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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 #ifndef ANIMATOR_H
     17 #define ANIMATOR_H
     19 #include <memory>
     20 #include <cutils/compiler.h>
     21 #include <utils/RefBase.h>
     22 #include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
     23 #include <utils/Timers.h>
     25 #include "utils/Macros.h"
     27 #include <vector>
     29 namespace android {
     30 namespace uirenderer {
     32 class AnimationContext;
     33 class BaseRenderNodeAnimator;
     34 class CanvasPropertyPrimitive;
     35 class CanvasPropertyPaint;
     36 class Interpolator;
     37 class RenderNode;
     38 class RenderProperties;
     40 class AnimationListener : public VirtualLightRefBase {
     41 public:
     42     ANDROID_API virtual void onAnimationFinished(BaseRenderNodeAnimator*) = 0;
     43 protected:
     44     ANDROID_API virtual ~AnimationListener() {}
     45 };
     47 enum class RepeatMode {
     48     // These are the same values as the RESTART and REVERSE in ValueAnimator.java.
     49     Restart = 1,
     50     Reverse = 2
     51 };
     53 class BaseRenderNodeAnimator : public VirtualLightRefBase {
     54     PREVENT_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BaseRenderNodeAnimator);
     55 public:
     56     ANDROID_API void setStartValue(float value);
     57     ANDROID_API void setInterpolator(Interpolator* interpolator);
     58     ANDROID_API void setDuration(nsecs_t durationInMs);
     59     ANDROID_API nsecs_t duration() { return mDuration; }
     60     ANDROID_API void setStartDelay(nsecs_t startDelayInMs);
     61     ANDROID_API nsecs_t startDelay() { return mStartDelay; }
     62     ANDROID_API void setListener(AnimationListener* listener) {
     63         mListener = listener;
     64     }
     65     AnimationListener* listener() { return mListener.get(); }
     66     ANDROID_API void setAllowRunningAsync(bool mayRunAsync) {
     67         mMayRunAsync = mayRunAsync;
     68     }
     69     bool mayRunAsync() { return mMayRunAsync; }
     70     ANDROID_API void start();
     71     ANDROID_API virtual void reset();
     72     ANDROID_API void reverse();
     73     // Terminates the animation at its current progress.
     74     ANDROID_API void cancel();
     76     // Terminates the animation and skip to the end of the animation.
     77     ANDROID_API virtual void end();
     79     void attach(RenderNode* target);
     80     virtual void onAttached() {}
     81     void detach() { mTarget = nullptr; }
     82     ANDROID_API void pushStaging(AnimationContext& context);
     83     ANDROID_API bool animate(AnimationContext& context);
     85     // Returns the remaining time in ms for the animation. Note this should only be called during
     86     // an animation on RenderThread.
     87     ANDROID_API nsecs_t getRemainingPlayTime();
     89     bool isRunning() { return mPlayState == PlayState::Running
     90             || mPlayState == PlayState::Reversing; }
     91     bool isFinished() { return mPlayState == PlayState::Finished; }
     92     float finalValue() { return mFinalValue; }
     94     ANDROID_API virtual uint32_t dirtyMask() = 0;
     96     void forceEndNow(AnimationContext& context);
     97     RenderNode* target() { return mTarget; }
     98     RenderNode* stagingTarget() { return mStagingTarget; }
    100 protected:
    101     // PlayState is used by mStagingPlayState and mPlayState to track the state initiated from UI
    102     // thread and Render Thread animation state, respectively.
    103     // From the UI thread, mStagingPlayState transition looks like
    104     // NotStarted -> Running/Reversing -> Finished
    105     //                ^                     |
    106     //                |                     |
    107     //                ----------------------
    108     // Note: For mStagingState, the Finished state (optional) is only set when the animation is
    109     // terminated by user.
    110     //
    111     // On Render Thread, mPlayState transition:
    112     // NotStart -> Running/Reversing-> Finished
    113     //                ^                 |
    114     //                |                 |
    115     //                ------------------
    116     // Note that if the animation is in Running/Reversing state, calling start or reverse again
    117     // would do nothing if the animation has the same play direction as the request; otherwise,
    118     // the animation would start from where it is and change direction (i.e. Reversing <-> Running)
    120     enum class PlayState {
    121         NotStarted,
    122         Running,
    123         Reversing,
    124         Finished,
    125     };
    127     explicit BaseRenderNodeAnimator(float finalValue);
    128     virtual ~BaseRenderNodeAnimator();
    130     virtual float getValue(RenderNode* target) const = 0;
    131     virtual void setValue(RenderNode* target, float value) = 0;
    133     void callOnFinishedListener(AnimationContext& context);
    135     virtual void onStagingPlayStateChanged() {}
    136     virtual void onPlayTimeChanged(nsecs_t playTime) {}
    137     virtual void onPushStaging() {}
    139     RenderNode* mTarget;
    140     RenderNode* mStagingTarget;
    142     float mFinalValue;
    143     float mDeltaValue;
    144     float mFromValue;
    146     std::unique_ptr<Interpolator> mInterpolator;
    147     PlayState mStagingPlayState;
    148     PlayState mPlayState;
    149     bool mHasStartValue;
    150     nsecs_t mStartTime;
    151     nsecs_t mDuration;
    152     nsecs_t mStartDelay;
    153     bool mMayRunAsync;
    154     // Play Time tracks the progress of animation, it should always be [0, mDuration], 0 being
    155     // the beginning of the animation, will reach mDuration at the end of an animation.
    156     nsecs_t mPlayTime;
    158     sp<AnimationListener> mListener;
    160 private:
    161     enum class Request {
    162         Start,
    163         Reverse,
    164         Reset,
    165         Cancel,
    166         End
    167     };
    169     // Defines different actions upon finish.
    170     enum class Action {
    171         // For animations that got canceled or finished normally. no more action needs to be done.
    172         None,
    173         // For animations that get reset, the reset will happen in the next animation pulse.
    174         Reset,
    175         // For animations being ended, in the next animation pulse the animation will skip to end.
    176         End
    177     };
    179     inline void checkMutable();
    180     virtual void transitionToRunning(AnimationContext& context);
    181     void doSetStartValue(float value);
    182     bool updatePlayTime(nsecs_t playTime);
    183     void resolveStagingRequest(Request request);
    185     std::vector<Request> mStagingRequests;
    186     Action mPendingActionUponFinish = Action::None;
    187 };
    189 class RenderPropertyAnimator : public BaseRenderNodeAnimator {
    190 public:
    191     enum RenderProperty {
    192         TRANSLATION_X = 0,
    193         TRANSLATION_Y,
    194         TRANSLATION_Z,
    195         SCALE_X,
    196         SCALE_Y,
    197         ROTATION,
    198         ROTATION_X,
    199         ROTATION_Y,
    200         X,
    201         Y,
    202         Z,
    203         ALPHA,
    204     };
    206     ANDROID_API RenderPropertyAnimator(RenderProperty property, float finalValue);
    208     ANDROID_API virtual uint32_t dirtyMask();
    210 protected:
    211     virtual float getValue(RenderNode* target) const override;
    212     virtual void setValue(RenderNode* target, float value) override;
    213     virtual void onAttached() override;
    214     virtual void onStagingPlayStateChanged() override;
    215     virtual void onPushStaging() override;
    217 private:
    218     typedef bool (RenderProperties::*SetFloatProperty)(float value);
    219     typedef float (RenderProperties::*GetFloatProperty)() const;
    221     struct PropertyAccessors;
    222     const PropertyAccessors* mPropertyAccess;
    224     static const PropertyAccessors PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_LUT[];
    225     bool mShouldSyncPropertyFields = false;
    226     bool mShouldUpdateStagingProperties = false;
    227 };
    229 class CanvasPropertyPrimitiveAnimator : public BaseRenderNodeAnimator {
    230 public:
    231     ANDROID_API CanvasPropertyPrimitiveAnimator(CanvasPropertyPrimitive* property,
    232             float finalValue);
    234     ANDROID_API virtual uint32_t dirtyMask();
    236 protected:
    237     virtual float getValue(RenderNode* target) const override;
    238     virtual void setValue(RenderNode* target, float value) override;
    239 private:
    240     sp<CanvasPropertyPrimitive> mProperty;
    241 };
    243 class CanvasPropertyPaintAnimator : public BaseRenderNodeAnimator {
    244 public:
    245     enum PaintField {
    246         STROKE_WIDTH = 0,
    247         ALPHA,
    248     };
    250     ANDROID_API CanvasPropertyPaintAnimator(CanvasPropertyPaint* property,
    251             PaintField field, float finalValue);
    253     ANDROID_API virtual uint32_t dirtyMask();
    255 protected:
    256     virtual float getValue(RenderNode* target) const override;
    257     virtual void setValue(RenderNode* target, float value) override;
    258 private:
    259     sp<CanvasPropertyPaint> mProperty;
    260     PaintField mField;
    261 };
    263 class RevealAnimator : public BaseRenderNodeAnimator {
    264 public:
    265     ANDROID_API RevealAnimator(int centerX, int centerY,
    266             float startValue, float finalValue);
    268     ANDROID_API virtual uint32_t dirtyMask();
    270 protected:
    271     virtual float getValue(RenderNode* target) const override;
    272     virtual void setValue(RenderNode* target, float value) override;
    274 private:
    275     int mCenterX, mCenterY;
    276 };
    278 } /* namespace uirenderer */
    279 } /* namespace android */
    281 #endif /* ANIMATOR_H */