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      1 /*
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
      4  *  Not a Contribution.
      5  *
      6  *  Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      7  *
      8  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
      9  *  may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
     10  *  obtain a copy of the License at
     11  *
     12  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     13  *
     14  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     15  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     17  *  implied. See the License for the specific language governing
     18  *  permissions and limitations under the License.
     19  *
     20  */
     22 /******************************************************************************
     23  *
     24  *  Filename:      hw_rome.c
     25  *
     26  *  Description:   Contains controller-specific functions, like
     27  *                      firmware patch download
     28  *                      low power mode operations
     29  *
     30  ******************************************************************************/
     31 #ifdef __cplusplus
     32 extern "C" {
     33 #endif
     35 #define LOG_TAG "bt_vendor"
     37 #include <sys/socket.h>
     38 #include <utils/Log.h>
     39 #include <sys/types.h>
     40 #include <sys/stat.h>
     41 #include <signal.h>
     42 #include <time.h>
     43 #include <errno.h>
     44 #include <fcntl.h>
     45 #include <dirent.h>
     46 #include <ctype.h>
     47 #include <cutils/properties.h>
     48 #include <stdlib.h>
     49 #include <termios.h>
     50 #include <string.h>
     51 #include <stdbool.h>
     52 #include "bt_hci_bdroid.h"
     53 #include "bt_vendor_qcom.h"
     54 #include "hci_uart.h"
     55 #include "hw_rome.h"
     57 #ifdef __cplusplus
     58 }
     59 #endif
     61 int read_vs_hci_event(int fd, unsigned char* buf, int size);
     63 /******************************************************************************
     64 **  Variables
     65 ******************************************************************************/
     66 FILE *file;
     67 unsigned char *phdr_buffer;
     68 unsigned char *pdata_buffer = NULL;
     69 patch_info rampatch_patch_info;
     70 int rome_ver = ROME_VER_UNKNOWN;
     71 unsigned char gTlv_type;
     72 unsigned char gTlv_dwndCfg;
     73 static unsigned int wipower_flag = 0;
     74 static unsigned int wipower_handoff_ready = 0;
     75 char *rampatch_file_path;
     76 char *nvm_file_path;
     77 char *fw_su_info = NULL;
     78 unsigned short fw_su_offset =0;
     79 extern char enable_extldo;
     80 unsigned char wait_vsc_evt = TRUE;
     81 bool patch_dnld_pending = FALSE;
     82 int dnld_fd = -1;
     83 /******************************************************************************
     84 **  Extern variables
     85 ******************************************************************************/
     86 extern uint8_t vnd_local_bd_addr[6];
     88 /*****************************************************************************
     89 **   Functions
     90 *****************************************************************************/
     91 int do_write(int fd, unsigned char *buf,int len)
     92 {
     93     int ret = 0;
     94     int write_offset = 0;
     95     int write_len = len;
     96     do {
     97         ret = write(fd,buf+write_offset,write_len);
     98         if (ret < 0)
     99         {
    100             ALOGE("%s, write failed ret = %d err = %s",__func__,ret,strerror(errno));
    101             return -1;
    102         } else if (ret == 0) {
    103             ALOGE("%s, write failed with ret 0 err = %s",__func__,strerror(errno));
    104             return 0;
    105         } else {
    106             if (ret < write_len) {
    107                 ALOGD("%s, Write pending,do write ret = %d err = %s",__func__,ret,
    108                        strerror(errno));
    109                 write_len = write_len - ret;
    110                 write_offset = ret;
    111             } else {
    112                 ALOGV("Write successful");
    113                 break;
    114             }
    115         }
    116     } while(1);
    117     return len;
    118 }
    120 int get_vs_hci_event(unsigned char *rsp)
    121 {
    122     int err = 0;
    123     unsigned char paramlen = 0;
    124     unsigned char EMBEDDED_MODE_CHECK = 0x02;
    125     FILE *btversionfile = 0;
    126     unsigned int soc_id = 0;
    127     unsigned int productid = 0;
    128     unsigned short patchversion = 0;
    129     char build_label[255];
    130     int build_lbl_len;
    133         ALOGI("%s: Received HCI-Vendor Specific event", __FUNCTION__);
    134     else {
    135         ALOGI("%s: Failed to receive HCI-Vendor Specific event", __FUNCTION__);
    136         err = -EIO;
    137         goto failed;
    138     }
    140     ALOGI("%s: Parameter Length: 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, paramlen = rsp[EVT_PLEN]);
    141     ALOGI("%s: Command response: 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, rsp[CMD_RSP_OFFSET]);
    142     ALOGI("%s: Response type   : 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, rsp[RSP_TYPE_OFFSET]);
    144     /* Check the status of the operation */
    145     switch ( rsp[CMD_RSP_OFFSET] )
    146     {
    147         case EDL_CMD_REQ_RES_EVT:
    148         ALOGI("%s: Command Request Response", __FUNCTION__);
    149         switch(rsp[RSP_TYPE_OFFSET])
    150         {
    151             case EDL_PATCH_VER_RES_EVT:
    152             case EDL_APP_VER_RES_EVT:
    153                 ALOGI("\t Current Product ID\t\t: 0x%08x",
    154                     productid = (unsigned int)(rsp[PATCH_PROD_ID_OFFSET +3] << 24 |
    155                                         rsp[PATCH_PROD_ID_OFFSET+2] << 16 |
    156                                         rsp[PATCH_PROD_ID_OFFSET+1] << 8 |
    157                                         rsp[PATCH_PROD_ID_OFFSET]  ));
    159                 /* Patch Version indicates FW patch version */
    160                 ALOGI("\t Current Patch Version\t\t: 0x%04x",
    161                     (patchversion = (unsigned short)(rsp[PATCH_PATCH_VER_OFFSET + 1] << 8 |
    162                                             rsp[PATCH_PATCH_VER_OFFSET] )));
    164                 /* ROM Build Version indicates ROM build version like 1.0/1.1/2.0 */
    165                 ALOGI("\t Current ROM Build Version\t: 0x%04x", rome_ver =
    166                     (int)(rsp[PATCH_ROM_BUILD_VER_OFFSET + 1] << 8 |
    167                                             rsp[PATCH_ROM_BUILD_VER_OFFSET] ));
    169                 /* In case rome 1.0/1.1, there is no SOC ID version available */
    170                 if (paramlen - 10)
    171                 {
    172                     ALOGI("\t Current SOC Version\t\t: 0x%08x", soc_id =
    173                         (unsigned int)(rsp[PATCH_SOC_VER_OFFSET +3] << 24 |
    174                                                 rsp[PATCH_SOC_VER_OFFSET+2] << 16 |
    175                                                 rsp[PATCH_SOC_VER_OFFSET+1] << 8 |
    176                                                 rsp[PATCH_SOC_VER_OFFSET]  ));
    177                 }
    179                 /* Rome Chipset Version can be decided by Patch version and SOC version,
    180                 Upper 2 bytes will be used for Patch version and Lower 2 bytes will be
    181                 used for SOC as combination for BT host driver */
    182                 rome_ver = (rome_ver << 16) | (soc_id & 0x0000ffff);
    183                 break;
    184             case EDL_TVL_DNLD_RES_EVT:
    185             case EDL_CMD_EXE_STATUS_EVT:
    186                 switch (err = rsp[CMD_STATUS_OFFSET])
    187                     {
    188                     case HCI_CMD_SUCCESS:
    189                         ALOGI("%s: Download Packet successfully!", __FUNCTION__);
    190                         break;
    191                     case PATCH_LEN_ERROR:
    192                         ALOGI("%s: Invalid patch length argument passed for EDL PATCH "
    193                         "SET REQ cmd", __FUNCTION__);
    194                         break;
    195                     case PATCH_VER_ERROR:
    196                         ALOGI("%s: Invalid patch version argument passed for EDL PATCH "
    197                         "SET REQ cmd", __FUNCTION__);
    198                         break;
    199                     case PATCH_CRC_ERROR:
    200                         ALOGI("%s: CRC check of patch failed!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    201                         break;
    202                     case PATCH_NOT_FOUND:
    203                         ALOGI("%s: Invalid patch data!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    204                         break;
    205                     case TLV_TYPE_ERROR:
    206                         ALOGI("%s: TLV Type Error !!!", __FUNCTION__);
    207                         break;
    208                     default:
    209                         ALOGI("%s: Undefined error (0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, err);
    210                         break;
    211                     }
    212             break;
    213             case HCI_VS_GET_BUILD_VER_EVT:
    214                 build_lbl_len = rsp[5];
    215                 memcpy (build_label, &rsp[6], build_lbl_len);
    216                 *(build_label+build_lbl_len) = '\0';
    218                 ALOGI("BT SoC FW SU Build info: %s, %d", build_label, build_lbl_len);
    219             break;
    220         }
    221         break;
    223         case NVM_ACCESS_CODE:
    224             ALOGI("%s: NVM Access Code!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    225             err = HCI_CMD_SUCCESS;
    226             break;
    227         case EDL_SET_BAUDRATE_RSP_EVT:
    228             /* Rome 1.1 has bug with the response, so it should ignore it. */
    230             {
    231                 ALOGE("%s: Set Baudrate request failed - 0x%x", __FUNCTION__,
    232                     rsp[CMD_STATUS_OFFSET]);
    233                 err = -1;
    234             }
    235             break;
    237             /* Query charging command has below return values
    238             0 - in embedded mode not charging
    239             1 - in embedded mode and charging
    240             2 - hadofff completed and in normal mode
    241             3 - no wipower supported on mtp. so irrepective of charging
    242             handoff command has to be sent if return values are 0 or 1.
    243             These change include logic to enable generic BT turn on sequence.*/
    244             if (rsp[4] < EMBEDDED_MODE_CHECK)
    245             {
    246                ALOGI("%s: WiPower Charging in Embedded Mode!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    247                wipower_handoff_ready = rsp[4];
    248                wipower_flag = 1;
    249             }
    250             break;
    252             /*TODO: rsp code 00 mean no charging
    253             this is going to change in FW soon*/
    254             if (rsp[4] == NON_WIPOWER_MODE)
    255             {
    256                ALOGE("%s: WiPower Charging hand off not ready!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    257             }
    258             break;
    259         case HCI_VS_GET_ADDON_FEATURES_EVENT:
    260             if ((rsp[4] & ADDON_FEATURES_EVT_WIPOWER_MASK))
    261             {
    262                ALOGD("%s: WiPower feature supported!!", __FUNCTION__);
    263                property_set("persist.bluetooth.a4wp", "true");
    264             }
    265             break;
    266         case HCI_VS_STRAY_EVT:
    267             /* WAR to handle stray Power Apply EVT during patch download */
    268             ALOGD("%s: Stray HCI VS EVENT", __FUNCTION__);
    269             if (patch_dnld_pending && dnld_fd != -1)
    270             {
    271                 unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
    272                 memset(rsp, 0x00, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    273                 read_vs_hci_event(dnld_fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    274             }
    275             else
    276             {
    277                 ALOGE("%s: Not a valid status!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    278                 err = -1;
    279             }
    280             break;
    281         default:
    282             ALOGE("%s: Not a valid status!!!", __FUNCTION__);
    283             err = -1;
    284             break;
    285     }
    287 failed:
    288     return err;
    289 }
    292 /*
    293  * Read an VS HCI event from the given file descriptor.
    294  */
    295 int read_vs_hci_event(int fd, unsigned char* buf, int size)
    296 {
    297     int remain, r;
    298     int count = 0, i;
    300     if (size <= 0) {
    301         ALOGE("Invalid size arguement!");
    302         return -1;
    303     }
    305     ALOGI("%s: Wait for HCI-Vendor Specfic Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
    307     /* The first byte identifies the packet type. For HCI event packets, it
    308      * should be 0x04, so we read until we get to the 0x04. */
    309     /* It will keep reading until find 0x04 byte */
    310     while (1) {
    311             r = read(fd, buf, 1);
    312             if (r <= 0)
    313                     return -1;
    314             if (buf[0] == 0x04)
    315                     break;
    316     }
    317     count++;
    319     /* The next two bytes are the event code and parameter total length. */
    320     while (count < 3) {
    321             r = read(fd, buf + count, 3 - count);
    322             if ((r <= 0) || (buf[1] != 0xFF )) {
    323                 ALOGE("It is not VS event !! ret: %d, EVT: %d", r, buf[1]);
    324                 return -1;
    325             }
    326             count += r;
    327     }
    329     /* Now we read the parameters. */
    330     if (buf[2] < (size - 3))
    331             remain = buf[2];
    332     else
    333             remain = size - 3;
    335     while ((count - 3) < remain) {
    336             r = read(fd, buf + count, remain - (count - 3));
    337             if (r <= 0)
    338                     return -1;
    339             count += r;
    340     }
    342      /* Check if the set patch command is successful or not */
    343     if(get_vs_hci_event(buf) != HCI_CMD_SUCCESS)
    344         return -1;
    346     return count;
    347 }
    349 /*
    350  * For Hand-Off related Wipower commands, Command complete arrives first and
    351  * the followd with VS event
    352  *
    353  */
    354 int hci_send_wipower_vs_cmd(int fd, unsigned char *cmd, unsigned char *rsp, int size)
    355 {
    356     int ret = 0;
    357     int err = 0;
    359     /* Send the HCI command packet to UART for transmission */
    360     ret = do_write(fd, cmd, size);
    361     if (ret != size) {
    362         ALOGE("%s: WP Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
    363         goto failed;
    364     }
    366     /* Wait for command complete event */
    367     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    368     if ( err < 0) {
    369         ALOGE("%s: Failed to charging status cmd on Controller", __FUNCTION__);
    370         goto failed;
    371     }
    373     ALOGI("%s: WP Received HCI command complete Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
    374 failed:
    375     return ret;
    376 }
    379 int hci_send_vs_cmd(int fd, unsigned char *cmd, unsigned char *rsp, int size)
    380 {
    381     int ret = 0;
    383     /* Send the HCI command packet to UART for transmission */
    384     ret = do_write(fd, cmd, size);
    385     if (ret != size) {
    386         ALOGE("%s: Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
    387         goto failed;
    388     }
    390     if (wait_vsc_evt) {
    391         /* Check for response from the Controller */
    392         if (read_vs_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE) < 0) {
    393            ret = -ETIMEDOUT;
    394            ALOGI("%s: Failed to get HCI-VS Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
    395            goto failed;
    396         }
    397         ALOGI("%s: Received HCI-Vendor Specific Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
    398     }
    400 failed:
    401     return ret;
    402 }
    404 void frame_hci_cmd_pkt(
    405     unsigned char *cmd,
    406     int edl_cmd, unsigned int p_base_addr,
    407     int segtNo, int size
    408     )
    409 {
    410     int offset = 0;
    411     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
    413     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
    415     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
    417     cmd[0]      = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
    418     cmd_hdr->opcode = cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, HCI_PATCH_CMD_OCF);
    419     cmd_hdr->plen   = size;
    420     cmd[4]      = edl_cmd;
    422     switch (edl_cmd)
    423     {
    424         case EDL_PATCH_SET_REQ_CMD:
    425             /* Copy the patch header info as CMD params */
    426             memcpy(&cmd[5], phdr_buffer, PATCH_HDR_LEN);
    427             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_PATCH_SET_REQ_CMD", __FUNCTION__);
    428             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x",
    429                 segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
    430             break;
    431         case EDL_PATCH_DLD_REQ_CMD:
    432             offset = ((segtNo - 1) * MAX_DATA_PER_SEGMENT);
    433             p_base_addr += offset;
    434             cmd_hdr->plen   = (size + 6);
    435             cmd[5]  = (size + 4);
    436             cmd[6]  = EXTRACT_BYTE(p_base_addr, 0);
    437             cmd[7]  = EXTRACT_BYTE(p_base_addr, 1);
    438             cmd[8]  = EXTRACT_BYTE(p_base_addr, 2);
    439             cmd[9]  = EXTRACT_BYTE(p_base_addr, 3);
    440             memcpy(&cmd[10], (pdata_buffer + offset), size);
    442             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_PATCH_DLD_REQ_CMD: size: %d bytes",
    443                 __FUNCTION__, size);
    444             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t"
    445                 "0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t\n", segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2],
    446                 cmd[3], cmd[4], cmd[5], cmd[6], cmd[7], cmd[8], cmd[9]);
    447             break;
    448         case EDL_PATCH_ATCH_REQ_CMD:
    449             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_PATCH_ATTACH_REQ_CMD", __FUNCTION__);
    450             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x",
    451             segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
    452             break;
    453         case EDL_PATCH_RST_REQ_CMD:
    454             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_PATCH_RESET_REQ_CMD", __FUNCTION__);
    455             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x",
    456             segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
    457             break;
    458         case EDL_PATCH_VER_REQ_CMD:
    459             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_PATCH_VER_REQ_CMD", __FUNCTION__);
    460             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x",
    461             segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
    462             break;
    463         case EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD:
    464             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD", __FUNCTION__);
    465             /* Parameter Total Length */
    466             cmd[3] = size +2;
    468             /* TLV Segment Length */
    469             cmd[5] = size;
    470             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x",
    471             segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4], cmd[5]);
    472             offset = (segtNo * MAX_SIZE_PER_TLV_SEGMENT);
    473             memcpy(&cmd[6], (pdata_buffer + offset), size);
    474             break;
    475         case EDL_GET_BUILD_INFO:
    476             ALOGD("%s: Sending EDL_GET_BUILD_INFO", __FUNCTION__);
    477             ALOGD("HCI-CMD %d:\t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x",
    478                 segtNo, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
    479             break;
    480         default:
    481             ALOGE("%s: Unknown EDL CMD !!!", __FUNCTION__);
    482     }
    483 }
    485 void rome_extract_patch_header_info(unsigned char *buf)
    486 {
    487     int index;
    489     /* Extract patch id */
    490     for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
    491         rampatch_patch_info.patch_id |=
    492             (LSH(buf[index + P_ID_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    494     /* Extract (ROM and BUILD) version information */
    495     for (index = 0; index < 2; index++)
    496         rampatch_patch_info.patch_ver.rom_version |=
    497             (LSH(buf[index + P_ROME_VER_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    499     for (index = 0; index < 2; index++)
    500         rampatch_patch_info.patch_ver.build_version |=
    501             (LSH(buf[index + P_BUILD_VER_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    503     /* Extract patch base and entry addresses */
    504     for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
    505         rampatch_patch_info.patch_base_addr |=
    506             (LSH(buf[index + P_BASE_ADDR_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    508     /* Patch BASE & ENTRY addresses are same */
    509     rampatch_patch_info.patch_entry_addr = rampatch_patch_info.patch_base_addr;
    511     /* Extract total length of the patch payload */
    512     for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
    513         rampatch_patch_info.patch_length |=
    514             (LSH(buf[index + P_LEN_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    516     /* Extract the CRC checksum of the patch payload */
    517     for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
    518         rampatch_patch_info.patch_crc |=
    519             (LSH(buf[index + P_CRC_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    521     /* Extract patch control value */
    522     for (index = 0; index < 4; index++)
    523         rampatch_patch_info.patch_ctrl |=
    524             (LSH(buf[index + P_CONTROL_OFFSET], (index * 8)));
    526     ALOGI("PATCH_ID\t : 0x%x", rampatch_patch_info.patch_id);
    527     ALOGI("ROM_VERSION\t : 0x%x", rampatch_patch_info.patch_ver.rom_version);
    528     ALOGI("BUILD_VERSION\t : 0x%x", rampatch_patch_info.patch_ver.build_version);
    529     ALOGI("PATCH_LENGTH\t : 0x%x", rampatch_patch_info.patch_length);
    530     ALOGI("PATCH_CRC\t : 0x%x", rampatch_patch_info.patch_crc);
    531     ALOGI("PATCH_CONTROL\t : 0x%x\n", rampatch_patch_info.patch_ctrl);
    532     ALOGI("PATCH_BASE_ADDR\t : 0x%x\n", rampatch_patch_info.patch_base_addr);
    534 }
    536 int rome_edl_set_patch_request(int fd)
    537 {
    538     int size, err;
    539     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
    540     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
    542     /* Frame the HCI CMD to be sent to the Controller */
    543     frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_SET_REQ_CMD, 0,
    544         -1, PATCH_HDR_LEN + 1);
    546     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
    547     size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + cmd[PLEN]);
    549     /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
    550     err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
    551     if ( err != size) {
    552         ALOGE("Failed to set the patch info to the Controller!");
    553         goto error;
    554     }
    556     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    557     if ( err < 0) {
    558         ALOGE("%s: Failed to set patch info on Controller", __FUNCTION__);
    559         goto error;
    560     }
    561     ALOGI("%s: Successfully set patch info on the Controller", __FUNCTION__);
    562 error:
    563     return err;
    564 }
    566 int rome_edl_patch_download_request(int fd)
    567 {
    568     int no_of_patch_segment;
    569     int index = 1, err = 0, size = 0;
    570     unsigned int p_base_addr;
    571     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
    572     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
    574     no_of_patch_segment = (rampatch_patch_info.patch_length /
    575         MAX_DATA_PER_SEGMENT);
    576     ALOGI("%s: %d patch segments to be d'loaded from patch base addr: 0x%x",
    577         __FUNCTION__, no_of_patch_segment,
    578     rampatch_patch_info.patch_base_addr);
    580     /* Initialize the patch base address from the one read from bin file */
    581     p_base_addr = rampatch_patch_info.patch_base_addr;
    583     /*
    584     * Depending upon size of the patch payload, download the patches in
    585     * segments with a max. size of 239 bytes
    586     */
    587     for (index = 1; index <= no_of_patch_segment; index++) {
    589         ALOGI("%s: Downloading patch segment: %d", __FUNCTION__, index);
    591         /* Frame the HCI CMD PKT to be sent to Controller*/
    592         frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_DLD_REQ_CMD, p_base_addr,
    593         index, MAX_DATA_PER_SEGMENT);
    595         /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
    596         size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + cmd[PLEN]);
    598         /* Initialize the RSP packet everytime to 0 */
    599         memset(rsp, 0x0, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    601         /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
    602         err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
    603         if ( err != size) {
    604             ALOGE("Failed to send the patch payload to the Controller!");
    605             goto error;
    606         }
    608         /* Read Command Complete Event */
    609         err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    610         if ( err < 0) {
    611             ALOGE("%s: Failed to downlaod patch segment: %d!",
    612             __FUNCTION__, index);
    613             goto error;
    614         }
    615         ALOGI("%s: Successfully downloaded patch segment: %d",
    616         __FUNCTION__, index);
    617     }
    619     /* Check if any pending patch data to be sent */
    620     size = (rampatch_patch_info.patch_length < MAX_DATA_PER_SEGMENT) ?
    621         rampatch_patch_info.patch_length :
    622         (rampatch_patch_info.patch_length  % MAX_DATA_PER_SEGMENT);
    624     if (size)
    625     {
    626         /* Frame the HCI CMD PKT to be sent to Controller*/
    627         frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_DLD_REQ_CMD, p_base_addr, index, size);
    629         /* Initialize the RSP packet everytime to 0 */
    630         memset(rsp, 0x0, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    632         /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
    633         size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + cmd[PLEN]);
    635         /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
    636         err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
    637         if ( err != size) {
    638             ALOGE("Failed to send the patch payload to the Controller!");
    639             goto error;
    640         }
    642         /* Read Command Complete Event */
    643         err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    644         if ( err < 0) {
    645             ALOGE("%s: Failed to downlaod patch segment: %d!",
    646                 __FUNCTION__, index);
    647             goto error;
    648         }
    650         ALOGI("%s: Successfully downloaded patch segment: %d",
    651         __FUNCTION__, index);
    652     }
    654 error:
    655     return err;
    656 }
    658 static int rome_download_rampatch(int fd)
    659 {
    660     int c, tmp, size, index, ret = -1;
    662     ALOGI("%s: ", __FUNCTION__);
    664     /* Get handle to the RAMPATCH binary file */
    665     ALOGI("%s: Getting handle to the RAMPATCH binary file from %s", __FUNCTION__, ROME_FW_PATH);
    666     file = fopen(ROME_FW_PATH, "r");
    667     if (file == NULL) {
    668         ALOGE("%s: Failed to get handle to the RAMPATCH bin file!",
    669         __FUNCTION__);
    670         return -ENFILE;
    671     }
    673     /* Allocate memory for the patch headder info */
    674     ALOGI("%s: Allocating memory for the patch header", __FUNCTION__);
    675     phdr_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(PATCH_HDR_LEN + 1);
    676     if (phdr_buffer == NULL) {
    677         ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate memory for patch header",
    678         __FUNCTION__);
    679         goto phdr_alloc_failed;
    680     }
    681     for (index = 0; index < PATCH_HDR_LEN + 1; index++)
    682         phdr_buffer[index] = 0x0;
    684     /* Read 28 bytes of patch header information */
    685     ALOGI("%s: Reading patch header info", __FUNCTION__);
    686     index = 0;
    687     do {
    688         c = fgetc (file);
    689         phdr_buffer[index++] = (unsigned char)c;
    690     } while (index != PATCH_HDR_LEN);
    692     /* Save the patch header info into local structure */
    693     ALOGI("%s: Saving patch hdr. info", __FUNCTION__);
    694     rome_extract_patch_header_info((unsigned char *)phdr_buffer);
    696     /* Set the patch header info onto the Controller */
    697     ret = rome_edl_set_patch_request(fd);
    698     if (ret < 0) {
    699         ALOGE("%s: Error setting the patchheader info!", __FUNCTION__);
    700         goto pdata_alloc_failed;
    701     }
    703     /* Allocate memory for the patch payload */
    704     ALOGI("%s: Allocating memory for patch payload", __FUNCTION__);
    705     size = rampatch_patch_info.patch_length;
    706     pdata_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(size+1);
    707     if (pdata_buffer == NULL) {
    708         ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate memory for patch payload",
    709             __FUNCTION__);
    710         goto pdata_alloc_failed;
    711     }
    712     for (index = 0; index < size+1; index++)
    713         pdata_buffer[index] = 0x0;
    715     /* Read the patch data from Rampatch binary image */
    716     ALOGI("%s: Reading patch payload from RAMPATCH file", __FUNCTION__);
    717     index = 0;
    718     do {
    719         c = fgetc (file);
    720         pdata_buffer[index++] = (unsigned char)c;
    721     } while (c != EOF);
    723     /* Downloading patches in segments to controller */
    724     ret = rome_edl_patch_download_request(fd);
    725     if (ret < 0) {
    726         ALOGE("%s: Error downloading patch segments!", __FUNCTION__);
    727         goto cleanup;
    728     }
    729 cleanup:
    730     free(pdata_buffer);
    731 pdata_alloc_failed:
    732     free(phdr_buffer);
    733 phdr_alloc_failed:
    734     fclose(file);
    735 error:
    736     return ret;
    737 }
    739 int rome_attach_rampatch(int fd)
    740 {
    741     int size, err;
    742     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
    743     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
    745     /* Frame the HCI CMD to be sent to the Controller */
    746     frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_ATCH_REQ_CMD, 0,
    747         -1, EDL_PATCH_CMD_LEN);
    749     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
    750     size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + cmd[PLEN]);
    752     /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
    753     err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
    754     if ( err != size) {
    755         ALOGE("Failed to attach the patch payload to the Controller!");
    756         goto error;
    757     }
    759     /* Read Command Complete Event */
    760     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    761     if ( err < 0) {
    762         ALOGE("%s: Failed to attach the patch segment(s)", __FUNCTION__);
    763         goto error;
    764     }
    765 error:
    766     return err;
    767 }
    769 int rome_rampatch_reset(int fd)
    770 {
    771     int size, err = 0, flags;
    772     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
    773     struct timespec tm = { 0, 100*1000*1000 }; /* 100 ms */
    775     /* Frame the HCI CMD to be sent to the Controller */
    776     frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_RST_REQ_CMD, 0,
    777                                         -1, EDL_PATCH_CMD_LEN);
    779     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
    782     /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
    783     err = do_write(fd, cmd, size);
    784     if (err != size) {
    785         ALOGE("%s: Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, err);
    786         goto error;
    787     }
    789     /*
    790     * Controller doesn't sends any response for the patch reset
    791     * command. HOST has to wait for 100ms before proceeding.
    792     */
    793     nanosleep(&tm, NULL);
    795 error:
    796     return err;
    797 }
    799 int rome_get_tlv_file(char *file_path)
    800 {
    801     FILE * pFile;
    802     long fileSize;
    803     int readSize, err = 0, total_segment, remain_size, nvm_length, nvm_index, i;
    804     unsigned short nvm_tag_len;
    805     tlv_patch_info *ptlv_header;
    806     tlv_nvm_hdr *nvm_ptr;
    807     unsigned char data_buf[PRINT_BUF_SIZE]={0,};
    808     unsigned char *nvm_byte_ptr;
    810     ALOGI("File Open (%s)", file_path);
    811     pFile = fopen ( file_path , "r" );
    812     if (pFile==NULL) {;
    813         ALOGE("%s File Open Fail", file_path);
    814         return -1;
    815     }
    817     /* Get File Size */
    818     fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
    819     fileSize = ftell (pFile);
    820     rewind (pFile);
    822     pdata_buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*fileSize);
    823     if (pdata_buffer == NULL) {
    824         ALOGE("Allocated Memory failed");
    825         fclose (pFile);
    826         return -1;
    827     }
    829     /* Copy file into allocated buffer */
    830     readSize = fread (pdata_buffer,1,fileSize,pFile);
    832     /* File Close */
    833     fclose (pFile);
    835     if (readSize != fileSize) {
    836         ALOGE("Read file size(%d) not matched with actual file size (%ld bytes)",readSize,fileSize);
    837         return -1;
    838     }
    840     ptlv_header = (tlv_patch_info *) pdata_buffer;
    842     /* To handle different event between rampatch and NVM */
    843     gTlv_type = ptlv_header->tlv_type;
    844     gTlv_dwndCfg = ptlv_header->tlv.patch.dwnd_cfg;
    846     if(ptlv_header->tlv_type == TLV_TYPE_PATCH){
    847         ALOGI("====================================================");
    848         ALOGI("TLV Type\t\t\t : 0x%x", ptlv_header->tlv_type);
    849         ALOGI("Length\t\t\t : %d bytes", (ptlv_header->tlv_length1) |
    850                                                     (ptlv_header->tlv_length2 << 8) |
    851                                                     (ptlv_header->tlv_length3 << 16));
    852         ALOGI("Total Length\t\t\t : %d bytes", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.tlv_data_len);
    853         ALOGI("Patch Data Length\t\t\t : %d bytes",ptlv_header->tlv.patch.tlv_patch_data_len);
    854         ALOGI("Signing Format Version\t : 0x%x", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.sign_ver);
    855         ALOGI("Signature Algorithm\t\t : 0x%x", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.sign_algorithm);
    856         ALOGI("Event Handling\t\t\t : 0x%x", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.dwnd_cfg);
    857         ALOGI("Reserved\t\t\t : 0x%x", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.reserved1);
    858         ALOGI("Product ID\t\t\t : 0x%04x\n", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.prod_id);
    859         ALOGI("Rom Build Version\t\t : 0x%04x\n", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.build_ver);
    860         ALOGI("Patch Version\t\t : 0x%04x\n", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.patch_ver);
    861         ALOGI("Reserved\t\t\t : 0x%x\n", ptlv_header->tlv.patch.reserved2);
    862         ALOGI("Patch Entry Address\t\t : 0x%x\n", (ptlv_header->tlv.patch.patch_entry_addr));
    863         ALOGI("====================================================");
    865     } else if(ptlv_header->tlv_type == TLV_TYPE_NVM) {
    866         ALOGI("====================================================");
    867         ALOGI("TLV Type\t\t\t : 0x%x", ptlv_header->tlv_type);
    868         ALOGI("Length\t\t\t : %d bytes",  nvm_length = (ptlv_header->tlv_length1) |
    869                                                     (ptlv_header->tlv_length2 << 8) |
    870                                                     (ptlv_header->tlv_length3 << 16));
    872         if(nvm_length <= 0)
    873             return readSize;
    875        for(nvm_byte_ptr=(unsigned char *)(nvm_ptr = &(ptlv_header->tlv.nvm)), nvm_index=0;
    876              nvm_index < nvm_length ; nvm_ptr = (tlv_nvm_hdr *) nvm_byte_ptr)
    877        {
    878             ALOGI("TAG ID\t\t\t : %d", nvm_ptr->tag_id);
    879             ALOGI("TAG Length\t\t\t : %d", nvm_tag_len = nvm_ptr->tag_len);
    880             ALOGI("TAG Pointer\t\t\t : %d", nvm_ptr->tag_ptr);
    881             ALOGI("TAG Extended Flag\t\t : %d", nvm_ptr->tag_ex_flag);
    883             /* Increase nvm_index to NVM data */
    884             nvm_index+=sizeof(tlv_nvm_hdr);
    885             nvm_byte_ptr+=sizeof(tlv_nvm_hdr);
    887             /* Write BD Address */
    888             if(nvm_ptr->tag_id == TAG_NUM_2){
    889                 memcpy(nvm_byte_ptr, vnd_local_bd_addr, 6);
    890                 ALOGI("BD Address: %.02x:%.02x:%.02x:%.02x:%.02x:%.02x",
    891                     *nvm_byte_ptr, *(nvm_byte_ptr+1), *(nvm_byte_ptr+2),
    892                     *(nvm_byte_ptr+3), *(nvm_byte_ptr+4), *(nvm_byte_ptr+5));
    893             }
    895             for(i =0;(i<nvm_ptr->tag_len && (i*3 + 2) <PRINT_BUF_SIZE);i++)
    896                 snprintf((char *) data_buf, PRINT_BUF_SIZE, "%s%.02x ", (char *)data_buf, *(nvm_byte_ptr + i));
    898             ALOGI("TAG Data\t\t\t : %s", data_buf);
    900             /* Clear buffer */
    901             memset(data_buf, 0x0, PRINT_BUF_SIZE);
    903             /* increased by tag_len */
    904             nvm_index+=nvm_ptr->tag_len;
    905             nvm_byte_ptr +=nvm_ptr->tag_len;
    906         }
    908         ALOGI("====================================================");
    910     } else {
    911         ALOGI("TLV Header type is unknown (%d) ", ptlv_header->tlv_type);
    912     }
    914     return readSize;
    915 }
    917 int rome_tlv_dnld_segment(int fd, int index, int seg_size, unsigned char wait_cc_evt)
    918 {
    919     int size=0, err = -1;
    920     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
    921     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
    923     ALOGI("%s: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.%d, size:%d", __FUNCTION__, index, seg_size);
    925     /* Frame the HCI CMD PKT to be sent to Controller*/
    926     frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD, 0, index, seg_size);
    928     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
    929     size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + cmd[PLEN]);
    931     /* Initialize the RSP packet everytime to 0 */
    932     memset(rsp, 0x0, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    934     /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
    935     err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
    936     if ( err != size) {
    937         ALOGE("Failed to send the patch payload to the Controller! 0x%x", err);
    938         return err;
    939     }
    941     if(wait_cc_evt) {
    942         err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
    943         if ( err < 0) {
    944             ALOGE("%s: Failed to downlaod patch segment: %d!",  __FUNCTION__, index);
    945             return err;
    946         }
    947     }
    949     ALOGI("%s: Successfully downloaded patch segment: %d", __FUNCTION__, index);
    950     return err;
    951 }
    953 int rome_tlv_dnld_req(int fd, int tlv_size)
    954 {
    955     int  total_segment, remain_size, i, err = -1;
    956     unsigned char wait_cc_evt;
    958     total_segment = tlv_size/MAX_SIZE_PER_TLV_SEGMENT;
    959     remain_size = (tlv_size < MAX_SIZE_PER_TLV_SEGMENT)?\
    960         tlv_size: (tlv_size%MAX_SIZE_PER_TLV_SEGMENT);
    962     ALOGI("%s: TLV size: %d, Total Seg num: %d, remain size: %d",
    963         __FUNCTION__,tlv_size, total_segment, remain_size);
    965     if (gTlv_type == TLV_TYPE_PATCH) {
    966        /* Prior to Rome version 3.2(including inital few rampatch release of Rome 3.2), the event
    967         * handling mechanism is ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE. After few release of rampatch for Rome 3.2, the
    968         * mechamism is changed to ROME_SKIP_EVT_VSE_CC. Rest of the mechanism is not used for now
    969         */
    970        switch(gTlv_dwndCfg)
    971        {
    972            case ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE:
    973               wait_vsc_evt = TRUE;
    974               wait_cc_evt = TRUE;
    975               ALOGI("Event handling type: ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE");
    976               break;
    977            case ROME_SKIP_EVT_VSE_CC:
    978               wait_vsc_evt = FALSE;
    979               wait_cc_evt = FALSE;
    980               ALOGI("Event handling type: ROME_SKIP_EVT_VSE_CC");
    981               break;
    982            /* Not handled for now */
    983            case ROME_SKIP_EVT_VSE:
    984            case ROME_SKIP_EVT_CC:
    985            default:
    986               ALOGE("Unsupported Event handling: %d", gTlv_dwndCfg);
    987               break;
    988        }
    989     } else {
    990         wait_vsc_evt = TRUE;
    991         wait_cc_evt = TRUE;
    992     }
    994     for(i=0;i<total_segment ;i++){
    995         if ((i+1) == total_segment) {
    996              if ((rome_ver >= ROME_VER_1_1) && (rome_ver < ROME_VER_3_2) && (gTlv_type == TLV_TYPE_PATCH)) {
    997                /* If the Rome version is from 1.1 to 3.1
    998                 * 1. No CCE for the last command segment but all other segment
    999                 * 2. All the command segments get VSE including the last one
   1000                 */
   1001                 wait_cc_evt = !remain_size ? FALSE: TRUE;
   1002              } else if ((rome_ver == ROME_VER_3_2) && (gTlv_type == TLV_TYPE_PATCH)) {
   1003                 /* If the Rome version is 3.2
   1004                  * 1. None of the command segments receive CCE
   1005                  * 2. No command segments receive VSE except the last one
   1006                  * 3. If gTlv_dwndCfg is ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE then the logic is
   1007                  *    same as Rome 2.1, 2.2, 3.0
   1008                  */
   1009                  if (gTlv_dwndCfg == ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE) {
   1010                     wait_cc_evt = !remain_size ? FALSE: TRUE;
   1011                  } else if (gTlv_dwndCfg == ROME_SKIP_EVT_VSE_CC) {
   1012                     wait_vsc_evt = !remain_size ? TRUE: FALSE;
   1013                  }
   1014              }
   1015         }
   1017         patch_dnld_pending = TRUE;
   1018         if((err = rome_tlv_dnld_segment(fd, i, MAX_SIZE_PER_TLV_SEGMENT, wait_cc_evt )) < 0)
   1019             goto error;
   1020         patch_dnld_pending = FALSE;
   1021     }
   1023     if ((rome_ver >= ROME_VER_1_1) && (rome_ver < ROME_VER_3_2) && (gTlv_type == TLV_TYPE_PATCH)) {
   1024        /* If the Rome version is from 1.1 to 3.1
   1025         * 1. No CCE for the last command segment but all other segment
   1026         * 2. All the command segments get VSE including the last one
   1027         */
   1028         wait_cc_evt = remain_size ? FALSE: TRUE;
   1029     } else if ((rome_ver == ROME_VER_3_2) && (gTlv_type == TLV_TYPE_PATCH)) {
   1030         /* If the Rome version is 3.2
   1031          * 1. None of the command segments receive CCE
   1032          * 2. No command segments receive VSE except the last one
   1033          * 3. If gTlv_dwndCfg is ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE then the logic is
   1034          *    same as Rome 2.1, 2.2, 3.0
   1035          */
   1036         if (gTlv_dwndCfg == ROME_SKIP_EVT_NONE) {
   1037            wait_cc_evt = remain_size ? FALSE: TRUE;
   1038         } else if (gTlv_dwndCfg == ROME_SKIP_EVT_VSE_CC) {
   1039            wait_vsc_evt = remain_size ? TRUE: FALSE;
   1040         }
   1041     }
   1042     patch_dnld_pending = TRUE;
   1043     if(remain_size) err =rome_tlv_dnld_segment(fd, i, remain_size, wait_cc_evt);
   1044     patch_dnld_pending = FALSE;
   1045 error:
   1046     if(patch_dnld_pending) patch_dnld_pending = FALSE;
   1047     return err;
   1048 }
   1050 int rome_download_tlv_file(int fd)
   1051 {
   1052     int tlv_size, err = -1;
   1054     /* Rampatch TLV file Downloading */
   1055     pdata_buffer = NULL;
   1056     if((tlv_size = rome_get_tlv_file(rampatch_file_path)) < 0)
   1057         goto error;
   1059     if((err =rome_tlv_dnld_req(fd, tlv_size)) <0 )
   1060         goto error;
   1062     if (pdata_buffer != NULL){
   1063         free (pdata_buffer);
   1064         pdata_buffer = NULL;
   1065     }
   1066     /* NVM TLV file Downloading */
   1067     if((tlv_size = rome_get_tlv_file(nvm_file_path)) < 0)
   1068         goto error;
   1070     if((err =rome_tlv_dnld_req(fd, tlv_size)) <0 )
   1071         goto error;
   1073 error:
   1074     if (pdata_buffer != NULL)
   1075         free (pdata_buffer);
   1077     return err;
   1078 }
   1080 int rome_1_0_nvm_tag_dnld(int fd)
   1081 {
   1082     int i, size, err = 0;
   1083     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1084     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1086 #if (NVM_VERSION >= ROME_1_0_100019)
   1087     unsigned char cmds[MAX_TAG_CMD][HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE] =
   1088     {
   1089         /* Tag 2 */ /* BD Address */
   1090         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1091             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1092             /* Total Len */     9,
   1093             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1094             /* Tag Num */     2,
   1095             /* Tag Len */      6,
   1096             /* Tag Value */   0x77,0x78,0x23,0x01,0x56,0x22
   1097          },
   1098         /* Tag 6 */ /* Bluetooth Support Features */
   1099         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1100             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1101             /* Total Len */     11,
   1102             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1103             /* Tag Num */     6,
   1104             /* Tag Len */      8,
   1105             /* Tag Value */   0xFF,0xFE,0x8B,0xFE,0xD8,0x3F,0x5B,0x8B
   1106          },
   1107         /* Tag 17 */ /* HCI Transport Layer Setting */
   1108         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1109             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1110             /* Total Len */     11,
   1111             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1112             /* Tag Num */     17,
   1113             /* Tag Len */      8,
   1114             /* Tag Value */   0x82,0x01,0x0E,0x08,0x04,0x32,0x0A,0x00
   1115          },
   1116         /* Tag 35 */
   1117         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1118             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1119             /* Total Len */     58,
   1120             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1121             /* Tag Num */     35,
   1122             /* Tag Len */      55,
   1123             /* Tag Value */   0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x58, 0x59,
   1124                                       0x0E, 0x0E, 0x16, 0x16, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x26, 0x5F, 0x2F, 0x5F,
   1125                                       0x0E, 0x0E, 0x16, 0x16, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x26, 0x5F, 0x2F, 0x5F,
   1126                                       0x0C, 0x18, 0x14, 0x24, 0x40, 0x4C, 0x70, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
   1127                                       0x0C, 0x18, 0x14, 0x24, 0x40, 0x4C, 0x70, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
   1128                                       0x1B, 0x14, 0x01, 0x04, 0x48
   1129          },
   1130         /* Tag 36 */
   1131         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1132             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1133             /* Total Len */     15,
   1134             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1135             /* Tag Num */     36,
   1136             /* Tag Len */      12,
   1137             /* Tag Value */   0x0F,0x00,0x03,0x03,0x03,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x03,0x04,0x00
   1138          },
   1139         /* Tag 39 */
   1140         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1141             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1142             /* Total Len */     7,
   1143             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1144             /* Tag Num */     39,
   1145             /* Tag Len */      4,
   1146             /* Tag Value */   0x12,0x00,0x00,0x00
   1147          },
   1148         /* Tag 41 */
   1149         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1150             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1151             /* Total Len */     91,
   1152             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1153             /* Tag Num */     41,
   1154             /* Tag Len */      88,
   1155             /* Tag Value */   0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x76, 0x00,
   1156                                       0x1E, 0x00, 0x29, 0x02, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x1A, 0x00,
   1157                                       0x76, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x7D, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x91, 0x00,
   1158                                       0x06, 0x00, 0x92, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0xA6, 0x01, 0x50, 0x00,
   1159                                       0xAA, 0x01, 0x15, 0x00, 0xAB, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x00, 0xAC, 0x01,
   1160                                       0x00, 0x00, 0xB0, 0x01, 0xC5, 0x00, 0xB3, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00,
   1161                                       0xB4, 0x01, 0x13, 0x00, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC5, 0x01,
   1162                                       0x0D, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0xCA, 0x01, 0x2B, 0x00,
   1163                                       0xCB, 0x01, 0x5F, 0x00, 0xCC, 0x01, 0x48, 0x00
   1164          },
   1165         /* Tag 42 */
   1166         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1167             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1168             /* Total Len */     63,
   1169             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1170             /* Tag Num */     42,
   1171             /* Tag Len */      60,
   1172             /* Tag Value */   0xD7, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8F, 0x5C, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80, 0x47,
   1173                                       0x60, 0x0C, 0x70, 0x4C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x1F, 0x01,
   1174                                       0x42, 0x01, 0x69, 0x01, 0x95, 0x01, 0xC7, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x01,
   1175                                       0x3D, 0x02, 0x83, 0x02, 0xD1, 0x02, 0x29, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0A,
   1176                                       0x10, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xFD, 0x00,
   1177                                       0xF9, 0x01, 0xF1, 0x03, 0xDE, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9A, 0x01
   1178          },
   1179         /* Tag 84 */
   1180         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1181             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1182             /* Total Len */     153,
   1183             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1184             /* Tag Num */     84,
   1185             /* Tag Len */      150,
   1186             /* Tag Value */   0x7C, 0x6A, 0x59, 0x47, 0x19, 0x36, 0x35, 0x25, 0x25, 0x28,
   1187                                       0x2C, 0x2B, 0x2B, 0x28, 0x2C, 0x28, 0x29, 0x28, 0x29, 0x28,
   1188                                       0x29, 0x29, 0x2C, 0x29, 0x2C, 0x29, 0x2C, 0x28, 0x29, 0x28,
   1189                                       0x29, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x2A, 0x2C, 0x18,
   1190                                       0x98, 0x98, 0x98, 0x98, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E,
   1191                                       0x1E, 0x13, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x13, 0x13, 0x11, 0x13,
   1192                                       0x1E, 0x1E, 0x13, 0x12, 0x12, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x1F, 0x12,
   1193                                       0x12, 0x12, 0x10, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
   1194                                       0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0D, 0x0D,
   1195                                       0x0E, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x0D,
   1196                                       0x10, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x10, 0x05, 0x10, 0x03, 0x00,
   1197                                       0x7E, 0x7B, 0x7B, 0x72, 0x71, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 0x00, 0x40,
   1198                                       0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x08, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
   1199                                       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x16, 0x16, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00,
   1200                                       0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x34, 0x2B, 0x1B, 0x23, 0x2B, 0x15, 0x0D
   1201          },
   1202         /* Tag 85 */
   1203         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1204             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1205             /* Total Len */     119,
   1206             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1207             /* Tag Num */     85,
   1208             /* Tag Len */      116,
   1209             /* Tag Value */   0x03, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x45, 0x77, 0x00, 0xE8, 0x00, 0x59,
   1210                                       0x01, 0xCA, 0x01, 0x3B, 0x02, 0xAC, 0x02, 0x1D, 0x03, 0x8E,
   1211                                       0x03, 0x00, 0x89, 0x01, 0x0E, 0x02, 0x5C, 0x02, 0xD7, 0x02,
   1212                                       0xF8, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x02, 0x55, 0x02,
   1213                                       0x00, 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0xD7, 0x00, 0x00,
   1214                                       0x00, 0x1E, 0xDE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x0F, 0x0A, 0x0F,
   1215                                       0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x0C,
   1216                                       0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
   1217                                       0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   1218                                       0x06, 0x0F, 0x14, 0x05, 0x47, 0xCF, 0x77, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   1219                                       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAC, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
   1220                                       0x12, 0x04, 0x04, 0x01, 0x04, 0x03
   1221          },
   1222         {TAG_END}
   1223     };
   1224 #elif (NVM_VERSION == ROME_1_0_6002)
   1225     unsigned char cmds[MAX_TAG_CMD][HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE] =
   1226     {
   1227         /* Tag 2 */
   1228         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1229             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1230             /* Total Len */     9,
   1231             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1232             /* Tag Num */     2,
   1233             /* Tag Len */      6,
   1234             /* Tag Value */   0x77,0x78,0x23,0x01,0x56,0x22 /* BD Address */
   1235          },
   1236         /* Tag 6 */
   1237         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1238             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1239             /* Total Len */     11,
   1240             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1241             /* Tag Num */     6,
   1242             /* Tag Len */      8,
   1243             /* Tag Value */   0xFF,0xFE,0x8B,0xFE,0xD8,0x3F,0x5B,0x8B
   1244          },
   1245         /* Tag 17 */
   1246         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1247             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1248             /* Total Len */     11,
   1249             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1250             /* Tag Num */     17,
   1251             /* Tag Len */      8,
   1252             /* Tag Value */   0x82,0x01,0x0E,0x08,0x04,0x32,0x0A,0x00
   1253          },
   1254         /* Tag 36 */
   1255         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1256             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1257             /* Total Len */     15,
   1258             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1259             /* Tag Num */     36,
   1260             /* Tag Len */      12,
   1261             /* Tag Value */   0x0F,0x00,0x03,0x03,0x03,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x03,0x04,0x00
   1262          },
   1264         /* Tag 39 */
   1265         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1266             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1267             /* Total Len */     7,
   1268             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1269             /* Tag Num */     39,
   1270             /* Tag Len */      4,
   1271             /* Tag Value */   0x12,0x00,0x00,0x00
   1272          },
   1274         /* Tag 41 */
   1275         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1276             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1277             /* Total Len */     199,
   1278             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1279             /* Tag Num */     41,
   1280             /* Tag Len */      196,
   1281             /* Tag Value */   0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xD5,0x00,0x0E,0x00,0xD6,0x00,0x0E,0x00,
   1282                                       0xD7,0x00,0x16,0x00,0xD8,0x00,0x16,0x00,0xD9,0x00,0x16,0x00,
   1283                                       0xDA,0x00,0x1E,0x00,0xDB,0x00,0x26,0x00,0xDC,0x00,0x5F,0x00,
   1284                                       0xDD,0x00,0x2F,0x00,0xDE,0x00,0x5F,0x00,0xE0,0x00,0x0E,0x00,
   1285                                       0xE1,0x00,0x0E,0x00,0xE2,0x00,0x16,0x00,0xE3,0x00,0x16,0x00,
   1286                                       0xE4,0x00,0x16,0x00,0xE5,0x00,0x1E,0x00,0xE6,0x00,0x26,0x00,
   1287                                       0xE7,0x00,0x5F,0x00,0xE8,0x00,0x2F,0x00,0xE9,0x00,0x5F,0x00,
   1288                                       0xEC,0x00,0x0C,0x00,0xED,0x00,0x08,0x00,0xEE,0x00,0x14,0x00,
   1289                                       0xEF,0x00,0x24,0x00,0xF0,0x00,0x40,0x00,0xF1,0x00,0x4C,0x00,
   1290                                       0xF2,0x00,0x70,0x00,0xF3,0x00,0x80,0x00,0xF4,0x00,0x80,0x00,
   1291                                       0xF5,0x00,0x80,0x00,0xF8,0x00,0x0C,0x00,0xF9,0x00,0x18,0x00,
   1292                                       0xFA,0x00,0x14,0x00,0xFB,0x00,0x24,0x00,0xFC,0x00,0x40,0x00,
   1293                                       0xFD,0x00,0x4C,0x00,0xFE,0x00,0x70,0x00,0xFF,0x00,0x80,0x00,
   1294                                       0x00,0x01,0x80,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x80,0x00,0x04,0x01,0x1B,0x00,
   1295                                       0x05,0x01,0x14,0x00,0x06,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x07,0x01,0x04,0x00,
   1296                                       0x08,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x09,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x01,0x03,0x00,
   1297                                       0x0B,0x01,0x03,0x00
   1298          },
   1300         /* Tag 44 */
   1301         {  /* Packet Type */HCI_COMMAND_PKT,
   1302             /* Opcode */       0x0b,0xfc,
   1303             /* Total Len */     44,
   1304             /* NVM CMD */    NVM_ACCESS_SET,
   1305             /* Tag Num */     44,
   1306             /* Tag Len */      41,
   1307             /* Tag Value */   0x6F,0x0A,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x50,0xFF,0x10,0x02,0x02,
   1308                                       0x01,0x00,0x14,0x01,0x06,0x28,0xA0,0x62,0x03,0x64,0x01,0x01,
   1309                                       0x0A,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xA0,0xFF,0x10,0x02,0x01,
   1310                                       0x00,0x14,0x01,0x02,0x03
   1311          },
   1312         {TAG_END}
   1313     };
   1314 #endif
   1316     ALOGI("%s: Start sending NVM Tags (ver: 0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned int) NVM_VERSION);
   1318     for (i=0; (i < MAX_TAG_CMD) && (cmds[i][0] != TAG_END); i++)
   1319     {
   1320         /* Write BD Address */
   1321         if(cmds[i][TAG_NUM_OFFSET] == TAG_NUM_2){
   1322             memcpy(&cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET], vnd_local_bd_addr, 6);
   1323             ALOGI("BD Address: %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x",
   1324                 cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET ], cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET + 1],
   1325                 cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET + 2], cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET + 3],
   1326                 cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET + 4], cmds[i][TAG_BDADDR_OFFSET + 5]);
   1327         }
   1328         size = cmds[i][3] + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + 1;
   1329         /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
   1330         err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)&cmds[i][0], rsp, size);
   1331         if ( err != size) {
   1332             ALOGE("Failed to attach the patch payload to the Controller!");
   1333             goto error;
   1334         }
   1336         /* Read Command Complete Event - This is extra routine for ROME 1.0. From ROM 2.0, it should be removed. */
   1337         err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1338         if ( err < 0) {
   1339             ALOGE("%s: Failed to get patch version(s)", __FUNCTION__);
   1340             goto error;
   1341         }
   1342     }
   1344 error:
   1345     return err;
   1346 }
   1350 int rome_patch_ver_req(int fd)
   1351 {
   1352     int size, err = 0;
   1353     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1354     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1356     /* Frame the HCI CMD to be sent to the Controller */
   1357     frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_PATCH_VER_REQ_CMD, 0,
   1358     -1, EDL_PATCH_CMD_LEN);
   1360     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1363     /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
   1364     err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
   1365     if ( err != size) {
   1366         ALOGE("Failed to attach the patch payload to the Controller!");
   1367         goto error;
   1368     }
   1370     /* Read Command Complete Event - This is extra routine for ROME 1.0. From ROM 2.0, it should be removed. */
   1371     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1372     if ( err < 0) {
   1373         ALOGE("%s: Failed to get patch version(s)", __FUNCTION__);
   1374         goto error;
   1375     }
   1376 error:
   1377     return err;
   1379 }
   1381 int rome_get_build_info_req(int fd)
   1382 {
   1383     int size, err = 0;
   1384     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1385     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1387     /* Frame the HCI CMD to be sent to the Controller */
   1388     frame_hci_cmd_pkt(cmd, EDL_GET_BUILD_INFO, 0,
   1389     -1, EDL_PATCH_CMD_LEN);
   1391     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1394     /* Send HCI Command packet to Controller */
   1395     err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
   1396     if ( err != size) {
   1397         ALOGE("Failed to send get build info cmd to the SoC!");
   1398         goto error;
   1399     }
   1401     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1402     if ( err < 0) {
   1403         ALOGE("%s: Failed to get build info", __FUNCTION__);
   1404         goto error;
   1405     }
   1406 error:
   1407     return err;
   1409 }
   1412 int rome_set_baudrate_req(int fd)
   1413 {
   1414     int size, err = 0;
   1415     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1416     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1417     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
   1418     int flags;
   1420     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
   1422     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
   1423     cmd[0]  = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
   1424     cmd_hdr->opcode = cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, EDL_SET_BAUDRATE_CMD_OCF);
   1425     cmd_hdr->plen     = VSC_SET_BAUDRATE_REQ_LEN;
   1426     cmd[4]  = BAUDRATE_3000000;
   1428     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1430     tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH);
   1431     /* Flow off during baudrate change */
   1432     if ((err = userial_vendor_ioctl(USERIAL_OP_FLOW_OFF , &flags)) < 0)
   1433     {
   1434       ALOGE("%s: HW Flow-off error: 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1435       goto error;
   1436     }
   1438     /* Send the HCI command packet to UART for transmission */
   1439     err = do_write(fd, cmd, size);
   1440     if (err != size) {
   1441         ALOGE("%s: Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1442         goto error;
   1443     }
   1445     /* Change Local UART baudrate to high speed UART */
   1446     userial_vendor_set_baud(USERIAL_BAUD_3M);
   1448     /* Flow on after changing local uart baudrate */
   1449     if ((err = userial_vendor_ioctl(USERIAL_OP_FLOW_ON , &flags)) < 0)
   1450     {
   1451         ALOGE("%s: HW Flow-on error: 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1452         return err;
   1453     }
   1455     /* Check for response from the Controller */
   1456     if ((err =read_vs_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE)) < 0) {
   1457             ALOGE("%s: Failed to get HCI-VS Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
   1458             goto error;
   1459     }
   1461     ALOGI("%s: Received HCI-Vendor Specific Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
   1463     /* Wait for command complete event */
   1464     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1465     if ( err < 0) {
   1466         ALOGE("%s: Failed to set patch info on Controller", __FUNCTION__);
   1467         goto error;
   1468     }
   1470 error:
   1471     return err;
   1473 }
   1476 int rome_hci_reset_req(int fd)
   1477 {
   1478     int size, err = 0;
   1479     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1480     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1481     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
   1482     int flags;
   1484     ALOGI("%s: HCI RESET ", __FUNCTION__);
   1486     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
   1488     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
   1489     cmd[0]  = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
   1490     cmd_hdr->opcode = HCI_RESET;
   1491     cmd_hdr->plen   = 0;
   1493     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1494     size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE);
   1496     /* Flow off during baudrate change */
   1497     if ((err = userial_vendor_ioctl(USERIAL_OP_FLOW_OFF , &flags)) < 0)
   1498     {
   1499       ALOGE("%s: HW Flow-off error: 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1500       goto error;
   1501     }
   1503     /* Send the HCI command packet to UART for transmission */
   1504     ALOGI("%s: HCI CMD: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3]);
   1505     err = do_write(fd, cmd, size);
   1506     if (err != size) {
   1507         ALOGE("%s: Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1508         goto error;
   1509     }
   1511     /* Change Local UART baudrate to high speed UART */
   1512     userial_vendor_set_baud(USERIAL_BAUD_3M);
   1514     /* Flow on after changing local uart baudrate */
   1515     if ((err = userial_vendor_ioctl(USERIAL_OP_FLOW_ON , &flags)) < 0)
   1516     {
   1517         ALOGE("%s: HW Flow-on error: 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1518         return err;
   1519     }
   1521     /* Wait for command complete event */
   1522     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1523     if ( err < 0) {
   1524         ALOGE("%s: Failed to set patch info on Controller", __FUNCTION__);
   1525         goto error;
   1526     }
   1528 error:
   1529     return err;
   1531 }
   1534 int rome_hci_reset(int fd)
   1535 {
   1536     int size, err = 0;
   1537     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1538     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1539     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
   1540     int flags;
   1542     ALOGI("%s: HCI RESET ", __FUNCTION__);
   1544     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
   1546     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
   1547     cmd[0]  = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
   1548     cmd_hdr->opcode = HCI_RESET;
   1549     cmd_hdr->plen   = 0;
   1551     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1552     size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE);
   1553     err = do_write(fd, cmd, size);
   1554     if (err != size) {
   1555         ALOGE("%s: Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1556         err = -1;
   1557         goto error;
   1558     }
   1560     /* Wait for command complete event */
   1561     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1562     if ( err < 0) {
   1563         ALOGE("%s: Failed to set patch info on Controller", __FUNCTION__);
   1564         goto error;
   1565     }
   1567 error:
   1568     return err;
   1570 }
   1572 int rome_wipower_current_charging_status_req(int fd)
   1573 {
   1574     int size, err = 0;
   1575     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1576     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1577     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
   1578     int flags;
   1580     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
   1582     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
   1583     cmd[0]  = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
   1584     cmd_hdr->opcode = cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, EDL_WIPOWER_VS_CMD_OCF);
   1585     cmd_hdr->plen     = EDL_WIP_QUERY_CHARGING_STATUS_LEN;
   1586     cmd[4]  = EDL_WIP_QUERY_CHARGING_STATUS_CMD;
   1588     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1592     ALOGD("HCI-CMD: \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x", cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
   1594     err = hci_send_wipower_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
   1595     if ( err != size) {
   1596         ALOGE("Failed to send EDL_WIP_QUERY_CHARGING_STATUS_CMD command!");
   1597         goto error;
   1598     }
   1600     /* Check for response from the Controller */
   1601     if (read_vs_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE) < 0) {
   1602         err = -ETIMEDOUT;
   1603         ALOGI("%s: WP Failed to get HCI-VS Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
   1604         goto error;
   1605     }
   1607     /* Read Command Complete Event - This is extra routine for ROME 1.0. From ROM 2.0, it should be removed. */
   1608     if (rsp[4] >= NON_WIPOWER_MODE) {
   1609         err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1610         if (err < 0) {
   1611             ALOGE("%s: Failed to get charging status", __FUNCTION__);
   1612             goto error;
   1613         }
   1614     }
   1616 error:
   1617     return err;
   1618 }
   1620 int addon_feature_req(int fd)
   1621 {
   1622     int size, err = 0;
   1623     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1624     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1625     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
   1626     int flags;
   1628     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
   1630     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
   1631     cmd[0]  = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
   1632     cmd_hdr->opcode = cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, HCI_VS_GET_ADDON_FEATURES_SUPPORT);
   1633     cmd_hdr->plen     = 0x00;
   1635     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1636     size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE);
   1639     ALOGD("HCI-CMD: \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x", cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3]);
   1640     err = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
   1641     if ( err != size) {
   1642         ALOGE("Failed to send HCI_VS_GET_ADDON_FEATURES_SUPPORT command!");
   1643         goto error;
   1644     }
   1646     err = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1647     if (err < 0) {
   1648         ALOGE("%s: Failed to get feature request", __FUNCTION__);
   1649         goto error;
   1650     }
   1651 error:
   1652     return err;
   1653 }
   1656 int check_embedded_mode(int fd) {
   1657     int err = 0;
   1659     wipower_flag = 0;
   1660     /* Get current wipower charging status */
   1661     if ((err = rome_wipower_current_charging_status_req(fd)) < 0)
   1662     {
   1663         ALOGI("%s: Wipower status req failed (0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1664     }
   1665     usleep(500);
   1667     ALOGE("%s: wipower_flag: %d", __FUNCTION__, wipower_flag);
   1669     return wipower_flag;
   1670 }
   1672 int rome_get_addon_feature_list(fd) {
   1673     int err = 0;
   1675     /* Get addon features that are supported by FW */
   1676     if ((err = addon_feature_req(fd)) < 0)
   1677     {
   1678         ALOGE("%s: failed (0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1679     }
   1680     return err;
   1681 }
   1683 int rome_wipower_forward_handoff_req(int fd)
   1684 {
   1685     int size, err = 0;
   1686     unsigned char cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE];
   1687     unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1688     hci_command_hdr *cmd_hdr;
   1689     int flags;
   1691     memset(cmd, 0x0, HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE);
   1693     cmd_hdr = (void *) (cmd + 1);
   1694     cmd[0]  = HCI_COMMAND_PKT;
   1695     cmd_hdr->opcode = cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, EDL_WIPOWER_VS_CMD_OCF);
   1696     cmd_hdr->plen     = EDL_WIP_START_HANDOFF_TO_HOST_LEN;
   1697     cmd[4]  = EDL_WIP_START_HANDOFF_TO_HOST_CMD;
   1699     /* Total length of the packet to be sent to the Controller */
   1703     ALOGD("HCI-CMD: \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x \t0x%x", cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4]);
   1704     err = hci_send_wipower_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, size);
   1705     if ( err != size) {
   1706         ALOGE("Failed to send EDL_WIP_START_HANDOFF_TO_HOST_CMD command!");
   1707         goto error;
   1708     }
   1710     /* Check for response from the Controller */
   1711     if (read_vs_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE) < 0) {
   1712         err = -ETIMEDOUT;
   1713         ALOGI("%s: WP Failed to get HCI-VS Event from SOC", __FUNCTION__);
   1714         goto error;
   1715     }
   1717 error:
   1718     return err;
   1719 }
   1722 void enable_controller_log (int fd, unsigned char wait_for_evt)
   1723 {
   1724    int ret = 0;
   1725    /* VS command to enable controller logging to the HOST. By default it is disabled */
   1726    unsigned char cmd[6] = {0x01, 0x17, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00};
   1727    unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1728    char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'};
   1730    property_get("persist.service.bdroid.soclog", value, "false");
   1732    // value at cmd[5]: 1 - to enable, 0 - to disable
   1733    ret = (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) ? cmd[5] = 0x01: 0;
   1734    ALOGI("%s: %d", __func__, ret);
   1735    /* Ignore vsc evt if wait_for_evt is true */
   1736    if (wait_for_evt) wait_vsc_evt = FALSE;
   1738    ret = hci_send_vs_cmd(fd, (unsigned char *)cmd, rsp, 6);
   1739    if (ret != 6) {
   1740        ALOGE("%s: command failed", __func__);
   1741    }
   1742    /*Ignore hci_event if wait_for_evt is true*/
   1743    if (wait_for_evt)
   1744        goto end;
   1745    ret = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1746    if (ret < 0) {
   1747        ALOGE("%s: Failed to get CC for enable SoC log", __FUNCTION__);
   1748    }
   1749 end:
   1750    wait_vsc_evt = TRUE;
   1751    return;
   1752 }
   1755 static int disable_internal_ldo(int fd)
   1756 {
   1757     int ret = 0;
   1758     if (enable_extldo) {
   1759         unsigned char cmd[5] = {0x01, 0x0C, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x32};
   1760         unsigned char rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
   1762         ALOGI(" %s ", __FUNCTION__);
   1763         ret = do_write(fd, cmd, 5);
   1764         if (ret != 5) {
   1765             ALOGE("%s: Send failed with ret value: %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
   1766             ret = -1;
   1767         } else {
   1768             /* Wait for command complete event */
   1769             ret = read_hci_event(fd, rsp, HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE);
   1770             if ( ret < 0) {
   1771                 ALOGE("%s: Failed to get response from controller", __FUNCTION__);
   1772             }
   1773         }
   1774     }
   1775     return ret;
   1776 }
   1778 int rome_soc_init(int fd, char *bdaddr)
   1779 {
   1780     int err = -1, size = 0;
   1781     dnld_fd = fd;
   1782     ALOGI(" %s ", __FUNCTION__);
   1784     /* If wipower charging is going on in embedded mode then start hand off req */
   1785     if (wipower_flag == WIPOWER_IN_EMBEDDED_MODE && wipower_handoff_ready != NON_WIPOWER_MODE)
   1786     {
   1787         wipower_flag = 0;
   1788         wipower_handoff_ready = 0;
   1789         if ((err = rome_wipower_forward_handoff_req(fd)) < 0)
   1790         {
   1791             ALOGI("%s: Wipower handoff failed (0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1792         }
   1793     }
   1795     /* Get Rome version information */
   1796     if((err = rome_patch_ver_req(fd)) <0){
   1797         ALOGI("%s: Fail to get Rome Version (0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1798         goto error;
   1799     }
   1801     ALOGI("%s: Rome Version (0x%08x)", __FUNCTION__, rome_ver);
   1803     switch (rome_ver){
   1804         case ROME_VER_1_0:
   1805             {
   1806                 /* Set and Download the RAMPATCH */
   1807                 ALOGI("%s: Setting Patch Header & Downloading Patches", __FUNCTION__);
   1808                 err = rome_download_rampatch(fd);
   1809                 if (err < 0) {
   1810                     ALOGE("%s: DOWNLOAD RAMPATCH failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1811                     goto error;
   1812                 }
   1813                 ALOGI("%s: DOWNLOAD RAMPTACH complete", __FUNCTION__);
   1815                 /* Attach the RAMPATCH */
   1816                 ALOGI("%s: Attaching the patches", __FUNCTION__);
   1817                 err = rome_attach_rampatch(fd);
   1818                 if (err < 0) {
   1819                     ALOGE("%s: ATTACH RAMPATCH failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1820                     goto error;
   1821                 }
   1822                 ALOGI("%s: ATTACH RAMPTACH complete", __FUNCTION__);
   1824                 /* Send Reset */
   1825                 size = (HCI_CMD_IND + HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE + EDL_PATCH_CMD_LEN);
   1826                 err = rome_rampatch_reset(fd);
   1827                 if ( err < 0 ) {
   1828                     ALOGE("Failed to RESET after RAMPATCH upgrade!");
   1829                     goto error;
   1830                 }
   1832                 /* NVM download */
   1833                 ALOGI("%s: Downloading NVM", __FUNCTION__);
   1834                 err = rome_1_0_nvm_tag_dnld(fd);
   1835                 if ( err <0 ) {
   1836                     ALOGE("Downloading NVM Failed !!");
   1837                     goto error;
   1838                 }
   1840                 /* Change baud rate 115.2 kbps to 3Mbps*/
   1841                 err = rome_hci_reset_req(fd);
   1842                 if (err < 0) {
   1843                     ALOGE("HCI Reset Failed !!");
   1844                     goto error;
   1845                 }
   1847                 ALOGI("HCI Reset is done\n");
   1848             }
   1849             break;
   1850         case ROME_VER_1_1:
   1851             rampatch_file_path = ROME_RAMPATCH_TLV_PATH;
   1852             nvm_file_path = ROME_NVM_TLV_PATH;
   1853             goto download;
   1854         case ROME_VER_1_3:
   1855             rampatch_file_path = ROME_RAMPATCH_TLV_1_0_3_PATH;
   1856             nvm_file_path = ROME_NVM_TLV_1_0_3_PATH;
   1857             goto download;
   1858         case ROME_VER_2_1:
   1859             rampatch_file_path = ROME_RAMPATCH_TLV_2_0_1_PATH;
   1860             nvm_file_path = ROME_NVM_TLV_2_0_1_PATH;
   1861             goto download;
   1862         case ROME_VER_3_0:
   1863             rampatch_file_path = ROME_RAMPATCH_TLV_3_0_0_PATH;
   1864             nvm_file_path = ROME_NVM_TLV_3_0_0_PATH;
   1865             fw_su_info = ROME_3_1_FW_SU;
   1866             fw_su_offset = ROME_3_1_FW_SW_OFFSET;
   1867             goto download;
   1868         case ROME_VER_3_2:
   1869             rampatch_file_path = ROME_RAMPATCH_TLV_3_0_2_PATH;
   1870             nvm_file_path = ROME_NVM_TLV_3_0_2_PATH;
   1871             fw_su_info = ROME_3_2_FW_SU;
   1872             fw_su_offset =  ROME_3_2_FW_SW_OFFSET;
   1874 download:
   1875             /* Change baud rate 115.2 kbps to 3Mbps*/
   1876             err = rome_set_baudrate_req(fd);
   1877             if (err < 0) {
   1878                 ALOGE("%s: Baud rate change failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1879                 goto error;
   1880             }
   1881             ALOGI("%s: Baud rate changed successfully ", __FUNCTION__);
   1882             /* Donwload TLV files (rampatch, NVM) */
   1883             err = rome_download_tlv_file(fd);
   1884             if (err < 0) {
   1885                 ALOGE("%s: Download TLV file failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1886                 goto error;
   1887             }
   1888             ALOGI("%s: Download TLV file successfully ", __FUNCTION__);
   1890             /* Get SU FM label information */
   1891             if((err = rome_get_build_info_req(fd)) <0){
   1892                 ALOGI("%s: Fail to get Rome FW SU Build info (0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, err);
   1893                 //Ignore the failure of ROME FW SU label information
   1894                 err = 0;
   1895             }
   1897             /* Disable internal LDO to use external LDO instead*/
   1898             err = disable_internal_ldo(fd);
   1900             /* Send HCI Reset */
   1901             err = rome_hci_reset(fd);
   1902             if ( err <0 ) {
   1903                 ALOGE("HCI Reset Failed !!");
   1904                 goto error;
   1905             }
   1907             ALOGI("HCI Reset is done\n");
   1909             break;
   1910         case ROME_VER_UNKNOWN:
   1911         default:
   1912             ALOGI("%s: Detected unknown ROME version", __FUNCTION__);
   1913             err = -1;
   1914             break;
   1915     }
   1917 error:
   1918     dnld_fd = -1;
   1919     return err;
   1920 }