1 To build the tests you can use the following command at the root of your android source tree 2 $ make RetailDemoTests 3 4 The test apk then needs to be installed onto your test device via adb for example 5 $ adb install -r out/target/product/shamu/data/app/RetailDemoTests/RetailDemoTests.apk 6 7 To run all tests: 8 $ adb shell am instrument -w com.android.retaildemo.tests/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner 9 10 To run all tests in a specific class: 11 $ adb shell am instrument -w -e class com.android.retaildemo.<class> com.android.retaildemo.tests/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner 12 13 To run a specific test: 14 $ adb shell am instrument -w -e class com.android.retaildemo.<class>#<test> com.android.retaildemo.tests/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner 15 16 More general information can be found at 17 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/test/runner/AndroidJUnitRunner.html 18