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      1 /** @file
      2 Private functions used by PCD DXE driver.
      4 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      5 This program and the accompanying materials
      6 are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      7 which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      8 http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     13 **/
     15 #ifndef _PCD_DXE_SERVICE_H_
     16 #define _PCD_DXE_SERVICE_H_
     18 #include <PiDxe.h>
     19 #include <Guid/PcdDataBaseHobGuid.h>
     20 #include <Guid/PcdDataBaseSignatureGuid.h>
     21 #include <Protocol/Pcd.h>
     22 #include <Protocol/PiPcd.h>
     23 #include <Protocol/PcdInfo.h>
     24 #include <Protocol/PiPcdInfo.h>
     25 #include <Protocol/VarCheck.h>
     26 #include <Protocol/VariableLock.h>
     27 #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
     28 #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
     29 #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
     30 #include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>
     31 #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
     32 #include <Library/HobLib.h>
     33 #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
     34 #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
     35 #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
     36 #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
     38 //
     39 // Please make sure the PCD Serivce DXE Version is consistent with
     40 // the version of the generated DXE PCD Database by build tool.
     41 //
     42 #define PCD_SERVICE_DXE_VERSION      5
     44 //
     45 // PCD_DXE_SERVICE_DRIVER_VERSION is defined in Autogen.h.
     46 //
     48   #error "Please make sure the version of PCD DXE Service and the generated PCD DXE Database match."
     49 #endif
     51 /**
     52   Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token in the default token space.
     54   This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible
     55   human readable name that is associated with the token.
     57   @param[in]    TokenNumber The PCD token number.
     58   @param[out]   PcdInfo     The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber.
     59                             The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName.
     61   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS      The PCD information was returned successfully.
     62   @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND    The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
     63 **/
     64 EFI_STATUS
     65 EFIAPI
     66 DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfo (
     67   IN        UINTN           TokenNumber,
     68   OUT       EFI_PCD_INFO    *PcdInfo
     69   );
     71 /**
     72   Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token.
     74   This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible
     75   human readable name that is associated with the token.
     77   @param[in]    Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
     78   @param[in]    TokenNumber The PCD token number.
     79   @param[out]   PcdInfo     The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber.
     80                             The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName.
     82   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS      The PCD information was returned successfully.
     83   @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND    The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
     84 **/
     85 EFI_STATUS
     86 EFIAPI
     87 DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfoEx (
     88   IN CONST  EFI_GUID        *Guid,
     89   IN        UINTN           TokenNumber,
     90   OUT       EFI_PCD_INFO    *PcdInfo
     91   );
     93 /**
     94   Retrieve the currently set SKU Id.
     96   @return   The currently set SKU Id. If the platform has not set at a SKU Id, then the
     97             default SKU Id value of 0 is returned. If the platform has set a SKU Id, then the currently set SKU
     98             Id is returned.
     99 **/
    100 UINTN
    101 EFIAPI
    102 DxeGetPcdInfoGetSku (
    103   VOID
    104   );
    106 //
    107 // Protocol Interface function declaration.
    108 //
    109 /**
    110   Sets the SKU value for subsequent calls to set or get PCD token values.
    112   SetSku() sets the SKU Id to be used for subsequent calls to set or get PCD values.
    113   SetSku() is normally called only once by the system.
    115   For each item (token), the database can hold a single value that applies to all SKUs,
    116   or multiple values, where each value is associated with a specific SKU Id. Items with multiple,
    117   SKU-specific values are called SKU enabled.
    119   The SKU Id of zero is reserved as a default. The valid SkuId range is 1 to 255.
    120   For tokens that are not SKU enabled, the system ignores any set SKU Id and works with the
    121   single value for that token. For SKU-enabled tokens, the system will use the SKU Id set by the
    122   last call to SetSku(). If no SKU Id is set or the currently set SKU Id isn't valid for the specified token,
    123   the system uses the default SKU Id. If the system attempts to use the default SKU Id and no value has been
    124   set for that Id, the results are unpredictable.
    126   @param[in]  SkuId The SKU value that will be used when the PCD service will retrieve and
    127               set values associated with a PCD token.
    129 **/
    130 VOID
    131 EFIAPI
    132 DxePcdSetSku (
    133   IN  UINTN                  SkuId
    134   );
    136 /**
    137   Retrieves an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.
    139   Retrieves the current byte-sized value for a PCD token number.
    140   If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
    142   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    144   @return The UINT8 value.
    146 **/
    147 UINT8
    148 EFIAPI
    149 DxePcdGet8 (
    150   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    151   );
    153 /**
    154   Retrieves an 16-bit value for a given PCD token.
    156   Retrieves the current 16-bits value for a PCD token number.
    157   If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
    159   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    161   @return The UINT16 value.
    163 **/
    164 UINT16
    165 EFIAPI
    166 DxePcdGet16 (
    167   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    168   );
    170 /**
    171   Retrieves an 32-bit value for a given PCD token.
    173   Retrieves the current 32-bits value for a PCD token number.
    174   If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
    176   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    178   @return The UINT32 value.
    180 **/
    181 UINT32
    182 EFIAPI
    183 DxePcdGet32 (
    184   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    185   );
    187 /**
    188   Retrieves an 64-bit value for a given PCD token.
    190   Retrieves the current 64-bits value for a PCD token number.
    191   If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
    193   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    195   @return The UINT64 value.
    197 **/
    198 UINT64
    199 EFIAPI
    200 DxePcdGet64 (
    201   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    202   );
    204 /**
    205   Retrieves a pointer to a value for a given PCD token.
    207   Retrieves the current pointer to the buffer for a PCD token number.
    208   Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that
    209   is returned by this function call.  If the TokenNumber is invalid,
    210   the results are unpredictable.
    212   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    214   @return The pointer to the buffer to be retrieved.
    216 **/
    217 VOID *
    218 EFIAPI
    219 DxePcdGetPtr (
    220   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    221   );
    223 /**
    224   Retrieves a Boolean value for a given PCD token.
    226   Retrieves the current boolean value for a PCD token number.
    227   Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that
    228   is returned by this function call.  If the TokenNumber is invalid,
    229   the results are unpredictable.
    231   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    233   @return The Boolean value.
    235 **/
    236 BOOLEAN
    237 EFIAPI
    238 DxePcdGetBool (
    239   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    240   );
    242 /**
    243   Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token.
    245   Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token.
    246   If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
    248   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    250   @return The size of the value for the PCD token.
    252 **/
    253 UINTN
    254 EFIAPI
    255 DxePcdGetSize (
    256   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    257   );
    259 /**
    260   Retrieves an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.
    262   Retrieves the 8-bit value of a particular PCD token.
    263   If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
    264   specified by Guid does not exist, the results are
    265   unpredictable.
    267   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    268   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    270   @return The size 8-bit value for the PCD token.
    272 **/
    273 UINT8
    274 EFIAPI
    275 DxePcdGet8Ex (
    276   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    277   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    278   );
    280 /**
    281   Retrieves an 16-bit value for a given PCD token.
    283   Retrieves the 16-bit value of a particular PCD token.
    284   If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
    285   specified by Guid does not exist, the results are
    286   unpredictable.
    288   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    289   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    291   @return The size 16-bit value for the PCD token.
    293 **/
    294 UINT16
    295 EFIAPI
    296 DxePcdGet16Ex (
    297   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    298   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    299   );
    301 /**
    302   Retrieves an 32-bit value for a given PCD token.
    304   Retrieves the 32-bit value of a particular PCD token.
    305   If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
    306   specified by Guid does not exist, the results are
    307   unpredictable.
    309   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    310   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    312   @return The size 32-bit value for the PCD token.
    314 **/
    315 UINT32
    316 EFIAPI
    317 DxePcdGet32Ex (
    318   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    319   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    320   );
    322 /**
    323   Retrieves an 64-bit value for a given PCD token.
    325   Retrieves the 64-bit value of a particular PCD token.
    326   If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
    327   specified by Guid does not exist, the results are
    328   unpredictable.
    330   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    331   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    333   @return The size 64-bit value for the PCD token.
    335 **/
    336 UINT64
    337 EFIAPI
    338 DxePcdGet64Ex (
    339   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    340   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    341   );
    343 /**
    344   Retrieves a pointer to a value for a given PCD token.
    346   Retrieves the current pointer to the buffer for a PCD token number.
    347   Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that
    348   is returned by this function call.  If the TokenNumber is invalid,
    349   the results are unpredictable.
    351   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    352   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    354   @return The pointer to the buffer to be retrieved.
    356 **/
    357 VOID *
    358 EFIAPI
    359 DxePcdGetPtrEx (
    360   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    361   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    362   );
    364 /**
    365   Retrieves an Boolean value for a given PCD token.
    367   Retrieves the Boolean value of a particular PCD token.
    368   If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space
    369   specified by Guid does not exist, the results are
    370   unpredictable.
    372   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    373   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    375   @return The size Boolean value for the PCD token.
    377 **/
    378 BOOLEAN
    379 EFIAPI
    380 DxePcdGetBoolEx (
    381   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    382   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    383   );
    385 /**
    386   Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token.
    388   Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token.
    389   If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.
    391   @param[in]  Guid The token space for the token number.
    392   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    394   @return The size of the value for the PCD token.
    396 **/
    397 UINTN
    398 EFIAPI
    399 DxePcdGetSizeEx (
    400   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    401   IN UINTN             TokenNumber
    402   );
    404 /**
    405   Sets an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.
    407   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    408   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    409   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    411   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    412   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    414   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    415   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    416                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    417                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    418   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    420 **/
    421 EFI_STATUS
    422 EFIAPI
    423 DxePcdSet8 (
    424   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    425   IN UINT8             Value
    426   );
    428 /**
    429   Sets an 16-bit value for a given PCD token.
    431   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    432   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    433   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    435   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    436   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    438   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    439   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    440                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    441                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    442   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    444 **/
    445 EFI_STATUS
    446 EFIAPI
    447 DxePcdSet16 (
    448   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    449   IN UINT16             Value
    450   );
    452 /**
    453   Sets an 32-bit value for a given PCD token.
    455   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    456   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    457   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    459   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    460   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    462   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    463   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    464                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    465                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    466   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    468 **/
    469 EFI_STATUS
    470 EFIAPI
    471 DxePcdSet32 (
    472   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    473   IN UINT32             Value
    474   );
    476 /**
    477   Sets an 64-bit value for a given PCD token.
    479   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    480   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    481   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    483   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    484   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    486   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    487   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    488                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    489                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    490   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    492 **/
    493 EFI_STATUS
    494 EFIAPI
    495 DxePcdSet64 (
    496   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    497   IN UINT64            Value
    498   );
    501 /**
    502   Sets a value of a specified size for a given PCD token.
    504   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    505   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    506   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    508   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    509   @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer A pointer to the length of the value being set for the PCD token.
    510                               On input, if the SizeOfValue is greater than the maximum size supported
    511                               for this TokenNumber then the output value of SizeOfValue will reflect
    512                               the maximum size supported for this TokenNumber.
    513   @param[in]  Buffer The buffer to set for the PCD token.
    515   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    516   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    517                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    518                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    519   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    521 **/
    522 EFI_STATUS
    523 EFIAPI
    524 DxePcdSetPtr (
    525   IN        UINTN             TokenNumber,
    526   IN OUT    UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
    527   IN        VOID              *Buffer
    528   );
    530 /**
    531   Sets an Boolean value for a given PCD token.
    533   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    534   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    535   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    537   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    538   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    540   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    541   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    542                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    543                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    544   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    546 **/
    547 EFI_STATUS
    548 EFIAPI
    549 DxePcdSetBool (
    550   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    551   IN BOOLEAN           Value
    552   );
    555 /**
    556   Sets an 8-bit value for a given PCD token.
    558   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    559   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    560   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    562   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    563   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    564   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    566   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    567   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    568                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    569                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    570   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    572 **/
    573 EFI_STATUS
    574 EFIAPI
    575 DxePcdSet8Ex (
    576   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    577   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    578   IN UINT8             Value
    579   );
    581 /**
    582   Sets an 16-bit value for a given PCD token.
    584   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    585   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    586   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    588   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    589   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    590   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    592   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    593   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    594                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    595                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    596   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    598 **/
    599 EFI_STATUS
    600 EFIAPI
    601 DxePcdSet16Ex (
    602   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    603   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    604   IN UINT16            Value
    605   );
    607 /**
    608   Sets an 32-bit value for a given PCD token.
    610   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    611   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    612   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    614   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    615   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    616   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    618   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    619   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    620                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    621                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    622   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    624 **/
    625 EFI_STATUS
    626 EFIAPI
    627 DxePcdSet32Ex (
    628   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    629   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    630   IN UINT32             Value
    631   );
    633 /**
    634   Sets an 64-bit value for a given PCD token.
    636   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    637   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    638   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    640   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    641   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    642   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    644   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    645   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    646                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    647                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    648   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    650 **/
    651 EFI_STATUS
    652 EFIAPI
    653 DxePcdSet64Ex (
    654   IN CONST EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    655   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    656   IN UINT64            Value
    657   );
    659 /**
    660   Sets a value of a specified size for a given PCD token.
    662   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    663   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    664   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    666   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    667   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    668   @param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer A pointer to the length of the value being set for the PCD token.
    669                               On input, if the SizeOfValue is greater than the maximum size supported
    670                               for this TokenNumber then the output value of SizeOfValue will reflect
    671                               the maximum size supported for this TokenNumber.
    672   @param[in]  Buffer The buffer to set for the PCD token.
    674   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    675   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    676                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    677                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    678   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    680 **/
    681 EFI_STATUS
    682 EFIAPI
    683 DxePcdSetPtrEx (
    684   IN        CONST EFI_GUID    *Guid,
    685   IN        UINTN             TokenNumber,
    686   IN OUT    UINTN             *SizeOfBuffer,
    687   IN        VOID              *Buffer
    688   );
    690 /**
    691   Sets an Boolean value for a given PCD token.
    693   When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the
    694   size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition.
    695   If it is not, an error will be returned.
    697   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    698   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    699   @param[in]  Value The value to set for the PCD token.
    701   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Procedure returned successfully.
    702   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data
    703                                   being set was incompatible with a call to this function.
    704                                   Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data.
    705   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    707 **/
    708 EFI_STATUS
    709 EFIAPI
    710 DxePcdSetBoolEx (
    711   IN CONST EFI_GUID    *Guid,
    712   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    713   IN BOOLEAN           Value
    714   );
    716 /**
    717   Specifies a function to be called anytime the value of a designated token is changed.
    719   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    720   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    721   @param[in]  CallBackFunction The function prototype called when the value associated with the CallBackToken is set.
    723   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The PCD service has successfully established a call event
    724                         for the CallBackToken requested.
    725   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the referenced token number.
    727 **/
    728 EFI_STATUS
    729 EFIAPI
    730 DxeRegisterCallBackOnSet (
    731   IN  CONST EFI_GUID          *Guid, OPTIONAL
    732   IN  UINTN                   TokenNumber,
    733   IN  PCD_PROTOCOL_CALLBACK   CallBackFunction
    734   );
    736 /**
    737   Cancels a previously set callback function for a particular PCD token number.
    739   @param[in]  Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    740   @param[in]  TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    741   @param[in]  CallBackFunction The function prototype called when the value associated with the CallBackToken is set.
    743   @retval EFI_SUCCESS  The PCD service has successfully established a call event
    744                         for the CallBackToken requested.
    745   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the referenced token number.
    747 **/
    748 EFI_STATUS
    749 EFIAPI
    750 DxeUnRegisterCallBackOnSet (
    751   IN  CONST EFI_GUID          *Guid, OPTIONAL
    752   IN  UINTN                   TokenNumber,
    753   IN  PCD_PROTOCOL_CALLBACK   CallBackFunction
    754   );
    756 /**
    757   Retrieves the next valid token number in a given namespace.
    759   This is useful since the PCD infrastructure contains a sparse list of token numbers,
    760   and one cannot a priori know what token numbers are valid in the database.
    762   If TokenNumber is 0 and Guid is not NULL, then the first token from the token space specified by Guid is returned.
    763   If TokenNumber is not 0 and Guid is not NULL, then the next token in the token space specified by Guid is returned.
    764   If TokenNumber is 0 and Guid is NULL, then the first token in the default token space is returned.
    765   If TokenNumber is not 0 and Guid is NULL, then the next token in the default token space is returned.
    766   The token numbers in the default token space may not be related to token numbers in token spaces that are named by Guid.
    767   If the next token number can be retrieved, then it is returned in TokenNumber, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
    768   If TokenNumber represents the last token number in the token space specified by Guid, then EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.
    769   If TokenNumber is not present in the token space specified by Guid, then EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.
    772   @param[in]      Guid    The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to retrieve the next token.
    773                           This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.  If this parameter is NULL, then a request is
    774                           being made to retrieve tokens from the default token space.
    775   @param[in, out] TokenNumber
    776                           A pointer to the PCD token number to use to find the subsequent token number.
    778   @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The PCD service retrieved the next valid token number. Or the input token number
    779                         is already the last valid token number in the PCD database.
    780                         In the later case, *TokenNumber is updated with the value of 0.
    781   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND If this input token number and token namespace does not exist on the platform.
    783 **/
    784 EFI_STATUS
    785 EFIAPI
    786 DxePcdGetNextToken (
    787   IN CONST EFI_GUID               *Guid, OPTIONAL
    788   IN OUT   UINTN                  *TokenNumber
    789   );
    791 /**
    792   Get next token space in PCD database according to given token space guid.
    794   @param Guid            Given token space guid. If NULL, then Guid will be set to
    795                          the first PCD token space in PCD database, If not NULL, then
    796                          Guid will be set to next PCD token space.
    798   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND   If PCD database has no token space table or can not find given
    799                           token space in PCD database.
    800   @retval EFI_SUCCESS     Success to get next token space guid.
    801 **/
    802 EFI_STATUS
    803 EFIAPI
    804 DxePcdGetNextTokenSpace (
    805   IN OUT CONST EFI_GUID               **Guid
    806   );
    808 typedef struct {
    809   LIST_ENTRY              Node;
    810   PCD_PROTOCOL_CALLBACK   CallbackFn;
    813 #define CR_FNENTRY_FROM_LISTNODE(Record, Type, Field) BASE_CR(Record, Type, Field)
    815 //
    816 // Internal Functions
    817 //
    819 /**
    820   Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token.
    822   This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible
    823   human readable name that is associated with the token.
    825   @param[in]    Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
    826   @param[in]    TokenNumber The PCD token number.
    827   @param[out]   PcdInfo     The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber.
    828                             The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName.
    830   @retval  EFI_SUCCESS      The PCD information was returned successfully
    831   @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND    The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
    832 **/
    833 EFI_STATUS
    834 DxeGetPcdInfo (
    835   IN CONST  EFI_GUID        *Guid,
    836   IN        UINTN           TokenNumber,
    837   OUT       EFI_PCD_INFO    *PcdInfo
    838   );
    840 /**
    841   Wrapper function for setting non-pointer type value for a PCD entry.
    843   @param TokenNumber     Pcd token number autogenerated by build tools.
    844   @param Data            Value want to be set for PCD entry
    845   @param Size            Size of value.
    847   @return status of SetWorker.
    849 **/
    850 EFI_STATUS
    851 SetValueWorker (
    852   IN UINTN                   TokenNumber,
    853   IN VOID                    *Data,
    854   IN UINTN                   Size
    855   );
    857 /**
    858   Set value for an PCD entry
    860   @param TokenNumber     Pcd token number autogenerated by build tools.
    861   @param Data            Value want to be set for PCD entry
    862   @param Size            Size of value.
    863   @param PtrType         If TRUE, the type of PCD entry's value is Pointer.
    864                          If False, the type of PCD entry's value is not Pointer.
    866   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If this PCD type is VPD, VPD PCD can not be set.
    867   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If Size can not be set to size table.
    868   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If Size of non-Ptr type PCD does not match the size information in PCD database.
    869   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          If value type of PCD entry is intergrate, but not in
    870                                  range of UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64
    871   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          Can not find the PCD type according to token number.
    872 **/
    873 EFI_STATUS
    874 SetWorker (
    875   IN          UINTN                     TokenNumber,
    876   IN          VOID                      *Data,
    877   IN OUT      UINTN                     *Size,
    878   IN          BOOLEAN                   PtrType
    879   );
    881 /**
    882   Wrapper function for set PCD value for non-Pointer type dynamic-ex PCD.
    884   @param ExTokenNumber   Token number for dynamic-ex PCD.
    885   @param Guid            Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD.
    886   @param Data            Value want to be set.
    887   @param SetSize         The size of value.
    889   @return status of ExSetWorker().
    891 **/
    892 EFI_STATUS
    893 ExSetValueWorker (
    894   IN          UINTN                ExTokenNumber,
    895   IN          CONST EFI_GUID       *Guid,
    896   IN          VOID                 *Data,
    897   IN          UINTN                SetSize
    898   );
    900 /**
    901   Set value for a dynamic PCD entry.
    903   This routine find the local token number according to dynamic-ex PCD's token
    904   space guid and token number firstly, and invoke callback function if this PCD
    905   entry registered callback function. Finally, invoken general SetWorker to set
    906   PCD value.
    908   @param ExTokenNumber   Dynamic-ex PCD token number.
    909   @param Guid            Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD.
    910   @param Data            PCD value want to be set
    911   @param SetSize         Size of value.
    912   @param PtrType         If TRUE, this PCD entry is pointer type.
    913                          If FALSE, this PCD entry is not pointer type.
    915   @return status of SetWorker().
    917 **/
    918 EFI_STATUS
    919 ExSetWorker (
    920   IN      UINTN                ExTokenNumber,
    921   IN      CONST EFI_GUID       *Guid,
    922   IN      VOID                 *Data,
    923   IN OUT  UINTN                *Size,
    924   IN      BOOLEAN              PtrType
    925   );
    927 /**
    928   Get the PCD entry pointer in PCD database.
    930   This routine will visit PCD database to find the PCD entry according to given
    931   token number. The given token number is autogened by build tools and it will be
    932   translated to local token number. Local token number contains PCD's type and
    933   offset of PCD entry in PCD database.
    935   @param TokenNumber     Token's number, it is autogened by build tools
    936   @param GetSize         The size of token's value
    938   @return PCD entry pointer in PCD database
    940 **/
    941 VOID *
    942 GetWorker (
    943   IN UINTN             TokenNumber,
    944   IN UINTN             GetSize
    945   );
    947 /**
    948   Wrapper function for get PCD value for dynamic-ex PCD.
    950   @param Guid            Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD.
    951   @param ExTokenNumber   Token number for dynamic-ex PCD.
    952   @param GetSize         The size of dynamic-ex PCD value.
    954   @return PCD entry in PCD database.
    956 **/
    957 VOID *
    958 ExGetWorker (
    959   IN CONST EFI_GUID         *Guid,
    960   IN UINTN                  ExTokenNumber,
    961   IN UINTN                  GetSize
    962   );
    964 /**
    965   Find the local token number according to system SKU ID.
    967   @param LocalTokenNumber PCD token number
    968   @param Size             The size of PCD entry.
    969   @param IsPeiDb          If TRUE, the PCD entry is initialized in PEI phase.
    970                           If False, the PCD entry is initialized in DXE phase.
    972   @return Token number according to system SKU ID.
    974 **/
    975 UINT32
    976 GetSkuEnabledTokenNumber (
    977   UINT32 LocalTokenNumber,
    978   UINTN  Size,
    979   BOOLEAN IsPeiDb
    980   );
    982 /**
    983   Get Variable which contains HII type PCD entry.
    985   @param VariableGuid    Variable's guid
    986   @param VariableName    Variable's unicode name string
    987   @param VariableData    Variable's data pointer,
    988   @param VariableSize    Variable's size.
    990   @return the status of gRT->GetVariable
    991 **/
    992 EFI_STATUS
    993 GetHiiVariable (
    994   IN  EFI_GUID      *VariableGuid,
    995   IN  UINT16        *VariableName,
    996   OUT UINT8          **VariableData,
    997   OUT UINTN         *VariableSize
    998   );
   1000 /**
   1001   Set value for HII-type PCD.
   1003   A HII-type PCD's value is stored in a variable. Setting/Getting the value of
   1004   HII-type PCD is to visit this variable.
   1006   @param VariableGuid    Guid of variable which stored value of a HII-type PCD.
   1007   @param VariableName    Unicode name of variable which stored value of a HII-type PCD.
   1008   @param SetAttributes   Attributes bitmask to set for the variable.
   1009   @param Data            Value want to be set.
   1010   @param DataSize        Size of value
   1011   @param Offset          Value offset of HII-type PCD in variable.
   1013   @return status of GetVariable()/SetVariable().
   1015 **/
   1016 EFI_STATUS
   1017 SetHiiVariable (
   1018   IN  EFI_GUID     *VariableGuid,
   1019   IN  UINT16       *VariableName,
   1020   IN  UINT32       SetAttributes,
   1021   IN  CONST VOID   *Data,
   1022   IN  UINTN        DataSize,
   1023   IN  UINTN        Offset
   1024   );
   1026 /**
   1027   Register the callback function for a PCD entry.
   1029   This routine will register a callback function to a PCD entry by given token number
   1030   and token space guid.
   1032   @param TokenNumber        PCD token's number, it is autogened by build tools.
   1033   @param Guid               PCD token space's guid,
   1034                             if not NULL, this PCD is dynamicEx type PCD.
   1035   @param CallBackFunction   Callback function pointer
   1037   @return EFI_SUCCESS Always success for registering callback function.
   1039 **/
   1040 EFI_STATUS
   1041 DxeRegisterCallBackWorker (
   1042   IN  UINTN                   TokenNumber,
   1043   IN  CONST EFI_GUID          *Guid, OPTIONAL
   1044   IN  PCD_PROTOCOL_CALLBACK   CallBackFunction
   1045   );
   1047 /**
   1048   UnRegister the callback function for a PCD entry.
   1050   This routine will unregister a callback function to a PCD entry by given token number
   1051   and token space guid.
   1053   @param TokenNumber        PCD token's number, it is autogened by build tools.
   1054   @param Guid               PCD token space's guid.
   1055                             if not NULL, this PCD is dynamicEx type PCD.
   1056   @param CallBackFunction   Callback function pointer
   1058   @retval EFI_SUCCESS               Callback function is success to be unregister.
   1059   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     Can not find the PCD entry by given token number.
   1060 **/
   1061 EFI_STATUS
   1062 DxeUnRegisterCallBackWorker (
   1063   IN  UINTN                   TokenNumber,
   1064   IN  CONST EFI_GUID          *Guid, OPTIONAL
   1065   IN  PCD_PROTOCOL_CALLBACK   CallBackFunction
   1066   );
   1068 /**
   1069   Initialize the PCD database in DXE phase.
   1071   PCD database in DXE phase also contains PCD database in PEI phase which is copied
   1072   from GUID Hob.
   1074 **/
   1075 VOID
   1076 BuildPcdDxeDataBase (
   1077   VOID
   1078   );
   1080 /**
   1081   Get Token Number according to dynamic-ex PCD's {token space guid:token number}
   1083   A dynamic-ex type PCD, developer must provide pair of token space guid: token number
   1084   in DEC file. PCD database maintain a mapping table that translate pair of {token
   1085   space guid: token number} to Token Number.
   1087   @param Guid            Token space guid for dynamic-ex PCD entry.
   1088   @param ExTokenNumber   Dynamic-ex PCD token number.
   1090   @return Token Number for dynamic-ex PCD.
   1092 **/
   1093 UINTN
   1094 GetExPcdTokenNumber (
   1095   IN CONST EFI_GUID             *Guid,
   1096   IN UINT32                     ExTokenNumber
   1097   );
   1099 /**
   1100   Get next token number in given token space.
   1102   This routine is used for dynamicEx type PCD. It will firstly scan token space
   1103   table to get token space according to given token space guid. Then scan given
   1104   token number in found token space, if found, then return next token number in
   1105   this token space.
   1107   @param Guid            Token space guid. Next token number will be scaned in
   1108                          this token space.
   1109   @param TokenNumber     Token number.
   1110                          If PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER, return first token number in
   1111                          token space table.
   1112                          If not PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER, return next token number
   1113                          in token space table.
   1114   @param GuidTable       Token space guid table. It will be used for scan token space
   1115                          by given token space guid.
   1116   @param SizeOfGuidTable The size of guid table.
   1117   @param ExMapTable      DynamicEx token number mapping table.
   1118   @param SizeOfExMapTable The size of dynamicEx token number mapping table.
   1120   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND  Can not given token space or token number.
   1121   @retval EFI_SUCCESS    Success to get next token number.
   1123 **/
   1124 EFI_STATUS
   1125 ExGetNextTokeNumber (
   1126   IN      CONST EFI_GUID    *Guid,
   1127   IN OUT  UINTN             *TokenNumber,
   1128   IN      EFI_GUID          *GuidTable,
   1129   IN      UINTN             SizeOfGuidTable,
   1130   IN      DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *ExMapTable,
   1131   IN      UINTN             SizeOfExMapTable
   1132   );
   1134 /**
   1135   Get size of POINTER type PCD value.
   1137   @param LocalTokenNumberTableIdx Index of local token number in local token number table.
   1138   @param MaxSize                  Maximum size of POINTER type PCD value.
   1140   @return size of POINTER type PCD value.
   1142 **/
   1143 UINTN
   1144 GetPtrTypeSize (
   1145   IN    UINTN             LocalTokenNumberTableIdx,
   1146   OUT   UINTN             *MaxSize
   1147   );
   1149 /**
   1150   Set size of POINTER type PCD value. The size should not exceed the maximum size
   1151   of this PCD value.
   1153   @param LocalTokenNumberTableIdx Index of local token number in local token number table.
   1154   @param CurrentSize              Size of POINTER type PCD value.
   1156   @retval TRUE  Success to set size of PCD value.
   1157   @retval FALSE Fail to set size of PCD value.
   1158 **/
   1159 BOOLEAN
   1160 SetPtrTypeSize (
   1161   IN          UINTN             LocalTokenNumberTableIdx,
   1162   IN    OUT   UINTN             *CurrentSize
   1163   );
   1165 /**
   1166   VariableLockProtocol callback
   1167   to lock the variables referenced by DynamicHii PCDs with RO property set in *.dsc.
   1169   @param[in] Event      Event whose notification function is being invoked.
   1170   @param[in] Context    Pointer to the notification function's context.
   1172 **/
   1173 VOID
   1174 EFIAPI
   1175 VariableLockCallBack (
   1176   IN EFI_EVENT          Event,
   1177   IN VOID               *Context
   1178   );
   1180 extern  PCD_DATABASE   mPcdDatabase;
   1182 extern  UINT32         mPcdTotalTokenCount;
   1183 extern  UINT32         mPeiLocalTokenCount;
   1184 extern  UINT32         mDxeLocalTokenCount;
   1185 extern  UINT32         mPeiNexTokenCount;
   1186 extern  UINT32         mDxeNexTokenCount;
   1187 extern  UINT32         mPeiExMapppingTableSize;
   1188 extern  UINT32         mDxeExMapppingTableSize;
   1189 extern  UINT32         mPeiGuidTableSize;
   1190 extern  UINT32         mDxeGuidTableSize;
   1192 extern  BOOLEAN        mPeiExMapTableEmpty;
   1193 extern  BOOLEAN        mDxeExMapTableEmpty;
   1194 extern  BOOLEAN        mPeiDatabaseEmpty;
   1196 extern  EFI_GUID     **TmpTokenSpaceBuffer;
   1197 extern  UINTN          TmpTokenSpaceBufferCount;
   1199 extern EFI_LOCK mPcdDatabaseLock;
   1201 #endif