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      1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 %s
      2 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++14 %s
      3 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++1z %s
      5 struct notlit { // expected-note {{not literal because}}
      6   notlit() {}
      7 };
      8 struct notlit2 {
      9   notlit2() {}
     10 };
     12 // valid declarations
     13 constexpr int i1 = 0;
     14 constexpr int f1() { return 0; }
     15 struct s1 {
     16   constexpr static int mi1 = 0;
     17   const static int mi2;
     18 };
     19 constexpr int s1::mi2 = 0;
     21 // invalid declarations
     22 // not a definition of an object
     23 constexpr extern int i2; // expected-error {{constexpr variable declaration must be a definition}}
     24 // not a literal type
     25 constexpr notlit nl1; // expected-error {{constexpr variable cannot have non-literal type 'const notlit'}}
     26 // function parameters
     27 void f2(constexpr int i) {} // expected-error {{function parameter cannot be constexpr}}
     28 // non-static member
     29 struct s2 {
     30   constexpr int mi1; // expected-error {{non-static data member cannot be constexpr; did you intend to make it const?}}
     31   static constexpr int mi2;
     32 #if __cplusplus <= 201402L
     33   // expected-error@-2 {{requires an initializer}}
     34 #else
     35   // expected-error@-4 {{default initialization of an object of const}}
     36 #endif
     37   mutable constexpr int mi3 = 3; // expected-error-re {{non-static data member cannot be constexpr{{$}}}} expected-error {{'mutable' and 'const' cannot be mixed}}
     38 };
     39 // typedef
     40 typedef constexpr int CI; // expected-error {{typedef cannot be constexpr}}
     41 // tag
     42 constexpr class C1 {}; // expected-error {{class cannot be marked constexpr}}
     43 constexpr struct S1 {}; // expected-error {{struct cannot be marked constexpr}}
     44 constexpr union U1 {}; // expected-error {{union cannot be marked constexpr}}
     45 constexpr enum E1 {}; // expected-error {{enum cannot be marked constexpr}}
     46 template <typename T> constexpr class TC1 {}; // expected-error {{class cannot be marked constexpr}}
     47 template <typename T> constexpr struct TS1 {}; // expected-error {{struct cannot be marked constexpr}}
     48 template <typename T> constexpr union TU1 {}; // expected-error {{union cannot be marked constexpr}}
     49 class C2 {} constexpr; // expected-error {{class cannot be marked constexpr}}
     50 struct S2 {} constexpr; // expected-error {{struct cannot be marked constexpr}}
     51 union U2 {} constexpr; // expected-error {{union cannot be marked constexpr}}
     52 enum E2 {} constexpr; // expected-error {{enum cannot be marked constexpr}}
     53 constexpr class C3 {} c3 = C3();
     54 constexpr struct S3 {} s3 = S3();
     55 constexpr union U3 {} u3 = {};
     56 constexpr enum E3 { V3 } e3 = V3;
     57 class C4 {} constexpr c4 = C4();
     58 struct S4 {} constexpr s4 = S4();
     59 union U4 {} constexpr u4 = {};
     60 enum E4 { V4 } constexpr e4 = V4;
     61 constexpr int; // expected-error {{constexpr can only be used in variable and function declarations}}
     62 // redeclaration mismatch
     63 constexpr int f3(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
     64 int f3(); // expected-error {{non-constexpr declaration of 'f3' follows constexpr declaration}}
     65 int f4(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
     66 constexpr int f4(); // expected-error {{constexpr declaration of 'f4' follows non-constexpr declaration}}
     67 template<typename T> constexpr T f5(T);
     68 template<typename T> constexpr T f5(T); // expected-note {{previous}}
     69 template<typename T> T f5(T); // expected-error {{non-constexpr declaration of 'f5' follows constexpr declaration}}
     70 template<typename T> T f6(T); // expected-note {{here}}
     71 template<typename T> constexpr T f6(T); // expected-error {{constexpr declaration of 'f6' follows non-constexpr declaration}}
     72 // destructor
     73 struct ConstexprDtor {
     74   constexpr ~ConstexprDtor() = default; // expected-error {{destructor cannot be marked constexpr}}
     75 };
     77 // template stuff
     78 template <typename T> constexpr T ft(T t) { return t; }
     79 template <typename T> T gt(T t) { return t; }
     80 struct S {
     81   template<typename T> constexpr T f(); // expected-warning 0-1{{C++14}} expected-note 0-1{{candidate}}
     82   template <typename T>
     83   T g() const; // expected-note-re {{candidate template ignored: could not match 'T (){{( __attribute__\(\(thiscall\)\))?}} const' against 'char (){{( __attribute__\(\(thiscall\)\))?}}'}}
     84 };
     86 // explicit specialization can differ in constepxr
     87 template <> notlit ft(notlit nl) { return nl; }
     88 template <> char ft(char c) { return c; } // expected-note {{previous}}
     89 template <> constexpr char ft(char nl); // expected-error {{constexpr declaration of 'ft<char>' follows non-constexpr declaration}}
     90 template <> constexpr int gt(int nl) { return nl; }
     91 template <> notlit S::f() const { return notlit(); }
     92 #if __cplusplus >= 201402L
     93 // expected-error@-2 {{no function template matches}}
     94 #endif
     95 template <> constexpr int S::g() { return 0; } // expected-note {{previous}}
     96 #if __cplusplus < 201402L
     97 // expected-warning@-2 {{C++14}}
     98 #else
     99 // expected-error@-4 {{does not match any declaration in 'S'}}
    100 #endif
    101 template <> int S::g() const; // expected-error {{non-constexpr declaration of 'g<int>' follows constexpr declaration}}
    102 // specializations can drop the 'constexpr' but not the implied 'const'.
    103 template <> char S::g() { return 0; } // expected-error {{no function template matches}}
    104 template <> double S::g() const { return 0; } // ok
    106 constexpr int i3 = ft(1);
    108 void test() {
    109   // ignore constexpr when instantiating with non-literal
    110   notlit2 nl2;
    111   (void)ft(nl2);
    112 }
    114 // Examples from the standard:
    115 constexpr int square(int x); // expected-note {{declared here}}
    116 constexpr int bufsz = 1024;
    118 constexpr struct pixel { // expected-error {{struct cannot be marked constexpr}}
    119   int x;
    120   int y;
    121   constexpr pixel(int);
    122 };
    124 constexpr pixel::pixel(int a)
    125   : x(square(a)), y(square(a)) // expected-note {{undefined function 'square' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
    126   { }
    128 constexpr pixel small(2); // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to 'pixel(2)'}}
    130 constexpr int square(int x) {
    131   return x * x;
    132 }
    134 constexpr pixel large(4);
    136 int next(constexpr int x) { // expected-error {{function parameter cannot be constexpr}}
    137       return x + 1;
    138 }
    140 extern constexpr int memsz; // expected-error {{constexpr variable declaration must be a definition}}
    142 namespace {
    143   struct A {
    144     static constexpr int n = 0;
    145   };
    146   // FIXME: We should diagnose this prior to C++17.
    147   const int &r = A::n;
    148 }