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      1 # Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 # repohooks/pre-upload.py currently does not run pylint. But for developers who
      6 # want to check their code manually we disable several harmless pylint warnings
      7 # which just distract from more serious remaining issues.
      8 #
      9 # The instance variable _android_gts is not defined in __init__().
     10 # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
     11 #
     12 # Many short variable names don't follow the naming convention.
     13 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
     15 import logging
     16 import os
     17 import re
     19 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
     20 from autotest_lib.server import utils
     21 from autotest_lib.server.cros import tradefed_test
     23 _PARTNER_GTS_LOCATION = 'gs://chromeos-partner-gts/gts-4.1_r1-3556119.zip'
     26 class cheets_GTS(tradefed_test.TradefedTest):
     27     """Sets up tradefed to run GTS tests."""
     28     version = 1
     30     def setup(self, uri=None):
     31         """Set up GTS bundle from Google Storage.
     33         @param uri: The location to pull the GTS bundle from.
     34         """
     36         if uri:
     37             self._android_gts = self._install_bundle(uri)
     38         else:
     39             self._android_gts = self._install_bundle(_PARTNER_GTS_LOCATION)
     41         self.waivers = self._get_expected_failures('expectations')
     44     def _run_gts_tradefed(self, target_package):
     45         """This tests runs the GTS(XTS) tradefed binary and collects results.
     47         @param target_package: the name of test package to be run. If None is
     48                 set, full GTS set will run.
     49         @raise TestFail: when a test failure is detected.
     50         """
     51         self._target_package = target_package
     52         gts_tradefed = os.path.join(
     53                 self._android_gts,
     54                 'android-gts',
     55                 'tools',
     56                 'gts-tradefed')
     57         logging.info('GTS-tradefed path: %s', gts_tradefed)
     58         #TODO(dhaddock): remove --skip-device-info with GTS 4.1_r2 (b/32889514)
     59         gts_tradefed_args = ['run', 'commandAndExit', 'gts',
     60                              '--skip-device-info', '--module',
     61                              self._target_package]
     62         # Run GTS via tradefed and obtain stdout, sterr as output.
     63         with tradefed_test.adb_keepalive(self._get_adb_target(),
     64                                          self._install_paths):
     65             output = self._run(
     66                     gts_tradefed,
     67                     args=gts_tradefed_args,
     68                     verbose=True,
     69                     # Make sure to tee tradefed stdout/stderr to autotest logs
     70                     # already during the test run.
     71                     stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
     72                     stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS)
     73         result_destination = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'android-gts')
     75         # Gather the global log first. Datetime parsing below can abort the test
     76         # if tradefed startup had failed. Even then the global log is useful.
     77         self._collect_tradefed_global_log(output, result_destination)
     79         # Parse stdout to obtain datetime IDs of directories into which tradefed
     80         # wrote result xml files and logs.
     81         datetime_id = self._parse_tradefed_datetime(output)
     82         repository = os.path.join(self._android_gts, 'android-gts')
     83         self._collect_logs(repository, datetime_id, result_destination)
     85         # Result parsing must come after all other essential operations as test
     86         # warnings, errors and failures can be raised here.
     87         tests, passed, failed, not_executed, waived = self._parse_result_v2(
     88             output, accumulative_count=True, waivers=self.waivers)
     89         passed += waived
     90         failed -= waived
     91         if tests != passed or failed > 0 or not_executed > 0:
     92             raise error.TestFail('Failed: Passed (%d), Failed (%d), '
     93                                  'Not Executed (%d)' %
     94                                  (passed, failed, not_executed))
     96         # All test has passed successfully, here.
     97         logging.info('The test has passed successfully.')
     99     def _parse_tradefed_datetime(self, result):
    100         """This parses the tradefed datetime object from the GTS output.
    101         :param result: the tradefed result object
    102         :return: the datetime
    103         """
    104         #TODO(dhaddock): Merge this into tradefed_test when N is working
    105         match = re.search(r': Starting invocation for .+ (\S+) on device',
    106                           result.stdout)
    107         datetime_id = match.group(1)
    108         logging.info('Tradefed identified results and logs with %s.',
    109                      datetime_id)
    110         return datetime_id
    112     def run_once(self, target_package=None):
    113         """Runs GTS target package exactly once."""
    114         with self._login_chrome():
    115             self._connect_adb()
    116             self._disable_adb_install_dialog()
    117             self._wait_for_arc_boot()
    118             self._run_gts_tradefed(target_package)