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      1 // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <stddef.h>
      9 #include <utility>
     11 #include "base/macros.h"
     12 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/array_internal.h"
     13 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/bindings_internal.h"
     14 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/template_util.h"
     15 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/wtf_clone_equals_util.h"
     16 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/type_converter.h"
     17 #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/wtf/Vector.h"
     19 namespace mojo {
     21 // Represents an array backed by WTF::Vector. Comparing with WTF::Vector,
     22 // mojo::WTFArray is move-only and can be null.
     23 // It is easy to convert between WTF::Vector<T> and mojo::WTFArray<T>:
     24 //   - constructor WTFArray(WTF::Vector<T>&&) takes the contents of a
     25 //     WTF::Vector<T>;
     26 //   - method PassStorage() passes the underlying WTF::Vector.
     27 template <typename T>
     28 class WTFArray {
     29  public:
     30   // Constructs an empty array.
     31   WTFArray() : is_null_(false) {}
     32   // Constructs a null array.
     33   WTFArray(std::nullptr_t null_pointer) : is_null_(true) {}
     35   // Constructs a new non-null array of the specified size. The elements will
     36   // be value-initialized (meaning that they will be initialized by their
     37   // default constructor, if any, or else zero-initialized).
     38   explicit WTFArray(size_t size) : vec_(size), is_null_(false) {}
     39   ~WTFArray() {}
     41   // Moves the contents of |other| into this array.
     42   WTFArray(WTF::Vector<T>&& other) : vec_(std::move(other)), is_null_(false) {}
     43   WTFArray(WTFArray&& other) : is_null_(true) { Take(&other); }
     45   WTFArray& operator=(WTF::Vector<T>&& other) {
     46     vec_ = std::move(other);
     47     is_null_ = false;
     48     return *this;
     49   }
     50   WTFArray& operator=(WTFArray&& other) {
     51     Take(&other);
     52     return *this;
     53   }
     55   WTFArray& operator=(std::nullptr_t null_pointer) {
     56     is_null_ = true;
     57     vec_.clear();
     58     return *this;
     59   }
     61   // Creates a non-null array of the specified size. The elements will be
     62   // value-initialized (meaning that they will be initialized by their default
     63   // constructor, if any, or else zero-initialized).
     64   static WTFArray New(size_t size) { return WTFArray(size); }
     66   // Creates a new array with a copy of the contents of |other|.
     67   template <typename U>
     68   static WTFArray From(const U& other) {
     69     return TypeConverter<WTFArray, U>::Convert(other);
     70   }
     72   // Copies the contents of this array to a new object of type |U|.
     73   template <typename U>
     74   U To() const {
     75     return TypeConverter<U, WTFArray>::Convert(*this);
     76   }
     78   // Indicates whether the array is null (which is distinct from empty).
     79   bool is_null() const {
     80     // When the array is set to null, the underlying storage |vec_| shouldn't
     81     // contain any elements.
     82     DCHECK(!is_null_ || vec_.isEmpty());
     83     return is_null_;
     84   }
     86   // Indicates whether the array is empty (which is distinct from null).
     87   bool empty() const { return vec_.isEmpty() && !is_null_; }
     89   // Returns a reference to the first element of the array. Calling this on a
     90   // null or empty array causes undefined behavior.
     91   const T& front() const { return vec_.first(); }
     92   T& front() { return vec_.first(); }
     94   // Returns the size of the array, which will be zero if the array is null.
     95   size_t size() const { return vec_.size(); }
     97   // Returns a reference to the element at zero-based |offset|. Calling this on
     98   // an array with size less than |offset|+1 causes undefined behavior.
     99   const T& at(size_t offset) const { return vec_.at(offset); }
    100   const T& operator[](size_t offset) const { return at(offset); }
    101   T& at(size_t offset) { return vec_.at(offset); }
    102   T& operator[](size_t offset) { return at(offset); }
    104   // Resizes the array to |size| and makes it non-null. Otherwise, works just
    105   // like the resize method of |WTF::Vector|.
    106   void resize(size_t size) {
    107     is_null_ = false;
    108     vec_.resize(size);
    109   }
    111   // Sets the array to empty (even if previously it was null.)
    112   void SetToEmpty() { resize(0); }
    114   // Returns a const reference to the |WTF::Vector| managed by this class. If
    115   // the array is null, this will be an empty vector.
    116   const WTF::Vector<T>& storage() const { return vec_; }
    118   // Passes the underlying storage and resets this array to null.
    119   //
    120   // TODO(yzshen): Consider changing this to a rvalue-ref-qualified conversion
    121   // to WTF::Vector<T> after we move to MSVC 2015.
    122   WTF::Vector<T> PassStorage() {
    123     is_null_ = true;
    124     return std::move(vec_);
    125   }
    127   void Swap(WTFArray* other) {
    128     std::swap(is_null_, other->is_null_);
    129     vec_.swap(other->vec_);
    130   }
    132   // Swaps the contents of this array with the specified vector, making this
    133   // array non-null. Since the vector cannot represent null, it will just be
    134   // made empty if this array is null.
    135   void Swap(WTF::Vector<T>* other) {
    136     is_null_ = false;
    137     vec_.swap(*other);
    138   }
    140   // Returns a copy of the array where each value of the new array has been
    141   // "cloned" from the corresponding value of this array. If the element type
    142   // defines a Clone() method, it will be used; otherwise copy
    143   // constructor/assignment will be used.
    144   //
    145   // Please note that calling this method will fail compilation if the element
    146   // type cannot be cloned (which usually means that it is a Mojo handle type or
    147   // a type containing Mojo handles).
    148   WTFArray Clone() const {
    149     WTFArray result;
    150     result.is_null_ = is_null_;
    151     result.vec_ = internal::Clone(vec_);
    152     return result;
    153   }
    155   // Indicates whether the contents of this array are equal to |other|. A null
    156   // array is only equal to another null array. If the element type defines an
    157   // Equals() method, it will be used; otherwise == operator will be used.
    158   bool Equals(const WTFArray& other) const {
    159     if (is_null() != other.is_null())
    160       return false;
    161     return internal::Equals(vec_, other.vec_);
    162   }
    164  private:
    165   // TODO(dcheng): Use an explicit conversion operator.
    166   typedef WTF::Vector<T> WTFArray::*Testable;
    168  public:
    169   operator Testable() const {
    170     // When the array is set to null, the underlying storage |vec_| shouldn't
    171     // contain any elements.
    172     DCHECK(!is_null_ || vec_.isEmpty());
    173     return is_null_ ? 0 : &WTFArray::vec_;
    174   }
    176  private:
    177   // Forbid the == and != operators explicitly, otherwise WTFArray will be
    178   // converted to Testable to do == or != comparison.
    179   template <typename U>
    180   bool operator==(const WTFArray<U>& other) const = delete;
    181   template <typename U>
    182   bool operator!=(const WTFArray<U>& other) const = delete;
    184   void Take(WTFArray* other) {
    185     operator=(nullptr);
    186     Swap(other);
    187   }
    189   WTF::Vector<T> vec_;
    190   bool is_null_;
    193 };
    195 }  // namespace mojo