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      1 #initial attempt at an automation script: ltprun
      2 #       3/12/02 William Jay Huie (creation)
      3 #       3/28/02 William Jay Huie minor updates
      4 #this will be kicked off by ltp_master from the master control machine which
      5 #uploads this script and then telnets into each machine and kick this script off
      6 #perhaps by passing a uniq ID to name the LTP_OUTPUT_TAR file by, or
      7 #allowing the script to create a unique name itself (reccommended for now)
      8 #Check ltp_master for details
      9 #FIXME: One problem is that the tests need to be run as root and this script
     10 #       doesn't as of yet su
     11 #
     12 #CHANGEME:
     13 LTP_HOST=ltp_host.somewhere.org
     14 #This is the user to get the ltp.tgz file from, not who we're running as,
     15 #     that's ocntrolled by ltp_master
     16 LTP_USER=ltp
     17 LTP_PASS=ltp
     18 LTP_TARFILE=ltp.tgz
     19 LTP_RUNALL_OUT=runall.output
     20 LTP_LOGFILE=ltp-logfile
     21 LTP_RUN_OUTPUT=ltprun.out
     22 SAR_OUTFILE=sar.data
     24 #This script passes the -l ~/ltp/ltp-logfile option to runalltests.sh
     26 if [ -z $1 ]; then
     27    SHORT_HOSTNAME=`hostname | perl -e 'while(<>){ m/(\w+)[.\\$]?/ && print $1;}'`
     28    TIMESTAMP=`date +%s`
     29    LTP_OUTPUT_TAR="$SHORT_HOSTNAME-$TIMESTAMP-ltpoutput.tgz"
     30 else
     31    LTP_OUTPUT_TAR=$1
     32 fi
     34 download_ltp()
     35 {
     36    echo "Attempting to download the LTP testcases";
     37    cd ~
     38    rm -Rf ltp $LTP_TARFILE
     39    ftp -n $LTP_HOST << END_GET
     40    	user $LTP_USER $LTP_PASS
     41 	bin
     42 	get $LTP_TARFILE
     43 	bye
     44 END_GET
     46    if [ -s $LTP_TARFILE ]; then
     47       echo "              downloaded sucessfully";
     48    else
     49       echo "FAILED        download of LTP Testcases"; return 0;
     50    fi
     51    return 1;
     52 }
     54 untar_ltp()
     55 {
     56    echo "Untarring $LTP_TARFILE now";
     57    cd ~
     58    tar -zxf $LTP_TARFILE &> /dev/null
     59    if [ $? != "0" ]; then
     60       echo "Problems untarring the archive"; return 0;
     61    else
     62       echo "          successfully untarred $LTP_TARFILE";
     63    fi
     64    return 1;
     65 }
     67 build_ltp()
     68 {
     69    cd ~/ltp
     70    echo "Building LTP Testsuite version: `cat VERSION`";
     71    make clean install &> /dev/null
     72    if [ $? != "0" ]; then
     73       echo "FAILED   LTP Testsuite compilation"; return 0;
     74    else
     75       echo "         LTP Testsuite compilation successful"
     76    fi
     77    return 1;
     78 }
     80 run_ltp()
     81 {
     82    cd ~/ltp
     84    echo "Trying to start sar"
     85    sar -o $SAR_OUTFILE 60 0 &
     86    echo "Running LTP testsuite"
     87    ./runalltests.sh -l ~/ltp/$LTP_LOGFILE &> $LTP_RUNALL_OUT
     88    echo "Done running tests"
     89    killall -9 sadc
     90    echo "Killing sar if it is running"
     91    return 1;
     92 }
     94 #FIXME:
     95 #collect results has a hack to copy the &>ltprun file into the ~/ltp dir then
     96 #tar it up with everything else, but this seems to work so far.
     97 collect_results()
     98 {
     99    echo "Collecting LTP output"
    100    cd ~/ltp
    101    cp ~/$LTP_RUN_OUTPUT .
    102    tar --ignore-failed-read -czf ~/$LTP_OUTPUT_TAR $LTP_RUNALL_OUT $LTP_LOGFILE $LTP_RUN_OUTPUT $SAR_OUTFILE
    104    if [ -s ~/$LTP_OUTPUT_TAR ]; then
    105       echo "LTP output tarfile created sucessfully";
    106    else
    107       echo "FAILED        tar of LTP results"; return 0;
    108    fi
    109    return 1;
    110 }
    112 upload_results()
    113 {
    114    echo "Uploading LTP output"
    115    cd ~
    116    ftp -n $LTP_HOST << END_PUT
    117 	user $LTP_USER $LTP_PASS
    118 	bin
    119 	put $LTP_OUTPUT_TAR
    120 	bye
    121 END_PUT
    122 #FIXME! Right now don't have a way to verify the upload worked, but
    123 #we'd like to know so we can delete the OUTPUT_TAR file
    124 #   rm -f $LTP_OUTPUT_TAR
    125     rm -f $LTP_TARFILE
    126 }
    128 #Start the work!
    130 download_ltp
    131 if [ $? = 1 ]; then
    132    untar_ltp
    133    if [ $? = 1 ]; then
    134       build_ltp
    135       if [ $? = 1 ]; then
    136          run_ltp
    137       fi
    138    fi
    139 fi
    141 #Want to upload results even if things didn't run
    142 collect_results
    143 upload_results
    145 echo "Done"