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TIPC-BEARER 8 "02 Jun 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
For consistency, please keep padding right aligned.
For example '.B "foo " bar' and not '.B foo " bar"'
tipc-bearer - show or modify TIPC bearers
.ad l tipc bearer enable "[ " domain DOMAIN " ]" "[ " priority PRIORITY " ]" media "{ { " eth " | " ib " } " device "DEVICE" " }" "|" "{ " udp name NAME localip LOCALIP "[ " localport LOCALPORT " ]" "[ " remoteip REMOTEIP " ]" "[ " remoteport REMOTEPORT " ] }" tipc bearer disable media "{ { " eth " | " ib " } " device DEVICE "|" "{ " udp name NAME localip LOCALIP " } }" tipc bearer set "{ " "priority " PRIORITY "| " tolerance TOLERANCE "| " window WINDOW "} " media "{ { " eth " | " ib " } " device "DEVICE" " }" "|" "{ " udp name NAME localip LOCALIP " } }" tipc bearer get "{ " "priority" " | " tolerance " | " window " } " media "{ { " eth " | " ib " } " device "DEVICE" " }" "|" "{ " udp name NAME localip LOCALIP " } }" tipc bearer list
Options (flags) that can be passed anywhere in the command chain.

"-h" , " --help" Show help about last valid command. For example tipc bearer --help will show bearer help and tipc --help will show general help. The position of the option in the string is irrelevant.

Bearer identification

"media " MEDIA Specifies the TIPC media type for a particular bearer to operate on. Different media types have different ways of identifying a unique bearer. For example, "ib " "and " eth identify a bearer with a DEVICE while udp identify a bearer with a "LOCALIP " "and a " NAME ib - Infiniband eth - Ethernet udp - User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

"name " NAME Logical bearer identifier valid for bearers on udp media.

"device " DEVICE Physical bearer device valid for bearers on eth and ib media.

Bearer properties

domain The addressing domain (region) in which a bearer will establish links and accept link establish requests.

priority Default link priority inherited by all links subsequently established over a bearer. A single bearer can only host one link to a particular node. This means the default link priority for a bearer typically affects which bearer to use when communicating with a particular node in an multi bearer setup. For more info about link priority see tipc-link (8)

tolerance Default link tolerance inherited by all links subsequently established over a bearer. For more info about link tolerance see tipc-link (8)

window Default link window inherited by all links subsequently established over a bearer. For more info about the link window size see tipc-link (8)

UDP bearer options

"localip " LOCALIP Specify a local IP v4/v6 address for a udp bearer.

"localport " LOCALPORT Specify the local port for a udp bearer. The default port 6118 is used if no port is specified.

"remoteip " REMOTEIP Specify a remote IP for a udp bearer. If no remote IP is specified a udp bearer runs in multicast mode and tries to auto-discover its neighbours. The multicast IP address is generated based on the TIPC network ID. If a remote IP is specified the udp bearer runs in point-to-point mode.

"remoteport " REMOTEPORT Specify the remote port for a udp bearer. The default port 6118 is used if no port is specified.

Exit status is 0 if command was successful or a positive integer upon failure.
tipc (8), tipc-link (8), tipc-media (8), tipc-nametable (8), tipc-node (8), tipc-peer (8), tipc-socket (8)
Report any bugs to the Network Developers mailing list <netdev (at] vger.kernel.org> where the development and maintenance is primarily done. You do not have to be subscribed to the list to send a message there.
Richard Alpe <richard.alpe (at] ericsson.com>