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      1 /*
      2  * This file contains expectations for tests that we'd like to eventually fix, but aren't urgent.
      3  */
      4 [
      5 {
      6   description: "libcore.java.io.OldFileTest#test_deleteOnExit fails on IRM05 mysid-user",
      7   name: "libcore.java.io.OldFileTest#test_deleteOnExit",
      8   bug: 5834665
      9 },
     10 {
     11   description: "We're retiring the security manager. Unfortunately, tests all over the place
     12                 need to check that they're secure, so they all fail when we refuse to install
     13                 a security manager. This suppresses all of these failures.",
     14   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     15   failure: "disable securityManager",
     16   pattern: ".*java.lang.SecurityException\\s+at java.lang.System.setSecurityManager.*",
     17   bug: 2585285
     18 },
     19 {
     20   description: "ignore compilation errors due to different available APIs",
     21   result: COMPILE_FAILED,
     22   failure: "ignore compilation errors",
     23   pattern: ".*\\.java:\\d+: cannot find symbol.*"
     24 },
     25 {
     26   description: "the average length of possible UTF-8 sequences is 2 bytes.",
     27   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     28   name: "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.nio.charset.UTFCharsetEncoderTest#testSpecificDefaultValue",
     29   substring: "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1.1> but was:<2.0>"
     30 },
     31 {
     32   description: "Some tests (ExcludedProxyTest) connect to a public webserver to check that the HTTP client works",
     33   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     34   failure: "connect to the Internet",
     35   pattern: ".*java.net.UnknownHostException:.*jcltest.apache.org.*"
     36 },
     37 {
     38   description: "Some tests (ExcludedProxyTest) connect to a public webserver to check that the HTTP client works",
     39   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     40   names: [
     41     "com.android.org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.ExcludedProxyTest"
     42   ]
     43 },
     44 {
     45   description: "Some tests depend on ICU data, which has changed. Others make assumptions about floating point rounding",
     46   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     47   names: [
     48     "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.FormatterTest#test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_DateTimeConversion",
     49     "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.FormatterTest#test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_GeneralConversionOther",
     50     "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.FormatterTest#test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_LineSeparator",
     51     "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.FormatterTest#test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_Percent"
     52   ]
     53 },
     54 {
     55   description: "(Needs investigation) Some tests make assertions that don't make sense, others use broken port allocation logic.",
     56   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     57   names: [
     58     "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.net.InetAddressTest#test_isReachableLjava_net_NetworkInterfaceII_loopbackInterface"
     59   ]
     60 },
     61 {
     62   description: "Potentially flakey because they rely on a specific local TCP port being free.",
     63   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     64   names: [
     65       "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannelTest#test_bind_explicitPort"
     66   ]
     67 },
     68 {
     69   description: "The ResourceBundle code under test is probably not used much on Android and needs a lot of attention.",
     70   modes: [device],
     71   bug: 13747957,
     72   names: [
     73       "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.ControlTest#test_needsReload_LStringLLocaleLStringLClassLoaderResourceBundleJ"
     74   ]
     75 },
     76 {
     77   description: "Fails in CTS, passes in CoreTestRunner.",
     78   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     79   modes: [device],
     80   names: [
     81       "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.net.URLConnection#test_getContentEncoding",
     82       "libcore.java.text.OldNumberFormatTest#test_parseLjava_lang_String",
     83       "libcore.java.nio.channels.OldSocketChannelTest#test_writeLjava_nio_ByteBuffer_Nonblocking_HugeData",
     84       "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.lang.ProcessManagerTest#testSleep",
     85       "libcore.java.security.cert.OldPKIXParametersTest#testPKIXParametersKeyStore04"
     86   ]
     87 },
     88 {
     89   description: "Suffers from DH slowness, disabling for now.",
     90   result: EXEC_FAILED,
     91   names: [
     92       "libcore.java.security.OldDHTest#testDHGen",
     93       "libcore.java.security.OldKeyPairGeneratorTestDH#testKeyPairGenerator",
     94       "libcore.javax.crypto.spec.KeyPairGeneratorTestDH#testKeyPairGenerator",
     95       "libcore.javax.crypto.spec.AlgorithmParametersTestDH#testAlgorithmParameters",
     96       "libcore.javax.crypto.spec.AlgorithmParameterGeneratorTestDH#testAlgorithmParameterGenerator"
     97   ]
     98 },
     99 {
    100   description: "Destroys MD5 provider, hurts succeeding tests",
    101   result: EXEC_FAILED,
    102   names: [
    103       "org.apache.harmony.tests.api.javax.security.cert.X509CertificateTest#testVerifyPublicKey",
    104       "org.apache.harmony.tests.api.javax.security.cert.X509CertificateTest#testVerifyPublicKeyString"
    105   ]
    106 },
    107 {
    108   description: "Support_TestWebServer requires isolation.",
    109   result: EXEC_FAILED,
    110   names: [
    111       "libcore.java.net.OldURLClassLoaderTest#test_findResourceLjava_lang_String"
    112   ]
    113 },
    114 {
    115   description: "Causes OutOfMemoryError to test finalization",
    116   result: EXEC_FAILED,
    117   names: [
    118       "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.lang.ref.SoftReferenceTest#test_get_SoftReference",
    119       "org.apache.harmony.crypto.tests.javax.crypto#ExemptionMechanismTest#test_finalize"
    120   ]
    121 },
    122 {
    123   description: "Causes open dex file error",
    124   modes: [device],
    125   names: [
    126       "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.lang.reflect.GenericSignatureFormatErrorTest#test_signatureFormatError"
    127   ]
    128 },
    129 {
    130   description: "Requires functional Support_Jetty",
    131   bug: 28535961,
    132   result: EXEC_FAILED,
    133   names: [
    134       "com.android.org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.URLClassLoaderTest"
    135   ]
    136 },
    137 {
    138   description: "Unable to execute Support_AvailTest",
    139   result: EXEC_FAILED,
    140   bug: 28535603,
    141   names: [
    142       "com.android.org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.internal.process.SystemProcessTest#test_interrupt"
    143   ]
    144 }
    145 ]