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      2 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      3 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
      4 /*
      5  *******************************************************************************
      6  * Copyright (C) 2004-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
      7  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      8  *******************************************************************************
      9  */
     11 package android.icu.dev.test.format;
     13 import java.util.ArrayList;
     14 import java.util.List;
     15 import java.util.MissingResourceException;
     16 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
     18 import org.junit.Test;
     20 import android.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
     21 import android.icu.text.BreakIterator;
     22 import android.icu.text.Collator;
     23 import android.icu.text.DateFormat;
     24 import android.icu.text.NumberFormat;
     25 import android.icu.text.SimpleDateFormat;
     26 import android.icu.util.BuddhistCalendar;
     27 import android.icu.util.Calendar;
     28 import android.icu.util.Currency;
     29 import android.icu.util.GlobalizationPreferences;
     30 import android.icu.util.GregorianCalendar;
     31 import android.icu.util.IslamicCalendar;
     32 import android.icu.util.JapaneseCalendar;
     33 import android.icu.util.TimeZone;
     34 import android.icu.util.ULocale;
     38 public class GlobalizationPreferencesTest extends TestFmwk {
     39     @Test
     40     public void TestDefault() {
     41         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
     42         ULocale defLocale = new ULocale("en_US");
     43         ULocale defFallbackLocale = new ULocale("en");
     45         if (!defLocale.equals(ULocale.getDefault())) {
     46             // Locale.US is always used as the default locale in the test environment
     47             // If not, some test cases will fail...
     48             errln("FAIL: The default locale of the test environment must be en_US");
     49         }
     51         logln("Default locale: " + defLocale.toString());
     53         // First locale is en_US
     54         ULocale gpLocale0 = gp.getLocale(0);
     55         logln("Primary locale: " + gpLocale0.toString());
     56         if (!gpLocale0.equals(defLocale)) {
     57             errln("FAIL: The primary locale is not en_US");
     58         }
     60         // Second locale is en
     61         ULocale gpLocale1 = gp.getLocale(1);
     62         logln("Secondary locale: " + gpLocale1.toString());
     63         if (!gpLocale1.equals(defFallbackLocale)) {
     64             errln("FAIL: The secondary locale is not en");
     65         }
     67         // Third locale is null
     68         ULocale gpLocale2 = gp.getLocale(2);
     69         if (gpLocale2 != null) {
     70             errln("FAIL: Number of locales must be 2");
     71         }
     73         // Calendar locale
     74         Calendar cal = gp.getCalendar();
     75         ULocale calLocale = cal.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
     76         logln("Calendar locale: " + calLocale.toString());
     77         if (!calLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
     78             errln("FAIL: The calendar locale must match with the default JVM locale");
     79         }
     81         // Collator locale
     82         Collator coll = gp.getCollator();
     83         ULocale collLocale = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
     84         logln("Collator locale: " + collLocale.toString());
     85         if (!collLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
     86             errln("FAIL: The collator locale must match with the default JVM locale");
     87         }
     89         // BreakIterator locale
     90         BreakIterator brk = gp.getBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_CHARACTER);
     91         ULocale brkLocale = brk.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
     92         logln("BreakIterator locale: " + brkLocale.toString());
     93         if (!brkLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
     94             errln("FAIL: The break iterator locale must match with the default JVM locale");
     95         }
     97         /* Skip - Bug#5209
     98         // DateFormat locale
     99         DateFormat df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
    100         ULocale dfLocale = df.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    101         logln("DateFormat locale: " + dfLocale.toString());
    102         if (!dfLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
    103             errln("FAIL: The date format locale must match with the default JVM locale");
    104         }
    105         */
    107         // NumberFormat locale
    108         NumberFormat nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER);
    109         ULocale nfLocale = nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    110         logln("NumberFormat locale: " + nfLocale.toString());
    111         if (!nfLocale.equals(defLocale)) {
    112             errln("FAIL: The number format locale must match with the default JVM locale");
    113         }
    114     }
    116     @Test
    117     public void TestFreezable() {
    118         logln("Create a new GlobalizationPreference object");
    119         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    120         if (gp.isFrozen()) {
    121             errln("FAIL: This object is not yet frozen");
    122         }
    124         logln("Call reset()");
    125         boolean bSet = true;
    126         try {
    127             gp.reset();
    128         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    129             bSet = false;
    130         }
    131         if (!bSet) {
    132             errln("FAIL: reset() must not throw an exception before frozen");
    133         }
    135         // Freeze the object
    136         logln("Freeze the object");
    137         gp.freeze();
    138         if (!gp.isFrozen()) {
    139             errln("FAIL: This object is already fronzen");
    140         }
    142         // reset()
    143         logln("Call reset() after frozen");
    144         bSet = true;
    145         try {
    146             gp.reset();
    147         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    148             bSet = false;
    149         }
    150         if (bSet) {
    151             errln("FAIL: reset() must be blocked after frozen");
    152         }
    154         // setLocales(ULocale[])
    155         logln("Call setLocales(ULocale[]) after frozen");
    156         bSet = true;
    157         try {
    158             gp.setLocales(new ULocale[] {new ULocale("fr_FR")});
    159         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    160             bSet = false;
    161         }
    162         if (bSet) {
    163             errln("FAIL: setLocales(ULocale[]) must be blocked after frozen");
    164         }
    166         // setLocales(ULocale[])
    167         logln("Call setLocales(List) after frozen");
    168         bSet = true;
    169         ArrayList list = new ArrayList(1);
    170         list.add(new ULocale("fr_FR"));
    171         try {
    172             gp.setLocales(list);
    173         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    174             bSet = false;
    175         }
    176         if (bSet) {
    177             errln("FAIL: setLocales(List) must be blocked after frozen");
    178         }
    180         // setLocales(String)
    181         logln("Call setLocales(String) after frozen");
    182         bSet = true;
    183         try {
    184             gp.setLocales("pt-BR,es;q=0.7");
    185         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    186             bSet = false;
    187         }
    188         if (bSet) {
    189             errln("FAIL: setLocales(String) must be blocked after frozen");
    190         }
    192         // setLocale(ULocale)
    193         logln("Call setLocale(ULocale) after frozen");
    194         bSet = true;
    195         try {
    196             gp.setLocale(new ULocale("fi_FI"));
    197         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    198             bSet = false;
    199         }
    200         if (bSet) {
    201             errln("FAIL: setLocale(ULocale) must be blocked after frozen");
    202         }
    204         // setTerritory(String)
    205         logln("Call setTerritory(String) after frozen");
    206         bSet = true;
    207         try {
    208             gp.setTerritory("AU");
    209         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    210             bSet = false;
    211         }
    212         if (bSet) {
    213             errln("FAIL: setTerritory(String) must be blocked after frozen");
    214         }
    216         // Modifiable clone
    217         logln("Create a modifiable clone");
    218         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    220         if (gp1.isFrozen()) {
    221             errln("FAIL: The object returned by cloneAsThawed() must not be frozen yet");
    222         }
    224         // setLocale(ULocale)
    225         logln("Call setLocale(ULocale) of the modifiable clone");
    226         bSet = true;
    227         try {
    228             gp1.setLocale(new ULocale("fr_FR"));
    229         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    230             bSet = false;
    231         }
    232         if (!bSet) {
    233             errln("FAIL: setLocales(ULocale) must not throw an exception before frozen");
    234         }
    235     }
    237     static String[][] INPUT_LOCALEIDS = {
    238         {"en_US"},
    239         {"fr_CA", "fr"},
    240         {"fr", "fr_CA"},
    241         {"es", "fr", "en_US"},
    242         {"zh_CN", "zh_Hans", "zh_Hans_CN"},
    243         {"en_US_123"},
    244         {"es_US", "es"},
    245         {"de_DE", "es", "fr_FR"},
    246     };
    248     static String[] ACCEPT_LANGUAGES = {
    249         "en-US",
    250         "fr-CA,fr;q=0.5",
    251         "fr_CA;q=0.5,fr",
    252         "es,fr;q=0.76,en_US;q=0.75",
    253         "zh-CN,zh-Hans;q=0.5,zh-Hans-CN;q=0.1",
    254         "en-US-123",
    255         "  es\t; q   =0.5 \t, es-US ;q   =1",
    256         "fr-FR; q=0.5, de-DE, es",
    257     };
    259     static String[][] RESULTS_LOCALEIDS = {
    260         {"en_US", "en"},
    261         {"fr_CA", "fr"},
    262         {"fr_CA", "fr"},
    263         {"es", "fr", "en_US", "en"},
    264         {"zh_Hans_CN", "zh_CN", "zh_Hans", "zh"},
    265         {"en_US_123", "en_US", "en"},
    266         {"es_US", "es"},
    267         {"de_DE", "de", "es", "fr_FR", "fr"},
    268     };
    270     @Test
    271     public void TestSetLocales() {
    272         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    274         // setLocales(List)
    275         for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_LOCALEIDS.length; i++) {
    276             String[] localeStrings = INPUT_LOCALEIDS[i];
    277             ArrayList locales = new ArrayList();
    278             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    279             for (int j = 0; j < localeStrings.length; j++) {
    280                 locales.add(new ULocale(localeStrings[j]));
    281                 if (j != 0) {
    282                     sb.append(", ");
    283                 }
    284                 sb.append(localeStrings[j]);
    285             }
    286             logln("Input locales: " + sb.toString());
    288             gp.reset();
    289             gp.setLocales(locales);
    291             List resultLocales = gp.getLocales();
    292             if (resultLocales.size() != RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length) {
    293                 errln("FAIL: Number of locales mismatch - GP:" + resultLocales.size()
    294                         + " Expected:" + RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length);
    295             } else {
    297                 for (int j = 0; j < RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length; j++) {
    298                     ULocale loc = gp.getLocale(j);
    299                     logln("Locale[" + j + "]: " + loc.toString());
    300                     if (!gp.getLocale(j).toString().equals(RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i][j])) {
    301                         errln("FAIL: Locale index(" + j + ") does not match - GP:" + loc.toString()
    302                                 + " Expected:" + RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i][j]);
    303                     }
    304                 }
    305             }
    306         }
    308         // setLocales(ULocale[])
    309         for (int i = 0; i < INPUT_LOCALEIDS.length; i++) {
    310             String[] localeStrings = INPUT_LOCALEIDS[i];
    311             ULocale[] localeArray = new ULocale[INPUT_LOCALEIDS[i].length];
    312             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    313             for (int j = 0; j < localeStrings.length; j++) {
    314                 localeArray[j] = new ULocale(localeStrings[j]);
    315                 if (j != 0) {
    316                     sb.append(", ");
    317                 }
    318                 sb.append(localeStrings[j]);
    319             }
    320             logln("Input locales: " + sb.toString());
    322             gp.reset();
    323             gp.setLocales(localeArray);
    325             List resultLocales = gp.getLocales();
    326             if (resultLocales.size() != RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length) {
    327                 errln("FAIL: Number of locales mismatch - GP:" + resultLocales.size()
    328                         + " Expected:" + RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length);
    329             } else {
    331                 for (int j = 0; j < RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length; j++) {
    332                     ULocale loc = gp.getLocale(j);
    333                     logln("Locale[" + j + "]: " + loc.toString());
    334                     if (!gp.getLocale(j).toString().equals(RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i][j])) {
    335                         errln("FAIL: Locale index(" + j + ") does not match - GP:" + loc.toString()
    336                                 + " Expected:" + RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i][j]);
    337                     }
    338                 }
    339             }
    340         }
    342         // setLocales(String)
    343         for (int i = 0; i < ACCEPT_LANGUAGES.length; i++) {
    344             String acceptLanguage = ACCEPT_LANGUAGES[i];
    345             logln("Accept language: " + acceptLanguage);
    347             gp.reset();
    348             gp.setLocales(acceptLanguage);
    350             List resultLocales = gp.getLocales();
    351             if (resultLocales.size() != RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length) {
    352                 errln("FAIL: Number of locales mismatch - GP:" + resultLocales.size()
    353                         + " Expected:" + RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length);
    354             } else {
    356                 for (int j = 0; j < RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i].length; j++) {
    357                     ULocale loc = gp.getLocale(j);
    358                     logln("Locale[" + j + "]: " + loc.toString());
    359                     if (!gp.getLocale(j).toString().equals(RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i][j])) {
    360                         errln("FAIL: Locale index(" + j + ") does not match - GP:" + loc.toString()
    361                                 + " Expected:" + RESULTS_LOCALEIDS[i][j]);
    362                     }
    363                 }
    364             }
    365         }
    368         // accept-language without q-value
    369         logln("Set accept-language - de,de-AT");
    370         gp.setLocales("de,de-AT");
    371         if (!gp.getLocale(0).toString().equals("de_AT")) {
    372             errln("FAIL: getLocale(0) returns " + gp.getLocale(0).toString() + " Expected: de_AT");
    373         }
    375         // Invalid accept-language
    376         logln("Set locale - ko_KR");
    377         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("ko_KR"));
    378         boolean bException = false;
    379         try {
    380             logln("Set invlaid accept-language - ko=100");
    381             gp.setLocales("ko=100");
    382         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    383             logln("IllegalArgumentException was thrown");
    384             bException = true;
    385         }
    386         if (!bException) {
    387             errln("FAIL: IllegalArgumentException was not thrown for illegal accept-language - ko=100");
    388         }
    389         if (!gp.getLocale(0).toString().equals("ko_KR")) {
    390             errln("FAIL: Previous valid locale list had gone");
    391         }
    392     }
    394     @Test
    395     public void TestResourceBundle() {
    396         String baseName = "android.icu.dev.data.resources.TestDataElements";
    397         ResourceBundle rb;
    399         logln("Get a resource bundle " + baseName +
    400                 " using GlobalizationPreferences initialized by locales - en_GB, en_US");
    401         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    402         ULocale[] locales = new ULocale[2];
    403         locales[0] = new ULocale("en_GB");
    404         locales[1] = new ULocale("en_US");
    405         gp.setLocales(locales);
    407         try {
    408             rb = gp.getResourceBundle(baseName, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
    409             String str = rb.getString("from_en_US");
    410             if (!str.equals("This data comes from en_US")) {
    411                 errln("FAIL: from_en_US is not from en_US bundle");
    412             }
    413         } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
    414             errln("FAIL: Missing resouces");
    415         }
    417         gp.reset();
    419         logln("Get a resource bundle " + baseName +
    420         " using GlobalizationPreferences initialized by locales - ja, en_US_California");
    422         locales = new ULocale[2];
    423         locales[0] = new ULocale("ja");
    424         locales[1] = new ULocale("en_US_California");
    425         gp.setLocales(locales);
    427         try {
    428             rb = gp.getResourceBundle(baseName, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
    429             String str = rb.getString("from_en_US");
    430             if (!str.equals("This data comes from en_US")) {
    431                 errln("FAIL: from_en_US is not from en_US bundle");
    432             }
    433         } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
    434             errln("FAIL: Missing resouces");
    435         }
    437         logln("Get a resource bundle which does not exist");
    438         boolean bException = false;
    439         try {
    440             rb = gp.getResourceBundle("foo.bar.XXX", Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
    441         } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
    442             logln("Missing resource exception for getting resource bundle - foo.bar.XXX");
    443             bException = true;
    444         }
    445         if (!bException) {
    446             errln("FAIL: MissingResourceException must be thrown for RB - foo.bar.XXX");
    447         }
    448     }
    450     @Test
    451     public void TestTerritory() {
    452         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    454         // Territory for unsupported language locale
    455         logln("Set locale - ang");
    456         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("ang"));
    457         String territory = gp.getTerritory();
    458         if (!territory.equals("US")) {
    459             errln("FAIL: Territory is " + territory + " - Expected: US");
    460         }
    462         // Territory for language only locale "fr"
    463         logln("Set locale - fr");
    464         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("fr"));
    465         territory = gp.getTerritory();
    466         if (!territory.equals("FR")) {
    467             errln("FAIL: Territory is " + territory + " - Expected: FR");
    468         }
    471         // Set explicity territory
    472         logln("Set explicit territory - CA");
    473         gp.setTerritory("CA");
    474         territory = gp.getTerritory();
    475         if (!territory.equals("CA")) {
    476             errln("FAIL: Territory is " + territory + " - Expected: CA");
    477         }
    479         // Freeze
    480         logln("Freeze this object");
    481         gp.freeze();
    483         boolean bFrozen = false;
    484         try {
    485             gp.setTerritory("FR");
    486         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    487             logln("setTerritory is blocked");
    488             bFrozen = true;
    489         }
    490         if (!bFrozen) {
    491             errln("FAIL: setTerritory must be blocked after frozen");
    492         }
    493         territory = gp.getTerritory();
    494         if (!territory.equals("CA")) {
    495             errln("FAIL: Territory is not CA");
    496         }
    498         // Safe clone
    499         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    500         territory = gp1.getTerritory();
    501         if (!territory.equals("CA")) {
    502             errln("FAIL: Territory is " + territory + " - Expected: CA");
    503         }
    505         gp1.reset();
    506         ULocale[] locales = new ULocale[2];
    507         locales[0] = new ULocale("ja");
    508         locales[1] = new ULocale("zh_Hant_TW");
    510         logln("Set locales - ja, zh_Hant_TW");
    511         gp1.setLocales(locales);
    513         territory = gp1.getTerritory();
    514         if (!territory.equals("TW")) {
    515             errln("FAIL: Territory is " + territory + " - Expected: TW");
    516         }
    517     }
    519     @Test
    520     public void TestCurrency() {
    521         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    523         // Set language only locale - ja
    524         logln("Set locale - ja");
    525         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("ja"));
    526         Currency cur = gp.getCurrency();
    527         String code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    528         if (!code.equals("JPY")) {
    529             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: JPY");
    530         }
    532         gp.reset();
    533         // Set locales with territory
    534         logln("Set locale - ja_US");
    535         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("ja_US"));
    536         cur = gp.getCurrency();
    537         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    538         if (!code.equals("USD")) {
    539             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: USD");
    540         }
    542         // Set locales with territory in the second locale
    543         logln("Set locales - it, en_US");
    544         ULocale[] locales = new ULocale[2];
    545         locales[0] = new ULocale("it");
    546         locales[1] = new ULocale("en_US");
    547         gp.setLocales(locales);
    548         cur = gp.getCurrency();
    549         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    550         if (!code.equals("USD")) {
    551             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: USD");
    552         }
    554         // Set explicit territory
    555         logln("Set territory - DE");
    556         gp.setTerritory("DE");
    557         cur = gp.getCurrency();
    558         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    559         if (!code.equals("EUR")) {
    560             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: EUR");
    561         }
    563         // Set explicit currency
    564         Currency ecur = Currency.getInstance("BRL");
    565         gp.setCurrency(ecur);
    566         logln("Set explicit currency - BRL");
    567         cur = gp.getCurrency();
    568         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    569         if (!code.equals("BRL")) {
    570             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: BRL");
    571         }
    573         // Set explicit territory again
    574         logln("Set territory - JP");
    575         cur = gp.getCurrency();
    576         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    577         if (!code.equals("BRL")) {
    578             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: BRL");
    579         }
    581         // Freeze
    582         logln("Freeze this object");
    583         Currency ecur2 = Currency.getInstance("CHF");
    584         boolean bFrozen = false;
    585         gp.freeze();
    586         try {
    587             gp.setCurrency(ecur2);
    588         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    589             logln("setCurrency is blocked");
    590             bFrozen = true;
    591         }
    592         if (!bFrozen) {
    593             errln("FAIL: setCurrency must be blocked");
    594         }
    596         // Safe clone
    597         logln("cloneAsThawed");
    598         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    599         cur = gp.getCurrency();
    600         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    601         if (!code.equals("BRL")) {
    602             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: BRL");
    603         }
    605         // Set ecplicit currency
    606         gp1.setCurrency(ecur2);
    607         cur = gp1.getCurrency();
    608         code = cur.getCurrencyCode();
    609         if (!code.equals("CHF")) {
    610             errln("FAIL: Currency is " + code + " - Expected: CHF");
    611         }
    612     }
    614     @Test
    615     public void TestCalendar() {
    616         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    618         // Set locale - pt_BR
    619         logln("Set locale - pt");
    620         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("pt"));
    621         Calendar cal = gp.getCalendar();
    622         String calType = cal.getType();
    623         if (!calType.equals("gregorian")) {
    624             errln("FAIL: Calendar type is " + calType + " Expected: gregorian");
    625         }
    627         // Set a list of locales
    628         logln("Set locales - en, en_JP, en_GB");
    629         ULocale[] locales = new ULocale[3];
    630         locales[0] = new ULocale("en");
    631         locales[1] = new ULocale("en_JP");
    632         locales[2] = new ULocale("en_GB");
    633         gp.setLocales(locales);
    635         cal = gp.getCalendar();
    636         ULocale calLocale = cal.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
    637         if (!calLocale.equals(locales[2])) {
    638             errln("FAIL: Calendar locale is " + calLocale.toString() + " - Expected: en_GB");
    639         }
    641         // Set ecplicit calendar
    642         logln("Set Japanese calendar to this object");
    643         JapaneseCalendar jcal = new JapaneseCalendar();
    644         gp.setCalendar(jcal);
    645         cal = gp.getCalendar();
    646         calType = cal.getType();
    647         if (!calType.equals("japanese")) {
    648             errln("FAIL: Calendar type is " + calType + " Expected: japanese");
    649         }
    651         jcal.setFirstDayOfWeek(3);
    652         if (cal.getFirstDayOfWeek() == jcal.getFirstDayOfWeek()) {
    653             errln("FAIL: Calendar returned by getCalendar must be a safe copy");
    654         }
    655         cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(3);
    656         Calendar cal1 = gp.getCalendar();
    657         if (cal1.getFirstDayOfWeek() == cal.getFirstDayOfWeek()) {
    658             errln("FAIL: Calendar returned by getCalendar must be a safe copy");
    659         }
    661         // Freeze
    662         logln("Freeze this object");
    663         IslamicCalendar ical = new IslamicCalendar();
    664         boolean bFrozen = false;
    665         gp.freeze();
    666         try {
    667             gp.setCalendar(ical);
    668         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    669             logln("setCalendar is blocked");
    670             bFrozen = true;
    671         }
    672         if (!bFrozen) {
    673             errln("FAIL: setCalendar must be blocked");
    674         }
    676         // Safe clone
    677         logln("cloneAsThawed");
    678         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    679         cal = gp.getCalendar();
    680         calType = cal.getType();
    681         if (!calType.equals("japanese")) {
    682             errln("FAIL: Calendar type afte clone is " + calType + " Expected: japanese");
    683         }
    685         logln("Set islamic calendar");
    686         gp1.setCalendar(ical);
    687         cal = gp1.getCalendar();
    688         calType = cal.getType();
    689         if (!calType.equals("islamic-civil")) { // default constructed IslamicCalendar is islamic-civil
    690             errln("FAIL: Calendar type afte clone is " + calType + " Expected: islamic-civil");
    691         }
    692     }
    694     @Test
    695     public void TestTimeZone() {
    696         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    698         // Set locale - zh_CN
    699         logln("Set locale - zh_CN");
    700         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("zh_CN"));
    701         TimeZone tz = gp.getTimeZone();
    702         String tzid = tz.getID();
    703         if (!tzid.equals("Asia/Shanghai")) {
    704             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: Asia/Shanghai");
    705         }
    707         // Set locale - en
    708         logln("Set locale - en");
    709         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("en"));
    710         tz = gp.getTimeZone();
    711         tzid = tz.getID();
    712         if (!tzid.equals("America/New_York")) {
    713             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: America/New_York");
    714         }
    716         // Set territory - GB
    717         logln("Set territory - GB");
    718         gp.setTerritory("GB");
    719         tz = gp.getTimeZone();
    720         tzid = tz.getID();
    721         if (!tzid.equals("Europe/London")) {
    722             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: Europe/London");
    723         }
    725         // Check if getTimeZone returns a safe clone
    726         tz.setID("Bad_ID");
    727         tz = gp.getTimeZone();
    728         tzid = tz.getID();
    729         if (!tzid.equals("Europe/London")) {
    730             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: Europe/London");
    731         }
    733         // Set explicit time zone
    734         TimeZone jst = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Tokyo");
    735         String customJstId = "Japan_Standard_Time";
    736         jst.setID(customJstId);
    737         gp.setTimeZone(jst);
    738         tz = gp.getTimeZone();
    739         tzid = tz.getID();
    740         if (!tzid.equals(customJstId)) {
    741             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: " + customJstId);
    742         }
    744         // Freeze
    745         logln("Freeze this object");
    746         TimeZone cst = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Paris");
    747         boolean bFrozen = false;
    748         gp.freeze();
    749         try {
    750             gp.setTimeZone(cst);
    751         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    752             logln("setTimeZone is blocked");
    753             bFrozen = true;
    754         }
    755         if (!bFrozen) {
    756             errln("FAIL: setTimeZone must be blocked");
    757         }
    759         // Modifiable clone
    760         logln("cloneAsThawed");
    761         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    762         tz = gp1.getTimeZone();
    763         tzid = tz.getID();
    764         if (!tzid.equals(customJstId)) {
    765             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: " + customJstId);
    766         }
    768         // Set explicit time zone
    769         gp1.setTimeZone(cst);
    770         tz = gp1.getTimeZone();
    771         tzid = tz.getID();
    772         if (!tzid.equals(cst.getID())) {
    773             errln("FAIL: Time zone ID is " + tzid + " Expected: " + cst.getID());
    774         }
    775     }
    777     @Test
    778     public void TestCollator() {
    779         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    781         // Set locale - tr
    782         logln("Set locale - tr");
    783         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("tr"));
    784         Collator coll = gp.getCollator();
    785         String locStr = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    786         if (!locStr.equals("tr")) {
    787             errln("FAIL: Collator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: tr");
    788         }
    790         // Unsupported collator locale - zun
    791         logln("Set locale - zun");
    792         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("zun"));
    793         coll = gp.getCollator();
    794         locStr = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    795         if (!locStr.equals("")) {
    796             errln("FAIL: Collator locale is \"" + locStr + "\" Expected: \"\"(empty)");
    797         }
    799         // Set locales - en_JP, fr, en_US, fr_FR
    800         logln("Set locale - en_JP, fr, en_US, fr_FR");
    801         ULocale[] locales = new ULocale[4];
    802         locales[0] = new ULocale("en_JP");
    803         locales[1] = new ULocale("fr");
    804         locales[2] = new ULocale("en_US");
    805         locales[3] = new ULocale("fr_FR");
    806         gp.setLocales(locales);
    807         coll = gp.getCollator();
    808         locStr = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    809         if (!locStr.equals("fr")) {
    810             errln("FAIL: Collator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: fr");
    811         }
    813         // Set explicit Collator
    814         Collator coll1 = Collator.getInstance(new ULocale("it"));
    815         coll1.setDecomposition(Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION);
    816         logln("Set collator for it in canonical deconposition mode");
    817         gp.setCollator(coll1);
    818         coll1.setStrength(Collator.IDENTICAL);
    819         coll = gp.getCollator();
    820         locStr = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    821         if (!locStr.equals("it")) {
    822             errln("FAIL: Collator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: it");
    823         }
    824         if (coll1.equals(coll)) {
    825             errln("FAIL: setCollator must use a safe copy of a Collator");
    826         }
    828         // Freeze
    829         logln("Freeze this object");
    830         boolean isFrozen = false;
    831         gp.freeze();
    832         try {
    833             gp.setCollator(coll1);
    834         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    835             logln("setCollator is blocked");
    836             isFrozen = true;
    837         }
    838         if (!isFrozen) {
    839             errln("FAIL: setCollator must be blocked after freeze");
    840         }
    842         // Modifiable clone
    843         logln("cloneAsThawed");
    844         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    845         coll = gp1.getCollator();
    846         locStr = coll.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    847         if (!locStr.equals("it")) {
    848             errln("FAIL: Collator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: it");
    849         }
    850         if (coll.getDecomposition() != Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION) {
    851             errln("FAIL: Decomposition mode is not CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION");
    852         }
    854         // Set custom collator again
    855         gp1.setCollator(coll1);
    856         coll = gp1.getCollator();
    857         if (coll.getStrength() != Collator.IDENTICAL) {
    858             errln("FAIL: Strength is not IDENTICAL");
    859         }
    860     }
    862     @Test
    863     public void TestBreakIterator() {
    864         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    866         // Unsupported break iterator locale - aar
    867         logln("Set locale - aar");
    868         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("aar"));
    869         BreakIterator brk = gp.getBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_LINE);
    870         String locStr = brk.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    871         if (!locStr.equals("root")) {
    872             errln("FAIL: Line break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: root");
    873         }
    875         // Set locale - es
    876         logln("Set locale - es");
    877         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("es"));
    878         brk = gp.getBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_CHARACTER);
    879         locStr = brk.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    880         if (!locStr.equals("es")) {
    881             errln("FAIL: Character break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: es");
    882         }
    884         // Set explicit break sentence iterator
    885         logln("Set break iterator for sentence using locale hu_HU");
    886         BreakIterator brk1 = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(new ULocale("hu_HU"));
    887         gp.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_SENTENCE, brk1);
    889         brk = gp.getBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_SENTENCE);
    890         /* TODO: JB#5210
    891         locStr = brk.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    892         if (!locStr.equals("hu_HU")) {
    893             errln("FAIL: Sentence break locale is " + locStr + " Expected: hu_HU");
    894         }
    895         */
    896         brk.setText("This is a test case.  Is this a new instance?");
    897         brk.next();
    898         if (brk1.current() == brk.current()) {
    899             errln("FAIL: getBreakIterator must return a new instance");
    900         }
    902         // Illegal argument
    903         logln("Get break iterator type 100");
    904         boolean illegalArg = false;
    905         try {
    906             brk = gp.getBreakIterator(100);
    907         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    908             logln("Break iterator type 100 is illegal");
    909             illegalArg = true;
    910         }
    911         if (!illegalArg) {
    912             errln("FAIL: getBreakIterator must throw IllegalArgumentException for type 100");
    913         }
    914         logln("Set break iterator type -1");
    915         illegalArg = false;
    916         try {
    917             gp.setBreakIterator(-1, brk1);
    918         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    919             logln("Break iterator type -1 is illegal");
    920             illegalArg = true;
    921         }
    922         if (!illegalArg) {
    923             errln("FAIL: getBreakIterator must throw IllegalArgumentException for type -1");
    924         }
    926         // Freeze
    927         logln("Freeze this object");
    928         BreakIterator brk2 = BreakIterator.getTitleInstance(new ULocale("es_MX"));
    929         boolean isFrozen = false;
    930         gp.freeze();
    931         try {
    932             gp.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_TITLE, brk2);
    933         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
    934             logln("setBreakIterator is blocked");
    935             isFrozen = true;
    936         }
    937         if (!isFrozen) {
    938             errln("FAIL: setBreakIterator must be blocked after frozen");
    939         }
    941         // Modifiable clone
    942         logln("cloneAsThawed");
    943         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
    944         brk = gp1.getBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_WORD);
    945         /* TODO: JB#5383
    946         locStr = brk.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    947         if (!locStr.equals("es")) {
    948             errln("FAIL: Word break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: es");
    949         }
    950         */
    952         ULocale frFR = new ULocale("fr_FR");
    953         BreakIterator brkC = BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(frFR);
    954         BreakIterator brkW = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(frFR);
    955         BreakIterator brkL = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(frFR);
    956         BreakIterator brkS = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(frFR);
    957         BreakIterator brkT = BreakIterator.getTitleInstance(frFR);
    959         gp1.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_CHARACTER, brkC);
    960         gp1.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_WORD, brkW);
    961         gp1.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_LINE, brkL);
    962         gp1.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_SENTENCE, brkS);
    963         gp1.setBreakIterator(GlobalizationPreferences.BI_TITLE, brkT);
    965         /* TODO: JB#5210
    966         locStr = brkC.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    967         if (!locStr.equals("ja_JP")) {
    968             errln("FAIL: Character break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: fr_FR");
    969         }
    970         locStr = brkW.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    971         if (!locStr.equals("ja_JP")) {
    972             errln("FAIL: Word break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: fr_FR");
    973         }
    974         locStr = brkL.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    975         if (!locStr.equals("ja_JP")) {
    976             errln("FAIL: Line break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: fr_FR");
    977         }
    978         locStr = brkS.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    979         if (!locStr.equals("ja_JP")) {
    980             errln("FAIL: Sentence break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: fr_FR");
    981         }
    982         locStr = brkT.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString();
    983         if (!locStr.equals("ja_JP")) {
    984             errln("FAIL: Title break iterator locale is " + locStr + " Expected: fr_FR");
    985         }
    986         */
    987     }
    989     @Test
    990     public void TestDisplayName() {
    991         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
    993         ULocale loc_fr_FR_Paris = new ULocale("fr_FR_Paris");
    994         ULocale loc_peo = new ULocale("peo");
    996         // Locale list - fr_FR_Paris
    997         ArrayList locales1 = new ArrayList(1);
    998         locales1.add(loc_fr_FR_Paris);
   1000         // Locale list - ain, fr_FR_Paris
   1001         ArrayList locales2 = new ArrayList(2);
   1002         locales2.add(loc_peo);
   1003         locales2.add(loc_fr_FR_Paris);
   1005         logln("Locales: <default> | <fr_FR_Paris> | <ain, fr_FR_Paris>");
   1007         // ID_LOCALE
   1008         String id = "zh_Hant_HK";
   1009         String name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_LOCALE);
   1010         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1011         String name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_LOCALE);
   1012         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1013         String name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_LOCALE);
   1015         logln("Locale[zh_Hant_HK]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1016         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1017             errln("FAIL: Locale ID");
   1018         }
   1020         // ID_LANGUAGE
   1021         gp.reset();
   1022         id = "fr";
   1023         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_LANGUAGE);
   1024         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1025         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_LANGUAGE);
   1026         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1027         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_LANGUAGE);
   1029         logln("Language[fr]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1030         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1031             errln("FAIL: Language ID");
   1032         }
   1034         // ID_SCRIPT
   1035         gp.reset();
   1036         id = "cyrl";
   1037         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_SCRIPT);
   1038         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1039         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_SCRIPT);
   1040         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1041         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_SCRIPT);
   1043         logln("Script[cyrl]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1044         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1045             errln("FAIL: Script ID");
   1046         }
   1048         // ID_TERRITORY
   1049         gp.reset();
   1050         id = "JP";
   1051         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_TERRITORY);
   1052         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1053         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_TERRITORY);
   1054         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1055         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_TERRITORY);
   1057         logln("Territory[JP]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1058         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1059             errln("FAIL: Territory ID");
   1060         }
   1062         // ID_VARIANT
   1063         gp.reset();
   1064         id = "NEDIS";
   1065         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_VARIANT);
   1066         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1067         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_VARIANT);
   1068         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1069         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_VARIANT);
   1071         logln("Variant[NEDIS]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1072         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1073             errln("FAIL: Variant ID");
   1074         }
   1076         // ID_KEYWORD
   1077         gp.reset();
   1078         id = "collation";
   1079         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_KEYWORD);
   1080         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1081         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_KEYWORD);
   1082         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1083         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_KEYWORD);
   1085         logln("Keyword[collation]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1086         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1087             errln("FAIL: Keyword ID");
   1088         }
   1090         // ID_KEYWORD_VALUE
   1091         gp.reset();
   1092         id = "collation=traditional";
   1093         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_KEYWORD_VALUE);
   1094         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1095         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_KEYWORD_VALUE);
   1096         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1097         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_KEYWORD_VALUE);
   1099         logln("Keyword value[traditional]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1100         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1101             errln("FAIL: Keyword value ID");
   1102         }
   1104         // ID_CURRENCY_SYMBOL
   1105         gp.reset();
   1106         id = "USD";
   1107         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
   1108         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1109         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
   1110         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1111         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
   1113         logln("Currency symbol[USD]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1114         String dollar = "$";
   1115         String us_dollar = "$US";
   1116         if (!name1.equals(dollar) || !name2.equals(us_dollar) || !name3.equals(us_dollar)) {
   1117             errln("FAIL: Currency symbol ID");
   1118         }
   1120         // ID_CURRENCY
   1121         gp.reset();
   1122         id = "USD";
   1123         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_CURRENCY);
   1124         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1125         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_CURRENCY);
   1126         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1127         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_CURRENCY);
   1129         logln("Currency[USD]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1130         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1131             errln("FAIL: Currency ID");
   1132         }
   1134         // ID_TIMEZONE
   1135         gp.reset();
   1136         id = "Europe/Paris";
   1137         name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_TIMEZONE);
   1138         gp.setLocales(locales1);
   1139         name2 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_TIMEZONE);
   1140         gp.setLocales(locales2);
   1141         name3 = gp.getDisplayName(id, GlobalizationPreferences.ID_TIMEZONE);
   1143         logln("Timezone[Europe/Paris]: " + name1 + " | " + name2 + " | " + name3);
   1144         if (name1.equals(name2) || !name2.equals(name3)) {
   1145             errln("FAIL: Timezone ID");
   1146         }
   1148         // Illegal ID
   1149         gp.reset();
   1150         boolean illegalArg = false;
   1151         try {
   1152             name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, -1);
   1153         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   1154             logln("Illegal type -1");
   1155             illegalArg = true;
   1156         }
   1157         if (!illegalArg) {
   1158             errln("FAIL: getDisplayName must throw IllegalArgumentException for type -1");
   1159         }
   1161         illegalArg = false;
   1162         try {
   1163             name1 = gp.getDisplayName(id, 100);
   1164         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   1165             logln("Illegal type 100");
   1166             illegalArg = true;
   1167         }
   1168         if (!illegalArg) {
   1169             errln("FAIL: getDisplayName must throw IllegalArgumentException for type 100");
   1170         }
   1171     }
   1173     @Test
   1174     public void TestDateFormat() {
   1175         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
   1177         String pattern;
   1178         DateFormat df;
   1180         // Set unsupported locale - ach
   1181         logln("Set locale - ach");
   1182         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("ach"));
   1184         // Date - short
   1185         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1186         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1187         // root pattern must be used
   1188         if (!pattern.equals("y-MM-dd")) {
   1189             errln("FAIL: SHORT date pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: y-MM-dd");
   1190         }
   1192         // Set locale - fr, fr_CA, fr_FR
   1193         ArrayList lcls = new ArrayList(3);
   1194         lcls.add(new ULocale("fr"));
   1195         lcls.add(new ULocale("fr_CA"));
   1196         lcls.add(new ULocale("fr_FR"));
   1197         logln("Set locales - fr, fr_CA, fr_FR");
   1198         gp.setLocales(lcls);
   1199         // Date - short
   1200         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1201         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1202         // fr_CA pattern must be used
   1203         if (!pattern.equals("yy-MM-dd")) {
   1204             errln("FAIL: SHORT date pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: yy-MM-dd");
   1205         }
   1208         // Set locale - en_GB
   1209         logln("Set locale - en_GB");
   1210         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("en_GB"));
   1212         // Date - full
   1213         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1214         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1215         if (!pattern.equals("EEEE, d MMMM y")) {
   1216             errln("FAIL: FULL date pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: EEEE, d MMMM y");
   1217         }
   1219         // Date - long
   1220         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_LONG, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1221         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1222         if (!pattern.equals("d MMMM y")) {
   1223             errln("FAIL: LONG date pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: d MMMM y");
   1224         }
   1226         // Date - medium
   1227         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_MEDIUM, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1228         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1229         if (!pattern.equals("d MMM y")) {
   1230             errln("FAIL: MEDIUM date pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: d MMM y");
   1231         }
   1233         // Date - short
   1234         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1235         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1236         if (!pattern.equals("dd/MM/y")) {
   1237             errln("FAIL: SHORT date pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: dd/MM/y");
   1238         }
   1240         // Time - full
   1241         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL);
   1242         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1243         if (!pattern.equals("HH:mm:ss zzzz")) {
   1244             errln("FAIL: FULL time pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: HH:mm:ss zzzz");
   1245         }
   1247         // Time - long
   1248         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_LONG);
   1249         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1250         if (!pattern.equals("HH:mm:ss z")) {
   1251             errln("FAIL: LONG time pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: HH:mm:ss z");
   1252         }
   1254         // Time - medium
   1255         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_MEDIUM);
   1256         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1257         if (!pattern.equals("HH:mm:ss")) {
   1258             errln("FAIL: MEDIUM time pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: HH:mm:ss");
   1259         }
   1261         // Time - short
   1262         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT);
   1263         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1264         if (!pattern.equals("HH:mm")) {
   1265             errln("FAIL: SHORT time pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: HH:mm");
   1266         }
   1268         // Date/Time - full
   1269         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL);
   1270         pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)df).toPattern();
   1271         if (!pattern.equals("EEEE, d MMMM y 'at' HH:mm:ss zzzz")) {
   1272             errln("FAIL: FULL date/time pattern is " + pattern + " Expected: EEEE, d MMMM y 'at' HH:mm:ss zzzz");
   1273         }
   1275         // Invalid style
   1276         boolean illegalArg = false;
   1277         try {
   1278             df = gp.getDateFormat(-1, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1279         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   1280             logln("Illegal date style -1");
   1281             illegalArg = true;
   1282         }
   1283         if (!illegalArg) {
   1284             errln("FAIL: getDateFormat() must throw IllegalArgumentException for dateStyle -1");
   1285         }
   1287         illegalArg = false;
   1288         try {
   1289             df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1290         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   1291             logln("Illegal style - dateStyle:DF_NONE / timeStyle:DF_NONE");
   1292             illegalArg = true;
   1293         }
   1294         if (!illegalArg) {
   1295             errln("FAIL: getDateFormat() must throw IllegalArgumentException for dateStyle:DF_NONE/timeStyle:DF_NONE");
   1296         }
   1298         // Set explicit time zone
   1299         logln("Set timezone - America/Sao_Paulo");
   1300         TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Sao_Paulo");
   1301         gp.setTimeZone(tz);
   1302         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_LONG, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_MEDIUM);
   1303         String tzid = df.getTimeZone().getID();
   1304         if (!tzid.equals("America/Sao_Paulo")) {
   1305             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use timezone America/Sao_Paulo");
   1306         }
   1308         // Set explicit calendar
   1309         logln("Set calendar - japanese");
   1310         Calendar jcal = new JapaneseCalendar();
   1311         jcal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Tokyo"));
   1312         gp.setCalendar(jcal);
   1313         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT);
   1314         Calendar dfCal = df.getCalendar();
   1315         if (!(dfCal instanceof JapaneseCalendar)) {
   1316             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use Japanese calendar");
   1317         }
   1318         // TimeZone must be still America/Sao_Paulo
   1319         tzid = df.getTimeZone().getID();
   1320         if (!tzid.equals("America/Sao_Paulo")) {
   1321             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use timezone America/Sao_Paulo");
   1322         }
   1324         // Set explicit DateFormat
   1325         logln("Set explicit date format - full date");
   1326         DateFormat customFD = DateFormat.getDateInstance(new IslamicCalendar(), DateFormat.FULL, new ULocale("ar_SA"));
   1327         customFD.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Riyadh"));
   1328         gp.setDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, customFD);
   1329         df = gp.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_FULL, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1330         dfCal = df.getCalendar();
   1331         if (!(dfCal instanceof IslamicCalendar)) {
   1332             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use Islamic calendar");
   1333         }
   1334         // TimeZone in the custom DateFormat is overridden by GP's timezone setting
   1335         tzid = df.getTimeZone().getID();
   1336         if (!tzid.equals("America/Sao_Paulo")) {
   1337             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use timezone America/Sao_Paulo");
   1338         }
   1340         // Freeze
   1341         logln("Freeze this object");
   1342         gp.freeze();
   1343         DateFormat customLD = DateFormat.getDateInstance(new BuddhistCalendar(), DateFormat.LONG, new ULocale("th"));
   1344         customLD.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Bangkok"));
   1345         boolean isFrozen = false;
   1346         try {
   1347             gp.setDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_LONG, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, customLD);
   1348         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
   1349             logln("setDateFormat is blocked");
   1350             isFrozen = true;
   1351         }
   1352         if (!isFrozen) {
   1353             errln("FAIL: setDateFormat must be blocked after frozen");
   1354         }
   1356         // Modifiable clone
   1357         logln("cloneAsThawed");
   1358         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
   1359         gp1.setDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_LONG, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE, customLD);
   1361         df = gp1.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_SHORT);
   1362         dfCal = df.getCalendar();
   1363         if (!(dfCal instanceof JapaneseCalendar)) {
   1364             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use Japanese calendar");
   1365         }
   1366         // TimeZone must be still America/Sao_Paulo
   1367         tzid = df.getTimeZone().getID();
   1368         if (!tzid.equals("America/Sao_Paulo")) {
   1369             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use timezone America/Sao_Paulo");
   1370         }
   1372         df = gp1.getDateFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.DF_LONG, GlobalizationPreferences.DF_NONE);
   1373         dfCal = df.getCalendar();
   1374         if (!(dfCal instanceof BuddhistCalendar)) {
   1375             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use Buddhist calendar");
   1376         }
   1377         // TimeZone must be still America/Sao_Paulo
   1378         tzid = df.getTimeZone().getID();
   1379         if (!tzid.equals("America/Sao_Paulo")) {
   1380             errln("FAIL: The DateFormat instance must use timezone America/Sao_Paulo");
   1381         }
   1383     }
   1385     @Test
   1386     public void TestNumberFormat() {
   1387         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
   1389         NumberFormat nf;
   1390         String numStr;
   1391         double num = 123456.789;
   1393         // Set unsupported locale with supported territory ang_KR
   1394         logln("Set locale - ang_KR");
   1395         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("ang_KR"));
   1396         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_CURRENCY);
   1397         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1398         if (!numStr.equals("\u20a9\u00a0123,457")) {
   1399             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: \u20a9\u00a0123,457");
   1400         }
   1402         // Set locale - de_DE
   1403         logln("Set locale - de_DE");
   1404         gp.setLocale(new ULocale("de_DE"));
   1406         // NF_NUMBER
   1407         logln("NUMBER type");
   1408         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER);
   1409         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1410         if (!numStr.equals("123.456,789")) {
   1411             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 123.456,789");
   1412         }
   1414         // NF_CURRENCY
   1415         logln("CURRENCY type");
   1416         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_CURRENCY);
   1417         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1418         if (!numStr.equals("123.456,79\u00a0\u20AC")) {
   1419             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 123.456,79\u00a0\u20AC");
   1420         }
   1422         // NF_PERCENT
   1423         logln("PERCENT type");
   1424         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_PERCENT);
   1425         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1426         if (!numStr.equals("12.345.679\u00a0%")) {
   1427             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 12.345.679\u00a0%");
   1428         }
   1430         // NF_SCIENTIFIC
   1431         logln("SCIENTIFIC type");
   1432         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_SCIENTIFIC);
   1433         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1434         if (!numStr.equals("1,23456789E5")) {
   1435             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 1,23456789E5");
   1436         }
   1438         // NF_INTEGER
   1439         logln("INTEGER type");
   1440         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_INTEGER);
   1441         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1442         if (!numStr.equals("123.457")) {
   1443             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 123.457");
   1444         }
   1446         // Invalid number type
   1447         logln("INVALID type");
   1448         boolean illegalArg = false;
   1449         try {
   1450             nf = gp.getNumberFormat(100);
   1451         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   1452             logln("Illegal number format type 100");
   1453             illegalArg = true;
   1454         }
   1455         if (!illegalArg) {
   1456             errln("FAIL: getNumberFormat must throw IllegalArgumentException for type 100");
   1457         }
   1458         illegalArg = false;
   1459         try {
   1460             nf = gp.getNumberFormat(-1);
   1461         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   1462             logln("Illegal number format type -1");
   1463             illegalArg = true;
   1464         }
   1465         if (!illegalArg) {
   1466             errln("FAIL: getNumberFormat must throw IllegalArgumentException for type -1");
   1467         }
   1469         // Set explicit territory
   1470         logln("Set territory - US");
   1471         gp.setTerritory("US");
   1472         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_CURRENCY);
   1473         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1474         if (!numStr.equals("123.456,79\u00a0$")) {
   1475             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 123.456,79\u00a0$");
   1476         }
   1478         // Set explicit currency
   1479         logln("Set currency - GBP");
   1480         gp.setCurrency(Currency.getInstance("GBP"));
   1481         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_CURRENCY);
   1482         numStr = nf.format(num);
   1483         if (!numStr.equals("123.456,79\u00a0\u00A3")) {
   1484             errln("FAIL: Number string is " + numStr + " Expected: 123.456,79\u00a0\u00A3");
   1485         }
   1487         // Set exliplicit NumberFormat
   1488         logln("Set explicit NumberFormat objects");
   1489         NumberFormat customNum = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new ULocale("he_IL"));
   1490         gp.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER, customNum);
   1491         NumberFormat customCur = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new ULocale("zh_CN"));
   1492         gp.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_CURRENCY, customCur);
   1493         NumberFormat customPct = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(new ULocale("el_GR"));
   1494         gp.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_PERCENT, customPct);
   1495         NumberFormat customSci = NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(new ULocale("ru_RU"));
   1496         gp.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_SCIENTIFIC, customSci);
   1497         NumberFormat customInt = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(new ULocale("pt_PT"));
   1498         gp.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_INTEGER, customInt);
   1501         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER);
   1502         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("he_IL")) {
   1503             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale he_IL");
   1504         }
   1505         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_CURRENCY);
   1506         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("zh_CN")) {
   1507             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale zh_CN");
   1508         }
   1509         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_PERCENT);
   1510         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("el_GR")) {
   1511             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale el_GR");
   1512         }
   1513         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_SCIENTIFIC);
   1514         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("ru_RU")) {
   1515             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale ru_RU");
   1516         }
   1517         nf = gp.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_INTEGER);
   1518         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("pt_PT")) {
   1519             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale pt_PT");
   1520         }
   1522         NumberFormat customNum1 = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new ULocale("hi_IN"));
   1524         // Freeze
   1525         logln("Freeze this object");
   1526         boolean isFrozen = false;
   1527         gp.freeze();
   1528         try {
   1529             gp.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER, customNum1);
   1530         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
   1531             logln("setNumberFormat is blocked");
   1532             isFrozen = true;
   1533         }
   1534         if (!isFrozen) {
   1535             errln("FAIL: setNumberFormat must be blocked after frozen");
   1536         }
   1538         // Create a modifiable clone
   1539         GlobalizationPreferences gp1 = (GlobalizationPreferences)gp.cloneAsThawed();
   1541         // Number type format's locale is still he_IL
   1542         nf = gp1.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER);
   1543         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("he_IL")) {
   1544             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale he_IL");
   1545         }
   1547         logln("Set custom number format using locale hi_IN");
   1548         gp1.setNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER, customNum1);
   1549         nf = gp1.getNumberFormat(GlobalizationPreferences.NF_NUMBER);
   1550         if (!nf.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE).toString().equals("hi_IN")) {
   1551             errln("FAIL: The NumberFormat instance must use locale hi_IN");
   1552         }
   1553     }
   1555     /*
   1556      * JB#5380 GlobalizationPreferences#getCalendar() should return a Calendar object
   1557      * initialized with the current time
   1558      */
   1559     @Test
   1560     public void TestJB5380() {
   1561         GlobalizationPreferences gp = new GlobalizationPreferences();
   1562         GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar();
   1564         // set way old date
   1565         gcal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1950);
   1567         // set calendar to GP
   1568         gp.setCalendar(gcal);
   1570         Calendar cal = gp.getCalendar();
   1571         // Calendar instance returned from GP should be initialized
   1572         // by the current time
   1573         long timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - cal.getTimeInMillis();
   1574         if (Math.abs(timeDiff) > 1000) {
   1575             // if difference is more than 1 second..
   1576             errln("FAIL: The Calendar was not initialized by current time - difference:" + timeDiff);
   1577         }
   1578     }
   1579 }