1 This document defines the plan for stress testing of POSIX Clocks 2 and Timers. 3 4 First a list of the features that will and will not be tested is given. 5 6 Then, an attempt is made to break down the features into possible testing 7 scenarios. Not all of these may be implemented. The assertions.xml file 8 will have the additional detail on which were chosen for implementation. 9 10 Features To Be Tested 11 ===================== 12 The following features will be tested: 13 - Repetition of key clocks/timers functions. 14 - Behavior of normal functions under heavy memory usage. 15 - Behavior of normal functions under heavy CPU usage. 16 - Behavior of normal functions under heavy timers usage. 17 18 Features Not To Be Tested 19 ========================= 20 API testing of the clocks/timers functions is considered to be done by 21 the conformance section. 22 Functionality testing is considered to be done by the functional section. 23 Stress testing involving specific hardware is not defined at this time. 24 Stress testing involving use interaction is not defined at this time. 25 26 Test Case Scenarios 27 =================== 28 Some potential test case scenarios are listed after each functional 29 area. 30 31 Repetition 32 ---------- 33 - Repeat key functional tests multiple times. 34 - Set clock time forward and backward multiple times. 35 - Set up a repeating timer and block the signals to attempt to get a large 36 overrun. 37 - Send many (1000s) of signals at the same time. 38 39 Heavy Memory 40 ------------ 41 - Set memory to 95% and run through key clocks functions. 42 - Set memory to 95% and run through key timers functions. 43 44 Heavy CPU 45 --------- 46 - Set CPU to 95% and run through key clocks functions. 47 - Set CPU to 95% and run through key timers functions. 48 49 Heavy Timers 50 ------------ 51 - Set up >10,000 timers and run through key clocks functions. 52 - Set up >10,000 timers and run through key timers functions. 53 54 * Will also perform kernel profiling on select stress tests. 55 Contributors: julie.n.fleischer REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 56 geoffrey.r.gustafson REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 57 rolla.n.selbak REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 58 majid.awad REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 59 salwan.searty REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 60 rddunlap REMOVE-THIS AT osdl DOT org 61