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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 Marios Makris <marios.makris (at) gmail.com>
      3  *
      4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      5  * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
      6  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
      7  *
      8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
      9  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     11  *
     12  * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
     13  * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
     14  * or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
     15  * otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
     16  * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
     17  * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
     18  *
     19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
     20  * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
     21  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
     22  */
     24 /*
     25  * Test program for the bytes_by_prefix program in /lib
     26  *
     27  * This program tests a few predefined values against the expected predefined
     28  * results, upon sucesfull completion, it prints the message:
     29  * "Tests sucesfully completed!" else it prints that there were an error
     30  * and the value as well as the type on which it failed (int, long, long long)
     31  * at the time of the error in order for someone to be able to trace
     32  * it back as well as the total number of errors encountered along with the
     33  * message: "Some test(s): (number of tests) failed please review!"
     34  */
     36 #include <stdio.h>
     37 #include <stdlib.h>
     39 #include "bytes_by_prefix.h"
     41 struct test_vals {
     42 	char *val;
     43 	long long res;
     44 };
     46 /*
     47  * Array with generic values suitable for all operations.
     48  */
     49 struct test_vals test[] = {
     50 	{"1", 1},
     51 	{"5", 5},
     52 	{"10", 10},
     53 	{"552558", 552558},
     54 	{"0", 0},
     55 	{"1b", 512},
     56 	{"5b", 2560},
     57 	{"0b", 0},
     58 	{"1k", 1024},
     59 	{"5k", 5120},
     60 	{"552558k", 565819392},
     61 	{"0k", 0},
     62 	{"1m", 1048576},
     63 	{"5m", 5242880},
     64 	{"0m", 0},
     65 	{"1g", 1073741824},
     66 	{"0g", 0},
     67 	/*
     68 	 * Negative Test Values
     69 	 */
     70 	{"a", -1},
     71 	{"k", -1},
     72 	{"m", -1},
     73 	{"g", -1},
     74 	{"K", -1},
     75 	{"M", -1},
     76 	{"G", -1},
     77 	{"5km", -1},
     78 	{"1a", -1},
     79 	{"1mabc", -1},
     80 	{"a1", -1},
     81 	{"k1", -1},
     82 	{"1 k", -1},
     83 	{"1k g", -1},
     84 	{"-5", -1},
     85 	{"-5b", -1},
     86 	{"-2k", -1},
     87 	{"-2m", -1},
     88 	{"-2g", -1},
     89 	{"-2K", -1},
     90 	{"-2M", -1},
     91 	{"-2G", -1}
     92 };
     94 /*
     95  * Specific values for int operations
     96  */
     97 struct test_vals test_i[] = {
     98 /*
     99  * In case of 64b system as the results of capital multipliers are multiplied
    100  * by the sizeof(long) or sizeof(long long) respectively.
    101  * Check "/lib/bytes_by_prefix.c" file for more information.
    102  */
    103 #if __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 8
    104 	{"5K", 40960},
    105 	{"0K", 0},
    106 	{"5M", 41943040}
    107 /*
    108  * In case of 32b system as the results of capital multipliers are multiplied
    109  * by the sizeof(long) or sizeof(long long) respectively.
    110  * Check "/lib/bytes_by_prefix.c" file for more information.
    111  */
    112 #else
    113 	{"5K", 20480},
    114 	{"0K", 0},
    115 	{"5M", 20971520}
    116 #endif
    117 };
    119 /*
    120  * Specific values for long operations
    121  */
    122 struct test_vals test_l[] = {
    123 /*
    124  * In case of 64b system as the results of capital multipliers are multiplied
    125  * by the sizeof(long) or sizeof(long long) respectively.
    126  * Check "/lib/bytes_by_prefix.c" file for more information.
    127  */
    128 #if __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 8
    129 	{"552558m", 579399057408},
    130 	{"5g", 5368709120},
    131 	{"5K", 40960},
    132 	{"5M", 41943040},
    133 	{"1G", 8589934592}
    134 /*
    135  * In case of 32b system as the results of capital multipliers are multiplied
    136  * by the sizeof(long) or sizeof(long long) respectively.
    137  * Check "/lib/bytes_by_prefix.c" file for more information.
    138  */
    139 #else
    140 	{"552558m", -1},
    141 	{"5g", -1},
    142 	{"5K", 20480},
    143 	{"5M", 20971520},
    144 	{"1G", -1}
    145 #endif
    146 };
    148 /*
    149  * Specific values for long long operations
    150  */
    151 struct test_vals test_ll[] = {
    152 	{"552558m", 579399057408LL},
    153 	{"5g", 5368709120LL},
    154 	{"5K", 40960},
    155 	{"552558K", 4526555136LL},
    156 	{"5M", 41943040},
    157 	{"552558M", 4635192459264LL},
    158 	{"5G", 42949672960LL},
    159 	{"552558G", 4746437078286336LL}
    160 };
    162 static int test_values(void)
    163 {
    164 	/*
    165 	 * 1st position of the array denotes the valid int operations
    166 	 * 2nd position of the array denotes the valid long operations
    167 	 * 3rd position of the array denotes the valid long long operations
    168 	 */
    169 	int valid_count[3];
    170 	int tests_number[3];	/* int / long / long long */
    171 	int i;
    172 	int error_count = 0;
    173 	int elements;		/* Number of elements inside the test array. */
    175 	elements = sizeof(test) / sizeof(struct test_vals);
    176 	/*
    177 	 * Initializing counters.
    178 	 */
    179 	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    180 		valid_count[i] = 0;
    181 		tests_number[i] = elements;
    182 	}
    184 	/*
    185 	 * The "generic" test loop. If the result of the function equals the
    186 	 * expected predifined result, then increase the valid counter
    187 	 */
    188 	for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
    189 		if (bytes_by_prefix(test[i].val) == test[i].res) {
    190 			valid_count[0]++;
    191 		} else {
    192 			printf("Test value:%s failed on int.\n", test[i].val);
    193 			error_count++;
    194 		}
    196 		if (lbytes_by_prefix(test[i].val) == test[i].res) {
    197 			valid_count[1]++;
    198 		} else {
    199 			printf("Test value:%s failed on long.\n", test[i].val);
    200 			error_count++;
    201 		}
    203 		if (llbytes_by_prefix(test[i].val) == test[i].res) {
    204 			valid_count[2]++;
    205 		} else {
    206 			printf("Test value:%s failed on long long.\n",
    207 			       test[i].val);
    208 			error_count++;
    209 		}
    210 	}
    212 	elements = sizeof(test_i) / sizeof(struct test_vals);
    213 	tests_number[0] += elements;
    215 	/*
    216 	 * Int specific test loop
    217 	 */
    218 	for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
    219 		if (bytes_by_prefix(test_i[i].val) == test_i[i].res) {
    220 			valid_count[0]++;
    221 		} else {
    222 			printf("Test value:%s failed on int.\n", test_i[i].val);
    223 			error_count++;
    224 		}
    225 	}
    227 	elements = sizeof(test_l) / sizeof(struct test_vals);
    228 	tests_number[1] += elements;
    230 	/*
    231 	 * Long specific test loop
    232 	 */
    233 	for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
    234 		if (lbytes_by_prefix(test_l[i].val) == test_l[i].res) {
    235 			valid_count[1]++;
    236 		} else {
    237 			printf("Test value:%s failed on long.\n",
    238 			       test_l[i].val);
    239 			error_count++;
    240 		}
    241 	}
    243 	elements = sizeof(test_ll) / sizeof(struct test_vals);
    244 	tests_number[2] += elements;
    246 	/*
    247 	 * Long long specific test loop
    248 	 */
    249 	for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
    250 		if (llbytes_by_prefix(test_ll[i].val) == test_ll[i].res) {
    251 			valid_count[2]++;
    252 		} else {
    253 			printf("Test value:%s failed on long long.\n",
    254 			       test_ll[i].val);
    255 			error_count++;
    256 		}
    257 	}
    259 	fprintf(stdout, "Succesfull int tests:%d/%d\n", valid_count[0],
    260 		tests_number[0]);
    261 	fprintf(stdout, "Succesfull long tests:%d/%d\n", valid_count[1],
    262 		tests_number[1]);
    263 	fprintf(stdout, "Succesfull long long tests:%d/%d\n", valid_count[2],
    264 		tests_number[2]);
    266 	return error_count;
    267 }
    269 int main(void)
    270 {
    271 	int errors = test_values();
    273 	if (errors > 0) {
    274 		fprintf(stderr, "\nSome test(s):(%d) failed please review!\n",
    275 			errors);
    276 		exit(1);
    277 	} else {
    278 		fprintf(stdout, "Tests succesfully completed!\n");
    279 	}
    281 	return 0;
    282 }