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      1 -- Generate n-grams of Skia API calls from SKPs.
      3 -- To test this locally, run:
      4 -- $ GYP_DEFINES="skia_shared_lib=1" make lua_pictures
      5 -- $ out/Debug/lua_pictures -q -r $SKP_DIR -l tools/lua/ngrams.lua > /tmp/lua-output
      6 -- $ lua tools/lua/ngrams_aggregate.lua
      8 -- To run on Cluster Telemetry, copy and paste the contents of this file into
      9 -- the box at https://skia-tree-status.appspot.com/skia-telemetry/lua_script,
     10 -- and paste the contents of ngrams_aggregate.lua into the "aggregator script"
     11 -- box on the same page.
     13 -- Change n as desired.
     14 -- CHANGEME
     15 local n = 3
     16 -- CHANGEME
     18 -- This algorithm uses a list-of-lists for each SKP. For API call, append a
     19 -- list containing just the verb to the master list. Then, backtrack over the
     20 -- last (n-1) sublists in the master list and append the verb to those
     21 -- sublists. At the end of execution, the master list contains a sublist for
     22 -- every verb in the SKP file. Each sublist has length n, with the exception of
     23 -- the last n-1 sublists, which are discarded in the summarize() function,
     24 -- which generates counts for each n-gram.
     26 local ngrams = {}
     27 local currentFile = ""
     29 function sk_scrape_startcanvas(c, fileName)
     30   currentFile = fileName
     31   ngrams[currentFile] = {}
     32 end
     34 function sk_scrape_endcanvas(c, fileName)
     35 end
     37 function sk_scrape_accumulate(t)
     38   table.insert(ngrams[currentFile], {t.verb})
     39   for i = 1, n-1 do
     40     local idx = #ngrams[currentFile] - i
     41     if idx > 0 then
     42       table.insert(ngrams[currentFile][idx], t.verb)
     43     end
     44   end
     45 end
     47 function sk_scrape_summarize()
     48   -- Count the n-grams.
     49   local counts = {}
     50   for file, ngramsInFile in pairs(ngrams) do
     51     for i = 1, #ngramsInFile - (n-1) do
     52       local ngram = table.concat(ngramsInFile[i], " ")
     53       if counts[ngram] == nil then
     54         counts[ngram] = 1
     55       else
     56         counts[ngram] = counts[ngram] + 1
     57       end
     58     end
     59   end
     61   -- Write out code for aggregating.
     62   for ngram, count in pairs(counts) do
     63     io.write("if counts['", ngram, "'] == nil then counts['", ngram, "'] = ", count, " else counts['", ngram, "'] = counts['", ngram, "'] + ", count, " end\n")
     64   end
     65 end