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      1 // *++
      2 //
      3 // (C) Copyright 2014-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
      4 // Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      5 // (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
      6 // This program and the accompanying materials
      7 // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      8 // which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      9 // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     10 // 
     13 //
     14 //
     15 // Module Name:
     16 //
     17 //   DpStrings.uni
     18 //
     19 // Abstract:
     20 //
     21 //   String definitions for the Shell dp command
     22 //
     23 // Revision History:
     24 //
     25 // --*/
     27 /=#
     29 #langdef   en-US "English"
     31 #string STR_DP_UP                      #language en-US  "UP"
     32 #string STR_DP_DOWN                    #language en-US  "DOWN"
     33 #string STR_DP_DASHES                  #language en-US  "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
     34 #string STR_DP_SECTION_HEADER          #language en-US  "\n==[ %s ]========\n"
     35 #string STR_DP_INVALID_ARG             #language en-US  "Invalid argument(s)\n"
     36 #string STR_DP_HANDLES_ERROR           #language en-US  "Locate all handles error - %r\n"
     37 #string STR_DP_ERROR_NAME              #language en-US  "Unknown driver name"
     38 #string STR_DP_BUILD_REVISION          #language en-US  "\nDP Build Version:       %d.%d\n"
     39 #string STR_DP_KHZ                     #language en-US  "System Performance Timer Frequency:   %,8d (KHz)\n"
     40 #string STR_DP_TIMER_PROPERTIES        #language en-US  "System Performance Timer counts %s from 0x%Lx to 0x%Lx\n"
     41 #string STR_DP_VERBOSE_THRESHOLD       #language en-US  "Measurements less than %,Ld microseconds are not displayed.\n"
     42 #string STR_DP_SECTION_PHASES          #language en-US  "Major Phases"
     43 #string STR_DP_SEC_PHASE               #language en-US  "  SEC Phase Duration:      %L8d (us)\n"
     44 #string STR_DP_PHASE_BDSTO             #language en-US  "         BDS Timeout:   %L8d (ms) included in BDS Duration\n"
     45 #string STR_DP_PHASE_DURATION          #language en-US  "%5a Phase Duration:   %L8d (ms)\n"
     46 #string STR_DP_TOTAL_DURATION          #language en-US  "Total       Duration:   %L8d (ms)\n"
     47 #string STR_DP_SECTION_DRIVERS         #language en-US  "Drivers by Handle"
     48 #string STR_DP_HANDLE_SECTION          #language en-US  "Index:  Handle                Driver Name               Description    Time(us)\n"
     49 #string STR_DP_HANDLE_VARS             #language en-US  "%5d:  [%3x]   %36s    %11s    %L8d\n"
     50 #string STR_DP_HANDLE_SECTION2         #language en-US  "Index: Handle               Driver Name             Description  Time(us)    ID\n"
     51 #string STR_DP_HANDLE_VARS2            #language en-US  "%5d: [%3x]  %36s  %11s  %L8d %5d\n"
     52 #string STR_DP_SECTION_PEIMS           #language en-US  "PEIMs"
     53 #string STR_DP_PEIM_SECTION            #language en-US  "Index:  Pointer Value              Instance GUID              Token    Time(us)\n"
     54 #string STR_DP_PEIM_VARS               #language en-US  "%5d:  0x%11p   %g   PEIM    %L8d\n"
     55 #string STR_DP_PEIM_SECTION2           #language en-US  "Index: Pointer Value             Instance GUID            Token  Time(us)    ID\n"
     56 #string STR_DP_PEIM_VARS2              #language en-US  "%5d: 0x%11p  %g PEIM  %L8d %5d\n"
     57 #string STR_DP_SECTION_GENERAL         #language en-US  "General"
     58 #string STR_DP_GLOBAL_SECTION          #language en-US  "Index                      Name                         Description    Time(us)\n"
     59 #string STR_DP_GLOBAL_VARS             #language en-US  "%5d:%25s     %31s    %L8d\n"
     60 #string STR_DP_GLOBAL_SECTION2         #language en-US  "Index                      Name                     Description  Time(us)    ID\n"
     61 #string STR_DP_GLOBAL_VARS2            #language en-US  "%5d:%25s %31s  %L8d %5d\n"
     62 #string STR_DP_SECTION_CUMULATIVE      #language en-US  "Cumulative"
     63 #string STR_DP_CUMULATIVE_SECT_1       #language en-US  "(Times in microsec.)     Cumulative   Average     Shortest    Longest\n"
     64 #string STR_DP_CUMULATIVE_SECT_2       #language en-US  "   Name         Count     Duration    Duration    Duration    Duration\n"
     65 #string STR_DP_CUMULATIVE_STATS        #language en-US  "%11a   %8d  %L10d  %L10d  %L10d  %L10d\n"
     66 #string STR_DP_SECTION_STATISTICS      #language en-US  "Statistics"
     67 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMTRACE          #language en-US  "There were %d measurements taken, of which:\n"
     68 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMINCOMPLETE     #language en-US  "%,8d are incomplete.\n"
     69 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMPHASES         #language en-US  "%,8d are major execution phases.\n"
     70 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMHANDLES        #language en-US  "%,8d have non-NULL handles, %d are NULL.\n"
     71 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMPEIMS          #language en-US  "%,8d are PEIMs.\n"
     72 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMGLOBALS        #language en-US  "%,8d are general measurements.\n"
     73 #string STR_DP_STATS_NUMPROFILE        #language en-US  "%,8d are profiling records.\n"
     74 #string STR_DP_SECTION_PROFILE         #language en-US  "Sequential Profile Records"
     75 #string STR_DP_SECTION_ALL             #language en-US  "Sequential Trace Records"
     76 #string STR_DP_ALL_HEADR               #language en-US  "\nIndex      Handle                 Module                      Token    Time(us)\n"
     77 #string STR_DP_ALL_VARS                #language en-US  "%5d:%3s0x%08p %36s %13s %L8d\n"
     78 #string STR_DP_ALL_DASHES2             #language en-US  "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
     79 #string STR_DP_ALL_HEADR2              #language en-US  "\nIndex      Handle                 Module                      Token    Time(us)    ID\n"
     80 #string STR_DP_ALL_VARS2               #language en-US  "%5d:%3s0x%08p %36s %13s %L8d %5d\n"
     81 #string STR_DP_SECTION_RAWTRACE        #language en-US  "RAW Trace"
     82 #string STR_DP_SECTION_RAWPROFILE      #language en-US  "RAW Profile"
     83 #string STR_DP_RAW_DASHES              #language en-US  "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
     84 #string STR_DP_RAW_VARS                #language en-US  "%5d: %16LX %16LX %16LX  %31a  %31a\n"
     85 #string STR_DP_RAW_HEADR               #language en-US  "\nIndex       Handle        Start Count       End Count                  Token                          Module\n"
     86 #string STR_DP_RAW_DASHES2             #language en-US  "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
     87 #string STR_DP_RAW_VARS2               #language en-US  "%5d: %16LX %16LX %16LX  %31a  %31a %5d\n"
     88 #string STR_DP_RAW_HEADR2              #language en-US  "\nIndex       Handle        Start Count       End Count                  Token                          Module                   ID\n"
     89 #string STR_DP_INCOMPLETE              #language en-US  " I "
     90 #string STR_DP_COMPLETE                #language en-US  "   "
     91 #string STR_ALIT_UNKNOWN               #language en-US  "Unknown"
     93 #string STR_GET_HELP_DP         #language en-US ""
     94 ".TH dp 0 "Display performance metrics"\r\n"
     95 ".SH NAME\r\n"
     96 "Displays performance metrics that are stored in memory.\r\n"
     97 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
     98 "DP [-b] [-v] [-x] [-s | -A | -R] [-T] [-P] [-t value] [-n count] [-c [token]][-i] [-h | -?]\r\n"
     99 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
    100 " \r\n"
    101 "  -b       - Displays on multiple pages\r\n"
    102 "  -v       - Displays additional information\r\n"
    103 "  -x       - Prevents display of individual measurements for cumulative items\r\n"
    104 "  -s       - Displays summary information only\r\n"
    105 "  -A       - Displays all measurements in a list\r\n"
    106 "  -R       - Displays all measurements in raw format\r\n"
    107 "  -T       - Displays trace measurements only\r\n"
    108 "  -P       - Displays profile measurements only\r\n"
    109 "  -t VALUE - Sets display threshold to VALUE microseconds\r\n"
    110 "  -n COUNT - Limits display to COUNT lines in All and Raw modes\r\n"
    111 "  -i       - Displays identifier\r\n"
    112 "  -c TOKEN - Display pre-defined and custom cumulative data\r\n" 
    113 "             Pre-defined cumulative token are:\r\n"
    114 "             1. LoadImage:\r\n"
    115 "             2. StartImage:\r\n"
    116 "             3. DB:Start:\r\n"
    117 "             4. DB:Support:\r\n"
    118 "  -?       - Displays DP help information\r\n"
    119 ".SH DESCRIPTION\r\n"
    120 " \r\n"
    121 "NOTES:\r\n"
    122 "  1. Displays Performance metrics that are stored in memory.\r\n"
    123 ".SH RETURNVALUES\r\n"
    124 " \r\n"
    125 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
    126 "  SHELL_SUCCESS            The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
    127 "  SHELL_NOT_FOUND          The requested option was not found.\r\n"
    128 "  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER  One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
    129 "  SHELL_UNSUPPORTED        The action as requested was unsupported.\r\n"
    130 "  SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   There was insufficient free space for the request to be completed.\r\n"