1 package junitparams.naming; 2 3 import junitparams.JUnitParamsRunner; 4 import junitparams.Parameters; 5 import junitparams.internal.TestMethod; 6 import org.junit.Ignore; 7 import org.junit.Test; 8 import org.junit.runner.RunWith; 9 import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod; 10 import org.junit.runners.model.TestClass; 11 12 import java.lang.reflect.Method; 13 14 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; 15 16 @RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class) 17 public class MacroSubstitutionNamingStrategyTest { 18 19 public Object parametersForTestNaming() { 20 return new Object[]{new Object[]{"withoutTestCaseAnnotation", "[0] value (withoutTestCaseAnnotation)"}, 21 new Object[]{"withAnnotationWithoutTemplate", "[0] value (withAnnotationWithoutTemplate)"}, 22 new Object[]{"withEmptyTemplate", "[0] value (withEmptyTemplate)"}, 23 new Object[]{"whenTemplateResultedToEmptyName", "[0] value (whenTemplateResultedToEmptyName)"}, 24 new Object[]{"withoutMacro", "plain name"}, new Object[]{"withIndexMacro", "0"}, 25 new Object[]{"withParamsMacro", "value"}, 26 new Object[]{"withMethodNameMacro", "withMethodNameMacro"}, 27 new Object[]{"withCombinationOfMacros", "0: withCombinationOfMacros(value)"}, 28 new Object[]{"withMacroNameWrittenInDifferentCase", "value value value"}, 29 new Object[]{"withMethodParameterIndexInsideArgumentsArray", "value"}, 30 new Object[]{"withMethodParameterIndexOutsideArgumentsArray", "Here is 100 argument:"}, 31 new Object[]{"whenGivenMacroDoesntExist", "{not_existing_macro}"}}; 32 } 33 34 // Android-changed: CTS and AndroidJUnitRunner rely on specific format to test names, changing 35 // them will prevent CTS and AndroidJUnitRunner from working properly; see b/36541809 36 @Ignore 37 @Test 38 @Parameters 39 public void testNaming(String methodName, String expectedTestCaseName) throws NoSuchMethodException { 40 TestCaseNamingStrategy strategy = createNamingStrategyForMethod(methodName, String.class); 41 42 String name = strategy.getTestCaseName(0, new Object[]{"value"}); 43 44 assertEquals(expectedTestCaseName, name); 45 } 46 47 public void withoutTestCaseAnnotation(String param1) { } 48 49 @TestCaseName("plain name") 50 public void withoutMacro(String param1) { } 51 52 @TestCaseName("{index}") 53 public void withIndexMacro(String param1) { } 54 55 @TestCaseName("{params}") 56 public void withParamsMacro(String param1) { } 57 58 @TestCaseName("{method}") 59 public void withMethodNameMacro(String param1) { } 60 61 @TestCaseName 62 public void withAnnotationWithoutTemplate(String param1) { } 63 64 @TestCaseName("") 65 public void withEmptyTemplate(String param1) { } 66 67 @TestCaseName("{index}: {method}({params})") 68 public void withCombinationOfMacros(String param1) { } 69 70 @TestCaseName("{params} {PARAMS} {PaRams}") 71 public void withMacroNameWrittenInDifferentCase(String param1) { } 72 73 @TestCaseName("{0}") 74 public void withMethodParameterIndexInsideArgumentsArray(String param1) { } 75 76 @TestCaseName("Here is 100 argument:{100}") 77 public void withMethodParameterIndexOutsideArgumentsArray(String param1) { } 78 79 @TestCaseName("{100}") 80 public void whenTemplateResultedToEmptyName(String param1) { } 81 82 @TestCaseName("{not_existing_macro}") 83 public void whenGivenMacroDoesntExist(String param1) { } 84 85 private TestCaseNamingStrategy createNamingStrategyForMethod(String name, Class... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException { 86 TestMethod method = getCurrentClassMethod(name, parameterTypes); 87 88 return new MacroSubstitutionNamingStrategy(method); 89 } 90 91 private TestMethod getCurrentClassMethod(String name, Class... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException { 92 final Method method = MacroSubstitutionNamingStrategyTest.class.getMethod(name, parameterTypes); 93 return new TestMethod(new FrameworkMethod(method), 94 new TestClass(this.getClass())); 95 } 96 } 97