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      1 # Copyright 2008 the original author or authors.
      2 # 
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #  
      7 #       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #  
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     15 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     16 # Mapping of reply code -> reply text
     17 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     18 110=Restart marker reply.
     19 120=Service ready in nnn minutes.
     20 125=Data connection already open; transfer starting.
     21 150=File status okay; about to open data connection.
     22 200=Command okay.
     23 202=Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
     24 211={0}.
     25 212={0}.
     26 213={0}.
     27 214={0}.
     28 215={0} system type.
     29 220=Service ready for new user. (MockFtpServer 2.5; see http://mockftpserver.sourceforge.net)
     30 221=Service closing control connection.
     31 225=Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
     32 226=Closing data connection. Requested file action successful.
     33 226.WithFilename=Closing data connection. Requested file action successful. Filename={0}.
     34 227=Entering Passive Mode {0}.
     35 229=Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||{0}|)
     36 230=User logged in, proceed.
     37 250=Requested file action okay, completed.
     38 257={0} created.
     39 331=User name okay, need password.
     40 332=Need account for login.
     41 350=Requested file action pending further information.
     42 421=Service not available, closing control connection.
     43 #    This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down.
     44 425=Can't open data connection.
     45 426=Connection closed; transfer aborted.
     46 450=Requested file action not taken.
     47 #   File unavailable (e.g., file busy).
     48 451=Requested action aborted: local error in processing.
     49 452=Requested action not taken.
     50 #    Insufficient storage space in system.
     51 500=Syntax error, command unrecognized.
     52 #    This may include errors such as command line too long.
     53 501=Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
     54 502=Command not implemented: {0}.
     55 503=Bad sequence of commands.
     56 504=Command not implemented for that parameter.
     57 530=Not logged in.
     58 532=Need account for storing files.
     59 550=File not found or not accessible: {0}.
     60 #    File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).
     61 551=Requested action aborted: page type unknown.
     62 552=Requested file action aborted.
     63 #    Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or dataset).
     64 553=Requested action not taken for {0}
     65 #    File name not allowed.
     67 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     68 # FTP Command-Specific Reply Messages
     69 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     70 abor=ABOR completed.
     71 acct=ACCT completed for {0}.
     72 allo=ALLO completed.
     73 appe=Created or appended to file {0}.
     74 cdup=CDUP completed. New directory is {0}.
     75 cwd=CWD completed. New directory is {0}.
     76 dele="{0}" deleted.
     77 eprt=EPRT completed.
     78 epsv=Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||{0}|)
     79 help={0}.
     80 help.noHelpTextDefined=No help text has been defined for [{0}]
     81 mkd="{0}" created.
     82 mode=MODE completed.
     83 noop=NOOP completed.
     84 pass=User logged in, proceed.
     85 pass.needAccount=Need account for login.
     86 pass.loginFailed=Not logged in.
     87 pasv=({0})
     88 port=PORT completed.
     89 pwd="{0}" is current directory.
     90 quit=Service closing control connection.
     91 rein=REIN completed.
     92 rest=REST completed.
     93 rmd="{0}" removed.
     94 rnfr=Requested file action pending further information.
     95 rnto=Rename from {0} to {1} completed.
     96 site=SITE completed.
     97 smnt=SMNT completed.
     98 stat={0}.
     99 stou=Created file {0}.
    100 stor=Created file {0}.
    101 stru=STRU completed.
    102 syst="{0}"
    103 type=TYPE completed.
    104 user.loggedIn=User logged in, proceed.
    105 user.needPassword=User name okay, need password.
    107 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    108 # FileSystem Messages
    109 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    110 filesystem.alreadyExists=The path [{0}] already exists.
    111 filesystem.parentDirectoryDoesNotExist=The parent directory [{0}] does not exist.
    112 filesystem.doesNotExist=[{0}] does not exist.
    113 filesystem.isDirectory=[{0}] is a directory.
    114 filesystem.isFile=[{0}] is a file.
    115 filesystem.isNotADirectory=[{0}] is not a directory or does not exist.
    116 filesystem.isNotAFile=[{0}] is not a file or does not exist.
    117 filesystem.cannotRead=The current user does not have read permission for [{0}].
    118 filesystem.cannotWrite=The current user does not have write permission for [{0}].
    119 filesystem.cannotExecute=The current user does not have execute permission for [{0}].
    120 filesystem.directoryIsNotEmpty=The [{0}] directory is not empty.
    121 filesystem.renameFailed=The rename to [{0}] has failed.
    122 filesystem.pathIsNotValid=The path [{0}] is not valid.
    123 filesystem.currentDirectoryNotSet=The current directory has not been set.
    125 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    126 # Other Common Messages
    127 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    128 login.userAccountNotValid=UserAccount missing or invalid for user [{0}]
    129 login.homeDirectoryNotValid=The homeDirectory configured for user [{0}] is not a valid directory: [{1}]
    131 internalError=Internal error: {0} {1}