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      2 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      3 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
      4 /*
      5  *******************************************************************************
      6  * Copyright (C) 1996-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
      7  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      8  *******************************************************************************
      9  */
     11 package android.icu.dev.test.normalizer;
     13 import java.io.BufferedReader;
     14 import java.io.IOException;
     15 import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
     17 import org.junit.Ignore;
     18 import org.junit.Test;
     20 import android.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
     21 import android.icu.dev.test.TestUtil;
     22 import android.icu.impl.Utility;
     23 import android.icu.text.Normalizer;
     24 import android.icu.text.UTF16;
     25 import android.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
     27 public class ConformanceTest extends TestFmwk {
     29     Normalizer normalizer;
     31     public ConformanceTest() {
     32         // Doesn't matter what the string and mode are; we'll change
     33         // them later as needed.
     34         normalizer = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.NFC, 0);
     35     }
     36     // more interesting conformance test cases, not in the unicode.org NormalizationTest.txt
     37     static  String[] moreCases ={
     38         // Markus 2001aug30
     39         "0061 0332 0308;00E4 0332;0061 0332 0308;00E4 0332;0061 0332 0308; # Markus 0",
     41         // Markus 2001oct26 - test edge case for iteration: U+0f73.cc==0 but decomposition.lead.cc==129
     42         "0061 0301 0F73;00E1 0F71 0F72;0061 0F71 0F72 0301;00E1 0F71 0F72;0061 0F71 0F72 0301; # Markus 1"
     43     };
     45     /**
     46      * Test the conformance of Normalizer to
     47      * http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/conformance/Draft-TestSuite.txt.* http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/NormalizationTest.txt
     48      * This file must be located at the path specified as TEST_SUITE_FILE.
     49      */
     50     @Test
     51     public void TestConformance() throws Exception{
     52         runConformance("unicode/NormalizationTest.txt",0);
     53     }
     54     @Test
     55     public void TestConformance_3_2() throws Exception{
     56         runConformance("unicode/NormalizationTest-3.2.0.txt",Normalizer.UNICODE_3_2);
     57     }
     59     public void runConformance(String fileName, int options) throws Exception{
     60         String line = null;
     61         String[] fields = new String[5];
     62         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
     63         int passCount = 0;
     64         int failCount = 0;
     65         UnicodeSet other = new UnicodeSet(0, 0x10ffff);
     66         int c=0;
     67         BufferedReader input = null;
     68         try {
     69             input = TestUtil.getDataReader(fileName);
     70             for (int count = 0;;++count) {
     71                 line = input.readLine();
     72                 if (line == null) {
     73                     //read the extra test cases
     74                     if(count > moreCases.length) {
     75                         count = 0;
     76                     } else if(count == moreCases.length) {
     77                         // all done
     78                         break;
     79                     }
     80                     line = moreCases[count++];
     81                 }
     82                 if (line.length() == 0) continue;
     84                 // Expect 5 columns of this format:
     85                 // 1E0C;1E0C;0044 0323;1E0C;0044 0323; # <comments>
     87                 // Skip comments
     88                 if (line.charAt(0) == '#'  || line.charAt(0)=='@') continue;
     90                 // Parse out the fields
     91                 hexsplit(line, ';', fields, buf);
     93                 // Remove a single code point from the "other" UnicodeSet
     94                 if(fields[0].length()==UTF16.moveCodePointOffset(fields[0],0, 1)) {
     95                     c=UTF16.charAt(fields[0],0);
     96                     if(0xac20<=c && c<=0xd73f) {
     97                         // not an exhaustive test run: skip most Hangul syllables
     98                         if(c==0xac20) {
     99                             other.remove(0xac20, 0xd73f);
    100                         }
    101                         continue;
    102                     }
    103                     other.remove(c);
    104                 }
    105                 if (checkConformance(fields, line,options)) {
    106                     ++passCount;
    107                 } else {
    108                     ++failCount;
    109                 }
    110                 if ((count % 1000) == 999) {
    111                     logln("Line " + (count+1));
    112                 }
    113             }
    114         } catch (IOException ex) {
    115             ex.printStackTrace();
    116             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't read file "
    117               + ex.getClass().getName() + " " + ex.getMessage()
    118               + " line = " + line
    119               );
    120         } finally {
    121             if (input != null) {
    122                 try {
    123                     input.close();
    124                 } catch (IOException ignored) {
    125                 }
    126             }
    127         }
    129         if (failCount != 0) {
    130             errln("Total: " + failCount + " lines failed, " +
    131                   passCount + " lines passed");
    132         } else {
    133             logln("Total: " + passCount + " lines passed");
    134         }
    135     }
    137     /**
    138      * Verify the conformance of the given line of the Unicode
    139      * normalization (UTR 15) test suite file.  For each line,
    140      * there are five columns, corresponding to field[0]..field[4].
    141      *
    142      * The following invariants must be true for all conformant implementations
    143      *  c2 == NFC(c1) == NFC(c2) == NFC(c3)
    144      *  c3 == NFD(c1) == NFD(c2) == NFD(c3)
    145      *  c4 == NFKC(c1) == NFKC(c2) == NFKC(c3) == NFKC(c4) == NFKC(c5)
    146      *  c5 == NFKD(c1) == NFKD(c2) == NFKD(c3) == NFKD(c4) == NFKD(c5)
    147      *
    148      * @param field the 5 columns
    149      * @param line the source line from the test suite file
    150      * @return true if the test passes
    151      */
    152     private boolean checkConformance(String[] field, String line, int options) throws Exception{
    153         boolean pass = true;
    154         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // scratch
    155         String out,fcd;
    156         int i=0;
    157         for (i=0; i<5; ++i) {
    158             if (i<3) {
    159                 out = Normalizer.normalize(field[i], Normalizer.NFC, options);
    160                 pass &= assertEqual("C", field[i], out, field[1], "c2!=C(c" + (i+1));
    162                 out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFC, buf, +1,options);
    163                 pass &= assertEqual("C(+1)", field[i], out, field[1], "c2!=C(c" + (i+1));
    165                 out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFC, buf, -1,options);
    166                 pass &= assertEqual("C(-1)", field[i], out, field[1], "c2!=C(c" + (i+1));
    168                 out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFC, buf, +1,options);
    169                 pass &= assertEqual("C(+1)", field[i], out, field[1], "c2!=C(c" + (i+1));
    171                 out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFC, buf, -1,options);
    172                 pass &= assertEqual("C(-1)", field[i], out, field[1], "c2!=C(c" + (i+1));
    174                 out = Normalizer.normalize(field[i], Normalizer.NFD);
    175                 pass &= assertEqual("D", field[i], out, field[2], "c3!=D(c" + (i+1));
    177                 out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFD, buf, +1,options);
    178                 pass &= assertEqual("D(+1)", field[i], out, field[2], "c3!=D(c" + (i+1));
    180                 out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFD, buf, -1,options);
    181                 pass &= assertEqual("D(-1)", field[i], out, field[2], "c3!=D(c" + (i+1));
    183                 out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFD, buf, +1,options);
    184                 pass &= assertEqual("D(+1)", field[i], out, field[2], "c3!=D(c" + (i+1));
    186                 out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFD, buf, -1,options);
    187                 pass &= assertEqual("D(-1)", field[i], out, field[2], "c3!=D(c" + (i+1));
    189                 cross(field[2] /*NFD String*/, field[1]/*NFC String*/, Normalizer.NFC);
    190                 cross(field[1] /*NFC String*/, field[2]/*NFD String*/, Normalizer.NFD);
    191             }
    192             out = Normalizer.normalize(field[i], Normalizer.NFKC,options);
    193             pass &= assertEqual("KC", field[i], out, field[3], "c4!=KC(c" + (i+1));
    195             out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFKC, buf, +1,options);
    196             pass &= assertEqual("KD(+1)", field[i], out, field[3], "c4!=KC(c" + (i+1));
    198             out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFKC, buf, -1,options);
    199             pass &= assertEqual("KD(-1)", field[i], out, field[3], "c4!=KC(c" + (i+1));
    201             out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFKC, buf, +1,options);
    202             pass &= assertEqual("KD(+1)", field[i], out, field[3], "c4!=KC(c" + (i+1));
    204             out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFKC, buf, -1,options);
    205             pass &= assertEqual("KD(-1)", field[i], out, field[3], "c4!=KC(c" + (i+1));
    208             out = Normalizer.normalize(field[i], Normalizer.NFKD,options);
    209             pass &= assertEqual("KD", field[i], out, field[4], "c5!=KD(c" + (i+1));
    211             out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFKD, buf, +1,options);
    212             pass &= assertEqual("KD(+1)", field[i], out, field[4], "c5!=KD(c" + (i+1));
    214             out = iterativeNorm(field[i], Normalizer.NFKD, buf, -1,options);
    215             pass &= assertEqual("KD(-1)", field[i], out, field[4], "c5!=KD(c" + (i+1));
    217             out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFKD, buf, +1,options);
    218             pass &= assertEqual("KD(+1)", field[i], out, field[4], "c5!=KD(c" + (i+1));
    220             out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[i]), Normalizer.NFKD, buf, -1,options);
    221             pass &= assertEqual("KD(-1)", field[i], out, field[4], "c5!=KD(c" + (i+1));
    223             cross(field[4] /*NFKD String*/, field[3]/*NFKC String*/, Normalizer.NFKC);
    224             cross(field[3] /*NFKC String*/, field[4]/*NFKD String*/, Normalizer.NFKD);
    226         }
    227         compare(field[1],field[2]);
    228         compare(field[0],field[1]);
    229         compare(field[0],field[2]);
    230          // test quick checks
    231         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(field[1], Normalizer.NFC,options)) {
    232             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(NFC(s), Normalizer.NFC) is Normalizer.NO");
    233             pass = false;
    234         }
    235         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(field[2], Normalizer.NFD,options)) {
    236             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(NFD(s), Normalizer.NFD) is Normalizer.NO");
    237             pass = false;
    238         }
    239         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(field[3], Normalizer.NFKC,options)) {
    240             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(NFKC(s), Normalizer.NFKC) is Normalizer.NO");
    241             pass = false;
    242         }
    243         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(field[4], Normalizer.NFKD,options)) {
    244             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(NFKD(s), Normalizer.NFKD) is Normalizer.NO");
    245             pass = false;
    246         }
    248         if(!Normalizer.isNormalized(field[1], Normalizer.NFC, options)) {
    249             errln("Normalizer error: isNormalized(NFC(s), Normalizer.NFC) is false");
    250             pass = false;
    251         }
    252         if(!field[0].equals(field[1]) && Normalizer.isNormalized(field[0], Normalizer.NFC, options)) {
    253             errln("Normalizer error: isNormalized(s, Normalizer.NFC) is TRUE");
    254             pass = false;
    255         }
    256         if(!Normalizer.isNormalized(field[3], Normalizer.NFKC, options)) {
    257             errln("Normalizer error: isNormalized(NFKC(s), Normalizer.NFKC) is false");
    258             pass = false;
    259         }
    260         if(!field[0].equals(field[3]) && Normalizer.isNormalized(field[0], Normalizer.NFKC, options)) {
    261             errln("Normalizer error: isNormalized(s, Normalizer.NFKC) is TRUE");
    262             pass = false;
    263         }
    264         // test api that takes a char[]
    265         if(!Normalizer.isNormalized(field[1].toCharArray(),0,field[1].length(), Normalizer.NFC,options)) {
    266             errln("Normalizer error: isNormalized(NFC(s), Normalizer.NFC) is false");
    267             pass = false;
    268         }
    269         // test api that takes a codepoint
    270         if(!Normalizer.isNormalized(UTF16.charAt(field[1],0), Normalizer.NFC,options)) {
    271             errln("Normalizer error: isNormalized(NFC(s), Normalizer.NFC) is false");
    272             pass = false;
    273         }
    274         // test FCD quick check and "makeFCD"
    275         fcd=Normalizer.normalize(field[0], Normalizer.FCD);
    276         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(fcd, Normalizer.FCD,options)) {
    277             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(FCD(s), Normalizer.FCD) is Normalizer.NO");
    278             pass = false;
    279         }
    280         // check FCD return length
    281         {
    282             char[] fcd2 = new char[ fcd.length() * 2 ];
    283             char[] src = field[0].toCharArray();
    284             int fcdLen = Normalizer.normalize(src, 0, src.length, fcd2, fcd.length(), fcd2.length,Normalizer.FCD, 0);
    285             if(fcdLen != fcd.length()){
    286                 errln("makeFCD did not return the correct length");
    287             }
    288         }
    289         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(fcd, Normalizer.FCD, options)) {
    290             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(FCD(s), Normalizer.FCD) is Normalizer.NO");
    291             pass = false;
    292         }
    293         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(field[2], Normalizer.FCD, options)) {
    294             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(NFD(s), Normalizer.FCD) is Normalizer.NO");
    295             pass = false;
    296         }
    298         if(Normalizer.NO == Normalizer.quickCheck(field[4], Normalizer.FCD, options)) {
    299             errln("Normalizer error: quickCheck(NFKD(s), Normalizer.FCD) is Normalizer.NO");
    300             pass = false;
    301         }
    303         out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[0]), Normalizer.FCD, buf, +1,options);
    304         out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[0]), Normalizer.FCD, buf, -1,options);
    306         out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[2]), Normalizer.FCD, buf, +1,options);
    307         out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[2]), Normalizer.FCD, buf, -1,options);
    309         out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[4]), Normalizer.FCD, buf, +1,options);
    310         out = iterativeNorm(new StringCharacterIterator(field[4]), Normalizer.FCD, buf, -1,options);
    312         out=Normalizer.normalize(fcd, Normalizer.NFD);
    313         if(!out.equals(field[2])) {
    314             errln("Normalizer error: NFD(FCD(s))!=NFD(s)");
    315             pass = false;
    316         }
    317         if (!pass) {
    318             errln("FAIL: " + line);
    319         }
    320         if(field[0]!=field[2]) {
    321             // two strings that are canonically equivalent must test
    322             // equal under a canonical caseless match
    323             // see UAX #21 Case Mappings and Jitterbug 2021 and
    324             // Unicode Technical Committee meeting consensus 92-C31
    325             int rc;
    326             if((rc = Normalizer.compare(field[0], field[2], (options<<Normalizer.COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT)|Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE))!=0){
    327                errln("Normalizer.compare(original, NFD, case-insensitive) returned "+rc+" instead of 0 for equal");
    328                pass=false;
    329             }
    330         }
    332         return pass;
    333     }
    334     // two strings that are canonically equivalent must test
    335     // equal under a canonical caseless match
    336     // see UAX #21 Case Mappings and Jitterbug 2021 and
    337     // Unicode Technical Committee meeting consensus 92-C31
    338     private void compare(String s1, String s2){
    339         if(s1.length()==1 && s2.length()==1){
    340             if(Normalizer.compare(UTF16.charAt(s1,0),UTF16.charAt(s2,0),Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE)!=0){
    341                 errln("Normalizer.compare(int,int) failed for s1: "
    342                         +Utility.hex(s1) + " s2: " + Utility.hex(s2));
    343             }
    344         }
    345         if(s1.length()==1 && s2.length()>1){
    346             if(Normalizer.compare(UTF16.charAt(s1,0),s2,Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE)!=0){
    347                 errln("Normalizer.compare(int,String) failed for s1: "
    348                         +Utility.hex(s1) + " s2: " + Utility.hex(s2));
    349             }
    350         }
    351         if(s1.length()>1 && s2.length()>1){
    352             // TODO: Re-enable this tests after UTC fixes UAX 21
    353             if(Normalizer.compare(s1.toCharArray(),s2.toCharArray(),Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE)!=0){
    354                 errln("Normalizer.compare(char[],char[]) failed for s1: "
    355                         +Utility.hex(s1) + " s2: " + Utility.hex(s2));
    356             }
    357         }
    358     }
    359     private void cross(String s1, String s2,Normalizer.Mode mode){
    360         String result = Normalizer.normalize(s1,mode);
    361         if(!result.equals(s2)){
    362             errln("cross test failed s1: " + Utility.hex(s1) + " s2: "
    363                         +Utility.hex(s2));
    364         }
    365     }
    366     /**
    367      * Do a normalization using the iterative API in the given direction.
    368      * @param buf scratch buffer
    369      * @param dir either +1 or -1
    370      */
    371     private String iterativeNorm(String str, Normalizer.Mode mode,
    372                                  StringBuffer buf, int dir ,int options) throws Exception{
    373         normalizer.setText(str);
    374         normalizer.setMode(mode);
    375         buf.setLength(0);
    376         normalizer.setOption(-1, false);      // reset all options
    377         normalizer.setOption(options, true);  // set desired options
    379         int ch;
    380         if (dir > 0) {
    381             for (ch = normalizer.first(); ch != Normalizer.DONE;
    382                  ch = normalizer.next()) {
    383                 buf.append(UTF16.valueOf(ch));
    384             }
    385         } else {
    386             for (ch = normalizer.last(); ch != Normalizer.DONE;
    387                  ch = normalizer.previous()) {
    388                 buf.insert(0, UTF16.valueOf(ch));
    389             }
    390         }
    391         return buf.toString();
    392     }
    394     /**
    395      * Do a normalization using the iterative API in the given direction.
    396      * @param str a Java StringCharacterIterator
    397      * @param buf scratch buffer
    398      * @param dir either +1 or -1
    399      */
    400     private String iterativeNorm(StringCharacterIterator str, Normalizer.Mode mode,
    401                                  StringBuffer buf, int dir,int options) throws Exception{
    402         normalizer.setText(str);
    403         normalizer.setMode(mode);
    404         buf.setLength(0);
    405         normalizer.setOption(-1, false);      // reset all options
    406         normalizer.setOption(options, true);  // set desired options
    408         int ch;
    409         if (dir > 0) {
    410             for (ch = normalizer.first(); ch != Normalizer.DONE;
    411                  ch = normalizer.next()) {
    412                 buf.append(UTF16.valueOf(ch));
    413             }
    414         } else {
    415             for (ch = normalizer.last(); ch != Normalizer.DONE;
    416                  ch = normalizer.previous()) {
    417                 buf.insert(0, UTF16.valueOf(ch));
    418             }
    419         }
    420         return buf.toString();
    421     }
    423     /**
    424      * @param op name of normalization form, e.g., "KC"
    425      * @param s string being normalized
    426      * @param got value received
    427      * @param exp expected value
    428      * @param msg description of this test
    429      * @returns true if got == exp
    430      */
    431     private boolean assertEqual(String op, String s, String got,
    432                                 String exp, String msg) {
    433         if (exp.equals(got)) {
    434             return true;
    435         }
    436         errln(("      " + msg + ") " + op + "(" + s + ")=" + hex(got) +
    437                              ", exp. " + hex(exp)));
    438         return false;
    439     }
    441     /**
    442      * Split a string into pieces based on the given delimiter
    443      * character.  Then, parse the resultant fields from hex into
    444      * characters.  That is, "0040 0400;0C00;0899" -> new String[] {
    445      * "\u0040\u0400", "\u0C00", "\u0899" }.  The output is assumed to
    446      * be of the proper length already, and exactly output.length
    447      * fields are parsed.  If there are too few an exception is
    448      * thrown.  If there are too many the extras are ignored.
    449      *
    450      * @param buf scratch buffer
    451      */
    452     private static void hexsplit(String s, char delimiter,
    453                                  String[] output, StringBuffer buf) {
    454         int i;
    455         int pos = 0;
    456         for (i=0; i<output.length; ++i) {
    457             int delim = s.indexOf(delimiter, pos);
    458             if (delim < 0) {
    459                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing field in " + s);
    460             }
    461             // Our field is from pos..delim-1.
    462             buf.setLength(0);
    464             String toHex = s.substring(pos,delim);
    465             pos = delim;
    466             int index = 0;
    467             int len = toHex.length();
    468             while(index< len){
    469                 if(toHex.charAt(index)==' '){
    470                     index++;
    471                 }else{
    472                     int spacePos = toHex.indexOf(' ', index);
    473                     if(spacePos==-1){
    474                         appendInt(buf,toHex.substring(index,len),s);
    475                         spacePos = len;
    476                     }else{
    477                         appendInt(buf,toHex.substring(index, spacePos),s);
    478                     }
    479                     index = spacePos+1;
    480                 }
    481             }
    483             if (buf.length() < 1) {
    484                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty field " + i + " in " + s);
    485             }
    486             output[i] = buf.toString();
    487             ++pos; // Skip over delim
    488         }
    489     }
    490     public static void appendInt(StringBuffer buf, String strToHex, String s){
    491         int hex = Integer.parseInt(strToHex,16);
    492         if (hex < 0 ) {
    493             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range hex " +
    494                                                 hex + " in " + s);
    495         }else if (hex > 0xFFFF){
    496             buf.append((char)((hex>>10)+0xd7c0));
    497             buf.append((char)((hex&0x3ff)|0xdc00));
    498         }else{
    499             buf.append((char) hex);
    500         }
    501     }
    503     // Specific tests for debugging.  These are generally failures
    504     // taken from the conformance file, but culled out to make
    505     // debugging easier.  These can be eliminated without affecting
    506     // coverage.
    507     @Ignore
    508     @Test
    509     public void _hideTestCase6(/*int options*/) throws Exception{
    510         _testOneLine("0385;0385;00A8 0301;0020 0308 0301;0020 0308 0301;", /*options*/ 0);
    511     }
    513     private void _testOneLine(String line,int options) throws Exception{
    514         String[] fields = new String[5];
    515         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    516         // Parse out the fields
    517         hexsplit(line, ';', fields, buf);
    518         checkConformance(fields, line,options);
    519     }
    522 }