1 lexer grammar t020fuzzyLexer; 2 options { 3 language=Python; 4 filter=true; 5 } 6 7 @header { 8 from cStringIO import StringIO 9 } 10 11 @init { 12 self.output = StringIO() 13 } 14 15 IMPORT 16 : 'import' WS name=QIDStar WS? ';' 17 ; 18 19 /** Avoids having "return foo;" match as a field */ 20 RETURN 21 : 'return' (options {greedy=false;}:.)* ';' 22 ; 23 24 CLASS 25 : 'class' WS name=ID WS? ('extends' WS QID WS?)? 26 ('implements' WS QID WS? (',' WS? QID WS?)*)? '{' 27 {self.output.write("found class "+$name.text+"\n")} 28 ; 29 30 METHOD 31 : TYPE WS name=ID WS? '(' ( ARG WS? (',' WS? ARG WS?)* )? ')' WS? 32 ('throws' WS QID WS? (',' WS? QID WS?)*)? '{' 33 {self.output.write("found method "+$name.text+"\n");} 34 ; 35 36 FIELD 37 : TYPE WS name=ID '[]'? WS? (';'|'=') 38 {self.output.write("found var "+$name.text+"\n");} 39 ; 40 41 STAT: ('if'|'while'|'switch'|'for') WS? '(' ; 42 43 CALL 44 : name=QID WS? '(' 45 {self.output.write("found call "+$name.text+"\n");} 46 ; 47 48 COMMENT 49 : '/*' (options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' 50 {self.output.write("found comment "+self.getText()+"\n");} 51 ; 52 53 SL_COMMENT 54 : '//' (options {greedy=false;} : . )* '\n' 55 {self.output.write("found // comment "+self.getText()+"\n");} 56 ; 57 58 STRING 59 : '"' (options {greedy=false;}: ESC | .)* '"' 60 ; 61 62 CHAR 63 : '\'' (options {greedy=false;}: ESC | .)* '\'' 64 ; 65 66 WS : (' '|'\t'|'\n')+ 67 ; 68 69 fragment 70 QID : ID ('.' ID)* 71 ; 72 73 /** QID cannot see beyond end of token so using QID '.*'? somewhere won't 74 * ever match since k=1 lookahead in the QID loop of '.' will make it loop. 75 * I made this rule to compensate. 76 */ 77 fragment 78 QIDStar 79 : ID ('.' ID)* '.*'? 80 ; 81 82 fragment 83 TYPE: QID '[]'? 84 ; 85 86 fragment 87 ARG : TYPE WS ID 88 ; 89 90 fragment 91 ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* 92 ; 93 94 fragment 95 ESC : '\\' ('"'|'\''|'\\') 96 ; 97