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      1 # Protocol Buffers in Swift
      3 ## Objective
      5 This document describes the user-facing API and internal implementation of
      6 proto2 and proto3 messages in Apples Swift programming language.
      8 One of the key goals of protobufs is to provide idiomatic APIs for each
      9 language. In that vein, **interoperability with Objective-C is a non-goal of
     10 this proposal.** Protobuf users who need to pass messages between Objective-C
     11 and Swift code in the same application should use the existing Objective-C proto
     12 library. The goal of the effort described here is to provide an API for protobuf
     13 messages that uses features specific to Swiftoptional types, algebraic
     14 enumerated types, value types, and so forthin a natural way that will delight,
     15 rather than surprise, users of the language.
     17 ## Naming
     19 *   By convention, both typical protobuf message names and Swift structs/classes
     20     are `UpperCamelCase`, so for most messages, the name of a message can be the
     21     same as the name of its generated type. (However, see the discussion below
     22     about prefixes under [Packages](#packages).)
     24 *   Enum cases in protobufs typically are `UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES`, whereas
     25     in Swift they are `lowerCamelCase` (as of the Swift 3 API design
     26     guidelines). We will transform the names to match Swift convention, using
     27     a whitelist similar to the Objective-C compiler plugin to handle commonly
     28     used acronyms.
     30 *   Typical fields in proto messages are `lowercase_with_underscores`, while in
     31     Swift they are `lowerCamelCase`. We will transform the names to match
     32     Swift convention by removing the underscores and uppercasing the subsequent
     33     letter.
     35 ## Swift reserved words
     37 Swift has a large set of reserved wordssome always reserved and some
     38 contextually reserved (that is, they can be used as identifiers in contexts
     39 where they would not be confused). As of Swift 2.2, the set of always-reserved
     40 words is:
     42 ```
     43 _, #available, #column, #else, #elseif, #endif, #file, #function, #if, #line,
     44 #selector, as, associatedtype, break, case, catch, class, continue, default,
     45 defer, deinit, do, dynamicType, else, enum, extension, fallthrough, false, for,
     46 func, guard, if, import, in, init, inout, internal, is, let, nil, operator,
     47 private, protocol, public, repeat, rethrows, return, self, Self, static,
     48 struct, subscript, super, switch, throw, throws, true, try, typealias, var,
     49 where, while
     50 ```
     52 The set of contextually reserved words is:
     54 ```
     55 associativity, convenience, dynamic, didSet, final, get, infix, indirect,
     56 lazy, left, mutating, none, nonmutating, optional, override, postfix,
     57 precedence, prefix, Protocol, required, right, set, Type, unowned, weak,
     58 willSet
     59 ```
     61 It is possible to use any reserved word as an identifier by escaping it with
     62 backticks (for example, ``let `class` = 5``). Other name-mangling schemes would
     63 require us to transform the names themselves (for example, by appending an
     64 underscore), which requires us to then ensure that the new name does not collide
     65 with something else in the same namespace.
     67 While the backtick feature may not be widely known by all Swift developers, a
     68 small amount of user education can address this and it seems like the best
     69 approach. We can unconditionally surround all property names with backticks to
     70 simplify generation.
     72 Some remapping will still be required, though, to avoid collisions between
     73 generated properties and the names of methods and properties defined in the base
     74 protocol/implementation of messages.
     76 # Features of Protocol Buffers
     78 This section describes how the features of the protocol buffer syntaxes (proto2
     79 and proto3) map to features in Swiftwhat the code generated from a proto will
     80 look like, and how it will be implemented in the underlying library.
     82 ## Packages
     84 Modules are the main form of namespacing in Swift, but they are not declared
     85 using syntactic constructs like namespaces in C++ or packages in Java. Instead,
     86 they are tied to build targets in Xcode (or, in the future with open-source
     87 Swift, declarations in a Swift Package Manager manifest). They also do not
     88 easily support nesting submodules (Clang module maps support this, but pure
     89 Swift does not yet provide a way to define submodules).
     91 We will generate types with fully-qualified underscore-delimited names. For
     92 example, a message `Baz` in package `foo.bar` would generate a struct named
     93 `Foo_Bar_Baz`. For each fully-qualified proto message, there will be exactly one
     94 unique type symbol emitted in the generated binary.
     96 Users are likely to balk at the ugliness of underscore-delimited names for every
     97 generated type. To improve upon this situation, we will add a new string file
     98 level option, `swift_package_typealias`, that can be added to `.proto` files.
     99 When present, this will cause `typealias`es to be added to the generated Swift
    100 messages that replace the package name prefix with the provided string. For
    101 example, the following `.proto` file:
    103 ```protobuf
    104 option swift_package_typealias = "FBP";
    105 package foo.bar;
    107 message Baz {
    108   // Message fields
    109 }
    110 ```
    112 would generate the following Swift source:
    114 ```swift
    115 public struct Foo_Bar_Baz {
    116   // Message fields and other methods
    117 }
    119 typealias FBPBaz = Foo_Bar_Baz
    120 ```
    122 It should be noted that this type alias is recorded in the generated
    123 `.swiftmodule` so that code importing the module can refer to it, but it does
    124 not cause a new symbol to be generated in the compiled binary (i.e., we do not
    125 risk compiled size bloat by adding `typealias`es for every type).
    127 Other strategies to handle packages that were considered and rejected can be
    128 found in [Appendix A](#appendix-a-rejected-strategies-to-handle-packages).
    130 ## Messages
    132 Proto messages are natural value types and we will generate messages as structs
    133 instead of classes. Users will benefit from Swifts built-in behavior with
    134 regard to mutability. We will define a `ProtoMessage` protocol that defines the
    135 common methods and properties for all messages (such as serialization) and also
    136 lets users treat messages polymorphically. Any shared method implementations
    137 that do not differ between individual messages can be implemented in a protocol
    138 extension.
    140 The backing storage itself for fields of a message will be managed by a
    141 `ProtoFieldStorage` type that uses an internal dictionary keyed by field number,
    142 and whose values are the value of the field with that number (up-cast to Swifts
    143 `Any` type). This class will provide type-safe getters and setters so that
    144 generated messages can manipulate this storage, and core serialization logic
    145 will live here as well. Furthermore, factoring the storage out into a separate
    146 type, rather than inlining the fields as stored properties in the message
    147 itself, lets us implement copy-on-write efficiently to support passing around
    148 large messages. (Furthermore, because the messages themselves are value types,
    149 inlining fields is not possible if the fields are submessages of the same type,
    150 or a type that eventually includes a submessage of the same type.)
    152 ### Required fields (proto2 only)
    154 Required fields in proto2 messages seem like they could be naturally represented
    155 by non-optional properties in Swift, but this presents some problems/concerns.
    157 Serialization APIs permit partial serialization, which allows required fields to
    158 remain unset. Furthermore, other language APIs still provide `has*` and `clear*`
    159 methods for required fields, and knowing whether a property has a value when the
    160 message is in memory is still useful.
    162 For example, an e-mail draft message may have the to address required on the
    163 wire, but when the user constructs it in memory, it doesnt make sense to force
    164 a value until they provide one. We only want to force a value to be present when
    165 the message is serialized to the wire. Using non-optional properties prevents
    166 this use case, and makes client usage awkward because the user would be forced
    167 to select a sentinel or placeholder value for any required fields at the time
    168 the message was created.
    170 ### Default values
    172 In proto2, fields can have a default value specified that may be a value other
    173 than the default value for its corresponding language type (for example, a
    174 default value of 5 instead of 0 for an integer). When reading a field that is
    175 not explicitly set, the user expects to get that value. This makes Swift
    176 optionals (i.e., `Foo?`) unsuitable for fields in general. Unfortunately, we
    177 cannot implement our own enhanced optional type without severely complicating
    178 usage (Swifts use of type inference and its lack of implicit conversions would
    179 require manual unwrapping of every property value).
    181 Instead, we can use **implicitly unwrapped optionals.** For example, a property
    182 generated for a field of type `int32` would have Swift type `Int32!`. These
    183 properties would behave with the following characteristics, which mirror the
    184 nil-resettable properties used elsewhere in Apples SDKs (for example,
    185 `UIView.tintColor`):
    187 *   Assigning a non-nil value to a property sets the field to that value.
    188 *   Assigning nil to a property clears the field (its internal representation is
    189     nilled out).
    190 *   Reading the value of a property returns its value if it is set, or returns
    191     its default value if it is not set. Reading a property never returns nil.
    193 The final point in the list above implies that the optional cannot be checked to
    194 determine if the field is set to a value other than its default: it will never
    195 be nil. Instead, we must provide `has*` methods for each field to allow the user
    196 to check this. These methods will be public in proto2. In proto3, these methods
    197 will be private (if generated at all), since the user can test the returned
    198 value against the zero value for that type.
    200 ### Autocreation of nested messages
    202 For convenience, dotting into an unset field representing a nested message will
    203 return an instance of that message with default values. As in the Objective-C
    204 implementation, this does not actually cause the field to be set until the
    205 returned message is mutated. Fortunately, thanks to the way mutability of value
    206 types is implemented in Swift, the language automatically handles the
    207 reassignment-on-mutation for us. A static singleton instance containing default
    208 values can be associated with each message that can be returned when reading, so
    209 copies are only made by the Swift runtime when mutation occurs. For example,
    210 given the following proto:
    212 ```protobuf
    213 message Node {
    214   Node child = 1;
    215   string value = 2 [default = "foo"];
    216 }
    217 ```
    219 The following Swift code would act as commented, where setting deeply nested
    220 properties causes the copies and mutations to occur as the assignment statement
    221 is unwound:
    223 ```swift
    224 var node = Node()
    226 let s = node.child.child.value
    227 // 1. node.child returns the "default Node".
    228 // 2. Reading .child on the result of (1) returns the same default Node.
    229 // 3. Reading .value on the result of (2) returns the default value "foo".
    231 node.child.child.value = "bar"
    232 // 4. Setting .value on the default Node causes a copy to be made and sets
    233 //    the property on that copy. Subsequently, the language updates the
    234 //    value of "node.child.child" to point to that copy.
    235 // 5. Updating "node.child.child" in (4) requires another copy, because
    236 //    "node.child" was also the instance of the default node. The copy is
    237 //    assigned back to "node.child".
    238 // 6. Setting "node.child" in (5) is a simple value reassignment, since
    239 //    "node" is a mutable var.
    240 ```
    242 In other words, the generated messages do not internally have to manage parental
    243 relationships to backfill the appropriate properties on mutation. Swift provides
    244 this for free.
    246 ## Scalar value fields
    248 Proto scalar value fields will map to Swift types in the following way:
    250 .proto Type | Swift Type
    251 ----------- | -------------------
    252 `double`    | `Double`
    253 `float`     | `Float`
    254 `int32`     | `Int32`
    255 `int64`     | `Int64`
    256 `uint32`    | `UInt32`
    257 `uint64`    | `UInt64`
    258 `sint32`    | `Int32`
    259 `sint64`    | `Int64`
    260 `fixed32`   | `UInt32`
    261 `fixed64`   | `UInt64`
    262 `sfixed32`  | `Int32`
    263 `sfixed64`  | `Int64`
    264 `bool`      | `Bool`
    265 `string`    | `String`
    266 `bytes`     | `Foundation.NSData`
    268 The proto spec defines a number of integral types that map to the same Swift
    269 type; for example, `intXX`, `sintXX`, and `sfixedXX` are all signed integers,
    270 and `uintXX` and `fixedXX` are both unsigned integers. No other language
    271 implementation distinguishes these further, so we do not do so either. The
    272 rationale is that the various types only serve to distinguish how the value is
    273 **encoded on the wire**; once loaded in memory, the user is not concerned about
    274 these variations.
    276 Swifts lack of implicit conversions among types will make it slightly annoying
    277 to use these types in a context expecting an `Int`, or vice-versa, but since
    278 this is a data-interchange format with explicitly-sized fields, we should not
    279 hide that information from the user. Users will have to explicitly write
    280 `Int(message.myField)`, for example.
    282 ## Embedded message fields
    284 Embedded message fields can be represented using an optional variable of the
    285 generated message type. Thus, the message
    287 ```protobuf
    288 message Foo {
    289   Bar bar = 1;
    290 }
    291 ```
    293 would be represented in Swift as
    295 ```swift
    296 public struct Foo: ProtoMessage {
    297   public var bar: Bar! {
    298     get { ... }
    299     set { ... }
    300   }
    301 }
    302 ```
    304 If the user explicitly sets `bar` to nil, or if it was never set when read from
    305 the wire, retrieving the value of `bar` would return a default, statically
    306 allocated instance of `Bar` containing default values for its fields. This
    307 achieves the desired behavior for default values in the same way that scalar
    308 fields are designed, and also allows users to deep-drill into complex object
    309 graphs to get or set fields without checking for nil at each step.
    311 ## Enum fields
    313 The design and implementation of enum fields will differ somewhat drastically
    314 depending on whether the message being generated is a proto2 or proto3 message.
    316 ### proto2 enums
    318 For proto2, we do not need to be concerned about unknown enum values, so we can
    319 use the simple raw-value enum syntax provided by Swift. So the following enum in
    320 proto2:
    322 ```protobuf
    323 enum ContentType {
    324   TEXT = 0;
    325   IMAGE = 1;
    326 }
    327 ```
    329 would become this Swift enum:
    331 ```swift
    332 public enum ContentType: Int32, NilLiteralConvertible {
    333   case text = 0
    334   case image = 1
    336   public init(nilLiteral: ()) {
    337     self = .text
    338   }
    339 }
    340 ```
    342 See below for the discussion about `NilLiteralConvertible`.
    344 ### proto3 enums
    346 For proto3, we need to be able to preserve unknown enum values that may come
    347 across the wire so that they can be written back if unmodified. We can
    348 accomplish this in Swift by using a case with an associated value for unknowns.
    349 So the following enum in proto3:
    351 ```protobuf
    352 enum ContentType {
    353   TEXT = 0;
    354   IMAGE = 1;
    355 }
    356 ```
    358 would become this Swift enum:
    360 ```swift
    361 public enum ContentType: RawRepresentable, NilLiteralConvertible {
    362   case text
    363   case image
    364   case UNKNOWN_VALUE(Int32)
    366   public typealias RawValue = Int32
    368   public init(nilLiteral: ()) {
    369     self = .text
    370   }
    372   public init(rawValue: RawValue) {
    373     switch rawValue {
    374       case 0: self = .text
    375       case 1: self = .image
    376       default: self = .UNKNOWN_VALUE(rawValue)
    377   }
    379   public var rawValue: RawValue {
    380     switch self {
    381       case .text: return 0
    382       case .image: return 1
    383       case .UNKNOWN_VALUE(let value): return value
    384     }
    385   }
    386 }
    387 ```
    389 Note that the use of a parameterized case prevents us from inheriting from the
    390 raw `Int32` type; Swift does not allow an enum with a raw type to have cases
    391 with arguments. Instead, we must implement the raw value initializer and
    392 computed property manually. The `UNKNOWN_VALUE` case is explicitly chosen to be
    393 "ugly" so that it stands out and does not conflict with other possible case
    394 names.
    396 Using this approach, proto3 consumers must always have a default case or handle
    397 the `.UNKNOWN_VALUE` case to satisfy case exhaustion in a switch statement; the
    398 Swift compiler considers it an error if switch statements are not exhaustive.
    400 ### NilLiteralConvertible conformance
    402 This is required to clean up the usage of enum-typed properties in switch
    403 statements. Unlike other field types, enum properties cannot be
    404 implicitly-unwrapped optionals without requiring that uses in switch statements
    405 be explicitly unwrapped. For example, if we consider a message with the enum
    406 above, this usage will fail to compile:
    408 ```swift
    409 // Without NilLiteralConvertible conformance on ContentType
    410 public struct SomeMessage: ProtoMessage {
    411   public var contentType: ContentType! { ... }
    412 }
    414 // ERROR: no case named text or image
    415 switch someMessage.contentType {
    416   case .text: { ... }
    417   case .image: { ... }
    418 }
    419 ```
    421 Even though our implementation guarantees that `contentType` will never be nil,
    422 if it is an optional type, its cases would be `some` and `none`, not the cases
    423 of the underlying enum type. In order to use it in this context, the user must
    424 write `someMessage.contentType!` in their switch statement.
    426 Making the enum itself `NilLiteralConvertible` permits us to make the property
    427 non-optional, so the user can still set it to nil to clear it (i.e., reset it to
    428 its default value), while eliminating the need to explicitly unwrap it in a
    429 switch statement.
    431 ```swift
    432 // With NilLiteralConvertible conformance on ContentType
    433 public struct SomeMessage: ProtoMessage {
    434   // Note that the property type is no longer optional
    435   public var contentType: ContentType { ... }
    436 }
    438 // OK: Compiles and runs as expected
    439 switch someMessage.contentType {
    440   case .text: { ... }
    441   case .image: { ... }
    442 }
    444 // The enum can be reset to its default value this way
    445 someMessage.contentType = nil
    446 ```
    448 One minor oddity with this approach is that nil will be auto-converted to the
    449 default value of the enum in any context, not just field assignment. In other
    450 words, this is valid:
    452 ```swift
    453 func foo(contentType: ContentType) { ... }
    454 foo(nil) // Inside foo, contentType == .text
    455 ```
    457 That being said, the advantage of being able to simultaneously support
    458 nil-resettability and switch-without-unwrapping outweighs this side effect,
    459 especially if appropriately documented. It is our hope that a new form of
    460 resettable properties will be added to Swift that eliminates this inconsistency.
    461 Some community members have already drafted or sent proposals for review that
    462 would benefit our designs:
    464 *   [SE-0030: Property Behaviors]
    465     (https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0030-property-behavior-decls.md)
    466 *   [Drafted: Resettable Properties]
    467     (https://github.com/patters/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0000-resettable-properties.md)
    469 ### Enum aliases
    471 The `allow_alias` option in protobuf slightly complicates the use of Swift enums
    472 to represent that type, because raw values of cases in an enum must be unique.
    473 Swift lets us define static variables in an enum that alias actual cases. For
    474 example, the following protobuf enum:
    476 ```protobuf
    477 enum Foo {
    478   option allow_alias = true;
    479   BAR = 0;
    480   BAZ = 0;
    481 }
    482 ```
    484 will be represented in Swift as:
    486 ```swift
    487 public enum Foo: Int32, NilLiteralConvertible {
    488   case bar = 0
    489   static public let baz = bar
    491   // ... etc.
    492 }
    494 // Can still use .baz shorthand to reference the alias in contexts
    495 // where the type is inferred
    496 ```
    498 That is, we use the first name as the actual case and use static variables for
    499 the other aliases. One drawback to this approach is that the static aliases
    500 cannot be used as cases in a switch statement (the compiler emits the error
    501 *Enum case baz not found in type Foo*). However, in our own code bases,
    502 there are only a few places where enum aliases are not mere renamings of an
    503 older value, but they also dont appear to be the type of value that one would
    504 expect to switch on (for example, a group of named constants representing
    505 metrics rather than a set of options), so this restriction is not significant.
    507 This strategy also implies that changing the name of an enum and adding the old
    508 name as an alias below the new name will be a breaking change in the generated
    509 Swift code.
    511 ## Oneof types
    513 The `oneof` feature represents a variant/union data type that maps nicely to
    514 Swift enums with associated values (algebraic types). These fields can also be
    515 accessed independently though, and, specifically in the case of proto2, its
    516 reasonable to expect access to default values when accessing a field that is not
    517 explicitly set.
    519 Taking all this into account, we can represent a `oneof` in Swift with two sets
    520 of constructs:
    522 *   Properties in the message that correspond to the `oneof` fields.
    523 *   A nested enum named after the `oneof` and which provides the corresponding
    524     field values as case arguments.
    526 This approach fulfills the needs of proto consumers by providing a
    527 Swift-idiomatic way of simultaneously checking which field is set and accessing
    528 its value, providing individual properties to access the default values
    529 (important for proto2), and safely allows a field to be moved into a `oneof`
    530 without breaking clients.
    532 Consider the following proto:
    534 ```protobuf
    535 message MyMessage {
    536   oneof record {
    537     string name = 1 [default = "unnamed"];
    538     int32 id_number = 2 [default = 0];
    539   }
    540 }
    541 ```
    543 In Swift, we would generate an enum, a property for that enum, and properties
    544 for the fields themselves:
    546 ```swift
    547 public struct MyMessage: ProtoMessage {
    548   public enum Record: NilLiteralConvertible {
    549     case name(String)
    550     case idNumber(Int32)
    551     case NOT_SET
    553     public init(nilLiteral: ()) { self = .NOT_SET }
    554   }
    556   // This is the "Swifty" way of accessing the value
    557   public var record: Record { ... }
    559   // Direct access to the underlying fields
    560   public var name: String! { ... }
    561   public var idNumber: Int32! { ... }
    562 }
    563 ```
    565 This makes both usage patterns possible:
    567 ```swift
    568 // Usage 1: Case-based dispatch
    569 switch message.record {
    570   case .name(let name):
    571     // Do something with name if it was explicitly set
    572   case .idNumber(let id):
    573     // Do something with id_number if it was explicitly set
    574   case .NOT_SET:
    575     // Do something if its not set
    576 }
    578 // Usage 2: Direct access for default value fallback
    579 // Sets the label text to the name if it was explicitly set, or to
    580 // "unnamed" (the default value for the field) if id_number was set
    581 // instead
    582 let myLabel = UILabel()
    583 myLabel.text = message.name
    584 ```
    586 As with proto enums, the generated `oneof` enum conforms to
    587 `NilLiteralConvertible` to avoid switch statement issues. Setting the property
    588 to nil will clear it (i.e., reset it to `NOT_SET`).
    590 ## Unknown Fields (proto2 only)
    592 To be written.
    594 ## Extensions (proto2 only)
    596 To be written.
    598 ## Reflection and Descriptors
    600 We will not include reflection or descriptors in the first version of the Swift
    601 library. The use cases for reflection on mobile are not as strong and the static
    602 data to represent the descriptors would add bloat when we wish to keep the code
    603 size small.
    605 In the future, we will investigate whether they can be included as extensions
    606 which might be able to be excluded from a build and/or automatically dead
    607 stripped by the compiler if they are not used.
    609 ## Appendix A: Rejected strategies to handle packages
    611 ### Each package is its own Swift module
    613 Each proto package could be declared as its own Swift module, replacing dots
    614 with underscores (e.g., package `foo.bar` becomes module `Foo_Bar`). Then, users
    615 would simply import modules containing whatever proto modules they want to use
    616 and refer to the generated types by their short names.
    618 **This solution is simply not possible, however.** Swift modules cannot
    619 circularly reference each other, but there is no restriction against proto
    620 packages doing so. Circular imports are forbidden (e.g., `foo.proto` importing
    621 `bar.proto` importing `foo.proto`), but nothing prevents package `foo` from
    622 using a type in package `bar` which uses a different type in package `foo`, as
    623 long as there is no import cycle. If these packages were generated as Swift
    624 modules, then `Foo` would contain an `import Bar` statement and `Bar` would
    625 contain an `import Foo` statement, and there is no way to compile this.
    627 ### Ad hoc namespacing with structs
    629 We can fake namespaces in Swift by declaring empty structs with private
    630 initializers. Since modules are constructed based on compiler arguments, not by
    631 syntactic constructs, and because there is no pure Swift way to define
    632 submodules (even though Clang module maps support this), there is no
    633 source-drive way to group generated code into namespaces aside from this
    634 approach.
    636 Types can be added to those intermediate package structs using Swift extensions.
    637 For example, a message `Baz` in package `foo.bar` could be represented in Swift
    638 as follows:
    640 ```swift
    641 public struct Foo {
    642   private init() {}
    643 }
    645 public extension Foo {
    646   public struct Bar {
    647     private init() {}
    648   }
    649 }
    651 public extension Foo.Bar {
    652   public struct Baz {
    653     // Message fields and other methods
    654   }
    655 }
    657 let baz = Foo.Bar.Baz()
    658 ```
    660 Each of these constructs would actually be defined in a separate file; Swift
    661 lets us keep them separate and add multiple structs to a single namespace
    662 through extensions.
    664 Unfortunately, these intermediate structs generate symbols of their own
    665 (metatype information in the data segment). This becomes problematic if multiple
    666 build targets contain Swift sources generated from different messages in the
    667 same package. At link time, these symbols would collide, resulting in multiple
    668 definition errors.
    670 This approach also has the disadvantage that there is no automatic short way
    671 to refer to the generated messages at the deepest nesting levels; since this use
    672 of structs is a hack around the lack of namespaces, there is no equivalent to
    673 import (Java) or using (C++) to simplify this. Users would have to declare type
    674 aliases to make this cleaner, or we would have to generate them for users.