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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "SkCanvas.h"
      9 #include "SkPath.h"
     10 #include "Test.h"
     12 #define DIMENSION   32
     14 static void drawAndTest(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkPath& path,
     15                         const SkPaint& paint, bool shouldDraw) {
     16     SkBitmap bm;
     17     bm.allocN32Pixels(DIMENSION, DIMENSION);
     18     SkASSERT(DIMENSION*4 == bm.rowBytes()); // ensure no padding on each row
     19     bm.eraseColor(SK_ColorTRANSPARENT);
     21     SkCanvas canvas(bm);
     22     SkPaint p(paint);
     23     p.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
     25     canvas.drawPath(path, p);
     27     size_t count = DIMENSION * DIMENSION;
     28     const SkPMColor* ptr = bm.getAddr32(0, 0);
     30     SkPMColor andValue = ~0U;
     31     SkPMColor orValue = 0;
     32     for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
     33         SkPMColor c = ptr[i];
     34         andValue &= c;
     35         orValue |= c;
     36     }
     38     // success means we drew everywhere or nowhere (depending on shouldDraw)
     39     bool success = shouldDraw ? (~0U == andValue) : (0 == orValue);
     41     if (!success) {
     42         const char* str;
     43         if (shouldDraw) {
     44             str = "Path expected to draw everywhere, but didn't. ";
     45         } else {
     46             str = "Path expected to draw nowhere, but did. ";
     47         }
     48         ERRORF(reporter, "%s style[%d] cap[%d] join[%d] antialias[%d]"
     49                " filltype[%d] ptcount[%d]", str, paint.getStyle(),
     50                paint.getStrokeCap(), paint.getStrokeJoin(),
     51                paint.isAntiAlias(), path.getFillType(), path.countPoints());
     52 // uncomment this if you want to step in to see the failure
     53 //        canvas.drawPath(path, p);
     54     }
     55 }
     57 enum DrawCaps {
     58     kDontDrawCaps,
     59     kDrawCaps
     60 };
     62 static void iter_paint(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkPath& path, bool shouldDraw,
     63                        DrawCaps drawCaps) {
     64     static const SkPaint::Cap gCaps[] = {
     65         SkPaint::kButt_Cap,
     66         SkPaint::kRound_Cap,
     67         SkPaint::kSquare_Cap
     68     };
     69     static const SkPaint::Join gJoins[] = {
     70         SkPaint::kMiter_Join,
     71         SkPaint::kRound_Join,
     72         SkPaint::kBevel_Join
     73     };
     74     static const SkPaint::Style gStyles[] = {
     75         SkPaint::kFill_Style,
     76         SkPaint::kStroke_Style,
     77         SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style
     78     };
     79     for (size_t cap = 0; cap < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gCaps); ++cap) {
     80         for (size_t join = 0; join < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gJoins); ++join) {
     81             for (size_t style = 0; style < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gStyles); ++style) {
     82                 if (drawCaps && SkPaint::kButt_Cap != gCaps[cap]
     83                         && SkPaint::kFill_Style != gStyles[style]) {
     84                     continue;
     85                 }
     87                 SkPaint paint;
     88                 paint.setStrokeWidth(SkIntToScalar(10));
     90                 paint.setStrokeCap(gCaps[cap]);
     91                 paint.setStrokeJoin(gJoins[join]);
     92                 paint.setStyle(gStyles[style]);
     94                 paint.setAntiAlias(false);
     95                 drawAndTest(reporter, path, paint, shouldDraw);
     96                 paint.setAntiAlias(true);
     97                 drawAndTest(reporter, path, paint, shouldDraw);
     98             }
     99         }
    100     }
    101 }
    103 #define CX  (SkIntToScalar(DIMENSION) / 2)
    104 #define CY  (SkIntToScalar(DIMENSION) / 2)
    106 static void make_empty(SkPath*) {}
    107 static void make_M(SkPath* path) { path->moveTo(CX, CY); }
    108 static void make_MM(SkPath* path) { path->moveTo(CX, CY); path->moveTo(CX, CY); }
    109 static void make_MZM(SkPath* path) { path->moveTo(CX, CY); path->close(); path->moveTo(CX, CY); }
    110 static void make_L(SkPath* path) { path->moveTo(CX, CY); path->lineTo(CX, CY); }
    111 static void make_Q(SkPath* path) { path->moveTo(CX, CY); path->quadTo(CX, CY, CX, CY); }
    112 static void make_C(SkPath* path) { path->moveTo(CX, CY); path->cubicTo(CX, CY, CX, CY, CX, CY); }
    114 /*  Two invariants are tested: How does an empty/degenerate path draw?
    115  *  - if the path is drawn inverse, it should draw everywhere
    116  *  - if the path is drawn non-inverse, it should draw nowhere
    117  *
    118  *  Things to iterate on:
    119  *  - path (empty, degenerate line/quad/cubic w/ and w/o close
    120  *  - paint style
    121  *  - path filltype
    122  *  - path stroke variants (e.g. caps, joins, width)
    123  */
    124 static void test_emptydrawing(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
    125     static void (*gMakeProc[])(SkPath*) = {
    126         make_empty, make_M, make_MM, make_MZM, make_L, make_Q, make_C
    127     };
    128     static SkPath::FillType gFills[] = {
    129         SkPath::kWinding_FillType,
    130         SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType,
    131         SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType,
    132         SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType
    133     };
    134     for (int doClose = 0; doClose < 2; ++doClose) {
    135         for  (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gMakeProc); ++i) {
    136             SkPath path;
    137             gMakeProc[i](&path);
    138             if (doClose) {
    139                 path.close();
    140             }
    141             /* zero length segments and close following moves draw round and square caps */
    142             bool allowCaps = make_L == gMakeProc[i] || make_Q == gMakeProc[i]
    143                     || make_C == gMakeProc[i] || make_MZM == gMakeProc[i];
    144             allowCaps |= SkToBool(doClose);
    145             for (size_t fill = 0; fill < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gFills); ++fill) {
    146                 path.setFillType(gFills[fill]);
    147                 bool shouldDraw = path.isInverseFillType();
    148                 iter_paint(reporter, path, shouldDraw, allowCaps ? kDrawCaps : kDontDrawCaps);
    149             }
    150         }
    151     }
    152 }
    154 DEF_TEST(EmptyPath, reporter) {
    155     test_emptydrawing(reporter);
    156 }