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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      4 {
      5 # Chrome Web Store ("ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb"),
      6 # Virtual Keyboard ("mppnpdlheglhdfmldimlhpnegondlapf"),
      7 # Files ("hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj"), and
      8 # Bookmark Manager ("eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno") are
      9 # already tracked and reviewed on the Chrome side. Ignore them
     10 # in our test, otherwise it's just a baseline maintenance treadmill.
     11   "ignored_extension_ids": [
     12     "ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb",
     13     "mppnpdlheglhdfmldimlhpnegondlapf",
     14     "hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj",
     15     "eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno"
     16   ],
     17   "bundled_crx_baseline": [],
     18   "component_extension_baseline": [
     19     { "id": "idddmepepmjcgiedknnmlbadcokidhoa",
     20       "name": "NCDLauncher",
     21       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
     22       "apiPermissions": []
     23     },
     24     { "id": "pmfjbimdmchhbnneeidfognadeopoehp",
     25       "name": "Image Loader",
     26       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["https://www.googledrive.com/*"],
     27       "apiPermissions": ["fileBrowserHandler",
     28                          "fileBrowserHandlerInternal",
     29                          "fileBrowserPrivate"]
     30     },
     31     { "id": "obklkkbkpaoaejdabbfldmcfplpdgolj",
     32       "name": "Wallpaper Picker",
     33       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["https://storage.googleapis.com/*",
     34                                    "https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/*"],
     35       "apiPermissions": ["alarms",
     36                          "fileSystem",
     37                          "fileSystem.write",
     38                          "storage",
     39                          "unlimitedStorage",
     40                          "wallpaperPrivate"]
     41     },
     42     { "id": "iadeocfgjdjdmpenejdbfeaocpbikmab",
     43       "name": "Mobile Activation",
     44       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
     45       "apiPermissions": []
     46     },
     47     { "id": "nkoccljplnhpfnfiajclkommnmllphnl",
     48       "name": "crosh_builtin",
     49       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
     50       "apiPermissions": ["terminalPrivate",
     51                          "storage",
     52                          "clipboardWrite",
     53                          "clipboardRead",
     54                          "unlimitedStorage"]
     55     },
     56     { "id": "kddnkjkcjddckihglkfcickdhbmaodcn",
     57       "name": "Chrome Goodies",
     58       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["https://*/*"],
     59       "apiPermissions": ["alarms",
     60                          "cookies",
     61                          "chromeosInfoPrivate",
     62                          "echoPrivate",
     63                          "notifications"]
     64     },
     65     { "id": "mgndgikekgjfcpckkfioiadnlibdjbkf",
     66       "name": "Chrome",
     67       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
     68       "apiPermissions": []
     69     },
     70     { "id": "hiahncppkeponhognffoakpacfndjdhm",
     71       "name": "Networks",
     72       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["chrome://resources/*"],
     73       "apiPermissions": ["networkingPrivate"]
     74     },
     75     { "id": "mlbmkoenclnokonejhlfakkeabdlmpek",
     76       "name": "TimeScapes",
     77       "boards": ["link"],
     78       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
     79       "apiPermissions": []
     80     },
     81     { "id": "kodldpbjkkmmnilagfdheibampofhaom",
     82       "name": "Connectivity Diagnostics",
     83       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["http://*.google.com/*",
     84                                    "https://*.google.com/*"],
     85       "apiPermissions": ["clipboardWrite",
     86                          "dns",
     87                          "diagnostics",
     88                          "experimental",
     89                          "metricsPrivate",
     90                          "networkingPrivate",
     91                          "socket"]
     92     },
     93     { "id": "gfdkimpbcpahaombhbimeihdjnejgicl",
     94       "name": "Feedback",
     95       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["chrome://resources/*"],
     96       "apiPermissions": ["feedbackPrivate"]
     97     },
     98     { "id": "ljoammodoonkhnehlncldjelhidljdpi",
     99       "name": "Get Help",
    100       "effectiveHostPermissions": [
    101           "https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/*",
    102           "https://storage.googleapis.com/*",
    103           "https://www-googleapis-test.sandbox.google.com/*",
    104           "https://www.google-analytics.com/*",
    105           "https://www.googleapis.com/*",
    106           "https://www.google.com/*",
    107           "https://*.ytimg.com/*"],
    108       "apiPermissions": ["chromeosInfoPrivate",
    109                          "identity",
    110                          "management",
    111                          "storage",
    112                          "unlimitedStorage",
    113                          "webRequestInternal",
    114                          "webview"]
    115     },
    116     { "id": "bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc",
    117       "name": "Quickoffice (Beta)",
    118       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["https://www.google-analytics.com/*"],
    119       "apiPermissions": ["fileBrowserHandler",
    120                          "fileBrowserHandlerInternal",
    121                          "fileSystem",
    122                          "fileSystem.write",
    123                          "clipboardWrite",
    124                          "clipboardRead",
    125                          "metricsPrivate",
    126                          "storage",
    127                          "streamsPrivate",
    128                          "unlimitedStorage"]
    129     },
    130     { "name": "Help",
    131       "id": "honijodknafkokifofgiaalefdiedpko",
    132       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
    133       "apiPermissions": []
    134     },
    135     { "name": "Hangout Services",
    136       "id": "nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome",
    137       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
    138       "apiPermissions": ["alarms",
    139                          "desktopCapture",
    140                          "system.cpu",
    141                          "webConnectable",
    142                          "webrtcAudioPrivate",
    143                          "webrtcLoggingPrivate"]
    144     },
    145     { "name": "Google Now",
    146       "id": "pafkbggdmjlpgkdkcbjmhmfcdpncadgh",
    147       "effectiveHostPermissions": [
    148           "<all_urls>",
    149           "chrome://favicon/*"],
    150       "apiPermissions": ["preferencesPrivate",
    151                          "pushMessaging",
    152                          "tabs",
    153                          "metricsPrivate",
    154                          "storage",
    155                          "notifications",
    156                          "location",
    157                          "alarms",
    158                          "webstorePrivate",
    159                          "identity"]
    160     },
    161     { "name": "Welcome",
    162       "id": "jdgcneonijmofocbhmijhacgchbihela",
    163       "effectiveHostPermissions": ["chrome://theme/*",
    164                                    "chrome://resources/*"],
    165       "apiPermissions": ["firstRunPrivate"]
    166     },
    167     { "name": "Chrome OS text-to-speech component extension",
    168       "id": "gjjabgpgjpampikjhjpfhneeoapjbjaf",
    169       "effectiveHostPermissions": [],
    170       "apiPermissions": ["ttsEngine",
    171                          "unlimitedStorage"]
    172     }
    173   ],
    174   "official_components": []
    175 }