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      1 //=================================================================================================
      3 //Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
      4 //All Rights Reserved
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      6 //NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
      7 //of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
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     10 package com.adobe.xmp;
     12 import java.io.InputStream;
     13 import java.io.OutputStream;
     15 import com.adobe.xmp.impl.XMPMetaImpl;
     16 import com.adobe.xmp.impl.XMPMetaParser;
     17 import com.adobe.xmp.impl.XMPSchemaRegistryImpl;
     18 import com.adobe.xmp.impl.XMPSerializerHelper;
     19 import com.adobe.xmp.options.ParseOptions;
     20 import com.adobe.xmp.options.SerializeOptions;
     23 /**
     24  * Creates <code>XMPMeta</code>-instances from an <code>InputStream</code>
     25  *
     26  * @since 30.01.2006
     27  */
     28 public final class XMPMetaFactory
     29 {
     30 	/** The singleton instance of the <code>XMPSchemaRegistry</code>. */
     31 	private static XMPSchemaRegistry schema = new XMPSchemaRegistryImpl();
     32 	/** cache for version info */
     33 	private static XMPVersionInfo versionInfo = null;
     35 	/**
     36 	 * Hides public constructor
     37 	 */
     38 	private XMPMetaFactory()
     39 	{
     40 		// EMPTY
     41 	}
     44 	/**
     45 	 * @return Returns the singleton instance of the <code>XMPSchemaRegistry</code>.
     46 	 */
     47 	public static XMPSchemaRegistry getSchemaRegistry()
     48 	{
     49 		return schema;
     50 	}
     53 	/**
     54 	 * @return Returns an empty <code>XMPMeta</code>-object.
     55 	 */
     56 	public static XMPMeta create()
     57 	{
     58 		return new XMPMetaImpl();
     59 	}
     62 	/**
     63 	 * Parsing with default options.
     64 	 * @see XMPMetaFactory#parse(InputStream, ParseOptions)
     65 	 *
     66 	 * @param in an <code>InputStream</code>
     67 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPMeta</code>-object created from the input.
     68 	 * @throws XMPException If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails.
     69 	 */
     70 	public static XMPMeta parse(InputStream in) throws XMPException
     71 	{
     72 		return parse(in, null);
     73 	}
     76 	/**
     77 	 * These functions support parsing serialized RDF into an XMP object, and serailizing an XMP
     78 	 * object into RDF. The input for parsing may be any valid Unicode
     79 	 * encoding. ISO Latin-1 is also recognized, but its use is strongly discouraged. Serialization
     80 	 * is always as UTF-8.
     81 	 * <p>
     82 	 * <code>parseFromBuffer()</code> parses RDF from an <code>InputStream</code>. The encoding
     83 	 * is recognized automatically.
     84 	 *
     85 	 * @param in an <code>InputStream</code>
     86 	 * @param options Options controlling the parsing.<br>
     87 	 *        The available options are:
     88 	 *        <ul>
     89 	 *        <li> XMP_REQUIRE_XMPMETA - The &lt;x:xmpmeta&gt; XML element is required around
     90 	 *        <tt>&lt;rdf:RDF&gt;</tt>.
     91 	 *        <li> XMP_STRICT_ALIASING - Do not reconcile alias differences, throw an exception.
     92 	 *        </ul>
     93 	 *        <em>Note:</em>The XMP_STRICT_ALIASING option is not yet implemented.
     94 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPMeta</code>-object created from the input.
     95 	 * @throws XMPException If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails.
     96 	 */
     97 	public static XMPMeta parse(InputStream in, ParseOptions options)
     98 			throws XMPException
     99 	{
    100 		return XMPMetaParser.parse(in, options);
    101 	}
    104 	/**
    105 	 * Parsing with default options.
    106 	 * @see XMPMetaFactory#parse(InputStream)
    107 	 *
    108 	 * @param packet a String contain an XMP-file.
    109 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPMeta</code>-object created from the input.
    110 	 * @throws XMPException If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails.
    111 	 */
    112 	public static XMPMeta parseFromString(String packet) throws XMPException
    113 	{
    114 		return parseFromString(packet, null);
    115 	}
    118 	/**
    119 	 * Creates an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object from a string.
    120 	 * @see XMPMetaFactory#parseFromString(String, ParseOptions)
    121 	 *
    122 	 * @param packet a String contain an XMP-file.
    123 	 * @param options Options controlling the parsing.
    124 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPMeta</code>-object created from the input.
    125 	 * @throws XMPException If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails.
    126 	 */
    127 	public static XMPMeta parseFromString(String packet, ParseOptions options)
    128 			throws XMPException
    129 	{
    130 		return XMPMetaParser.parse(packet, options);
    131 	}
    134 	/**
    135 	 * Parsing with default options.
    136 	 * @see XMPMetaFactory#parseFromBuffer(byte[], ParseOptions)
    137 	 *
    138 	 * @param buffer a String contain an XMP-file.
    139 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPMeta</code>-object created from the input.
    140 	 * @throws XMPException If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails.
    141 	 */
    142 	public static XMPMeta parseFromBuffer(byte[] buffer) throws XMPException
    143 	{
    144 		return parseFromBuffer(buffer, null);
    145 	}
    148 	/**
    149 	 * Creates an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object from a byte-buffer.
    150 	 * @see XMPMetaFactory#parse(InputStream, ParseOptions)
    151 	 *
    152 	 * @param buffer a String contain an XMP-file.
    153 	 * @param options Options controlling the parsing.
    154 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPMeta</code>-object created from the input.
    155 	 * @throws XMPException If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails.
    156 	 */
    157 	public static XMPMeta parseFromBuffer(byte[] buffer,
    158 		ParseOptions options) throws XMPException
    159 	{
    160 		return XMPMetaParser.parse(buffer, options);
    161 	}
    164 	/**
    165 	 * Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into an <code>OutputStream</code>
    166 	 * with default options.
    167 	 *
    168 	 * @param xmp a metadata object
    169 	 * @param out an <code>OutputStream</code> to write the serialized RDF to.
    170 	 * @throws XMPException on serializsation errors.
    171 	 */
    172 	public static void serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream out) throws XMPException
    173 	{
    174 		serialize(xmp, out, null);
    175 	}
    178 	/**
    179 	 * Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into an <code>OutputStream</code>.
    180 	 *
    181 	 * @param xmp a metadata object
    182 	 * @param options Options to control the serialization (see {@link SerializeOptions}).
    183 	 * @param out an <code>OutputStream</code> to write the serialized RDF to.
    184 	 * @throws XMPException on serializsation errors.
    185 	 */
    186 	public static void serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream out, SerializeOptions options)
    187 			throws XMPException
    188 	{
    189 		assertImplementation(xmp);
    190 		XMPSerializerHelper.serialize((XMPMetaImpl) xmp, out, options);
    191 	}
    194 	/**
    195 	 * Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a byte buffer.
    196 	 *
    197 	 * @param xmp a metadata object
    198 	 * @param options Options to control the serialization (see {@link SerializeOptions}).
    199 	 * @return Returns a byte buffer containing the serialized RDF.
    200 	 * @throws XMPException on serializsation errors.
    201 	 */
    202 	public static byte[] serializeToBuffer(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
    203 			throws XMPException
    204 	{
    205 		assertImplementation(xmp);
    206 		return XMPSerializerHelper.serializeToBuffer((XMPMetaImpl) xmp, options);
    207 	}
    210 	/**
    211 	 * Serializes an <code>XMPMeta</code>-object as RDF into a string. <em>Note:</em> Encoding
    212 	 * is ignored when serializing to a string.
    213 	 *
    214 	 * @param xmp a metadata object
    215 	 * @param options Options to control the serialization (see {@link SerializeOptions}).
    216 	 * @return Returns a string containing the serialized RDF.
    217 	 * @throws XMPException on serializsation errors.
    218 	 */
    219 	public static String serializeToString(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
    220 			throws XMPException
    221 	{
    222 		assertImplementation(xmp);
    223 		return XMPSerializerHelper.serializeToString((XMPMetaImpl) xmp, options);
    224 	}
    227 	/**
    228 	 * @param xmp Asserts that xmp is compatible to <code>XMPMetaImpl</code>.s
    229 	 */
    230 	private static void assertImplementation(XMPMeta xmp)
    231 	{
    232 		if (!(xmp instanceof XMPMetaImpl))
    233 		{
    234 			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The serializing service works only" +
    235 				"with the XMPMeta implementation of this library");
    236 		}
    237 	}
    240 	/**
    241 	 * Resets the schema registry to its original state (creates a new one).
    242 	 * Be careful this might break all existing XMPMeta-objects and should be used
    243 	 * only for testing purpurses.
    244 	 */
    245 	public static void reset()
    246 	{
    247 		schema = new XMPSchemaRegistryImpl();
    248 	}
    251 	/**
    252 	 * Obtain version information. The XMPVersionInfo singleton is created the first time
    253 	 * its requested.
    254 	 *
    255 	 * @return Returns the version information.
    256 	 */
    257 	public static synchronized XMPVersionInfo getVersionInfo()
    258 	{
    259 		if (versionInfo == null)
    260 		{
    261 			try
    262 			{
    263 				final int major = 5;
    264 				final int minor = 1;
    265 				final int micro = 0;
    266 				final int engBuild = 3;
    267 				final boolean debug = false;
    269 				// Adobe XMP Core 5.0-jc001 DEBUG-<branch>.<changelist>, 2009 Jan 28 15:22:38-CET
    270 				final String message = "Adobe XMP Core 5.1.0-jc003";
    273 				versionInfo = new XMPVersionInfo()
    274 				{
    275 					public int getMajor()
    276 					{
    277 						return major;
    278 					}
    280 					public int getMinor()
    281 					{
    282 						return minor;
    283 					}
    285 					public int getMicro()
    286 					{
    287 						return micro;
    288 					}
    290 					public boolean isDebug()
    291 					{
    292 						return debug;
    293 					}
    295 					public int getBuild()
    296 					{
    297 						return engBuild;
    298 					}
    300 					public String getMessage()
    301 					{
    302 						return message;
    303 					}
    305 					public String toString()
    306 					{
    307 						return message;
    308 					}
    309 				};
    311 			}
    312 			catch (Throwable e)
    313 			{
    314 				// EMTPY, severe error would be detected during the tests
    315 				System.out.println(e);
    316 			}
    317 		}
    318 		return versionInfo;
    319 	}
    320 }