Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in snakeyaml
      1 modelVersion: 4.0.0
      2 groupId: org.yaml
      3 artifactId: snakeyaml
      4 version: 1.17-SNAPSHOT
      5 packaging: jar # TODO must be bundle
      6 properties: {project.scm.id: bitbucket, project.build.sourceEncoding: UTF-8}
      7 name: SnakeYAML
      8 description: YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java
      9 inceptionYear: '2008'
     10 url: http://www.snakeyaml.org
     11 issueManagement: {system: Bitbucket, url: 'https://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml/issues'}
     12 mailingLists:
     13 - {name: SnakeYAML developers and users List, post: snakeyaml-core (a] googlegroups.com}
     14 scm: {connection: 'scm:hg:http://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml', developerConnection: 'scm:hg:https://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml',
     15   tag: HEAD, url: 'https://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml/src'}
     16 licenses:
     17 - {distribution: repo, name: 'Apache License, Version 2.0', url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'}
     18 developers:
     19 - {email: public.somov (a] gmail.com, id: asomov, name: Andrey Somov}
     20 - {email: alexander.maslov (a] gmail.com, id: maslovalex, name: Alexander Maslov}
     21 - {email: jordanangold (a] gmail.com, id: Jordan, name: Jordan Angold}
     22 prerequisites: {maven: 3.3.1}
     23 dependencies:
     24 - {artifactId: junit, groupId: junit, optional: false, scope: test, type: jar, version: '4.12'}
     25 - {artifactId: spring, groupId: org.springframework, optional: false, scope: test,
     26   type: jar, version: 2.5.6}
     27 - {artifactId: velocity, groupId: org.apache.velocity, optional: false, scope: test,
     28   type: jar, version: 1.6.2}
     29 - {artifactId: joda-time, groupId: joda-time, optional: false, scope: test, type: jar,
     30   version: '1.6'}
     31 distributionManagement:
     32   repository: {id: sonatype-nexus-staging, layout: default, name: Nexus Release Repository,
     33     uniqueVersion: true, url: 'https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/'}
     34   snapshotRepository: {id: sonatype-nexus-snapshots, layout: default, name: Sonatype Nexus Snapshots,
     35     uniqueVersion: false, url: 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/'}
     36 build:
     37   pluginManagement:
     38     plugins:
     39     - {artifactId: maven-site-plugin, extensions: false, groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins,
     40       inherited: true, version: '3.4'}
     41   plugins:
     42   - artifactId: maven-compiler-plugin
     43     configuration: {source: '1.5', target: '1.5', encoding: '${project.build.sourceEncoding}'}
     44     extensions: false
     45     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
     46     inherited: true
     47     version: '3.3'
     48   - artifactId: maven-surefire-plugin
     49     configuration:
     50       argLine: -Xmx512m
     51       includes: {include: '**/*Test.java'}
     52       excludes: {exclude: '**/ParallelTest.java'}
     53     extensions: false
     54     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
     55     inherited: true
     56     version: 2.18.1
     57   - artifactId: maven-eclipse-plugin
     58     configuration: {buildOutputDirectory: bin}
     59     extensions: false
     60     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
     61     inherited: true
     62     version: '2.10'
     63   - artifactId: cobertura-maven-plugin
     64     configuration:
     65       check: {totalBranchRate: '80', totalLineRate: '95'}
     66       formats: {format: xml}
     67       instrumentation:
     68         excludes: {exclude: org/yaml/snakeyaml/external/**}
     69     executions:
     70     - goals: [clean, check]
     71       id: default
     72       inherited: true
     73       priority: 0
     74     extensions: false
     75     groupId: org.codehaus.mojo
     76     inherited: true
     77     version: '2.7'
     78   - artifactId: maven-changes-plugin
     79     executions:
     80     - configuration: {failOnError: 'true'}
     81       goals: [changes-validate]
     82       id: validate-changes
     83       inherited: true
     84       phase: pre-site
     85       priority: 0
     86     extensions: false
     87     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
     88     inherited: true
     89     version: '2.11'
     90   - artifactId: maven-source-plugin
     91     executions:
     92     - goals: [jar]
     93       id: default
     94       inherited: true
     95       priority: 0
     96     extensions: false
     97     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
     98     inherited: true
     99     version: '2.4'
    100   - artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin
    101     configuration:
    102       links: {link: 'http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/'}
    103     executions:
    104     - goals: [jar]
    105       id: attach-javadocs
    106       inherited: true
    107       priority: 0
    108     extensions: false
    109     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    110     inherited: true
    111     version: 2.10.3
    112   - artifactId: maven-license-plugin
    113     configuration:
    114       header: src/etc/header.txt
    115       quiet: 'false'
    116       failIfMissing: 'true'
    117       aggregate: 'false'
    118       includes: {include: src/**/*.java}
    119       excludes: {exclude: src/main/java/org/yaml/snakeyaml/external/**}
    120       useDefaultExcludes: 'true'
    121       useDefaultMapping: 'true'
    122       strictCheck: 'true'
    123       encoding: UTF-8
    124     executions:
    125     - goals: [format]
    126       id: default
    127       inherited: true
    128       phase: site
    129       priority: 0
    130     extensions: false
    131     groupId: com.mycila.maven-license-plugin
    132     inherited: true
    133     version: 1.10.b1
    134   - artifactId: maven-bundle-plugin
    135     configuration:
    136       instructions: {_nouses: 'true', Export-Package: "!org.yaml.snakeyaml.external*,\n\
    137           \                            org.yaml.snakeyaml.*;version=${project.version}",
    138         Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5}
    139     extensions: true
    140     groupId: org.apache.felix
    141     inherited: true
    142     version: 2.5.4
    143   - artifactId: maven-site-plugin
    144     executions:
    145     - goals: [attach-descriptor]
    146       id: attach-descriptor
    147       inherited: true
    148       priority: 0
    149     extensions: false
    150     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    151     inherited: true
    152     version: '3.4'
    153 profiles:
    154 - activation: {activeByDefault: false, jdk: '[1.8,)'}
    155   build:
    156     plugins:
    157     - artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin
    158       configuration: {additionalparam: '-Xdoclint:none'}
    159       extensions: false
    160       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    161       inherited: true
    162     - artifactId: maven-site-plugin
    163       configuration:
    164         reportPlugins:
    165           plugin:
    166             groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    167             artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin
    168             configuration: {additionalparam: '-Xdoclint:none'}
    169       extensions: false
    170       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    171       inherited: true
    172   id: jdk8
    173   source: pom
    174 - build:
    175     plugins:
    176     - artifactId: maven-compiler-plugin
    177       configuration: {source: '1.8', target: '1.8'}
    178       extensions: false
    179       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    180       inherited: true
    181     - artifactId: build-helper-maven-plugin
    182       executions:
    183       - configuration:
    184           sources: {source: '${basedir}/src/test/java8/'}
    185         goals: [add-test-source]
    186         id: add-java8-test-source
    187         inherited: true
    188         phase: generate-test-sources
    189         priority: 0
    190       extensions: false
    191       groupId: org.codehaus.mojo
    192       inherited: true
    193       version: '1.10'
    194   id: with-java8-tests
    195   source: pom
    196 - activation:
    197     activeByDefault: false
    198     property: {name: performRelease, value: 'true'}
    199   build:
    200     plugins:
    201     - artifactId: maven-gpg-plugin
    202       executions:
    203       - goals: [sign]
    204         id: sign-artifacts
    205         inherited: true
    206         phase: verify
    207         priority: 0
    208       extensions: false
    209       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    210       inherited: true
    211       version: '1.6'
    212   id: release
    213   source: pom
    214 - build:
    215     plugins:
    216     - {artifactId: findbugs-maven-plugin, extensions: false, groupId: org.codehaus.mojo,
    217       inherited: true, version: 3.0.2}
    218     - {artifactId: maven-pmd-plugin, extensions: false, groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins,
    219       inherited: true, version: '3.5'}
    220   id: findbugs
    221   reporting:
    222     excludeDefaults: false
    223     plugins:
    224     - {artifactId: maven-jxr-plugin, groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins, inherited: true,
    225       version: '2.5'}
    226     - {artifactId: findbugs-maven-plugin, groupId: org.codehaus.mojo, inherited: true,
    227       version: 3.0.0}
    228     - artifactId: maven-pmd-plugin
    229       configuration:
    230         linkXref: 'true'
    231         sourceEncoding: utf-8
    232         minimumTokens: '100'
    233         targetJdk: '1.5'
    234         excludes: {exclude: '**/external/*.java'}
    235       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    236       inherited: true
    237       version: '3.4'
    238   source: pom
    239 - build:
    240     plugins:
    241     - artifactId: maven-resources-plugin
    242       executions:
    243       - configuration:
    244           outputDirectory: ${android.src}
    245           resources:
    246             resource:
    247               directory: ${basedir}/src/main/java
    248               filtering: 'false'
    249               excludes: {exclude: org/yaml/snakeyaml/introspector/MethodProperty.java}
    250         goals: [copy-resources]
    251         id: copy-src-for-android
    252         inherited: true
    253         phase: generate-sources
    254         priority: 0
    255       - configuration:
    256           outputDirectory: ${android.test.classes}
    257           resources:
    258             resource: {directory: '${basedir}/src/test/resources'}
    259         goals: [copy-resources]
    260         id: copy-test-resources-for-android
    261         inherited: true
    262         phase: process-test-resources
    263         priority: 0
    264       extensions: false
    265       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    266       inherited: true
    267       version: '2.7'
    268     - artifactId: maven-patch-plugin
    269       configuration: {patchDirectory: '${basedir}/src/patches/android/', targetDirectory: '${android.src}',
    270         skipApplication: 'false', strip: '4'}
    271       executions:
    272       - configuration: {patchTrackingFile: '${project.build.directory}/android/patches-applied.txt',
    273           naturalOrderProcessing: 'true'}
    274         goals: [apply]
    275         id: android-patches
    276         inherited: true
    277         phase: process-sources
    278         priority: 0
    279       extensions: false
    280       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    281       inherited: true
    282       version: '1.2'
    283     - artifactId: maven-antrun-plugin
    284       executions:
    285       - configuration:
    286           target:
    287             javac: {}
    288         goals: [run]
    289         id: build-for-android
    290         inherited: true
    291         phase: compile
    292         priority: 0
    293       extensions: false
    294       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    295       inherited: true
    296       version: '1.8'
    297     - artifactId: maven-surefire-plugin
    298       executions:
    299       - configuration: {classesDirectory: '${android.classes}', reportsDirectory: '${project.build.directory}/android/surefire-reports',
    300           testClassesDirectory: '${android.test.classes}', testFailureIgnore: 'true'}
    301         goals: [test]
    302         id: test-android
    303         inherited: true
    304         phase: test
    305         priority: 0
    306       extensions: false
    307       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    308       inherited: true
    309     - artifactId: maven-jar-plugin
    310       executions:
    311       - configuration: {classesDirectory: '${android.classes}', classifier: android}
    312         goals: [jar]
    313         id: package-android-jar
    314         inherited: true
    315         phase: package
    316         priority: 0
    317       extensions: false
    318       groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    319       inherited: true
    320   id: android
    321   properties: {android.test.classes: '${project.build.directory}/android/test-classes/',
    322     android.classes: '${project.build.directory}/android/classes/', android.src: '${project.build.directory}/android/src/'}
    323   source: pom
    324 reporting:
    325   excludeDefaults: false
    326   plugins:
    327   - artifactId: maven-changes-plugin
    328     configuration: {issueLinkTemplate: 'https://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml/issues/%ISSUE%'}
    329     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    330     inherited: true
    331     reportSets:
    332     - id: default
    333       inherited: true
    334       reports: [changes-report]
    335     version: '2.11'
    336   - artifactId: maven-surefire-report-plugin
    337     configuration: {showSuccess: 'true'}
    338     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    339     inherited: true
    340     version: 2.18.1
    341   - artifactId: cobertura-maven-plugin
    342     configuration:
    343       formats: {format: xml}
    344     groupId: org.codehaus.mojo
    345     inherited: true
    346     version: '2.6'
    347   - artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin
    348     groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
    349     inherited: true
    350     reportSets:
    351     - configuration: {doctitle: 'API for ${project.name} ${project.version}', windowtitle: 'API
    352           for ${project.name} ${project.version}', testDoctitle: 'Test API for ${project.name}
    353           ${project.version}', testWindowtitle: 'Test API for ${project.name} ${project.version}'}
    354       id: html
    355       inherited: true
    356       reports: [javadoc]
    357     version: 2.10.1