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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
      5  *
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      7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
      8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
      9  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     10  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
     11  *
     12  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     13  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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     15  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
     16  * accompanied this code).
     17  *
     18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
     19  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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     22  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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     24  * questions.
     25  */
     27 /*
     28  * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved
     29  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996-1998 - All Rights Reserved
     30  *
     31  *   The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted
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     37  *
     38  */
     40 package java.text;
     42 import libcore.icu.CollationKeyICU;
     44 /**
     45  * The <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> class is a concrete subclass of
     46  * <code>Collator</code> that provides a simple, data-driven, table
     47  * collator.  With this class you can create a customized table-based
     48  * <code>Collator</code>.  <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> maps
     49  * characters to sort keys.
     50  *
     51  * <p>
     52  * <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> has the following restrictions
     53  * for efficiency (other subclasses may be used for more complex languages) :
     54  * <ol>
     55  * <li>If a special collation rule controlled by a &lt;modifier&gt; is
     56       specified it applies to the whole collator object.
     57  * <li>All non-mentioned characters are at the end of the
     58  *     collation order.
     59  * </ol>
     60  *
     61  * <p>
     62  * The collation table is composed of a list of collation rules, where each
     63  * rule is of one of three forms:
     64  * <pre>
     65  *    &lt;modifier&gt;
     66  *    &lt;relation&gt; &lt;text-argument&gt;
     67  *    &lt;reset&gt; &lt;text-argument&gt;
     68  * </pre>
     69  * The definitions of the rule elements is as follows:
     70  * <UL>
     71  *    <LI><strong>Text-Argument</strong>: A text-argument is any sequence of
     72  *        characters, excluding special characters (that is, common
     73  *        whitespace characters [0009-000D, 0020] and rule syntax characters
     74  *        [0021-002F, 003A-0040, 005B-0060, 007B-007E]). If those
     75  *        characters are desired, you can put them in single quotes
     76  *        (e.g. ampersand =&gt; '&amp;'). Note that unquoted white space characters
     77  *        are ignored; e.g. <code>b c</code> is treated as <code>bc</code>.
     78  *    <LI><strong>Modifier</strong>: There are currently two modifiers that
     79  *        turn on special collation rules.
     80  *        <UL>
     81  *            <LI>'@' : Turns on backwards sorting of accents (secondary
     82  *                      differences), as in French.
     83  *            <LI>'!' : Turns on Thai/Lao vowel-consonant swapping.  If this
     84  *                      rule is in force when a Thai vowel of the range
     85  *                      &#92;U0E40-&#92;U0E44 precedes a Thai consonant of the range
     86  *                      &#92;U0E01-&#92;U0E2E OR a Lao vowel of the range &#92;U0EC0-&#92;U0EC4
     87  *                      precedes a Lao consonant of the range &#92;U0E81-&#92;U0EAE then
     88  *                      the vowel is placed after the consonant for collation
     89  *                      purposes.
     90  *        </UL>
     91  *        <p>'@' : Indicates that accents are sorted backwards, as in French.
     92  *    <LI><strong>Relation</strong>: The relations are the following:
     93  *        <UL>
     94  *            <LI>'&lt;' : Greater, as a letter difference (primary)
     95  *            <LI>';' : Greater, as an accent difference (secondary)
     96  *            <LI>',' : Greater, as a case difference (tertiary)
     97  *            <LI>'=' : Equal
     98  *        </UL>
     99  *    <LI><strong>Reset</strong>: There is a single reset
    100  *        which is used primarily for contractions and expansions, but which
    101  *        can also be used to add a modification at the end of a set of rules.
    102  *        <p>'&amp;' : Indicates that the next rule follows the position to where
    103  *            the reset text-argument would be sorted.
    104  * </UL>
    105  *
    106  * <p>
    107  * This sounds more complicated than it is in practice. For example, the
    108  * following are equivalent ways of expressing the same thing:
    109  * <blockquote>
    110  * <pre>
    111  * a &lt; b &lt; c
    112  * a &lt; b &amp; b &lt; c
    113  * a &lt; c &amp; a &lt; b
    114  * </pre>
    115  * </blockquote>
    116  * Notice that the order is important, as the subsequent item goes immediately
    117  * after the text-argument. The following are not equivalent:
    118  * <blockquote>
    119  * <pre>
    120  * a &lt; b &amp; a &lt; c
    121  * a &lt; c &amp; a &lt; b
    122  * </pre>
    123  * </blockquote>
    124  * Either the text-argument must already be present in the sequence, or some
    125  * initial substring of the text-argument must be present. (e.g. "a &lt; b &amp; ae &lt;
    126  * e" is valid since "a" is present in the sequence before "ae" is reset). In
    127  * this latter case, "ae" is not entered and treated as a single character;
    128  * instead, "e" is sorted as if it were expanded to two characters: "a"
    129  * followed by an "e". This difference appears in natural languages: in
    130  * traditional Spanish "ch" is treated as though it contracts to a single
    131  * character (expressed as "c &lt; ch &lt; d"), while in traditional German
    132  * a-umlaut is treated as though it expanded to two characters
    133  * (expressed as "a,A &lt; b,B ... &amp;ae;&#92;u00e3&amp;AE;&#92;u00c3").
    134  * [&#92;u00e3 and &#92;u00c3 are, of course, the escape sequences for a-umlaut.]
    135  * <p>
    136  * <strong>Ignorable Characters</strong>
    137  * <p>
    138  * For ignorable characters, the first rule must start with a relation (the
    139  * examples we have used above are really fragments; "a &lt; b" really should be
    140  * "&lt; a &lt; b"). If, however, the first relation is not "&lt;", then all the all
    141  * text-arguments up to the first "&lt;" are ignorable. For example, ", - &lt; a &lt; b"
    142  * makes "-" an ignorable character, as we saw earlier in the word
    143  * "black-birds". In the samples for different languages, you see that most
    144  * accents are ignorable.
    145  *
    146  * <p><strong>Normalization and Accents</strong>
    147  * <p>
    148  * <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> automatically processes its rule table to
    149  * include both pre-composed and combining-character versions of
    150  * accented characters.  Even if the provided rule string contains only
    151  * base characters and separate combining accent characters, the pre-composed
    152  * accented characters matching all canonical combinations of characters from
    153  * the rule string will be entered in the table.
    154  * <p>
    155  * This allows you to use a RuleBasedCollator to compare accented strings
    156  * even when the collator is set to NO_DECOMPOSITION.  There are two caveats,
    157  * however.  First, if the strings to be collated contain combining
    158  * sequences that may not be in canonical order, you should set the collator to
    160  * combining sequences.  Second, if the strings contain characters with
    161  * compatibility decompositions (such as full-width and half-width forms),
    162  * you must use FULL_DECOMPOSITION, since the rule tables only include
    163  * canonical mappings.
    164  *
    165  * <p><strong>Errors</strong>
    166  * <p>
    167  * The following are errors:
    168  * <UL>
    169  *     <LI>A text-argument contains unquoted punctuation symbols
    170  *        (e.g. "a &lt; b-c &lt; d").
    171  *     <LI>A relation or reset character not followed by a text-argument
    172  *        (e.g. "a &lt; ,b").
    173  *     <LI>A reset where the text-argument (or an initial substring of the
    174  *         text-argument) is not already in the sequence.
    175  *         (e.g. "a &lt; b &amp; e &lt; f")
    176  * </UL>
    177  * If you produce one of these errors, a <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> throws
    178  * a <code>ParseException</code>.
    179  *
    180  * <p><strong>Examples</strong>
    181  * <p>Simple:     "&lt; a &lt; b &lt; c &lt; d"
    182  * <p>Norwegian:  "&lt; a, A &lt; b, B &lt; c, C &lt; d, D &lt; e, E &lt; f, F
    183  *                 &lt; g, G &lt; h, H &lt; i, I &lt; j, J &lt; k, K &lt; l, L
    184  *                 &lt; m, M &lt; n, N &lt; o, O &lt; p, P &lt; q, Q &lt; r, R
    185  *                 &lt; s, S &lt; t, T &lt; u, U &lt; v, V &lt; w, W &lt; x, X
    186  *                 &lt; y, Y &lt; z, Z
    187  *                 &lt; &#92;u00E6, &#92;u00C6
    188  *                 &lt; &#92;u00F8, &#92;u00D8
    189  *                 &lt; &#92;u00E5 = a&#92;u030A, &#92;u00C5 = A&#92;u030A;
    190  *                      aa, AA"
    191  *
    192  * <p>
    193  * To create a <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> object with specialized
    194  * rules tailored to your needs, you construct the <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>
    195  * with the rules contained in a <code>String</code> object. For example:
    196  * <blockquote>
    197  * <pre>
    198  * String simple = "&lt; a&lt; b&lt; c&lt; d";
    199  * RuleBasedCollator mySimple = new RuleBasedCollator(simple);
    200  * </pre>
    201  * </blockquote>
    202  * Or:
    203  * <blockquote>
    204  * <pre>
    205  * String Norwegian = "&lt; a, A &lt; b, B &lt; c, C &lt; d, D &lt; e, E &lt; f, F &lt; g, G &lt; h, H &lt; i, I" +
    206  *                    "&lt; j, J &lt; k, K &lt; l, L &lt; m, M &lt; n, N &lt; o, O &lt; p, P &lt; q, Q &lt; r, R" +
    207  *                    "&lt; s, S &lt; t, T &lt; u, U &lt; v, V &lt; w, W &lt; x, X &lt; y, Y &lt; z, Z" +
    208  *                    "&lt; &#92;u00E6, &#92;u00C6" +     // Latin letter ae &amp; AE
    209  *                    "&lt; &#92;u00F8, &#92;u00D8" +     // Latin letter o &amp; O with stroke
    210  *                    "&lt; &#92;u00E5 = a&#92;u030A," +  // Latin letter a with ring above
    211  *                    "  &#92;u00C5 = A&#92;u030A;" +  // Latin letter A with ring above
    212  *                    "  aa, AA";
    213  * RuleBasedCollator myNorwegian = new RuleBasedCollator(Norwegian);
    214  * </pre>
    215  * </blockquote>
    216  *
    217  * <p>
    218  * A new collation rules string can be created by concatenating rules
    219  * strings. For example, the rules returned by {@link #getRules()} could
    220  * be concatenated to combine multiple <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>s.
    221  *
    222  * <p>
    223  * The following example demonstrates how to change the order of
    224  * non-spacing accents,
    225  * <blockquote>
    226  * <pre>
    227  * // old rule
    228  * String oldRules = "=&#92;u0301;&#92;u0300;&#92;u0302;&#92;u0308"    // main accents
    229  *                 + ";&#92;u0327;&#92;u0303;&#92;u0304;&#92;u0305"    // main accents
    230  *                 + ";&#92;u0306;&#92;u0307;&#92;u0309;&#92;u030A"    // main accents
    231  *                 + ";&#92;u030B;&#92;u030C;&#92;u030D;&#92;u030E"    // main accents
    232  *                 + ";&#92;u030F;&#92;u0310;&#92;u0311;&#92;u0312"    // main accents
    233  *                 + "&lt; a , A ; ae, AE ; &#92;u00e6 , &#92;u00c6"
    234  *                 + "&lt; b , B &lt; c, C &lt; e, E &amp; C &lt; d, D";
    235  * // change the order of accent characters
    236  * String addOn = "&amp; &#92;u0300 ; &#92;u0308 ; &#92;u0302";
    237  * RuleBasedCollator myCollator = new RuleBasedCollator(oldRules + addOn);
    238  * </pre>
    239  * </blockquote>
    240  *
    241  * @see        Collator
    242  * @see        CollationElementIterator
    243  * @author     Helena Shih, Laura Werner, Richard Gillam
    244  */
    245 public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator {
    246     RuleBasedCollator(android.icu.text.RuleBasedCollator wrapper) {
    247         super(wrapper);
    248     }
    249     // IMPLEMENTATION NOTES:  The implementation of the collation algorithm is
    250     // divided across three classes: RuleBasedCollator, RBCollationTables, and
    251     // CollationElementIterator.  RuleBasedCollator contains the collator's
    252     // transient state and includes the code that uses the other classes to
    253     // implement comparison and sort-key building.  RuleBasedCollator also
    254     // contains the logic to handle French secondary accent sorting.
    255     // A RuleBasedCollator has two CollationElementIterators.  State doesn't
    256     // need to be preserved in these objects between calls to compare() or
    257     // getCollationKey(), but the objects persist anyway to avoid wasting extra
    258     // creation time.  compare() and getCollationKey() are synchronized to ensure
    259     // thread safety with this scheme.  The CollationElementIterator is responsible
    260     // for generating collation elements from strings and returning one element at
    261     // a time (sometimes there's a one-to-many or many-to-one mapping between
    262     // characters and collation elements-- this class handles that).
    263     // CollationElementIterator depends on RBCollationTables, which contains the
    264     // collator's static state.  RBCollationTables contains the actual data
    265     // tables specifying the collation order of characters for a particular locale
    266     // or use.  It also contains the base logic that CollationElementIterator
    267     // uses to map from characters to collation elements.  A single RBCollationTables
    268     // object is shared among all RuleBasedCollators for the same locale, and
    269     // thus by all the CollationElementIterators they create.
    271     /**
    272      * RuleBasedCollator constructor.  This takes the table rules and builds
    273      * a collation table out of them.  Please see RuleBasedCollator class
    274      * description for more details on the collation rule syntax.
    275      * @see java.util.Locale
    276      * @param rules the collation rules to build the collation table from.
    277      * @exception ParseException A format exception
    278      * will be thrown if the build process of the rules fails. For
    279      * example, build rule "a &lt; ? &lt; d" will cause the constructor to
    280      * throw the ParseException because the '?' is not quoted.
    281      */
    282     public RuleBasedCollator(String rules) throws ParseException {
    283         if (rules == null) {
    284             throw new NullPointerException("rules == null");
    285         }
    286         try {
    287             icuColl = new android.icu.text.RuleBasedCollator(rules);
    288         } catch (Exception e) {
    289             if (e instanceof ParseException) {
    290                 throw (ParseException) e;
    291             }
    292             /*
    293              * -1 means it's not a ParseException. Maybe IOException thrown when
    294              * an error occurred while reading internal data.
    295              */
    296             throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), -1);
    297         }
    298     }
    300     /**
    301      * Gets the table-based rules for the collation object.
    302      *
    303      * <p>On Android, the returned string will be empty unless this instance was
    304      * constructed using {@link #RuleBasedCollator(String)}.
    305      *
    306      * @return returns the collation rules that the table collation object
    307      * was created from.
    308      */
    309     public String getRules()
    310     {
    311         return collAsICU().getRules();
    312     }
    314     /**
    315      * Returns a CollationElementIterator for the given String.
    316      *
    317      * @param source the string to be collated
    318      * @return a {@code CollationElementIterator} object
    319      * @see java.text.CollationElementIterator
    320      */
    321     public CollationElementIterator getCollationElementIterator(String source) {
    322         if (source == null) {
    323             throw new NullPointerException("source == null");
    324         }
    325         return new CollationElementIterator(collAsICU().getCollationElementIterator(source));
    326     }
    328     /**
    329      * Returns a CollationElementIterator for the given CharacterIterator.
    330      *
    331      * @param source the character iterator to be collated
    332      * @return a {@code CollationElementIterator} object
    333      * @see java.text.CollationElementIterator
    334      * @since 1.2
    335      */
    336     public CollationElementIterator getCollationElementIterator(
    337                                                 CharacterIterator source) {
    338        if (source == null) {
    339             throw new NullPointerException("source == null");
    340         }
    341         return new CollationElementIterator(collAsICU().getCollationElementIterator(source));
    342     }
    344     /**
    345      * Compares the character data stored in two different strings based on the
    346      * collation rules.  Returns information about whether a string is less
    347      * than, greater than or equal to another string in a language.
    348      * This can be overriden in a subclass.
    349      *
    350      * @exception NullPointerException if <code>source</code> or <code>target</code> is null.
    351      */
    352     public synchronized int compare(String source, String target)
    353     {
    354         if (source == null || target == null) {
    355             throw new NullPointerException();
    356         }
    357         return icuColl.compare(source, target);
    358     }
    360     /**
    361      * Transforms the string into a series of characters that can be compared
    362      * with CollationKey.compareTo. This overrides java.text.Collator.getCollationKey.
    363      * It can be overriden in a subclass.
    364      */
    365     public synchronized CollationKey getCollationKey(String source)
    366     {
    367         if (source == null) {
    368             return null;
    369         }
    370         return new CollationKeyICU(source, icuColl.getCollationKey(source));
    371     }
    373     /**
    374      * Standard override; no change in semantics.
    375      */
    376     public Object clone() {
    377         return super.clone();
    378     }
    380     /**
    381      * Compares the equality of two collation objects.
    382      * @param obj the table-based collation object to be compared with this.
    383      * @return true if the current table-based collation object is the same
    384      * as the table-based collation object obj; false otherwise.
    385      */
    386     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    387         if (obj == null) return false;
    388         return super.equals(obj);
    389     }
    391     /**
    392      * Generates the hash code for the table-based collation object
    393      */
    394     public int hashCode() {
    395         return icuColl.hashCode();
    396     }
    398     private android.icu.text.RuleBasedCollator collAsICU() {
    399         return (android.icu.text.RuleBasedCollator) icuColl;
    400     }
    401 }