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      8 \begin{Name}{3}{libunwind-dynamic}{David Mosberger-Tang}{Programming Library}{Introduction to dynamic unwind-info}libunwind-dynamic -- libunwind-support for runtime-generated code
      9 \end{Name}
     11 \section{Introduction}
     13 For \Prog{libunwind} to do its job, it needs to be able to reconstruct
     14 the \emph{frame state} of each frame in a call-chain.  The frame state
     15 describes the subset of the machine-state that consists of the
     16 \emph{frame registers} (typically the instruction-pointer and the
     17 stack-pointer) and all callee-saved registers (preserved registers).
     18 The frame state describes each register either by providing its
     19 current value (for frame registers) or by providing the location at
     20 which the current value is stored (callee-saved registers).
     22 For statically generated code, the compiler normally takes care of
     23 emitting \emph{unwind-info} which provides the minimum amount of
     24 information needed to reconstruct the frame-state for each instruction
     25 in a procedure.  For dynamically generated code, the runtime code
     26 generator must use the dynamic unwind-info interface provided by
     27 \Prog{libunwind} to supply the equivalent information.  This manual
     28 page describes the format of this information in detail.
     30 For the purpose of this discussion, a \emph{procedure} is defined to
     31 be an arbitrary piece of \emph{contiguous} code.  Normally, each
     32 procedure directly corresponds to a function in the source-language
     33 but this is not strictly required.  For example, a runtime
     34 code-generator could translate a given function into two separate
     35 (discontiguous) procedures: one for frequently-executed (hot) code and
     36 one for rarely-executed (cold) code.  Similarly, simple
     37 source-language functions (usually leaf functions) may get translated
     38 into code for which the default unwind-conventions apply and for such
     39 code, it is not strictly necessary to register dynamic unwind-info.
     41 A procedure logically consists of a sequence of \emph{regions}.
     42 Regions are nested in the sense that the frame state at the end of one
     43 region is, by default, assumed to be the frame state for the next
     44 region.  Each region is thought of as being divided into a
     45 \emph{prologue}, a \emph{body}, and an \emph{epilogue}.  Each of them
     46 can be empty.  If non-empty, the prologue sets up the frame state for
     47 the body.  For example, the prologue may need to allocate some space
     48 on the stack and save certain callee-saved registers.  The body
     49 performs the actual work of the procedure but does not change the
     50 frame state in any way.  If non-empty, the epilogue restores the
     51 previous frame state and as such it undoes or cancels the effect of
     52 the prologue.  In fact, a single epilogue may undo the effect of the
     53 prologues of several (nested) regions.
     55 We should point out that even though the prologue, body, and epilogue
     56 are logically separate entities, optimizing code-generators will
     57 generally interleave instructions from all three entities.  For this
     58 reason, the dynamic unwind-info interface of \Prog{libunwind} makes no
     59 distinction whatsoever between prologue and body.  Similarly, the
     60 exact set of instructions that make up an epilogue is also irrelevant.
     61 The only point in the epilogue that needs to be described explicitly
     62 by the dynamic unwind-info is the point at which the stack-pointer
     63 gets restored.  The reason this point needs to be described is that
     64 once the stack-pointer is restored, all values saved in the
     65 deallocated portion of the stack frame become invalid and hence
     66 \Prog{libunwind} needs to know about it.  The portion of the frame
     67 state not saved on the stack is assume to remain valid through the end
     68 of the region.  For this reason, there is usually no need to describe
     69 instructions which restore the contents of callee-saved registers.
     71 Within a region, each instruction that affects the frame state in some
     72 fashion needs to be described with an operation descriptor.  For this
     73 purpose, each instruction in the region is assigned a unique index.
     74 Exactly how this index is derived depends on the architecture.  For
     75 example, on RISC and EPIC-style architecture, instructions have a
     76 fixed size so it's possible to simply number the instructions.  In
     77 contrast, most CISC use variable-length instruction encodings, so it
     78 is usually necessary to use a byte-offset as the index.  Given the
     79 instruction index, the operation descriptor specifies the effect of
     80 the instruction in an abstract manner.  For example, it might express
     81 that the instruction stores calle-saved register \Var{r1} at offset 16
     82 in the stack frame.
     84 \section{Procedures}
     86 A runtime code-generator registers the dynamic unwind-info of a
     87 procedure by setting up a structure of type \Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t}
     88 and calling \Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}(), passing the address of the
     89 structure as the sole argument.  The members of the
     90 \Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t} structure are described below:
     91 \begin{itemize}
     92 \item[\Type{void~*}next] Private to \Prog{libunwind}.  Must not be used
     93   by the application.
     94 \item[\Type{void~*}prev] Private to \Prog{libunwind}.  Must not be used
     95   by the application.
     96 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{start\_ip}] The start-address of the
     97   instructions of the procedure (remember: procedure are defined to be
     98   contiguous pieces of code, so a single code-range is sufficient).
     99 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{end\_ip}] The end-address of the
    100   instructions of the procedure (non-inclusive, that is,
    101   \Var{end\_ip}-\Var{start\_ip} is the size of the procedure in
    102   bytes).
    103 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{gp}] The global-pointer value in use
    104   for this procedure.  The exact meaing of the global-pointer is
    105   architecture-specific and on some architecture, it is not used at
    106   all.
    107 \item[\Type{int32\_t} \Var{format}] The format of the unwind-info.
    108   This member can be one of \Const{UNW\_INFO\_FORMAT\_DYNAMIC},
    109   \Const{UNW\_INFO\_FORMAT\_TABLE}, or
    110   \Const{UNW\_INFO\_FORMAT\_REMOTE\_TABLE}.
    111 \item[\Type{union} \Var{u}] This union contains one sub-member
    112   structure for every possible unwind-info format:
    113   \begin{description}
    114   \item[\Type{unw\_dyn\_proc\_info\_t} \Var{pi}] This member is used
    115     for format \Const{UNW\_INFO\_FORMAT\_DYNAMIC}.
    116   \item[\Type{unw\_dyn\_table\_info\_t} \Var{ti}] This member is used
    117     for format \Const{UNW\_INFO\_FORMAT\_TABLE}.
    118   \item[\Type{unw\_dyn\_remote\_table\_info\_t} \Var{rti}] This member
    119     is used for format \Const{UNW\_INFO\_FORMAT\_REMOTE\_TABLE}.
    120   \end{description}\
    121   The format of these sub-members is described in detail below.
    122 \end{itemize}
    124 \subsection{Proc-info format}
    126 This is the preferred dynamic unwind-info format and it is generally
    127 the one used by full-blown runtime code-generators.  In this format,
    128 the details of a procedure are described by a structure of type
    129 \Type{unw\_dyn\_proc\_info\_t}.  This structure contains the following
    130 members:
    131 \begin{description}
    133 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{name\_ptr}] The address of a
    134   (human-readable) name of the procedure or 0 if no such name is
    135   available.  If non-zero, The string stored at this address must be
    136   ASCII NUL terminated.  For source languages that use name-mangling
    137   (such as C++ or Java) the string stored at this address should be
    138   the \emph{demangled} version of the name.
    140 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{handler}] The address of the
    141   personality-routine for this procedure.  Personality-routines are
    142   used in conjunction with exception handling.  See the C++ ABI draft
    143   (http://www.codesourcery.com/cxx-abi/) for an overview and a
    144   description of the personality routine.  If the procedure has no
    145   personality routine, \Var{handler} must be set to 0.
    147 \item[\Type{uint32\_t} \Var{flags}] A bitmask of flags.  At the
    148   moment, no flags have been defined and this member must be
    149   set to 0.
    151 \item[\Type{unw\_dyn\_region\_info\_t~*}\Var{regions}] A NULL-terminated
    152   linked list of region-descriptors.  See section ``Region
    153   descriptors'' below for more details.
    155 \end{description}
    157 \subsection{Table-info format}
    159 This format is generally used when the dynamically generated code was
    160 derived from static code and the unwind-info for the dynamic and the
    161 static versions is identical.  For example, this format can be useful
    162 when loading statically-generated code into an address-space in a
    163 non-standard fashion (i.e., through some means other than
    164 \Func{dlopen}()).  In this format, the details of a group of procedures
    165 is described by a structure of type \Type{unw\_dyn\_table\_info}.
    166 This structure contains the following members:
    167 \begin{description}
    169 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{name\_ptr}] The address of a
    170   (human-readable) name of the procedure or 0 if no such name is
    171   available.  If non-zero, The string stored at this address must be
    172   ASCII NUL terminated.  For source languages that use name-mangling
    173   (such as C++ or Java) the string stored at this address should be
    174   the \emph{demangled} version of the name.
    176 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{segbase}] The segment-base value
    177   that needs to be added to the segment-relative values stored in the
    178   unwind-info.  The exact meaning of this value is
    179   architecture-specific.
    181 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{table\_len}] The length of the
    182   unwind-info (\Var{table\_data}) counted in units of words
    183   (\Type{unw\_word\_t}).
    185 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{table\_data}] A pointer to the actual
    186   data encoding the unwind-info.  The exact format is
    187   architecture-specific (see architecture-specific sections below).
    189 \end{description}
    191 \subsection{Remote table-info format}
    193 The remote table-info format has the same basic purpose as the regular
    194 table-info format.  The only difference is that when \Prog{libunwind}
    195 uses the unwind-info, it will keep the table data in the target
    196 address-space (which may be remote).  Consequently, the type of the
    197 \Var{table\_data} member is \Type{unw\_word\_t} rather than a pointer.
    198 This implies that \Prog{libunwind} will have to access the table-data
    199 via the address-space's \Func{access\_mem}() call-back, rather than
    200 through a direct memory reference.
    202 From the point of view of a runtime-code generator, the remote
    203 table-info format offers no advantage and it is expected that such
    204 generators will describe their procedures either with the proc-info
    205 format or the normal table-info format.  The main reason that the
    206 remote table-info format exists is to enable the
    207 address-space-specific \Func{find\_proc\_info}() callback (see
    208 \SeeAlso{unw\_create\_addr\_space}(3)) to return unwind tables whose
    209 data remains in remote memory.  This can speed up unwinding (e.g., for
    210 a debugger) because it reduces the amount of data that needs to be
    211 loaded from remote memory.
    213 \section{Regions descriptors}
    215 A region descriptor is a variable length structure that describes how
    216 each instruction in the region affects the frame state.  Of course,
    217 most instructions in a region usualy do not change the frame state and
    218 for those, nothing needs to be recorded in the region descriptor.  A
    219 region descriptor is a structure of type
    220 \Type{unw\_dyn\_region\_info\_t} and has the following members:
    221 \begin{description}
    222 \item[\Type{unw\_dyn\_region\_info\_t~*}\Var{next}] A pointer to the
    223   next region.  If this is the last region, \Var{next} is \Const{NULL}.
    224 \item[\Type{int32\_t} \Var{insn\_count}] The length of the region in
    225   instructions.  Each instruction is assumed to have a fixed size (see
    226   architecture-specific sections for details).  The value of
    227   \Var{insn\_count} may be negative in the last region of a procedure
    228   (i.e., it may be negative only if \Var{next} is \Const{NULL}).  A
    229   negative value indicates that the region covers the last \emph{N}
    230   instructions of the procedure, where \emph{N} is the absolute value
    231   of \Var{insn\_count}.
    232 \item[\Type{uint32\_t} \Var{op\_count}] The (allocated) length of
    233   the \Var{op\_count} array.
    234 \item[\Type{unw\_dyn\_op\_t} \Var{op}] An array of dynamic unwind
    235   directives.  See Section ``Dynamic unwind directives'' for a
    236   description of the directives.
    237 \end{description}
    238 A region descriptor with an \Var{insn\_count} of zero is an
    239 \emph{empty region} and such regions are perfectly legal.  In fact,
    240 empty regions can be useful to establish a particular frame state
    241 before the start of another region.
    243 A single region list can be shared across multiple procedures provided
    244 those procedures share a common prologue and epilogue (their bodies
    245 may differ, of course).  Normally, such procedures consist of a canned
    246 prologue, the body, and a canned epilogue.  This could be described by
    247 two regions: one covering the prologue and one covering the epilogue.
    248 Since the body length is variable, the latter region would need to
    249 specify a negative value in \Var{insn\_count} such that
    250 \Prog{libunwind} knows that the region covers the end of the procedure
    251 (up to the address specified by \Var{end\_ip}).
    253 The region descriptor is a variable length structure to make it
    254 possible to allocate all the necessary memory with a single
    255 memory-allocation request.  To facilitate the allocation of a region
    256 descriptors \Prog{libunwind} provides a helper routine with the
    257 following synopsis:
    259 \noindent
    260 \Type{size\_t} \Func{\_U\_dyn\_region\_size}(\Type{int} \Var{op\_count});
    262 This routine returns the number of bytes needed to hold a region
    263 descriptor with space for \Var{op\_count} unwind directives.  Note
    264 that the length of the \Var{op} array does not have to match exactly
    265 with the number of directives in a region.  Instead, it is sufficient
    266 if the \Var{op} array contains at least as many entries as there are
    267 directives, since the end of the directives can always be indicated
    268 with the \Const{UNW\_DYN\_STOP} directive.
    270 \section{Dynamic unwind directives}
    272 A dynamic unwind directive describes how the frame state changes
    273 at a particular point within a region.  The description is in
    274 the form of a structure of type \Type{unw\_dyn\_op\_t}.  This
    275 structure has the following members:
    276 \begin{description}
    277 \item[\Type{int8\_t} \Var{tag}] The operation tag.  Must be one
    278   of the \Type{unw\_dyn\_operation\_t} values described below.
    279 \item[\Type{int8\_t} \Var{qp}] The qualifying predicate that controls
    280   whether or not this directive is active.  This is useful for
    281   predicated architecturs such as IA-64 or ARM, where the contents of
    282   another (callee-saved) register determines whether or not an
    283   instruction is executed (takes effect).  If the directive is always
    284   active, this member should be set to the manifest constant
    285   \Const{\_U\_QP\_TRUE} (this constant is defined for all
    286   architectures, predicated or not).
    287 \item[\Type{int16\_t} \Var{reg}] The number of the register affected
    288   by the instruction.
    289 \item[\Type{int32\_t} \Var{when}] The region-relative number of
    290   the instruction to which this directive applies.  For example,
    291   a value of 0 means that the effect described by this directive
    292   has taken place once the first instruction in the region has
    293   executed.
    294 \item[\Type{unw\_word\_t} \Var{val}] The value to be applied by the
    295   operation tag.  The exact meaning of this value varies by tag.  See
    296   Section ``Operation tags'' below.
    297 \end{description}
    298 It is perfectly legitimate to specify multiple dynamic unwind
    299 directives with the same \Var{when} value, if a particular instruction
    300 has a complex effect on the frame state.
    302 Empty regions by definition contain no actual instructions and as such
    303 the directives are not tied to a particular instruction.  By
    304 convention, the \Var{when} member should be set to 0, however.
    306 There is no need for the dynamic unwind directives to appear
    307 in order of increasing \Var{when} values.  If the directives happen to
    308 be sorted in that order, it may result in slightly faster execution,
    309 but a runtime code-generator should not go to extra lengths just to
    310 ensure that the directives are sorted.
    312 IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: should \Prog{libunwind} implementations for
    313 certain architectures prefer the list of unwind directives to be
    314 sorted, it is recommended that such implementations first check
    315 whether the list happens to be sorted already and, if not, sort the
    316 directives explicitly before the first use.  With this approach, the
    317 overhead of explicit sorting is only paid when there is a real benefit
    318 and if the runtime code-generator happens to generated sorted lists
    319 naturally, the performance penalty is limited to a simple O(N) check.
    321 \subsection{Operations tags}
    323 The possible operation tags are defined by enumeration type
    324 \Type{unw\_dyn\_operation\_t} which defines the following
    325 values:
    326 \begin{description}
    328 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_STOP}] Marks the end of the dynamic unwind
    329   directive list.  All remaining entries in the \Var{op} array of the
    330   region-descriptor are ignored.  This tag is guaranteed to have a
    331   value of 0.
    333 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_SAVE\_REG}] Marks an instruction which saves
    334   register \Var{reg} to register \Var{val}.
    336 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_SPILL\_FP\_REL}] Marks an instruction which
    337   spills register \Var{reg} to a frame-pointer-relative location.  The
    338   frame-pointer-relative offset is given by the value stored in member
    339   \Var{val}.  See the architecture-specific sections for a description
    340   of the stack frame layout.
    342 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_SPILL\_SP\_REL}] Marks an instruction which
    343   spills register \Var{reg} to a stack-pointer-relative location.  The
    344   stack-pointer-relative offset is given by the value stored in member
    345   \Var{val}.  See the architecture-specific sections for a description
    346   of the stack frame layout.
    348 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_ADD}] Marks an instruction which adds
    349   the constant value \Var{val} to register \Var{reg}.  To add subtract
    350   a constant value, store the two's-complement of the value in
    351   \Var{val}.  The set of registers that can be specified for this tag
    352   is described in the architecture-specific sections below.
    354 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_POP\_FRAMES}]
    356 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_LABEL\_STATE}]
    358 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_COPY\_STATE}]
    360 \item[\Const{UNW\_DYN\_ALIAS}]
    362 \end{description}
    364 unw\_dyn\_op\_t
    366 \_U\_dyn\_op\_save\_reg();
    367 \_U\_dyn\_op\_spill\_fp\_rel();
    368 \_U\_dyn\_op\_spill\_sp\_rel();
    369 \_U\_dyn\_op\_add();
    370 \_U\_dyn\_op\_pop\_frames();
    371 \_U\_dyn\_op\_label\_state();
    372 \_U\_dyn\_op\_copy\_state();
    373 \_U\_dyn\_op\_alias();
    374 \_U\_dyn\_op\_stop();
    376 \section{IA-64 specifics}
    378 - meaning of segbase member in table-info/table-remote-info format
    379 - format of table\_data in table-info/table-remote-info format
    380 - instruction size: each bundle is counted as 3 instructions, regardless
    381   of template (MLX)
    382 - describe stack-frame layout, especially with regards to sp-relative
    383   and fp-relative addressing
    384 - UNW\_DYN\_ADD can only add to ``sp'' (always a negative value); use
    385   POP\_FRAMES otherwise
    387 \section{See Also}
    389 \SeeAlso{libunwind(3)},
    390 \SeeAlso{\_U\_dyn\_register(3)},
    391 \SeeAlso{\_U\_dyn\_cancel(3)}
    393 \section{Author}
    395 \noindent
    396 David Mosberger-Tang\\
    397 Email: \Email{dmosberger (a] gmail.com}\\
    398 WWW: \URL{http://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/}.
    399 \LatexManEnd
    401 \end{document}