1 ---------------------------- Test 1 ------------------------------ 2 PATTERN at the start of a line. 3 In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 4 Check up on PATTERN near the end. 5 RC=0 6 ---------------------------- Test 2 ------------------------------ 7 PATTERN at the start of a line. 8 RC=0 9 ---------------------------- Test 3 ------------------------------ 10 7:PATTERN at the start of a line. 11 8:In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 12 10:This pattern is in lower case. 13 623:Check up on PATTERN near the end. 14 RC=0 15 ---------------------------- Test 4 ------------------------------ 16 4 17 RC=0 18 ---------------------------- Test 5 ------------------------------ 19 ./testdata/grepinput:7:PATTERN at the start of a line. 20 ./testdata/grepinput:8:In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 21 ./testdata/grepinput:10:This pattern is in lower case. 22 ./testdata/grepinput:623:Check up on PATTERN near the end. 23 ./testdata/grepinputx:3:Here is the pattern again. 24 ./testdata/grepinputx:5:Pattern 25 ./testdata/grepinputx:42:This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 26 RC=0 27 ---------------------------- Test 6 ------------------------------ 28 7:PATTERN at the start of a line. 29 8:In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 30 10:This pattern is in lower case. 31 623:Check up on PATTERN near the end. 32 3:Here is the pattern again. 33 5:Pattern 34 42:This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 35 RC=0 36 ---------------------------- Test 7 ------------------------------ 37 ./testdata/grepinput 38 ./testdata/grepinputx 39 RC=0 40 ---------------------------- Test 8 ------------------------------ 41 ./testdata/grepinput 42 RC=0 43 ---------------------------- Test 9 ------------------------------ 44 RC=0 45 ---------------------------- Test 10 ----------------------------- 46 RC=1 47 ---------------------------- Test 11 ----------------------------- 48 1:This is a second file of input for the pcregrep tests. 49 2: 50 4: 51 5:Pattern 52 6:That time it was on a line by itself. 53 7: 54 8:To pat or not to pat, that is the question. 55 9: 56 10:complete pair 57 11:of lines 58 12: 59 13:That was a complete pair 60 14:of lines all by themselves. 61 15: 62 16:complete pair 63 17:of lines 64 18: 65 19:And there they were again, to check line numbers. 66 20: 67 21:one 68 22:two 69 23:three 70 24:four 71 25:five 72 26:six 73 27:seven 74 28:eight 75 29:nine 76 30:ten 77 31:eleven 78 32:twelve 79 33:thirteen 80 34:fourteen 81 35:fifteen 82 36:sixteen 83 37:seventeen 84 38:eighteen 85 39:nineteen 86 40:twenty 87 41: 88 43:This is the last line of this file. 89 RC=0 90 ---------------------------- Test 12 ----------------------------- 91 Pattern 92 RC=0 93 ---------------------------- Test 13 ----------------------------- 94 Here is the pattern again. 95 That time it was on a line by itself. 96 seventeen 97 This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 98 RC=0 99 ---------------------------- Test 14 ----------------------------- 100 ./testdata/grepinputx:To pat or not to pat, that is the question. 101 RC=0 102 ---------------------------- Test 15 ----------------------------- 103 pcre2grep: Error in command-line regex at offset 4: quantifier does not follow a repeatable item 104 RC=2 105 ---------------------------- Test 16 ----------------------------- 106 pcre2grep: Failed to open ./testdata/nonexistfile: No such file or directory 107 RC=2 108 ---------------------------- Test 17 ----------------------------- 109 features should be added at the end, because some of the tests involve the 110 output of line numbers, and we don't want these to change. 111 RC=0 112 ---------------------------- Test 18 ----------------------------- 113 4:features should be added at the end, because some of the tests involve the 114 output of line numbers, and we don't want these to change. 115 583:brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 116 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117 RC=0 118 ---------------------------- Test 19 ----------------------------- 119 Pattern 120 RC=0 121 ---------------------------- Test 20 ----------------------------- 122 10:complete pair 123 of lines 124 16:complete pair 125 of lines 126 RC=0 127 ---------------------------- Test 21 ----------------------------- 128 24:four 129 25-five 130 26-six 131 27-seven 132 -- 133 34:fourteen 134 35-fifteen 135 36-sixteen 136 37-seventeen 137 RC=0 138 ---------------------------- Test 22 ----------------------------- 139 21-one 140 22-two 141 23-three 142 24:four 143 -- 144 31-eleven 145 32-twelve 146 33-thirteen 147 34:fourteen 148 RC=0 149 ---------------------------- Test 23 ----------------------------- 150 one 151 two 152 three 153 four 154 five 155 six 156 seven 157 -- 158 eleven 159 twelve 160 thirteen 161 fourteen 162 fifteen 163 sixteen 164 seventeen 165 RC=0 166 ---------------------------- Test 24 ----------------------------- 167 four 168 five 169 six 170 seven 171 eight 172 nine 173 ten 174 eleven 175 twelve 176 thirteen 177 fourteen 178 fifteen 179 sixteen 180 seventeen 181 eighteen 182 nineteen 183 twenty 184 185 This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 186 This is the last line of this file. 187 RC=0 188 ---------------------------- Test 25 ----------------------------- 189 15- 190 16-complete pair 191 17-of lines 192 18- 193 19-And there they were again, to check line numbers. 194 20- 195 21-one 196 22-two 197 23-three 198 24:four 199 25-five 200 26-six 201 27-seven 202 28-eight 203 29-nine 204 30-ten 205 31-eleven 206 32-twelve 207 33-thirteen 208 34:fourteen 209 RC=0 210 ---------------------------- Test 26 ----------------------------- 211 212 complete pair 213 of lines 214 215 And there they were again, to check line numbers. 216 217 one 218 two 219 three 220 four 221 five 222 six 223 seven 224 eight 225 nine 226 ten 227 eleven 228 twelve 229 thirteen 230 fourteen 231 fifteen 232 sixteen 233 seventeen 234 eighteen 235 nineteen 236 twenty 237 238 This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 239 This is the last line of this file. 240 RC=0 241 ---------------------------- Test 27 ----------------------------- 242 four 243 five 244 six 245 seven 246 eight 247 nine 248 ten 249 eleven 250 twelve 251 thirteen 252 fourteen 253 fifteen 254 sixteen 255 seventeen 256 eighteen 257 nineteen 258 twenty 259 260 This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 261 This is the last line of this file. 262 RC=0 263 ---------------------------- Test 28 ----------------------------- 264 14-of lines all by themselves. 265 15- 266 16-complete pair 267 17-of lines 268 18- 269 19-And there they were again, to check line numbers. 270 20- 271 21-one 272 22-two 273 23-three 274 24:four 275 25-five 276 26-six 277 27-seven 278 28-eight 279 29-nine 280 30-ten 281 31-eleven 282 32-twelve 283 33-thirteen 284 34:fourteen 285 RC=0 286 ---------------------------- Test 29 ----------------------------- 287 of lines all by themselves. 288 289 complete pair 290 of lines 291 292 And there they were again, to check line numbers. 293 294 one 295 two 296 three 297 four 298 five 299 six 300 seven 301 eight 302 nine 303 ten 304 eleven 305 twelve 306 thirteen 307 fourteen 308 fifteen 309 sixteen 310 seventeen 311 eighteen 312 nineteen 313 twenty 314 315 This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 316 This is the last line of this file. 317 RC=0 318 ---------------------------- Test 30 ----------------------------- 319 ./testdata/grepinput-4-features should be added at the end, because some of the tests involve the 320 ./testdata/grepinput-5-output of line numbers, and we don't want these to change. 321 ./testdata/grepinput-6- 322 ./testdata/grepinput:7:PATTERN at the start of a line. 323 ./testdata/grepinput:8:In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 324 ./testdata/grepinput-9- 325 ./testdata/grepinput:10:This pattern is in lower case. 326 -- 327 ./testdata/grepinput-620-PUT NEW DATA ABOVE THIS LINE. 328 ./testdata/grepinput-621-============================= 329 ./testdata/grepinput-622- 330 ./testdata/grepinput:623:Check up on PATTERN near the end. 331 -- 332 ./testdata/grepinputx-1-This is a second file of input for the pcregrep tests. 333 ./testdata/grepinputx-2- 334 ./testdata/grepinputx:3:Here is the pattern again. 335 ./testdata/grepinputx-4- 336 ./testdata/grepinputx:5:Pattern 337 -- 338 ./testdata/grepinputx-39-nineteen 339 ./testdata/grepinputx-40-twenty 340 ./testdata/grepinputx-41- 341 ./testdata/grepinputx:42:This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 342 RC=0 343 ---------------------------- Test 31 ----------------------------- 344 ./testdata/grepinput:7:PATTERN at the start of a line. 345 ./testdata/grepinput:8:In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 346 ./testdata/grepinput-9- 347 ./testdata/grepinput:10:This pattern is in lower case. 348 ./testdata/grepinput-11- 349 ./testdata/grepinput-12-Here follows a whole lot of stuff that makes the file over 24K long. 350 ./testdata/grepinput-13- 351 -- 352 ./testdata/grepinput:623:Check up on PATTERN near the end. 353 ./testdata/grepinput-624-This is the last line of this file. 354 -- 355 ./testdata/grepinputx:3:Here is the pattern again. 356 ./testdata/grepinputx-4- 357 ./testdata/grepinputx:5:Pattern 358 ./testdata/grepinputx-6-That time it was on a line by itself. 359 ./testdata/grepinputx-7- 360 ./testdata/grepinputx-8-To pat or not to pat, that is the question. 361 -- 362 ./testdata/grepinputx:42:This line contains pattern not on a line by itself. 363 ./testdata/grepinputx-43-This is the last line of this file. 364 RC=0 365 ---------------------------- Test 32 ----------------------------- 366 ./testdata/grepinputx 367 RC=0 368 ---------------------------- Test 33 ----------------------------- 369 pcre2grep: Failed to open ./testdata/grepnonexist: No such file or directory 370 RC=2 371 ---------------------------- Test 34 ----------------------------- 372 RC=2 373 ---------------------------- Test 35 ----------------------------- 374 ./testdata/grepinput8 375 ./testdata/grepinputx 376 RC=0 377 ---------------------------- Test 36 ----------------------------- 378 ./testdata/grepinput3 379 ./testdata/grepinputx 380 RC=0 381 ---------------------------- Test 37 ----------------------------- 382 aaaaa0 383 aaaaa2 384 010203040506 385 RC=0 386 ======== STDERR ======== 387 pcre2grep: pcre2_match() gave error -47 while matching this text: 388 389 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 390 391 pcre2grep: pcre2_match() gave error -47 while matching this text: 392 393 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 394 395 pcre2grep: Error -46, -47 or -53 means that a resource limit was exceeded. 396 pcre2grep: Check your regex for nested unlimited loops. 397 ---------------------------- Test 38 ------------------------------ 398 This line contains a binary zero here >< for testing. 399 RC=0 400 ---------------------------- Test 39 ------------------------------ 401 This is a line before the binary zero. 402 This line contains a binary zero here >< for testing. 403 RC=0 404 ---------------------------- Test 40 ------------------------------ 405 This line contains a binary zero here >< for testing. 406 This is a line after the binary zero. 407 RC=0 408 ---------------------------- Test 41 ------------------------------ 409 before the binary zero 410 after the binary zero 411 RC=0 412 ---------------------------- Test 42 ------------------------------ 413 ./testdata/grepinput:595:before the binary zero 414 ./testdata/grepinput:597:after the binary zero 415 RC=0 416 ---------------------------- Test 43 ------------------------------ 417 595:before 418 595:zero 419 596:zero 420 597:after 421 597:zero 422 RC=0 423 ---------------------------- Test 44 ------------------------------ 424 595:before 425 595:zero 426 596:zero 427 597:zero 428 RC=0 429 ---------------------------- Test 45 ------------------------------ 430 10:pattern 431 595:binary 432 596:binary 433 597:binary 434 RC=0 435 ---------------------------- Test 46 ------------------------------ 436 pcre2grep: Error in 2nd command-line regex at offset 9: missing closing parenthesis 437 RC=2 438 ---------------------------- Test 47 ------------------------------ 439 AB.VE 440 RC=0 441 ---------------------------- Test 48 ------------------------------ 442 ABOVE the elephant 443 AB.VE 444 AB.VE the turtle 445 RC=0 446 ---------------------------- Test 49 ------------------------------ 447 ABOVE the elephant 448 AB.VE 449 AB.VE the turtle 450 PUT NEW DATA ABOVE THIS LINE. 451 RC=0 452 ---------------------------- Test 50 ------------------------------ 453 RC=1 454 ---------------------------- Test 51 ------------------------------ 455 over the lazy dog. 456 This time it jumps and jumps and jumps. 457 RC=0 458 ---------------------------- Test 52 ------------------------------ 459 fox [1;31mjumps[00m 460 This time it [1;31mjumps[00m and [1;31mjumps[00m and [1;31mjumps[00m. 461 RC=0 462 ---------------------------- Test 53 ------------------------------ 463 36972,6 464 36990,4 465 37024,4 466 37066,5 467 37083,4 468 RC=0 469 ---------------------------- Test 54 ------------------------------ 470 595:15,6 471 595:33,4 472 596:28,4 473 597:15,5 474 597:32,4 475 RC=0 476 ---------------------------- Test 55 ----------------------------- 477 Here is the [1;31mpattern[00m again. 478 That time it was on a [1;31mline by itself[00m. 479 This line contains [1;31mpattern[00m not on a [1;31mline by itself[00m. 480 RC=0 481 ---------------------------- Test 56 ----------------------------- 482 ./testdata/grepinput:456 483 ./testdata/grepinput3:0 484 ./testdata/grepinput8:0 485 ./testdata/grepinputv:1 486 ./testdata/grepinputx:0 487 RC=0 488 ---------------------------- Test 57 ----------------------------- 489 ./testdata/grepinput:456 490 ./testdata/grepinputv:1 491 RC=0 492 ---------------------------- Test 58 ----------------------------- 493 PATTERN at the start of a line. 494 In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 495 Check up on PATTERN near the end. 496 RC=0 497 ---------------------------- Test 59 ----------------------------- 498 PATTERN at the start of a line. 499 In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 500 Check up on PATTERN near the end. 501 RC=0 502 ---------------------------- Test 60 ----------------------------- 503 PATTERN at the start of a line. 504 In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 505 Check up on PATTERN near the end. 506 RC=0 507 ---------------------------- Test 61 ----------------------------- 508 PATTERN at the start of a line. 509 In the middle of a line, PATTERN appears. 510 Check up on PATTERN near the end. 511 RC=0 512 ---------------------------- Test 62 ----------------------------- 513 pcre2grep: pcre2_match() gave error -47 while matching text that starts: 514 515 This is a file of miscellaneous text that is used as test data for checking 516 that the pcregrep command is working correctly. The file must be more than 24K 517 long so that it needs more than a single read 518 519 pcre2grep: Error -46, -47 or -53 means that a resource limit was exceeded. 520 pcre2grep: Check your regex for nested unlimited loops. 521 RC=1 522 ---------------------------- Test 63 ----------------------------- 523 pcre2grep: pcre2_match() gave error -53 while matching text that starts: 524 525 This is a file of miscellaneous text that is used as test data for checking 526 that the pcregrep command is working correctly. The file must be more than 24K 527 long so that it needs more than a single read 528 529 pcre2grep: Error -46, -47 or -53 means that a resource limit was exceeded. 530 pcre2grep: Check your regex for nested unlimited loops. 531 RC=1 532 ---------------------------- Test 64 ------------------------------ 533 appears 534 RC=0 535 ---------------------------- Test 65 ------------------------------ 536 pear 537 RC=0 538 ---------------------------- Test 66 ------------------------------ 539 RC=0 540 ---------------------------- Test 67 ------------------------------ 541 RC=0 542 ---------------------------- Test 68 ------------------------------ 543 pear 544 RC=0 545 ---------------------------- Test 69 ----------------------------- 546 1:This is a second file of input for the pcregrep tests. 547 2: 548 4: 549 5:Pattern 550 6:That time it was on a line by itself. 551 7: 552 8:To pat or not to pat, that is the question. 553 9: 554 10:complete pair 555 11:of lines 556 12: 557 13:That was a complete pair 558 14:of lines all by themselves. 559 15: 560 16:complete pair 561 17:of lines 562 18: 563 19:And there they were again, to check line numbers. 564 20: 565 21:one 566 22:two 567 23:three 568 24:four 569 25:five 570 26:six 571 27:seven 572 28:eight 573 29:nine 574 30:ten 575 31:eleven 576 32:twelve 577 33:thirteen 578 34:fourteen 579 35:fifteen 580 36:sixteen 581 37:seventeen 582 38:eighteen 583 39:nineteen 584 40:twenty 585 41: 586 43:This is the last line of this file. 587 RC=0 588 ---------------------------- Test 70 ----------------------------- 589 [1;31mtriple: t1_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 590 591 [00m[1;31mtriple: t3_txt s2_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 592 593 [00m[1;31mtriple: t4_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 594 595 [00m[1;31mtriple: t6_txt s2_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 596 597 [00mRC=0 598 ---------------------------- Test 71 ----------------------------- 599 01 600 RC=0 601 ---------------------------- Test 72 ----------------------------- 602 [1;31m01[00m0203040506 603 RC=0 604 ---------------------------- Test 73 ----------------------------- 605 [1;31m01[00m 606 RC=0 607 ---------------------------- Test 74 ----------------------------- 608 01 609 02 610 RC=0 611 ---------------------------- Test 75 ----------------------------- 612 [1;31m01[00m[1;31m02[00m03040506 613 RC=0 614 ---------------------------- Test 76 ----------------------------- 615 [1;31m01[00m 616 [1;31m02[00m 617 RC=0 618 ---------------------------- Test 77 ----------------------------- 619 01 620 03 621 RC=0 622 ---------------------------- Test 78 ----------------------------- 623 [1;31m01[00m02[1;31m03[00m040506 624 RC=0 625 ---------------------------- Test 79 ----------------------------- 626 [1;31m01[00m 627 [1;31m03[00m 628 RC=0 629 ---------------------------- Test 80 ----------------------------- 630 01 631 RC=0 632 ---------------------------- Test 81 ----------------------------- 633 [1;31m01[00m0203040506 634 RC=0 635 ---------------------------- Test 82 ----------------------------- 636 [1;31m01[00m 637 RC=0 638 ---------------------------- Test 83 ----------------------------- 639 pcre2grep: line 4 of file ./testdata/grepinput3 is too long for the internal buffer 640 pcre2grep: the buffer size is 100 641 pcre2grep: use the --buffer-size option to change it 642 RC=2 643 ---------------------------- Test 84 ----------------------------- 644 testdata/grepinputv:fox jumps 645 testdata/grepinputx:complete pair 646 testdata/grepinputx:That was a complete pair 647 testdata/grepinputx:complete pair 648 testdata/grepinput3:triple: t7_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 649 RC=0 650 ---------------------------- Test 85 ----------------------------- 651 ./testdata/grepinput3:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 652 RC=0 653 ---------------------------- Test 86 ----------------------------- 654 Binary file ./testdata/grepbinary matches 655 RC=0 656 ---------------------------- Test 87 ----------------------------- 657 RC=1 658 ---------------------------- Test 88 ----------------------------- 659 Binary file ./testdata/grepbinary matches 660 RC=0 661 ---------------------------- Test 89 ----------------------------- 662 RC=1 663 ---------------------------- Test 90 ----------------------------- 664 RC=1 665 ---------------------------- Test 91 ----------------------------- 666 The quick brown fx jumps over the lazy dog. 667 RC=0 668 ---------------------------- Test 92 ----------------------------- 669 The quick brown fx jumps over the lazy dog. 670 RC=0 671 ---------------------------- Test 93 ----------------------------- 672 The quick brown fx jumps over the lazy dog. 673 RC=0 674 ---------------------------- Test 94 ----------------------------- 675 ./testdata/grepinput8 676 ./testdata/grepinputx 677 RC=0 678 ---------------------------- Test 95 ----------------------------- 679 testdata/grepinputx:complete pair 680 testdata/grepinputx:That was a complete pair 681 testdata/grepinputx:complete pair 682 RC=0 683 ---------------------------- Test 96 ----------------------------- 684 ./testdata/grepinput3 685 ./testdata/grepinput8 686 ./testdata/grepinputx 687 RC=0 688 ---------------------------- Test 97 ----------------------------- 689 ./testdata/grepinput3 690 ./testdata/grepinputx 691 RC=0 692 ---------------------------- Test 98 ----------------------------- 693 ./testdata/grepinputx 694 RC=0 695 ---------------------------- Test 99 ----------------------------- 696 ./testdata/grepinput3 697 ./testdata/grepinputx 698 RC=0 699 ---------------------------- Test 100 ------------------------------ 700 ./testdata/grepinput:zerothe. 701 ./testdata/grepinput:zeroa 702 ./testdata/grepinput:zerothe. 703 RC=0 704 ---------------------------- Test 101 ------------------------------ 705 ./testdata/grepinput:[1;31m.[00m|[1;31mzero[00m|[1;31mthe[00m|[1;31m.[00m 706 ./testdata/grepinput:[1;31mzero[00m|[1;31ma[00m 707 ./testdata/grepinput:[1;31m.[00m|[1;31mzero[00m|[1;31mthe[00m|[1;31m.[00m 708 RC=0 709 ---------------------------- Test 102 ----------------------------- 710 2: 711 5: 712 7: 713 9: 714 12: 715 14: 716 RC=0 717 ---------------------------- Test 103 ----------------------------- 718 RC=0 719 ---------------------------- Test 104 ----------------------------- 720 2: 721 5: 722 7: 723 9: 724 12: 725 14: 726 RC=0 727 ---------------------------- Test 105 ----------------------------- 728 [1;31m[00mtriple: t1_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 729 [1;31m[00m 730 [1;31m[00mtriple: t2_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag 731 [1;31m[00mLorem [1;31mipsum[00m dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 732 [1;31m[00m 733 [1;31m[00mtriple: t3_txt s2_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 734 [1;31m[00m 735 [1;31m[00mtriple: t4_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 736 [1;31m[00m 737 [1;31m[00mtriple: t5_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag 738 [1;31m[00mo_txt 739 [1;31m[00m 740 [1;31m[00mtriple: t6_txt s2_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 741 [1;31m[00m 742 [1;31m[00mtriple: t7_txt s1_tag s_txt p_tag p_txt o_tag o_txt 743 RC=0 744 ---------------------------- Test 106 ----------------------------- 745 a 746 RC=0 747 ---------------------------- Test 107 ----------------------------- 748 1:0,1 749 2:0,1 750 2:1,1 751 2:2,1 752 2:3,1 753 2:4,1 754 RC=0 755 ---------------------------- Test 108 ------------------------------ 756 RC=0 757 ---------------------------- Test 109 ----------------------------- 758 RC=0 759 ---------------------------- Test 110 ----------------------------- 760 match 1: 761 a 762 /1/a 763 match 2: 764 b 765 /2/b 766 match 3: 767 c 768 /3/c 769 match 4: 770 d 771 /4/d 772 match 5: 773 e 774 /5/e 775 RC=0 776 ---------------------------- Test 111 ----------------------------- 777 607:0,12 778 609:0,12 779 611:0,12 780 613:0,12 781 615:0,12 782 RC=0 783 ---------------------------- Test 112 ----------------------------- 784 37168,12 785 37180,12 786 37192,12 787 37204,12 788 37216,12 789 RC=0 790