1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <!-- 3 /** 4 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project 5 * 6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 9 * 10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 11 * 12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 16 * limitations under the License. 17 */ 18 --> 19 20 <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 21 xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 22 <string name="app_label" msgid="2400883737290705700">"Thit lp h s cng vic"</string> 23 <string name="provisioning_error_title" msgid="6320515739861578118">"Rt tic!"</string> 24 <string name="setup_work_profile" msgid="1468934631731845267">"Thit lp h s cng vic"</string> 25 <string name="company_controls_workspace" msgid="2808025277267917221">"T chc ca bn kim sot v gi bo mt h s ny. Bn kim sot mi th khc trn thit b ca mnh."</string> 26 <string name="company_controls_device" msgid="8230957518758871390">"T chc ca bn s kim sot v gi an ton cho thit b ny."</string> 27 <string name="the_following_is_your_mdm" msgid="6613658218262376404">"ng dng sau cn quyn truy cp vo h s ny:"</string> 28 <string name="the_following_is_your_mdm_for_device" msgid="6717973404364414816">"ng dng sau s qun l thit b ca bn:"</string> 29 <string name="next" msgid="1004321437324424398">"Tip theo"</string> 30 <string name="setting_up_workspace" msgid="4517537806569988620">"ang thit lp h s cng vic..."</string> 31 <string name="admin_has_ability_to_monitor_profile" msgid="4552308842716093826">"Qun tr vin ca bn c th gim st v qun l ci t, quyn truy cp vo d liu cng ty, ng dng, quyn v d liu c lin kt vi h s ny, bao gm hot ng mng cng nh lch s tm kim lin h, nht k cuc gi v v tr thit b ca bn.<xliff:g id="LINE_BREAK"><br><br></xliff:g>Hy lin h vi qun tr vin bit thm thng tin, bao gm c chnh sch bo mt ca t chc bn."</string> 32 <string name="admin_has_ability_to_monitor_device" msgid="2375961046794109749">"Qun tr vin ca bn c th gim st v qun l ci t, quyn truy cp vo d liu cng ty, ng dng, quyn v d liu c lin kt vi thit b ny, bao gm hot ng mng cng nh lch s tm kim lin h, nht k cuc gi v v tr thit b ca bn.<xliff:g id="LINE_BREAK"><br><br></xliff:g>Hy lin h vi qun tr vin bit thm thng tin, bao gm c chnh sch bo mt ca t chc bn."</string> 33 <string name="theft_protection_disabled_warning" msgid="3708092473574738478">" s dng tnh nng chng trm, bn phi c mt kha mn hnh c bo v bng mt khu cho thit b ca mnh."</string> 34 <string name="contact_your_admin_for_more_info" msgid="5959191345827902911">"Hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn bit thm thng tin, bao gm cc chnh sch bo mt ca t chc bn."</string> 35 <string name="learn_more_link" msgid="3012495805919550043">"Tm hiu thm"</string> 36 <string name="cancel_setup" msgid="2949928239276274745">"Hy"</string> 37 <string name="ok_setup" msgid="4593707675416137504">"OK"</string> 38 <string name="user_consent_msg" msgid="8820951802130353584">"Ti ng "</string> 39 <string name="url_error" msgid="5958494012986243186">"Khng th hin th lin kt ny."</string> 40 <string name="terms" msgid="8295436105384703903">"iu khon"</string> 41 <string name="work_profile_info" msgid="5433388376309583996">"Thng tin h s cng vic"</string> 42 <string name="managed_device_info" msgid="1529447646526616811">"Thng tin thit b c qun l"</string> 43 <string name="default_managed_profile_name" msgid="5370257687074907055">"H s cng vic"</string> 44 <string name="default_first_meat_user_name" msgid="7540515892748490540">"Ngi dng chnh"</string> 45 <string name="delete_profile_title" msgid="2841349358380849525">"Xa h s hin c?"</string> 46 <string name="opening_paragraph_delete_profile" msgid="7846971308431780139">"Bn c h s cng vic do ng dng sau qun l:"</string> 47 <string name="read_more_delete_profile" msgid="7789171620401666343">"Trc khi tip tc, "<a href="#read_this_link">"hy c thng tin sau"</a>"."</string> 48 <string name="sure_you_want_to_delete_profile" msgid="6927697984573575564">"Nu bn tip tc, tt c ng dng v d liu trong h s ny s b xa."</string> 49 <string name="delete_profile" msgid="2299218578684663459">"Xa"</string> 50 <string name="cancel_delete_profile" msgid="5155447537894046036">"Hy"</string> 51 <string name="encrypt_device_text_for_profile_owner_setup" msgid="7828515754696057140">" thit lp h s cng vic ca bn, thit b ca bn cn phi c m ha. Qu trnh ny c th mt mt cht thi gian."</string> 52 <string name="encrypt_device_text_for_device_owner_setup" msgid="5194673142404735676">" thit lp thit b ny, trc tin cn phi m ha thit b. Qu trnh ny c th mt mt cht thi gian."</string> 53 <string name="encrypt_this_device_question" msgid="8719916619866892601">"M ha thit b ny?"</string> 54 <string name="encrypt" msgid="1749320161747489212">"M ha"</string> 55 <string name="continue_provisioning_notify_title" msgid="5191449100153186648">"Hon tt m ha"</string> 56 <string name="continue_provisioning_notify_text" msgid="1066841819786425980">"Nhn tip tc thit lp h s cng vic ca bn"</string> 57 <string name="managed_provisioning_error_text" msgid="7063621174570680890">"Khng thit lp c h s cng vic ca bn. Hy lin h vi b phn CNTT hoc th li sau."</string> 58 <string name="cant_add_work_profile" msgid="9217268909964154934">"Khng th thm h s cng vic"</string> 59 <string name="user_cant_have_work_profile_contact_admin" msgid="1014351338944641678">"Ngi dng ny khng th c h s cng vic. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 60 <string name="user_cannot_have_work_profiles_contact_admin" msgid="4386452918273443379">"Ngi dng ny khng th c h s cng vic. Hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 61 <string name="device_owner_exists" msgid="8020080296133337023">"Khng th thit lp h s cng vic trn thit b c qun l"</string> 62 <string name="too_many_users_on_device_remove_user_try_again" msgid="2795045208576680027">"C th c qu nhiu ngi dng trn thit b ny. Hy xa bt mt ngi dng, ri th li."</string> 63 <string name="change_device_launcher" msgid="4523563368433637980">"Thay i trnh khi chy thit b"</string> 64 <string name="launcher_app_cant_be_used_by_work_profile" msgid="3524366082000739743">"H s cng vic ca bn khng c s dng ng dng khi chy ny"</string> 65 <string name="cancel_provisioning" msgid="3408069559452653724">"Hy"</string> 66 <string name="pick_launcher" msgid="4257084827403983845">"Ok"</string> 67 <string name="user_setup_incomplete" msgid="6494920045526591079">"Thit lp ngi dng cha hon tt"</string> 68 <string name="default_owned_device_username" msgid="3915120202811807955">"Ngi dng thit b c quan"</string> 69 <string name="setup_work_device" msgid="4243324420514896773">"Thit lp thit b c quan"</string> 70 <string name="progress_data_process" msgid="1707745321954672971">"ang x l d liu thit lp..."</string> 71 <string name="progress_connect_to_wifi" msgid="472251154628863539">"ang kt ni Wi-Fi"</string> 72 <string name="progress_download" msgid="3522436271691064624">"ang ti xung ng dng qun tr..."</string> 73 <string name="progress_install" msgid="2258045670385866183">"ang ci t ng dng qun tr..."</string> 74 <string name="progress_delete_non_required_apps" msgid="7633458399262691256">"ang xa cc ng dng khng bt buc ca h thng"</string> 75 <string name="progress_finishing_touches" msgid="9037776404089697198">"ang hon thin"</string> 76 <string name="progress_set_owner" msgid="8214062820093757961">"ang t ch s hu thit b..."</string> 77 <string name="progress_initialize" msgid="1104643492713424939">"ang khi chy thit b"</string> 78 <string name="device_doesnt_allow_encryption_contact_admin" msgid="8297141458771829628">"Thit b ny khng cho php m ha, mt vic cn thit thit lp. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 79 <string name="stop_setup_reset_device_question" msgid="7547191251522623210">"Ngng thit lp v t li thit b?"</string> 80 <string name="this_will_reset_take_back_first_screen" msgid="4623290347188404725">"Thao tc ny s t li thit b ca bn v a bn tr li mn hnh u tin"</string> 81 <string name="device_owner_cancel_message" msgid="2529288571742712065">"Dng thit lp v xa d liu trn thit b ca bn?"</string> 82 <string name="device_owner_cancel_cancel" msgid="1052951540909389275">"Hy"</string> 83 <string name="device_owner_error_ok" msgid="2002250763093787051">"Ok"</string> 84 <string name="reset" msgid="6467204151306265796">"t li"</string> 85 <string name="cant_set_up_profile" msgid="4341825293970158436">"Khng th thit lp h s"</string> 86 <string name="cant_set_up_device" msgid="4120090138983350714">"Khng th thit lp thit b"</string> 87 <string name="couldnt_set_up_device" msgid="60699158233724802">"Khng th thit lp thit b. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 88 <string name="contact_your_admin_for_help" msgid="8045606258802719235">"Hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn c tr gip"</string> 89 <string name="device_already_set_up" msgid="507881934487140294">"Thit b c thit lp"</string> 90 <string name="device_owner_error_wifi" msgid="4256310285761332378">"Khng th kt ni vi Wi-Fi"</string> 91 <string name="device_has_reset_protection_contact_admin" msgid="1221351721899290155">"Thit b ca bn bt chc nng chng t li. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 92 <string name="frp_clear_progress_title" msgid="8628074089458234965">"ang xa"</string> 93 <string name="frp_clear_progress_text" msgid="1740164332830598827">"Vui lng ch..."</string> 94 <string name="device_owner_error_hash_mismatch" msgid="7256273143549784838">"Khng th s dng ng dng qun tr do c li kim tra tng. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 95 <string name="device_owner_error_download_failed" msgid="4520111971592657116">"Khng th ti xung ng dng qun tr"</string> 96 <string name="device_owner_error_package_invalid" msgid="1096901016820157695">"Khng th s dng ng dng qun tr. ng dng thiu thnh phn hoc b li. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 97 <string name="device_owner_error_installation_failed" msgid="684566845601079360">"Khng th ci t ng dng qun tr"</string> 98 <string name="profile_owner_cancel_message" msgid="6868736915633023477">"Dng thit lp?"</string> 99 <string name="profile_owner_cancel_cancel" msgid="4408725524311574891">"Khng"</string> 100 <string name="profile_owner_cancel_ok" msgid="5951679183850766029">"C"</string> 101 <string name="profile_owner_cancelling" msgid="5679573829145112822">"ang hy"</string> 102 <string name="work_profile_setup_later_title" msgid="9069148190226279892">"Dng thit lp h s?"</string> 103 <string name="work_profile_setup_later_message" msgid="122069011117225292">"Bn c th thit lp h s cng vic sau trong ng dng qun l thit b ca t chc bn"</string> 104 <string name="continue_button" msgid="7177918589510964446">"Tip tc"</string> 105 <string name="work_profile_setup_stop" msgid="6772128629992514750">"Dng"</string> 106 <string name="dismiss" msgid="9009534756748565880">"Loi b"</string> 107 <string name="profile_owner_info" msgid="8975319972303812298">"Bn sp to h s cng vic s do t chc ca bn qun l v gim st. Cc iu khon s c p dng."</string> 108 <string name="profile_owner_info_with_terms_headers" msgid="7373591910245655373">"Bn sp to mt h s cng vic s do t chc ca bn qun l v gim st. Cc iu khon t <xliff:g id="TERMS_HEADERS">%1$s</xliff:g> s c p dng."</string> 109 <string name="profile_owner_info_comp" msgid="9190421701126119142">"Mt h s s c to cho cc ng dng cng vic ca bn. H s ny v phn cn li ca thit b s do t chc ca bn qun l v gim st. Cc iu khon s c p dng."</string> 110 <string name="profile_owner_info_with_terms_headers_comp" msgid="2012766614492554556">"Mt h s s c to cho cc ng dng cng vic ca bn. H s ny v phn cn li ca thit b s do t chc ca bn qun l v gim st. Cc iu khon t <xliff:g id="TERMS_HEADERS">%1$s</xliff:g> s c p dng."</string> 111 <string name="device_owner_info" msgid="2883639372446424007">"Thit b ny s do <xliff:g id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION">%1$s</xliff:g> qun l v gi an ton. Cc iu khon s c p dng. <xliff:g id="VIEW_TERMS">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> 112 <string name="device_owner_info_with_terms_headers" msgid="7333703548160002079">"Thit b ny s do <xliff:g id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION">%1$s</xliff:g> qun l v gi an ton. Cc iu khon t <xliff:g id="TERMS_HEADERS">%2$s</xliff:g> s c p dng. <xliff:g id="VIEW_TERMS">%3$s</xliff:g>"</string> 113 <string name="link_isnt_secure_and_cant_be_opened_until_device_setup_finished" msgid="1604497932637832657">"Lin kt ny khng an ton v khng th m c cho n khi qu trnh thit lp thit b hon tt: <xliff:g id="LINK_RAW_TEST">%1$s</xliff:g>"</string> 114 <string name="contact_device_provider" msgid="9100405424740726066">"Nu bn c thc mc, hy lin h vi <xliff:g id="ORGANIZATIONS_ADMIN">%1$s</xliff:g> ca bn."</string> 115 <string name="if_questions_contact_admin" msgid="6147462485780267795">"Nu bn c thc mc, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca t chc bn"</string> 116 <string name="setup_isnt_finished_contact_admin" msgid="235011880559615998">"Qu trnh thit lp cha hon tt. c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn."</string> 117 <string name="for_help_contact_admin" msgid="8687037236275184653">" c tr gip, hy lin h vi qun tr vin ca bn"</string> 118 <string name="organization_admin" msgid="1595001081906025683">"qun tr vin ca t chc"</string> 119 <string name="your_org_app_used" msgid="5336414768293540831">"<xliff:g id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION">%1$s</xliff:g> s qun l v gim st thit b ny bng ng dng sau:"</string> 120 <string name="your_organization_beginning" msgid="5952561489910967255">"T chc ca bn"</string> 121 <string name="your_organization_middle" msgid="8288538158061644733">"t chc ca bn"</string> 122 <string name="view_terms" msgid="7230493092383341605">"Xem iu khon"</string> 123 <string name="accept_and_continue" msgid="1632679734918410653">"Chp nhn v tip tc"</string> 124 <string name="close" msgid="7208600934846389439">"ng"</string> 125 <string name="set_up_your_device" msgid="1896651520959894681">"Thit lp thit b ca bn"</string> 126 <string name="info_anim_title_0" msgid="3285414600215959704">"Thay i cch bn lm vic"</string> 127 <string name="info_anim_title_1" msgid="2657512519467714760">"Tch bch cng vic vi i sng c nhn"</string> 128 <string name="one_place_for_work_apps" msgid="2595597562302953960">"Mt ni cho ng dng dnh cho cng vic"</string> 129 <string name="info_anim_title_2" msgid="4629781398620470204">"Tt cng vic khi bn hon tt"</string> 130 <string name="provisioning" msgid="4512493827019163451">"ang cp php"</string> 131 <string name="copying_certs" msgid="5697938664953550881">"ang thit lp chng ch CA"</string> 132 <string name="setup_profile" msgid="5573950582159698549">"Thit lp h s ca bn"</string> 133 <string name="profile_benefits_description" msgid="758432985984252636">"Bng cch s dng h s cng vic, bn c th tch d liu cng vic vi d liu c nhn"</string> 134 <string name="comp_profile_benefits_description" msgid="379837075456998273">"Bng cch s dng h s cng vic, bn c th gi cc ng dng cng vic ca mnh mt ni"</string> 135 <string name="setup_profile_encryption" msgid="5241291404536277038">"Thit lp h s ca bn. M ha"</string> 136 <string name="setup_profile_progress" msgid="7742718527853325656">"Thit lp h s ca bn. Hin th tin "</string> 137 <string name="setup_device" msgid="6725265673245816366">"Thit lp thit b ca bn"</string> 138 <string name="setup_device_encryption" msgid="7852944465414197103">"Thit lp thit b ca bn. M ha"</string> 139 <string name="setup_device_progress" msgid="7035335208571175393">"Thit lp thit b ca bn. Hin th tin "</string> 140 <string name="learn_more_label" msgid="2723716758654655009">"Nt Tm hiu thm"</string> 141 <string name="mdm_icon_label" msgid="3399134595549660561">"Biu tng <xliff:g id="ICON_LABEL">%1$s</xliff:g>"</string> 142 <string name="section_heading" msgid="3924666803774291908">"Tiu phn <xliff:g id="SECTION_HEADING">%1$s</xliff:g>."</string> 143 <string name="section_content" msgid="8875502515704374394">"Ni dung phn <xliff:g id="SECTION_HEADING">%1$s</xliff:g>: <xliff:g id="SECTION_CONTENT">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> 144 <string name="expand" msgid="37188292156131304">"M rng"</string> 145 <string name="collapse" msgid="7817530505064432580">"Thu gn"</string> 146 <string name="access_list_of_links" msgid="7094123315959323372">"Truy cp danh sch lin kt"</string> 147 <string name="access_links" msgid="7991363727326168600">"Truy cp cc lin kt"</string> 148 <string name="access_terms" msgid="1982500872249763745">"Truy cp iu khon"</string> 149 <string name="read_terms" msgid="1745011123626640728">"c iu khon"</string> 150 <string name="close_list" msgid="9053538299788717597">"ng danh sch"</string> 151 <string name="cancel_setup_and_factory_reset_dialog_title" msgid="5416045931532004811">"Kt thc thit lp v khi phc ci t gc?"</string> 152 <string name="cancel_setup_and_factory_reset_dialog_msg" msgid="808442439937994485">"Vic kt thc thit lp ny s khi phc ci t gc cho thit b ca bn v a bn tr li mn hnh u tin."</string> 153 <string name="cancel_setup_and_factory_reset_dialog_cancel" msgid="2810966091829264727">"Hy"</string> 154 <string name="cancel_setup_and_factory_reset_dialog_ok" msgid="7168008267496150529">"t li thit b"</string> 155 <string name="join_two_items" msgid="6110273439759895837">"<xliff:g id="FIRST_ITEM">%1$s</xliff:g> v <xliff:g id="SECOND_ITEM">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> 156 <string name="join_many_items_last" msgid="3953431463001211545">"<xliff:g id="ALL_BUT_LAST_ITEM">%1$s</xliff:g> v <xliff:g id="LAST_ITEM_0">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> 157 <string name="join_many_items_first" msgid="8365482726853276608">"<xliff:g id="FIRST_ITEM">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="ALL_BUT_FIRST_AND_LAST_ITEM">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> 158 <string name="join_many_items_middle" msgid="8569294838319639963">"<xliff:g id="ADDED_ITEM">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="REST_OF_ITEMS">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> 159 </resources> 160