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      1 package android.hardware.gnss (a] 1.0;
      3 /** Extended interface for DEBUG support. */
      4 interface IGnssDebug {
      5     enum SatelliteEphemerisType : uint8_t {
      6         /** Ephemeris is known for this satellite. */
      7         EPHEMERIS,
      8         /**
      9          * Ephemeris is not known, but Almanac (approximate location) is known.
     10          */
     11         ALMANAC_ONLY,
     12         /**
     13          * Both ephemeris & almanac are not known (e.g. during a cold start
     14          * blind search.)
     15          */
     16         NOT_AVAILABLE
     17     };
     19     enum SatelliteEphemerisSource : uint8_t {
     20         /**
     21          * The ephemeris (or almanac only) information was demodulated from the
     22          * signal received on the device
     23          */
     24         DEMODULATED,
     25         /**
     26          * The ephemeris (or almanac only) information was received from a SUPL
     27          * server.
     28          */
     29         SUPL_PROVIDED,
     30         /**
     31          * The ephemeris (or almanac only) information was provided by another
     32          * server.
     33          */
     34         OTHER_SERVER_PROVIDED,
     35         /**
     36          * The ephemeris (or almanac only) information was provided by another
     37          * method, e.g. injected via a local debug tool, from build defaults
     38          * (e.g. almanac), or is from a satellite
     39          * with SatelliteEphemerisType::NOT_AVAILABLE.
     40          */
     41         OTHER
     42     };
     44     enum SatelliteEphemerisHealth : uint8_t {
     45         /** The ephemeris is known good. */
     46         GOOD,
     47         /** The ephemeris is known bad. */
     48         BAD,
     49         /** The ephemeris is unknown to be good or bad. */
     50         UNKNOWN
     51     };
     53     /**
     54      * Provides the current best known position from any
     55      * source (GNSS or injected assistance).
     56      */
     57     struct PositionDebug {
     58         /**
     59          * Validity of the data in this struct. False only if no
     60          * latitude/longitude information is known.
     61          */
     62         bool valid;
     63         /** Latitude expressed in degrees */
     64         double latitudeDegrees;
     65         /** Longitude expressed in degrees */
     66         double longitudeDegrees;
     67         /** Altitude above ellipsoid expressed in meters */
     68         float altitudeMeters;
     69         /** Represents horizontal speed in meters per second. */
     70         float speedMetersPerSec;
     71         /** Represents heading in degrees. */
     72         float bearingDegrees;
     73         /**
     74          * Estimated horizontal accuracy of position expressed in meters,
     75          * radial, 68% confidence.
     76          */
     77         double horizontalAccuracyMeters;
     78         /**
     79          * Estimated vertical accuracy of position expressed in meters, with
     80          * 68% confidence.
     81          */
     82         double verticalAccuracyMeters;
     83         /**
     84          * Estimated speed accuracy in meters per second with 68% confidence.
     85          */
     86         double speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond;
     87         /**
     88          * estimated bearing accuracy degrees with 68% confidence.
     89          */
     90         double bearingAccuracyDegrees;
     91         /**
     92          * Time duration before this report that this position information was
     93          * valid.  This can, for example, be a previous injected location with
     94          * an age potentially thousands of seconds old, or
     95          * extrapolated to the current time (with appropriately increased
     96          * accuracy estimates), with a (near) zero age.
     97          */
     98         float ageSeconds;
     99     };
    101     /**
    102      * Provides the current best known UTC time estimate.
    103      * If no fresh information is available, e.g. after a delete all,
    104      * then whatever the effective defaults are on the device must be
    105      * provided (e.g. Jan. 1, 2017, with an uncertainty of 5 years) expressed
    106      * in the specified units.
    107      */
    108     struct TimeDebug {
    109         /** UTC time estimate. */
    110         GnssUtcTime timeEstimate;
    111         /** 68% error estimate in time. */
    112         float timeUncertaintyNs;
    113         /**
    114          * 68% error estimate in local clock drift,
    115          * in nanoseconds per second (also known as parts per billion - ppb.)
    116          */
    117         float frequencyUncertaintyNsPerSec;
    118     };
    120     /**
    121      * Provides a single satellite info that has decoded navigation data.
    122      */
    123     struct SatelliteData {
    124         /** Satellite vehicle ID number */
    125         int16_t svid;
    126         /** Defines the constellation type of the given SV. */
    127         GnssConstellationType constellation;
    129         /**
    130          * Defines the standard broadcast ephemeris or almanac availability for
    131          * the satellite.  To report status of predicted orbit and clock
    132          * information, see the serverPrediction fields below.
    133          */
    134         SatelliteEphemerisType ephemerisType;
    135         /** Defines the ephemeris source of the satellite. */
    136         SatelliteEphemerisSource ephemerisSource;
    137         /**
    138          * Defines whether the satellite is known healthy
    139          * (safe for use in location calculation.)
    140          */
    141         SatelliteEphemerisHealth ephemerisHealth;
    142         /**
    143          * Time duration from this report (current time), minus the
    144          * effective time of the ephemeris source (e.g. TOE, TOA.)
    145          * Set to 0 when ephemerisType is NOT_AVAILABLE.
    146          */
    147         float ephemerisAgeSeconds;
    149         /**
    150          * True if a server has provided a predicted orbit and clock model for
    151          * this satellite.
    152          */
    153         bool serverPredictionIsAvailable;
    154         /**
    155          * Time duration from this report (current time) minus the time of the
    156          * start of the server predicted information.  For example, a 1 day
    157          * old prediction would be reported as 86400 seconds here.
    158          */
    159         float serverPredictionAgeSeconds;
    160     };
    162     /**
    163      * Provides a set of debug information that is filled by the GNSS chipset
    164      * when the method getDebugData() is invoked.
    165      */
    166     struct DebugData {
    167         /** Current best known position. */
    168         PositionDebug position;
    169         /** Current best know time estimate */
    170         TimeDebug time;
    171         /**
    172          * Provides a list of the available satellite data, for all
    173          * satellites and constellations the device can track,
    174          * including GnssConstellationType UNKNOWN.
    175          */
    176         vec<SatelliteData> satelliteDataArray;
    177     };
    179     /**
    180      * This methods requests position, time and satellite ephemeris debug information
    181      * from the HAL.
    182      *
    183      * @return ret debugData information from GNSS Hal that contains the current best
    184      * known position, best known time estimate and a complete list of
    185      * constellations that the device can track.
    186      */
    187     getDebugData() generates (DebugData debugData);
    188 };