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      3 <TITLE>Constructive Real Calculator and Library Implementation Notes</title>
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      6 <H1>Constructive Real Calculator and Library Implementation Notes</h1>
      7 </body>
      8 The calculator is based on the constructive real library consisting
      9 mainly of <TT>com.sgi.math.CR</tt> and <TT>com.sgi.math.UnaryCRFunction</tt>.
     10 The former provides basic arithmetic operations on constructive reals.
     11 The latter provides some basic operations on unary functions over the
     12 constructive reals.
     13 <H2>General approach</h2>
     14 The library was not designed to use the absolute best known algorithms
     15 and to provide the best possible performance.  To do so would have
     16 significantly complicated the code, and lengthened start-up times for
     17 the calculator and similar applications.  Instead the goals were to:
     18 <OL>
     19 <LI> Rely on the standard library to the greatest possible extent.
     20 The implementation relies heavily on <TT>java.math.BigInteger</tt>,
     21 in spite of the fact that it may not provide asymptotically optimal
     22 performance for all operations.
     23 <LI> Use algorithms with asymptotically reasonable performance.
     24 <LI> Keep the code, and especially the library code, simple.
     25 This was done both to make it more easily understandable, and to
     26 keep down class loading time.
     27 <LI> Avoid heuristics.  The code accepts that there is no practical way
     28 to avoid diverging computations.  The user interface is designed to
     29 deal with that.  There is no attempt to try to prove that a computation
     30 will diverge ahead of time, not even in cases in which such a proof is
     31 trivial.
     32 </ol>
     33 A constructive real number <I>x</i> is represented abstractly as a function
     34 <I>f<SUB>x</sub></i>, such that  <I>f<SUB>x</sub>(n)</i> produces a scaled
     35 integer approximation to <I>x</i>, with an error of strictly less than
     36 2<SUP><I>n</i></sup>.  More precisely:
     37 <P>
     38 |<I>f<SUB>x</sub></i>(<I>n</i>) * 2<SUP><I>n</i></sup> - x| < 2<SUP><I>n</i></sup>
     39 <P>
     40 Since Java does not support higher order functions, these functions
     41 are actually represented as objects with an <TT>approximate</tt>
     42 function.  In order to obtain reasonable performance, each object
     43 caches the best previous approximation computed so far.
     44 <P>
     45 This is very similar to earlier work by Boehm, Lee, Cartwright, Riggle, and
     46 O'Donnell.
     47 The implementation borrows many ideas from the
     48 <A HREF="http://reality.sgi.com/boehm/calc">calculator</a>
     49 developed earlier by Boehm and Lee.  The major differences are the
     50 user interface, the portability of the implementation, the emphasis
     51 on simplicity, and the reliance on a general implementation of inverse
     52 functions.
     53 <P>
     54 Several alternate and functionally equivalent representations of
     55 constructive real numbers are possible.
     56 Gosper and Vuillemin proposed representations based on continued
     57 fractions.
     58 A representation as functions
     59 producing variable precision intervals is probably more efficient
     60 for larger scale computation.
     61 We chose this representation because it can be implemented compactly
     62 layered on large integer arithmetic.
     63 <H2>Transcendental functions</h2>
     64 The exponential and natural logarithm functions are implemented as Taylor
     65 series expansions.  There is also a specialized function that computes
     66 the Taylor series expansion of atan(1/n), where n is a small integer.
     67 This allows moderately efficient computation of pi using
     68 <P>
     69 pi/4 = 4*atan(1/5) - atan(1/239)
     70 <P>
     71 All of the remaining trigonometric functions are implemented in terms
     72 of the cosine function, which again uses a Taylor series expansion.
     73 <P>
     74 The inverse trigonometric functions are implemented using a general
     75 inverse function operation in <TT>UnaryCRFunction</tt>.  This is
     76 more expensive than a direct implementation, since each time an approximation
     77 to the result is computed, several evaluations of the underlying
     78 trigonometric function are needed.  Nonetheless, it appears to be
     79 surprisingly practical, at least for something as undemanding as a desk
     80 calculator.
     81 <H2>Prior work</h2>
     82 There has been much prior research on the constructive/recursive/computable
     83 real numbers and constructive analysis.  Relatively little of this
     84 has been concerned with issues related to practical implementations.
     85 <P>
     86 Several implementation efforts examined representations based on
     87 either infinite, lazily-evaluated decimal expansions (Schwartz),
     88 or continued fractions (Gosper, Vuillemin).  So far, these appear
     89 less practical than what is implemented here.
     90 <P>
     91 Probably the most practical approach to constructive real arithmetic
     92 is one based on interval arithmetic.  A variant that is close to,
     93 but not quite, constructive real arithmetic is described in
     94 <P>
     95 Oliver Aberth, <I>Precise Numerical Analysis</i>, Wm. C. Brown Publishers,
     96 Dubuque, Iowa, 1988.
     97 <P>
     98 The issues related to using this in a higher performance implementation
     99 of constructive real arithmetic are explored in
    100 <P>
    101 Lee and Boehm, "Optimizing Programs over the Constructive Reals",
    102 <I>ACM SIGPLAN 90 Conference on Programming Language Design and
    103 Implementation, SIGPLAN Notices 25</i>, 6, pp. 102-111.
    104 <P>
    105 The particular implementation strategy used n this calculator was previously
    106 described in
    107 <P>
    108 Boehm, Cartwright, Riggle, and O'Donnell, "Exact Real Arithmetic:
    109 A Case Study in Higher Order Programming", <I>Proceedings of the
    110 1986 ACM Lisp and Functional Programming Conference</i>, pp. 162-173, 1986.
    111 </body>
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