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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """Test harness for chromium clang tools."""
      8 import difflib
      9 import glob
     10 import json
     11 import os
     12 import os.path
     13 import shutil
     14 import subprocess
     15 import sys
     18 def _RunGit(args):
     19   if sys.platform == 'win32':
     20     args = ['git.bat'] + args
     21   else:
     22     args = ['git'] + args
     23   subprocess.check_call(args)
     26 def _GenerateCompileCommands(files, include_paths):
     27   """Returns a JSON string containing a compilation database for the input."""
     28   # Note: in theory, backslashes in the compile DB should work but the tools
     29   # that write compile DBs and the tools that read them don't agree on the
     30   # escaping convention: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19687
     31   files = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in files]
     32   include_path_flags = ' '.join('-I %s' % include_path.replace('\\', '/')
     33                                 for include_path in include_paths)
     34   return json.dumps([{'directory': '.',
     35                       'command': 'clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only %s -c %s' % (
     36                           include_path_flags, f),
     37                       'file': f} for f in files], indent=2)
     40 def _NumberOfTestsToString(tests):
     41   """Returns an English describing the number of tests."""
     42   return '%d test%s' % (tests, 's' if tests != 1 else '')
     45 def main(argv):
     46   if len(argv) < 1:
     47     print 'Usage: test_tool.py <clang tool>'
     48     print '  <clang tool> is the clang tool to be tested.'
     49     sys.exit(1)
     51   tool_to_test = argv[0]
     52   tools_clang_scripts_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     53   tools_clang_directory = os.path.dirname(tools_clang_scripts_directory)
     54   test_directory_for_tool = os.path.join(
     55       tools_clang_directory, tool_to_test, 'tests')
     56   compile_database = os.path.join(test_directory_for_tool,
     57                                   'compile_commands.json')
     58   source_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_directory_for_tool,
     59                                         '*-original.cc'))
     60   actual_files = ['-'.join([source_file.rsplit('-', 1)[0], 'actual.cc'])
     61                   for source_file in source_files]
     62   expected_files = ['-'.join([source_file.rsplit('-', 1)[0], 'expected.cc'])
     63                     for source_file in source_files]
     64   include_paths = []
     65   include_paths.append(
     66       os.path.realpath(os.path.join(tools_clang_directory, '../..')))
     67   # Many gtest headers expect to have testing/gtest/include in the include
     68   # search path.
     69   include_paths.append(
     70       os.path.realpath(os.path.join(tools_clang_directory,
     71                                     '../..',
     72                                     'testing/gtest/include')))
     74   try:
     75     # Set up the test environment.
     76     for source, actual in zip(source_files, actual_files):
     77       shutil.copyfile(source, actual)
     78     # Stage the test files in the git index. If they aren't staged, then
     79     # run_tools.py will skip them when applying replacements.
     80     args = ['add']
     81     args.extend(actual_files)
     82     _RunGit(args)
     83     # Generate a temporary compilation database to run the tool over.
     84     with open(compile_database, 'w') as f:
     85       f.write(_GenerateCompileCommands(actual_files, include_paths))
     87     args = ['python',
     88             os.path.join(tools_clang_scripts_directory, 'run_tool.py'),
     89             tool_to_test,
     90             test_directory_for_tool]
     91     args.extend(actual_files)
     92     run_tool = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
     93     stdout, _ = run_tool.communicate()
     94     if run_tool.returncode != 0:
     95       print 'run_tool failed:\n%s' % stdout
     96       sys.exit(1)
     98     args = ['cl', 'format']
     99     args.extend(actual_files)
    100     _RunGit(args)
    102     passed = 0
    103     failed = 0
    104     for expected, actual in zip(expected_files, actual_files):
    105       print '[ RUN      ] %s' % os.path.relpath(actual)
    106       expected_output = actual_output = None
    107       with open(expected, 'r') as f:
    108         expected_output = f.readlines()
    109       with open(actual, 'r') as f:
    110         actual_output = f.readlines()
    111       if actual_output != expected_output:
    112         failed += 1
    113         for line in difflib.unified_diff(expected_output, actual_output,
    114                                          fromfile=os.path.relpath(expected),
    115                                          tofile=os.path.relpath(actual)):
    116           sys.stdout.write(line)
    117         print '[  FAILED  ] %s' % os.path.relpath(actual)
    118         # Don't clean up the file on failure, so the results can be referenced
    119         # more easily.
    120         continue
    121       print '[       OK ] %s' % os.path.relpath(actual)
    122       passed += 1
    123       os.remove(actual)
    125     if failed == 0:
    126       os.remove(compile_database)
    128     print '[==========] %s ran.' % _NumberOfTestsToString(len(source_files))
    129     if passed > 0:
    130       print '[  PASSED  ] %s.' % _NumberOfTestsToString(passed)
    131     if failed > 0:
    132       print '[  FAILED  ] %s.' % _NumberOfTestsToString(failed)
    133   finally:
    134     # No matter what, unstage the git changes we made earlier to avoid polluting
    135     # the index.
    136     args = ['reset', '--quiet', 'HEAD']
    137     args.extend(actual_files)
    138     _RunGit(args)
    141 if __name__ == '__main__':
    142   sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))