @param  LbaMiddle The value in LBA_MIDDLE register
    752   @param  LbaHigh The value in LBA_HIGH register
    754   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS Reading succeed
    755   @retval  EFI_ABORTED Command failed
    756   @retval  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Device status error.
    758 **/
    759 EFI_STATUS
    760 AtaNonDataCommandIn (
    761   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    762   IN  UINT8           AtaCommand,
    763   IN  UINT8           Device,
    764   IN  UINT8           Feature,
    765   IN  UINT8           SectorCount,
    766   IN  UINT8           LbaLow,
    767   IN  UINT8           LbaMiddle,
    768   IN  UINT8           LbaHigh
    769   );
    771 /**
    772   Send ATA Ext command into device with NON_DATA protocol.
    774   @param  IdeDev Standard IDE device private data structure
    775   @param  AtaCommand The ATA command to be sent
    776   @param  Device The value in Device register
    777   @param  Feature The value in Feature register
    778   @param  SectorCount The value in SectorCount register
    779   @param  LbaAddress The Lba address in 48-bit mode
    781   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS Reading succeed
    782   @retval  EFI_ABORTED Command failed
    783   @retval  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Device status error.
    785 **/
    786 EFI_STATUS
    787 AtaNonDataCommandInExt (
    788   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev,
    789   IN  UINT8           AtaCommand,
    790   IN  UINT8           Device,
    791   IN  UINT16          Feature,
    792   IN  UINT16          SectorCount,
    793   IN  EFI_LBA         LbaAddress
    794   );
    795 /**
    796   Enable Long Physical Sector Feature for ATA device.
    798   @param   IdeDev  The IDE device data
    800   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS      The ATA device supports Long Physical Sector feature
    801                             and corresponding fields in BlockIo structure is updated.
    802   @retval  EFI_UNSUPPORTED  The device is not ATA device or Long Physical Sector
    803                             feature is not supported.
    804 **/
    805 EFI_STATUS
    806 AtaEnableLongPhysicalSector (
    807   IN  IDE_BLK_IO_DEV  *IdeDev
    808   );
    810 /**
    811   Set drive parameters for devices not support PACKETS command.
    813   @param IdeDev          Standard IDE device private data structure
    814   @param DriveParameters The device parameters to be set into the disk
    815   @return SetParameters Command execute status.
    817 **/
    818 EFI_STATUS
    819 SetDriveParameters (
    820   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV       *IdeDev,
    821   IN ATA_DRIVE_PARMS      *DriveParameters
    822   );
    824 /**
    825   Enable Interrupt on IDE controller.
    827   @param  IdeDev   Standard IDE device private data structure
    829   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS Enable Interrupt successfully
    830 **/
    831 EFI_STATUS
    832 EnableInterrupt (
    833   IN IDE_BLK_IO_DEV       *IdeDev
    834   );
    835 #endif