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      1 // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
      7 // Minimal RFC 6724 address selection.
      9 package net
     11 import "sort"
     13 func sortByRFC6724(addrs []IPAddr) {
     14 	if len(addrs) < 2 {
     15 		return
     16 	}
     17 	sortByRFC6724withSrcs(addrs, srcAddrs(addrs))
     18 }
     20 func sortByRFC6724withSrcs(addrs []IPAddr, srcs []IP) {
     21 	if len(addrs) != len(srcs) {
     22 		panic("internal error")
     23 	}
     24 	addrAttr := make([]ipAttr, len(addrs))
     25 	srcAttr := make([]ipAttr, len(srcs))
     26 	for i, v := range addrs {
     27 		addrAttr[i] = ipAttrOf(v.IP)
     28 		srcAttr[i] = ipAttrOf(srcs[i])
     29 	}
     30 	sort.Stable(&byRFC6724{
     31 		addrs:    addrs,
     32 		addrAttr: addrAttr,
     33 		srcs:     srcs,
     34 		srcAttr:  srcAttr,
     35 	})
     36 }
     38 // srcsAddrs tries to UDP-connect to each address to see if it has a
     39 // route. (This doesn't send any packets). The destination port
     40 // number is irrelevant.
     41 func srcAddrs(addrs []IPAddr) []IP {
     42 	srcs := make([]IP, len(addrs))
     43 	dst := UDPAddr{Port: 9}
     44 	for i := range addrs {
     45 		dst.IP = addrs[i].IP
     46 		dst.Zone = addrs[i].Zone
     47 		c, err := DialUDP("udp", nil, &dst)
     48 		if err == nil {
     49 			if src, ok := c.LocalAddr().(*UDPAddr); ok {
     50 				srcs[i] = src.IP
     51 			}
     52 			c.Close()
     53 		}
     54 	}
     55 	return srcs
     56 }
     58 type ipAttr struct {
     59 	Scope      scope
     60 	Precedence uint8
     61 	Label      uint8
     62 }
     64 func ipAttrOf(ip IP) ipAttr {
     65 	if ip == nil {
     66 		return ipAttr{}
     67 	}
     68 	match := rfc6724policyTable.Classify(ip)
     69 	return ipAttr{
     70 		Scope:      classifyScope(ip),
     71 		Precedence: match.Precedence,
     72 		Label:      match.Label,
     73 	}
     74 }
     76 type byRFC6724 struct {
     77 	addrs    []IPAddr // addrs to sort
     78 	addrAttr []ipAttr
     79 	srcs     []IP // or nil if unreachable
     80 	srcAttr  []ipAttr
     81 }
     83 func (s *byRFC6724) Len() int { return len(s.addrs) }
     85 func (s *byRFC6724) Swap(i, j int) {
     86 	s.addrs[i], s.addrs[j] = s.addrs[j], s.addrs[i]
     87 	s.srcs[i], s.srcs[j] = s.srcs[j], s.srcs[i]
     88 	s.addrAttr[i], s.addrAttr[j] = s.addrAttr[j], s.addrAttr[i]
     89 	s.srcAttr[i], s.srcAttr[j] = s.srcAttr[j], s.srcAttr[i]
     90 }
     92 // Less reports whether i is a better destination address for this
     93 // host than j.
     94 //
     95 // The algorithm and variable names comes from RFC 6724 section 6.
     96 func (s *byRFC6724) Less(i, j int) bool {
     97 	DA := s.addrs[i].IP
     98 	DB := s.addrs[j].IP
     99 	SourceDA := s.srcs[i]
    100 	SourceDB := s.srcs[j]
    101 	attrDA := &s.addrAttr[i]
    102 	attrDB := &s.addrAttr[j]
    103 	attrSourceDA := &s.srcAttr[i]
    104 	attrSourceDB := &s.srcAttr[j]
    106 	const preferDA = true
    107 	const preferDB = false
    109 	// Rule 1: Avoid unusable destinations.
    110 	// If DB is known to be unreachable or if Source(DB) is undefined, then
    111 	// prefer DA.  Similarly, if DA is known to be unreachable or if
    112 	// Source(DA) is undefined, then prefer DB.
    113 	if SourceDA == nil && SourceDB == nil {
    114 		return false // "equal"
    115 	}
    116 	if SourceDB == nil {
    117 		return preferDA
    118 	}
    119 	if SourceDA == nil {
    120 		return preferDB
    121 	}
    123 	// Rule 2: Prefer matching scope.
    124 	// If Scope(DA) = Scope(Source(DA)) and Scope(DB) <> Scope(Source(DB)),
    125 	// then prefer DA.  Similarly, if Scope(DA) <> Scope(Source(DA)) and
    126 	// Scope(DB) = Scope(Source(DB)), then prefer DB.
    127 	if attrDA.Scope == attrSourceDA.Scope && attrDB.Scope != attrSourceDB.Scope {
    128 		return preferDA
    129 	}
    130 	if attrDA.Scope != attrSourceDA.Scope && attrDB.Scope == attrSourceDB.Scope {
    131 		return preferDB
    132 	}
    134 	// Rule 3: Avoid deprecated addresses.
    135 	// If Source(DA) is deprecated and Source(DB) is not, then prefer DB.
    136 	// Similarly, if Source(DA) is not deprecated and Source(DB) is
    137 	// deprecated, then prefer DA.
    139 	// TODO(bradfitz): implement? low priority for now.
    141 	// Rule 4: Prefer home addresses.
    142 	// If Source(DA) is simultaneously a home address and care-of address
    143 	// and Source(DB) is not, then prefer DA.  Similarly, if Source(DB) is
    144 	// simultaneously a home address and care-of address and Source(DA) is
    145 	// not, then prefer DB.
    147 	// TODO(bradfitz): implement? low priority for now.
    149 	// Rule 5: Prefer matching label.
    150 	// If Label(Source(DA)) = Label(DA) and Label(Source(DB)) <> Label(DB),
    151 	// then prefer DA.  Similarly, if Label(Source(DA)) <> Label(DA) and
    152 	// Label(Source(DB)) = Label(DB), then prefer DB.
    153 	if attrSourceDA.Label == attrDA.Label &&
    154 		attrSourceDB.Label != attrDB.Label {
    155 		return preferDA
    156 	}
    157 	if attrSourceDA.Label != attrDA.Label &&
    158 		attrSourceDB.Label == attrDB.Label {
    159 		return preferDB
    160 	}
    162 	// Rule 6: Prefer higher precedence.
    163 	// If Precedence(DA) > Precedence(DB), then prefer DA.  Similarly, if
    164 	// Precedence(DA) < Precedence(DB), then prefer DB.
    165 	if attrDA.Precedence > attrDB.Precedence {
    166 		return preferDA
    167 	}
    168 	if attrDA.Precedence < attrDB.Precedence {
    169 		return preferDB
    170 	}
    172 	// Rule 7: Prefer native transport.
    173 	// If DA is reached via an encapsulating transition mechanism (e.g.,
    174 	// IPv6 in IPv4) and DB is not, then prefer DB.  Similarly, if DB is
    175 	// reached via encapsulation and DA is not, then prefer DA.
    177 	// TODO(bradfitz): implement? low priority for now.
    179 	// Rule 8: Prefer smaller scope.
    180 	// If Scope(DA) < Scope(DB), then prefer DA.  Similarly, if Scope(DA) >
    181 	// Scope(DB), then prefer DB.
    182 	if attrDA.Scope < attrDB.Scope {
    183 		return preferDA
    184 	}
    185 	if attrDA.Scope > attrDB.Scope {
    186 		return preferDB
    187 	}
    189 	// Rule 9: Use longest matching prefix.
    190 	// When DA and DB belong to the same address family (both are IPv6 or
    191 	// both are IPv4 [but see below]): If CommonPrefixLen(Source(DA), DA) >
    192 	// CommonPrefixLen(Source(DB), DB), then prefer DA.  Similarly, if
    193 	// CommonPrefixLen(Source(DA), DA) < CommonPrefixLen(Source(DB), DB),
    194 	// then prefer DB.
    195 	//
    196 	// However, applying this rule to IPv4 addresses causes
    197 	// problems (see issues 13283 and 18518), so limit to IPv6.
    198 	if DA.To4() == nil && DB.To4() == nil {
    199 		commonA := commonPrefixLen(SourceDA, DA)
    200 		commonB := commonPrefixLen(SourceDB, DB)
    202 		if commonA > commonB {
    203 			return preferDA
    204 		}
    205 		if commonA < commonB {
    206 			return preferDB
    207 		}
    208 	}
    210 	// Rule 10: Otherwise, leave the order unchanged.
    211 	// If DA preceded DB in the original list, prefer DA.
    212 	// Otherwise, prefer DB.
    213 	return false // "equal"
    214 }
    216 type policyTableEntry struct {
    217 	Prefix     *IPNet
    218 	Precedence uint8
    219 	Label      uint8
    220 }
    222 type policyTable []policyTableEntry
    224 // RFC 6724 section 2.1.
    225 var rfc6724policyTable = policyTable{
    226 	{
    227 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("::1/128"),
    228 		Precedence: 50,
    229 		Label:      0,
    230 	},
    231 	{
    232 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("::/0"),
    233 		Precedence: 40,
    234 		Label:      1,
    235 	},
    236 	{
    237 		// IPv4-compatible, etc.
    238 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("::ffff:0:0/96"),
    239 		Precedence: 35,
    240 		Label:      4,
    241 	},
    242 	{
    243 		// 6to4
    244 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("2002::/16"),
    245 		Precedence: 30,
    246 		Label:      2,
    247 	},
    248 	{
    249 		// Teredo
    250 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("2001::/32"),
    251 		Precedence: 5,
    252 		Label:      5,
    253 	},
    254 	{
    255 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("fc00::/7"),
    256 		Precedence: 3,
    257 		Label:      13,
    258 	},
    259 	{
    260 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("::/96"),
    261 		Precedence: 1,
    262 		Label:      3,
    263 	},
    264 	{
    265 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("fec0::/10"),
    266 		Precedence: 1,
    267 		Label:      11,
    268 	},
    269 	{
    270 		Prefix:     mustCIDR("3ffe::/16"),
    271 		Precedence: 1,
    272 		Label:      12,
    273 	},
    274 }
    276 func init() {
    277 	sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(byMaskLength(rfc6724policyTable)))
    278 }
    280 // byMaskLength sorts policyTableEntry by the size of their Prefix.Mask.Size,
    281 // from smallest mask, to largest.
    282 type byMaskLength []policyTableEntry
    284 func (s byMaskLength) Len() int      { return len(s) }
    285 func (s byMaskLength) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
    286 func (s byMaskLength) Less(i, j int) bool {
    287 	isize, _ := s[i].Prefix.Mask.Size()
    288 	jsize, _ := s[j].Prefix.Mask.Size()
    289 	return isize < jsize
    290 }
    292 // mustCIDR calls ParseCIDR and panics on any error, or if the network
    293 // is not IPv6.
    294 func mustCIDR(s string) *IPNet {
    295 	ip, ipNet, err := ParseCIDR(s)
    296 	if err != nil {
    297 		panic(err.Error())
    298 	}
    299 	if len(ip) != IPv6len {
    300 		panic("unexpected IP length")
    301 	}
    302 	return ipNet
    303 }
    305 // Classify returns the policyTableEntry of the entry with the longest
    306 // matching prefix that contains ip.
    307 // The table t must be sorted from largest mask size to smallest.
    308 func (t policyTable) Classify(ip IP) policyTableEntry {
    309 	for _, ent := range t {
    310 		if ent.Prefix.Contains(ip) {
    311 			return ent
    312 		}
    313 	}
    314 	return policyTableEntry{}
    315 }
    317 // RFC 6724 section 3.1.
    318 type scope uint8
    320 const (
    321 	scopeInterfaceLocal scope = 0x1
    322 	scopeLinkLocal      scope = 0x2
    323 	scopeAdminLocal     scope = 0x4
    324 	scopeSiteLocal      scope = 0x5
    325 	scopeOrgLocal       scope = 0x8
    326 	scopeGlobal         scope = 0xe
    327 )
    329 func classifyScope(ip IP) scope {
    330 	if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast() {
    331 		return scopeLinkLocal
    332 	}
    333 	ipv6 := len(ip) == IPv6len && ip.To4() == nil
    334 	if ipv6 && ip.IsMulticast() {
    335 		return scope(ip[1] & 0xf)
    336 	}
    337 	// Site-local addresses are defined in RFC 3513 section 2.5.6
    338 	// (and deprecated in RFC 3879).
    339 	if ipv6 && ip[0] == 0xfe && ip[1]&0xc0 == 0xc0 {
    340 		return scopeSiteLocal
    341 	}
    342 	return scopeGlobal
    343 }
    345 // commonPrefixLen reports the length of the longest prefix (looking
    346 // at the most significant, or leftmost, bits) that the
    347 // two addresses have in common, up to the length of a's prefix (i.e.,
    348 // the portion of the address not including the interface ID).
    349 //
    350 // If a or b is an IPv4 address as an IPv6 address, the IPv4 addresses
    351 // are compared (with max common prefix length of 32).
    352 // If a and b are different IP versions, 0 is returned.
    353 //
    354 // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6724#section-2.2
    355 func commonPrefixLen(a, b IP) (cpl int) {
    356 	if a4 := a.To4(); a4 != nil {
    357 		a = a4
    358 	}
    359 	if b4 := b.To4(); b4 != nil {
    360 		b = b4
    361 	}
    362 	if len(a) != len(b) {
    363 		return 0
    364 	}
    365 	// If IPv6, only up to the prefix (first 64 bits)
    366 	if len(a) > 8 {
    367 		a = a[:8]
    368 		b = b[:8]
    369 	}
    370 	for len(a) > 0 {
    371 		if a[0] == b[0] {
    372 			cpl += 8
    373 			a = a[1:]
    374 			b = b[1:]
    375 			continue
    376 		}
    377 		bits := 8
    378 		ab, bb := a[0], b[0]
    379 		for {
    380 			ab >>= 1
    381 			bb >>= 1
    382 			bits--
    383 			if ab == bb {
    384 				cpl += bits
    385 				return
    386 			}
    387 		}
    388 	}
    389 	return
    390 }