Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in v8
      1 # Note: The buildbots evaluate this file with CWD set to the parent
      2 # directory and assume that the root of the checkout is in ./v8/, so
      3 # all paths in here must match this assumption.
      5 vars = {
      6   "chromium_url": "https://chromium.googlesource.com",
      7 }
      9 deps = {
     10   "v8/build":
     11     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/src/build.git" + "@" + "a3b623a6eff6dc9d58a03251ae22bccf92f67cb2",
     12   "v8/tools/gyp":
     13     Var("chromium_url") + "/external/gyp.git" + "@" + "e7079f0e0e14108ab0dba58728ff219637458563",
     14   "v8/third_party/icu":
     15     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/deps/icu.git" + "@" + "c1a237113f525a1561d4b322d7653e1083f79aaa",
     16   "v8/third_party/instrumented_libraries":
     17     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/src/third_party/instrumented_libraries.git" + "@" + "45f5814b1543e41ea0be54c771e3840ea52cca4a",
     18   "v8/buildtools":
     19     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/buildtools.git" + "@" + "39b1db2ab4aa4b2ccaa263c29bdf63e7c1ee28aa",
     20   "v8/base/trace_event/common":
     21     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/src/base/trace_event/common.git" + "@" + "06294c8a4a6f744ef284cd63cfe54dbf61eea290",
     22   "v8/third_party/jinja2":
     23     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2.git" + "@" + "b61a2c009a579593a259c1b300e0ad02bf48fd78",
     24   "v8/third_party/markupsafe":
     25     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe.git" + "@" + "484a5661041cac13bfc688a26ec5434b05d18961",
     26   "v8/tools/swarming_client":
     27     Var('chromium_url') + '/external/swarming.client.git' + '@' + "380e32662312eb107f06fcba6409b0409f8fef72",
     28   "v8/testing/gtest":
     29     Var("chromium_url") + "/external/github.com/google/googletest.git" + "@" + "6f8a66431cb592dad629028a50b3dd418a408c87",
     30   "v8/testing/gmock":
     31     Var("chromium_url") + "/external/googlemock.git" + "@" + "0421b6f358139f02e102c9c332ce19a33faf75be",
     32   "v8/test/benchmarks/data":
     33     Var("chromium_url") + "/v8/deps/third_party/benchmarks.git" + "@" + "05d7188267b4560491ff9155c5ee13e207ecd65f",
     34   "v8/test/mozilla/data":
     35     Var("chromium_url") + "/v8/deps/third_party/mozilla-tests.git" + "@" + "f6c578a10ea707b1a8ab0b88943fe5115ce2b9be",
     36   "v8/test/simdjs/data": Var("chromium_url") + "/external/github.com/tc39/ecmascript_simd.git" + "@" + "baf493985cb9ea7cdbd0d68704860a8156de9556",
     37   "v8/test/test262/data":
     38     Var("chromium_url") + "/external/github.com/tc39/test262.git" + "@" + "fb61ab44eb1bbc2699d714fc00e33af2a19411ce",
     39   "v8/test/test262/harness":
     40     Var("chromium_url") + "/external/github.com/test262-utils/test262-harness-py.git" + "@" + "cbd968f54f7a95c6556d53ba852292a4c49d11d8",
     41   "v8/tools/clang":
     42     Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/src/tools/clang.git" + "@" + "75350a858c51ad69e2aae051a8727534542da29f",
     43 }
     45 deps_os = {
     46   "android": {
     47     "v8/third_party/android_tools":
     48       Var("chromium_url") + "/android_tools.git" + "@" + "25d57ead05d3dfef26e9c19b13ed10b0a69829cf",
     49     "v8/third_party/catapult":
     50       Var('chromium_url') + "/external/github.com/catapult-project/catapult.git" + "@" + "6962f5c0344a79b152bf84460a93e1b2e11ea0f4",
     51   },
     52   "win": {
     53     "v8/third_party/cygwin":
     54       Var("chromium_url") + "/chromium/deps/cygwin.git" + "@" + "c89e446b273697fadf3a10ff1007a97c0b7de6df",
     55   }
     56 }
     58 recursedeps = [
     59   "v8/buildtools",
     60   "v8/third_party/android_tools",
     61 ]
     63 include_rules = [
     64   # Everybody can use some things.
     65   "+include",
     66   "+unicode",
     67   "+third_party/fdlibm",
     68 ]
     70 # checkdeps.py shouldn't check for includes in these directories:
     71 skip_child_includes = [
     72   "build",
     73   "gypfiles",
     74   "third_party",
     75 ]
     77 hooks = [
     78   {
     79     # This clobbers when necessary (based on get_landmines.py). It must be the
     80     # first hook so that other things that get/generate into the output
     81     # directory will not subsequently be clobbered.
     82     'name': 'landmines',
     83     'pattern': '.',
     84     'action': [
     85         'python',
     86         'v8/gypfiles/landmines.py',
     87     ],
     88   },
     89   # Pull clang-format binaries using checked-in hashes.
     90   {
     91     "name": "clang_format_win",
     92     "pattern": ".",
     93     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
     94                 "--no_resume",
     95                 "--platform=win32",
     96                 "--no_auth",
     97                 "--bucket", "chromium-clang-format",
     98                 "-s", "v8/buildtools/win/clang-format.exe.sha1",
     99     ],
    100   },
    101   {
    102     "name": "clang_format_mac",
    103     "pattern": ".",
    104     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    105                 "--no_resume",
    106                 "--platform=darwin",
    107                 "--no_auth",
    108                 "--bucket", "chromium-clang-format",
    109                 "-s", "v8/buildtools/mac/clang-format.sha1",
    110     ],
    111   },
    112   {
    113     "name": "clang_format_linux",
    114     "pattern": ".",
    115     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    116                 "--no_resume",
    117                 "--platform=linux*",
    118                 "--no_auth",
    119                 "--bucket", "chromium-clang-format",
    120                 "-s", "v8/buildtools/linux64/clang-format.sha1",
    121     ],
    122   },
    123   {
    124     'name': 'gcmole',
    125     'pattern': '.',
    126     'action': [
    127         'python',
    128         'v8/tools/gcmole/download_gcmole_tools.py',
    129     ],
    130   },
    131   {
    132     'name': 'jsfunfuzz',
    133     'pattern': '.',
    134     'action': [
    135         'python',
    136         'v8/tools/jsfunfuzz/download_jsfunfuzz.py',
    137     ],
    138   },
    139   # Pull luci-go binaries (isolate, swarming) using checked-in hashes.
    140   {
    141     'name': 'luci-go_win',
    142     'pattern': '.',
    143     'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
    144                 '--no_resume',
    145                 '--platform=win32',
    146                 '--no_auth',
    147                 '--bucket', 'chromium-luci',
    148                 '-d', 'v8/tools/luci-go/win64',
    149     ],
    150   },
    151   {
    152     'name': 'luci-go_mac',
    153     'pattern': '.',
    154     'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
    155                 '--no_resume',
    156                 '--platform=darwin',
    157                 '--no_auth',
    158                 '--bucket', 'chromium-luci',
    159                 '-d', 'v8/tools/luci-go/mac64',
    160     ],
    161   },
    162   {
    163     'name': 'luci-go_linux',
    164     'pattern': '.',
    165     'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
    166                 '--no_resume',
    167                 '--platform=linux*',
    168                 '--no_auth',
    169                 '--bucket', 'chromium-luci',
    170                 '-d', 'v8/tools/luci-go/linux64',
    171     ],
    172   },
    173   # Pull GN using checked-in hashes.
    174   {
    175     "name": "gn_win",
    176     "pattern": ".",
    177     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    178                 "--no_resume",
    179                 "--platform=win32",
    180                 "--no_auth",
    181                 "--bucket", "chromium-gn",
    182                 "-s", "v8/buildtools/win/gn.exe.sha1",
    183     ],
    184   },
    185   {
    186     "name": "gn_mac",
    187     "pattern": ".",
    188     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    189                 "--no_resume",
    190                 "--platform=darwin",
    191                 "--no_auth",
    192                 "--bucket", "chromium-gn",
    193                 "-s", "v8/buildtools/mac/gn.sha1",
    194     ],
    195   },
    196   {
    197     "name": "gn_linux",
    198     "pattern": ".",
    199     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    200                 "--no_resume",
    201                 "--platform=linux*",
    202                 "--no_auth",
    203                 "--bucket", "chromium-gn",
    204                 "-s", "v8/buildtools/linux64/gn.sha1",
    205     ],
    206   },
    207   {
    208     "name": "wasm_fuzzer",
    209     "pattern": ".",
    210     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    211                 "--no_resume",
    212                 "--no_auth",
    213                 "-u",
    214                 "--bucket", "v8-wasm-fuzzer",
    215                 "-s", "v8/test/fuzzer/wasm.tar.gz.sha1",
    216     ],
    217   },
    218   {
    219     "name": "wasm_asmjs_fuzzer",
    220     "pattern": ".",
    221     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    222                 "--no_resume",
    223                 "--no_auth",
    224                 "-u",
    225                 "--bucket", "v8-wasm-asmjs-fuzzer",
    226                 "-s", "v8/test/fuzzer/wasm_asmjs.tar.gz.sha1",
    227     ],
    228   },
    229   {
    230     "name": "closure_compiler",
    231     "pattern": ".",
    232     "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
    233                 "--no_resume",
    234                 "--no_auth",
    235                 "-u",
    236                 "--bucket", "chromium-v8-closure-compiler",
    237                 "-s", "v8/src/inspector/build/closure-compiler.tar.gz.sha1",
    238     ],
    239   },
    240   {
    241     # Downloads the current stable linux sysroot to build/linux/ if needed.
    242     # This sysroot updates at about the same rate that the chrome build deps
    243     # change.
    244     'name': 'sysroot',
    245     'pattern': '.',
    246     'action': [
    247         'python',
    248         'v8/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py',
    249         '--running-as-hook',
    250     ],
    251   },
    252   {
    253     # Pull sanitizer-instrumented third-party libraries if requested via
    254     # GYP_DEFINES.
    255     'name': 'instrumented_libraries',
    256     'pattern': '\\.sha1',
    257     'action': [
    258         'python',
    259         'v8/third_party/instrumented_libraries/scripts/download_binaries.py',
    260     ],
    261   },
    262   {
    263     # Update the Windows toolchain if necessary.
    264     'name': 'win_toolchain',
    265     'pattern': '.',
    266     'action': ['python', 'v8/gypfiles/vs_toolchain.py', 'update'],
    267   },
    268   # Pull binutils for linux, enabled debug fission for faster linking /
    269   # debugging when used with clang on Ubuntu Precise.
    270   # https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=352046
    271   {
    272     'name': 'binutils',
    273     'pattern': 'v8/third_party/binutils',
    274     'action': [
    275         'python',
    276         'v8/third_party/binutils/download.py',
    277     ],
    278   },
    279   {
    280     # Pull gold plugin if needed or requested via GYP_DEFINES.
    281     # Note: This must run before the clang update.
    282     'name': 'gold_plugin',
    283     'pattern': '.',
    284     'action': ['python', 'v8/gypfiles/download_gold_plugin.py'],
    285   },
    286   {
    287     # Pull clang if needed or requested via GYP_DEFINES.
    288     # Note: On Win, this should run after win_toolchain, as it may use it.
    289     'name': 'clang',
    290     'pattern': '.',
    291     'action': ['python', 'v8/tools/clang/scripts/update.py', '--if-needed'],
    292   },
    293   {
    294     # A change to a .gyp, .gypi, or to GYP itself should run the generator.
    295     "pattern": ".",
    296     "action": ["python", "v8/gypfiles/gyp_v8", "--running-as-hook"],
    297   },
    298 ]