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      1 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
      2 ===================================================
      4 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/google/protobuf.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/google/protobuf)
      6 Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
      8 This directory contains the Java Protocol Buffers Nano runtime library.
     10 Installation - With Maven
     11 -------------------------
     13 The Protocol Buffers build is managed using Maven.  If you would
     14 rather build without Maven, see below.
     16 1) Install Apache Maven if you don't have it:
     18      http://maven.apache.org/
     20 2) Build the C++ code, or obtain a binary distribution of protoc.  If
     21    you install a binary distribution, make sure that it is the same
     22    version as this package.  If in doubt, run:
     24      $ protoc --version
     26    You will need to place the protoc executable in ../src.  (If you
     27    built it yourself, it should already be there.)
     29 3) Run the tests:
     31      $ mvn test
     33    If some tests fail, this library may not work correctly on your
     34    system.  Continue at your own risk.
     36 4) Install the library into your Maven repository:
     38      $ mvn install
     40 5) If you do not use Maven to manage your own build, you can build a
     41    .jar file to use:
     43      $ mvn package
     45    The .jar will be placed in the "target" directory.
     47 Installation - Without Maven
     48 ----------------------------
     50 If you would rather not install Maven to build the library, you may
     51 follow these instructions instead.  Note that these instructions skip
     52 running unit tests.
     54 1) Build the C++ code, or obtain a binary distribution of protoc.  If
     55    you install a binary distribution, make sure that it is the same
     56    version as this package.  If in doubt, run:
     58      $ protoc --version
     60    If you built the C++ code without installing, the compiler binary
     61    should be located in ../src.
     63 2) Invoke protoc to build DescriptorProtos.java:
     65      $ protoc --java_out=src/main/java -I../src \
     66          ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
     68 3) Compile the code in src/main/java using whatever means you prefer.
     70 4) Install the classes wherever you prefer.
     72 Nano version
     73 ------------
     75 JavaNano is a special code generator and runtime library designed specially for
     76 resource-restricted systems, like Android. It is very resource-friendly in both
     77 the amount of code and the runtime overhead. Here is an overview of JavaNano
     78 features compared with the official Java protobuf:
     80 - No descriptors or message builders.
     81 - All messages are mutable; fields are public Java fields.
     82 - For optional fields only, encapsulation behind setter/getter/hazzer/
     83   clearer functions is opt-in, which provide proper 'has' state support.
     84 - For proto2, if not opted in, has state (field presence) is not available.
     85   Serialization outputs all fields not equal to their defaults
     86   (see important implications below).
     87   The behavior is consistent with proto3 semantics.
     88 - Required fields (proto2 only) are always serialized.
     89 - Enum constants are integers; protection against invalid values only
     90   when parsing from the wire.
     91 - Enum constants can be generated into container interfaces bearing
     92   the enum's name (so the referencing code is in Java style).
     93 - CodedInputByteBufferNano can only take byte[] (not InputStream).
     94 - Similarly CodedOutputByteBufferNano can only write to byte[].
     95 - Repeated fields are in arrays, not ArrayList or Vector. Null array
     96   elements are allowed and silently ignored.
     97 - Full support for serializing/deserializing repeated packed fields.
     98 - Support  extensions (in proto2).
     99 - Unset messages/groups are null, not an immutable empty default
    100   instance.
    101 - toByteArray(...) and mergeFrom(...) are now static functions of
    102   MessageNano.
    103 - The 'bytes' type translates to the Java type byte[].
    105 The generated messages are not thread-safe for writes, but may be
    106 used simultaneously from multiple threads in a read-only manner.
    107 In other words, an appropriate synchronization mechanism (such as
    108 a ReadWriteLock) must be used to ensure that a message, its
    109 ancestors, and descendants are not accessed by any other threads
    110 while the message is being modified. Field reads, getter methods
    111 (but not getExtension(...)), toByteArray(...), writeTo(...),
    112 getCachedSize(), and getSerializedSize() are all considered read-only
    113 operations.
    115 IMPORTANT: If you have fields with defaults and opt out of accessors
    117 How fields with defaults are serialized has changed. Because we don't
    118 keep "has" state, any field equal to its default is assumed to be not
    119 set and therefore is not serialized. Consider the situation where we
    120 change the default value of a field. Senders compiled against an older
    121 version of the proto continue to match against the old default, and
    122 don't send values to the receiver even though the receiver assumes the
    123 new default value. Therefore, think carefully about the implications
    124 of changing the default value. Alternatively, turn on accessors and
    125 enjoy the benefit of the explicit has() checks.
    127 IMPORTANT: If you have "bytes" fields with non-empty defaults
    129 Because the byte buffer is now of mutable type byte[], the default
    130 static final cannot be exposed through a public field. Each time a
    131 message's constructor or clear() function is called, the default value
    132 (kept in a private byte[]) is cloned. This causes a small memory
    133 penalty. This is not a problem if the field has no default or is an
    134 empty default.
    136 Nano Generator options
    137 ----------------------
    139 ```
    140 java_package           -> <file-name>|<package-name>
    141 java_outer_classname   -> <file-name>|<package-name>
    142 java_multiple_files    -> true or false
    143 java_nano_generate_has -> true or false [DEPRECATED]
    144 optional_field_style   -> default or accessors
    145 enum_style             -> c or java
    146 ignore_services        -> true or false
    147 parcelable_messages    -> true or false
    148 generate_intdefs       -> true or false
    149 ```
    151 **java_package=\<file-name\>|\<package-name\>** (no default)
    153   This allows overriding the 'java_package' option value
    154   for the given file from the command line. Use multiple
    155   java_package options to override the option for multiple
    156   files. The final Java package for each file is the value
    157   of this command line option if present, or the value of
    158   the same option defined in the file if present, or the
    159   proto package if present, or the default Java package.
    161 **java_outer_classname=\<file-name\>|\<outer-classname\>** (no default)
    163   This allows overriding the 'java_outer_classname' option
    164   for the given file from the command line. Use multiple
    165   java_outer_classname options to override the option for
    166   multiple files. The final Java outer class name for each
    167   file is the value of this command line option if present,
    168   or the value of the same option defined in the file if
    169   present, or the file name converted to CamelCase. This
    170   outer class will nest all classes and integer constants
    171   generated from file-scope messages and enums.
    173 **java_multiple_files={true,false}** (no default)
    175   This allows overriding the 'java_multiple_files' option
    176   in all source files and their imported files from the
    177   command line. The final value of this option for each
    178   file is the value defined in this command line option, or
    179   the value of the same option defined in the file if
    180   present, or false. This specifies whether to generate
    181   package-level classes for the file-scope messages in the
    182   same Java package as the outer class (instead of nested
    183   classes in the outer class). File-scope enum constants
    184   are still generated as integer constants in the outer
    185   class. This affects the fully qualified references in the
    186   Java code. NOTE: because the command line option
    187   overrides the value for all files and their imported
    188   files, using this option inconsistently may result in
    189   incorrect references to the imported messages and enum
    190   constants.
    192 **java_nano_generate_has={true,false}** (default: false)
    194   DEPRECATED. Use optional_field_style=accessors.
    196   If true, generates a public boolean variable has\<fieldname\>
    197   accompanying each optional or required field (not present for
    198   repeated fields, groups or messages). It is set to false initially
    199   and upon clear(). If parseFrom(...) reads the field from the wire,
    200   it is set to true. This is a way for clients to inspect the "has"
    201   value upon parse. If it is set to true, writeTo(...) will ALWAYS
    202   output that field (even if field value is equal to its
    203   default).
    205   IMPORTANT: This option costs an extra 4 bytes per primitive field in
    206   the message. Think carefully about whether you really need this. In
    207   many cases reading the default works and determining whether the
    208   field was received over the wire is irrelevant.
    210 **optional_field_style={default,accessors,reftypes}** (default: default)
    212   Defines the style of the generated code for fields.
    214   * default
    216   In the default style, optional fields translate into public mutable
    217   Java fields, and the serialization process is as discussed in the
    218   "IMPORTANT" section above.
    220   * accessors
    222   When set to 'accessors', each optional field is encapsulated behind
    223   4 accessors, namely get\<fieldname\>(), set\<fieldname\>(), has\<fieldname\>()
    224   and clear\<fieldname\>() methods, with the standard semantics. The hazzer's
    225   return value determines whether a field is serialized, so this style is
    226   useful when you need to serialize a field with the default value, or check
    227   if a field has been explicitly set to its default value from the wire.
    229   In the 'accessors' style, required and nested message fields are still
    230   translated to one public mutable Java field each, repeated fields are still
    231   translated to arrays. No accessors are generated for them.
    233   IMPORTANT: When using the 'accessors' style, ProGuard should always
    234   be enabled with optimization (don't use -dontoptimize) and allowing
    235   access modification (use -allowaccessmodification). This removes the
    236   unused accessors and maybe inline the rest at the call sites,
    237   reducing the final code size.
    238   TODO(maxtroy): find ProGuard config that would work the best.
    240   * reftypes
    242   When set to 'reftypes', each proto field is generated as a public Java
    243   field. For primitive types, these fields use the Java reference types
    244   such as java.lang.Integer instead of primitive types such as int.
    246   In the 'reftypes' style, fields are initialized to null (or empty
    247   arrays for repeated fields), and their default values are not available.
    248   They are serialized over the wire based on equality to null.
    250   The 'reftypes' mode has some additional cost due to autoboxing and usage
    251   of reference types. In practice, many boxed types are cached, and so don't
    252   result in object creation. However, references do take slightly more memory
    253   than primitives.
    255   The 'reftypes' mode is useful when you want to be able to serialize fields
    256   with default values, or check if a field has been explicitly set to the
    257   default over the wire without paying the extra method cost of the
    258   'accessors' mode.
    260   Note that if you attempt to write null to a required field in the reftypes
    261   mode, serialization of the proto will cause a NullPointerException. This is
    262   an intentional indicator that you must set required fields.
    264   NOTE
    265   optional_field_style=accessors or reftypes cannot be used together with
    266   java_nano_generate_has=true. If you need the 'has' flag for any
    267   required field (you have no reason to), you can only use
    268   java_nano_generate_has=true.
    270 **enum_style={c,java}** (default: c)
    272   Defines where to put the int constants generated from enum members.
    274   * c
    276   Use C-style, so the enum constants are available at the scope where
    277   the enum is defined. A file-scope enum's members are referenced like
    278   'FileOuterClass.ENUM_VALUE'; a message-scope enum's members are
    279   referenced as 'Message.ENUM_VALUE'. The enum name is unavailable.
    280   This complies with the Micro code generator's behavior.
    282   * java
    284   Use Java-style, so the enum constants are available under the enum
    285   name and referenced like 'EnumName.ENUM_VALUE' (they are still int
    286   constants). The enum name becomes the name of a public interface, at
    287   the scope where the enum is defined. If the enum is file-scope and
    288   the java_multiple_files option is on, the interface will be defined
    289   in its own file. To reduce code size, this interface should not be
    290   implemented and ProGuard shrinking should be used, so after the Java
    291   compiler inlines all referenced enum constants into the call sites,
    292   the interface remains unused and can be removed by ProGuard.
    294 **ignore_services={true,false}** (default: false)
    296   Skips services definitions.
    298   Nano doesn't support services. By default, if a service is defined
    299   it will generate a compilation error. If this flag is set to true,
    300   services will be silently ignored, instead.
    302 **parcelable_messages={true,false}** (default: false)
    304   Android-specific option to generate Parcelable messages.
    306 **generate_intdefs={true,false}** (default: false)
    307   Android-specific option to generate @IntDef annotations for enums.
    309   If turned on, an '@IntDef' annotation (a public @interface) will be
    310   generated for each enum, and every integer parameter and return
    311   value in the generated code meant for this enum will be annotated
    312   with it. This interface is generated with the same name and at the
    313   same place as the enum members' container interfaces described
    314   above under 'enum_style=java', regardless of the enum_style option
    315   used. When this is combined with enum_style=java, the interface
    316   will be both the '@IntDef' annotation and the container of the enum
    317   members; otherwise the interface has an empty body.
    319   Your app must declare a compile-time dependency on the
    320   android-support-annotations library.
    322   For more information on how these @IntDef annotations help with
    323   compile-time type safety, see:
    324   https://sites.google.com/a/android.com/tools/tech-docs/support-annotations
    325   and
    326   https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/annotation/IntDef.html
    329 To use nano protobufs within the Android repo:
    330 ----------------------------------------------
    332 - Set 'LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE := nano' in your local .mk file.
    333   When building a Java library or an app (package) target, the build
    334   system will add the Java nano runtime library to the
    335   LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES variable, so you don't need to.
    336 - Set 'LOCAL_PROTO_JAVA_OUTPUT_PARAMS := ...' in your local .mk file
    337   for any command-line options you need. Use commas to join multiple
    338   options. In the nano flavor only, whitespace surrounding the option
    339   names and values are ignored, so you can use backslash-newline or
    340   '+=' to structure your make files nicely.
    341 - The options will be applied to *all* proto files in LOCAL_SRC_FILES
    342   when you build a Java library or package. In case different options
    343   are needed for different proto files, build separate Java libraries
    344   and reference them in your main target. Note: you should make sure
    345   that, for each separate target, all proto files imported from any
    346   proto file in LOCAL_SRC_FILES are included in LOCAL_SRC_FILES. This
    347   is because the generator has to assume that the imported files are
    348   built using the same options, and will generate code that reference
    349   the fields and enums from the imported files using the same code
    350   style.
    351 - Hint: 'include $(CLEAR_VARS)' resets all LOCAL_ variables, including
    352   the two above.
    354 To use nano protobufs outside of Android repo:
    355 ----------------------------------------------
    357 - Link with the generated jar file
    358   \<protobuf-root\>java/target/protobuf-java-2.3.0-nano.jar.
    359 - Invoke with --javanano_out, e.g.:
    360 ```
    361 ./protoc '--javanano_out=\
    362     java_package=src/proto/simple-data.proto|my_package,\
    363     java_outer_classname=src/proto/simple-data.proto|OuterName\
    364   :.' src/proto/simple-data.proto
    365 ```
    367 Contributing to nano:
    368 ---------------------
    370 Please add/edit tests in NanoTest.java.
    372 Please run the following steps to test:
    374 - cd external/protobuf
    375 - ./configure
    376 - Run "make -j12 check" and verify all tests pass.
    377 - cd java
    378 - Run "mvn test" and verify all tests pass.
    379 - cd ../../..
    380 - . build/envsetup.sh
    381 - lunch 1
    382 - "make -j12 aprotoc libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-nano aprotoc-test-nano-params NanoAndroidTest" and
    383   check for build errors.
    384 - Plug in an Android device or start an emulator.
    385 - adb install -r out/target/product/generic/data/app/NanoAndroidTest.apk
    386 - Run:
    387   "adb shell am instrument -w com.google.protobuf.nano.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner"
    388   and verify all tests pass.
    389 - repo sync -c -j256
    390 - "make -j12" and check for build errors
    392 Usage
    393 -----
    395 The complete documentation for Protocol Buffers is available via the
    396 web at:
    398     https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/